CHIEF presidential legal counsel Antonio Eduardo Nachura has been designated by Malacañang as the new solicitor general, replacing Alfredo Benipayo who abruptly resigned last Wednesday.

Benipayo tendered his irrevocable resignation effective April 1 in the middle of a major legal battle faced by Malacañang at the Supreme Court to defend the legality of Proclamation No. 1017 issued by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

With his appointment as the top government lawyer, Nachura has his hands full with the cases he has inherited from Benipayo, including constitutionality suits against the “calibrated pre-emptive response” policy on street demonstrations, and Executive Order No. 464 prohibiting government and military officials from testifying in congressional inquiries without clearance from Arroyo.

A two-term congressman of the second district of Western Samar until 2004, Nachura made a name as one of the prosecutors in the impeachment trial of former president Joseph Estrada in 2000-2001. That stint landed him the job of Arroyo’s “resource person” during the aborted impeachment process at the House of Representatives against her last year.

At the time, he was also being eyed as Department of Education (DepEd) secretary after Florencio Abad quit last year, along with nine Cabinet secretaries and top-level officials who vacated their posts in July and called on Arroyo to resign amid allegations of electoral fraud.

The 64-year-old lawyer’s stint in government includes being undersecretary for legal affairs and legislative liaison of the then Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS) from 1994 to 1998 and commissioner of the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board from 1993 to 1994.

But he is still remembered — not quite fondly — by DepEd personnel as the education undersecretary who made possible the comeback of notorious supplier Jesusa “Susie” de la Cruz to the central office in Pasig.

When Nachura quit the education department in 1998 to run for congressman, he left behind a questionable P81.7 million school desk contract that de la Cruz had bagged.

8 Responses to Arroyo legal counsel is new solicitor general



March 18th, 2006 at 7:02 am

Finance Sec Isidro Camacho resigned before the scams where exposed. Benipayo knows how sinister GMA and allies are, GMA’s constitutional coup, forcing charter change is undeway, who cares about the law?



March 18th, 2006 at 11:39 am

Effective April 1st? Hmmmm…..I think it’s an April Fools joke….let’s wait and see.

I still have a feeling Martial Law will be coming soon.


lokalokang matino

March 18th, 2006 at 12:53 pm

No worthy news, recycled!!! gloria can’t get personalities outside her court. It only shows nobody wants to be a party to illegal Malacanang
occupant whose assumption to office is questionable. The QUESTION MARK in fact is 100 times bigger than MR. JOSE PIDAL.



March 18th, 2006 at 12:54 pm

yupp… the motto seems to be all those of you who have a good enuf conscience are out of this government and this military (for now)… from now on shell just keep those who share her views, those who share her penchant for double talk, for telling lies, for cheating and for stealing..those who believe that she is the only person fit for the job of the president of the strong strong republic of the philippines… tsk tsk



March 18th, 2006 at 2:59 pm

polsjs, great comments!

lokalokang matino, I agree with you 200%!

Bwahahaha! Guess GLUE-RIA has to scrape bottom na! Honestly, who in his right mind wil join the Philippine joke–but a fellow joker!



March 20th, 2006 at 9:41 am

solicitor general na bata ni GMA hmm.. pano na yan? eh di hindi na tayo pwede magreklamo?





March 20th, 2006 at 11:55 am

Wow! Is this part of the “invasion plot”?

Which makes me wonder… nagresign nga ba si Benipayo o pinayuhan na mag-resign to give way to Nachura?

Chura talaga ng lola niyo. Sino na ba ang susunod na uupo? Si Un-Gentleman Mike na ba?



March 22nd, 2006 at 4:48 pm

Sec Nachura is a man of impeccable integrity…surely his appointment is a sigh of relief…slamat naman at meron na tayong kasama sa loob na matino.

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