TUESDAY’S murder by numbers of the impeachment complaints filed against Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo at the House of Representatives has closed all the remaining legal and constitutional avenues for those seeking the president’s resignation, impeachment or ouster save for only two — judicial remedy from the Supreme Court and the people’s sovereign will acting as the final jury in the so-called "parliament of the streets."

Of the two though, the former seems now a less appealing option. Even among the impeachment complaint endorsers in the House, there is as yet no consensus as to the filing of a petition with the Supreme Court. Yesterday, in fact, the lawmakers already turned over the impeachment documents to the Bukluran para sa Katotohanan, a recently formed coalition of anti-Arroyo forces led by former Pres. Corazon Aquino and Susan Roces, in a symbolic gesture that can only suggest the futility of efforts through legal means.

Tomorrow, however, the legal team that assisted the pro-impeachment congressmen and party-list representatives in drafting the amended complaint will seek the Court’s intervention.

U.P. law professor Harry Roque Jr. says, "the fight has just begun," disclosing that they have just finalized the draft of a petition for certiorari against the grave abuse of authority on the part of the House of Representatives in dismissing the amended complaint.

There are views that the Supreme Court will likely not intervene because of the political character of the process. But Fr. Joaquin Bernas, S.J., noted constitutional expert and dean emeritus of the Ateneo Law School, says the House committee on justice decision can be challenged before the Supreme Court.

"I think the Supreme Court can decide on the dispute as to whether the amended complaint constitutes a second prohibited proceeding. It’s also possible that it might look into the question whether the three, or at least the elements of the three complaints, can be combined because those are legal issues."

On the contrary, the "people power" option has become the primary viable alternative among the various forces — left, right and center — now arrayed against Arroyo. Yesterday and today, protests rallies have  started to pour out into the streets in indignation over the killing of the impeachment complaints. Anti-Arroyo groups are vowing there will be no let-up in street protests until the president is forced out of office. 
What is clear, says Sen. Aquilino Pimentel Jr., is that the decision of the pro-Arroyo House to kill the impeachment is only pushing people to the streets. "Arroyo’s problems are far from over. I see serious political challenges ahead compounded by economic dislocations which cause societal upheavals."

Declaring that there is life beyond the impeachment, Rep. Rolex Suplico says, "Remember we came from the streets. And we can still go back in order to exercise our freedom of expression and to petition government for the redress of their grievances. These are things that we cannot get from a rubberstamp Congress, such as the present one."

"The parliament of the streets remains the people’s refuge," claims Liza Maza, Suplico’s colleague and fellow amended complaint endorser from Gabriela Women’s Party. With the death of the impeachment complaint in the Lower House, she says it just proves it is "futile to pin our aspirations for truth and justice on institutions clearly controlled and corrupted by an illegitimate leader."

Sanlakas president Wilson Fortaleza can only agree. "The death of the impeachment was premeditated. A bad Congress cannot produce a good impeachment process. It only showed that Gloria is not only the problem. Congress itself is rotten to the core."

"That is why it’s again back to the streets for everybody, including those who were still harboring hopes in the impeachment process," he says. "But the streets will have to rebuild a momentum, with the economic crisis and the eVAT issue helping set the fire."

With the Senate impeachment trial now a remote possibility, some’civil society’groups have decided to convene a "people’s impeachment tribunal" to try Arroyo for various "crimes," including offenses that have not formed part of the impeachment complaints against her.

The impeachment tribunal is the initiative of the Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC) and Lumaban Ka, the campaign network against economic crimes of which FDC is the secretariat.
Necessarily, economic crimes top the charges raised against Arroyo which consist among others of the North Rail project scam, the $121.8-million World Bank loan supposed to have gone to small coconut farmers but was lost to corruption, the Executive’s alleged unbridled heavy borrowing and entering into contracts without the prior knowledge of Congress.

Other crimes deal with the Arroyo government’s policies that have resulted in environmental destruction, and violations of human and reproductive rights. Also included are issues of electoral fraud, jueteng and corruption in government and the military.

Princess Nemenzo of Laban ng Masa says the people’s impeachment tribunal is not contingent on the complaint being defeated in the House.

"We just don’t want people to be stuck on their TV sets watching the unfolding drama of Arroyo’s impeachment," she says. "But now that the process has been thwarted, we’re using this all the more as a venue for these issues to be ventilated, as a process of revealing Arroyo’s crimes, and giving the public the information."

Groups like Bangon Pilipinas of Bro. Eddie Villanueva, Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates (PAHRA), Operation Clean Hands, and Kilusang Makabansang Ekonomiya (KME) have taken interest in becoming petitioners or complainants.

The Alternative Law Group (ALG) and the Manila chapter of the Catholic Educational Association of the Philippines (CEAP) have agreed to act as convenors of the tribunal and will be responsible for drafting the rules of procedure. Initially standing as prosecutors are lawyers Frank Chavez, Roel Pulido, Omy Dollenton, and Nepomuceno Malaluan.

170 Responses to With impeachment dead, where to next?



September 7th, 2005 at 8:45 pm

for the people’s court. we should get a real judge to preside. somebody like Judge Wopner. seriously, i think it is a good idea. and i hope a retired judge can be prevailed upon to join. (will his pensions be jeopardized though. knowing gma’s style)



September 7th, 2005 at 10:31 pm

Buried from nowhere…

It does not stop there…The Victory claimed by the so called Gloria’s serpents and die hard politicos shall feel it for days only…

But they have to take note that the silent coalition is molding for greater concensus…The truth doesnt have a price…Crime does not pay…

Mind can be paid…Ego can be paid…People can be paid…

Enough for these cheaters and TRAPOS…

I’m calling for all those who seek Justice,truth and freedom!!!

Manang Gloria’s masterplan conspiracy was well orchestrated from the election to the disappearing act of Mang Garcillano, the crawling act in the house of Congress…

Nonetheless, we eat what we are…

We vote these politicos…

We are the one’s affected and succumb to crisis…

Goodbye my dear Philippines…



September 7th, 2005 at 10:42 pm

Its sad n unfortunate…but I don’t think the Rallies can lead to Gloria’s resigning. Walang spark e. Puro militnts lang nag ma-march- nakakatakot.

Sorry to say that although I hate Gloria’s lying, stealing etc…..I have too many problems at home and at work.



September 7th, 2005 at 10:49 pm

I agree with Fr. Bernas. If we go by the definition of the Supreme Court that we are still at the impeachment proceeding and not at the impeachment case, the chances of a SC intervention remains high.

It is high because the proceeding was imbued with so much legal technicalities that the definition and interpretation by both administration and the opposition of common constitutional jargons demand that the SC issue its own shibboleth.

Of course, this is to say that all things are equal, presuming that the justices of the SC are independent and shielded from the vicissitudes of politics and patronage.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:37 am

hey dawin,
sc has many times shown an indication they take their cues from the palace: (credit to tribune for pointing these out in their many stories)

1. junking PIATCO contract, reason is PIATCO did not prove they could build the airport. proof of that is the almost finished airport.

2. reversing mining by foreigners opinion (good move! brings
in investment in that sector but reversal is fishy nonetheless)
3. canceling election automation, thereby paving way for Garci.
the rest as they say is history.

4. timing of EVAT tro’s and delay then final opinion. 3 times timing is favorable to gma. coincidence?

5. SC ruled on fpj’s citizenship. something it did not even have any business going into. (favorable to fpj eventually after manapat got exposed)

(can i blame purisima for doubting sc. it cost him 20,000 pesos)

Casiño predicted this afternoon on radio. supremes will respect
indendence of legislature. ‘congress has the right to bastos itself’

on the other hand, i agree with your theory and i’ll just hope sc proves teddy wrong and intervenes. but i am not holding my breath though.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:38 am

nnk said,

“Walang spark e. Puro militnts lang nag ma-march- nakakatakot.”

then join them and show them that you are not militant and are supporting the call for gma’s resignation.

we still thank you, after having too much problem at home and work… that you still find enough time to say that we will fail to achieve our purpose.

i commend you, man.

very enlightening indeed.

go ahead man… feel free to put us down. maybe this will help you solve your problems, who knows?



September 8th, 2005 at 12:45 am

Oh well, here comes the serial demonstrators! Enough already! You don’t really get it, do you? Ordinary working people are sick and tired of people power. Its not gonna work. No matter how hard you sell your product, it is dead meat! You have tried it for the nth times already this year and you always come up short. Most people, whether pro or anti Gloria, are playing by the rules. The opposition bungled the impeachment process, didn’t do their homework, ergo, Glorias people outsmarted them. So, what should be your best option? Wait for next year! That’s what the law says. The problem with these people is they can’t seem to live with defeat. Worse than that, they can’t seem to accept the fact that most people don’t buy the street option anymore. Look people you’ve had your chances, so pleeeeease, let the rest of the population go on with their lives. Remember, patience is a virtue and your impeachment desire can be resurrected next year. Until then, keep off the streets and obey the laws of the land. And by the way, some of you used to be my idols, so let it stay that way.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:49 am

more chances that sc will uphold congress via the “independence” clause. hope sc would be transparent enough to show their voting process. as far as i understand sc tries to settle things much their opinion inside and even though there are dissentment they still issue a unified stand. this is a form of concealment, especially if the case being debated is of national concern.

by this light, when sc decides on the impeachment they will offer an opinion – a unified stand. they will not put at stake their individual stand.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:55 am

remember jonathan, “… patience is a virtue …”

“… some of you used to be my idols, so let it stay that way.”

wow offering a threat? patience young man. nobody wants you as their fan. although you showing too much fanaticism already.

straighten your thoughts, for patience and threats don’t seem to mix. but only from a confused mind in haste.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:57 am

“murder by numbers”? please lang no – sobrang dramatic na yan and we do not need it at this time. ano ba ang demokrasya kungdi ang majority rules…

The minority couldn’t get the MINORITY vote of 79 to pass the impeachment. 6 na lang sabi nila, lolokohin pa ang tao …anong nangyari? kahit ano pa sabihin natin, kung gusto mo talaga ang isang bagay, you have to work for it. sarili nilang mga ka-alyado, hindi sumipot on the crucial voting time. nasaan naman ang unity nila? tapos tayo daw ngayon ang tatawagin for UNITY…HELLO!

naisahan sila ni lozano and they did not do a good job – period. siempre, asahan mong the majority will fight tooth and nail for their lider. hindi naman kelangan i-explain yan. LABAN nga tawag dun e.

The opposition fialed to do their homework and the rest of us have to pay for it now. So ngayon, taumbayan naman bubulabugin nila para makuha nila ang gusto nila. yoko na no…



September 8th, 2005 at 1:04 am

and by the way, jonathan… there not selling their products. especially not to you.

and who’s “YOU”? you always speak of glorias omnipotence and the rest as the general “YOU.”

by this time i don’t think you believe in surveys saying majority wants gma to resign – because as far as your crooked mentality is concern that stance will haunt gma. it will never disappear in the mist.

well, you will never bother reply nor rebut these for your paid job is to post negativity on all anti-gma, your god. but this is to show you that you are always INCORRECT, full of FALSEHOOD, full of LIES, lacking in WISDOM, immoral… the typical doomsayer.



September 8th, 2005 at 1:08 am

MitaMS, is that your perverted analogy to democracy?



September 8th, 2005 at 1:10 am

you’re reminding jonathan that patience is a virtue?? so how about listening to yourself and waiting 11 months to file the next impeachment?



September 8th, 2005 at 1:20 am

The opposition failed to do their homework? I dare you, MitaMS, you dont even knoe what you’re talking.

Is impeachment solely a congress concern? To talk about homework? To talk about failure? Or is it just the tug-o-war between congress and malacanan?

Sorry ka panalo malacanan and you go for a free diner in Westin Plaza?

Is democracy by numbers?

Politics, maybe. But democracy has its own essence which is closer to Truth – for the greater good. Some would interpret that as the rule of numbers.

The only true essence of democracy now is a clean election – that is democracy. Congress is just a percieved democracy… also known as politics.

But democracy would interpret congress as a direct representation of the people.In reality no congressman ever bother to check his/her constituents. So by this the democracy by number fails. And by this, the essence of democracy is lost in congress.



September 8th, 2005 at 1:23 am

MitaMS, have patience to read what I wrote regarding patience… show your capacity to comprehend.



September 8th, 2005 at 1:25 am

Oh MitaMS, snd to help you understand… those in quotes are generally from jonathan’s earlier post – not mine.

And again have patience. That is not a reminder… its a virtue.



September 8th, 2005 at 1:52 am


BAKLA ka siguro noh? or baka naman supot na mekeni kah!



September 8th, 2005 at 2:26 am

First option, went to the streets, konti lng dumating, gma did not resign…

2nd option, impeachment, hoping that majority congressmen would go against their ways and support the impeachment. they are hopeful but not expecting. lambasting majority congressmen most of the time while asking for their support…

3rd & 4th options, go to the streets again and opps to go to SC. Plea (whatever they call it) is not yet sent to SC but they already start hitting the SC while hoping that they would get a favorable decision later…At the same time calling for people to heed their call to the streets and branding them as righteous, walang paki, spectator, bulag, tanga if they don’t.

good luck…



September 8th, 2005 at 2:50 am

the best next thing to do is to accept that Arroyo is the winner….

and move on with our lives… tutal uto2x naman ang mga Filipino eh…

he he he….



September 8th, 2005 at 4:15 am

let me steer away from your gobbledygook about the ‘essence of democracy’ or ‘perceived democracy’ and meet you halfway. in other words, ill speak plain English.
Correct me if im wrong, but what you’re saying is:
1. Survey says 80% of the people want Gloria to resign.
2. Congressmen are elected by the people.
3. Therefore, congressmen should reflect the will of the people as reflected in the surveys and vote overwhelmingly for impeachment.
4. Then and only then will the essence of democracy be not lost.
In the first place, poll results are fleeting. They go up and down over a period of time. In the final analysis the only poll that really counts is the election. Congressmen are elected not only because they reflect the values of the people but also because the people perceive them to possess the wisdom to make the wise decisions for them. Now, if there is a conflict of values between the congressman and his/her constituents, these things are settled in the next elections.


tongue in, anew

September 8th, 2005 at 4:22 am

Wha? Waiting for the next 11 months to file the next impeachment case is the dumbest thing I’ve read so far today.

