Archive for December, 2008

December 11, 2008 · Posted in: Cross Border, i Report Features

Bangkok blues

THE Land of Smiles has been wearing a worried frown in the last few months, and it’s not because it’s starting to feel the economic pinch like the rest of the world. Rather, anti-government protests have plagued Thailand since December last year,...

PIRATES in the high-risk waters off the Gulf of Aden in East Africa have taken hostage one Filipino seafarer every six hours in the last two months. In 2007, the Philippines deployed 266,553 seafarers or about  a fifth of the world's 1.2 million ship...

THE Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law is now on its 20th year but farmers continue to mount protest marches to assert full and fair implementation. Last Thursday,the police arrested and detained at a Quezon Ciy jail nine farmers who trekked to the...

THEY usually begin with promising phrases like “to strengthen” or “to improve” governance, and then almost always end up making a common recommendation -- either “to amend” or “to revise” the 1987 Constitution. A torrent of such...