MOST of the 30,000 additional election returns the Commission on Elections ordered from private printers for the May 10, 2004 elections were “pre-fabricated” and used in President Arroyo’s bailiwicks to ensure her victory, Sen. Panfilo Lacson said today.

Lacson, who showed samples of what he said were questionable election returns at a press conference at the Manila Hotel, said the Arroyo camp had been filling up the forms months before the elections and used this in places like Cebu, Iloilo, Pampanga and Las Piñas.

The opposition senator, who ran and lost in last year’s presidential race, said four boxes of these documents are now with a “man of the cloth,” but refused to name him.

Lacson didn’t say how and where he obtained the returns. Neither did he give an estimate of how many votes were added to Arroyo’s count as a result of the manipulation.

The senator also didn’t explain how the Arroyo camp managed the logistics of replacing the original elections returns with pre-fabricated ones. Presumably, this took place before the precinct-level elections returns were counted at the municipal canvass. It would have entailed switching around hundreds, if not thousands of documents either at the precinct or the municipal hall, or anywhere in between.

This operation, if indeed it took place, is more complex than the usual “dagdag-bawas” (vote padding and shaving), which entails doctoring the municipal or provincial certificates of canvass (COC) and their accompanying statements of votes (SOVs).

None of the controversial recordings of Elections Commissioner Virgilio Garcillano mentioned pre-fabricated election returns, only fake COCs and SOVs.

Lacson, however, listed some unusual features of the supposedly suspect election returns:

  • The page number was printed, but not the form number. “When the official ERs finally came, all they had to do was remove page one and substitute their pre-fabricated page one, complete with the matching, stamped serial number,” Lacson said.
  • The thumb marks on an election return from Floridablanca, Pampanga, according to Lacson, “make you wonder whether they used babies of kittens to make the marks.”
  • The “taras” (handwritten stick marks) on an election return in Las Pinas resembled those on an election return in Floridablanca, Pampanga.

He also insinuated that Rep. Ronaldo Puno, who handled the President’s campaign, was involved in the allegedly dubious election returns.

At the press conference, Lacson also released the initial findings of UniQuest Pty Limited, an Australian firm that specializes in forensic audio examination, on the supposedly wiretapped conversations between Garcillano and the President, as well as with First Gentleman Mike Arroyo and former Sen. Robert Barbers.

The June 10 report of Dr. Brian Lovell said there was no evidence that the hour-long conversations Lacson had submitted for examination had been edited. Lovell, an associate professor at the University of Queensland and the research director of the Intelligent Real-Time Imaging and Sensing Group, said:

“(T)here are no obvious clicks and jumps in the conversations that would indicate editing. The background noise is quite consistently present throughout the recordings. Due to the close temporal interactions between the voice and background noise, it is my opinion that these signals were recorded at the same time and passed through the same communication channel. In my professional opinion, it would be difficult to edit these conversations imperceptibly because the background noise is so variable that it acts as a continuous thread underlying the voice recording—thus virtually any attempt to reorder or alter the conversation would lead to audible anomalies in the background.”

Lacson said he was still awaiting UniQuest’s full report, which would identify the voices the CD his office had submitted and the two CDs Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye released on June 6.

He said his office turned over the voice clips of the President, Garcillano, the First Gentleman, Barbers and Edgardo “Bong” Ruado, who Bunye had said was the “Gary” heard in what he claimed was the original tape.

41 Responses to Lacson’s paper trail



June 23rd, 2005 at 6:50 pm

It is now clear that Lacson really is the one behind all of these controversies. It is likely that he had possession of this “evidence” of election fraud since right after the May elections last year, but chose not to come out, since the direct beneficiary then would have been FPJ.

I’m not saying that the evidence Lacson presented could not possibly be true. But I hope the PCIJ could do more investigation on its own, and not just ride on the issues coming out, because clearly, Lacson here is driven more by ambition to replace Gloria than by his search for the truth. It is really not that farfetched to think that it was really Lacson who orchestrated the Sandra Cam and Sandra Cam circus. And seeing that that didn’t agitate the people enough, his coming out in his own press conference could be his final salvo.