With the manner the Doña’s bootlickers twisted the laws to save their Commander-in-Cheat, I’m gonna bet you my 2 houses, 2 SUVs, 2 pickups, 2 trucks, 5 cars, the next impeachment case in 2006 will be dismissed due to double jeopardy – no person can be charged twice for the same offense. If that fails, some creative minds in the Cheat Execu-thieve’s party will come up with something similar to the beast called “prejudicial questions”. Remember that.

Get real! Grow up!



September 8th, 2005 at 4:51 am

susme, double jeopardy sa criminal court yon…impeachment nga ito. iba ang rules of impeachment. hindi nga sya sa judicial system kungdi sa kongreso dahil mainly political ang proceso na to. tignan mo…google mo lang “double jeopardy” at makikita mo… walang koneksyon ang dalawa.

get real? grow up? mauna ka…



September 8th, 2005 at 5:13 am

bakla ako? go ask your wife….



September 8th, 2005 at 5:28 am

bakla? mekeni? supot? at bakit? wala bang karapatan ang mag blkla, mekeni at supot na magkaroon ng opinyon? ano ibig mong sabihin? tao rin sila pareho mo.

bakit naman kaya naging homophobic ka? mmm…….


ferrum mann

September 8th, 2005 at 6:35 am

Let not the streets be the limit to our venues for evicting Squatter #1 in Malacañang. Let those who cannot physically be in attendance or those who simply have to remain in the background but are willing to do their own share be allowed their own avenue. I say, the corporate boardrooms are as powerful as warm bodies marching, ranting ang waving in the expeditious removal of the malignant (maligno?) usurper, Doña Garapata.

Me and my colleagues are prepared to close our accounts in banks owned or run by GMA cronies, starting with Union Bank. This is the bank of Jose Pidal, owned by the Aboitiz family of Cebu(!), which is now the official depository bank of GSIS (Headed by another infamous Cebuano Winston Garcia) thanks to another bidding attended by questionable yardstick employed in the bid evaluation and award. If you or your family or your friends have accounts in this bank, don’t say you have not been warned.

We are also considering RCBC, owned by the Yuchengco Family. I’ve been pissed hearing Vivienne Yuchengco badmouthing everyone responsible for the impeachment case, and lambasting even employees, brokers,and traders in the Stock Exchange, ditto at her colleagues in the Makati Business Club who are supportive of Bill Luz’s Gloria resign call. Our group believes the Yuchengcos are loudly supporting Gloria in exchange for favors in their current problems with their insurance firms especially the educational plan scandal.With or without boycott, RCBC faces tough times ahead.

But again, the wisest move is to warn your families and friends ahead of time. You might just be left out the closed doors of these banks with the sign: Bank Holiday. We are closed.



September 8th, 2005 at 6:40 am

Freedom of Expression : No law shall be passed abridging the FREEDOM OF SPEECH, of EXPRESSION or of the PRESS , or the RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE PEACEABLY to ASSEMBLE and PETITION the GOVERNMENT for REDRESS OF GRIEVANCES.

Paulit-ulit na memorize yan with other provisions of BILL of RIGHTS mula highschool hanggang college and a must sa law school.

Our Supreme Court once compared criticism to a “scalpel that relieves the abscesses of officialdom”.

Thus, gloria should bear it out, If she cannot…she can always resign.


concerned citizen

September 8th, 2005 at 6:48 am

MAJORITY RULES! who’s the majority you think ha? those trapos in congress who murdered the impeachment? no no my dear. it’s the PEOPLE who elected and put these congressmen in position. sino ba ang magaakala na itong ating mga inihalal ay mga ganid at mukhang pera?! of course hinde tayo dapat sisihen dahil binoto natin itong mga tongressmen na ito, just like a blogger here who always blames us filipinos. i dont think the supreme court will intervene with this case. takot silang pumanig sa truth at mapaphamak si gloria, eh sino ba nag appoint sa kanila? marami nang nagpaparticipate sa rally– yung mga middle class ay nagigising na rin. mga estudyante, professionals, religious org., masa, militant groups, academes with tita cory and mrs poe military personnel na lng kulang. malapit na po. i’ve heard that that they will be joining this event if ever they acquire large number of rallyist. So come on people join us! we know we can make it. GOD BLESS US ALL!



September 8th, 2005 at 6:56 am

ferrum mann

as to your plans, di kaya counter productive? the owners may be, affected but would surely survive a bank holiday. but how about the thousands of employees and their families, the depositors who are unable to withdraw on time? wouldn’t that reduces the supporters of your cause?


The J Spotter

September 8th, 2005 at 8:01 am


President Arroyo pushed on to Cebu yesterday. With a sense of vindication, perhaps?

After all, the other day, the House of Representatives junked the impeachment case against her. But protesters kept on with rallying here and there.



September 8th, 2005 at 8:23 am

assumptionista said,
September 8, 2005 @ 7:59 am
I THINK ITS TIME TO STOP BELITLING THE PEOPLE ON THE STREET. WE ARE NOT DUMB,most of us are well educated, FILIPINOS ARE NOT DUMB. Remember you are ONE OF US!!! The same people on the street fought a dictator and WON, the same people who ousted a corrupt president and WON, AND THE SAME PEOPLE WHO WILL OUST AGAIN A CHEATER AND LIAR PRESIDENT!


First of all, tough luck. I’m as Filipino as Filipino gets, even when I live in a less geographically-challenged place, I’m brown, black-haired, brown-eyed, snub-nosed and ALL-FILIPINO, dude. You can stomp your feet all you want and roll all over the streets ’til kingdom come, but that ain’t gonna change what I am (as many people would like to point out). 😀 If you have an issue with my ethnicity, call your local congressman. 😀

On the contrary, I do strongly believe that street politics and those who stoop down to it ARE DUMB. Street protests are the medium for disenfranchised fools whose disenfranchisement are a result of their own doing — SPECIALLY IN A DEMOCRACY. The reason these street people are disenfranchised is because they VOTED for the very people who disenfranchised them.

So live with it, folks. You DESERVE the congressmen you elected. And you deserve the GOVERNMENT you tolerated for DECADES.

If you read RESPECTABLE sources of INTELLIGENT information rather than, hang around snakepit blog communities that incite HOLLOW-HEADED views of the world, maybe your rhetoric will be less emotional and more logical. Here is an example of INTELLIGENT insight on the matter of our laughable situation today from the INQ7.net:

“But more than this is the sorry move of former President Cory Aquino to lead the street protests because she and her followers cannot accept the House’s “closure” of the case, as this allegedly did not ferret out the “truth.” As former President she ought to uphold the Constitution that was drafted under her rule. At the Batasan last Tuesday evening, a veteran of the Ninoy protest rallies came back to the session hall in near tears. She saw Ms Aquino walk out in the company of Sandra Cam, the confessed “jueteng” illegal lottery bagwoman recruited by Sen. Panfilo Lacson to testify at the Senate jueteng hearings. Said this lady from the Visayas: “Cory was our icon at Edsa. Now, she marches arm-in-arm with the relics of the Marcos era, the ultra rightists and the leftists who sought to ‘rabble-rouse’ the striking workers at Hacienda Luisita.” In a recent column, Star’s Max Soliven also mourned Ms Aquino’s call to her “friends” in the military to join their protests.”

From: http://news.inq7.net/opinion/index.php?index=2&story_id=49488&col=78

And again, with regard to your claim that “WE ARE NOT DUMB,most of us are well educated, FILIPINOS ARE NOT DUMB.”, well let me just bring up this little snippet of an observation made by an insightful on-site reporter from SunStar.com a while back reporting on that conveniently-forgotten last street gathering of “intelligent” people:

“It looked like a huge street party with an interesting mix of characters… Street vendors were out in full force, peddling corn on the cob, boiled bananas, fish balls, deep-fried chicken gizzards on a stick and scoops of ice cream on hamburger buns…. Music and entertainment were another crucial component, keeping the crowds from drifting away. Pop stars crooned on a huge stage and the “Sex Bomb” dancers–a group of young women in tight white tops and blue capri pants–did the classic bump and grind.”

Refer to the following for reference to the original source:

Pinoy nga naman talaga
Parang aso
Matangkad lang kapag naka-upo.

ha ha! 😀



September 8th, 2005 at 9:28 am


I really hope that Gloria will step down though.



September 8th, 2005 at 9:29 am


here you go again, affected about what I have said??? he… he.. he… You think your the only intelligent person around? you even said :

“If you read RESPECTABLE sources of INTELLIGENT information rather than, hang around snakepit blog communities that incite HOLLOW-HEADED views of the world, maybe your rhetoric will be less emotional and more logical. Here is an example of INTELLIGENT insight on the matter of our laughable situation today from the INQ7.net:”


SO PLEASE CAN YOU STOP INSULTING PEOPLE ABOUT BEING HOLLOW MINDED! Dont say that street vendors are not intelligent, they might not be educated but I can bet it they are more intelligent than you about the lesson of life.

AGAIN AS YOU SAID YOU ARE A FILIPINO, DONT INSULT THEM because your one and the same!!



September 8th, 2005 at 9:32 am

Ms assumptionista,

All you say in your above post is that I am not intelligent and you are. Beyond that you do not present any further convincing argument on the matter.

Tough luck.

ha ha! 😀



September 8th, 2005 at 9:47 am

O ano na kayong mga PROTES squad ngayon? 😀

According to Reuters:
“Arroyo’s foes have said they want to hold a “people’s tribunal” in the streets, where they said evidence against her cannot be suppressed as they allege it was in Congress.

“We’re not leaving here until Arroyo steps down,” said one rally organiser on Wednesday. “We’ll stay overnight, we’ll stay as long as possible. This is the only option we have to air our sentiments against her.”

About 2,000 protesters, including priests, leftist activists and students, marched near the presidential palace on Wednesday, organisers said.

A larger group of 5,000 civil society and leftist groups and supporters of former President Joseph Estrada marched along Manila’s main thoroughfare, the site of popular uprisings that toppled two presidents.

Some of the protesters chanted “We’re not leaving here,” but the crowd appeared to be thinning as heavy rain poured down.”


Na-ulanan lang ng konti, sibat na agad. ha ha!

And get this: I observed na natatameme kayo palagi everytime the embarassing subject of the popularly-elected Erap presidency is brought up. Guess who is making hakot the biggest of the street mobs now. Your true and legitimate president ERAP! 😀

It’s a shame that all this irony is being wasted on a people who lack the faculties to fathom irony.

Pinoy nga naman talaga..

ha ha! 😀



September 8th, 2005 at 9:51 am

Jsut stick to what you believe in, to me that is what democracy means. For those who believe that GMA should go, stick to your ideals and principles. For those who look down on these anti-GMAs, I hope you would respect them. Pag natanggal si GMA and life gets better, baka pag-tawanan kayo ng mga yan. I was a street parliamentarian, though not active now, I can feel the frustration some of you bloggers feel. Pinag-tawan din kami noon, di daw namin kayang patalsikin si Marcos. Nasan na siya ngayon. A lot of my colleagues died during those dark years. I just hope that their sacrifice did not go to waste. I am now a member of the silent majority who’s just waiting for the right time to once again rise to kick a despot out of office. Civil disobedience is one way to break the camel’s back. Let’s just all stop paying our taxes para maramdaman ng gobyerno na pagod na ang taongbayan sa pag-tratabaho para sa kanila. Tutal, wala naman bumabalik sa’tin. It will be very costly now for GMA to keep her post. She will be at the mercy of congress. I expect the deficit to rise and for the government to really push for the e-vat. They have to pay for the political debt they owe the congress.

Kudos to Enteng Romano…. I hope you remember me. I worked with you, sa Altos. I was fresh out of high school then. You’ve come a long way, and I hope you will grow more. I admire you for your stand.



September 8th, 2005 at 10:52 am




September 8th, 2005 at 11:26 am

Benigno, to comprehend you better (or to make sense of all your comments), may we know exactly what part of the world, in your words–less geographically challenge, do you now reside in? It is always important to situate a person in the environ that he/she lives in before judging. For this reason, it is too sweeping from your end to call those who march or engage in street protests as dumb for they could have made better choices during election time and are to blame for the inane set of leaders who have been elected. For all we know, many of those who engage in street protests may have voted for some other candidate or simply did not participate in a process that people like you give so much importance to but may be flawed, manipulated, and contested simply by a few (the elite) at the outset.

as a keen observer of philippine politics, I share the cynicism that some of the bloggers have raised, you included. however, i am not about to give up on our society nor our people and though the process of change may take generations, we should be able to put forward incremental and positive changes rather than regress.


soledad t. tubay

September 8th, 2005 at 11:30 am

People cannot go to the streets because they have become so poor that they are not mobile anymore. They hardly even have energy to move about because of hunger and poverty caused by corrupt politicians majority of whom look overfed rendering them inutile to think because all body activities are concentrated on digestion.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:01 pm

Mr. lumpen,

It’s not about who the street mob voted for. It’s about what they stand for. If they presume to be the “voice of the majority”, my only concern with that is the irony in our continued advocation of “democracy” of which representation by popularly-elected officials in a legislature of peers is a key cornerstone.

If we are always led to believe that mobs infesting Manila’s streets represent the voice of the majority, then let us just fire our congressmen, dismantle our legislature, and just hold show of force exercises on our streets whenever something of national concern needs to be settled.

Where does it end? For now we are using street mobs to change presidents. That it is being attempted a third time is already ridiculous in itself. It may simply be a matter of time before we start using street mobs to legislate laws as well.

