THE PCIJ’s latest story, a one-part report by Malou Mangahas, a member of the PCIJ board of editors, uncovers a million-dollar contract signed by the Arroyo government to retain the services of an American law firm to lobby for charter change in the U.S. government.

The contract was signed by National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales Jr. on July 25, the same day that Mrs. Arroyo delivered her State of the Nation Address and announced that "it is time to start the great debate on charter change."

The PCIJ has copies of the contract and other disclosure documents filed with the U.S. Department of Justice by Venable LLP, the U.S. law firm that will get paid $75,000 per month plus expenses for one year.

We got in touch with Venable, who confirmed the contract’s existence but declined to give details. None of the government officials we talked to, however, have any knowledge of the contract, which was apparently made in great haste and secrecy.

Read the report at

198 Responses to Despite hard times, Arroyo hires pricy foreign consultants for charter change



September 13th, 2005 at 7:04 pm

whatever gloria does no longer surprises me…ang di ko lang alam ay kung ito ba ay bunga ng katangahan o kakapalan ng mukha…



September 13th, 2005 at 7:26 pm

d3dma said,
September 13, 2005 @ 7:04 pm

whatever gloria does no longer surprises me…ang di ko lang alam ay kung ito ba ay bunga ng katangahan o kakapalan ng mukha…

maybe both….



September 13th, 2005 at 7:42 pm

Kapal talaga ng mukha ng bansot na ito. Belt tightening daw pero siya ang lumulustay ng salapi ng Pilipinas. To lobby for grants and loans para saan, para marami na namang ……….. ang pamilya niya at mga alipores niya. Kung ano ang liit nitong bruhang ito, siya namang kapal ng mukha niya.



September 13th, 2005 at 8:09 pm







concerned citizen

September 13th, 2005 at 8:16 pm

wow! that’s 4.2 million pesos per month! di pa kasama dito ibang expenses. syempre kasabwat dito si fvr. jdv at iba pang alipores ni arroyo, kasi sila makikinabang sa charter change lalo na mga tongressmen. basta tungkol sa kanilang survival, they will do everything and anything at all cost. kaya ubos na pondo ng bayan dahil dito sa mga transactions ni arroyo. ang tindi talaga ng kagarapalan at kakapalan ng mukha. sobra na. we can no longer tolerate the bogus president. RESIGN!! OUST GLORIA!!!



September 13th, 2005 at 8:20 pm

ha ha! Anu mang panlalait niyo kay pandak, the fact remains that naisahan kayong lahat. It’s not the president who is ta-tanga-tanga, it’s the Filipino people — a people who can’t even get their own representatives (officials Filipinos ELECTED to office) to represent their will. 😀

So far, the President has proven her skill as a politician (regardless of how one PRESUMES to judge her). Your little voices of dissent are fast fading. The sputter that you call a protest rally led by Madame Edsa Revolution herself is a foreboding of the slow death that extra-constitutional FIESTA activism is headed — down the crapper.

History is usually written in favour of the winner no matter how vile their ascent to supremacy. So pasensya na lang kayo. It’s only a matter of time before the Filipino’s world-renowned amnesia kicks in and new editions of history books that hit the shelves will tell a rosy picture of the years 2004-2005 to the next generation of Pinoy youth.

We’ve already proven our time and again how short our memories and how gullible we are. This is evident in how so many Marcos cronies and family members to this day make a playground of our little islands nation and thumb their noses at our muted outrage. Something I present in living colour in the following short article:

Stidi na lang kayo diyan. At kesa mag kamot ng ulo mag-damag wondering about how we were so efficiently blindsided, mag-trabaho na lang kayo. 😀


ed b. umali

September 13th, 2005 at 8:32 pm

GMA is really a person who never practices what she preaches!!! She will always do the reverse. Unfortunately, we have to discover the truth through the media. Congratulation PCIJ for another expose’ of the real GMA…a liar and a cheat!


Duck Vader

September 13th, 2005 at 8:52 pm

So, Benigno, ano point mo: na tanga Pilipino? Ano solusyon mo – “Mag-trabaho na lang kayo”? You’re not contributing anything to the intelligent debate about how to identify and solve the problem — other than by maligning people due to what you perceive as your superior, although in reality largely regurgitated, ideas.

Admittedly, some of your observations are valid, but your analysis is very shallow and misses the real causes and solutions, and is often overshadowed by your racist diatribes. For instance, you say tanga ang Pilipino. My next question to you is: Bakit siya tanga? Is it genetic, preordained by God, or by some other factors. If it’s “cultural” as you say, then culture is created by one, or two things (if you agree with Edward Wilson) — the environment in which a person livesand genetics. Now if it is genetic, e di wala na talagang pag-asa. But if it’s the environment, the next question is: what factors? and how do you change those factors considering the vested interests within the political and economic elite against changing it as it perpetuates their dominance?

Sige bata. sagutin mo yan.



September 13th, 2005 at 8:59 pm

Nakalimutan ko na kung sino ang nagsulat nito eh. Pero sasagutin ko lang kasi me mga puwang ang pagkakasabi:

“Anu mang panlalait niyo kay pandak, the fact remains that naisahan kayong lahat.”

Kayong lahat? Ibig sabihin tayong lahat ba yon? O silang lahat yun? Kasama ba yung nagsasalita doon? Sino ba talaga ang naisahan?

So it goes the speaker doesn’t really knows what he/she is talking about. Not even responsible enough to admit the effect that statement is for him/her.

Or maybe she/he is not really a Filipino.

Or not even an intellectual… I strongly guess.


“History is usually written in favour of the winner no matter how vile their ascent to supremacy.”

After teaching that the decadent behaviour of Pinoys are to blame – now its “A” ok to be vile as long as you win.

But fear not for there is HOPE for this man/girl/woman.

You see:

“This is evident in how so many Marcos cronies and family members to this day make a playground of our little islands nation and thumb their noses at our muted outrage.”

This talks about people with muted outrage. Nobody is talking about that now, though. Or atleast not at the moment. But some people are trying to speak on it and debate on it once in a while.

But the statement speak of “our little island,” now the speaker tried to identify himself/herself as part of those who have muted anger.

So there you have it. Although this blogger tend to be a sarcastic prick most of the time, now, he/she has shown his/her true color – his/her sensitivity to the oppressed nation and his/her muted outrage against the oppressor.

This blooger has a feeling too. And this blogger loves his/her country.

Although, just short of stating that GMA is one of the oppressor in history. But i’ll take it, nonetheless. 😉



September 13th, 2005 at 10:30 pm

akala ko ba pinagtitipid tayo ng gobyerno? eh gobyerno ang pasimuno ng mga gastusin na galing sa bulsa ni Juan dela Cruz.

wala na talaga! manhid na ang pamahalaan ni gloria sa mga hinaing ng nakararaming mamamayang Pilipino!



September 13th, 2005 at 10:34 pm

una sa lahat, congrats po uli sa PCIJ! pati na din sa GMA7. unti-unti na din silang kumakalas sa inpluwensya ng malacanang. etong si sandra aguinaldo na ito, mukhang susunod sa yapak ni jessica soho… walang takot… at walang kinikilala… mabuhay kayong mga taga PCIJ at mga kasama niyo sa media.

di naman sa pinapanigan ko si benigno… pero, me laman din naman ang iilan sa sinabi niya…

mukhang humuhupa na nga din naman ang lakas ng oposisyon. dulot na din naman ito ng kanilang pagkaiba ng pananaw sa POST-GLORIA.

ang dapat dito, pangunahan na lang tayo ng mga grupo ng abogadong me prinsipyo. sa usaping ito, dapat, sila ang mag hanap ng mga kasong pwedeng isampa ke norberto gonzales sa kung ano mang batas na kanyang nilabag. di lang immoral ang transaksyong ito. tiyak na illegal din po ito. kung di man mapatalsik si gloria ngayon, dapat, lumpuhin siya sa pamamagitan ng paghatak ng iba’t-ibang kaso sa kanyang mga alipores.

ito na ang pagkakataong unahin si gonzales. mabigat na ebidensya ito. tiyak na magugulo ang buhay ni gonzales kung kakasuhan siya dito. baka naman sakaling mabawasan ang pagtulong niya ke gloria pag me kaso na siyang hanaharap.



September 13th, 2005 at 11:15 pm

Your description of Pitts and Jatras’ expertise is misplaced. They are not the focus. Go to and you will find that the Philippine government entered into a contract with the Venable law firm and specifically with their Legislative and Government Affairs Group.

Big law firms are divided into practice groups. I had the opportunity to work for a law firm associated with an American law firm and like any American law firm or big law firms here in the country, partners and associates are grouped according to their expertise and practice.

Look closely. The Legislative and Government Affairs Group is composed of lawyers who have worked in the US government. Prominent among them is Sen. Birch Bayh, former Democratic Senator from Indiana and the father of possible Democratic presidential contender, Sen. Evan Bayh. The other prominent partner is former Republican Congressman from Arkansas and Undersecretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Asa Hutchison.

The contract is more than charter change. These people have long experience in the legislative grindmill and extensive network connections in the Beltway. These firm and the Legislative and Government Affairs Group have a lot to do with homeland security. Not far from this is the area of terrorism. You would have to ask yourself, why hire a firm where one of its practice group is homeland security and terrorism. Charter change is definitely not one of its expertise.

If charter change was the sole purpose for contracting them, the government could have hired the eminent constitutionalist Prof. Laurence Tribe of Harvard Law School or Prof. Lawrence Lessig of Stanford University who help draft the constitution of the Republic of Georgia, the former Soviet republic.

With Norberto Gonzales at the helm, this is more than charter change.



September 13th, 2005 at 11:31 pm

Also, i could be wrong but i dont get it, why does Norberto Gonzales have to hire the Venable law firm to lobby charter change in the US government? Are we still lackeys of the US government? Is Gonzales trying to say that the US overlords have the final say on charter change or is he trying to pander to the US government by hiring a friendly lobbyist not so much for charter change but for the US to manifest continued support for this government?



September 13th, 2005 at 11:58 pm

Venable’s expertise is also in working with the US legislature and the executive and the influence they have in DC to get things done for their clients. The contract says Venable will work to get the funding in support of the Charter Change initiative of the RP president. That’s all it says about Charter Change. This funding could go to the consultative commission tasked to study the viability of amending the 1987 constitution which will start meeting on September 15.

There are several other areas covered by the contract like securing funding for the military and providing info on federal laws and US policies that could affect Philippine government interests. Frankly, I don’t see why the Philippine embassy in DC can’t do some of the things this law firm will do.

The contract is also dated July 25, 2005 – relatively new. Malacanang can disown it but that certainly sounds ridiculous since it was the National Security Adviser who signed in behalf of the Philippine government. If the administration doesn’t know anything about it, that must mean there’s a shadow government operating outside of Malacanang. In which case, we’re all screwed!



September 14th, 2005 at 12:53 am

Figure this out. A National Security Adviser who has nothing to do with charter change enters into a contract with a lobbyist law firm for charter change? Charter change is only one out of 5 obligations of the Venable law firm.

In relation to charter change, the stated job of Venable is to secure grants or congressional earmarks for support for charter change. This is vague. Does this mean financial grants or foreign congressional largesse for charter change? In exchange for what, parity rights, exclusivity or preferred nation status clause in trade agreements?

Second function, assist in upgrade credit ratings. What we cannot do directly by improving our business climate, we do indirectly by lobbying the creditors to look with favor on us. For that, we get billed US$75 grand?

Third and fourth function, AFP modernization and PNP enhancement. In re PNP, why enter into this contract when we have ongoing training with the FBI? In re AFP, the only notable thing Venable is going to do is to ask for a waiver of the country risk fees since Mr. Gonzales acknowledged in the contract that we are an unstable country. At least, he is being honest with the Americans.

5th function I think is superfluous. There is an American desk in the DTI that identifies worthwhile investments in the Philippines. You dont need Venable to advance Phil. trade objectives, get the American Chamber involved and it solves half of the lobbying problem. The problem is not the US government, the problem is our ever flexible rules of the playing field which can change at a moment’s notice.

Moreover, a look at the prestations of the contract would show that their obligations are to be performed on a best efforts basis, i.e., there are no objective benchmarks by which to judge the performance of the law firm and whether they achieve the prestations or not, they get paid by the hour.

At is worst, that could mean sending their partners to the House or Senate, fraternize with their former fellow congressmen or senators and bill the Philippine government for things that they would be doing anyway even without a contract.

Without total identifiable and objective methods of determining success and with the exception of certain provisions, this contract is onerous, more so in the light of our economic plight.



September 14th, 2005 at 12:58 am

Malamang meron na namang kupit dyan! Pumasok sa isang dambuhalang kontrata si bansot eh ano pa ang aasahan ninyo???


Bankarote na ang Pilipinas kong mahal. Nasadlak na sa kangkungan dahil sa kakapalan ng mukha ng mga nasa gobyerno.

Nakakasawa na…Nakakapagod na…Kasalanan kasi ito nang mga taong nagluklok kay GMA sa pamamagitan kuno ng PEOPLE POWER 2. Eh ano na ngayon, Magtiis sa kamay ni Gloria?

Kung sinuman sa inyo ang sumuporta sa EDSA Dos, eto na ang bangungot, makonsyensya sana kayo, mga bwisit! Magtiis tayo sa ekonomista, ekonomista para sa pamilya nya!



September 14th, 2005 at 3:57 am

Tama ka KaBlog,
Eto na nga yata ang BANGUNGOT para sa Bayang Pilipinas. Si GMA ANG SANHI NG BANGUNGOT! Habang nandiyan si GMA, Nandyan ang Bangungot! Kailan kaya tayo MAGIGISING! Sana magising na tayo sa isang BAGONG UMAGA! MAY BAGONG PAG-ASA PA.



September 14th, 2005 at 5:01 am

This is another case of our Philippine leaders soliciting support to Uncle Sam to intervene in our internal affairs. .

GMA has prostituted our country by inviting the US to intervene in the charter change that will be in the best interest of the US, reshaping our armed forces for its fight against global terrorism for a token of congressional funding.



September 14th, 2005 at 5:30 am

clearly it’s not just charter change, other services were stipulated in the contract. nevertheless, TRANSPARENCY in government is again missing.

a staggering monthly $75,000++…so, let’s hear it from the malacañang boys…anyone out there?


tongue in, anew

September 14th, 2005 at 5:30 am

Talaga, magbabayad tayo for one year? As if magtatagal pa si Pandak ng one year?

Duda ako sa timing ng kontrata, among other things already discussed in Dawin’s didactic posts. At a time when the Cheat Execu-thief’s hold on power was slowly slipping away, this contract would serve no purpose other than to solicit life support systems for an administration already in its deathbed.

At what cost? Other than the fees already stipulated in the contract,:

1. $800M for Defense/AFP capability enhancement,
2. A similar “upgrade” for the PNP,
3. An undetermined amount of fresh loans from the Overseas Private Credit Corp.,
4. Massive layoffs in the bureacracy to “recover large estimated losses from acts of corruption and government inefficiency”, an immeasurable social cost.
5. Other hidden and consequential costs.

Dawin is correct in observing that with no deadline or target dates expessly indicated, it is assumed that this contract is a best-effort commitment. Further, it also provides for a quick escape route in case an existing or future Venable client has interests adverse to the Philippines.

The Great Econo-missed of Malacañang had commissioned Venable for purposes of lobbying with US agencies, to have greater access to new debt sources to fund congressional pork (which the Nat’l Treasury cannot afford, even the Office of the President is now paying postdated), to bribe more Generals from the AFP and the PNP with fresh greens – no, not vegetables, while committing to buy (more Vietnam war vintage?) arms from the US and renewing her oath of solidarity with her Iraq war co-conspirators by making it appear that we are still a serious ally in George and Tony’s gang-rape of Iraq. So that she may complete serving her term? Talk about killing the whole aviary with one stone.

