September 14, 2005 · Posted in: In the News

CBCP issues sequel statement

THE Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines issued a statement yesterday saying the search for truth must continue, guided by the principles of law and the "moral principles of justice and the common good."

The Bishops appealed to Filipinos to "see our present situation as a challenge to mature as a people." 

This is the second statement issued by the CBCP amid the calls for the ouster, resignation, or impeachment of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo that  stemmed from the juetenggate and Garci tapes controversies.

In its July 10 pastoral letter, the CBCP refused to join calls for the resignation of Arroyo but asked her to not simply dismiss such similar calls coming from other sectors.

Read the full text of the September 13 statement here.

68 Responses to CBCP issues sequel statement



September 14th, 2005 at 10:53 am

These Bishops cannot make up their minds. But obviously, the satement is clear i.e. they refuse to ask for GMA’s resignation. GMA’s evil influence is so powerful that it overcame the religious and moral sense of the Bishops. Principles of law? Moral principles of justice? Hello??? Make up your mind dear bishops- these things do not exist in GMA’s evil regime.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:25 am

“The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it.” This was a quote from a Russian born American writer and novelist, Ayn Rand – I hope our bishops would comtemplate on it to guide their flock.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:25 am

malaki ang pakinabang niyang si capalla sa pagcor. utang na loob yan. even vidal is not lily pure.



September 14th, 2005 at 11:47 am

Iwas pusoy din CBCP kasi they were also politicized by the present regime.Hayyyy buhay its very hard to find the “TRUTH” here in the Philippines.It is time now to think , speak and walk hand in hand to get rid or change this government.



September 14th, 2005 at 12:50 pm

I really lost my respect towards CBCP. I thought, they were the beacon of truth and justice for their flocks but I was wrong. Sad to say, that even the Catholic church has been financially and morally corrupted by Mrs. Arroyo. I hope that for their own sakes, they are not going to wake up one day deserted by their own flocks.



September 14th, 2005 at 1:03 pm

I was hoping that the CBCP will take into consideration all the things occured during the impeachment, all the bribings that Malacañang did to those Tongressman. But I was so dissapointed, the CBCP were taken for a ride, when they issued their Jul 10 statement demanding for a formation of a truth commision, Malacañang announced that they will do just that but where is the truth commision now……. surely they were taken for a ride of their life…….happy trip…..



September 14th, 2005 at 1:16 pm

Another example of that voodoo Catholicism that Pinoys practice. Why is it that the Church cannot stop meddling in politics? Kaya tuloy ang mga Pinoys sobrang ma-pulitika — because their own Guardians of Morality are also in that same game.

If the Church will shut up and focus on spirituality rather than issuing hollow-headed political “statements” then maybe Pinoys will be more up to the task of thinking straight whenever political crises erupt. Keep in mind that organised religion has been a major factor in much of what ails the world today and has a strong tradition of being a fuel for some of the bloodiest wars in human history.

Check out more insight on how the Church is steadily making a fool of itself here:

[…] such stubbornness on the part of the Church will be the ultimate cause of its slide to irrelevance. The Church’s inability to prevent the fortunate election of President Ramos (a Protestant) and the unfortunate election of President Estrada are two signs that this is underway. This is compounded by its increasing identification with the Establishment as a power broker in Traditional Philippine Politics as demonstrated in its role in the two Edsa “revolutions”.



September 14th, 2005 at 1:23 pm

DIFFERENT THEORIES have cropped up as to why the public seems to have shunned street protests to force the ouster of President Arroyo.

Some attribute it to what they termed as “people power fatigue.” Others believe it’s sheer frustration – you keep driving corrupt officials out of Malacañang only to install the same, if not worse, breed of opportunist, traditional politicians.

Let me offer one more.

Despite the rage, I think that the public has actually forgiven President Arroyo; except perhaps for the extreme militants and hard-line oppositionists who would forever depict her as the incarnation of Beelzebub.

That is one flaw of our culture that makes us different from our neighbors in the Asian region. South Korea sentenced former president Chun Doo-hwan to death. Another former president, Roh Tae-woo was meted 22½ years in jail. Both were found guilty of corruption and bribery. While Chun’s death verdict was commuted to life sentence and Roh’s jail term was reduced to just 17 years, both cases still proved that no one was above the law – in Seoul.

Here in the Philippines, Estrada may have been jailed. But the government kept him inside a villa replete with amenities that befit a king. Romeo Jalosjos, a rapist who was elected twice as congressman while behind bars, enjoys playing lawn tennis at the New Bilibid Prisons up to this day.

You ask today’s youth about Marcos and they’d even thank him for bringing to this world the beautiful Borgy Marcos Manotoc.

In the case of the current president, I surmise that forgiveness would be much swifter because – admit it or not- there’s a Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo in every one of us.

We cheat. We don’t give the exact amount of jeepney fare. We use “kodigos” during quizzes and exams. We refuse to pay the right amount of taxes. We use defective weighing scales in wet markets.

We steal. We take home office supplies from our workplace. We use office equipment for personal purposes.

And we lie – about almost everything, everywhere, as often as we could and we get away with it.

In the event that she finishes her 10-year term, it will be left for history to judge GMA for what she has done to the people, to the country.

And history will also judge us for our apathy; for not exerting that extra effort to make her pay for her excesses.

for similar articles and a daily dose of political humor, pls visit:



September 14th, 2005 at 2:03 pm

The CBCP statement just shows us how detached the bishops are to reality. They need to put their feet on the ground. To say the least the vagueness of their statement contributes to the confusion people have now.

They are supposed to be the beacon of morality. It is really obvious that CAPALLA is an avid fan of GMA. SHAME ON HIM!!

All of things they wanted Gloria to do like impeachment & truth commision was never done. That is why people were expecting a stronger statement. And what did they come up with… ?

It seems Gloria is just playing with them, and the sad part THEY ARE LETTING THEM!!!




September 14th, 2005 at 2:09 pm

Do people really bother now about what the CBCP says? Does the number of people going to church now compared to that of 10 or 20 years ago show any indication of the faith of the people on the Church? People still believe in God, but doesn’t it look like people no longer seem much connection between the Church and God?