With regard to my whereabouts, you say you will use it as a basis for “judging”? Before I answer may I first ask what exactly you presume to judge? 😉



September 8th, 2005 at 12:08 pm

wala na, simpling tao lng ako. naghihintay marinig sana ang process. nailibing na.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:10 pm

We should all be part of the solution to the problem we are having IN OUR COUNTRY. Society is just a reflection of what we are as a person, how we live life. Are we living life to its fullest? or are we like BENIGNO who comment all day about how dumb and stupid the filipino is? Are we hopefull about our future? or we think that everything is doomed ? Are we Pro-active rather than reactive?

If you are like me, I see hope. I see that someting good will come out from all of these. I see Filipinos rising from the ashes. I see our people united. I see that we will remove this evil president.

If you are like Benigno, then you only see anarchy, hopelessness, hatred, and a doomed philippines. HOW SAD!!!

Everyone has a choice; its either we believe that we as a nation will become GREAT AGAIN! or we continue with this hopelessness.

Like what lumpen said :i am not about to give up on our society nor our people and though the process of change may take generations, we should be able to put forward incremental and positive changes rather than regress.




September 8th, 2005 at 12:13 pm

move on people and do better next time….

dapat ay matutu na kayo at huwag nang tatanga-tanga!



September 8th, 2005 at 12:18 pm

assumptionista said,
September 8, 2005 @ 12:10 pm
If you are like me, I see hope. I see that someting good will come out from all of these. I see Filipinos rising from the ashes. I see our people united. I see that we will remove this evil president.

This just simply begs the question, dudette:

Hope in WHAT exactly?

The bombshell Raquel Welch was once said to have said:

“Insanity is expecting DIFFERENT results whilst doing the SAME things.”

So therefore the challenge is quite simple:

Cite THREE things we are doing DIFFERENTLY nowadays to substantiate any HOPE of seeing a DIFFERENT Philippines in the future.

Simple questions for simple minds, folks. 😉



September 8th, 2005 at 12:30 pm

ma’am soledad, concerned citizen, or anyone else, would you know po if there is a schedule for anti Gloria rally this weekend? pls announce na lang here. thank you

indio_lawless, galeng. i always find your posts helpful & informative.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:35 pm

Nakakadismayang isipin na kahit ginagago at lantaran na tayong ginagawang tanga ni Gloria ay may iba pa rin na ayaw magising sa katotohanan. Ano kaya ang hinihintay nila? Na mas lalong yurakan ni Gloria ang ating pagkatao bilang ordinaryong mamamayang pilipino.
We already gave Gloria Arroyo a chance to face the accusations that were hounding her through constitutional means. This is what she asked for when the scandal broke out. But what did she do instead? She manipulated her way with the help of these gutless and self-serving “trapos” by buying them off. The Philippines really has a bunch of pathetic legislators, the likes of that Congressman representing my district in Davao City. Shame on you, Mr. Nograles. Tunay na tuta ka nga ni Gloria Arroyo. Sabagay, kailan ka ba nagkaroon ng paninindigan. What’s sad is that the money that Gloria used in doing her demonic schemes is taxpayer money. That woman is nothing but a stinking sack of manure.
I read in the news today that the international community, especially the U.S., is closely watching the events unfolding in our country.
The time to get rid of the squatter in Malacanang palace is not next year but now! OUST GLORIA ARROYO!



September 8th, 2005 at 1:40 pm

koj said,
September 8, 2005 @ 2:26 am

First option, went to the streets, konti lng dumating, gma did not resign…

2nd option, impeachment, hoping that majority congressmen would go against their ways and support the impeachment. they are hopeful but not expecting. lambasting majority congressmen most of the time while asking for their support…

3rd & 4th options, go to the streets again and opps to go to SC. Plea (whatever they call it) is not yet sent to SC but they already start hitting the SC while hoping that they would get a favorable decision later…At the same time calling for people to heed their call to the streets and branding them as righteous, walang paki, spectator, bulag, tanga if they don’t.

good luck…


Well man, no more option available that’s why we need to do this. Almost everybody is desperate now to remove PGMA in the office after the impeachment did not materialize. What is wrong maybe to the pro-impeachment is that they are branding the people that don’t want to join them ( calling them with so many nasty things). Kaya imbes na sumama sa kanila, lalo sigurong naiinis ang mga tao na nagiisip pa bago sumali. Kung baga nagbackfire sa kanila yung strategy nila. Tama yung analogy mo, humingi ka ng suporta pero tinitira muna man yung hindi sumusuporta pa at nagiisip pa sa sitwasyon. Paano nga naman sila sasama eh inunsulto mo na sila. This strategy should be corrected, it’s not to late, we have all the time in this world. But pls. to the leader of this anti-GMA movement were with you in your cause but be careful with your statement cause it might backfire on you. You don’t need to ask the people to go to street, they will go out and will join you if they want. Mas maganda yung kusang loob di ba.



September 8th, 2005 at 2:05 pm

ano na namang kaguluhan ito? sinabi ng wag pasinin ang “isang blogger” dyan! naman! ang blog site na ito ay walang pinagkaiba sa KALYE!!

magbago na tayo magsimula tayo sa ating sarili.. magkaroon tayo ng pagmamalasakit sa bawat isa sa bawat pinoy.. sa ating bayang Pilipinas.. diba halos araw araw naman eh nasa KALYE tayo? now, kung di mo kaya mag rally (kung ano mang rason meron ka) wag mo ng pangalandakan na ayaw mo sa rally.. or better yet stop insulting ang kapwa mo pinoy… uulitin ko dahil tag ulan ngayon naglalabasan ang TALANGKA..



September 8th, 2005 at 2:26 pm

Here’s my take on what people consider to be “pagmamalasakit sa bayan” — allowing their country’s institutions to fester and degenerate and then, on the 11th hour, complain about how festered and degenerate they are when they fail to legally remove a discredited public official from office.

That’s pagmamalasakit sa bayan — PINOY STYLE!

ha ha! 😀



September 8th, 2005 at 2:41 pm

You are all invited to attend the

Bukluran para sa Katotohanan
A Second Inter-Faith Prayer Gathering

on 9 September (Friday) at 7:15 pm at La Salle Green Hills.

Makiisa at makisamang ipagdasal ang KATARUNGAN at KAPAYAPAAN
ng ating Bayan!



September 8th, 2005 at 3:13 pm


count me in.



September 8th, 2005 at 3:30 pm

1. Was is impossible for the opposition to file a credible impeachment case? No. Katangahan kasi.

2. Was is impossible to convince 1 of 3 congressman to support the impeachment case? 6 na lang daw….was is impossible to convince 6 congressman? No. Katanghan kasi.

Ngayon…who are they blaming sa katanghan nila? Who?


A. Nasaan ang Erap boys?
B. Nasaan ang Marcos girl?

Alam na ng oposisyon na hindi maasahan….hay..katanghan talaga.


Ngayon people power daw.

Can you mobilize 3 million people out to the streets? Can you finance such a gathering? And most importantly, can you mobilize the military to support your cause? Can you?

Kung hindi….wag kayong tatanga..tanga. If the people dwindles down to a few thousands or hundreds…kasama kayong malilibing doon sa impeachement case.

Re-group…..think….convince the people…..take a rest. Huwag nyong araw arawin…..at unti unti nawawalan ng gana ang mga tagapanood ng inyong telenovela. Nagsisinula ng ma bwiset sa traffic na inyong naidudulot.

Ang ….kung hindi nyo kayang ilunsad in the next week. People power is as good as dead.


Pero may duda ako…na most of the politicians sa oposisyon just wants media coverage for their 2007 eleksyon escapade and thats it. Without media…..no politicians would dare go out to the streets hanggang sa mapaos ang boses nila.

Hello…its all teleserye ano! The better the acting the dramatic is becomes……I cant wait to watch Dinky cry again infront of the cameras.. or for Susan Roces to shoe her antics… and for Tita Cory to follow the steps of Kris…..Corrrrrrrrrect!



September 8th, 2005 at 3:51 pm

Nice one jun2001,

1. Was is impossible for the opposition to file a credible impeachment “case?”

Yes! Kagahaman kasi sa kapangyarihan kaya na-overrule ng politics and billions of peso worth of government funds.

“2. Was is impossible to convince 1 of 3 congressman to support the impeachment case? 6 na lang daw….was is impossible to convince 6 congressman?”

I think katangahan ay nasa nagtatanong. See above.

“Ngayon…who are they blaming sa katanghan nila? Who?”

Maybe you.


Nasaan na daw ang Erap boys? at Marcos girl?

Katanghan nga naman talaga. Alam na sagot nagtatanong pa…


“Can you mobilize 3 million people out to the streets? Can you finance such a gathering? And most importantly, can you mobilize the military to support your cause? Can you?”

Can you? Puro na lang you, you, you, you… Sus ginoo, you? Sino pa? You? Sarap magturo, sige… ano ikaw pa… You, you, you? Sino pa… you?

“If the people dwindles down to a few thousands or hundreds…kasama kayong malilibing doon sa impeachement case.”

This is a nice one. Ahummm… hello Mike? Bunye? Tiglao? Mitra? Is that you?

“Re-group…..think….convince the people…..take a rest. Huwag nyong araw arawin…..at unti unti nawawalan ng gana ang mga tagapanood ng inyong telenovela.”

Makikinig ba tayo sa payo at insulto nito?


Then read this, I know I know its just a copy of what he said… but think of this:

“Pero may duda ako…na most of the politicians sa oposisyon just wants media coverage for their 2007 eleksyon escapade and thats it. Without media…..no politicians would dare go out to the streets hanggang sa mapaos ang boses nila.”

It’s a teleserye written by jun2001 himself. Duva?



September 8th, 2005 at 3:54 pm

noted, fencesitter.



September 8th, 2005 at 4:23 pm

Juned 2001

Bakit ka ba nagagalit sa oposisyon kung pinatay ang impeachemnt sa congresso, ano ang punto mo? galit ka ba dahil hindi naimpeach si gloria? Kung gayon mag bigay ka ng suhestyon kung ano ang dapat gawin para ipaalam ki gloria that the people will not just allow her to get away with what she did. Kung natutuwa ka naman dahil hindi na impeach si gloria, ok lang yun. just show your true color.



September 8th, 2005 at 4:28 pm


Excuses…and excuses….hmmmm I can add that to the teleserye version bwahahaha. A list of excuses…ano kasi….

For goodness sakes …..what? excuses? kasi ano…ano kasi eh…hay…

I wonder what sort of excuses you would come up with…next week when there are just a few hundred rallyists on the streets. When divisoria has more people shopping than your so called “people power”.

But i wont stop you to shout your lungs out! But would you really do it without a camera?



September 8th, 2005 at 5:18 pm


A list full of “ifs”? Very unclear thoughts:

“… Congressmen are elected by the people… Therefore, congressmen should reflect the will of the people as reflected in the surveys and vote overwhelmingly for impeachment.”

The use of “Therefore” is out of context. And you’re putting too much pressure.

“…Then and only then will the essence of democracy be not lost.”

The emphasis is on “Then”, what a sarcastic ending – so what is your point? aside from such goobledygook theory?

“In the first place, poll results are fleeting. They go up and down over a period of time. In the final analysis the only poll that really counts is the election.”

I think what Iam reading is just your goobledygook: fleeting pool results? the only poll is the election? What really?

“Congressmen are elected not only because they reflect the values of the people but also because the people perceive them to possess the wisdom to make the wise decisions for them.”

What a very touchy thought. But very elementary also… a fantastic statement that is so unreal. Why? Well… I don’t know maybe because of – CHEATING!

“Now, if there is a conflict of values between the congressman and his/her constituents, these things are settled in the next elections.”

When where you born? Yesterday? Seem a very vengeful political process, isn’t it?



September 8th, 2005 at 5:44 pm


“Bakit ka ba nagagalit sa oposisyon kung pinatay ang impeachemnt sa congresso, ano ang punto mo?”

The question is ano ang ginawa ng opposition?

Incompetence, palpak, tatanga-tanga…..kaya namatay ang impeachment. But, would they(opposition) admit that? NO!

Of course, they will take the short cut again….blame the majority, of course….and put themselves forward as blameless.


Can you believe some of them (Fr. Reyes) in the rally was extending the blame to Jolina Magdangal? Hello….

And some stupid statements (Maceda) like: basta tangalin muna natin si GMA, at saka na tayo mag worry kong sino ipapalit sa kanya. Hello…

Gaano pa kalalim na kapalpakan…will the opposition go into? Hay….



September 8th, 2005 at 6:08 pm

puede ba kayong mga tagasunod ni gloria iisa lang ang alam ko mga tanga kayo, niloloko na tayo wala pa kayong pakielam wala kayong pakielam sa mga pilipino.dinaya na nga tayo okey lang . ganun lang ba yun.. atat na atat kayong maglabasan ang mga tao sa kalsada antayin nyo darating din tayo dyan.



September 8th, 2005 at 6:20 pm

hehe… still trying to mask yourself, jun2004?

ooops! outdate pala – jun2001. we see your true color.



September 8th, 2005 at 6:23 pm

jun2001, ikaw ang tanga, mga pinagsasabi mo ang katangahan, pati ang jolina comment patulan ba. puro katangahan ang pinagsasabi mo sa blog na to. tanga! tanga! tanga!



September 8th, 2005 at 6:34 pm

jun2005 este jun2001… sshh just a thing from the past…. say eh what excuses? or more importantly what is you true color ey?

stop pretending… bah! sino ba niloloko mo? edi kaw din. para kang reporter… actually para ka palang doomsayer… actually doomsayer ka pala… na nagpapaka jojo acuin – trying to foretell the negativity of your wisdom. pero kung sisilipin mo wala rin naman palang saysay.