In the end, the people, and their children, and their children’s children, that will have to toil till they break their backs, to pay for this, as I estimate, P100B, long after Diabolic Doña of JuetEngcantadia is laid to rest. For chrissake, let’s stop this now while we still can!

I still recall Money-ko Puentebella in explaining his vote for adapting the committe report on impeachment, “We have crossed the Rubicon”.

Yeah right, and not long afterwards, the civil war began.



September 14th, 2005 at 7:30 am

kapal talaga ng mukha naghihirap na nga ang pilipinas puro katarantaduhan pa ang ginagawa, letse talaga!!! dapat talaga matuto na tayo sa 2010 election… ibasura ang mga hudas na yan!!!baka naman sa susunod e gawin namang presidente si de castro e di ba nung broadcaster pa yan lakas mangotong? OUST GLORIA NOW!!!!



September 14th, 2005 at 7:35 am

Mr. Duck Vader,

Sige tanda, sasagutin ko. 😉

Bakit siya tanga? Maybe that is the whole issue. Why do we do what we do? Why do we elect idiots to office. Bakit umiral ang street politics at the expense of preparing for a proper impeachment procedure?

If it is genetic, then how come Pinoys prosper overseas. It simply means that Pinoys are better off away from their own country than living within it.

If it is environmental and cultural then THERE IS HOPE. But it begins with a clear and introspective recognition of of these environmental and cultural realities. From the environmental perspective, well, many countries prospered despite crippling barrenness of their land. Japan is one. Small, resource-poor Singapore is another. Might I go out of form to cite the works of Jared Diamond whose emphasis on how the tyranny of geography and environment spelt the difference between prosperity and chronic poverty for many nations is a recurring theme in his books.

But then some prospered DESPITE these initial conditions.

And that’s where culture comes into the picture. We seem to have a culture of resignation to the cards dealt us. Prosperous societies did not give up without a fight. Japan overcame its geographic and environmental limitations and looked to the West for a model for commercial prosperity to AUGMENT their culture with.

We on the other hand wanted a package deal — an off-the-shelf implementation of a system of governance and thought processes alien to our indigenous tribal outlook towards life. Do we recognise this and try to build solutions based on these realities? No. We’d rather look for political solutions and ignore how incompatible these our with our cultural make-up. How the disciplines, foresight, critical thought and logical debate faculties that are paramount to a successful appreciation of the elegance of democracy is lost in the short-sightedness, tribalism, superstitiousness, and voodoo-like practice of religion that characterises Pinoy society.

It’s no wonder that we are comparable more to basket cases like Haiti and Nicaragua than to the stoicism, conviction, and singularism that you find in the East Asia we physically (but not intellectually and spiritually) belong to.

Which is why it all begins with a recognition that it is the very DNA of our society — our CULTURE — that is doing us in; smothering us in that slow death many Pinoys are feeling today in their society.

Which, of course, brings me to my brilliant SOLUTION FRAMEWORK which I articulate in the following article:

Happy reading! 😀





September 14th, 2005 at 8:25 am

gandang umaga mga kababayan! sabi ng isang blogger “pinoy prosper overseas” they prosper kasi marunong silang sumunod sa batas ng ibang bansa or takot sila mag break ng law kasi isa lamang silang second class citizen dun (kung saan man yun…) ngayon, pag nag balikbayan ang mga iyan akala mo na kung sino… pag nandito na yang mga yan balikbayan na yan eh balik din yan sa dati nilang anyo sa pag uugali kaya simulan ang pagbabago dito mismo sa sarili nating bansa…

actually naisulat ko na yan like 2 years ago.. e2 basahin..




September 14th, 2005 at 8:47 am

duck vader,

new here? i don’t think so. but in case u dunno, wala nang pumapansin sa mga pinopost nung isang blogger jan…

sayang lang ang reaction mo sa comments niya.

wag mo nang i-contest kasi magpapaikot-ikot lang kayo, di rin naman nya sasagutin kung tatanungin mo kung anong action plan nya. ire-refer ka lang nya sa site nya.

ignore him. move on.



September 14th, 2005 at 8:52 am


that’s very interesting piece of info. let’s hope the real motive of this contract unfolds very soon…

baka magfafabricate sila ng terrorism/national security threat gimik at isisisi sa ibang tao, para mawala ang attention sa mga kalokohan nila at magkaroon sila ng rason ng magpamukhang “heroes” sa mata ng mga tao.

baka naman may koneksyon dito yung pagkakahuli kay MRAquino.

haaayyy… paranoid na ko. letse.



September 14th, 2005 at 9:10 am

just where are we going to get $75,000 monthly consultation fee for this foreign firm? why do we need to hire them just for charter change?



September 14th, 2005 at 9:11 am

GMA will make everything and will even use the peoples money just to stay in power. That is very clear na walang transparency in this government. Buti na lang nandiyan ang PCIJ and we were able to know what is happenning.
Saka kaya ayaw magsipagsalita ng mga secretary ni GMA about this issue ay nag iisip na naman ng lusot ang mga iyan.Imposible na hindi alam ng ibang cabinet secretary yan.para naman tayong bago ng bago sa mga linta (lintik) na mga iyan.



September 14th, 2005 at 9:21 am

akala ko ba media blitz lang kailangan ni gma? diba ang laki na ng gastusin dun pa lang sa pagpapabango nya sa media? pano si FVR? kaya pala nagmention sya na bloody ang susunod na people’s power kasi lumihis si gma feel ni fvr dapat sa kanya manggagaling ang mga ideas ng cha cha!! utak talaga ni gma!!



September 14th, 2005 at 9:24 am

Ito lang masasabi ko sa mga gumagawa ng masama at walang konsensya:

“Sa mga taong gumagawa ng masama sa kapwa, hindi ka man magkaroon ng karamdaman, mas mahirap naman ang apoy na naglalagablab sa Impyerno.”
Nabgyayari lang ang nasusulat:

Revelation 22:11”He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.”

Revelation 22:12 “Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to render to every man according to what he has done.

Lahat ng ating ginawa, mabuti man o masama ay ipagsusulit natin sa Diyos. Sa Kanya ang paghihiganti!!!!

Kaya magtagumpay man ngayon ang mga kasamaan ni Gloria Macapagal Arroyo even up to her lifetime, it will only JUSTIFY the curse she will receive from GOD!!!!!

A lifetime of success on earth cannot be compared to an “Eternity of suffering in HELL!!!!”

Ganyan talaga magrecruit ang mga Demonyo-thru material things, earthly power and fame. Just forget about GOD or just pretend you are of GOD.




September 14th, 2005 at 9:25 am

HAY NAKU…… WALANG ACCOUNTABILITY, WALANG PUBLIC DISCLOSURE,panay pasekreto kumilos ang gobyerbong eto. Hindi na dapat tayo naniniwala sa mga sinasabi nila. Pawang panlilinlang, pawang kasinungalingan…..



September 14th, 2005 at 10:02 am

GMA is willing to stay in power whatever it takes. At the rate she is going, we will have another set of tax increases next year!!

If we do not stop her, the whole nation will be at the losing end. I doubt the CBCP under the leadership of CAPALLA will do anything about it. Their statement yesterday proved that they are not sensitive to the current situation and are just protecting GMA. The BISHOPS are guiding their flock to nowhere. Our only chance is for us to unite around the opposition and the military who I think is just waiting for the right time. Lets make our voices heard!! Let us stop feeling helpless and stupid BECAUSE WE ARE NOT!!

The question is: Are we just going to be passive observers, or are willing to join in the search for the truth. No individual can claim to have a solution to the problem that we have now .Others may claim to know all the answers.But in reality,solving the problem will take all our collective efforts. So instead of endlessly debating, and endlessly criticizing the FILIPINO.We can all be part of the solution. We can join rallies, write to our congressmen, join forums and more importantly persuade the people around us to act also. Collectively we can make it happen. WE ARE THE TRUE MAJORITY!!



September 14th, 2005 at 10:09 am

People of the Philippines- what the gma administration is doing is tantamount to killing us slowly, not with bullets, not with knives and not by any other violent means. The president is killing us by depriving us of the basic need to survive. At any rate, we can not survive this way of life until 2010.

Let us take it in our hands to remove gma and his cohorts that are all corrupt, cheats and liars. If we do get rid of them, will be better off. we may give some of our lives in doing so, but we have a chance, where we do not, if we do not act now.



September 14th, 2005 at 10:16 am

Huuu. Panay kayo sigaw ng protes diyan. What makes you think you can make a difference considering that Madame People Power herself called for another street mob to take over Edsa and FAILED miserably?

So much for intelligent discussion.

ha ha! 😀



September 14th, 2005 at 10:22 am

Ganyana naman tayong mga Pinoy eh. Masyado tayong talangka mag isip. Hindi na natin naisip na sa ikaka buti ng bansa yung mga spendings na yon.

Governments of other countries are willing to spend millions and even billion basta ikakabuti ng bansa.

Tayo we alway refuse to support our government. Kaya tayo walang asenso. Kaya tayo napag iiwanan.

Mas gusto pa natin mag karoon ng people power 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9……!



September 14th, 2005 at 10:28 am

….Edsa 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16….

ha ha! 😀



September 14th, 2005 at 10:41 am

alogarta i admit, talagang hindi ako sumusuporta sa gobyernong at sa kahit kaninong magnanakaw at mandaraya.



September 14th, 2005 at 10:52 am

mas makakatipid nga si GMA jan e, isipin nyo kung taon taon magkakaroon ng impeachment, e di taon taon din siyang magsusuhol sa mga tongresman? samantalang yan, isang taon lang, libre pa siya sa kaso, lalo siyang yayabang, kaya dapat patigasin pa nya muka nya hangang maging anito at sambahin ng mga walang kwentang tongresman, muka naman siyang anito…


Duck Vader

September 14th, 2005 at 10:54 am


Sabi mo:

“And that’s where culture comes into the picture. We seem to have a culture of resignation to the cards dealt us.”

“Which is why it all begins with a recognition that it is the very DNA of our society — our CULTURE — that is doing us in; smothering us in that slow death many Pinoys are feeling today in their society.”

But you never answered the question of WHY we have this culture (assuming na tama yung analysis mo; pero ibang point na yon for a later time). Kase once you start identifying the WHYs, then the proper intervention into the defective system can be formulated.

You describe the characteristics of the problem as you see it (“short-sightedness, tribalism, superstitiousness, and voodoo-like practice of religion”), but not the reasons for these characteristics. Bakit sya nagkaganito. Bakit ganito ang kultura ‘nya. If your answer is genetic (and I mean this literally, as in my chromosone na tumabingi) e di wala nang pag-asa Pilipino. Hulugan na lang natin ng nuke.

Pero kung ang sagot e environment or circumstances, ang tanong ngayon e bakit yung environment e naging ganoon. Sino may kagagawan? At ano kailangan baguhin? Oras na masagot mo na yan, baka doon magsimula yung tunay na debate, rather than name-calling.

Alam mo nasa EDSA ako noong 1986; sinarado na ni Marcos lahat ng institutional mechanisms kase — rubber stamp ang Batasan; hawak nya Supreme Court. The institutional/constitutional mechanisms were not functioning, and thus recourse to extra-constitutional measn became necessary. Paano ka boboto, e kontrolado ni Marcos resulta ng eleksyon? As in literally, kung anong numero gusto nya, yun lalabas.

Pero I was not in EDSA in 2001. Institutional mechanisms were still functioning. Kung titingnan mo nga, karamihan ng Pilipino wala sa EDSA II, except yung political and economic elite na threatened by Estrada. Erap was threatening to create his own economic elite (Dichavez, et. al.) kaya na threaten yung economic and political elite at pinabagsak sya. It simply was power politics. Maraming sumama sa EDSA II not knowing the institutional dynamics of the impeachment process.

Ang tanong ngayon, e bakit? i will keep this short, kase pwedeng isang buong paper eto. Simply because the political and economic elite of our country, from the time of the Spanish to the Commonwealth to the New Society all found it to to their benefit to keep people ignorant, to develop a system where institutional checks and balances on their powers would remain stillborn so as to prevent a functioning democracy from developing.

Kung ikaw, may anak ka tapos tinapon mo yung anak mo sa loob ng isang kwarto at di pinaaral, tapos dahil doon naging ignorante siya sino may kasalanan, ikaw o yung anak mo?



September 14th, 2005 at 11:16 am

Mang Duck Vader…nagsasayang ka lang ng laway sa pakikipag usap jan…busy yang kausap mo sa pagproprotesta sa ginawang veto ni Gov. Schwarzenegger…wag mo ng pinagkakausap yan….

meanwhile let me refer you to my article:



September 14th, 2005 at 11:21 am

Do you guys really want to help our country? If you do then start doing so by helping yung mga kapwa pinoy natin.

Put up a business! No matter how small and employ your neighbour. That way nakatulong ka sa kapwa mo. Someday you’ll be able to feed not only your family but others too.

Kailangan sa atin mag umpisa ang lahat at hindi inaasa sa iba. That’s how we can make a difference!

Lahat kasi tayo laging bine blame ang government. Kesyo corrupt si ganyan, corrupt si ganito. Eh tayo din naman ang nag co corrupt sa kanila eh.

May nigosyo din ako. I know what it’s like when you go to the BIR. Yung iba dyan bukas ang mga drawer pero ni minsan hindi ako nag hulog ng pera sa mga drawer na yon. Pero marami sa atin ang naglalagay! This is an encouragement sa mga bago sa government na maging corrupt.

Pag nahuli tayo ng polis trapico dahil mali ang ginawa natin sa daan, ano ang ginagawa natin? Nag lalagay tayo. Bakit hindi mo na lang natin tanggapin ang mali natin, at bayaran ang ticket sa tamang lugar? Tayo din ang dahilan kung bakit pati police nating ay nagiging buwaya!

We cannot blame the system dahil tayo ang problema. Did you know na tayo ang nagturo sa isa sa mga ASEAN countries kung paano mangulekta ng tax. Alam nyo ba na isa tayo sa mga nag ayos ng tax system nila? Bakit sila umaasenso pero tayo hindi?

The system will work if we support it. Kahit ano pang ganda ng systema ay hindi mag wo-work kung ayaw sundin ng mga tao.

If we want change, we have to start with ourselves. Start by helping your neighbour at wag mong siraan ang kapwa mo kung nakakaangat sya kesa sa iyo. Balang araw ang pag akyat nya ay magiging dahilan ng pag akyat natin.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:25 am

To all people who DO NOT SUPPORT this regime! Passive man tayo sa ating mga discussions, through blogging, we can initiate civil disobedience.If you truly don’t recognize GMA as your president, STOP SUPPORTING HER REGIME! STOP PAYING TAXES! STOP SUPPORTING GOV’T PROJECTS! We can all go to jail but don’t worry the gov’t don’t have enough jails to house all of us.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:29 am

Duck Vader, yeah sad but true. The thing that happened with Edsa 1 & 2 are just mere battles, they are not REVOLUTION. We havent really had a real revolution to change the deep rooted cause of all these problems that you have mentioned. But I have faith that time will come, just like music, the correct harmony will fall into it’s proper place. But for now, we really need to get rid of Gloria before its too late. Thats the short term plan. Were a very young republic & we’ve got a long way to go to achieve stability, wisdom, prosperity and peace.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:33 am

suportahan sa gastos? between feeding/educating your people and contracting a lobbyist, saan mo gagastusin ang pera ng gobyerno?

di lang yan! 50-60 legislators and naka-angkas sa lola mong mandarambong papuntang U S of A. suportahan mo yung gastos na yan! ang kakapal ng mukha! nag jungket na nga ang iba dyan para mapanood si pacquiao nung march at sagot ng taong bayan ha. walang mga konsensya.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:43 am

is it wrong to ask that the president who cheated be meted the justice she deserves? hey, if she can get away with something as big as that, then the rule of law in the philippines is dead. there’s no hope for you and for me even if we put up a business and employ tons of people. palliative yan. we cant ignore what she has done and move as if nothing happened. bastusan na ito. her example will just breed lack of respect for the law and it’s going to be every man for himself..