September 14th, 2005 at 2:16 pm

I am disappointed with the recent statements of the bishops. I know they were warned by the Vatican not to be involved in politics, the same reason why Cardinal Sin was sidelined by the Vatican. The Vatican is afraid that it will be blamed if ever there will be bloodshed. But I feel that this should not stop CDCP from firmlly asking for PGMA resignation provided their call if for a peaceful transistion. Morality if involved here and it is their responsibilty to be the leaders in pushing for what is right.



September 14th, 2005 at 2:52 pm

Pro-Act CBCPs Statement
How about pro-truth, pro-change people’s CBCPs –
Christian Believers’ Conference of the Phil,
Christian Businessmen’s Conference of the Phil,
Common-citizens for Bagong-bayan Caucus of the Phil,
Crusading Bloggers’ Conference of the Philippines
with a more pro-active statement:

1. Search for truth… vigilant against Pharisaical
interpretation of the letter of the law that kills the spirit of the law.
2. Moving on … vigilant against evils in society, causes of
extreme poverty, specially corrupt officials, particularly a lying,
cheating, stealing power-crazed usurper in Malacanang.
3. Gloria Arroyo is worse than the one she replaced.
GMA has lost the moral ascendancy to govern, not once! not just twice!! but many times over!!!
4. Pray harder,… prepare for and launch nation-wide,
multi-sectoral, non-violent, mass actions – ‘Truth-Power’ –
to demand GMA to step down.
5. Let’s have a constitutional, transition, coalition government
to bring about:
Stage 1: Stability – Emergency economic measures, Truth Commission
Stage 2: Reforms- Electoral Reform ( New Comelec), Re-organization of the military, Legislation/Const. Ammendment for snap election, plebiscite for chacha? or election concon delegates)
Stage 3: Election – National & Barangay, (Cha-cha Plebiscite or Concon delegates?)
Stage 4: Normalcy – conducive for fundamental social, political, economic reforms.

Above statment is not inconcistent with the Gospel. It is a duty and an obligation according to the Gospel to save the weakest of the weak and the poorest of the poor, millions of Filipinos, from dying of hunger and sickness each day GMA stays in Malacanang.

If ok
Please pass on to others.



September 14th, 2005 at 3:37 pm

Whether we like it or not, religion is in our DNA. The bishops’ opinions, therefore, carry a lot of weight. True to our Catholic heritage, we consider the statements of the Bishops as though it came from God Himself (although there is such as thing as speaking ex cathedra). I wouldn’t be surprised if the Bukluran organization will slowly disappear to oblivion after this statement. Resembling the victory of Pacquiao, the Bishops also delivered the knock-out punch to the opposition. In fact a one-two punch: First, when they stated that “the search for truth must continue and must be guided by the principles of the rule of law provided for in the Constitution”; and second, when they advise that “we move on…” Like what I and a lot of bloggers have been suggesting all along, it doesn’t really matter if you’re pro or anti Gloria, we can make changes in our country by being proactive and responsible citizens. The politics of hate must cease and each and everyone of us must work and demand for good governance. There are a lot of hungry and angry Filipinos and our primary focus is how to address the grinding poverty of the people.



September 14th, 2005 at 3:49 pm

the opinion of the bishops does not categorically state what really ails the nation at present, what it is that the Filipino need to know at present. Yes, there is grinding poverty staring at our faces. It is the same material poverty that we have been trying to address since time immemorial. But first we must be able to have clearly accept in our mind that the person who must lead us in the task of eradicating poverty is the person the people have ligitimately chosen to be thier leader and whon they could trust. I think this is the basic issue of the day. We cannot move on with our life until this baggage of doubt is first addressed properly.



September 14th, 2005 at 4:27 pm

So what it is that you like?


A favor, perhaps? Jonathan?

Now you seem to believe at what the bishops is saying? Totally incredible… But out of point and out principle.


The last statement of the bishops calls for a truth commission. Where is it now? Gloria promised but now just alibis.

Would you, Jonathan still fight for it? For the truth commission? After all the bishops comends it.

Or would you choose to select the latest pro-Gloria stand of the bishop against mass action?

And be a selective fool.



September 14th, 2005 at 8:11 pm

Hoy, CBCP! Matakot kayo at baka bumaba ang Diyos at pagbabatukan kayo. Palibhasa, nandiyan lang kayo sa mga aircon nyong bahay at nagpapasasa sa mga donasyon ng mga naghihirap nyong lipi. Kaya nauubos ang mga katoliko dahil wala na rin silang tiwala sa inyo. Mas natuturuan ko pa ang mga anak ko ng moralidad kesa sa inyo. Sa Diyos nalang ako naniniwala at hindi sa inyo. Imulat niyo ang mga mata ninyo sa tunay na nangyayari sa paligid niyo. Panalangin ko lang na bulagin nalang kayo ng Diyos at gawing bingi dahil walang silbi yang mga mata at tenga niyo.



September 14th, 2005 at 8:26 pm

I am disappointed with the recent decision of Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP), the nation’s supposedly guide on moral issues,ask the Filipinos to move one and respect the decision of the house “rispretentatives”. How can we expect people lay their arms against people who are committed to hide the truth. It only after we finally find the truth that we can achieve calls for peace and sobriety. The voice of people is the voice of God, and the 80% of the Filipinos are seeking for truth and justice. The CBCP should listen to the voice of God and that is to continue the struggles but this time in the real impeachment court….
The real justice does not lies to the hands of corrupt politicians but to the severly VATterred people….



September 14th, 2005 at 8:31 pm

oo nga, pa release release pa kuno ng bagong statement ganun din pala. nagpapansin lang ang CBCP para magka media mileage.