September 8th, 2005 at 6:36 pm

gagay, easy kapatid natin pinoy din yan… may pagka ano lang… hmmm… trying to mess up and enforce some maka-gloria idealism.

sort of like a cleansing act after the death of impeachment.



September 8th, 2005 at 6:40 pm

tanga! tanga! tanga! hahaha!!!



September 8th, 2005 at 7:01 pm

ano ba ang pinagmulan ng lahat ng ito..di ba ang hello garci tape. Ng una to lumabas there was already an attempt to deceive us..Bunye showed us two tapes in which apparently the original turned out to be the fake one. The question of kung si GMA nga ba yon boses don ay nasagot na mismo ni GMA..eventhough di nya sinabing sya yon…we all know naman na sya nga yon. now, is her sorry enough for her lapse in judgement enough…for me i dont think so…if you would listen very well sa laman ng tape..no doubt na mabigat ang kasalanan nya..and dapat lang na umalis sya sa pwesto. Kaya nga wala na si Garci ngayon. She pleads na sundin ang rule of law…she is willing to go to impeachment trial. Pero anong nangyari..obvious naman na niluto. Their saying that that is how democracy works, what matter is the numbers…and so the majority wins. But for me, if that says anything..it only goes to show that they are trying to deceived us again by hoping for us to think that it is all over. Nakikiisa ako sa lahat ng tunay na nakikipaglaban at naninindigan sa katotohanan. Maaaring iba iba ang opinyon natin sa ginawa ni GMA pero isa lang ang alam ko…niloko nya tayo at patuloy pa rin tayong nagpapaloko hanggat di sya umalis sa pwesto.

Mabuhay kayong lahat na kumikilos para ipaglaban at ibalik ang dangal na ninakaw sa atin.



September 8th, 2005 at 7:35 pm

I don’t blame our kababayans for their constant street protests. These things are the result of an economic turbulence we have experience now. Seeing the Philippines from my perspective here in U.K.I don’t seem to understand why there are groups of Filipinos who readily unite in condoning issues that promotes destabilization. We are a perfect copycat to other third world countries. Who’se main aim is to throw issues to dislodge their presidents. Since Marcos Era, all our presidents are kept busy defending themselves like Cory against 7 coup detat attempts, not to mention his stiff rivalry with Doy Laurel, Ramos for his Amari deals and other issues ( I remember street protesters making efiges of him with tobacco on his mouth), Erap, who is the champion of the masses but was overthrown uncontitutionally by EDSA 2, and Now Gloria who survived 1 coup attempt and impeachment proceedings.

Juetengate and Garci tape did not bring our peso down, nor it did not bring down our credit appraisals from fetcher, moth and other credit agencies. At a personal level, it didn’t even discourage my employers not to go there in the Philippines to hire more Filipinos like me to work here in U.K. It is those street protests that make the difference! It is in these protests guise as ‘socially awareness’ activities that roils the water! Sorry, but I have to corroborate what is reality and fantacy. My years are over with LFS and my being a U.P. aktibista. It has something to do with the reality of having a family. Last months foiled attempt to destabilize the government lacks the essential element which is the third crowd- The Middle Class.

Of course, I praise our youth of today for having the sense of social awareness. I don’t want to discourage you either. However being a middle class myself, sorry to tell you, you can never convince me to retroact and go back to my radical days. I know you have laid plans and promises when our present government will be toppled, but those are no different from youthful days. Those are the same ideas I have inculcated before. In the end I have to say, all of those things I adhere are pure utopian ideas.

I could never understand why former icon Satur Ocampo have easily forgotten his grudges with the Marcoses. Seeing him on T.V. shaking hands with Imee Marcos. His cause for the Luisita Hacienda farmers are put aside just to give way for Cory’s anti-GMA stance. Hoping to get her magic. Bayan muna rep. shaking hands with Erap siblings. Very fuzzy indeed! What if we can be successful of toppling this government? What happens next? I believe they’re gonna go back to cancelling each other out. Election was over, yet I see Susan giving speeches as if it’s still on campaining days! If Susan becomes president, do you think Lacson would like to put on the sidelines? How about Bro. Eddie Villianueva? Each of these presidentiables invested, more or less, P10 billion in the last election to sustain a machinery.

If I would submit myself to go back to my radical days, I prefer to tackle issues about IMF/Worldbanks’ clout over our economy. These creditors, having their austerity measures inculcated in our system, are the real causes for our economic troubles. The main reason why all third world countries are as chaotic as ours.



September 8th, 2005 at 7:45 pm

Ano sabi mo dakdakero?

“Last months foiled attempt to destabilize the government lacks the essential element which is the third crowd- The Middle Class”

Saan yun?



September 8th, 2005 at 7:50 pm

“We are a perfect copycat to other third world countries. Who’se main aim is to throw issues to dislodge their presidents.”

O my… ano ba ito? Did you happen to know back there in England what’s causing all the commotion here in this third world?

I don’t remember Cory being a member of the streets.



September 8th, 2005 at 7:55 pm


Reality check first…

“I know you have laid plans and promises when our present government will be toppled, but those are no different from youthful days. Those are the same ideas I have inculcated before. In the end I have to say, all of those things I adhere are pure utopian ideas.”

Its not your story. The streets is not your story. Do not try to be so nostalgic about it. Ok?

Your utopian ideas are yours. Do not attempt to label the streets now with your jurassic ideas.



September 8th, 2005 at 7:59 pm

Are you asking this question to split hairs with you, Noelet? Sorry, but its not my business to engage in such. I was just airing my views from out- of-the-country perspective. If you are not amenable with that, then I am sorry!



September 8th, 2005 at 8:01 pm

If you are really in the UK… o my dakdakero just be. Just be.

You did not alone abandon your utopian ideas. You also have became a moronic flague. You failed to mention the quintessential meaning of the anger in he streets today… the reality of corruption had been caught up to the highest ofice of the land.

Consider this reality… not your utopian foolishness.

Sorry, I do not blame you. Removing yourself from a third world is really an uplifting experience.



September 8th, 2005 at 8:16 pm


I completely agree with you. Good to know na nakawala ka rin sa “brain washing” noong aktibista days mo. I think it goes with age and responsibilties…more of these and we become pratical, and our views more matured. Like you gone are the days of my LFS days and UP aktibista days.

Ahh… yong Noelet na yan….ganyan lang yan pasensya na hehehe. Just keep on posting here. And welcome hehehe.



September 8th, 2005 at 8:22 pm

I may or may not be in the middle class..pero i still have a sense of what’s right and wrong. Sa totoo lang ayoko na makiaalam sa nangyayari..pero sa sitwasyon na to…sa ginawa ni GMA sa atin…hindi pwedeng manahimik na lang. Ipagpalagay na natin na ok naman ang takbo ng ekonomiya kahit na nandaya sya…so what. Ikaw ba kung kaliwain ka ng misis mo at sabihin sa yo ‘im sorry hon, lapse in judgement eh’ . Anong isasagot mo…’ ah ok lang, maganda naman ang takbo ng relasyon natin eh…maaalalahanin ka at mapagmahal…inaasikaso mo ako…di mo pinababayaan at malulusog ang anak natin….malinis lagi ang bahay at masarap ang luto mo”.
Do you think what GMA has done is just ok for you…Then you are that man!!!!!



September 8th, 2005 at 8:23 pm

Is this how you welcome your new visitors? An automatic namecalling?

Are your issues supposed to be different from the issues I have encountered ten years ago? You seem to chant the same slogan I did on my college years. ‘ Patalsikin si ____(name of president)! ‘, ‘Down with the TRAPOS!’ Is there no other chant like ‘No to debt servicing! or No to open trade!. But I guess, you already have exhuasted your energies to the present government. I could not blame you. Its your turn now the youth of today, not mine. In fact, my psot didn’t discourage you to stand for what you believe in. Respect my position ,just I will respect yours. If you cannot do that, then there is no point of sharing my reaction and views to PCIJ posts.



September 8th, 2005 at 8:37 pm

Why? Is this how you treat your old third world country? Just a utopian idea? Out-of-the-country perspective? Ano ka ba? Pinoy? Then stop being a briton.



September 8th, 2005 at 8:48 pm


Thank you for welcoming me here! And thanks to Noelet, for your unique way of welcoming me!

I hope your not the same Jun I once adore during our rally days! Very fluent and very knowledgable in issues hounding our time. Issues such as the U.S bases, Privatization of government run entities, the same old corruption scandals, Austerity Measures, Neo-colonization and business monopoly, etc. Those are lively issues that brainwash our youthful minds. Now, its very naive and a very mediocre cause. Our youths connivance with people we abhor so much like the Marcoses and its cronies are very disturbing just to topple a government! Satur Ocampos change of heart by uniting with Imee Marcos and his mellowing down the disgruntled Hacienda Luicita farmers to give way for Cory’s participation to bring down the government is very much appaling!

To the youth, I don’t want to force something down on your throats. Go ahead with what you think you believe in. I just don’t want you to experience, the feeling of intellectual abuse I once had before. Babala lang! If you don’t heed, its still OK. You will realize it later when you mature at age.



September 8th, 2005 at 8:55 pm

noelet, just understand the guy…he’s just like the others who are far away from here and saying things as if they really know what is happening….akala ba nila gusto natin to….lahat tayo gusto ng matahimik na buhay…pero kapag alam natin na harap harapan na tayong pinagloloko…sorry pero di pwedeng tatahimik na lang. At isa pa…ang presidente ay pinakamataas na lider ng ating bansa…tingnan nyo na lang kung ano ang nagagawa ng isang naglulukong ama sa isang pamilya…ang ama ang lider ng tahanan…kung lokohin nya ang kanyang asawa at mambabae sya..ano ang epekto nito sa kanyang mga anak..
Isipin mo kung ano mangyayari ito…at lalo pa kung Presidente ito na syang lider nating lahat…



September 8th, 2005 at 9:11 pm

Gimper, I praise you for your social awareness. You seem to have high hopes for a president to be very perfect and can answer all our problems. However, have you put it in your mind that these are just humans. And not an answer-all solutions sa mga hinaing ng 85 million na Noypis? You are telling me that I could never understand Filipinos because I am outside the country. Well, nagkakamali ka, being here and at different perspective gives me a very clear cut knowledge of why Filipinos doesn’t seem to progress. My advantage is that I have on hand actual experience of how rich countries become progressive. How their people behave and their appoach to their government. Rizal found his insights too when he went outside the country. Just to clarify it with you. But if you feel I am not welcome here because of my dissenting opinion, then its not my problem!



September 8th, 2005 at 9:13 pm

gimper, problema kasi sa taong yun puro dakdak against sa ginagawa ng mga taong naninindigan sa mga kamaliang nakita nila sa nakaupo sa malacanan.

if he failed in is ideals before… it becuase he failed himself. yabang magsalita na kala mo mga gusgusing bata mga tao dito… when we mature daw? aba mataas na nga ang ere kita mo naghahanap pa ng welcome party? nakatuntong lang daw sa UK kala nya sguro brit na sya… dapat tingin natin sa kanya mataas?

out-of-country perspective? ano ba to? sino gusto mong lokohin? walang out-of-country perspective sa isang pinoy. kung pinoy ka may kakayahan kang malaman ang detalye ng mga pangyayari dito. kahit nasan lupalop ka pa. unless binababa mo na ang lahi mo at magpanggap na isang dayuhan. ano sa pagaakala nya after utopian stripe nya spoon feeding na ang kasunod? kung ano lang makarating sa kanya yun na yun? tapos sasabihin pa immature mga tao dito sa kalye?

when we grow up to be a dakdakero? we will reach enlightenment?

tignan mo na lang wala syang masabi sa mga kabalbalang pinaggagawa ng kanyang iniidolong pangulo – a proof of what color dakdakero holds.

watch out… here comes the pink brigade.



September 8th, 2005 at 9:44 pm

amused. you might have heard about this already:

a spamblocker labels someone a spammer if it detects previous posts from another blogger name using the same IP address.

that could have been the reason why your other posts did not push through.



September 8th, 2005 at 9:44 pm

Well you’re NOT Rizal so don’t push it.



September 8th, 2005 at 9:51 pm

amused = dakdakero.

shown your true color ey? now you admit it having a dissenting opinion. meaning a pro-gloria stand.

that should explain it.

after 3 post + 1 as amused: first being an all out anti-ouster + too trying to get attention with a proper welcome ceremony – none of his post have tackled the guilt or innocence of gloria.

now though, an explanation of a broken humanity is being pleaded – the utopian way indeed. close to saying na “tao lang ang presidente pabayaan na natin sya…”



September 8th, 2005 at 10:02 pm

no one owns this blog… so what’s the need for a welcome. i think and sinasabi ni gimper ang presidente ay nagkasala pero ang sagot mo tao lang and presidente? can’t go back to your utopian way? so whats your point?

hindi dapat pinapaalis ang presidente kahit nadaya siya?

tell me, have you heard the garci tapes? no, your concentrated on reacting to street protests.did you know that malacanan prepared 2 spliced version of the garci tapes? just to fool the people!

this is not utopia here and we are NOT dreaming of a perfect philippine paradise. but we’re dreaming of accountability and leadership that is real.



September 8th, 2005 at 10:04 pm

hindi dapat pinapaalis ang presidente kahit NANDAYA siya?



September 8th, 2005 at 10:19 pm

nobody name called you, dakdakero, amused… your just out of point as evident to your skimpy and selective reply.

and evident also that you are ignorant of the issues.



September 8th, 2005 at 10:22 pm

but im no aktibista… i am a citizen. and you’re not rizal, dakdakero, amused – you are not rizal… don’t glorify yourself.



September 8th, 2005 at 10:25 pm

jun2002? trying to find an ally ey? ehehehe pathetic.