September 14th, 2005 at 11:43 am

Nak ng tipaklong, di ba ang daming abogado diyan talagang yang tong si Gloria, naku. Hoy mga panyero, gising, sayang din yung almost 100K a month, ibigay na lang ni nyo kay mickey mouse ay mali kay Speaker Devenecia pala.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:45 am

Postdated checks retrieved! Hired Lobbying firm for their own interests! Ang mga perang ginamit kinuha sa kaban ng bayan! maraming naghihirap! maraming walang makain! maraming walang tirahan! bakit hindi dito pinaglaanan?
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo! saan mo kami dadalhin?!!! Bakit ni hindi mo kami maramdaman sa aming mga hinaing?!!! Bakit tila mahigpit ang kapit mo sa iyung kinaluluklukan?!!! Wala na bang natitirang kahihiyan sa iyong damdamin?!!!
Ang bayan natin hila na sa kumunoy! isang kamay nakatali! isa naman naghahanap ng makakapitan, paano mo kami matutulungan?!!!
Posisyon nyong ginagampanan, tunay bang pinaghirapan? Ginamit mo kaming taong bayan, sinadlak mo naman sa putik nang kinalaunan!!!



September 14th, 2005 at 11:45 am

alogarta i think you are underestamating the bloggers here. yang mga crap pinagsasabi mo ay hindi na naangkop sa mga nagbabasa dito, thats why they are in PCIJ they want to search for more, they want to know the truth, and not to read your crappy suggestions. you think kung jobless ang mga yan, makakapag internet ang mga yan.
kung panahon pa lang ngayon ng mga kastila at susundin ng mga Pinoy ang sinasabi mo, we would still be under Spanish rule until now. Kung time ni Marcos, we would still be under a dictator’s rule up to now. kaya tigilan mo na yan, your just wasting your time with your post.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:46 am

yung kapit bahay ko na pedicab driver , hindi makapasada kasi nasira yung gulong ng sidecar niya, hindi siya makabili ng bagong gulong dahil hindi siya makapasada. ang gulong worth php 150.00 !! samantalang Php 60,000,000.00, pambayad lang sa tagabulong ni gloria. Tang ina mo mag Resign ka na!!



September 14th, 2005 at 11:53 am

Talaga yatang nakuha nila ang pag-uugali nila sa DAGA!
Pansinin nyong mabuti…di ba mukhang DAGA si GMA? Lalong-lalo na yung mga anak nya, Si Luli malalaki ang ngipin, si Mikey malalaki ang tenga at yung isa naman mahaba ang nguso!
Salot sa pamayanan at lipunan ang turing ko sa kanila!



September 14th, 2005 at 12:00 pm

Duck Vader said,
September 14, 2005 @ 10:54 am
Ang tanong ngayon, e bakit? i will keep this short, kase pwedeng isang buong paper eto. Simply because the political and economic elite of our country, from the time of the Spanish to the Commonwealth to the New Society all found it to to their benefit to keep people ignorant, to develop a system where institutional checks and balances on their powers would remain stillborn so as to prevent a functioning democracy from developing.

Kung ikaw, may anak ka tapos tinapon mo yung anak mo sa loob ng isang kwarto at di pinaaral, tapos dahil doon naging ignorante siya sino may kasalanan, ikaw o yung anak mo?

Tatang, thanks for answering your own question and shortcutting the discussion. In light of what you say above, I believe we are in agreement on some fundamental principles.

I do agree that a big part of the reason why the population is ignorant is because the elite have kept them in the dark. And part of that effort was to deny the masses the key tool that connects one to the huge knowledgebase of humanity today — ENGLISH. Language has always been a huge polarising factor in the Philippines — the English-proficient haves VS. the Tagalog- (and other island dialects)- speaking masses. A huge part of humanity’s accumulated knowledge is articulated in English a knowledgebase that utterly dwarfs whatever is articulated in Tagalog. Which is why I have always been a proponent of not only junking any further effort to Tagalogise education but to eradicate Tagalog instruction from our education system completely.

This is a case I make in this article (as you said, isang boong paper ito, so bear with me):

But then the culpability of the Elite on this matter does not explain in full why the Philippines is such a failed nation today. For starters, check out the quality of debate in forums and blogs like these. Panay calls to PROTEST and “civil disobedience”; typical of that typically Pinoy passive-aggressive approach to participation in the political process.

Presumably, Pinoys who have access to the Net constitute a pretty good representation of the Philippine Elite. To be fair with the PCIJ, they’ve diversified their topics since the closure of the Arroyo issue (as far as DUE PROCESS is concerned). Yet check out the quality of the debate of an overwhelming majority of Netizens here. As I pointed out in a previous comment on the UNDP Report article of this blog, I observed how little propensity there is on the part of this Pinoy subset to comment on issues outside of petty politics. Not a pretty sight, considering that having a broad and well-rounded repertoir of interests constitutes a robust platform to build entire careers on.

Whether you like it or not, the Elite provide the cultural leadership and the masses take their cue from this (observing how Philippine cinema puts a premium on trendy characters, etc.). Yet the Elite themselves are themselves, shall we say, less-than-enlightened. Now considering that the Elite are presumably vastly BETTER EDUCATED than the masses, it’s kind of a paradox as to why they still behave with the same kind of boorishness and lack of substance in their insight as we observe today. This means that lack of education ALONE cannot account for why Philippine Society is what it is today.

By the way, we make a whole manifesto as to the role of the Elite in Philippine progress in this article:

From here, you’ll probably be able to extrapolate how we can progressively rule out the usual favourite strawman arguments used to explain why the Philippines is such a failed society. And just be left with the only truly INDIGENOUS capital our society possesses — ITS CULTURE. 😉


The J Spotter » Blog Archive » Hard times indeed

September 14th, 2005 at 12:10 pm

[…] Expensive charter change consultantsThe President’s Gravy TrainTravel Expenses […]



September 14th, 2005 at 12:36 pm

hay naku, parang nagkikibit balikat na lang tayo, walang magawa kay Guya(GMA).tagal ng 2010 para mapalitan si Guya. kahit anong impeachment yan, wala tayong magawa marami tagasunod sya sa congreso. ang cha-cha paraan lng sa political survial ni guya.

sa kasalukuyan saligang batas, pwede naman palawakin ang autonomy ng local government unit at patibayin lalo local government code kaysa federal system. sa parliament, mas madali magsabwatan ang executive(prime minister) at assembly(assemblyman’s) kasi sa fusion of executive and legislative under the parliament system. sa ugali ni Guya at mga congresista wala epek pa rin yan, baka mas lalo lang tayo lokohin nyan.

masakit man isipin na magtrabaho na lang tayo, nagagastos naman sa walang silbe at d kailangan ang buwis na binabayad natin.

sana yong $75,000/month na binabayad nya sa forieng consultants pinakain nya na lang sa nagugutom nating mga kapatid na filipino na walang makakain.sasaya pa ako.

sana pagising ko bukas wala na si GUYA(GMA). kailan kaya sya atakihin sa puso? sa inis ko na nagmukhang tayong tanga nagisip na ko ng masama.



September 14th, 2005 at 12:40 pm

Nakakagulat naman na balita ito. I’m hoping na sana hindi totoo.

We have so many political and constitutional expert here in the country. Bakit ba naman kailangan pang kumuha ng foreign firm. Why not pick filipino experts (of proven competence, integrity, probity and independence) and finance their research, consultation processes (geographically and sectoral wise) and proposal.

Nachura is on attack now because of his identified relationship with the president. But you cannot ignore his expertise on constitutional law. Jovito Salonga, in spite of his age, can still contribute his knowledge and experience.



September 14th, 2005 at 12:42 pm

I don’t want to pay income taxes any more, how should i go about it? I am an employee of a private firm. Please tell me what to do.



September 14th, 2005 at 12:49 pm

kakasuhan ka ng BIR PopsJ, obligasyon natin magbayad. pero syang rin d ba. Kng may malawak lng sana na civil disobbidience marahil yan lng ang paraan. mawawalan din tayo ng karapan magreklamo laban sa goberyo kng d tayo magbayad.

hayyyyyyyyyyyyy! bat ganito, sayang binabayad natin. huhuhuhu!



September 14th, 2005 at 12:50 pm

PopsJ said,
September 14, 2005 @ 12:42 pm

I don’t want to pay income taxes any more, how should i go about it? I am an employee of a private firm. Please tell me what to do.

Mag-tinda ka nalang ng banana-Q sa bangketa para hindi ka na kelangan mag-bayad ng buwis.

Sa gayung paraan, handa ka pa pag biglang nag alsa sa Edsa ulit ang mga tauhan ni Cory.

ha ha! 😀



September 14th, 2005 at 12:52 pm

If you are not happy with how your taxes are being spent, write your congressman! THAT is due process. 😉

If you are not happy with the way your congressman is handling your lack of happiness, vote for another congressman in the next election. THAT is due process. 😀



September 14th, 2005 at 12:59 pm

hay naku, hayaan nyo na lng si benignO na laitin tayo. american idol naman yan. marahil iba lng sentimiento nyan.

he has a good points in some ways. pero wala naman magawa for change. maganda sana kng ang ponto nya don sya sabihin sa mga tao sa goberno don nya ipaabot.

hmmmmmmmmmmm…… baka pakawala ng malakanyang yan… hmmmmmmmm… kng d lang bawal manghack dito sa pinas…. marahil may makukuhang info. d bali oks lang



September 14th, 2005 at 1:11 pm

I knew it, I AM SOLICITING RESPONSES EXCEPT FROM you-know-who. MY MISTAKE..please read na lang:



September 14th, 2005 at 1:20 pm

It’s pathetic how Filipinos are resigned to and can only stand back helplessly in the face of this “panlalaet”. Worse, we’d rather ignore it and dismiss it BY EDICT than face it OBJECTIVELY. Maybe it simply goes to show how little in the way of logical or at the very least witty come backs we have to these basic truths.

If you can’t logically debunk an assertion, then said assertion MUST BE THE TRUTH. 😉



September 14th, 2005 at 1:30 pm

“Moral relativism is a pseudo philosophy that recognizes no absolute truth other than the subjective interpretation of what is right by individuals to suit their selfish purposes. By this definition, it removes the stigma associated with lying, cheating, and stealing. Or with kidnapping, graft and corruption, and accepting jueteng payoffs. All that matters to those who deny moral excellence is the happiness of evildoers, and they couldn’t care less what great harm their self-centeredness has inflicted on others.

The moral choice before us is clear: allow Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to rock our ship of state with moral relativism and perish or reject her regime and survive.”



September 14th, 2005 at 1:36 pm

kabayang popsj, suntok sa buwan ang naisip mong wag magbayad ng buwis kasi tayong mga pangkaraniwang empleyado ay walang choice dyan kasi rekta ng naka bawas sa ating “take home” pay yung buwis natin… kung may negosyo ka try mo sa amin papareshistro ka or magparerenew ka ng business permit sa munisipyo namin tatanungin ka ng mga “public servant” “sir/madam magkano kinikita nyo sa isang buwan or magkano lahat sa isang buong taon ang kinita nyo?” yun dun magsinungaling ka pababain mo ang “income/gross sale” ng negosyo mo.. mag ala gloria ka o diba isang magandang halimbawa si gma?



September 14th, 2005 at 1:37 pm

what will we do? face you? you keep talking insulting some bloggers here. what will we get from you? your opinion? your opinion purely saying filipinos are stupid. in some extend your right stupid reading your opinion. kulang na lang sabihin mo inferior kaming mga filipino walng utak.

magtrabaho ka lang sa bansang amerika mo, wag ka nang makisawsaw dito



September 14th, 2005 at 1:41 pm

nagpapaka elite yang isang blogger dyan… well actually, naisulat ko na yang 3 years ago.. read on..



September 14th, 2005 at 1:44 pm

kawawa lagi si juan dela cruz na nagbabayad ng tamang buwis. wala naman yata sa plano ang change of government kung di lang lumitaw yung mga isyu kay misis arroyo. kawawang pinoy, walang magandang patutunguhan ang bansa kung puro na lang pansariling interes meron ang mga ibinoto natin.



September 14th, 2005 at 1:46 pm

Do I really “insult”? Cite examples where I “insult”.

Maybe what’s really happening is people like you feel INSULTED by my assertions (after all, they are MERE assertions that I put on the table for everyone to disprove or debate against OBJECTIVELY). Instead people like you feel “insulted” by said assertions and react EMOTIONALLY to them (the same way this whole July-September 2005 political debacle was just one big emotional reaction).

Tsk tsk.

The venerable Clarence Henderson once wrote about this onion-skinnedness (pagka-balat-sibuyas) of the typical Pinoy here:

Now, however, the bruises incurred in the battles described in “1. The Facts” ( have made me acutely aware of how much Filipinos hate being criticized and (especially) how much they hate foreigners (or other Pinoys for that matter) being critical of the Philippines.

It’s not much of a stretch to refer to it as an “onion skin” mentality.


I was always amazed by the clannishness and Spanish-derived arrogance, not to mention the love of parties, heavy food, impressive edifices, and weekend trips to Vegas. These traits can be captured in the terms of pasikatan (living it up, regardless of the burden of escalating credit card bills and impending bankruptcy), and makaisa (taking undue advantage of others by asking favors or otherwise imposing onself). All too often I have observed human tragedy associated with cultural dislocation and confusion, alienation, and blind preoccupation with chasing material possessions, even if it meant working two jobs and never having any time to spend with the kids. Many Fil-Am families in LA have children with significant drug problems or who commit suicide, while others disintegrate under the pressure. While not true of all, it is true of far too many.

ha ha! 😀



September 14th, 2005 at 1:49 pm

cool lang mga bloggers. napagsabihan na yan dati.



September 14th, 2005 at 1:56 pm

Hindi niyo ba napapansin na your constant tirades to benign0 fuels him to write more blogs…kaya wag niyo na lang pansinin.

Anyway, popsj maybe what we can do is we should start saving money now. And when the right time comes, we can organize a massive civil disobedience campaign that will literally stop this country. We should stop working, except for those working in critical services (hospitals, fire dept., etc.) until she steps down. If we work together and share the things we have saved (money, food, etc.) we can make this kind of protest last.



September 14th, 2005 at 1:58 pm

look, objectively? it begins with your(benignO) motive how to address and procced to the objective. its only emphasis how your motives stating how we are in our crisis. if it is ok to you have seen the truth by your eyes without the backdoor. so be it.



September 14th, 2005 at 1:59 pm

sige d na ako papansin sa american idol na yan



September 14th, 2005 at 2:09 pm


bawal lang naman mang-hack kapag nahuli ka…hehehe :)



September 14th, 2005 at 2:18 pm

political lull.. dama nyo ba? so in the meantime anong gagawin natin? mayroon naba sa kasaysayan natin nagkaroon ng civil disobedience? kung mayroon man baka pwede tayong matuto dun kung ano man yun….



September 14th, 2005 at 2:22 pm

I’m thankful that I have been a lurker in this website for a long time so hindi na ko naapektuhan kay benigno. I dont know kung psychologist sya, but the way hes been insisting to us what he claims as “absolute truth” is like a terror teacher in school, si benigno ang teacher, tayong lahat mga estudyante nya. Yung sigaw ng sigaw sa klase ng mga bobo kayo mga tanga, hoping that with that kind of treatment, his students will strive harder during the next exam. Problema lang, may ibang estudyante dito na mas matalino pa sa teacher nila.
In reality benigno, you are giving yourself a very complicated & obstinate responsibility. If you’re intentions for this nation are really sincere, then i salute you. But relax man, take it easy.
Moving on, if you can’t stomach the way he looks at treat Filipinos, just ignore his comments, you have a free will to do so. Kung baga sa terror professor, i-drop nyo na lang yung subject nya.