September 14th, 2005 at 8:42 pm

Bishop Capalla = Padre Damaso Personified. More than 100 years ago Rizal wrote on the abuses of the Spanish rulers and particularly the Powerful Priest back then. History still haunts us…..


concerned citizen

September 14th, 2005 at 10:17 pm

huwag tayong mawalan ng pagasa dito sa CBCP. by december magkakaroon ng reorganization at mababago na pamunuan. hinde na si bishop capalla. sana God willing mabago statement nila. masakit man tanggapin malaki impluwensya ng mga pari. maraming katoliko, ang daming catholic schools na sunodsunuran lang ang mga namumuno sa dictate ng simbahan mga parochial churches na maraming din namang follower. sana sa december iba na ihep ng hangin. ipagpatuloy lang natin laban, TO SEEK FOR THE TRUTH AND JUSTICE!


lokalokang matino

September 14th, 2005 at 11:14 pm

Por Dios Por Santo mga manong BISHOPS ano pa inaantay nyo, sana di na lang kayo nag-issue ng statement sa umpisa’t umpisa. Pati ba naman kayo nakiki-bargain rin kay Gloria. Natakot ba kayo ng ibuking ng mga alipuris ni GLORIA na kayo rin ay tumatanggap ng pera galing sa kanya thru PAGCOR? O baka naman you have lots of skeletons in your closets na alam ni Gloria? Ang linaw naman yong GLORIA-GARCI conversation, tapos pinatago pa si GARCI, what more ebedensya ang kailangan nyo? Cheating is evident in the taped conversation so is kidnapping. Be truthfull with yourselves and to the people. For me, Your group CBCP is becoming irrrelevant? How much more damage to the country will Gloria do for you to speak and act for the interest of the country and the people? Forgive me my dear BISHOPS but I cant hide my disapppointment, may God Bless and Enlighten you in the days ahead as you watch the crisis worsen!!! To my countrymen let us unite for the good of the country and our childrens’ future. Sana nga wag nang payagang bumalik pa si Gloria. Wag nang palandingin ang eroplanong sinasakyan nya, i-divert na lang sa outer space, doon wala siyang mapeperwesyo, Ano sa tingin nyo?


lokalokang matino

September 14th, 2005 at 11:27 pm




September 14th, 2005 at 11:33 pm




September 14th, 2005 at 11:34 pm

nakakawalang gana yang mga bishop na yan esp yang si capalla na sipsip kay gloria, kung ganyan lang kayo wag na kayong makielam. wala namang makikinig sa pinagsasabi nyo e.mayado kayong safe kung magsalita!!! magkano ba naharbat nyo sa gobyerno?



September 15th, 2005 at 1:31 am

Right after the CBCP broached the idea of a truth commission, GMA lost no time in trying to organize one. But what happened? The vocal proponents (Bernas and German) declined membership. The congressmen from both admin and opposition would rather have the impeachment proceedings and declined to support it. There also was general opposition and apathy from the bloggers in this forum. Now, looking back, the truth commission would have been a better way of finding the truth. True, GMA survived and if fact won the impeachment battle but at a hefty cost. The congressmen badgered her with requests for pork and other goodies. Let me ask you, what does it matter to you if Gloria is still the President? Just like what i said earlier just practice responsible citizenship and be proactive on matters of good governance. In other words, be a constructive critic of the government. To a lot of people, the ouster of Gloria has become an obsession that is consuming their daily lives. Too much politics is misdirecting a lot of our energies instead of focusing it on economic productivity.



September 15th, 2005 at 5:00 am


Do you think by moving on, and “focusing on economic on economic productivity” is really possible ? Unless we solve the problem that is GMA we cannot move on. Do you think she will be able to improve the economy ?

What investors will look for, in order to put their money in the philippines, is a credible leadership. Without a credible leadership we will not have stability. Even if we work 24 hours a day, it will not improve our economy. It will just add fuel to the “spending”of GMA, we will just have more ghost projects, more pork, and more money to bribe her supporters.

You just have to look at her track record, we gave her 4 yrs, did you see the economy growing? They were even boasting about the growth last year. But any economist will tell you that the growth was not because of her policies but because OF THE SPENDING DURING ELECTION!!


BEING PROACTIVE DOESNT MEAN YOU TURN A BLIND EYE ON BAD DEEDS. Being proactive doesnt condone corruption and cheating. Being Pro active means you are an active observer and contributer to the solution. AND YOU CANNOT BE A PART OF THE SOLUTION IF YOU STOP PEOPLE FROM DOING WHAT THEY THINK IS THE BEST FOR ALL OF US!!

What you are doing now is not “proactive” and constructive criticism . It is called condoning and passivity! If your choosing that path well it is your choice, but please DO NOT STOP other people from doing the more righteous path!!!



September 15th, 2005 at 8:55 am





September 15th, 2005 at 11:05 am

CBCP is futile. They are suppose to be the Shepherd of the people. To lead/teach the people about truth, dignity, honesty, and to follow the commandments… To teach the people about right against wrong…

Our country today were clouded with deception, dishonesty, corruption, cheating, etc… This should be the time that they will make a stand about right and wrong for the people…

I’m so sad that CBCP has also been corrupted…I am a catholic myself but i’m saddened that even BISHOPS like them are corrupted…What are there morals now that they can not even make a solid stand between what is right and wrong… They look like they are playing safe. What for? Are they like the priars during the time of spanish occupation?



September 15th, 2005 at 11:19 am

Napagsabihan lang sa dyaryo ni Senadora Miriam Santiago noong nakaraang linggo, tumiklop na agad na parang mumurahing payong ang CBCP.

Ganun na ba ang simbahan ngayon? Dati rati walang patawad yan sa kapanahonan ni Erap– Remember their pastoral letters which were read and re-read during sunday masses and to some point, as a subsitute for a sermon or homily.

Time changes talaga…or dahil sa pera?



September 15th, 2005 at 11:52 am

Being a catholic and donating to the church- I am really disappointed with the fact that they are obviously under the power of GMA. I am sure that as pious as they claim they are, they are politicized as well just like all the cronies of the president.
I am losing faith in the catholic church especially this events following the abusive attitude and the molestation of children by the priests in the world.
We should stop listening to them and stop our church donations and let them survive through GMA’s payoff for taking her side.
GMA and the church are as bogus as its other and only intent in perpetuationg corruption at the expense of the poor prople.



