WHAT IS DEMOCRACY if it is largely form (i.e., elections) and not substance (i.e., development) to the citizens of Southeast Asia?
Indeed, what is the role of the media in democratic transition in Myanmar, Cambodia, and all of Southeast Asia?
Columbia University professor and Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ) founding Executive Director Sheila Coronel asks this provocative question in her latest post in her blog...
THE FAILURE of the Aquino administration to pass the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act in the last three years -- contrary to its avowed commitment to the Barack Obama-led Open Government Partnership (OGP) project -- is up for discussion this week by an...
TUBBATAHA, the Philippines’ only national marine park, is home to about 600 species of fish and some 359 species of corals, or half the world’s coral species.
No thanks to a grounded US vessel, Tubbataha is now in terrible...
WHO OR WHAT killed the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill?
All voters would do well to know and remember as the May 2013 election campaign heats up, according to the latest pooled editorial of the Philippine Press Institute (PPI) that ran this...
THE FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOI) bill is dead in the 15th Congress.
What follows is the full statement of the Right to Know, Right Now! Coalition signed by over 160 organizations and civil-society leaders on the failure of President Aquino and his...
The FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOI) bill would not fade away at all, even as it actually dies today in the 15th Congress through sheer inaction and deliberate delays by President Aquino and his Liberal Party allies in the House of...