STATEMENT of the U.S. government on the state of national emergency:

President Arroyo declared a State of National Emergency on February 24. Secretary of Foreign Affairs Romulo briefed the diplomatic corps on the declaration on the same day. The U.S. Government is monitoring the situation in the Philippines very closely. The U.S. Embassy has issued a Warden Message to American citizens in the Philippines, advising them to take prudent steps to ensure their personal safety during this uncertain time. We call on the Government of the Philippines and the Filipino people to respect fully the rule of law, protect civil liberties and human rights, and reject violence.

2 Responses to U.S. gov’t: ‘Respect rule of law’


blog @ » Blog Archive » Blog Coverage on The Death of Edsa 1

February 24th, 2006 at 9:51 pm

[…] Inside PCIJ posts the US Embassy’s statement on today’s news. It also has the full text for the fast-becoming infamous Proclamation No. 1017, and the follow-up General Order No. 5. […]



February 25th, 2006 at 10:31 am

such hypocrites, who are they to say “respect fully the rule of law, protect civil liberties and human rights, and reject violence.” look at the mirror dicks! tell that to yourselves.

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