September 15th, 2005 at 2:25 pm

Obviously, you are one of those die-hard anti-Gloria activists whose prescription for the country’s economic salvation lies in a cure-all: oust Gloria. Unfortunately for you, that is easier said than done. How many times has the opposition tried? So many. Unless you’re still living in your dreamworld, I’ll be the one to announce it to you: It’s been a big failure! And that’s what I’ve been trying to tell you: open your eyes, accept reality. Move on!
Granting that the election spending was the big catalyst for the 6% growth last year, there are other positive developments that also need to be mentioned. First, was the improvement in tax collections and the reforms that were institituted. Second, the influx of investors in outsourcing resulting in the creation of 90,000 high paying jobs and the boom of the real estate industry. Third, the opening of the mining sector to foreign ownership which will create an employment boom in the countrysides and increase revenues for the country. Fourth, is the improving fiscal performance of the treasury resulting in credit upgrade. Fifth, is the increase in dollar remittances by the OFWs.
There are tremendous opportunities for the Philippines for the coming years – IF ONLY WE CAN GET OUR ACTS TOGETHER. Investors come in because of the opportunity to make money. To choose one country over another, they look at cost of entry (incentives given, red tape, bureaucracy, corruption), productive workforce (labor cost and skills availability), business environment (power supply, downstream industries, infrastructure,etc.), rules and regulations that are not changed periodically, and political stability. Where do we fail? POLITICAL STABILITY. Just too many ambitious politicians who want to grab power thru military coup and/or people power and tunnel-visioned populace who rely more on chismis, innuendos, and unsubstantiated allegations and the utter disregard of the rule of law.
Do I suggest turning a blind eye? Far from it, but there are proper venues and forums for the prosecution of any malfeasance committed. And there are laws and procedures that are to be followed. And that is what investors are looking for!



September 15th, 2005 at 3:25 pm

Still a shy comment, jonathan.

You seem to be engrossed with CBCP’s statement no.2 and looked at no.1 as a failure. So what is CBCP then to you?

A productive critic? You don’t even know the idea…



September 15th, 2005 at 3:41 pm

What can we expect from CBPC anyway when they’d rather support the vile GMA than their own blessed Bishop Cruz?



September 15th, 2005 at 4:37 pm

Money money money, ey? So jonathan thinks that the solution is producing more money for the government? for the country?


But if the treasury is being ransack… is it just ok?

You admitted it yourself, GMA survived at a hefty cost.



September 15th, 2005 at 5:43 pm

it’s really sad, sorrowful indeed, that the cbcp didn’t make a hard stand in our search for the truth. they have their priorities (and i don’t get it, probably because i’m just expecting too much from them…wishing Cardinal Sin’s still here…). however, this must not deter us from finding the MUCH NEEDED TRUTH.

the preaching from last Sunday’s Gospel is about forgiveness. forgiveness gives us freedom, as one priest reflected. may this mean also our freedom when we choose to forgive La Gloria? i think not…for just saying “i am sorry” is not enough…one must own up to a wrong deed and then say sorry for it. i choose not to forgive La Gloria.

i also choose not to follow the “preachings” of one of us here. our fight will end up to nothing if we let loose now, despite the odds, despite everything that has happened as what La Gloria wished and prayed for (…to think that she also credited Pacman’s win to her prayers!).

i am now espousing the Modified Rotarian’s Four-way Test (as spoken of by teddy-boy locsin in his radio program):

1. did she lie?
2. did she cheat?
3. did she steal?
4. did she do a cover-up?

i knew the answers when i painstakingly listened to the tapes; learned the answers from radio and tv commentators, newspapers, “the” congressional hearings, online news, and certainly, from pcij! (plugging intended); i gave the answers to my family, friends, and even total strangers; now…i’m praying the answers be known to the readers…

i read in didache, today is the feast day of Our Lady of Sorrows…

yes, please pray for us.


good egg

September 15th, 2005 at 6:18 pm

thanks to CBCP for being the beacons of sobriety! which is as it should be.



September 15th, 2005 at 6:43 pm

It’s a very safely worded statement coming from the CBCP but I still believe in the separation of Church and State.



September 15th, 2005 at 7:43 pm

The separation of the church and state is JUST a political statement. Believing in ti it putting it out of context. Government as an institution needs this to facilitate a free hand in governance. So the general rule is to be separate.

But to us citizens… no such separation should hinder our views.



September 16th, 2005 at 7:10 am




September 16th, 2005 at 7:18 am

The palace has released a new statement with regards to the CBCP’s suggestion. Saludo said that the palace is not interested nor inclined to create a truth commision. As usual, nagbago na naman ng isip itong si pandak. I suggest that the CBCP call on all citizens to openly express their disgust of this government. I hope they take a stronger stance this time. Panahon na para patalsikin itong aroganteng administrasyon na ‘to. Gising na mga obispo at manindigan kayo. Kawawa naman ang taongbayan.



September 16th, 2005 at 10:39 am

while the CBCP is dilly-dallying on the issue, the more i am disturbed.

go to church?

or not?

go to church?

or not?

go to church?

or not.




September 16th, 2005 at 10:58 am

ok magsimba. iba naman ang pananampalataya sa kahalangan ng mga bituka ng mg abishops sa pangunguna ni pro-gma-because-genuino pays-him fernando capalla. hwag ka na lang magbigay ng abuloy at hikayatin mo rin na hwag magbigay ng abuloy ang ibang tao dahil sa kapariawaraan lang naman mapupunta.



September 16th, 2005 at 11:32 am

kahit chatolic ako, huh! parang nawalan na ko ng tiwala sa obispo.



September 16th, 2005 at 3:19 pm

Hellooo… Is everyone here aware about the big rift in the CBCP ranks?

Is everyone knowlegeable of the reasons why a Cardinal is not the president of the CBCP?

Is everyone aware that each bishop enjoys a high degree of independence, free from outside interference in his leadership of his flock and in the management of their affairs? Walang pakialam ang isang bishop sa pagmamahala sa ibang archdiocese!

Is everyone aware about the anti-communist and anti-terrorism stand of the Vatican?

Is everyone aware of the partnership between the USA and Vatican on issues against communism in Poland and EU countries, and terrorism in the world? And against the liberation thologists of Latin America [and the fledling movement here]?

Is every bishop forced to accept and follow the collective decision of the CBCP 12-member permanent council of which Cardinal Vidal is not a part of? If so, why do we hear other bishops singing a different tune?

Why is Cardinal Vidal acting differently from the last CBCP message?

Friends, are these questions of awareness and of facts relevant to the past and present stands of the CBCP? And to the resolution of the present crises we face?

Here is an interesting headline, folks, that may put meat to my dish above.

Cebu Daily News Headline: ‘WHY SUFFER IN SILENCE’, Vidal calls on laymen to demand the truth. He said, “As we have so many times admitted in prayer, we are a wounded people, and today, our wounds have not been healed. The political chaos continues…The unjust economic division remains. Corruption and moral degradation is unabated…Is it enough that we merely suffer these (crises)? Is it enough for us to just feel the resentment and-as it is said-just bow our heads and let ourselves be oppressed, waiting for relief? That is not, and never will be true suffering. Jesus suffered, but He did not remain silent…”My dear brothers and sisters, in the same way, in our sufferings of our many pains as a wounded people, we should not just remain silent. We have to rise and make ourselves heard, because of and in order to attain the truth.”