June 23rd, 2005 at 9:20 pm

I’m also interested to hear PCIJ’s constructive investigation in this issue. Also note that there is some scenario before that resembles the current situation like the ‘Incredible Hulk Jose Pidal Scandal’ where Lacson has a primary witness, which is Mr. Mahusay (tama ba?), that testify he knows Mike Arroyo very well and he is the Jose Pidal who receives bogus big amount of money, but later retract his testimonies and told the media that some group (forgot which group, sorry) rescued him from captivity in Tagaytay. Same scenario here, the primary witness in Gloriagate scandal is Sgt.Doble, first, he testify that he is the source of the tapes but later said he was paid to tell lies and also he was rescued also for captivity. Pls also note (corret me if I’m wrong here cause I just read it from the journals here and the others) that Sgt.Doble was included in the roster of PAOCTF before.

The question now is that, is there a link between Sandra, Bishop Cruz, Doble, Ong, Abat, Cortez, etc. and Senator Lacson?



June 23rd, 2005 at 10:26 pm

Can PCIJ interview Mr. Lacson to get more info about the things he discussed here?



June 23rd, 2005 at 10:29 pm

si lacson ang tinuturo natin eh kay FVR sourced lahat ng actions and buttons ni gma. ramos doesnt like erap. di nya kontrolado. kaya sumamasa edsa 2 yun eh. tsaka baka maimbistigahan siya.

si gma… alila ni fvr. mukhang sumosobra sa raket at nakakalimutan ang kanyang mga alalay sa AFP… may kailangang ilabas… problem is napasobra… and thats the tape. in this instance, la na kinalaman sina lacson. ang ISAFP director corpuz ay naging mortal na kaaway ni lacson. sinulsulan pa ni tulfo. kaya di pwedeng sourced kay lacson ang tapes.

by the way… kapag pamilya nyo ang binantaan ng kamatayan ng administrasyon, babaliktarin nyo lahat ng sinabi nyo. coz they have all the power to frame you up, mislead the investigation and cover up matters.

better yet…. try to trace kung ano nangyari sa proceeds ng fort bonifacio.

trace nyo rin ang pier sa south america.

trace nyo rin ang proteksyon ng jueteng.

make every peso count.

ilaglag ang plunder to 100,000 pesos insted of 50 Million.

dami nakakulong na govt official, employee, elected officials.

ha ha ha



June 23rd, 2005 at 10:33 pm

then again… evil may lacson be…. at least we know how he will move.

dumb may erap be… at least we can not expect much from him.

glorified gloria having many awards, titles, church support…. its actually our trust that was betrayed. thats what many filipinos cant take.

anyway… hindi naman tayo kikita sa kakapintas sa kanila so… better teach the children to cheat… so that they can perfect it when they grow old.



June 23rd, 2005 at 10:59 pm

Obviously, a lot of people may question the timing of Sen. Lacson’s allegations…just as they question the timing of bringing out the wiretapped tapes “containing” the voices of Pres. Macapagal Arroyo & Comm. Garcellano. Suspect as the timing is, we as a people, must learn to look at this latest situation from a bigger picture. That Pres. Macapagal Arroyo, regardless of how little or how much, cheated her way into winning the 2004 presidential elections.

In recent days, people have been witness to the “moro-moro” the House of Representatives has been providing us. Instead of dealing with the pertinent issues, administration congressmen continue to pull all the tricks out of the hat to prevent the joint committees from playing the tape. Why must these officials, who serve at the pleasure of their constituency, made up of the people, prevent the Filipino people from knowing the truth? What are they hiding? And more importantly, what do they truly stand for? Do they stand for their own personal interests or for the interests of the one seated in Malacanang and her family?

Many may dislike Sen. Lacson and the things that he has done in the past. From announcing that he hated politics to running for president during the last elections, the good senator is not new to exposing controversy and annomalies in the Arroyo administration. I am not a supporter of the opposition for I believe that they are fragmented and represent the state of our country today, fragile & divided, with wounds getting deeper and deeper as each day passes us by. But, what seems to be the common denominator between the good senator, the opposition & the majority of the Filipino people is this…they want the truth to come out. They want to know what the real deal is. And they want to know who really is the “President” of our country.

Masakit man isipin, pero ang pananatiling katahimikan ni Gng. Arroyo sa issue na ito ay tahasang nagpapahiwatig na siya ay nagkasala sa sambayanang Pilipino noong nakaraang eleksyon. At kung ganoon ang nangyari, wala siyang karapatan na manatiling nakaupo sa Malacanang. Bukod sa panloloko na ginawa niya sa mamamayang Pilipinas, patuloy niyang binababoy ang posisyon ng presidente sa ating mahal na bayan. Tama na, sobra na! Gloria baba na!



