September 30, 2013 · Posted in: 2013 Elections, Access to Information, Civil Society, Congress Watch, Freedom of Information, General, Governance, Investigative Reports, Money Politics, Noynoy Watch, Paper Chase, Videocasts
Certain sectors are prohibited from making election campaign contributions because of the possibility of conflict of interest. These include entities that have pending government contracts, or need special permits,...
LAST SEPTEMBER 27, advocates of the Freedom of Information (FOI) bill gathered in front of the Batasang Pambansa to press legislators to enact the long delayed measure.
Lawyers, students, labor leaders, and journalists called on Congress to act swiftly...
DESPITE THE rainy weather on a Friday night, advocates of the Freedom of Information bill trooped to the Batasang Pambansa on the eve of the International Right to Know Day to remind legislators of their responsibility to pass the Freedom of Information...
THE CHAIRMAN OF THE HOUSE committee on public information has promised to begin committee hearings on the Freedom of Information bill beginning October 22.
Advocates of the FOI bill who assembled by the Batasan gates on the eve of the International...
ADVOCATES OF THE Freedom of Information (FOI) bill are demanding that Congress leaders calendar the People's Freedom of Information bill they filed under the Indirect Initiative mechanism as soon as lawmakers return from their recess on October...
a government helicopter flies over Zamboanga (file photo)
PEACE GROUPS have warned the government that it may just achieve a phyrric victory in Zamboanga even if it is able to crush the remaining Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) holdouts...
We are the Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, and we are one with the Filipino people in calling for the passage of the People's Freedom of Information (FOI)...