Reflecting on the suffering of Jesus Christ, the cardinal said “now is a time of many sorrows, not only in the areas of politics and economics, but even in the heart of marriage and the cradle of the family. This is indeed a time of difficulty.”

In an interview after the Mass, Vidal said the next steps are “up to the people” to ferret out the truth.

The archbishop said he hopes President Arroyo will respond to the people’s hunger for truth.

“I have not yet talked to her personally but hopefully, when she comes back she will be able to do something about it. It is up to her. We leave that to her,” Vidal said.

“We should not lose hope because God has not abandoned us.”

The good people in this forum have not also abandoned the Pinoys. They are hard at work analytically criticizing and recommending solutions. They have not lost hope.

Such an active lot, my fellow discussants and sharers are.

There is a few observations that I have about the list that I must make known as a duty to the membership. I do it now in this opportune moment. They are:

1] There are enough talents here that can be exploited or exhorted to provide a considered resolution to the political crisis.
2] While there is a division in opinion I can sense a sincere [even passionate] desire to end the crises as soon as possible.
3] There is no concensus yet [it could be forthcoming in I don’t know what time] as to what has to be done by everyone here for us to attain solidarity to be able to recommend [if recommending is an objective] a viable solution.
4] I don’t know if this is correct or essential, but it is how I see it :), there is no one directing the show here towards a worthy end. I mean we ought to not just give opinions, whine and holler at perceived inferior criticisms, demean dissenters, and leave us all just simply talking. Don’t you think we need to have a worthwhile output for our [valuable] time and [honest and paid, hehe] effort spent in sharing our thoughts here in this forum.

In this regard, I believe, we ought to review our reasons or commitments to this forum. Must we do it solely for entertainment, fun, or for a more pertinent purpose commensurate to the combined talents that compose this list? It is my firm belief that you all would prefer getting something valuable in return for our Juan’s use and welfare, and for all of us.

Much can be accomplished by us if we take each other as true partners in the search of the right solutions to the present crises. More so when we realize that as true partners we have to know and understand each other, even love each other, AS A FIRST REQUIREMENT, take the good [graces] as well as the bad [challenges] in us.

The attitude we take here in this forum in facing the challenges before this nation is to my mind reflective of the attitude we see of our lawmakers in congress at play [not work as they claim they are doing] and of our people who seems to be doing so many varied things but never getting together to sit down, reflect, plan and execute.

I believe we, all of us here, have the capacity to do better than these directionless people. On second thought, let me change that belief to a known truth. We have the capacity that we have, unfortunately, failed to demonstrate yet.

Please let me see a demonstration. Let us all contribute to the demo. Let us be the model for our representathieves and people.

Thank you and have a nice day, all!




September 16th, 2005 at 5:45 pm


you said:”Obviously, you are one of those die-hard anti-Gloria activists whose prescription for the country’s economic salvation lies in a cure-all: oust Gloria.”

I am not a die-hard anti-gloria activist. I have seen her a couple of times when she visited the convent! But you can say that I am die-hard in my search for truth!! If there was another person in her position I would still do the same. I do not deal with personalities, but rather with issues. I went to EDSA 2, joint rallies againts erap because I know he did wrong. That the same thing Im doing now aginst GMA.

And If your not reading the latest news two ratings agencies just downgraded our ratings, the budget deficit increased,investors pulled out, and dont be proud of “call center jobs”, it is hellish and they do not have protection! O and how about “Mining”, well please go to mindoro(marcopper?) and davoa and see how they destroyed the countryside! And dont tell me its because of the rallies. THESE HAPPENED EVEN BEFORE WE DISCOVERED SHE CHEATED!

Ousting GMA is not a cure all, but it is a good start.After removing her then we can remove the other trapos! And when we finished cleaning up, people like we will be next!! AND THAT THE CURE ALL!


good egg

September 16th, 2005 at 7:15 pm

bakit ba binabaan ang ratings eh dahil din sa walang sawang kaka-rally nyo. maganda ang prospects ng ekonomiya sa pagbukas ng taon. the mining industry was on the uptick. disasters like that which happened with marcopper can be prevented because with the funds to do so, foreign companies are more likely to follow international standards. and don’t put down call centers, it’s not the end-all and be-all of our economy but it helps provide employment. ang problema ng pilipinas iyong puro ngawa at puro mali ang nakikita.



September 16th, 2005 at 7:37 pm

Kaya ako i never go to mass…I pray…I go to church on my own…pero i never hear mass. Yung mga pari kasi politically-motivated yung mga sermon nila.
Tsaka, yung mga pari na yan, they teach the people to live simply pero sila yung magagara yung mga kotse at anlalaki ng bahay…



September 16th, 2005 at 10:19 pm

notice how being the only catholic country in asia, we are also the only one lagging behind? save for bangladesh and sri lanka, everybody else is moving forward, im not saying na we should leave or stop being a catholic, its a matter of faith, the problem is with the people leading it … again, leadership problem, you can see the very same pattern in latin america, remember the banana republics?

sa palagay ko, walang kinalaman ang mga rallies sa kalagayan ng ating ekonomiya, di ba sabi ng sabi si gloria na we have a very strong economic fundamentals? (that was before the elections) there is no reason for the political squabble goin on to really affect our economy unless the problem is right at the roots of our economy, maybe we should review the policies being implemented by the government, according to a WB study, the philippines is one of the most unfriendly to small and medium scale enterprises, which i believe forms the very core and backbone of the economy, squeeze them out and you will literally see hundreds of thousands of jobs flying out the window.

bilangin nga natin kung ilan lang ang nagkatrabaho kontra sa mga nawalan ng trabaho dahil sa dami ng maliit na companya na nagsara …
again because of the seeming hostility to small business people, all the perks and favors goes to big companies and corporations. how do you propose to survive in that kind of environment?