September 14th, 2005 at 2:26 pm

In our history wala pa yatang nangyayaring ganyan, pero maybe we can learn how Gandhi did that.

There is always a first time for everything, right?

So, let’s save money, food and water from now on. We can also plant vegetables in our backyard for our food during the struggle.

It is important that everybody will be in on this in order for this to work.



September 14th, 2005 at 2:56 pm

yes tama.. Gandi yung legacy nya.. tignan ninyo ang India closely trailing China…



September 14th, 2005 at 2:59 pm

medyo technique ko sa d pa gaano magaling. at parang kinakabahan na ako, hehehehe! muntik na ko mahuli ng FBI last 2003. ang stealth ko palpak hihihihi!



September 14th, 2005 at 3:01 pm

hirap na ko tiisin si Guya(GMA) ngayon



September 14th, 2005 at 3:09 pm

FBI? e hindi ka naman pwedeng hulihin ng FBI dito wala naman silang jurisdiction dito sa atin. Hindi naman federal property yung papasukin mo e… :)

Tsaka iba yung competence ng FBI at NBI… yung una Federal Bureau of Investigation yung pangalawa Nagkukunwaring Bureau of Investigation…hehehehe :)



September 14th, 2005 at 3:24 pm

dimasalang said,
September 14, 2005 @ 3:09 pm

FBI? e hindi ka naman pwedeng hulihin ng FBI dito wala naman silang jurisdiction dito sa atin. Hindi naman federal property yung papasukin mo e…

Tsaka iba yung competence ng FBI at NBI… yung una Federal Bureau of Investigation yung pangalawa Nagkukunwaring Bureau of Investigation…hehehehe

Pre pwede basta may proper papers, like gamitin nila yung extradition treaty or use the interpol.
Kaya nga mukhang kinakabahan na si Lacson eh. Nagreact agad nung malaman nahuli ang bata niya. Di ba most of the time ang unang pumutak yun ang guilty. Tapos sinabi pa ng FBI may tatlong present Gov’t. officials sa Phil. ang involve. Bakit ang lakas naman kasi ng loob ni Aquino eh, FBI pa ang ninakawan.



September 14th, 2005 at 3:26 pm

GMA’s contract with Venable is anti-Filipino.
Terible ang treasoneering trio- GMA,FVR,JdV – their version of chacha is deadly.



September 14th, 2005 at 3:57 pm

What i cannot understand is that why the philippine government would spent so much to get funding for the charter change. I might sound naive but anong pakialam ng US kung papalitan natin ang ating constitution.THIS IS BIG BIG QUESTION FOR ME?????



September 14th, 2005 at 4:12 pm

so where are the malacañang boys? “di ko na marinig ang boses!”

…a new one has arrived…same mantra…



September 14th, 2005 at 4:26 pm

PopsJ, pay your taxes. It benefits us all. Sweldo yan ng mga teachers natin na nag tuturo sa ating mga anak. Pangpagawa ng mga daan. You may be disappointed dahil sa mga nangyayari pero hindi natin itama ang isang mali sa pamamagitan ng isa pang mali.

Lahat ng ginagawa natin ngayon ay para din sa mga anak natin in the future so we should think not only twice but many times before doing what we want to do.



September 14th, 2005 at 8:05 pm

If this is not in accordance with the policies and procedures of the government why cant we charge it to GMA’s and her cohorts personal accounts so no president (kuno!) will not dare to do this act in the future.



September 14th, 2005 at 8:14 pm

Nole of course they wont do that, maski they have more than enough wealth. Kung yung pandaya nga nila sa election last year, kailangan pa nilang nakawin ang P2B sa agrifunds no.



September 14th, 2005 at 10:06 pm


Your right that it is our responsibility to pay taxes in order for the government and our society to work, however, this right is coupled with the expectation that the taxes that we are paying come back to us in form of social services. It should be a give-and-take relationship between the citizens and the government. It should be a symbiotic relationship that one should support the other to be able to function properly.

However, when this relationship breaks down, if one party fails to perform its required duties (the government failing to support or provide the basic social services and instead uses the money for personal or other reasons) then this responsibility of paying taxes can also be withdrawn.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:50 pm

Sa Korea, lagal ang wiretapping kaya yung mga tiwaling opisyal ay nakakasuhan. Dapat gawing mandatory yan sa lahat ng government officials para matututong matakot. Walang delicadeza mga officials natin dito. Huwag niyo nang pansinin si Benigno para di masira ang mga araw niyo. I agree to the idea of civil disobidience, its peaceful and very effective. I suggested this in my recent posts. Maybe we can suggest this to the idealistic young turks in congress. The opposition now is slowly leaning towards VP Noli in the event of GMA’s ouster, and that is a good start. GMA asserts that Con-Ass is cheaper than Con-Con, but look at how much she’s spending just to get the Cha-Cha going. Kung ginastos nalang niya yan sa Con-Con, baka mas matipid pa. Masyado din siyang proud para humingi ng moratorium on our debt payments. Moratorium lang naman, hindi pagtalikod sa mga obligasyon natin. Yang debt equity ni JDV, di yan makakabuti kasi may kapalit pa din yan at baka mas lalo pang maghirap ang bansa natin pag naningil na ang creditors natin.

(may palagay ako na si benigno ay si AM, ganayng-ganyan kasi mga comment ni AM sa tv and column niya sa diyaryo. Try to guess who benigno is.)


lokalokang matino

September 14th, 2005 at 11:53 pm

Tumira na naman si Atutay na Bansot, palibhasa di nya pera ginagastos nya. dapat dyan pagbayarin lahat sa mga ginastos nya. Tingnan natin kung maglakas loob pa yan. Bayaran nya lahat. kung hindi ibitin yan ng patiwarik sa poso negro, para matuto. Ang lakas ng loob magwaldas, eh perang bayan YAN. Wala na talagang katinuan itong si Bansot. My countrymen gaano na ba kalaki ang winaldas nitong semberguensang dwende, aba kaya nang PABAHAYAN lahat ng squaters sa buong bansa!!!! SOBRA NA, TAMA NA, PATALSIKIN NA!!! Uubusin nyan kaban ng bayan !!! By June next year may impeachment na naka-amba dyan, so katakut-takut na lagayan na naman sa mga tongressman. PAPAYAG PA BA TAYO!!!!



September 15th, 2005 at 4:33 am


I have been monitoring this blog for months now. I have been reading your comments and tried to read some of your articles in your website. Your written articles coincides with the realities of Filipinos of today. Some of the contributory factors why we seem to a persistent failure compared with other Asian neighbors and other countries. You seem to have the real grip of understanding the Filipino psyche in general.

I don’t believe you side with any political figure here as what others would like to insinuate. Sharing your articles written few years back proves it. I even encountered some opinion columns in some newspapers tapping some of your ideas and even some of your favorite idiomatic expressions. This only shows that most of the points you have brought up in this blog really makes sense. I commend you for hanging on with what you believe and firm stance even at the midst of being singled out, discriminated, and maligned. However, I also understand the sentiments of other bloggers here who feels intimidated by you. They needed the equal attention you enjoy, too. A reminder to all bloggers; we should be responsible for what we are posting and please refrain from maligning other bloggers and not to intimidate people who have non-conformant opinions. Sometimes I am apprehensive of posting here because I was a victim of that machinations once. Fingers crossed, these frustrating experiences would not happen again, otherwise this blog is not conducive to exciting exchange of ideas. More power to all bloggers and PCIJ!



September 15th, 2005 at 5:24 am


You seem to like benigno’s comments even reminded other bloggers about comment againts him. Well I just started blogging 3 weeks ago not even knowing who he is, did not comment about his opinion, but it seems I experienced the opposite.

He is the one maligning other bloggers, he is the one discriminating!! Makes me wonder, are you one and the same or are you his relative? because I really cannot comprehend !!

I really do not want to comment anymore but I think its unfair for other bloggers to say they malign him !! No wonder you have frustrating experience in this blog, YOU DONT SEE THE POINT!!



September 15th, 2005 at 5:45 am

as i’ve said before, the “great you-know-who” makes a living doing what he does. he’s only a spectator, should be…more like a heckler, on the sidelines. he’s not affected by all of this politics as he is way beyond our midst. it’s really best to ignore the guy…he earns when you go to his website…

i’ve yet to comment on this blog and cbcp rejoinder blog…it’s really bad that exposés such as this would prop up every now and then…so, i still think that searching for the TRUTH is still foremost to our nation’s agenda. in so doing, we can already kick out the bogus president (who, btw, is in new york boasting that she didn’t LIE, CHEAT, STEAL, and do a COVERUP!).

in my earlier posts, i am looking for the usual stooges of malacañang (those who are tasked to blog here) to comment on the blog…what i can gather is that: they have NO COMMENT.

saludo is defending the contract, ermita almost denied the existence of it…hahaha…”umamin din sa huli”…wait till gonzalez gets back and we’ll see how his ass will turn, he’s now figuring out how he’ll explain where he’ll get the money to pay for the contract!

i hope you guys are still your productive selves ‘cause i’ve noticed that some of us are glued in front of the computer (you’re a computer guy perhaps? speaking of glue, only “ate GLUE” can choose to be GLUED but we should UNGLUE!). we can work while still being vigilant of the misadventures of this “kasuklam-suklam na gobyerno natin.”



September 15th, 2005 at 6:10 am

MGA kababayan, be patient na lang, yang gloria na yan ay may kalalagyan! REmeber JDV’s KC last year? Wait and see na lang tayo sa mangyayari kay gloria and the first family. magsisisi siya!!!!!
morbid,pero God moves in mysterious ways.



September 15th, 2005 at 7:37 am


I agree with you, but JDV has not learned his lesson. “Di pa rin natatauhan. Bagay nga silang magsama ni Gloria Maca(paga)l Arroyo. Pareho silang sinungaling, mandaraya atmagnanakaw.


Have you guessed Benigno’s identity? Bigyan kita ng clue, may bigote yan at pandak. Walang alam yang gawin kundi sirain ang mga ayaw kay GMA. I have a strong feeling that his initials are AM. Its his style to intimidate, discriminate and undermine his opponents. ‘Di mo ba pansin na lagi yang may “Ha ha ha” at the end of his rebuttals. He must be a very lonely man and most probably does not have a social life. So my suggestion is not to get affected by his comments.


concerned citizen

September 15th, 2005 at 8:07 am

schumey pwede bang sumingit? alam ko ko sino sinasabi mo AM may column sya sa philstar “FIRST PERSON” hahaha! now i know hahaha! akala ko pa naman fil am. nakasalamin ito at malaki papel nito sa ouster ni erap. lagi din ito sa THE FIRM sa makati. tama ba hula ko?



September 15th, 2005 at 8:50 am

si benignO american idol yan, gusto nya magtrabaho na lang tayo. hindi naman yan tax payer ng pinas. wala syang karapatan dito.

eh magtrabaho na lng kaya sya para sa america nya. o si Bush puntiryahin nya na may karapatan sya don. palibhasa pakialamero.
katulad sa Iraq, nakikialam palpak naman. kulang lng yan sa pansin si benigno



September 15th, 2005 at 9:46 am

siguro nga may point si benigno…dahil andyan pa rin si GMA sa pwesto inspite of very hard evidences against her, dedma pa rin ang marami. i myself is convinced of the crime pero nakakainis isipin na palalampasin na lang natin ito. Naloko tayong lahat at aminin man natin o hindi patuloy tayo nagpapaloko hanggat asa pwesto sya. Siguro mas mabuti nga magtrabaho na lang…nakakaapekto na kasi sa kin pag nababasa ko ang mga statement ni GMA as if she has done nothing wrong and she deserves our support. pinanindigan ako ng balahibo…ang kapal talaga ng APOG



September 15th, 2005 at 10:53 am

Gloria’s fall is just a matter of time according to the different people I have met and interacted during my one week stay in the Visayas and Mindanao.

Last Monday, the transport strike in Negros Occidental alone, paralyzed almost 90% of the city & provincial commuter routes which prompted schools to suspend classes.

Comes now the scoop on her “cladestine” hiring of pricy foreign consultants for charter change to which her executive secretary, Ed Ermita was even left in the dark. Said faux pas will lead one to think that Gloria has already adapted a divide and conquer strategy in running her administration, which, to some pundits is already a sign of “melting down”.

Nevertheless, why will gloria and her cohorts solicit American “legislative intervention” in the first place? I wonder what my former professor, Dean Nachura, have to say on this– is he for the rule of the law or not.



September 15th, 2005 at 11:07 am

wag nyo nang pinagpapansin yang isa jan…marami ng iniintindi yan lalong lalo na yung pag veto ni Gov. Schwarzenegger sa gay marriage…so please guys leave him alone..wag na nating dagdagan ang iniisip nya.

meanwhile please read my article (parang awa nyo na)



September 15th, 2005 at 11:31 am

kapal muks talaga ni Gloria…
Let’s oust the fake president…



September 15th, 2005 at 3:17 pm

komento lang kay mr benigno, sabi mo wikang ingles and dapat ituro at gamitin dahil ito ay isang sangkap para sa kaunlaran, maaaring nagkakamali ka dyan, tignan lang natin ang ating mga kalapit bansa, tulad ng bansang hapon, isla ng taiwan at maging ang vietnam, kung mapapansin niyo, di sila kailangan gumamit ng wikang ingles para umunlad. base sa aking obserbasyon, inspiradong pamumuno ang naging mitsa ng tuloy tuloy na kaulanran ng mga bansang nabanggit

with regards to your comments that the problem is the lack of culture, i beg to disagree, culture maybe a factor but it is not the main reason for the failure of our country, but rather a failure of leadership or lack of it eversince we were declared “independent”

with regards to gloria, it will not be right to condone cheating, lying and stealing, however small or great the offense maybe it is still an offense she should be made accountable. as sen joker arroyo said during the time of estrada’s impeachment, we cannot tolerate a thief as a president any second longer. that will have to hold true at all times, regardless of who sits as president.

the people are just exercising their right to redress of grievances, it is not for you or for anyone else to tell them otherwise. if they want to shout with all their might for gloria to step down, you should respect it.
it is our inherent right.

lastly, maybe the best thing to do is to just continue the unfinished revolution of 1896, that way, we will have a closure as a nation and we can start fresh, if we fail again, then we have only ourselves to blame.




September 15th, 2005 at 4:38 pm

Benigno, kawawa ka naman sa mga panlalait ng mga iba. Truth hurts, but pinoys resort to this (panlalait) for lack of wisdom to accept our negative traits and shortcomings, and lack of understanding on how things work in the 21st century.



September 15th, 2005 at 4:40 pm

tagal nga ng umpisa, kailan kaya? tagal nababagot na ko



September 15th, 2005 at 4:51 pm

Bensgr8 = BenignO

hmmm. uyyyy wag mapipikon =)




September 15th, 2005 at 5:01 pm

Hehe gagay, pareho lang kami minsan mag-isip. Pang 21st century utak namin.



September 15th, 2005 at 5:06 pm

concerned citizen

Siya na nga yon. Nahuli mo rin.


Swak na swak. Siguro nga one and the same. Baka naman may iba pang username na ginagamit yan para mukhang may kakampi dito.

Alam na namin lahat ng pinagsasabi niyo. Ang problema ng Pilipinas ay kulang ang nakakarami sa information and education. Pano ba natin mababago ‘to? Madali lang yan, we must focus more attention on education and not spend public funds to hire a foreign lobbyist or to award tongressmen with spurious projects.



September 15th, 2005 at 5:13 pm

I agree with tambuli in general. A lot of what BenignO writes is pure non-sense. At saka, parang kulang siya sa pansin, he needs to be praised for his “theories”. Look at one example:

“… been a proponent of not only junking any further effort to Tagalogise education but to eradicate Tagalog instruction from our education system completely. ”

Excuse me. Look at France, Italy, Japan — bakit ba tayo magpa-English English?

