June 25, 2005 · Posted in: Gloriagate, In the News

‘Downloadables’ section

IN case you haven’t noticed, we’ve recently put a “Downloadables” section atop the right sidebar. Now readers no longer have to wade through the pages of blog posts to search for the links to the files we’ve made available on our site since the controversial taped conversations supposedly between Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Comelec Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano broke out in the media. The downloadable materials compiled in this section are the following:

Still on the matter of the downloadable files, we got wind of someone’s “enterprising” scheme to make a profit out of selling the files of the taped conversations (apparently downloaded from our blog, with excerpts from our posts even used as product description) on eBay. The starting bid price for the tapes (which come in different packages, some of which include free Gloria ringtones and a bonus scrolling video transcript) ranges from P30 to P50.

If you don’t have a fast Internet connection — and the patience — to download the files, this could be a practical option, subject to an additional P50-60 for shipping cost and delivery time of one to five days for local buyers. Overseas buyers will have to shell out between $2 (Asia) and 2.50 (North America and Europe) for shipping and wait for one to three weeks to have the CDs delivered.

The downside to downloading aside though, you can always get a copy of the files here free of charge. Information, after all, wants to be free.

13 Responses to ‘Downloadables’ section



June 25th, 2005 at 11:58 am

Riceland couldn’t have said it any better. Bunye thinks he can insult our intelligence and make a mockery of the thinking class. He deserves more than a slap.. or a bitch slap for that matter. Looking at the bright side, Bunye probably fails to realize that he’s the last man beside the captain in a sinking ship. To the bottom of the bog he shall go..

Cheers everyone.



June 26th, 2005 at 5:59 am

hahahaha making money out of a countrys’ political turmoil! man thats the best joke ive ever heard! ever we have a chance to inquire about how much those people earn from the tapes i’d be more than happy to document it as it is representative of how ludicrous is our situation and how genius is the power of the internet that people are stupid enough to buy a downloaded tape, sit back relax and enjoy listening to the tapes as if its a piece of art.

but anyway i still appreciate and praise PCIJ blog for being like linux!

yeah! freeware! down with microsoft!!!


but then i have a question.


answer: listen to the tapes again

former president francisco nemenzo came to U.P. cebu and gave a critique on the arroyo gov. he proposed a transiotional/revolutionary government but decided not to comment on the means of how to do it.

the point is how are we gonna able to look for a solution without having a formula to come about change?

a very good friend of mine explained the current situation using psychology as basis. she said that the relationship of the Gov. and the people is comparable to a battered wife being that the filipino people is the battered wife and the government is the sadist (in this case GMA)

being in a binary relationship as long as theres no alternative (a credible leader of the opposition/people) the battered wife would rather settle for the sadist than move on for a better life making it a vicious cycle of violence.

i agree.

we are more than battered to admit we can never let go of a president for we can never look for a better replacement such that the reason for “people power fatigue” is not the lack of intension or simple indifference but that theres no another Ninoy who would replace GMA.

i personally asked nemenzo what if GMA is proven as the main culprit with the comelec as an accessory to the crime would that mean that the election last year should be null and void? (note: i also asked my friend who’s taking up law, who would determine if the elections last year is null and void. he answered: the supreme court pare! sadly i agree with nemenzo when he said that the supreme court lost its credibility.) Nemenzo answered excitedly: Yes! Precisely! (then he walked away)

hmmm… then pray tell that not just one impeachment shall follow but an impeachment of all the “elected” candidates who won in last years elections.
if that happens we are really bracing ourselves for CIVIL WAR.

if thats the only solution then i pray it happens before we loose more than our moral dignity as a nation worthy of governing ourselves.

and loose our royalties to the tapes being sold on eBay.




June 26th, 2005 at 8:41 am

GMA as Valentina, in that poster from a printing press raided by Wycoco, would be a good download. Like a paper mache alligator once thrown at Ferdinand Marcos, it is an apt icon for what the administration is becoming:::an authoritarian regime full of hubris and venom.


Arnold Campillos

June 26th, 2005 at 10:40 am

I believe that GMA is intelligent enough if not genius that she fully understands who is that lord whom she claims made her win the presidency. What she failed to understand is that the lord of this world is a liar of all liars that she should never have believed his promises for wealth, power and impunity. Now her lord, who whispered her to cheat, is laughing and enjoying so much her predicament and probably calling her loud – hey come on down quick, you are now over staying in Malacanang!



June 26th, 2005 at 12:46 pm

Here’s my 2 cents worth on this on going scandal. There are 2 ways to wiretap a GSM mobile phone. Method 1: You get to clone the SIM card and have access to the mobile network switching facility( That is you have some operator breaching(or bribing) the security at Globe or Smart)-highly unlikely. Method 2(ISAFP). You have to know Garcillano’s phone number(which is a prepaid number for security purposes) and know where Garcillano’s location within a 1 kilometer radius. Now who would know the number and whereabouts of Garcillano? There are theories going around on why Garcillano was wiretapped. They say that he might switch to FPJ during the canvassing( this very unlikely. FPJ couldn’t pay Garcillano. He was to receive millions operatin the cheating machinery for GMA. And most of all he could become COMELEC chairman as a reward. So in short there is no need to wiretapped Garcillano. He works for money nothing else. So lets go to another much more convincing theory on why Garcillano was wiretapped. GMA and his inner circle were planning to cheat during the election using Garcillano. Wiretapping Garcillano could be used as an ACE(or blackmail) in getting juicy contracts and post. The opposition never had a clue where Garcillano was only the inner circle knew it. So by inference it was someone in the inner circle who had the wiretapped done not the opposition and not even GMA knew about it until it blew up in her face. ISAFP has the sensitive equipment to wiretapped mobile phone calls but it had to be positioned close to Garcilllano’s phone. These equipment can be place inside a van parked nearby without anyone noticing it. So who among GMA’s inner circle authorized it? Your guess is as good as mine. After the spoils of victory were divided there was somebody left without anything in the bag. The tape was release in aid of collection or revolution. The revolution didn’t materialize but the collection was achieved(after a meeting in Malacanang). That is the reason why GMA couldn’t speak upto now. She was shocked and awed by one of her ally. She was out maneuvered, out witted, out gunned. She was made to look like a jackass(and had to swallow the demands of this ally). Now who was that disgrunted ally? I would like to know your intelligent guess. Here are some clues SUBIC and CLARK.