June 23rd, 2005 at 11:05 pm

Heres Laura Branigan song Gloria

Gloria, you’re always on the run now
Running after somebody, you gotta get him somehow
I think you’ve got to slow down before you start to blow it
I think you’re headed for a breakdown, so be careful not to show it

You really don’t remember, was it something that he said?
Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?
Gloria, don’t you think you’re fallin’?
If everybody wants you, why isn’t anybody callin’?
You don’t have to answer
Leave them hangin’ on the line, oh-oh-oh, calling Gloria
Gloria (Gloria), I think they got your number (Gloria)
I think they got the alias (Gloria) that you’ve been living under (Gloria)
But you really don’t remember, was it something that they said?
Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?

A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha, Gloria, how’s it gonna go down?
Will you meet him on the main line, or will you catch him on the rebound?
Will you marry for the money, take a lover in the afternoon?
Feel your innocence slipping away, don’t believe it’s comin’ back soon

And you really don’t remember, was it something that he said?
Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?
Gloria, don’t you think you’re fallin’?
If everybody wants you, why isn’t anybody callin’?
You don’t have to answer
Leave them hangin’ on the line, oh-oh-oh, calling Gloria
Gloria (Gloria), I think they got your number (Gloria)
I think they got the alias (Gloria) that you’ve been living under (Gloria)
But you really don’t remember, was it something that they said?
Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?

(Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria)
(Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria)



June 23rd, 2005 at 11:19 pm

as senator lacson cares for the truth…. may we invite him to do the following:

1) investigate wycoco. he says he raided a printing press on certain tips… got a warrant… and defends his acts that this is …

“n an interview with reporters after the hearing, Wycoco said the printing press violated Article 154 of the Revised Penal Code which prohibits the printing, publishing or distribution of materials which “do not bear the real printer’s name, or which are classified as anonymous.” ”

2) did wycoco investigate randomly on massive cheating during the past election? i havent heard from the new that he caught or commented on anyone involved in the tape. by now he is suppose to get records of voice samples of the president for investigation.

the tape is an anonymous tip… what investigation has he done? why hasnt he started obtaining warrants for voice samples. and proceed reports the content of the tapes?

halik nga naman sa pwet ng pangulo. nanjan ka ba wycoco para sa taong bayan o para sa bulsa mo? sa pwet mo o sa pwet ng mahal mong pangulo? pakinabang nga naman.



June 23rd, 2005 at 11:28 pm

Lacson upon acquiring the tapes bolstered the evidence that he already has. The tapes were the clincher so to speak because it gave the locations where electoral fraud was committed. The ER’s on those areas mentioned should be investigated. Now everyone of us aspire to lead. Lacson is no different. He showed his leadership as PNP chief.What we need right now is a Lee Kwan Yu. We need discipline. Lacson was the only one who did that in the PNP. We are directionless right now.



June 23rd, 2005 at 11:34 pm

dont want to ask senator lacson much but…

what if gloria cheated, replaced by noli and we soon find out that even noli did not win the vice presidency? that is his numbers in the election is padded in the same way the numbers of gma was padded? can you have this investigated too?

also, can you unite the opposition for a common good?

also, i havent seen mon tulfo curse the president and her cohorts the same way he did you.

thanks in advance.



June 23rd, 2005 at 11:48 pm

Since we’re all giving Senator Lacson advice, I’d like to ask him (and PCIJ) to investigate the true circumstances under which the Filipino hostage Robert Tarongoy was suddenly released. If there is anything suspicious about this otherwise welcome eventuality, it is the timing of it, and the apparent alacrity and relish with which GMA spun his return.

Frankly, I think they paid a ransom to a group of kidnappers in Iraq. For there are no overt political concessions that have been granted for his release. Surely it was not the mere perspicacity of Ambassador Seguis. It has been widely reported that most abductions (and subsequent beheadings) there aren’t actually carried out by “insurgents and terrorists” but by simple kidnap for ransom gangs.

We may never know the truth, but let me make a prediction:::there will be several more kidnappings of Filipinos to come in that part of the word if a ransom was indeed paid, because just like here, kidnappers like to “do business” with cowards and weaklings who can be made to kneel before terror.