I come from Mindanao, I read only in English, not even do I read in Visayan. Napakahirap magbasa kasi sa Tagalog. But when the Congressmen were talking in Congress explaining their votes, mas magandang pakinggan kapag nagtaTagalog sila — very clear and sinasabi, mabilis pa. Also, in Europe, in the Middle East, we need Tagalog as our national language. Alanganin naman na mag-Bisaya no, unless the other person knows Bisaya.

I reject the idea na tayo ay loko-loko o mahina because we don’t use English. English has no monopoly of learning in this world. At marami ang speaking English na illiterate (tingnan mo na lang ang USA) — kaya nga ang nananalong President are the likes of Bush — dahil napaka illiterate na ng mga kano.

Sa Central Europe, medyo look down ka kapag pa-English-English ka, hindi naman British ang accent mo.

Kaya BenignO, huwag mong ipagyabang yung pagkaka US mo. Napunta ka lang sa illiterate na country, biglang siga ka na.



September 15th, 2005 at 5:28 pm

I totally agree with madrokko, English might be a universal language but Western countries now are studying Nippongo and Chinese to be able to do business with the 2 countries. Kung ang mga Kano nga wrong grammar din. To use Pilipino is not a sign of illiteracy but of national pride. Remember: “Ang hindi marunong magmahal sa sariling wika…….”
Ako, ayokong mag-amoy ng malansang isda, kayo ba gusto niyo?



September 15th, 2005 at 5:33 pm

Grabe! Dapat maging magandang ehemplo ang Office of the President! Kaya naman nagkakawindang-windang ang bansang ito dahil sa ganyang practice!



September 15th, 2005 at 6:08 pm

Can someone tell me specifically or point out the flaws in the contract?

Kasi feeling ko parang galing sa mga komunista ang mga comments dito. Tira lang ng tira, wala naman specifics.

Bakit, meron pa bang libre ngayon. Kung yung barker nga sa kalye, i-pro-promote nya yung jeep sa isang tabi, paglarga ng jeep magbibigay ang driver ng pera sa kanya di ba. Ang Thailand at iba pang bansa, may kinukuha silans mga PR firms dito sa Pinas para i-promote ang tourism sa kani-kanilang bansa. May bayad yun.

Kung walang mai-produce ang Venable after the contract, saka kayo mag-ingay.


concerned citizen

September 15th, 2005 at 6:26 pm

may pera thailand. pilipinas ba? 75 t dollars /mo ano ka ba? sana kung mapera ang pilipinas kaso naghihingalo na nga gumagastos pa sa mga ganitong kontrata. ang sabihen mo political survival na naman kasi malabong pumasa sa senado cha cha.


good egg

September 15th, 2005 at 6:33 pm

sus ginagawa pa bang isyu yang pag-hire ng lobbyists. if they’re going to hire lobbyists for charter change then dapat lang talaga someone who has no vested interest in our politics such as that U.S. firm. and if something is really important to the national interest then having the best to lobby for it is no bad thing.



September 15th, 2005 at 6:40 pm

Ang layo naman yata ng tourism na sinasabi mo. When you lobby for something in a foreign country, that country expects payback. Mali yata yung example na ginamit mo. Show me an example of a country that spends for lobbying in the US Senate. Di ba may nakasuhan ng Taiwanese of illegal campaign contributions kay Clinton. Kung ang US nga di pumapayag na ang isang foreigner na tumulong sa campaign ng candidate sa kanila.



September 15th, 2005 at 6:48 pm

Bensgr8 :

The first flaw of the agreement between Norberto Gonzales and Venable is a matter of propriety.

If you have the read the first part of the agreement, Venable agreed to represent the interests of the Philippine Government in the US.

To my mind , part of the Government’s right in international law is legation which refers to the right of the State to send and receive diplomatic missions, which in effect enables States to carry on friendly intercourse. Thus, we have ambassadors, envoys and charge d affaires, to that effect, including trade or commercial attaché.

Propriety wise, Gonzales is not a proper party to the said agreement.

The second flaw, I believe, is Venable’s output is purely on the basis of best efforts. Again, to my mind, why would our Government spend its precious dollars for an output that is primarily, if not purely on the basis of best efforts?

Let me ask you then, Do you find the contract in order?

Educate us, please.



September 15th, 2005 at 7:42 pm

I just saw the interview of Bert Gonzales on tv. Its his decision ‘daw’ to insert charter change in the contract. He even made a comment that our “congress will never allow a foreign country to insert provisions in our constitution favorable to their counrty’s interests. He ven added that these congressmen cannot be bought. Sino ba niloloko niya. Kung nasusuhulan nga ng palasyo na bumuto against impeachment, yang pakaya na sisiguruhing sila pa rin ang uupo. C’mon, ‘di bobo ang mga Pilipino. Puro pera lang kapangyarihan ang gusto niyang mga yan. Kahit kaluluwa niyan ipagpapalit.



September 15th, 2005 at 8:04 pm

Naku, dami reactions.

concerned citizen, I’m a risk-taker kaya if we would be able to get grants/assistance in the hundreds of millions ok lang yung gastos. Di ba we used to get 200 million dollars or so in military aid in the past. Whatever we get would be of great help. As to Thailand, even the devastation caused by the Tsunamis are not stopping them from promoting their country. Wouldn’t it be better if we look at things like this as opportunities we are trying to explore rather that shooting it outright.

schumey, sorry at yun lang naisip kung example to show na walang libre ngayon. Wala akong first hand info pero someone told me that the U.S. used to give Israel billions because maraming mga hudyo na nag-lobby nito sa U.S. noon.

indio, eh you sound like a lawyer, kaya pls. go ahead and educate us. My simple mind tells me that we hired someone to do the begging for us.



September 15th, 2005 at 8:14 pm

Etong si Gonzales talaga pinagloloko tayo. Ngayong naman si Angelo dela Cruz ang sinisisi. Kaya daw hi-nold yung aid ng US sa’tin dahil kay Angelo. He just wants to know where the Phil. stands with regards to our relations with the US congress. “Di na natin kailangan ng lobbyist para malaman yun. Kaya ng tayo may embassy sa US. Mas mura yon kesa bumayad ka ng lobbyist. Sabi pa niya na ‘di pa daw nakikita ni GMA yung contract, pordiosporsyento naman, she approved it. Kung ako may pinagawa sa tauhan ko, I’ll follow it up to see the progress. Gaguhan na talaga dito. Ayaw din niyang i-name yung nag-fund ng 3-months advance payment sa Venable. He also revealed that the report he got from Venable is not favorable, so what the hell to we need to spend more. He even said, ‘walang kumi-kickback sa transaction na ito.’ Masyado daw maliit para pag-interesan. Then that confirms that with bigger transactions mayroon kuminita.

Kaya ayaw i-release ng US ang aid sa’tin is because of the corruption in government and the military institutions. They have seen how the government spent their previous aids. They give aid to specific agencies pero ano ang nangyari, na-divert itong mga funds na ito. Paano tayo tutulungan kung yung mismong tagapag-alaga ng funding ay hindi ito ginagamit for what it was really intended for.



September 15th, 2005 at 8:30 pm

Panibagong raket na naman yan ni ate glue para maka porsyento na naman siya’kahit anong kilos may kurapsyon na kaakibat,kawawa naman ang mga pinoy hirap na hirap na sa buhay kinokotongan pa,sugod na mga kapatid!



September 15th, 2005 at 8:36 pm

Mga taga romblon wag kayong pa anganga,yung tonggressman ninyo bumoto ng yes magkano kaya ang naharbat nun kay nate glue,tsk..tsk…walang prinsipyo pag pera na ang pinagusapan….wawa naman mga odionganon! tsk…



September 15th, 2005 at 8:41 pm

di naman cguro nilalait si mr benigno, kung may tinamaan, that means may nasaktan, and truth hurts d ba? thats from mr benigno himself, cguro naman di masama na magbigay ng mga opinion na kontra, we are in a so called “democracy” daw and its an exercise of right to express ones opinion as long as it does not trample on other persons right, keep an open mind, kung marunong kang mambato, dapat marunong karing tumangap ng pambabato, no one has a monopoly of the truth and sad to say, sometimes “truth” is subjective

palagay ko, its not the contract itself that is flawed, the question is, do we really need a lobby group to put forward our interest in the US congress? we were once a colony of the US, and supposedly a friend and ally right now, kung gusto talaga nila tayong tulungan, matagal na nilang ginawa, inuuna nila ang mga bansang mayroon silang interest, sa pinas wala siguro silang makukuhang mahalaga kaya nilalagay nalang nila tayo sa huli ng listahan, ganyan klase ng kaibigan ang US.

one more thing, with regards to the case of michael ray aquino, di ba hinuli siya for alleged espionage? mga materials daw na nakuha niya ay may kinalaman sa pinas at mga matataas na tao sa govt, kung titignan natin, bakit meron ganon mga data ang US tungkol sa pinas, that means nagconduct sila ng spy activities dito sa atin, we should turn the table around and ask them why the hell they are spying on us a friend and ally.



September 15th, 2005 at 10:29 pm

The allege hiring of lobby firm shows that this government is transacting unfair businesses beyond the knowledge of the Filipino people. If that is true then, that is putting us, Filipinos, in trouble. Whomever people who will contribute money for the propose amendments are not naive to give their dollars without a good exchange or benefits. The Americans since they contribute a lot can secure their interest in the making of our new constitution; even it will detrimental to us. Let us open our minds that asking pennies from them will able them make their hidden interest legalized under the new constitution that without them it is impossible.
Our constitution is for Filipinos, made by our “Kababayans” and funded by our government…



September 15th, 2005 at 11:34 pm

Mga Kababayan,

Ano ba naman ang nangyayari sa ating Pilipinas?

Ang daming gunggong…sa government pa napunta.

Saka ano itong “eradicate” Tagalog in the Education System ng Pilipinas? Wow hah, magagalit sa iyo si Jose Rizal niyan…at maging si Manuel Quezon. Isa pa, just to correct ang “mali”, TAGALOG is a dialect…ang language ng Pilipinas…PILIPINO po ang tama.

At bakit natin aalisin ang Pilipino sa educational system ng Pilipinas? Kaya tayo naghihirap eh, walang pagmamahal sa bayan. Kami nga na nasa labas na ng bansa, sinisikap namin na turuan ng kulturang Pilipino ang aming mga anak…at pinipilit namin kahit ayaw nila na matuto sila ng Pilipino. At kapag may pangit na sabihin ang mga ibang taong hindi natin kalahi patungkol sa bayan natin, kami ang unang nagtatanggol at nakikipag-away. Hindi naman kasi dahil sa umalis kami ng Pilipinas eh ayaw na namin sa ating bansa. It is a matter of needs and opportunities. But our hearts and pride still belong to our nation…the Philippines.

We are hoping that our country will be able to learn…to recover from all the mistakes…be revived from its current disastrous state…This will not happen….not with the current administrators (GMA and her cohorts).

When and where we will find a true leader? And WHO???

To keep GMA in power…is a big lost to our nation…if she can be persuaded to resign or be moved on any other means…it is half of the requirement only. The other half of the requirement is…who shall lead our country?

My prayer is for our country, the Philippines, to be kept from further troubles and disasters, either brought by the leaders…or otherwise. Dahil nariyan pa rin ang mga mahal namin sa buhay, mga kaibigan at mga kababayan.

Huwag naman sana tayong mag-utak alimango (or worst…mawalan ng utak) sa pag-ignore natin sa mga maling ginagawa ni GMA at mga alagad niya.



September 16th, 2005 at 12:58 am

Kawawa naman yung congressman sa district ni Benign0, siguro araw-araw nakakatanggap ito ng complaint. Pati siguro ultimo trash pick-up schedule eh inirereklamo niya assuming na concerned citizen siya sa county / district / state na kanyang tinitirahan sa USofA.



September 16th, 2005 at 7:35 am


I caught the interview of Aquino’s lawyer yesterday, he is being charged of fraud and acting as an agent. The other guy is the one being accused of espionage. Buti pa nga yung mga Kano, alam yung pinag-gagawa ng gobyerno natin, pero tayong mga Pilipino hindi. Governance with transparency pa daw kuno.


Its not the lobbying of Jews that got the billions for Israel, its their anti-Muslim stance. And napahiya sila sa Israel when they accused the MOSSAD of espionage afew years back. Natalo sila sa case because the info that MOSSAD acquired is public knowledge. If we stick with Lacson’s argument that all he received were news clippings and assessments from Fox News, then the FBI may be in for another failed case.



September 16th, 2005 at 8:06 am

Bensgr8 :

If what I have earlier posted as a reply to your general plea of “Can someone tell me specifically or point out the flaws in the contract? ”
is not enough,considering you have admitted you got a simple mind, then, it follows that whatever legal education inputted will only be a waste of time if not resources.

Reconsidering you got a simple mind, how come you alleged and boasted to gagay that you got a “21st century utak” in the first place?

Isn’t it lying or cheating or misrepresenting just like your beloved gloria?



September 16th, 2005 at 9:00 am

madrokko said,
September 15, 2005 @ 5:13 pm
I agree with tambuli in general. A lot of what BenignO writes is pure non-sense. At saka, parang kulang siya sa pansin, he needs to be praised for his “theories”. Look at one example:

“… been a proponent of not only junking any further effort to Tagalogise education but to eradicate Tagalog instruction from our education system completely. ”

Excuse me. Look at France, Italy, Japan — bakit ba tayo magpa-English English?

Yes excuse us but has anyone noticed how RICH the body of literature articulated in French, Italian, and Japanese is?

Compare that to Tagalog and note how the body of literature of that language — specially material that we desperately need to prosper (science/technology/engineering, economics, finance, etc.) — is utterly dwarfed by that of the languages of these advanced nations?

So what do you think will be easier?

OPTION 1 Translate English, Italian, Japanese, and French texts into Tagalog (jeez, we don’t even have the money to fix our roads’ many potholes).

OPTION 2 Develop our own original material on the fields of science/technology/engineering, economics, finance, etc. in Tagalog? (we can’t even implement a simple traffic management system much less develop Engineering textbooks in Tagalog).

OPTION 3 Speak in English and read English textbooks.

If you were a manager on a budget, what option would make the most sense to you? 😉



September 16th, 2005 at 9:54 am

Well, bout Venable, the issue involves the constitution , sovereignity, national security, treasonous transaction by the president, US intrevention ( pls read Constantino,etal, ex-CIA agents’ exposes, CIA-Agile covert ops ) . Track records of US and GMA had been inimical to Phil interest.

We remain a virtual colony.



September 16th, 2005 at 10:11 am

It’s been a long time, benign0. I would have let you be had you not elucidated on language in the above clearer terms.

Language is the root cause of this country’s problems you rail against. And your prescriptions, and considerations, are wrong. Especially your option 3, if implemented, will just ensure that your kind will just have progenitors down the centuries more because “stupid people” with their own culture won’t just Englicize themselves completely.

True national development is fundamentally built on a common language. “A manager on a budget” just won’t wash as a standpoint. True national development requires strategy—strategic planning tackling strategic goals even as they express themselves as tactical objectives. Don’t ever confuse the two because my suspicion is that you do: you are motivated by tactical objectives from where you devise all sorts of strategic voodoo.

Read up on languages first—their nature, behavior, philosophy, semiotics, epistemology, etc—before you write something “brilliant” on the subject.



September 16th, 2005 at 10:30 am

Mr. pedro,

After your quaint ad hominem, all you can come up with is a recommendation that I “read up” some more? 😀

And besides, “common language” is not the point of my assertion. The point I make has more to do with adopting a language that articulates a DEEP body of literature and intellectual capital that can be used productively.