September 8th, 2005 at 10:49 pm

sad to say this gloria goons are a post once mechanism. after posting their blame on everything ouster movement… they cannot expound on their thoughts. pag tinanong mo pag humingi ka ng clarifications… and isasagot sayo name calling o kaya mamamili lang ng maliit na potion ng sinabi mo tapos yun dun magrereply.

take a look at amused = dakdakero. sinabi ni gimper na may kasalanan si gloria. ang sagot ba naman tao lang ang presidente. kita mo na may pagkiling. inaalis ang perception ng tao na may kasalanan.

hirap silang magrebuttal.

maaaring nagpapanggap lang silang reformed activist-kuno, na former LFS pa… na humihingi ng pagbabago pero actually humihiling na pabayaan na si gloria.




September 8th, 2005 at 10:52 pm


Is that how you convince people of your adhikain? You’re the one that is pathetic. I don’t want to play your game and be defensive. If you say I am not learned about Philippines issues because I’m outside the country, then whats the use of our latest technologies like texting, cable tv and internet doing at bay? Bye! bye! Till my next visit…(That if your administration doesn’t block me. More power to PCIJ! Hope you will welcome more variant reactors to this blog. Para di boring….)



September 8th, 2005 at 10:59 pm

From Malaya

PARTYLIST Rep. Eulogio “Amang” Magsaysay, the first to withdraw his signature in the amended impeachment complaint against President Arroyo, allegedly got P5 million.

The check, issued by Gina de Venecia, wife of Speaker Jose de Venecia, was deposited in Magsaysay’s account at the Eisenhower-San Juan branch of Bank of Commerce, a Malacañang source said.

His personal data submitted to the House of Representatives showed he lives in the Eisenhower Tower, Eisenhower street, Greenhills, San Juan.

His wife, Cachola, was overheard as telling a friend that they would use the money to pay for a new house.

Mrs. De Venecia, when told that the P5 million could catch the attention of the Anti-Money Laundering Council, supposedly said she would just say she bought jewelry from Magsaysay, the source said.

In withdrawing his signature, Magsaysay, of the Alliance of Volunteer Educators, said that he made a mistake in signing the amended complaint and asked that his signature be removed.

Magsaysay is the son of the late Sen. Genaro Magsaysay, younger brother of President Ramon Magsaysay, and Delia Rodriguez, daughter of the late Senate President Eulogio “Amang” Rodriguez.

He is a cousin of Sen. Ramon Magsaysay Jr.

Rep. Magsaysay earlier claimed that he was offered P5.5 million in exchange for not signing the complaint.

His endorsement of the July 22 amended complaint, he said, was a result of his disgust that some administration solons had tried to “unduly influence” his decision.

( Manay Gina last week pa ito umuugong, saan galing iyang perang binibigay ninyo, galing sa tax namin iyan ah, kay Magsaysay pa lang yan, e yung iba pa na hindi pumirma at sa pag-maintain pa ng mga buwaya sa kongreso)



September 8th, 2005 at 11:12 pm

see how deep the rabbit hole goes?



September 8th, 2005 at 11:17 pm

too much complaining and talking will not accomplish anything to get rid of the corruot president and her allies.
If the people are indeed unhappy with the life with this cheating and lying president, then act now with your only option by protesting in the street and voicing your desire to rid the country of her.
you have to be ready to suffer as a consequence, even giving your life to attain the goal for the good of the country, just like our forefathers that allowed us to be independent from foreign rule.
Unite, protest and just like she and her allies did, show her that the numbers game work both ways.



September 8th, 2005 at 11:23 pm

A short article from


ILOCOS NORTE Representative Imee Marcos arrived in Manila from Singapore on Thursday night.

Marcos arrived at 8:37 p.m. at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport via Singapore Airlines flight SQ76.

Marcos, however, stayed at the arrival area for around 30 minutes while haggling with airport officials to allow her to use the ramp to evade newsmen who were waiting for her.

When she finally left the arrival area, she hid behind NAIA Assistant General Manager Octavio Lina while walking. She refused to talk to reporters.

Marcos exited the airport through a ramp near the tube and proceeded to a van that was waiting for her.



September 8th, 2005 at 11:31 pm

So much for Imee.

After signing the impeachment complaint and a no-show at the plenary – can she be impeached as well for betraying public trust?



September 9th, 2005 at 12:30 am

Ang dapat gawin ng mga demonstrators or rallyists, pag-alis ni GMA papuntang New York, abangan ang pag-uwi niya kung saan mang airport siya bababa at harangan ang malakanyang dahil wala na siyang babalikan.



September 9th, 2005 at 2:56 am

May nakakaalam ba sa inyo kong may nabubuong anti-Arroyo group dito sa U.S. lalo na dito sa California?
Alam ko na maraming Filipino ang galit dito kay Gloria. Siya ang pinag-usapan kahapon ng magpadala ako ng pera sa mga kamag-anak ko. Fake president daw.
Please let me know kong meron kayong alam. Thanks.


tongue in, anew

September 9th, 2005 at 4:13 am

Ferrum Mann said:

[…]Me and my colleagues are prepared to close our accounts in banks owned or run by GMA cronies, starting with Union Bank. This is the bank of Jose Pidal, owned by the Aboitiz family of Cebu(!), which is now the official depository bank of GSIS (Headed by another infamous Cebuano Winston Garcia) thanks to another bidding attended by questionable yardstick employed in the bid evaluation and award. If you or your family or your friends have accounts in this bank, don’t say you have not been warned.[…]

I also heard over the radio that RCBC will suffer from the suit filed by Pacific (or Lifetime ?) Plans as it is named as co-defendant. Luckily, I don’t have any account there. Let’s do it altogether, say on September 21?


tongue in, anew

September 9th, 2005 at 4:31 am

MItaMs said:

“susme, double jeopardy sa criminal court yon…impeachment nga ito. iba ang rules of impeachment. hindi nga sya sa judicial system kungdi sa kongreso dahil mainly political ang proceso na to. tignan mo…google mo lang “double jeopardy” at makikita mo…”

Hello! Langya di ka pala nanood ng impeachment nakikipagdebate ka dito. Di mo napanood how the GMA mafiosi cherry-picked laws, statutes, books, even constitutional provisions and Fr. Bernas’ statements, pati nga Cub Scout Law ginamit, pinilipit, para magsinungaling. O di mo lang naintindihan? Sa google pa nagresearch. umph..

Yung prejudicial questions, nasa impeachment procedures ba? Sa Constitution? Hindi mo yata naintindihan between the lines. Basta merong dahilan, kahit mali ipipilit para may pagbotohan lang. The rational is immaterial for as long as it goes to the vote, what is wrong will be right, what is right can be wrong. Basta may semblance of similarity to a law gagamitin nung mga gagong Tongressmen, “tutal, political naman ito, saka di naman kami abugado, saka na lang malalaman pag pinagbotohan sa Kogreso”.

Hindi mo ba narinig na ang pinagbotohan ng mas maraming hunghang na kesyo si Gloria raw ang nanalo sa kanilang distrito kaya hindi sila naniniwalang dapat maimpeach si Pandak?

Hindi mo ba nakita kung paano pinagpareho ang meaning ng “complaint” sa “proceeding” ayun daw sa Constitution?

Hindi mo ba alam na ang pagbobotohan lang dapat e ang nilalaman lang ng report na balewala ang 2 complaint dahil nauna ng 10 minutes iniabot ng Secretariat sa committee yung kay Lozano at yung kay Lozano raw e walang sustansiya? Again, cherry-picking?

Hindi mo rin ba alam na sa kongresong matitino sa buong mundo, ang gawain sa impeachment o recall, ay pagtibayin ang kahit walang kwentang reklamo gaya ng kay Lozano para maging maganda ang laban nito sa paghuhusga? Na kahit sa ating rules, hindi puwedeng idismiss ang impeachment complaint, pero ginawa?

Ang bulag may pag-asang makakita, pero yung nagbubulag-bulagan, wala.

Ang bingi may pag-asang makarinig pero yung nagbibingi-bingihan, wala.

Yung tanga kahit kelan tanga.

Again, Get Real! Grow up!



September 9th, 2005 at 4:59 am

Naku, attempted answer! Kahapon pa to eh, nag-isip ka pa ng isasagot mo? Besides, you’re not making any sense – pinaikot mo na pati bituka mo…

Tapos na ang unang impeachment at yun na yun. Someone did not do their homework and is now crying out to the public to support them so they can get a president they can control and do as they wish….ganun lang ka-simple yan at hindi pa din nakikita ng karamihan dito. Bakit kasi hindi inatupag ang impeachment nung una pa lang…isipin mo na lang. Sinakyan lang saka nag walkout na umpisa pa lang ang labanan. Alam nilang talo sila kasi hindi nila inatupag….inasahan nilang pagnadismiss sa kongreso (at hindi lang ito ang unang impeachment na na dismiss sa kongreso gaya ng sinsabi mo) magagalit ang tao at tatakbo lahat sa kalye.

Asan na ang mga milyon? Kahit ilang libo ang lumabas sa kalye, kung Metro Manila lang yan ay hindi representing the 80 million Filipinos around the country.

Kahit sino ang pumalit kay GMA, basta thru people power, maraming kauutangan yung taong yan at maiipit din tulad ni GMA kung meron isa or dalawa na hindi nya mapapagbigyan sa mga hihingin nila. Kaya dapat leagal measures ang tinitignan ng tao. Maski abutin ng mas matagal, basta sigurado. Wala din naman kasiguruhan ang people power – hindi basta magre-resign si GMA nang ganun na lang. She’s still standing, isn’t she?

Mark my words, punta lang kayo ng rally ngayon…..dito din ang bagsak natin. Learn from history.



September 9th, 2005 at 6:04 am

Tama lang na huwag muna tayong magbayad ng tax at huwag na ring tumaya sa jueteng para next year, pag file uli ng impeachment wala na silang pagkukuhanan ng pambayad sa mga congressman. Mga walanghiya talaga, makakapal ang apog. Makarma sana kayo sa ginawa niyo sa bayan. Si Way Kurat! Pa’no ba ‘yan naging congressman?
‘Di ako nagkamali kay Antonino Roman! The distinguished gentleman of Bataan.


tongue in, anew

September 9th, 2005 at 6:11 am


Bakit may expiration ba ang pag-reply dito? Sorry po, nag-golf kasi ako with a client kahapon sa Riviera, e..

Not making any sense, basahin nga ang post ko at post mo, sino walang sense, people?

You think that because the impeachment proponents were beaten to the draw by the modus operandi of Malacañang and the ever-so-impeaching Lozano (who was the same “pre-emptive” complainant against GMA when se was still VP) you can now draw the conclusion that the opposition did not do its job? Ahihihi!

Di ba dapat pinag-iisipan ang every move para siguruhin tama ang ginagawa. Entonces, inunahan na naman ni unthinking Lozano ang mga lawyers ng proponents sa Supreme Court kahapon at nag-file na naman ng walang kwentang pleading! Nagbabasa ka ba ng balita o dito ka lang sa blog umaamoy?

Kung merong nakikinig sa pulso ng tao, ito yung opposition. Sabi ng maraming mga katulad mo “wag kayong mag-rally, idaan yan sa proseso”. Which is what they actually did knowing that they will never stand a chance in Arroyo’s Congress. 28 lang sila, against 110. Sabihin mo nga kung lalaban ka ba ng basketball mag-isa laban sa lima? But notwithstanding the odds, they just wanted a fair chance to show what they have. which you know will never be allowed by Gloria and her gofers.

Anyways, I can’t help but admire the opposition for taking the honorable stance, doubly more those who were in the majority who had nothing to lose had they chosen not to stand on the higher moral ground – Barbers, Reyes, Jaworski, Roman, et al. Whose side are you on, the immoral one?

You further conclude that what they really they want is a president they can control. In your honest stu… mind do you think the other proponents will allow anyone to install a president that they have exclusive control of? You really believe that people will allow a puppet, anew?

Legal measures kamo, sabihin mo nga sa akin, kahit isa lang, anong legal measure na ginamit laban kay Pandak na hindi ginamitan ng influence, pera, paninira, false witnesses, criminal suit, etc? Meron na bang naresolve na anomalya sa gobyernong ito?

Alam mo MItaMS, hindi kailangan ng milyon, kahit siguro isangdaan lang kami, for as long as we stand for principled choices, we will be there. Afterwards, as I return home to my children I can proudly say “Mga anak, ang Daddy, kahit kailan, ipaglalaban ang tama kahit hindi siya manalo, huwag ninyong gagayahin yung iba na puro lang reklamo, wala namang aksiyon. Pag laki ninyo, wag kayong mandadaya, magnanakaw, magsisinungaling.” Ikaw ano sasabihin mo sa mga anak mo, MitaMS?

You did not learn from history…recent history even!



September 9th, 2005 at 6:14 am

MitaMS, You have hit the nail right on the head! Ang pinagtataka ko lang kung may drama pa na walk-out sa mga pro-impeachment congressmen. Seems to me that everything is staged. Tayo ang mga tao pa rin ang biktima. Tsk…Tsk… Pera pera lang talaga ang lahat ng ito!


tongue in, anew

September 9th, 2005 at 6:20 am

Sorry, typo:

“..28 lang sila against 110..”

Dapat “28 lang sila against 210(!!)


concerned citizen

September 9th, 2005 at 7:23 am

we are very much satisfied of the effort of our respectable congressmen/women. they did their homework very well. kaya lang maraming gumawa ng assignment sa kabila na dinaya homework. yung mali tinama at yung tama minali. kakatakot itong mga pinaggagawa ng mga alipores ni gloria. parang nababahala ako sa mga bata kasi legal na ang mangdaya at magsinungaling at magnakaw. huh! scary talaga. tapos pinapanigan pa nitong klaseng mga nababasa ko dito sa blog. what kind of people are they parang mga taga kongreso sabi nga ni congressman plaza ha? we all agree with your blogs mr. tounge in, a new. bravo! keep it up man!