June 26th, 2005 at 2:51 pm

Re Comment of Rich Ong::I don’t think the wiretap was a high tech digital intercept of cell-phone transmissions since that would have required the collusion of governments, original manufacturers and network operators. This seems certain because we hear Garci’s phone ringing BEFORE he answers, yet the GSM network does not transmit a ringtone, only a signal for the receiving phone to start its user-selected ringtone. So it’s probably a simple analog bug that was implanted in or very near his cell phone(s) or landline (otherwise we’d hear only his voice). This is still consistent with the theory that someone in GMA’s inner circle did this..

As for why, there is another, much simpler possibility you did not mention. GMA is known to have been micromanaging the election campaign, as evidenced by the level of detail she was concerned with in some of the conversations. Also, she’s a known stickler for “complete staff work”. Because of the mass of information she had to have been dealing with, it would have been convenient for her or her staff to daily review and summarize the communications, for purely management purposes, as well as to detect any possible treachery or dishonesty on Garci’s part.

The other famous voice on the tapes not often speculated on is the guy with a bad accent introducing each conversation. Any ideas who he might be?



June 27th, 2005 at 11:28 am

an alternative download to alleged wiretapped recordings




June 27th, 2005 at 3:53 pm



June 27th, 2005 at 3:54 pm

kanino pwedeng mag email d2 para mabigay ko yung mga ringtones ko?
thankss ulit



June 28th, 2005 at 2:17 am

kailangan balikan natin lahat ang mga recordings (esp. #15) ng conversations nina gma at garci. eto ang isa. kung di siya parte ng pandaraya dapat sinagot niya kay garci nung sabihin na maayos ang pagtaas sa kanya, “hoy! ayoko ng pandaraya ha” or “anong maayos-maayos? kung ano lang dapat ang tama” or stuff like that. by persisting on matching sov’s and coc’s, it ‘s clear that she, at the very least, agreed to the “pagpataas” na “maayos”. now, doesnt that make her a cheat?

Garci: Hello Ma’am, good evening.

Ma’am: Hello…. Dun daw sa Lanao del Sur at saka sa Basilan, di raw nagma-match ang SOV sa COC.

Garci: Kwan ho yan. Ang sinasabi nila… nawawala na naman ho?

Ma’am: Hindi nagma-match.

Garci: Hindi nagma-match? May posibilidad na hindi magma-match kung hindi nila sinunod yung individual SOV ng mga mga munisipyo. Pero aywan ko lang ho kung sa atin pabor o hindi. Kasi, dun naman sa Basilan at saka Lanao Sur, itong ginawa nila na pagpataas sa inyo. Hindi naman ho, kwan… maayos naman ang paggawa eh.

Ma’am: So nagma-match.

Garci: Oho. Sa Basilan naman, habol na naman ang mga military dun eh. Hindi masyadong marunong sila gumawa eh.



June 28th, 2005 at 2:39 am

eto pa

tape #15 rin
Garci: …patataguin ko na muna yung EO ng Pangutaran na para di siya maka testigo ho…

anong sinabi ni gma dito? oo, oo

when asked by gma about the teacher in languyan supposedly under witness protection

Garci: … wala ho tayong ginawa dun sa languyan. talo nga tayo dun e…

anong sabi ng magaling nating presidente? oo, oo. and later thanks garci

so kung walang ginawa sa languyan, merong ginawa sa iba?


jay cynikho

June 28th, 2005 at 3:01 am

G.Arroyo had just confessed to the crime
of cheating in the election. She is apologizing
for a call. Which one? There were many calls she made
attesting to carrying our a plan composed of many
judgements made to break the law. Every Hello Ma’am
is a misjudgment, which was deliberate before
every call. Let the Prosecutors count them

She is sorry and contrite, two acts of conscience
many will believe she is not capable of, otherwise
she could have been a mediocre president, instead
of the worst. Let the surveys prove how many
will believe her contrition and how many will
accept it.

By confessing and being sorry, THE ONLY THING LEFT FOR

G.ARROYO’s resignation should pave the way
for cleaning up the election system by the
incoming administration. Cleaning up means
charging in court and sending to jail when
found guilty Chairman Abalos and his Commissioners,
the COMELEC Regional Directors and Provincial
Directors, the entire membership of the
Canvass Committee of Congress, Luz and
other NAMFREL officials who manipulated the
results, the staff of ABS-CBN and GMA 7
who fooled the people, the PNP Generals,
the AFP Generals who were mentioned in the

The mastermind has confessed with the aid
of a retired judiciary official. Let the
confession of the mastermind be the
domino of doom for all those who raped
the right of suffrage of the Filipino people.
This is a time that tries Pinoy’s courage. If
he finds it this time, then he will find too
his wayward and drunken soul.



June 29th, 2005 at 11:27 pm

can you also post an audio file of the speech of ms. susan roces?

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