September 17th, 2005 at 3:42 am

to a considerable extent, excessive politicking caused poverty. we should move on and address this more important and urgent problem (paraphrasing the bishops’ 2nd statement)…

politics, specifically patronage politics, is endemic in the Philippine setting. it was never at its worst than during last year’s election (all the pork, vote-buying and influence-peddling involved) and, of course, during these tumultuous months of senate juetenggate and congressional hello-garci-tape and impeachment hearings – .

we were really saddled by our style of democracy deeply-rooted in our minds…especially the minds of traditional politicians and few political clans, who’ve come to be most benefited by patronage…because it consequentially oppressed the poor and took advantage of the weak.

the pervasive nature of patronage-based politics has led to corruption. “it engenders substantive regulation of economic activity and fiscal arbitrariness. irregularities in the administration of justice, in administrative practice, and in taxation interfere with rational economic calculation, making it difficult for profit-making enterprises with heavy investment in fixed capital and a rational organization of labor to prosper.”

it has led to denigration of our basically-good attitude owing to the fact that we are in general a religious society. moreover, during elections, power to a locale (or to a nation) often goes to the most generous one, not to the most qualified one!

no wonder our Archbishop Gaudencio Rosales considers the system detrimental to our culture. when he assumed the helm of the Manila Archdiocese from Cardinal Sin two years ago, he said: “Our value system has been destroyed by excessive politics. Gratitude? It is nothing. Loyalty? It is nothing. Truth? It is nothing as long as you get your bribe. In other words, it is not only causing political divisions but also eroding the inner values of our people.”

now, if i may ask our bishops (though my reverence to them remains unfaltered, mainly because i practically grew from a Catholic school)…

must we move on and address poverty (economic poverty, poverty in mind, poverty in character) now? as i’ve said before, i don’t get it…because…must we move forward and address poverty when it is only the RESULT of what we may call “dirty” politics? we should get rid of the cause!

mrs. gloria macapagal-arroyo is “the epitome of old-style politics, thriving in the smoky world of palm grease and backroom deals” (as mr. sangwon suh et al would put it). she is literally devoured by the system of politics of patronage…

we are divided. our inner values as Filipinos have been lost. (to think that we have to resort to propaganda in order to restore our values? )

it’s time to be united. it’s time we learn our values again.

it’s time to change back to our good-natured selves and NOT living the example of mrs. gloria macapagal-arroyo. she should not lead us to START our change…because in order for us to move forward, her politics of patronage should END.


where are the jobs?



September 17th, 2005 at 4:38 pm

CBCP should have placed more emphasis on the continued search for the truth because clearly nothing has been resolved by the impeachment’s death. All the people are asking for is a CLOSURE… did she or didn’t she? If she didn’t THEN we could all move on, so what the hell is it that malacanan is so afraid of? … THE TRUTH! THAT’S WHAT!!



September 18th, 2005 at 3:38 pm

I know I’m gonna get a lot of fl*ck for this, but what the h*ck!

This is easy for me to say considering my atheist leanings, but why don’t we just boycott the Catholic Church? It’s not doing us any good anyway and it’s as obsolete as ever, especially since Pope Rottweiler took over.

Besides, if G_d readlly does exist, don’t you think He (She?) would one with us calling for his “Anointed One” to come down off her high chair?

Blasphemy? Excommunication? Subversion? Eternal damnation?

Those words never bothered me before. They do not today…



September 18th, 2005 at 3:50 pm

jimsband said,
September 18, 2005 @ 3:38 pm

I know I’m gonna get a lot of fl*ck for this, but what the h*ck!

This is easy for me to say considering my atheist leanings, but why don’t we just boycott the Catholic Church? It’s not doing us any good anyway and it’s as obsolete as ever, especially since Pope Rottweiler took over.

Besides, if G_d readlly does exist, don’t you think He (She?) would one with us calling for his “Anointed One” to come down off her high chair?

Blasphemy? Excommunication? Subversion? Eternal damnation?

Those words never bothered me before. They do not today…
Bro kung yan ang paniniwala mo well and good. Me being a catholic, i respect others belief. Is a waste of time arguing about religion, and religion is not debatable coz we have different beliefs. Just respect each others belief coz that’s what catholic church teaches us. Peace brother.



September 18th, 2005 at 4:18 pm

It doesn’y mean that if we boycott that Catholic Church it means were already atheists.
I, for one, do boycott the Catholic Church because they have been meddling with the politics here in the Philippines and also the leaders of the Catholic Church do not really practice what they preach. They are all comfortably living in mansions and with more cars than they will ever need while the flock that they should be leading is starving and lacking the proper clothing and shelter. If we look back into our history, the Catholic Church has done a lot of wrong towards the Filipino people. Since the time of Rizal, this institution have been keeping the Filipino people become self-aware of their ture potential.
But, I believe in God. I pray to him everyday. I just don’t listen to priests.



September 18th, 2005 at 4:38 pm

dimasalang said,
September 18, 2005 @ 4:18 pm

It doesn’y mean that if we boycott that Catholic Church it means were already atheists.
I, for one, do boycott the Catholic Church because they have been meddling with the politics here in the Philippines and also the leaders of the Catholic Church do not really practice what they preach.
this things are already open book. that’s why God gave us freewill to decide. what is good about being catholic is that we are free to decide. It’s not compulsary, but voluntary. If we don’t want to obey the priest of his teaching, so be it. If we don’t want to pray the rosary, so be it. If we don’t want to give offerings or donation so be it. Catholic church will never punish us if we disagree on what they are teaching. They respect our decisions. God gave us knowledge and freewill that’s why catholic church knows we can decide for ourselves. If they want to meddle on politics in the philiippines, who cares, let them do whatever they want, that’s there prerogative. If we will follow them, it’s our choice, so catholic church is not the one to blame but ourselves. They don’t decides on behalf of us, each and everyone of us decides for ourselves on what to believe in and on what we should do.



September 19th, 2005 at 10:20 pm

I guess it’s alright to cheat during school exams, board exams, and alike kasi our country’s leader is the biggest cheater and we are already accepting this.

See link for more:



September 20th, 2005 at 8:40 am


So far, you hit the nail on the head!

My daughter (10 yrs. old, Atheist) – already understands. She abhors cheating, lying and stealing, among other things. She’s no saint, but avoids “sin” – with or without a church guiding.

Our country’s biggest Cheat (Liar and Thief) is unfortunately also a catholic.

Why is the chruch so quiet about this?



good egg

September 20th, 2005 at 8:22 pm


bitter lang ang iba because the Church has taken a neutral stand in the matter.