You advise me to read up some more? I advise you to read more CAREFULLY and UNDERSTAND what you read (regardless of how long or short the text is).

Quality over quantity, dude. Then again you’re Pinoy.

ha ha! 😀



September 16th, 2005 at 10:51 am

If you call every comment as “ad hominem” and yours as “brilliant,” don’t you realize that you’re just SOOOOO Pinoy too? I never met foreigners as arrogant as you. So you must be sooo pinoy too. At least, those arrogant foreigners have the erudition to back them up.

Do you care to know that the Arabic language at one point saved Western civilization?

Of course not because you’ve not read about it.

Do you know the tomes of Tagalog literature that can fill up libraries?
From Lope K. Santos to Agos ng Disyerto to as recent as Katha?

Of course not because you don’t know anything about it.

You once disregarded my comment that you ought to read an author’s original works instead of relying on second- or third-rate commentators. And you’re giving me advise to read carefully?

This is the last time I will write you back, even if you heap insults later on. You have me believing once more that another Murphy’s Law really operates in this world:

“Never argue with a fool. People might not know the difference.”




September 16th, 2005 at 11:04 am

ay ewan ko ba sa inyo kung bakit nyo pinagaaksayahan ng panahon ang napaka walang originality na isa jan. Walang laman ang kukote nyan..what he is is merely someone that collects ideas, and passing it as his own. He is nothing more but a parrot, a mimic, molded in the likeness of all his previous instructors…a dummy mouthing the opinion of others…isang manggagaya…walang creativity..walang passion..pick a freaking manindigan!


meanwhile thank you sa lahat ng mga nagbabasa ng mga article ko…at sa mga hindi pa eto ang link.



September 16th, 2005 at 11:08 am

Naku indio, don’t interpret things negatively. Have a more positive outlook and chances are sasaya buhay mo. Simple lang naman yung contract di ba – mga empleyado ng Venable ang manlilimos para sa atin. Yung ambassadors natin sa chikahan sila. Degrading naman ata na mga pinoy consuls pa mismo ang manlimos.


Alecks Pabico

September 16th, 2005 at 11:25 am

To everyone,

This is the last time we are going to appeal to your good sense to keep the discussions in this blog above the level of personal attacks and malicious innuendo. Some of you here have only exposed themselves to be plain BIGOTS, intolerant of other people’s views and are consumed by a tragically exaggerated opinion of themselves and the superiority of their ideas and opinions. This blog is no place for people of such kind.

We have been fair and tolerant far too long. Let it not be said that we never warned you.



September 16th, 2005 at 11:38 am

hayaan nyo na lng si benigno kahit sinabi nya stupido tayong mga filipino. wag nyo lang pansinin. babaw lng kaligayahan



September 16th, 2005 at 11:43 am

Ayan, nag warn na si Sir Alecks. Mag behave na tayo. Mr Alecks, si GMA tsaka mga tuta nya pwede pa rin naman i-criticize di ba? =)



September 16th, 2005 at 11:45 am

thats whats wrong with our country, nobody seems to find anything good about our people, kaya may term tayo na pinoy nga naman or pinoy kasi or only in the philippines, and this reflects on the race as a whole, we should start finding something good about our race and build from there di ba?

isa pa, i just read that our country is the third largest recipient of overseas remittance, d ba tayo nahihiya at kailangan pa natin ipadala ang mga kababayan natin sa ibayong dagat para magpakaalila para lamang may magastos at makurakot ang ating gobyerno?!?! talk about heroes, more as gatasan ni gloria!! those precious remittances, a product our OFW’s blood, sweat and tears. maawa na kayo sa bayang pilipinas.

its not the language, its not the culture, and its not the psyche, the problem is with the leadership, napaka mediocre and couple that with apathy from the so called “silent majority”, the net result is the philippines now, poor, underdeveloped, sick man of asia again, tens of billions of dollars in debt with nothing to show.

but there is still hope, keep the faith, as we have seen in the gala called the impeachment, meron pang pag asa ang ating bayan, meron parin boses ang ating mga kababayan sa katauhan ng mga batang kongresista tulad nila cayetano, darlene custodio, chiz, guingona, reyes, paras, chipeco at huwag din natin kalilimutan sila zamora, roman, the better fuentebella, clavel martinez, golez at marami pang iba.

mabuhay kayo at mabuhay ang pilipinas!!



September 16th, 2005 at 11:49 am

Thanks for the reminder, Alecks and I apologize for using Murphy’s Law on the subject of “fool.”

However, this word pales in comparison to comments like “typical Pinoy,” “so Pinoy,” “parang aso, mataas lang pag nakaupo,” etc. etc. ad nauseaum.

But then again, what took you so long?

: )



September 16th, 2005 at 12:15 pm

for the nth time proper procedure is not equivalent to due process. due process is a technical legal term which requires notice and hearing before one is deprived of something he currently enjoys.



September 16th, 2005 at 12:18 pm

Hey HOMER B. nigN-0, reveal yourself. Buking ka na. Pagkatapos
mo laitin ang mga pinoy !



September 16th, 2005 at 12:19 pm

the arroyos, all of them, are worse than the estradas. they rival the marcoses. imelda cant even touch mike arroyo’s excesses. bongbong is nothing to mikey’s dom/padrino ways. luli and dato are an intellectually and more importantly, morally lightweight. nagpapakasasa rin sa pandarambong ng pamilya nila.



September 16th, 2005 at 12:27 pm

AM ba or Homer, which is which?


Bernie La Plante

September 16th, 2005 at 1:38 pm



Who the fvck is Homer?!?!?!??



September 16th, 2005 at 1:43 pm

Sir Alecks,

Now that you have said that some have been plain BIGOTS and that they have been using this blog to advertise their own works and attack other people’s beliefs and opinions and advocate that their own opinions and suggestions are much superior than everbody else’s, maybe we can find a way to block them.

It is very irritating to see that some bloggers have done nothing but to instigate friction and offend other bloggers. They should be reminded of their responsibilities in this blog and to other bloggers and that they should be reprimanded and made as examples for the rest of us.

Blogs have been created to make ideas flow freely among bloggers, however we must be courteous enough not to offend any other bloggers with our opinions. Opinions may differ but we must always be humble enough to accept that another man’s opinion may be better than ours.



September 16th, 2005 at 2:39 pm

alam po ninyo noong una ako po ay tulad din ninyo isang hamak na nagpapaskil ng mga saloobin tungkol sa mga bagay bagay at mga problemang kinakaharap ng ating bansa…..isang boses na nais marinig…

ngunit…..lahat ng itoy nagbago ng nakita kong mayroong ilan na walang pakundangang linalapastangan ang bansa sampu ng mga mamamayan neto…

kumbaga….labanan ng apoy ang apoy….pag binato ka ng bato…batuhin mo ng tinapay palaman adobe…

doon sa mga maka glorya..bagamat pilit kong iniintindi kung paano nyo maatim sumuporta sa isang lider na napatunayang sinungaling..naniniwala akong nabubulagan kayo..pero bilib ako sa conviction nyo….

kesa naman sa isa jan na pa epek outsider looking in…nasa gitna para walang talo…sigurista dahil walang “testicular fortitude”

doon sa mga nais pabagsakin ang naka upong sinungaling sa Malacanang….
ika nga ng isa nating katoto…”lets all pray for bad weather”…..
panovena tayo….(sabihin na lang natin me drought sa pinas at kinakailangan ng matinding pag-ulan)


(pag nakita ko pa tong gagong to…di ko to tiitgilan) :)



September 16th, 2005 at 4:12 pm

bad weather tayo ngayon, who knows, our prayers might just be answered (suntok sa buwan) dapat ngang manindigan na, para sa ikabubuti naman ng lahat ito, tigilan na natin ang apathy, kasi wala tayong mararating pag ganito ng ganito, makilahok at maki alam, this is our country, wala naman tayong ibang mapupuntahan. pagbutihin nalang natin ang ano mang nasa atin, kailangan lang talagang managot si gloria sa mga kasalanan niya sa bayan para naman mag karoon tayo ng closure



September 16th, 2005 at 8:10 pm

kailan kya sasagutin ng maykapal ang ating dasal na ang dayukdok sa malakanyang ay maalis na?sabi nga sa diyos ang awa sa tao ang gawa Kaya nga gawin na natin ang dapat gawin,Lusob mga kapatid! Paalisin ang malas sa pilipinas!ATE GLUE RESIGN NA OGUSTO MO PA BANG KALADKARIN KA NAMIN DYAN PAALIS SA INAGAW MONG PWESTO SA MALAKANYANG?



September 16th, 2005 at 8:33 pm


i have seen your site and i now understand why you seemed to have hit some nerves here (i’m too lazy to read all posts here 😉 ).

the truth does hurt. until the Filipinos are strong enough to admit flaws in their character, then it will never be addressed and will never be corrected; thus we end up doing and committing the same mistakes. i have read somewhere that it is a sign of insanity to insist on doing the SAME THINGS, but expecting DIFFERENT RESULTS. like the People Power. did it really change anything in the lives of the Filipinos? why do we insist that this time it will be different? are the Filipinos really going insane? when will we ever learn?



September 17th, 2005 at 6:47 am

ang swerte talaga ni Guya(GMA), walang mas action dahil:
1. pagod pa ang mga tao
2. taghirap ng buhay ngayon, mas lalo ngayon kaysa kay erap
3. wala kasigaduran ang oposition na papalit na lider
4. mataas ang presyo ng mga bilihin
5. gusto muna ng tao ngayon may makain, katulad ko kahit gusto na maalis si Guya
6. tag-ulan ngayon,
7. walang pang magandang dahilan para maibago ang lahat pagkatapos ng people power

hay naku, kailan kaya mawala si GUYA



September 17th, 2005 at 11:13 am

hey alecks, tamang tama yung term mo na ‘bigots’, if you look at his picture, may Bigote siya na, ika nga ni gma, nagmamatch’. Yung height naman, may term ang mga americans sa mga pinoy which i learned a couple of years ago na which they call us ‘little island people’ (sama no ?) na nag mamatch din. In short, our elusive website advertiser is very much filipino overall. His friend at ‘Megahits’ has a lot to say about him. Even showed me a picture. hehehe



September 17th, 2005 at 12:15 pm

Bruce Tawilis wrote a lot of bullshit things.

Filipinos will learn things soon enough, but according to their own pace and time and consequences of their own making.

Filipinos will learn but surely without you and Benign0’s empty but nasty proddings.



September 17th, 2005 at 1:30 pm

Naka naman si Anak_ng_Jueteng, na-puri lang ni Alecks dati, naging investigative journalist wannabe na. 😀

Nakakaflatter naman. May stalker pa ako ngayon.

Sige nga, what else has your “investigation” revealed about cute little moi?

ha ha! 😀


ed b. umali

September 17th, 2005 at 1:46 pm

Why source funding for charter change in the United States? Well, it is not actually fund sourcing to support the administration’s drive for a charter change but rather, a “sales” drive to sell some would be provisions of the constitution to big businesses there. I think there will be two major areas where non filipinos will be very interested… natural resources and trade or business parity rights. I do not believe what Bert Gonzales is saying that the charter change aspect of the contract is just an add-on. I think, it is the main reason for the contract with Venable LLP. Also, there is a deeper reason which is actually …TREASON! The selling handle will be…”Legalize the EXPLOITATION of the PHILIPPINES through your $$$$$$$ donation!!!” Simple and viable through Venable!!!



September 17th, 2005 at 3:21 pm

More at:

The distorted view on lobbying

I find it puzzling why some legislators and anti-government forces are over-reacting on the government’s move to hire an American lobby firm to shore up chances of constitutional changes in the Philippines. The PCIJ reported that the Arroyo administration retained the services of lobbyist Venable LLP in “great haste and secrecy” for a monthly fee of at least $75,000.

I suspect that the culprit for the unwarranted outcry is the pejorative connotation of the word “lobbying,” which seems to sound somewhat sinister for me, too. But just as everyone is entitled under the First Amendment the rights of speech, association and petition, the work of lobby groups as mediator between the government and private parties should not be cast in bad light.

The Philippine Congress, for one, has been riddled with lobbyists since. Backers of party-list groups are high on the list, advocating issues of gender equality, labor rights and migrant workers, among others. So what’s the fuss all about?

When I was in Washington, D.C. for a journalism fellowship few months ago, I had an opportunity to cover the U.S. Congress, which is almost the same as the Philippine Congress (obviously). The main difference between the two congresses is the visibility of lobby groups in the U.S. – literally and figuratively. Lobbying the legislature has been part of the process there of exchanging important information and ideas between the government and various sectors.

Some are confused why the hell we need to rally for America’s support? My position in this case is irrelevant for whether I agree or not, strong U.S. backing is needed for a smooth glide of landmark changes, such as the purported constitutional shift from presidential-unitary to parliamentary-federalism form.

Few days ago, India and Pakistan signed with U.S. lobby group Barbour Griffith & Rogers to expand their foreign relations with the U.S. government. Specifically, the initial contract is good until next year, which just like the Philippines is none too shabby at $700,000.

Pakistan, which has a tense relationship with India, signed up with another lobbyist, Van Scoyoc Associates, to perform the same work the less hefty sum of $570,000 for 15 months.

The point is that hiring lobby groups to forward a cause is no secret deal since any foreign contract will eventually surface at the Justice Department, including contract fees.

There have been several occasions when wrongful influence affects unjustly the legislative process. But this loophole has been minimized, if not entirely wiped out, by several federal laws that regulate lobbying activities, specifically the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995.

In the case of foreign government trying to solicit support from American lawmakers, the lobby firm, referred to as “agents of a foreign principal,” must follow the stipulations stated by the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

The law defines an “agent” as one who acts “at the order, request, or under the direction or control, of a foreign principal, or of a person any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in part by a foreign principal…”

The agent files a registration statement with the U.S. Attorney General, listing detailed financial and business information. It must also open its books for scrutiny by public officials. They are permitted to do the following:

“Political activities”
“Public relations counsel,” publicity agent or political consultant
Collecting or disbursing contributions for the foreign principal
Representing the interests of the foreign principal “before any agency or official of the Government of the United States

The term “political activities” loosely cover all activities that, in any way, influence any agency or U.S. official or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting, or changing the domestic or foreign policies of the United States.

I cannot smell something fishy here, no anomalous contract or whatsoever as some camps would like to portray. If the Arroyo administration and advocates of parliamentary-federalism have enough war chest to sustain the propaganda, then why not? I could not care less unless there’s a strong case to bring up that public money is being used to pay for the lobbying.

More at:



September 17th, 2005 at 3:55 pm

sigurado ka benign0 ha

o here is one. You are connected to Mr. Luis Optus. Between green and blue, you prefer blue as your favorite color. he he he



September 17th, 2005 at 7:47 pm

September 17, 2005 @ 3:55 pm
sigurado ka benign0 ha

o here is one. You are connected to Mr. Luis Optus. Between green and blue, you prefer blue as your favorite color. he he he

Why don’t you go for the gold? It’s either you take a crap or get off the can.

ha ha! 😀



September 17th, 2005 at 8:39 pm

just the clues homer, just the clues…… Let the bloggers crack the code



September 17th, 2005 at 8:50 pm

nag woworry na ba ang ating webmaster and self
proclaimed consultant ?

Dont worry, looking forward talaga ako sa bridge climb na yan. :-)
The metal guides and overalls is kinda cool huh ? Yung pag cross
sa horizontal beam ang pinaka exciting :-)



September 17th, 2005 at 9:33 pm

Mr. Anak,

As I said I’m flattered. Let me know when you come up with something beyond what comes up on your Google searches.

Maybe you’d also like to interview an ex-teacher of mine as well from the ol’ blue school who’s also an ex-PCIJ dude.

ha ha! 😀



September 17th, 2005 at 10:06 pm

one question though, does the ‘bigote’ create a big difference ?