More abductions and terror are the wages of capitulation!



June 24th, 2005 at 12:05 am

I don’t know about you guys, but I think some of the arguments presented by Lacson in his presentation don’t hold up well in supporting his allegations that the administration orchestrated massive cheating last elections.

His comments that the serial number are not printed on the ER, in the same way as the page numbers are? Raffle tickets (also supposedly accountable forms) are printed in the same manner, with the serial number printed differently, presumably because the serial numbers are printed separately.
And, had the COMELEC-commisioned printers printed the serial numbers on the ER, as what Lacson wanted it to be, this also could not have stopped the administration from cheating. The administration could have simply ordered more of these ER’s as well. The point is: whether the serial numbers are printed on the ER or not, if the administration wanted to cheat, they could do so. So this does not really bolster his case.

Second, his comparison of the handwriting on the taras (stick figures to used to mark individual votes). Is the probability of having two people draw the taras (lines, essentially) similarly so small that he concluded that the same person prepared the ER’s he presented? I don’t think so.

Finally, he did not present the results of the elections in the ER’s he presented. So where did the cheating happen? How much votes? What he did was just introduce some kind of doubt into the people’s minds based on the above arguments, which again, doesn’t really bolster his case.

To the PCIJ, I’m disappointed in that you just seem to be dishing out what gets out in the press. A little more insightful commentary on Lacson’s press release would be nice to guide the readers of your blog. You are after all, _the_ Center of INVESTIGATIVE journalism.



June 24th, 2005 at 12:21 am

I share the same sentiment as jammer. I’m also against FVR because I believe he is the mastermind in many many criminal activities in our country. FVR can be link to numerous scandals and criminal acts such as kidnappings (do you remember those years that kidnapping was very rampant?) pero magaling siya magpalusot kaya tignan niyo lahat ng cases niya sa ombudsman ay nilibing na sa lupa, wala pa rin investigation.

As my view to Lacson, no one can tell him that he is ambitious because the fact that a person who run a presidency in an election is of course wishes to win the race. If I can remeber it correctly, Lacson also protest that there is “dagdag-bawas” in the areas where he know he will get votes from his supporters. He also mentions before that he protected his votes in those areas and he have evidences to show. But later he didn’t bother to submit his protest to the court. The reasons might be that the benefactor of the protest would be FPJ or maybe he knows he has insufficient evidences to prove GMA indeed cheated his votes or maybe he know how our court will rule over his protest so he let it go. Now, since the tape is on the loose, maybe he thought this is his chance to re-show his evidences to support the tape that there is a wide spread of massive cheating, not only in mindanao but also in other parts of the country.

I hope PCIJ can interview him to shed some light to what he will pursue in the future and what he wishes of the outcome for this fiasco aside of course what we wish for, the search for the truth.



June 24th, 2005 at 1:08 am

to swerty,

on why lacson continued the presidential race, its a big story…

1. the internal politics within angara’s party was too high. lacson is within their party and angara did not nominate lacson for the presidential race. a reason behind is that lacson has vision… not within angara’s objective.

2. instead… they used fpj, who has a clean background but no experience, very famous… so angara will run the govt in a similar way he did on erap.

3. angara doesnt want a united opposition thinking fpj is already famous. a lacson-fpj union will surely bat a p and vp on the race but angara will have no powerful place. on fpj-lacson, lacson will surely lose to noli as the latter is always advertized. an fpj-noli will not click as surely… we knw that in a similar method, gma got her seat.

4. of kors, a noli on the seat, fvr still has a hold.

5. lacson continued his race as a man. he ran, he lost, he respected the rule of COMELEC as a governing referee. what he didnt know is that the COMELEC is under gma. (nagpakatino kasi. para namang di niya alam na madumi si gma at ang politika nito. nadiskubre na nga yung incredible hulk eh…). thats the problem with sen lacson. then for the nations’ good, he opted to have a unifying government.

6. now he learned what really happened, he is getting back at them, carrying some supporters of fpj, his supporters and those formerly fm gma. then again, not all of them.

7. i consider this man changed as compared to the man being described by mon tulfo.

8. im not supporting lacson but this man has a reason…

9. comparatively, he is better than gma. the world is already evil… best to choose the lesser.