September 20th, 2005 at 8:46 pm

good egg said,
September 20, 2005 @ 8:22 pm


bitter lang ang iba because the Church has taken a neutral stand in the matter.
Your right man, naghahanap lang ng sisisihin ang mga iba jan. Ewan ko ba bakit ang catholic church na naman ang napagdidiskitahan. Anong pakialam natin sa church. The issue here is about politics. Moral issue don’t exist in politics kaya walang lugar ang simbahan when we talk about politics. Kung gustong makialam ng catholic church sa issue so be it. Anyway sino bang nakikinig sa kanila? May sarili naman tayong pagiisip eh, kung susundin mo bawat sasabihin nila, ah.. di ka nagiisip. I don’t understand other bloggers here, dahil ba walang ng mapagbuntungan ng sama ng loob, ang simbahan na naman ang sinisisi ngayon. I’m a devoted catholic but i don’t need to listen to the members of CBCP to decide on this political issue. I have my own decisions. We have our own freewill to decide.



September 21st, 2005 at 2:11 pm

isa lng ang aking nirerequest kay gloria…. sa susunod na manloloko, magsisinungaling at mandaraya sya sana lng wag na nyang gamitin ang pangalan ng diyos… kung inyong matatandaan nung dating nagsabi syang nde na sya tatakbo sa pagka-presidente ng ating bansa… ano ang kanyang binanggit? na ang desisyon nyang nde pagtakbo ay kanyang ipinagdasal at ang sagot daw ng panginoon ay wag na syang tumakbo… pero sa katotohanan, sinabi lng nyang nde na sya tatakbo para nde na sya batikusin ng opposisyon… subalit nung malapit na ang panahon ng eleksyon ano ang nangyari? siya uli ay nagdasal at ang sabi uli ng panginoon ay kelangan sya ng ating bansa at kelangan nya tumakbo sa pagka-pangulo…. isa na namang malaking kasinungalingan… dahil ang katotohanan, siya ang may gusto talagang tumakbo sa kadahilanan na naakit na sya sa kapangyarihan… would you believe that GOD would change HIS mind so easily and be so pathetic??? to continue…. pagkatapos ng kaniyang pagkapanalo “kuno” ano ang kanyang sinabi… “God put me here” — duh??? have you heard of GARCI TAPES at sa kasalukuyang crisis natin pagkatapos ng pagbasura sa impeachment anong unang unang sinabi ng malacanang??? “the people has spoken daw” and “the voice of the people is the voice of GOD” nde ba nakakainis ng puro nalang diyos ang kanilang ginagamit sa kasamaan??? look at the survey and it says the overwhelming 80% of our people wants her out of office….. KAYA ANG PAKIUSAP KO LNG SA MALACANANG AT KAY GLORIA… PLS LNG SA SUSUSNOD NA GAGAWA KAYO NG KASAMAAN… WAG NLNG NINYO BABUYIN ANG DIYOS!!! BABUYIN NYO NA LAHAT (CBCP, CONGRESS AT OPISINA NG PANGULO)… WAG LNG ANG PANGALAN NG DIYOS!!!

Give to caesar wat is caesars, Give GOD wats is GODS.



September 23rd, 2005 at 9:56 am

zigen said,
September 21, 2005 @ 2:11 pm

isa lng ang aking nirerequest kay gloria…. sa susunod na manloloko, magsisinungaling at mandaraya sya sana lng wag na nyang gamitin ang pangalan ng diyos… kung inyong matatandaan nung dating nagsabi syang nde na sya tatakbo sa pagka-presidente ng ating bansa… ano ang kanyang binanggit? na ang desisyon nyang nde pagtakbo ay kanyang ipinagdasal at ang sagot daw ng panginoon ay wag na syang tumakbo… pero sa katotohanan, sinabi lng nyang nde na sya tatakbo para nde na sya batikusin ng opposisyon… subalit nung malapit na ang panahon ng eleksyon ano ang nangyari? siya uli ay nagdasal at ang sabi uli ng panginoon ay kelangan sya ng ating bansa at kelangan nya tumakbo sa pagka-pangulo…. isa na namang malaking kasinungalingan… dahil ang katotohanan, siya ang may gusto talagang tumakbo sa kadahilanan na naakit na sya sa kapangyarihan… would you believe that GOD would change HIS mind so easily and be so pathetic???

Sino sa palagay mo ang dios ni Gloria Macapagal????? And dios nya ay pabago-bago ng isip at nagsisinungalin as evidenced by her assertion that “her not running in the May 2004 election is her god’s message to her” and her claim of the turnaround and winning(thru massive cheating tolerated by her god) the election as her god’s will BUT the True God does not lie or change mind:

Hebrew 6:18. “so that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have taken refuge would have strong encouragement to take hold of the hope set before us.”

Exodus 20:7. “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.

Kaya please GMA wag mo na gamitin ng Dios sa mga panloloko mo!!!!!!

Just used your lords’ name like Chavit, Bong, jueteng, drug, etc, etc.

It is hopeless appealing to Gloria’s conscience for she have none.



September 23rd, 2005 at 10:38 am

Disappointing talaga tong decision ng CBCP. Kung sino pa yong inaasahan mong mag guide sayo kung anong tama at mali eh siya pang nagbubulag-bulagan at nagtutulog-tulogan.


good egg

September 23rd, 2005 at 2:43 pm

hindi nagbubulag-bulagan ang CBCP. nakikita naman how this whole impeachment thing has already divided us as a people. tama lang na wag na nilang gatungan ang isyu but instead serve as peacemakers. wag nyong sisihin ang CBCP because they didn’t act in the way that you expected. you don’t have the monopoly of what is right or wrong here.



September 23rd, 2005 at 3:55 pm

it is right that the CBCP just remain neutral and express what is best for the nation. based on their statement, the CBCP doesn’t favor any political side, they are just after the common good. the country has already gone through so much and it would be a waste if we don’t learn and mature from all of it.



September 23rd, 2005 at 4:23 pm

kita naman natin kung anong mga natanggap ng mga bishops thru genuino. naiintindihan ko rin sila baka lumabas lahat ng baho nila kung magsasalita sila. these people are not saints and they should be treated as ordinary people with the same frailties and flaws.

tulad ng mga heswita. parang malaki ata ang utang na loob sa mga arroyo/tuason kaya tahimik lang sila as an org.