September 17th, 2005 at 11:30 pm

newsroombarkada, very enlightening piece of info. Like India and Pakistan, I guess we’re just practicing “Panlilimos 101 in the 21st Century”.



September 18th, 2005 at 12:56 am

I am not sure if it is correct or even legal for National Inteligence Service to venture into a FUND raising campaign – specially for a legislative matter.

How are they going to account for the pesos purportedly collected from private donors in helping to pay the Lobbying expenses. Who are this private donors? In the name of Public Interest, Filipinos would like to know those generous private individuals who are willing to shell out money to hire the US lobbying firms.

I would like to point out also on how NISA would account for the money collected from the lobbying campaign. Does it go through national treasury or directly to a special purpose account – free from COA audit.

If GMA is very close to Bush why all these expensive private lobbying firm.

Why would GMA need MONEY to successfully launch a pro-chacha campaign. Where does the MONEY would eventually go! Congressmen? Little town mayors? Governors? Comelec?



September 18th, 2005 at 1:23 am

If the constitution is written in tagalog, and the laws are intricate only to the Philippines then reversal of fortune is expected. It will be the foreigners who will be hiring local lawyers, lobbyist etc…

Yap, I guess, we should go BACK to pure tagalog, all the way from nursery to corporate. Its a good Marketing ploy and it will enliven our Culture. Let them foreigners spend their money to study our language, our culture, our laws, and even consumer behavior. Let the US government spend money translating all their government brochures, pamphlets, publications and forms in Tagalog.



September 18th, 2005 at 1:54 am

Kahit ano pa ang sabihin ninyo, ang gobyernong ito ay walang pagmamahal sa mga ordinaryong mamamayan. Wala pakialam ang gobyernong ito kung ang mga nurses natin ay nagsislayasan patungo sa ibang bansa upang pagsilbihan ang mga dayuhan. Walang pakialam ang gobyernong ito kung ang mga magagaling na guro ay magturo sa mga dayuhan kaya wag na tayong maghangad na tataas pa ang antas ng ating edukasyon. Walang pakialam ang gobyernong ito sa mga middle class na syang nagbabayad ng kaukulang tax dahil gustong sumunod sa batas. Walang pakialam ang gobyernong ito kung ang mga magsasaka ay mahirapang magbungkal dahil mas nanaisin pa nitong mag-angkat ng bigas mula sa ibang bansa. Hayyyyy!

Kung iisipin, dapat pa bang unahin ang kumuha ng isang dayuhang kumpanya para mag”lobby”? Bakit hindi na lang ginamit ang pera para sa mga guro o kaya nurses o kaya sa mga magsasaka? Bakit kelangang pasamahin ang 50 tongressmen sa US samantalang hindi naman sila kelangan doon at isipin pa na ang kanilang ginasta ay pera ng taong bayan? Bakit hindi gastusin ang pera ng bansa para sa mga nangangailangan? Bakit? Bakit?

Tatanggapin na lamang ba natin na ganitong klaseng gobyerno ang manatili at magpasya sa atin? Matatanggap ba natin na itong mga ganid sa kwarta ng bayan ay wala man lamang ni katiting na habag sa mga naghihirap na Pilipino? Hanggang kelan tayo magpapaalipin sa sarili nating bayan at hayaan na lamang natin ang mga taong tulad ni Gloria na ni minsan ay di kumalam ang sikmura dahil sa gutom?

Kahit kelan wala tayong pagmamahal na makakamtan sa mga taong di alam ang maging isang mahirap. KAWAWA KA PILIPINO, WALA NA ANG DANGAL NA PWEDE MONG IPAGMALAKI.

Kung di tayo kikilos ngayon, kelan pa? Mamatay tayong di man lamang masisilayan ang pagunlad ng Pilipinas…kung meron pang pagkakataon.



September 18th, 2005 at 5:13 am

India and Pakistan could clearly afford to spend such amounts, both are nuclear powers and whose economy continues to grow. But a country like the Philippines whose majority of its citizenry lives way below the poverty line, parang may mali yata dun. Kung ako nga na nakakain ng tatlong beses sa isang araw ay nararamdaman ang hirap ng buhay, yun pa kayang salat at ‘di alam kung kelan ang susunod niyang hapunan. Manhid na ang gobyernong ito sa kahirapan na dinaranas ang sambayanan.

“Ask not what your counrty can do for you but what you can do for your country”. Yan ang gasgas na linya ng gobyernong ito. Hindi pa ba sapat na ang mga kababayan natin ay lumisan upang magtrabaho sa ibang para lamang maitaguyod ang kanilang mga pamilya; habang ang pamahalaan ay nakatanghod na iniintay ang remittances nila upang ibulsa at magpasasa sa dambuhalang suweldo nila. Mga buwis na ‘di natin alam kung saan napupunta. We expect the government to give something in return. Afterall we, the masses and the working class toil day after day so we can pay for the extravagant lifestyle of our officials.

Ano pa kaya ang dapat ibagay ng sambayanan para magtrabaho naman ang pamahalaan para sa kanyang mga nasasakupan?


concerned citizen

September 18th, 2005 at 8:08 am

tama ok lang maglobby kung para sa ikakuunlad ng pilipinas at can afford tayo to hire expensive lobbyists. eh pobre pa tayo sa dilang pobre. 2nd from the bottom. next to bangladesh and maybe later huwag naman sanang mangyari kalevel na tayo. hinde para sa pilipinas ang venable na ito. para sa political survivor ni arroyo & cohorts. charter change? con ass? sila sila din yun. i prefer con con para choice ng tao. kahit magastos. eh kung itong mga lobbying expenses na aaford nila bakit hinde con con? takot ba sila na ilampaso sila ng mga tao? knowing their performances at congress esp during the impeachment trial? (kahit pa laiten ang mga filipino abt election practices)} pwede siguro comelec linisin at huwag ng pagamit mga botante kung meron man sa mga dirty politicians na ito. gamitin ang karapatan. iboto kung sino ang nararapat. meanwhile mas ok sana kung ma unseat ang president bago chacha para fair ang labanan.



September 18th, 2005 at 10:01 am

funny ka homer, i dont use benign0’s statement sa google searches
as a criteria. Because anytime you can say that and lie about it.
I am using information doon sa totoo mong identity. Kung nagkataon
na nag match yon sa benign0 declared information, hindi ko na pinilit
yon :-)
So ano nga ang feeling pay may bigoteng suot sa ibang bansa ?



September 18th, 2005 at 10:04 am

saka wala ako nakita sa web na si benign0 mismo ang nagsalita
na dati siya sa ‘ol blue school’



September 18th, 2005 at 5:03 pm

Mr. Anak, good luck na lang sa mga ‘speculation’ mo. Considering your “insight” was once used in a PCIJ blog article, it’s ironic you are reduced to these quaint activtities.

ha ha!

Do I look good in a bigote? 😉



September 18th, 2005 at 5:15 pm

Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corporation’s (Pagcor) chairman Efraim C. Genuino spends much of his time talking to prospective investors and trying to sell US$1 billion theme park project aimed at pulling in millions of foreign tourists and jump-starting the Philippines’ struggling economy.

Planned to be built on a reclaimed 250-hectare site alongside Manila Bay, Pagcor’s theme park hopes to amass about $15 billion worth of investments within 10 years. A cross between Las Vegas and Disneyland, the development will include world-class casinos, convention centers, shopping malls, residential and business centers, a sports stadium and a cultural complex, if all goes to plan.

“We want to create a world-class tourism area because we believe the only way for the Philippines to recover economically is through tourism,” Genuino said. “The success of Las Vegas is the envy of everybody, so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel. It’s going to be the best theme park in Asia.”

The theme park project has three basic development concepts: an entertainment and gaming complex offering shopping, educational and cultural diversions, and cabaret shows; a family-oriented entertainment complex with leisure activities for children and young teens; and a self-contained 24/7 city with places for work, living and recreation.

Pagcor is inviting “locators” to invest in the theme park. “If you are one of our locators and you are interested in putting up a casino or whatever, we will give you the design that we would like you to do and the activities that we would like you to implement,” said Genuino.

Asked how Pagcor can compete with Macau as a gaming and entertainment mecca, Genuino said Filipinos have an advantage in that they are “very hospitable and likable. Also, we are an English-speaking country, and so anyone can come here and converse with us.”

“From gaming to entertainment, that is our shift in focus,” he said of Pagcor’s business-development strategy. “The entertainment industry in Las Vegas is bigger than the gaming industry now. The Philippines should follow that path. Gaming will be one of the important aspects of the theme park immediately, but eventually it will be relegated to the background.”

Man at the helm

Quiet and assuming Genuino is a 53-year-old entrepreneur and political organizer who managed two of Arroyo’s successful campaigns for office: a senatorial bid in 1992 and her vice presidential run in 1998. His reward was to be appointed chairman of Pagcor in February 2001.

Holding an MBA from a Philippine university, Genuino began his career as an insurance salesman. He later established a computer school and a pest-control company. As an active mover in the Rotary Club of Makati (the main business district in Manila), he played a major role in implementing a computer-literacy project for some 2,000 school teachers and 1,000 youths in depressed areas.

Married with four children ages 14 to 21, he is a hands-on chief executive who puts in 11- to 12-hour workdays.

Genuino made an immediate impression on Pagcor’s 11,000-strong work force. One of his first moves was to restructure the company’s salary structure for the first time in more than a decade. Some staff members had not received a pay increase since the 1980s. “He has done a lot to raise morale since he came in,” noted one member of his management team.

For Genuino, building enthusiasm among the staff is a major priority. “In the Philippines, you have to create an atmosphere of hope,” he explained. “There are so many problems that beset our country, and with this vision [of the theme park] the 11,000 people of Pagcor will aspire for something that will improve their lives. This is the kind of hope that we would like to give to our employees, [and] not only to our employees but to the Filipino people.”

He would like to professionalize the Philippines’ gaming industry. In the face of derision from his critics, he has asked President Arroyo to support a plan to create a Pagcor Academy that would offer courses and training programs for table dealers and casino executives and workers.

“The gaming industry now is worth about US$900 billion and the demand for professional workers in it is high,” Genuino explained. “There is now a huge market for professional workers in the gaming industry, and this can be supplied by talent from the Philippines.

“This type of school we are envisioning would be the first in the world. They have training institutes in Las Vegas and Macau, but there is no degree program … What we want to develop is a bachelor’s course in gaming, a bachelor of science in gaming management. This is what the industry lacks.”

Above all, Genuino hopes the gaming industry can create a more wholesome image for itself.

Biggest contributor to national economy

Pagcor plays a crucial role in the Philippine economy. It is the government’s biggest source of nontax-based revenues and its third-largest revenue earner after the Bureau of Internal Revenue, which collects income tax, and the Bureau of Customs.

Pagcor’s income has been growing at an annual average rate of 16 percent since 1986. It has figured as one of the top two corporations, as listed by the Philippines’ Securities and Exchange Commission, since 1995. The company expected to register a net profit of at least 19 billion pesos (US$358.5 million) in 2002, up from 12 billion pesos in 2001.

Pagcor has 505 gaming tables and 5,083 slot machines. Total winnings from tables and slot machines in 2001 amounted to 15.5 billion pesos ($292.45 million). The forecast for 2002 was 17.8 billion pesos ($335.8 million). The Casino Filipino branches offer baccarat, blackjack, roulette, craps, big and small, pai gow, stud poker and slot machines. Regular bingo sessions take place at 11 of the casinos.

Under its charter and subsequent laws, all of Pagcor’s earnings, net of operating expenses, go to the government. About 5 percent of Pagcor’s net winnings are remitted to the revenue bureau, and 50 percent of earnings after franchise tax go to the national treasury. The company also allots a chunk of its earnings to the President’s Social Fund.

Pagcor contributes billions of pesos each year to the Philippine Sports Commission, to train athletes and promote the country’s sports program. Local government units hosting Pagcor casinos receive funding for community-development projects. People unjustly accused of crimes can obtain compensation from a Pagcor-funded agency. Promising students may win science-degree scholarships as a result of another Pagcor program.

Social Relevance

Knowing and responding to their customers’ needs and desires and giving quality service is topmost in the casino’s mission for its guests. On the other hand, showcasing the best of the country, promoting its tourism and helping improve the life of its citizens are Pagcor’s mandate for the people.

Over the years, Pagcor has been one of the government’s most active partners in nation-building and poverty alleviation. It is the country’s biggest non-tax revenue earner and largest charitable institution. The earnings generated by the corporation have been instrumental in the construction of school buildings, homes for the street children, and decent dwellings for the poor. Part of Pagcor’s revenues has also been tapped for the installation of potable water systems in rural communities and the implementation of livelihood projects.

This is because one of Pagcor’s most important mandates is generating funds for the government’s various socio-civic and developmental projects. As such, it provides constant and much-needed support to institutions and programs like: the Board of Claims under the Department of Justice which compensates victims of wrongful detention and prosecution; the Philippine Sports Commission and the Palarong Pambansa; programs for abused women, halfway homes for streetchildren, medical institutions such as the PGH, UST and UERM, and other non-government organizations with worthy projects.

All these translate to a culture of service excellence imbibed in the entire Pagcor family, a culture championed by Genuino who has envisioned Pagcor to be a “Global Corporation with a Global Mindset and a Filipino Heart.”



September 18th, 2005 at 6:42 pm

i am no writer homer, i am nobody. I am just a filipino who just made a statement and that statement was made into a PCIJ article.

You homer were around for some number of years and armed with a lot of self proclaimed ideas but none was ever made into a PCIJ article :-). Does that tell you something ? hihihihi I think kaya nabuo yung mga sites mo :-) kasi walang site na gustong tanggapin ang mga yan. Lahat pinasok mo lang sa mga blogs and forums as a ‘commentor’. oki ? hehehe

Excuse me hindi speculations ang mga yan. Sad to say how i wish those gathered info are not true :( but it is.

I was asking about your bigote kasi hindi bagay sa iyo at nagmumkha kang DOM hehehe


ed b. umali

September 18th, 2005 at 6:45 pm

Yes, lets work for Genuino’s canonization with the Vatican. He has done wonders with PAGCOR as claimed by Adonis. However, he has also done us, the FILIPINO people, a great disservice. He openly used PAGCOR resources to buy the loyalty of politicians, soldiers, policemen, bishops and priest or just anybody who will stand up and question the action of GMA. In short, he used PAGCOR resources to bribe and protect GMA. PAGCOR was not created for this purpose. It was established to earn for the upliftment of the poor through social work…not to use PAGCOR funds to buy loyalty and protection for and in behalf of Gloria Arroyo. Sadly, that’s the painful TRUTH!



September 18th, 2005 at 6:59 pm

And consider this. Some of the bloggers here speculated na you as Alex Magno of philstar but not a single reaction from you because alam nating dalawa na hindi totoo. But me, may sinabi lang ako konting info, todo react ka na. Hindi lang yon, ‘flattered’ pa at sa tagal mong tinatago may lumalabas na, humingi pa ng additional …. ha ha ha ha. NAg woworry ka na ba ?



September 18th, 2005 at 7:34 pm

tell you what, isang post lang dito with your fullname as your signature, that will be BIG NEWS sa entire blogging and forum community. You could be even compared with the great writers here who at least had the balls to point their ideas behind their true identities no matter how good or bad or devastating their ideas are. It is not my responsibility to reveal that because the credit is yours. Not mine , kasi gaya ng sabi ko, i am nobody. Your site have pointed a lot which i know most of the intentions are for the common good. Kaso ‘hilaw’ eh. Hindi kasi totoo yung pangalan sa likod. Natural sa mga tao na mag react kasi hindi nila nakikita kung sino ang sumusulat but if they will see the face of the one behind it you could be reeling in your own followers to pursue that message of yours.



