RINA Jimenez-David writes about hunger in today's issue of the Inquirer. Taking off from the new Pulse Asia survey that found one-third of Filipino families experiencing hunger, the column then proceeds to refer to articles in PCIJ's Feast and Famine...
A RECENT nationwide survey by Pulse Asia found one in every three Filipino families saying that their food is inadequate. Other surveys have found the same pattern, of families getting by with hardly enough food to keep them well. The Social Weather...
JUETENG is like a stubborn stain on the Philippine body politic — it refuses to go away. The Inquirer’s recent revelation that a police officer had accused relatives of a high official, presumably the President herself, of receiving jueteng...
THUS remarked a visibly alarmed Roberto “Obet” Verzola when I interviewed him a couple of years ago about the implications on certain freedoms, particularly the right to privacy, of proposals to employ new information and communications technologies...
April 27, 2005 · Posted in: General
A COMPANION essay to Howie Severino’s “Delaying Doomsday” in i magazine’s 2004 yearend issue that takes a glimpse of the Philippine future in the next 10 years is “Scent of a Future” by Danilova Molintas. Dani...
THE Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a new Public Communications Policy that intends to give the public greater access to the documents it produces. The public is guaranteed access to decisions by ADB's Board of Directors Core administrative...
PHILIPPINE Daily Inquirer’s Rina Jimenez-David writes about the buying habits of Filipinos in “Buying ‘tingi.’” Her column cites an article on micro marketing — “Mini-size me” — published in the maiden issue of PCIJ’s i Report.