September 9th, 2005 at 8:27 am

Wag na tayong magtalo, wala rin mangyayari,,,, Here’s my suggestion. Pagpapatayin nalang natin yung mga congressmen na bumoto ng ‘YES’, Isama na rin natin yung mga nag-sasabing mga tanga at bobo tayong mga galit kay GMA…… Tapos, lumabas din tayo sa TV at sabay-sabay tayong mag-sabi ng, “WE ARE SORRY”. GMA got away with the same statement, so can we. Protests alone will not work, we should couple it with civil disobedience. Mas takot ang gobyerno dun, kasi mauubos yung mga ninakaw nila at mawawalan sila ng pang-suhol.

LadyL…just sign-up with Black & White Movement (www.gmaresignnow.com) You can download a signature form from the site. Maybe you can also inquire if they have any information about the anti-GMA movement in California. Pag wala, why don’t you start one.



September 9th, 2005 at 9:24 am

To benign0

I would not call you a “dumb” but I think you mis-interpreted the Philippine version of Peoples Power. Like The first President that was installed by this kind of uprising who also like you believed that Peoples Power will prosper by just having that numbers of peoples in the street. Just for the rains these numbers are thinning plus other reasons (personal).

Kabayan, Edsa I and Edsa II had successfully launch because of the support of the military period. With out them these Peoples Power that you are encouraging (mostly of you) will end up getting nothing. Did you forget how many islands that our country had? How will you convince the rest of the country? With the logistics in the hands of the military those are possible.

In fact, I’d tried to count (before I write these) how many bloggers that are in favor of removing GMA at this site it is just less than a hundred. And these are the only people who are repeatedly lambasting the administration repeatedly.

Payong kapatid Kabayan, kung ninais nyong makumbinsi ang mga kababayan natin sa buong kapuloan ng ating bansa. Hindi ito imposible pero nangangailangan kayo ng teknolohiya na sa ngayon ay kayo-kayo lang ang may pagkakataon na makabasa at mag-kaintindihan. Paano na lang ang mga kababayan natin na walang computer at Internet connection? Alam ba nila ang pinag-usapan dito? Hindi ba ninyo na-realize ito? Bakit hindi ninyo lapitan ang mga mayayaman na mga narco politicians na gustong alisin si GMA para magkalat ng computers at Internet connections sa buong bansa. Siguro hindi kayo makapaniwala na may mga lugar sa ating bansa na hang-gang ngayon na hindi nakakabasa ng mga diyaryong nasyonal o lokal man laang. Buti na lang kung me transistor radyo sila sa bahay nila.

Kaya hindi epektibo ang Peoples Power na walang military support. Ubusin nyo man bawat segundo ng inyong buhay sa ka-ngak-ngak dito sa Internet mangilan-ilan lang ang makakaalam. Paano nyo makamit ang gusto ninyong iparating? Baka matulungan kayo ni Harry Potter.



September 9th, 2005 at 9:34 am

To: schumey

Isa ka pa Kabayan, sige nga pagpalanuhin nga nating kung papaano natin i-implement ang suhestyon mo. Maliban na lang kung may “anting-anting” ka na ipamigay sa mgaing kasama mo. Matanong nga kita; Papapaano natin malulusutan ang kanilang mga body guard para magawa nating ang binabalak mo. Sige nga kumbinsihin mo ang karamihan sa atin dito. Aba! Gusto mo yatang mag-suicide?

Kabayan, cool ka lang. Kung medyo mag-init ka madali lang yan, ganito lang ang simple mong gawin; Rx uminom ka ng isang basong tubig at pagkatapos magbitaw ka ng malalim na buntung hininga. At mag-isip…..

Paunti-unti na nga lang sumopurta dagdagan pa ng payo mo na may halong suicide Aba! Di lalong maubusan na tayo ng pag-asa niyan. Kuwidaw Kabayan.



September 9th, 2005 at 9:53 am

To: schumey

Add on;

Nag-encourage ka sa California? Eh sa Pinas (Kapital) pa lang kokunti na e doon pa sa California. Immigration reforms nga lang na para sa kabutihan ng kani-kanilang sariling pamilya hindi pa magkaisa iyong pag-protesta pa kaya. Hindi madaling pagkaisahin ang Pinoy kabayan. Kaya yumaman ang mga tsiko sa bansa natin dahil sa weakness na ito na sinamantala nila mula pa sa panahon ng kinanunoan natin. Ewan ko Kabayan.

With regard sa civil dis-obedience uulitin ko nakakalimutan na siguron hindi tayo isang boung kontinente kundi 7,100 islands. Aba paano mo imobilize ang mga Pinoy, how about the logistics. Ameica nga na superpower naubos ang apat na araw mago nakarating sa kalapit na estado ang tulong. Sa 7,100 island pa kaya? Hay naku! Isip, isip, isip, at isip pa, please……..



September 9th, 2005 at 9:56 am

Gloat gloat gloat 😀

O ano kayo ngayon? Another failed Fiesta Revolution in the books. ha ha! 😀

Yet another thing that the Philippines will become world-renowned for — failed “people power” revolutions.

And isn’t it ironic that the one that failed the most spectacularly was the one led by Ms. People Power herself — CORY AQUINO.

ha ha! 😀

Here is a eulogy to People Power — PINOY STYLE — written by Amando Doronila in an INQ7.net article:

“One of the “truths” that emerged from the dismissal of the impeachment complaints is that people power has been drained of its mystique as a magic formula to oust much-demonized leaders. The indiscriminate use of people power to overthrow unwanted leaders has drained its potency as a weapon for effecting political change. Its potency has been depleted by frequent use.

The sputtering of protests after the House vote should be a rude reality check to Cory Aquino. She has been deserted by people power. And nothing could be more pathetic.”


Me thinks that now would be a good time to publish a new http://www.getrealphilippines.com article to celebrate the occassion.

Stay tuned folks! 😀



September 9th, 2005 at 10:23 am

sus i post ba ang article ni doronila eh maka gma yan (naghihintay ma appoint maging ambassador na i think binasura ng senado!)

do you think yung people power 1 &2 happened overnight? at saka di si Cory ang namuno nun.. alam mo kung sino? go figure..

bat di nalang kaya mag sulat si doronila kung bakit he failed getting CA’s nod?



September 9th, 2005 at 10:26 am

I would just like to post my comment regarding foreign investors who are afraid to go on with their projects in this country because of the oust arroyo rallies. Correction po, matagal na pong takot ang mga investors dito even before this whole hello garci mess. I have a Belgian friend who owns a medium scale business in Laguna since the early 90s, he was forced to transfer his craft business to Indonesia last 2003, number 1 because of the kidnapping scare and number 2 dahil po sa hindi nya na matiis ang mga lagayan at red tape dito sa atin, sa tuwing galaw nya po ay puro hingi ng lagay ang mga government officials. Yun po ang reality.



September 9th, 2005 at 10:41 am

ferrum man,

as you suggest, i will boycott those companies.


soledad t. tubay

September 9th, 2005 at 11:40 am

Ano ba ang feeling ninyo mga tax payers sa tuwing nakikita ninyo ang mga nagpapasasa sa pinaghirapan nating kitain na pera? Habang ang mga opisyal ng gobyerno ay nagbabngayan at kung minsan ay nagpapatayan dahil sa kaban ng bayan which rightfully belongs to us,tayo naman ay halos makuba na sa paghahanapbuhay. Kailan pa kaya tototohanin ng mga opisyal na ito na tayong mga mamamayan ang amo at sila ay pinasusuweldo natin. Kung umasta ang mga ito, lalo na si Gonzales of DOJ, parang siya ang nagpapasuweldo sa atin. Baligtad di ba? Mayroon pa sa mga iyan na ayaw harapin ang mga constituents at maraming alibi. Ito ay ilan lamang sa mga pagpapatunay na halos di kinikilala ng mga opisyal ng bayan na sila ay representante lamang natin.



September 9th, 2005 at 11:59 am

the edsa “revolutions” that we have had should be viewed as nodal points, spasmodic outbursts of a lingering and deep-seated ecopol crisis. the real revolution, the big bang, has yet to come. nonetheless, it would be wrong to dismiss another edsa as outdated, passe. and malacanang drumbeaters seem to be doing just that, to reduce it to some kind of mob act, to discourage the people. hanggat hindi pa naitatayo ang tunay na gubyerno ng mamamayan, marami pang edsa ang masasaksihan. people will have their day, soon. salus populi est suprema lex – this is more supreme than anti-impeachment’s dura lex sed lex.



September 9th, 2005 at 12:26 pm

at this time di lang sa EDSA limited ang people power! we can go to the streets dun sa tapat ng bahay ng mga congressman natin!



September 9th, 2005 at 12:27 pm

napunta sa wala ang harsh words natin dito sa blog….. la talaga kwenta na pinas aalis na ko punta na lang ako disney land.. pinaghati hatian na nang mga congressman ang kayaman nang pinas… Bulok talaga pinas at mga pilipino… kainis naging pinoy pa ko…



September 9th, 2005 at 12:36 pm

username di kita masisi sa naramdaman mo ngayon.. pero kung ayaw mo maging pinoy.. try mo maging hapon tapos maghara-kiri ka na ngayon din..



September 9th, 2005 at 12:53 pm

sa lahat ng mga naniniwala na kailangan nang patalsikin si gloria, nais ko sanang ipakiusap na tigilan na natin ang pakikipagtalo sa mga taong patuloy na nagtatanggol sa kanya. i believe that no argument will suffice to sway them over to our side. ang kailangan natin ay abutin yung mga taong wala pang paninindigan. let us stop answering the blogs posted by grandstanding minions of arroyo and instead channel our efforts into discussing ways of hastening her downfall. let us think of other ways of manifestating of our collective disgust aside from the mass actions. i am sure that we can come up with other forms of protest. equally important is a discussion on the post gloria scenario that will be most widely accepted among the broad spectrum of the flipinos.



September 9th, 2005 at 1:14 pm

marubdob said,
September 9, 2005 @ 12:53 pm
i believe that no argument will suffice to sway them over to our side. ang kailangan natin ay abutin yung mga taong wala pang paninindigan. let us stop answering the blogs posted by grandstanding minions of arroyo and instead channel our efforts into discussing ways of hastening her downfall


The way I read what you are saying above, it seems you have appointed yourself as judge and executioner. What gives YOU the authority to do that? If you presume yourself to be an advocate of democracy, why do you exhibit this lynch mob mentality reminiscent of primitive societies?

Whatever the outcome of whatever procedure — BASTA GUILTY, and then you go about plotting your summary execution.

I believe what you are suggesting is tantamount to SEDITION. You are inciting rebellion which is I believe a criminal act.

Such talk is probably ok while the case is open. Now that Congress has officially dismissed the impeachment case and officially cleared the President of all charges she is DE FACTO re-established as the legitimate president of the Republic, any further speculation on her guilt is considered a mere OPINION. In orderly and more mature states, once the hammer of a judge (i.e., a REAL one) falls, the discussion is concluded — full stop.

But hey, of course, these words don’t scare anyone here (or so they would claim since Pinoys are by nature *pa-macho-epek* in the primitive sense). My point is that in a WORKING state with SERIOUS institutions, the state will prosecute anyone who exhibits this kind of behaviour against a duly-installed officer of the State.

Then again, this is the Philippines, a society with a deeply ingrained CULTURE OF CRIME. This is a concept I discuss in detail in the following article:


Happy reading! 😀



September 9th, 2005 at 1:28 pm

It takes time and social momentum to unleash an upheaval.

Social uprisings do not solely rest on the clarion call of particular personalities.

It’s the meeting of the people’s minds, the tapping into the collective consciousness, the gathering and unifying of symbols of dissent, that produces the groundswell which erupts into an energetic dismantling of existing social orders.

But there will be respites. Looking back, it took us 300 years to unburden the Spanish yoke, 20 years to topple a dictator, 15 years to regenerate a mass uprising.

But when the moment arrives, those who foolishly undermined the capacity of the people to unite and defy the powers that be, will find themselves in the most woeful state as they find their versions of ancien regime crumble.

Nothing can be more sorrier than to see the faces of those Spanish peninsulares and frailes while they were being surrounded in Intramuros by Filipino insurrectos.

Or Marcos, as he was being ferreted out to Hawaii while insisting to take refuge in Paoay.

Or Erap, while he was being ferried out of Malacanang while the militant groups were marching towards Mendiola.

Yup, in this conflict-ridden country of ours, political storms may take time to brew, but they are sure to make landfall.



September 9th, 2005 at 1:29 pm

twisted brow and marubdob tama ang sinabi nyo. pero isa si Benign0 – i’d like you to direct to todays column of rina jimenez david mas meron dating yan sa sinasabi ni doronilla.



September 9th, 2005 at 1:46 pm

Thanks for the information, Schumey.

Kong sakaling hindi aalis si Gloria ay ang mabuti pa seguro ay ‘wag na
tayong magbayad ng taxes habang siya ay nananatiling nasa Malacanang. Kinukurakot lang naman ang perang ating pinaghirapan, eh di mas mabuti na lang na tayo ang diretsahang makikinabang. Ang mga infrastructures naman sa aking tingin ay pawang sub-standard. Tulad na lang ng mga daan, pagkatapos ng ilang taon ay lubak-lubak at sira-sira na ulit. Noong ako ay umuwi ng Pilipinas, ako ay talagang natatawa sa tuwing nakikita ko ang mga billboards kong saan ini-advertise na courtesy ni Congressman so and so or di ba kaya ni Gloria with matching picture pa ang mga projects. Parang sarili nilang pera ang ginastos. Sa district namin, may project ang aming Congressman na isang covered court for the youth. That would have been okay but what’s so funny is that only half of the court is covered while the other half remains uncovered. I asked why and the answer I got was that, the other half still has to go into bidding. I can hardly believe what I heard. Why start a project if you still have to bid half of it. Why not bid the whole project in the first place. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. No wonder our country is so screwed up.

