June 16, 2005 · Posted in: In the News, Media

Joint KBP-NTC statement

OFFICERS of the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) and member network representatives met with the National Telecommunication Commission (NTC) last Tuesday to clarify the issue of the NTC’s press release concerning the airing of materials on the alleged wiretapped conversations of Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

In the meeting, it was clarified that the NTC has not issued and does not intend to issue an order or memorandum circular that would amount to prior restraint or censorship of the broadcast media (radio and television). The regulatory body has also not issued any order that prohibits interviews of members of the opposition or the fair expression of views and opinions.

However, the NTC has appealed to the broadcast media to “exercise responsible journalism in accordance with existing NTC circulars and the KBP Radio and Television Codes.”

Below is the NTC and KBP joint statement signed by NTC Commissioner Ronald Olivar Santos and KBP President Ruperto Nicdao Jr.:

NTC and KBP call for sobriety, responsible journalism, and observance of law, and the radio and television codes

NTC respects and will not hinder freedom of the press and the right to information on matters of public concern, KBP and its members have always been committed to the exercise press freedom with high sense of responsibility and discerning judgment of fairness and honesty.

NTC did not issue any MC (Memorandum Circular) or order constituting a restraint of press freedom or censorship. NTC further denies and does not intend to limit or restrict the interview of members of the opposition or free expression of views.

What is being asked by NTC is that the exercise of press freedom is done responsibly.

KBP has program standards that KBP members will observe in the treatment of news and public affairs programs. These include verification of sources, non-airing of materials that would constitute inciting to sedition and or rebellion.

The KBP codes also require that no false statement or willful misrepresentation is made in the treatment of news or commentaries.

The KBP codes also require that no false statement or willful misrepresentation is made in the treatment of news or commentaries.

The supposed wiretapped tapes should be treated with sensitivity and handled responsibly giving due consideration to the processes being undertaken to verify and validate the authenticity and actual content of the same.

At the same time, KBP also called on its members to handle news and public affairs programs in strict compliance with the pertinent provisions of the Radio and Television Code:

News and Public Affairs

  • Correct and accurate attribution of news sources whether primary or secondary are mandatory in keeping with the highest standards of broadcast journalism.
  • News reporting shall be factual, fair and as objective as possible. Unconfirmed reports shall be identified as such and verified for accuracy at the soonest time possible.
  • Good taste shall prevail in the selection and handling of news. Morbid, sensational, or alarming details not essential to factual reporting shall not be allowed.
  • Editors and deskmen shall be diligent in the supervision/evaluation of content, format and presentation of news broadcast.
  • Station management shall exercise extreme caution and prudence in deciding whether or not to air interviews with persons who openly or publicly advocate the overthrow of government by force or violence.
  • Rallies or demonstrations are legitimate news events and may be covered at the discretion of the station. However, care shall be exercised that the coverage itself is not sensationalized so as to incite or alarm the listening and viewing public.
  • Broadcast stations are encouraged to provide a forum for articulating views, opinions and comments from all sectors of society.
  • Broadcast stations shall provide a fair representation to opposing or contrasting sides of significant public issues being discussed.
  • Public affairs programs shall be geared towards building an enlightened citizenry through the discussion and clarification of issues of national and international significance.
  • The broadcaster has the obligation to present public issues free from personal bias, prejudice and inaccurate and misleading information. Programs and commentaries which deal with controversial issues involving public officials shall treat such officials fairly. Care shall be taken that such programs do not purposely erode the people’s confidence in duly constituted authority. Name-calling and personal insults are prohibited. Constructive rather than negative criticism shall be emphasized and shall be based on fact. The language used shall not be vulgar, obscene, derogatory or inflammatory as determined by prevailing legal and community standards.
  • No station shall allow its airtime and other facilities to be used to malign or unfairly attack other persons or groups on issues which have no bearing on the public welfare.
  • It is the responsibility of the newscaster, commentator, host and announcer to protect public interest, general welfare and good order in the presentation of public affairs and public issues.
  • Upon discovery of a mistake, it is the responsibility of the network to rectify the mistake by airing corrective statements at the earliest available opportunity.

3 Responses to Joint KBP-NTC statement



June 16th, 2005 at 11:58 pm

—Off topic—

Warning: Be careful especially if you are taking bus or train or around a big crowd. I’m a little paranoid but I need to tell you that there might be some incidences of criminal acts or a major news like bombing a mall. All I’m saying is that they might use some diversionary tactic to distract the attention of the people. Again, be careful and be vigilant.



June 17th, 2005 at 1:44 pm

The latest NTC and KBP joint statement is classically pacifist in nature to principally favor and advance GMA’s interest.

However, one will easily suspect that she is using NTC and KBP as a conduit in ordering Media to “exercise responsible journalism”.

Wittingly or unwittingly, she is indirectly branding media as irresponsible in their workings lately.

And if indeed, she really thinks that media has been irresponsible in handling her latest misdoings, she has no other else to blame but her ownself.

Media should never be used as her own scapegoat neither us bloggers.



June 18th, 2005 at 8:05 am

media people are not to be told what to do. they know better.

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