September 18th, 2005 at 7:49 pm

in short, gusto ni genuino gawing experts or world class na manunugal ang mga filipinos. para sa ikauunlad ng bansa daw. kaya pala naging subject siya ng probe team. sabagay, sabi ng ng mga bishops wala namang masama tumanggap ng pera galing sa sugal basta makakatulong sa mahihirap. ika pa nga ng yumaong si cardinal sin kahit galing sa demonyo ang pera tatanggapin niya pa rin para sa mga mahihirap. ang hindi nila naiisip eh yung pera na yun galing din sa mga mahihirap. sino ba ang mga tumataya sa lotto, di ba mahihirap din? diyan lang naman lumaki ang kita ng pagcor a. paano halos araw-araw ba naman ata merong bola sa lotto sa halip sana na gawin lang dalawang beses or 4 na beses sa isang buwan eto. kinumpitensiyahan lang ang jueteng eh. social relevance. kung maraming natulungan, marami ring nasirang tao dahil sa sugal. yan po ang totoo.
pati ba naman dito mag-aanunsiyo pa ang pagcor. kayang-kaya namang magbayad ng milyones sa mga tv at pahayagan.


Patricia Perez

September 19th, 2005 at 5:38 am



concerned citizen

September 19th, 2005 at 6:38 am

pagcor – laki ng pondo napunta sa social fund ni arroyo? bakit ang mga atleta natin di man lang matulungan. kawawa naman sila. kahit rubber shoes man lang di mabigyan. ang liit ng allowance nila. sayang naman ang talent at skills kung hinde masasanay ng husto. kahit anong galing ng mga atleta kung kulang sa training at suporta wala din. kaya pagdating ng mga competition sa olympics kulelat tayo. ang sinusuportahan ng husto lalo na si big mike ay si pacquia kasi malaki pustahan doon. pag tungkol sa pera mabilis talaga itong si big mike.may manager si pacquiac at may humahawak na mga foriegn trainors kaya mananalo talaga bukod sa talagang magaling si pacman. minsan itong mga atleta nagaabuno pa eh. sarile nilang pera ang ginagastos. samantalang kalaki ng napupunta kay donya gloria at mga kapanalig. what about yung napupunta sa simbahan? na inamin naman ng cbcp. whew! naalala ko statement ni cardinal sin na kahit galing sa “demonyo” basta makakatulong sa mahihirap ay ok lang. tama ba yun?



September 19th, 2005 at 6:47 am

ha! ha! ha! ha!
isa na namang katraidoran sa mamamayang pilipino ang kontratang iyan!
ha! ha! ha! ha!
ganyan na lang palagi ang gawain ng mga iyan. hanggat makakalusot ang mga patagong gawain ay palaging gagawin. bakit nga ba itinatago?
ha! ha! ha! ha!
aba! syempre, bawal at hindi tama ang ginagawa kaya dapat na itago.
huh! ganun nga ba? pag hindi tama, dapat sila lang muna nakakaalam. para bang yung dayaan sa eleksyon. sila lang muna nakakaalam dapat at pag nabuking na e saka na lang ang palusot (cover-up).
mga kabaBAYAN kong nagtutulog-tulugan pa rin hanggang ngayon, GISIIIIIINNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
ha! ha! ha! ha!
nakakabaliw na talaga dito sa atin bansa pag puro kababalaghan ang nangyayari at nagaganap.
ha! ha! ha! ha!



September 19th, 2005 at 7:37 am

September 18, 2005 @ 7:34 pm
Not mine , kasi gaya ng sabi ko, i am nobody. Your site have pointed a lot which i know most of the intentions are for the common good. Kaso ‘hilaw’ eh. Hindi kasi totoo yung pangalan sa likod. Natural sa mga tao na mag react kasi hindi nila nakikita kung sino ang sumusulat but if they will see the face of the one behind it you could be reeling in your own followers to pursue that message of yours.

Well, Mr. Anak, tough luck. I’m not in this for the fame (who needs that anyways). If Pinoys and even yourself cannot take the ideas I present at face value (and for some reason have to know the person behind “benign0”) then that’s not my problem.

As many people gleefully point out, my ideas are not original. I just package them up and present them better. 😉 In fact, if you look closely half the content I write were inspired by the very kinds of exchange of comments that happens here and in other on-line forums.

That means, any of a thousand other writers and HTML jockeys have and probably will eventually come up with the same “getrealist” ideas whether I exist or not, point being that it does not matter WHO writes what I write. What matters is WHAT the message of the writing is. So just like you, I am a nobody, and prefer to stay that way. I just happen to like writing and therefore I write about a subject I am passionate about (life’s too short to be spending a lot of time on things you are not passionate about).

By the way, I think I might keep my ‘bigote’. Alam mo naman ang mga Pinay, lapitin sa mga mukhang DOM.

ha ha! 😀



September 19th, 2005 at 7:55 am

Bensgr8 wrote :
1.Naku indio, don’t interpret things negatively.
2. Have a more positive outlook and chances are sasaya buhay mo.
3. Simple lang naman yung contract di ba – mga empleyado ng Venable ang manlilimos para sa atin.
4.Yung ambassadors natin sa chikahan sila. Degrading naman ata na mga pinoy consuls pa mismo ang manlimos

My quick reply on :
1.Who’s interpreting things negatively? Naging instant psychologist ka pa ngayon.

2. There is no problem for being an optimist so long one is not a bigot or behaving like one.

3. Simple nga ang contract kaya nga pinapa-urong na ni beloved Gloria mo after issues on “proprietary” were raised by different sectors

4.Ganun? Ambassadors for you are just for “chickahan”. Hahahaha !Needless to say, you simply got a simple mind, which is simply devoid of any traces of your-so-self-proclaimed “21st Century utak”

Hahahaha, stedi lang jan, Panyero :)

You can now search for any MCLE’s offering on ObliCon and International Law. Kinakalawang ka na.

Hahahahaha :)



September 19th, 2005 at 3:55 pm

indio, tapos na itong issue. Cancelled na ata itong contract.

Re your latest comment, now, who’s the pessimist and bigot? Readers can easily see from ones comments it ain’t me. I’m no lawyer, but if I sound like one (and may even sound better than you), that’s not my problem.

Re “simple mind”, that refers to the unsuspecting side of the way I think as opposed to others who always have naughty minds.



September 19th, 2005 at 4:31 pm

Bensgr8 :

Tapos na ang issue? You sound like Bunye, Panyero. You are correct as far as Malacanang is concerned though but how about Congress? Specificially the Senate? Obviously di pa tapos :)

As to your sounding like a lawyer, don’t despair, you still have all the time to catch-up.

Who knows you may end-up as one of my students?

We will have a great time, dude. Take your pick : Consti first? or Oblicon? or just settle first to Introduction to Law?

Hahahaha :)


ed b. umali

September 19th, 2005 at 4:48 pm

For lobby contracts, it is always “money out front” as the norm. It will be truly exceptional for any of these lobby firms to accept post billing procedure. When Bert Gonzales signed the Venable LLP contract, included immediately is the “acceptance fee”. That’s the way lawyers operate. So, even if the contract was rescinded or declared void, money have changed hands. Also, if the contract is pre-terminated at the request of one party, the requesting party will have to pay a pre-termination fee. In the case of Venable LLP, this will still run to millions. I really pity GMA if she doesn’t know this project. She will look stupid for allowing people under her to enter contracts like this without her knowledge. Imagine, her people selling the Spratlly islands with Palawan as bonus right under her nose. How STUPID can you be???



September 19th, 2005 at 5:17 pm

Patawa talaga ang administrasyong gloria.

Consider this :

The Venable contract, in its cancellation clause, provides that ” Nevertheless, this Agreement may be cancelled by either party, provided that a written notification is made of the other party not less than ninenty (90) days prior to the intended termination date and all fees and expenses incurred through the date of termination have been paid”

Malacanang said on sunday that it rescinded the contract ( see Manila Times).

The question is who paid ” All the fees and Expenses incurred” ?

Gonzales? :) You bet.


good egg

September 19th, 2005 at 5:23 pm

wala pa naman “delivery” on either side accdng to gonzales kaya madaling na-cancel ang contract.



September 19th, 2005 at 5:29 pm

Blueprint is just to broad and without a clear strategy of how they should come out with the real solution. In mathematics you simplify problems. Blueprint makes more questions than answers. Instead of really focusing on strategy on how to deal with the problem. We spent more money than what we earned. and our spending are not that wise and well planned not even well audited. If we say there’s corruption why don’t we make coa itemized the amount considered corrupted.

All off those things that they propose will definitely needs a lot of money. Why can’t they focus on it. Help the BIR designed a better system of collection e.g. positive billing and real time accounting/auditing where everything from private and public sector is online.

This country of ours became as it is now because the people that are task to manage this country are not good enough.

A real blueprint can address the issues at once, realistic and viable. Soon as it is finish it can be implemented because parties involve with it are also the implementors. Why can’t this people plan with those people in the authority to implement what they have envisioned. It must also have the financial analysis, and where to get the funds. Out of the box idea are nothing more than just a dream.


good egg

September 19th, 2005 at 5:34 pm

first one clamors against the contract then one clamors against the fees and expenses incurred at its cancellation (if any). ano ba talaga?



September 19th, 2005 at 5:55 pm

Sobra na talaga ang lokohang nangyayari. The government must disclose the names of the donors who paid for the Venable contract. GMA must show that she is serious in eradicating corruption by asking the ombudsman to file a graft case against gonzales.



September 20th, 2005 at 2:57 am

After taking some flak, the government says now that the contract with Venable is now cancelled. Bakit ngayon lang, kasi nabuking?

The senate intends to call Bert Gonzales to a senate hearing and some are even calling for his resignation. Alam niyo ba ang sinagot? “Tingnan lang natin, marami akong alam sa opposition”. Did I hear him right? Aba, hindi lang pala magnanakaw, sinungaling at mandaraya ang nasa palasyo, may BLACKMAILER din. Why don’t you come out with whatever you have against the opposition and let the people appreciate the evidence. Don’t worry Mr. Gonzales, ‘di naman yan ivo-vote down ng opposition, wala silang majority vote.

Kaya my advise to you is to present your evidence, hindi yung para kang bata na inagawan ng candy. Don’t threaten, do it.



September 20th, 2005 at 9:09 am

Mabuting itlog (good egg ) wrote:

first one clamors against the contract then one clamors against the fees and expenses incurred at its cancellation (if any). ano ba talaga?

My reply :

Consider the whole picture and the puzzle fits. All contracts have the following common elements : 1. consent 2. object and 3.consideration.

In the case of Venable agreement, among others, the parties included the so-called “accidental elements” of a contract in the form of effectivity and cancellation clauses found in the concluding paragraph of the said agreement.

In our jurisprudence, accidental elements are those which exist only when the parties expressly provide for them for purpose of limiting or modifying the normal effects of the contract. Examples of these are conditions,terms and modes (Castan as cited by Jurado,1993; p.697)

Considering the aforecited and our Goverment being one of the parties, any taxpayer could raise any legal issue against the said contract, as a whole, including” the fees and expenses incurred” pre & post cancellation.

Tomorrow, the Senate blue ribbon committee summoned Gonzales to a hearing to explain the details of the contract and hopefully, to include, a clarification on the contradicting statements as to the government paying three (3) months worth of fees to Venable.

Watch for it :)



September 21st, 2005 at 11:25 pm

Such a waste of time, effort and people’s money. Whatever she does will no longer change the image imbedded in the minds of those who know the truth. When her time to be judged comes, i hope she can muster the courage to admit how desperately she clung on to power despite the overwhelming move to unseat her from the position she got undeservingly through fraudulent ways.



September 24th, 2005 at 2:56 am

wala na talaga ang pinas, magbago na kasi kayo, hanggat maari wag nyo na iboto ang mga taga norte ng pinas lalo tayong sasadsad, di nyo ba nahahalta halos lahat ng naging presidente ng pilipinas mula noon ay pababa ng pababa ang kalidad ng mga lider, mag bago na kayo pilipino


Patricia Perez

September 25th, 2005 at 5:03 am

PCIJ should invesigate who are these people recommended by Malacanang to help the tongressmen tinker with our constitution….find out in them the vested interest side of them…the class they represent…their personal interests…their capability to make a study of the constitution….from the list i am not convinced they best represent the true blooded Filipino who may tinker with the constitution…



September 29th, 2005 at 7:41 pm

Ang mga asar sa blog na ito ay dapat tratuhin sa nararapat na paraan. Sila ay mga dumi na winawalis sa kung saan para luminis ang kapaligiran. Kung tutuusin, kailangan ng dumi para luminis ang isang bagay. Parang ganito: kung walang mga baliw, ano ang batayan mong sabihin na ikaw ay hindi BBBBBBBaliw?

Ako BBBBBBBaliw kung minsan, kung minsan naman eh… hindi. Binabalanse lang natin. Naiinggit ako sa inyo lahat. Napaka-intelihente ninyo. Kung sana makuha lamang isang katiting niyan, ok na!Ano bang kabaliwan itong sinasabi ko?



September 29th, 2005 at 7:59 pm

klimakz said:

wala na talaga ang pinas, magbago na kasi kayo, hanggat maari wag nyo na iboto ang mga taga norte ng pinas lalo tayong sasadsad, di nyo ba nahahalta halos lahat ng naging presidente ng pilipinas mula noon ay pababa ng pababa ang kalidad ng mga lider, mag bago na kayo pilipino.
Hindi ko nakikita ang relasyon ng pagiging taganorte sa kahirapan ng pilipinas. And for your info GMA is more of visayan roots than northern. And as compared to Marcos, GMA cheated her way to power. Marcos at least won two elections until he declared martial law.


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Citizens’ Congress opens not with a bangbut with a fistfight

November 8th, 2005 at 7:55 pm

[…] Other anomalous and unlawful acts which includes the recent controversies on the Venable contract, Executive Order 464, Northrail project, and the calibrated preemptive response (CPR) policy. […]



November 30th, 2005 at 8:30 pm

A PR firm hired to facilitate US assistance for Philippine Charter Change. A change to what? Anyway, Mrs. ARROVO don’t need to. Tonggressmen are already doing the job for her.
I believe BeningO is just presenting his views and ideas as to the nature of the problem and possibly the solutions to it. And we should encourage everybody to do the same.

But the greatest endeavor that we could do NOW is to ACT on these perceived solutions.

First we must agree on what actions to take. Then, LET’S JUST DO IT!

If we agree that everybody should take up arms, then let’s do it! Ideas are just ideas until we ACT on it. USA herself was born via revolution. But are we willing to go that far? Or, we’ll just stay as BLOGGERS forever?

I’m ready to go that far, if need be. But not with the NPA. They are players of the same game. I’m willing to join any revolution for as long as the GOAL is not just to change the leaders but the system itself.



January 2nd, 2006 at 5:36 pm

duh! simple lang naman ang solusyon how to solve the problems of the country. revolution. hahaha!


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » PCIJ blog turns one year old

April 4th, 2006 at 10:48 am

[…] In the past 12 months, toe-to-toe with the well financed and organized mainstream media, we were able to cover with the same zeal and rigor that we put to our investigative reports the developments in the political and social spheres, notably the “Hello, Garci” recordings, the charges of massive electoral fraud and the use of public funds for Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s campaign, her botched and much tainted impeachment process, the spirited proposals for charter change, the Venable and other secret lobby contracts, 20 years of Edsa 1, Arroyo’s declaration of a state of national emergency, and other tragedies like the “Wowowee” stampede and the Southern Leyte mudslides. […]



May 8th, 2006 at 2:12 pm

huh? ganun ba talaga ka mahal mag p cosult? yung ibang commnet di ko maintindihan parang……. anong connect?? baka ipinagsapalaran nya aganun kalaking halaga for the expert’s opinion, dahil ayaw niyang magkamali? besides naka saalang alang dun ang magiging mga decisions nya…. hirap kaya mag-isip no…. comment lang po…

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