“The price of apathy towards public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”



September 9th, 2005 at 2:13 pm

Naku, ang tagal na niyang mga incidents of politicians plastering their names and faces over various public works they supposedly initiated.

Why is it only now that they are being highlighted? Obviously, and true to the inconsistent form of the Pinoy, these displays of grandstanding by politicians have been TOLERATED and even LAPPED UP HUNGRILY by the hollow-headed public for the longest time.

Wag na kayong mag-tututuro diyan, dahil sa bawat turo ay may tatlong daliring nagtuturo sa inyo.

ha ha! 😀


concerned citizen

September 9th, 2005 at 4:03 pm

i second demotion to marubdob. tama ka dont mind other bloggers. KSP lang yang mga yan. pinoprovoke lang kayo. hayaan nyo na lang sila. iyun at iyon din naman ang sinasabi. mamaya punta tayo sa inter-faith prayer gathering sa de la salle u sa greenhills 7:15 pm and balita ko meron din sa plaza miranda. suportahan po natin. see you all there!



September 9th, 2005 at 4:05 pm

yes meron po sa plaza miranda.

see you there.



September 9th, 2005 at 5:51 pm


I have three questions for you.

“Are you happy with the way things are going in your country?”

“If not, do you wish that it could have been something better?”

“If yes, if given the chance to make your wishes for this country to come true, would you do anything and everything?”

I’m gonna wait for your reply…



September 9th, 2005 at 6:09 pm


ang isasagot sa yo ni benignO e (parang awa nyo na) basahin nyo na po yung website nya.

pinoy sya eh.

ha ha!



September 9th, 2005 at 7:39 pm

sinningsaint said:


ang isasagot sa yo ni benignO e (parang awa nyo na) basahin nyo na po yung website nya.

pinoy sya eh.

ha ha!





September 9th, 2005 at 7:55 pm

Good day Bloggers!

Administrator, thank you for giving me these oppurtunity to post my comments again. Rest assured, I will adhere to your blog rules as much as possible. Thank you also for posting back my comments here. More power to PCIJ!

Noelet, I’m back now. Sorry if I have hurt your pride. I should have been very modest with my comments. However, thats what it is. I don’t want to make fool of myself posting ideas that does not reflect my own sentiments. Hope you understand.

At personal level, I believe I am a pure Filipino contrary to what you insinuate, bacause few months ago when my employers here in U.K announced that the HRD personnel are willing to come to the Philippines to hire more workers like me with free visa processing, my heart really sings. Because I knew, these could mean better way of living, better income for our hopeful unemployed Pinoys. I was very much frustrated when there was a sudden change of heart for HRD personnel not come to the Philippines. Their reasons were very clear, its not with Juetengate and Garci issues plaguing the president, but they fear steet protests risks their security when they come here.. I have tried to convince them to reconsider their Philippine visit and let them understand that street protest are not new in the Philippines. Assuring them that they have no security risk inspite of the protests. To no avail, my convincing them was futile and instead hire India OFW’s to curb such labor shortage. To date, I have no more succeeding Filipino batches hired in my company. Same with the hiring of Filipino nurses, who is more favored before but now Indian Nurses are the one’s substituting us.

Now, knowing my side of the story, can you still blame me for having a sceptical attitude towards street protests, Noelet? I doubt it, because you are even sceptical of my exact location. You even accuse me of defending PANDAKEKOK. Check my IP Address.



September 9th, 2005 at 8:43 pm

Cory Aquino’s joining the pro-impeachment and the supposed another people power attempt is bad for the crowd. Remember , she was our ultimate hope why EDSA 1 materialized. So much hope, that people become so frustrated that her platform of bringing down prices of commodities( as shown in her infamous galonggong adverts) instead soared high, living conditions became more bitter, unemployment rate was high, crime was very prevalent, there was military agitations within their ranks, and a lot more.She was supposed to be just a pure housewife but we pushed for her presidency instead. Owing our freedom from Ninoy’s cause.

However, her failing us is a one reason to believe why the causes for another people power will not succeed. Having her around is not good for another People Revolt. She herself was a symbol of FAILURE.



September 9th, 2005 at 9:25 pm


Allow me to search your reason…

“Their reasons were very clear, its not with Juetengate and Garci issues plaguing the president, but they fear steet protests risks their security when they come here..”

People marches on to the streets? Tell me why?

Yes. Its because of the Juetengate… its because of the Garci tapes. And unfotunately, your not a Brit to make excuses about the protest. As you yourself admitted – a true blue Pinoy with a radical past – the more for you to understand reasons.

As Brit will look at any country for Business purpose… not that we don’t want it. But their reasoning is understandable in their own perspective. They don’t care whether pandak is guilty or not. They just care about the business environment.

But we Pinoys must show that we opposes corruption… that we demand accountability…

If you believe we have a crisis, its because we are in a crisis… and the solution is not to pretend business-as-usual but to establish a clear conscience.



September 9th, 2005 at 9:36 pm

Cory might not be a proper historical figure for the job to lead.

That’s is an opinion.

We can’t ALL blame her why her adminitration failed on its promises. For one, Marcos money and sentiments are causing destabilization… then there’s the politics of power and greed.

Back then many wanted more for himself.

Cory is a leader and she stands to be one. Where impeachment was defeated (NEVER FAILED), when the opposition seek leadership, when the masses wanted guidance… there’s no Sin now.

There is Cory.

And everybody will say oh its Kris and its Hacienda Luisita or that she’s just a housewife.

Cory is a leader too at a time nobody is tanding to be one.



September 9th, 2005 at 9:58 pm

Know why people power is not working now? Its the people surrounding Cory na mga pula at mga pikon…and it’s Cory herself. Wala syang credibility dito dahil sya mismo ay nag-support kay GMA last year. Her term as president was not without problems (Kamag-Anak Inc, coups) – hindi chismis yon. nangyari at nakita natin lahat and people remember that. People know that her real objective here is saving HER 1987 constitution which is full of flaws and concessions to the Catholic Church. Cha Cha ang talagang malaking kalaban nya dahil ang 1987 constitution ang kanyang legacy sa bayan.

Go back to 2000 and the subsequent rallies against Erap, nauna ang tao sa kalye bago man may lumabas na lider. Gabi yon, pagakatapos bumoto ang senado na hindi bubuksan ang second envelope. Hindi masa ang unang lumabas kungdi middle-class. Ang tawag sa kanila ngayon ay middle forces at hindi pa sila lumalabas sa kalye….

Today, sa dami ng lider at mga panawagan lumabas, mahina pa din ang daly ng tao. May mga nagrereklamo pa sa traffic. It’s not working, someone has to be more creative. Or be patient and get started on the 2006 impeachment complaint.



September 9th, 2005 at 10:37 pm

Let me put this correction to the above post:

Supporting Arroyo last year is not the same as condoning cheating. Last year election is different from last month’s Garci revelation.

Put some intellect into it, say em, MitaMS?



September 9th, 2005 at 11:08 pm

I admire your being so opinionated. Stick with what you believe is right and proper. It is part of a growing process. You maybe right and I maybe wrong. Bottomline is, your generation is no different from my youthful generation. We both seek justice and truth. We both search for someone accountable for our poverty and discomforts. My younger years clamor for corruption to stop and the same advocacy you seek with your generation. Right? Even though we know that corruption per se universal in nature. Suffice to say, we sing the same songs, Noelet. And I perfectly understand the peoples sentiments, because not all of us are given better opportunities to live comfortably.

Now with CORY.

You said that, “We can’t ALL blame her why her adminitration failed on its promises. For one, Marcos money and sentiments are causing destabilization… then there’s the politics of power and greed.”


Is this not what is happening now? After Cory, Ramos followed suit. How may street protests did he encounter? ( I was very proud then, I was one of those clamoring for his ouster on the streets, we were gratified by U.S. pull-out, etc.) Then Erap came, although champion of the masses, but was hounded by much critism here and abroad, probably a victim of politicians cancelling each other out. Now pandakekok, same fate. Do you actually believe the next successor won’t encounter the same plight? Have you considered checking the pattern? Each presidents were influenced by the clout of AUSTERITY MEASURES, IMF and Worldbank imposed. These are the real contributors to our economic havoc. Bringing with it social and political instability.

I guess you already knew about these austery measures, but to give info to the uninformed ones, I would like to recap, the following sample measures;

1. Active privatization of state-run industries.- leading to massive lay-
offs with no social security provision and the loss of efficient
services to remote or poor areas.
2.Reducing government expenditure, by making public-sector
jobless, freezing salaries, and making cuts in health, education and
social welfare services.
3. Currency devaluation and export promotion- leading to the soaring
cost of imports, land use changed for cash crops, and reliance on
international commodity markets.
4. Raising interest rates to tackle inflation- putting small companies out
of business.
5. Removal of price controls- leading to rapid price rises for basic
goods and services.

Now, let me know if these things are not happening at this very moment. If it didn’t, then I would gladly accept that I was wrong.



September 9th, 2005 at 11:14 pm

INQUIRER NEWS ITEM: Pro-impeach solons give up on SC, to take case to streets

What more can I say? Will you still play blind?



September 9th, 2005 at 11:21 pm

Anong pinagsasabi mo?? Ang buong gulo na to stemmed from the elections last year! At ano ang revelation from Garci last month?? June pa lumabas ang balitang Garci tape…3 buwan nang nakaraan.

Hindi ito forum ng pataasan ng ihi puede ba. Exchange of ideas and opinions to at hindi sinong mas may intellect. Kung yun ang plano mo sa pag-participate dito at ang game plan mo eh paramihan ng posts, lalabas at lalabas na talo ka pa din sa intellect department

so tigilan mo na yang kakasabi na bobo ang hindi sang-ayon sa opinyon mo bago mapansin ng mga readers dito na BABBLING IDIOCY ang pinapakita mo.



September 9th, 2005 at 11:21 pm

We are different.

Ramos doesn’t have much as a post-martial law environment than Cory. The constitution was drafted at the time of Cory. And always, the most vocal chant on the streets was No To Imperialism – those anti-US stand.

You might have others reason’s but you always burn US flag.

Now the streets are burning Gloria’s effigy. Different?

It is in the principle, responsibility and the need to account.

Yes. Accountability.

We don’t just discover anti-masses policy but we discover a immoral act that betrayed every single Filipino on the planet – that is Gloria Macapagal Arroyo.

The battle is not against anti-poor policies but against a wrong doing that gives cloud of doubt to the ability of this president to govern.



September 9th, 2005 at 11:28 pm

So what your point, MitaMS? trying to sneak-in?

Hindi ka naman siguro pinanganak kanina no? Or are you? We know when the Garci tape erupted and I dont have to speak of it everytime.

Tanga ka ba? O nagbobobobobohan? O para masabi lang na tama ka for a while?



September 9th, 2005 at 11:31 pm

Oh MitaMS… yohoooo!

Kita mo naman papuri ni dakdakero:

“I admire your being so opinionated.”

Inggit ka ba kaya ganyan ka magpost? Aba’y dami ko naitanong sayo halos wala ka maisagot. So where’s that intellect?



September 9th, 2005 at 11:32 pm

Wag ka mabulag sa dami ng post… kung wala ka rin lang masabi mas maganda tumahimik ka na lang.



September 9th, 2005 at 11:41 pm

MitaMS, baka sumagot ka pa ha… kasi out na ko. Mamaya kasi baka me timer ka ulit jan… pag nagreply ako bukas sabihin mo time’s up na to reply.


Dito sa taas ng blog na to may mga tanong pa jan para sayo na nilalaktawan mo. If you still have time to review these questions go ahead… maybe by next week makaisip ka na ng sagot.

Come on, my dear brother MitamS to the highest… show us your intellect.

Don’t be shy.



September 9th, 2005 at 11:51 pm

So MitaMS without Garci tapes tingin mo mayroon kayang gulo sa election last year?

NOTE: To save you some time just answer with a Yes or No or Y/N would do.



September 9th, 2005 at 11:58 pm

One more post please… hindi pa maabot ng ihi ko ihi ni MitaMS. Mmmmm cge malapit na.

There are indications of election fraud last year as attested to by the charges and counter-charges between FPJ and Arroyo camp. But last year these issues was isolated to the two camps, alone.

The revelation of the Garci tapes is this:

Listen, MitaMS.

It brings the public as the third force. Now the cheating is between Arroyo, FPJ and the public. See the surveys.

No surveys made last year relates to cheating – no impeachment, no truth commission and no “im sorry…”



September 10th, 2005 at 12:03 am

We are no different, Noelet. We have burn president’s effigies. Me burning Ramos, You pandakekok. The same line of argument about corruption. Don’t be offended, but our time was more lively and envigorating. Added spices na lang yong imperialism, neo-colonialism, privatization of government run industries, IMF debt servicing, etc. My younger years are more focused on removing a sitting president and that is Mr. Tobacco Ramos.

Now with all that I have been through, three presidents have past. It’s all the same- carping protests. The only difference I know now is that more shady characters are joining the bandwagon to topple the president in the person of pandakekok. Imee Marcos whose family is responsible for depleting our resources and primary instigator to multi-billion dollar loans, Lacson for kuratong rub-out, Erap whose vying for a venditta seeking the same office, etc. Whoever your supposed next president is, I’m sure the same plight can be experienced.

I don’t want to force something on your throat. I even would like you to go on with what you believe is right and wrong. One thing is sure, you can’t contradict my opinion because these things will be happening after the ouster of Pandakekok. The same de ja vu look-alike experience she is experiencing now. I tell you there is no real peace. So long as poverty is there. You want to bet?