September 23rd, 2005 at 5:17 pm

The CBCP is unfair. The Filipinos shouldn’t be listening to them anymore. During Erap’s time, puro krisitismo ang maririnig mo during homilies at sa pastoral letters. Agree ako dun, kasi sabi nila ang church ang nagbibigay ng moral guidance sa mga tao. Ngayon, labas ang ibedensiya ng pandaraya sa election at pagnanakaw ni arroyo, bakit tameme sila. Wala silang sinabi sa homilies kungdi magpatawad at makutento daw sa kung ano ang meron tayo. Why is CBCP IS TOLERATING IMMORALITY this time? Totoo nga siguro, pag mandaraya ang pinuno, mandaraya ang lahat, all the way to the lowest level.



September 27th, 2005 at 5:16 pm

Here’s to the BISHOPS like Capalla…

There’s The Rub : Canon fodder

First posted 03:33am (Mla time) Sept 27, 2005
By Conrado de Quiros
Inquirer News Service

Editor’s Note: Published on page A12 of the September 27, 2005 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer

DEAR bishops:

Your Orlando Quevedo says: “To search for truth in the streets or through a so-called people’s court seems to be mere political and even an ideological ploy. People are indifferent … which may mean that they do not totally believe in the so-called truth presented by the opposition.”

Your Fernando Capalla says: “Our stand is the same as before: people have the right to assemble and express dissent peacefully and within the bounds of law. But this right is not absolute and is limited by the rights of others. The rallies are disrupting classes and business in Makati. Constitutional rights have corresponding limitations.”

And your CBCP statement says: “We should now move forward and address the more important and urgent problem of the grinding poverty of our people — poverty which has, to a considerable extent, been caused by excessive politicking.”

Now correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the truth patently known? Frankly, I can’t understand why even
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those who protest in the streets keep talking about searching for the truth. Is it possible we have become so blind to the truth we cannot see it when it stares us in the face? Is it possible we have become so self-deluded we keep searching for an elusive truth when it is right before us, eager to be seized?

What in God’s name, which Capalla may now invoke only at risk of inviting a lightning bolt his way, do we mean by truth? Can there be any doubt that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is not the president of this country? We have the “Hello, Garci” tape to show she connived with a senior official of the Commission on Elections (Comelec) to defraud the voters. Can anyone in his right mind believe that conversation did not take place, or that the parties there are not Ms Arroyo and Garci? We have Ms Arroyo’s admission and apology for talking “to a Comelec official.” Can anyone in his right mind believe Ms Arroyo was not referring to the “Hello, Garci” tape?

All the legal wrinkles surrounding that tape mean only that you cannot send Ms Arroyo to jail for it. They do not mean you can send Ms Arroyo to Malacañang for it, or keep her there. Those are two different things. The parallel is this: If you have a wiretapped conversation between the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief of staff and the Abu Sayyaf about a plot to bomb various schools in Metro Manila, you may not jail the AFP chief solely on its merits. He is innocent until proven guilty, and wiretapped conversations may not be admitted in court. But you may not also keep that AFP chief in office. You might as well shoot yourself in the head. You fire him and keep him under close surveillance, while looking for ways to prosecute him. Same story: You may not jail Ms Arroyo on the basis of a wiretapped conversation about stealing the presidency, but you may not also keep her as president. You might as well shoot yourself in the head. You oust her and keep her under close surveillance, while looking for ways to prosecute her. (Of course, if the plot is to bomb Malacañang or the House of Representatives, I wouldn’t mind seeing a medal pinned on the AFP chief.)

The question has never been: Is Ms Arroyo the president or not? The question has always been: What do we do about the fact that Ms Arroyo is not the president? You are saying, let’s accept it and move on. You have a strange concept of God’s truth.

Correct me if I’m wrong, too, but isn’t it a monumental lack of any sense of proportion to be bothered by the disruption of classes and traffic and not by the destruction of democracy’s most basic principles? Have the bishops so gotten senile they’ve forgotten they helped foment traffic and truancy before by egging the populace to storm out into the streets and reject Ferdinand Marcos and Joseph Estrada? Haven’t they claimed a franchise to Edsa People Power I and II, jealously defending it to death, Bishop Socrates Villegas even metaphorically excommunicating the great unshod for trampling the Shrine in their parody of Edsa People Power?

Is the cause for which we are inconveniencing the businessmen any less morally compelling than those that went before, which is that a tyrant is inconveniencing all of us by existing? Estrada merely betrayed the public trust, Ms Arroyo never had it. And you worry about traffic? Kapal mo. Ah, but if you can’t even remember a basic law of Christian teaching, which is that the means does not justify the end, agreeing to take gambling money to give to the poor, which is yourself, then you won’t remember any law at all, Canon or Mammon.

And correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t saying let’s build God’s world on sin as absolute a betrayal of the Christian faith as Ms Arroyo herself stealing the vote? Isn’t saying let’s just pretend Ms Arroyo is our president and concentrate on more important things instead as profoundly sacrilegious as Ms Arroyo confusing Garci with God and saying, “God put me here?” What is more important than safeguarding the most precious institution of democracy, which is the vote?

It is true: Grinding poverty has been caused to a considerable extent by excessive politicking. But, pray, who is the one person in this country guiltiest of it? What do you call saying you will not run for president and doing so anyway — extraordinary diplomacy? Didn’t you hear what your favorite non-president herself said then, which is that if she were to run for president, she would assure a never-ending cycle of divisiveness in this country? What, you figure the politicking and the never-ending divisiveness will be ever-ending the longer Ms Arroyo clings to power?

There is only one thing worse than grinding poverty and that is moral bankruptcy. How can you presume to shepherd your flock when you yourselves are lost? How can you expect the faithful to be faithful when you yourselves cannot be faithful to your faith?

I am not an expert on Canon Law. But I swear to God (my apologies to God and to swearing) your version of Canon Law is making us Canon Fodder.



October 6th, 2005 at 11:46 am

I can not agree more to gimper! i do hope CBCP would see the light and wake up before everything is too late…..



October 6th, 2005 at 12:49 pm

Moments : Poignant

First posted 04:49am (Mla time) Oct 02, 2005
By Fr. Jerry M. Orbos, SVD
Inquirer News Service

Please read this article at
Opinion column

Just want to share this with you and hopefully our prayers could be answers soon……

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