March 27, 2015 · Posted in: 2016 Elections, Access to Information, Bangsamoro, Charter Change, Civil Society, Congress Watch, Free Expression - Asia, Freedom of Information, General, Governance, In the News, Local Government, Noynoy Watch, Peace and Conflict, The Judiciary, Women, Youth and Education
VIDEO: On the road to peace
We are reposting this article originally published on the blog on March 30, 2014 .
THE SIGNING of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro is a milestone event, but like all significant events, it is never to be taken in a vacuum.
Decades of fighting and negotiating have left their imprints on this peace agreement, as they have on the first agreement with the Moro National Liberation Front in 1996. As well, years of neglect and prejudice have shaped the public’s view of Muslim Mindanao as they have shaped the Moros’ view of themselves.
PCIJ Multimedia producer Julius Mariveles has put together this soundslide of images and sounds, and facts and figures from the signing of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front last Thursday in Malacanang.