September 10th, 2005 at 12:12 am

LOL! opinionated is not papuri…babbling…nuff said…



September 10th, 2005 at 12:43 am

You can’t fault Cory for turning her back on Mrs. Arroyo. She has her own principles just like the rest of us. Kahit na sinong matinong tao ay mahirap talagang e-sikmura ang ginawang pandaraya, panloloko at pang-aabuso ni Gloria. Simulat’s bata pa tayo ay ipinamulat na ng ating mga magulang na ang pandaraya at panloloko sa kapwa ay mali at kasalanan sa diyos. Kaya ang mali dapat gawing tama. Ang ating prinsipyo at dangal ng ating bansa ang pinaglalaban natin dito.



September 10th, 2005 at 1:47 am

No one is faulting Cory turning his back on pandakekok. Its her shared failure of governance with the rest of her succesors that makes the difference. My point is, her joining the bandwagon is no good. She has become a symbol of failure in her years of governance. Suffice to say, she doesn’t have the credibility to topple another president because she herself was a failure. Same as with Tobacco Ramos, protecting GMA. These presidents have done nothing to curb poverty. Bakit nakisawsaw pa rin sila sa politika?


tongue in, anew

September 10th, 2005 at 4:59 am

Kakainis na ang pinaguusapan e yung shortcomings ng previous leaders! That’s the very same kind of tactics being employed by Doña Gloria and her gang of more than forty thieves. Sirain mo yung tao, therefore, sira yung pinaglalaban niya. What failed logic!

Lagi na lang, pag may bahong pinasisingaw ang sinuman laban kay Pandak, ang tinitira e iyung background, motives, pati personal na buhay hahalukayin pero iisa ang common, HINDI SINASAGOT ANG ISSUE!
Diba ganyan ang taktika laban kay Sandra Cam/Boy Mayor/Bishop Cruz, Louie Zuce, Samuel Ong, Capt. Mendoza, Antonio Trillanes, Panfilo Villaruel, Panfilo Lacson at marami pa.Tapos, kung hindi matigil kahit siniraan at pag nagpersist ang problema, kakasuhan ng inciting to sedition, ire-“rescue” ang witness, babawiin ang affidavit, maglalabas ng mga pekeng counter accusers/witnesses, etc.

Meron pang isang di ko na maalala yung pangalan na nagsabing pinadaan pa siya sa kusina ng Malacañang dahil humingi ng shares si Avelino Cruz para kay Pandak sa Telecoms Clearing Corporation. Ang sagot ng Malacañang e Canadian citizen daw kaya di dapat paniwalaan.

Yung German na taga-Frapport AG na nagbulgar dun sa consultant ni Gloria (si Tan-Climaco ba yon?) na nanhihingi ng P70M para kay Mike Arroyo para mabayaran sila sa ginastos sa NAIA Terminal #3 at aalisin na sa mga Cheng (PIATCO) yung kontrata? Ang ginawa ng DFA, di binigyan ng renewal ng ACR kaya lumayas na bago pa ideport.

Yung nireklamo ng Magdalo Group, may nangyari na ba? Yung mga Taiwan plastic na helmet imbes na Kevlar; yung umeescort na Navy ships sa mga smugglers; widespread daw ang conversion at ghost deliveries; sino na naparusahan? Meron pala – yung Magdalo mismo!
Pati negosyo ng nanay niyang vans isinabit pa.

Nung nag recant si Mawanay at sinabing binayaran lang siya ni Mike Arroyo kaya siya nagsinungaling nung isabit niya si Lacson sa drug trade, (at Noli De Castro at Loren Legarda sa cellphone scam kuno) kinasuhan ba ng DOJ si FG Arroyo? o kahit si Mawanay? Ang purpose lang naman ng Baboy na si Mike e walang makalaban yung asawa niyang garapata pag nageleksiyon!

Yung Jose Pidal, may naparusahan bang bank official man lang dahil sa pagpayag sa alias sa bank account name? Hindi na bale yung anti-money laundering commission, inutil na tanggapan yan ng gobyerno. Yung mga boiler room syndicates nga na pinatatakbo ng mga foreigners disguised as call centers, dito nakakalusot e, si Arroyo pa?
Si Iggy Arroyo, bukod sa nangungupahan lang ng mumurahing apartment sa Negros aangkinin yung daang milyong pera ni Jose Pidal?

Yung kay Panfilo Villaruel, di pa man nasasabi kung ano ibubulgar, pinatay na kaagad. Dinig na dinig ko sa radyo yung ungol niya sa cellphone pagkatapos ratratin ng di pakinggan yung pagsurrender niya.

O ano, diba? Hanggang ngayon di pa nare-resolve itong mga issue lalo na yung jueteng lagayan sa La Vista ano ang sagot sa mga binulgar ni Zuce? Natatawa pa rin ako pag naaalala ko yung pagtatanggol ni Lito Lapid sa padron niyang mga Pineda “Puro kayo Baby Pineda ng Baby Pineda. Sigurado ka bang galing kay Baby Pineda yung pera? Paano kung galing yun kay PGMA at ibinigay lang kay Baby Pineda?” Bwahahahihihi! Nakakatawa man ang Kabalen ni Gloria, nakakainis naman yung nagmeeting ang mga operator, bangka, kabo, kubrador, rebisador, pulis, barangay, pati mga konsehal sa Pampanga na nagrereklamo pag ipinatigil ang jueteng. May isang daang tao na na-cover pa ng media, putris, hindi hinuli! Nasaan yung Dura Lex Sed Lex?
Dapat, hinakot yung mga iyon at ikinulong sa preso. Nagpainterview pa!
Si Mosqueda, nakakulong na ba? Parang nakita ko pang nag-gogolf sa Southwoods nung isang linggo a.

May katuturan ba yung hirap at panganib na pinagdaanan sa expose ni Bishop Cruz? May kinasuhan na ba ang DOJ sa mga Jueteng lords, protectors, payola beneficiaries? Ang narinig lang sa gobyerno, e mula daw sa 3 strikes, 1 strike na lang yung station commander. Kaya pala tuloy na naman ang ligaya, hanggang station commaner lang.

Yung HelLo Garci, kaisaisang inamin ni Kutong Lupa wala pa rin.

KUNG AYAW NILANG KUMILOS, E DI WAG! Tutal, me trabaho naman sila, nakakabili pa nga ng prepaid internet o nakakapag internet cafe naman sila e, okey na ang buhay nila.

Ano ba naman kung gawin silang gago ng gobyerno, ok lang maliit lang naman ang tax na ipinanakaw nila. Isa pa yung mga Congressman nga nagpaka-gago sila pa?

Ano ba naman kung lumaki yung mga anak nilang sinungaling, magnanakaw, mandaraya, uso naman e. Malay mo …. maging presidente pa ng Pilipinas!



September 10th, 2005 at 6:30 am

tongue in, mukhang binuhos mo na sama ng loob mo…good thing there is this blog that could be your outlet among with others…

maybe the thoerists in this blog could explain why people are not still moving and seem tolerant of what’s been happening. a lot of reasons are being offered including being bulag, pipi, bingi, tanga at bobo. some find futility in their causes. some could not care less though…



September 10th, 2005 at 8:44 pm


Why don’t somebody create a groupsite for those people;

1) who is not a member of any movement,

2) yet support the cause for truth and GMA’s departure.

Count us in!

Who knows, maybe we might be able to form our own independent group and a collective voice in this crisis. :)



September 10th, 2005 at 9:17 pm

Vault said,
September 10, 2005 @ 8:44 pm


Why don’t somebody create a groupsite for those people;

1) who is not a member of any movement,

2) yet support the cause for truth and GMA’s departure.

Count us in!

Who knows, maybe we might be able to form our own independent group and a collective voice in this crisis.





September 10th, 2005 at 9:22 pm


Why don’t somebody create a groupsite for those people;

1) who is not a member of any movement,

2) yet support the cause for truth and GMA’s departure.


paki add ang no. 3

3) Without party affiliations, without reservations, without hidden motives and personal interest on gov’t. positions.



September 10th, 2005 at 11:15 pm




September 10th, 2005 at 11:33 pm

kavenishi said,
September 10, 2005 @ 9:17 pm


Hey kevenishi,

Why don’t you create the groupsite :) like in yahoogroups…. feel free to think of the site name. Anybody who agrees with the 3 criteria mentioned will be welcome in our group.

I know a lot of people will join in, specially those who wants to participate in prayer rallies, meeting with other anti-GMA forces, and even street protests but don’t know anybody affiliated with other groups. Hopefully through this groupsite we can be able to organize, meet up, and attend our prefered protest action……coz I for one don’t want to go on rallies alongside any group with political affiliation. I rather be in the middle, like what you’ve said….NO HIDDEN MOTIVES and PERSONAL INTEREST IN POLITICS.

I can bring in a couple of friends if this works :)



September 10th, 2005 at 11:36 pm




September 10th, 2005 at 11:53 pm

R – I – P





September 11th, 2005 at 12:37 am

Vault said,
September 10, 2005 @ 11:33 pm

kavenishi said,
September 10, 2005 @ 9:17 pm


Hey kevenishi,

Why don’t you create the groupsite like in yahoogroups…. feel free to think of the site name. Anybody who agrees with the 3 criteria mentioned will be welcome in our group.

I know a lot of people will join in, specially those who wants to participate in prayer rallies, meeting with other anti-GMA forces, and even street protests but don’t know anybody affiliated with other groups. Hopefully through this groupsite we can be able to organize, meet up, and attend our prefered protest action……coz I for one don’t want to go on rallies alongside any group with political affiliation. I rather be in the middle, like what you’ve said….NO HIDDEN MOTIVES and PERSONAL INTEREST IN POLITICS.

I can bring in a couple of friends if this works


This is a good Idea! Count me in.

I created a yahoogroups for us guys, its;


I took the liberty to create the site because I think, this is my only contribution and support to you guys. I will be leaving the Philippines in a week or two, for good, so I might not be able join in the CAUSE, but I will be with you in spirit!

For TRUTH!!!



September 11th, 2005 at 1:36 am

This is a good Idea! Count me in.

I created a yahoogroups for us guys, its;


I took the liberty to create the site because I think, this is my only contribution and support to you guys. I will be leaving the Philippines in a week or two, for good, so I might not be able join in the CAUSE, but I will be with you in spirit!

For TRUTH!!!


Guys to those who wants to join, just go to;





September 12th, 2005 at 10:32 am

sinningsaint and pleigh,

Alam ko pinoy si benign0, gusto ko lang maintindihan kung saan siya nanggagaling bago ko pansinin yung mga blogs niya at yung website. All he has to do is answer those three questions. Baka kasi nag-aaksaya lang ako ng panahon sa kanya…


I’m still waiting…



September 12th, 2005 at 10:42 am


Alam ko pinoy si benign0, gusto ko lang maintindihan kung saan siya nanggagaling —->> WHO CARES?!?!!




September 12th, 2005 at 10:48 am


and don’t wait for his reply anymore. NEVER syang sumagot sa mga ganyang tanong, maniwala ka… andami na dito sa pcij blog nagtanong sa kanya ng ganyan, pero harinawa, hanggang ngayon, wala naman syang masabi…. poprovide lang sya links sa website(s) nya… na i think wala namang ibang laman kundi pinagtagpi-tagpi at re-phrased excerpts from other people’s articles…

and that’s the truth.



September 12th, 2005 at 11:41 am

ok…let’s just ignore him…



September 12th, 2005 at 5:54 pm

Move on, people. Walang magagawa ang rally rally na yan lalo pa’t ang mga nakikita natin diyan ay mga ipokrito na may kanya-kanyang agenda rin sakaling mapatalsik si GMA.



September 12th, 2005 at 6:04 pm

Saan malalaman kung may rally sked this week? Paki post na lang po dito sa blog para malaman ng lahat. Lets take the oppurtunity habang wala si pandak ngayon sa Pilipinas.



September 12th, 2005 at 6:05 pm

SELENE…MOVE ON….MOVE TO MARS, kung saan hindi na dadami ang mga katulad mo….meanwhile, please check my article:


Happy Reading!



good egg

September 13th, 2005 at 6:56 pm

nakow walang patutunguhan yan dahil mga walang kwenta din ipapalit nyo. usda_gradeameat magmove ka sa mars baka mas masarap managinip dun.


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Citizens’ congress to hear and examine evidence in aborted Arroyo impeachment case

October 26th, 2005 at 1:39 pm

[…] Earlier, some civil-society organizations had pushed for a people’s tribunal that would have been conducted parallel to the impeachment trial in the Senate. But the idea was criticized by Malacañang as being akin to a "kangaroo court." […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Citizens’ Congress opens not with a bang but with a fistfight

November 8th, 2005 at 7:54 pm

[…] Once outside, they got into a fistfight with some of the CCTA supporters. UP Police broke up the scuffle and arrested two of the protesters belonging tothe Alliance for Nationalism and Democracy, an anti-communist group. Meanwhile, the proceedings resumed in the main hall. Around 2,000 delegates and guests from various sectors attended the four-hour hearing today. The creation of the CCTA, which was initiated by the Bukluran Para sa Katotohanan, was brought about by the dismissal of the impeachment complaint in Congress in September 7, 2005. […]



February 19th, 2006 at 11:24 am

It would be interesting to know what % of our population remains apathetic to the political situation.
Because it is sad to observe, how the nation doesn’t fight and demand for the truth from our PUBLIC OFFICIALS.
Years later, we can study this case and feel ashamed that Filipinos are a people that do not seem to stand for good values. We have 1 good fist fighter and a multitude of good singers. Who are Filipinos? What do they stand for?
Observe the great nations: USA, UK, Singapore, Hong Kong (We can all stick our heads in the ground when China will be considered a 1st world country). A common feature of their people is the capability and willingness to demand the best values from their PUBLIC OFFICIALS. (There are responsibilities from being a PUBLIC OFFICIAL)


Ruffling some cocky feathers | Filipino Voices

October 21st, 2008 at 11:34 am

[…] of outrage directed against the honourable Congressmen who junked the impeachment bid, a “concerned citizen” commented: “MAJORITY RULES! who’s the majority you think ha? those trapos in […]

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