10. should anyone put kuratong baleleng on the picture again… i have to say its better although it may have violated human rights of 20-50 people and even murder. in gma’s case… the violation is overwhelming. note.. si gma pa lang yun. wala pa si mister at si anak at si bayaw at si puppet master na kapwa kapwa sinusuportahan niya.

11. i may want to see a govt of lacson. note… he discussed an economic meltdown similar to argentina in one of the debates kay mare at pare. therefore he reads. in gma’s case, she is the author of the breakdown. notice our state now?

12. he is for population reduction… to say 2 child policy.

13. the police force regained its bearing (note… hindi nagegeneralize na masama ang police noong time nya. mahigpit lang. OF CORSE, the kuratong baleleng always gets in the picture but not the general police force). now, do you respect and trust the police force? no permit no rally? jueteng protectors? drug dispensers? he he he

14. check his CDF.

15. he can weigh the benefit of the general populace. some people call him a murderer. if ever he is… may we knw the track record of those he murdered? mother and child included? no word no place? dba accessory rin sila? rubout? with KB less in the metro, aren’t we 1 kidnap for ransome/killer gang safer? (although masama pa rin ano… if there is truth in this, i still believe in due process)

16. he waited for more proof to come out. maybe a lesson he learned from the concept of due process.

17. he is not yet a collaborator for jueteng and drug lords. (not yet) kc si gma kasabwat na noon pa… remember chavit and circle? iggy and other relatives?

18. comparing gma and lacson as criminals…. lacson if he is a criminal in a way… did it for the better and cleaner philippines. gma is for a richer pocket.

19. next problem? wil he succeed in investigating FVR. erap tried but was ousted. gma did not. will lacson proceed?

20. last problem? gma is a cheater, a traitor to the nation, (dapat treason ang kaso nito eh, nababoy na ang afp, binaboy pa ang bayan). fpj died. so will lacson be proclaimed? wag muna…. bigay muna natin yung problema sa loob nito kay noli para bumaliktad sikmura nya. again… FVR gets away with it.



June 24th, 2005 at 1:17 am

damparrow: i went to mindanao, some parts in visayas… the general sentiment is that its senseless to vote as their vote will not be counted anyway. i personally asked them.

the best way is to start with the ballots so that our countrymen the simple, poor, underducated due to less budget in education to regain their trust in the system.

and kindly have the head of garci and gma once this is proven true. they connived to cheat or even cheated in the elections. the system will be respected more once we know they are serious.

as for abalos… meron ka rin. para naman hindi namin alam. yung proof na lang ang inaantay namin.



June 24th, 2005 at 11:17 am

baka gusto ni lacson sya pumalit!



June 24th, 2005 at 11:25 am

hayaan nyo si noli…. basta go after fvr. if he can…



June 26th, 2005 at 12:36 am

Speaking of Lacson/ another person running for pres. Iam hearing from people that even if GMA is that way. They would prefer GMA because Mr. Noli Decastro does not know anything about politics. Now, im not so sure about Mr. Noli. But how is he? The goodside of him, he is said to be a very honest man. What do you guys think? Thanks.

Godbless and takecare! :)



June 26th, 2005 at 2:29 am

I wish to bring to the attention of those who may not be aware of how deep-rooted nepotism is in GMA’s administration, if only to strengthen our case against this bungling government. Here s a randon list of incumbent and former officials of GMA who come from her beloved Ateneo, a clear sign of nepotism.

1. Former Justice Secretary Hernando Perez
2. Former BIR Commissioner Rene Banzon
3. Former Customs Commissioner Antonio Bernardo
4. Former DTI Undersecretary and BOI Managing Head Gregory
5. Former Tourism Secretary, now Administration Senator, Richard
6. Incumbent Political Affairs Officer Gabriel Claudio
7. Incumbent Eccleciastical and Media(?) Affairs Officer Dodi Limcaoco
8. Incumbent Education Secretary Florencio Abad
9. Incumbent Agriculture Secretary Arthur Yap
10. Incumbent Transco Head Allan Ortiz
11. Incumbent Ambassador to Japan Domingo Siazon

Konti lang ito but I am definite that there at least 20 more high-ranking GMA officials culled from GMA’s dear Alma Mater, especially in the Judiciary (Ateneo being one the leading law schools), Finance, Local Government, Agrarian Reform, Presidential Management Staff, Budget and Management, Energy, Transport and Communication, and every other agency where wise guys kuno are needed, as if other schools don’t have an adequate pool of technocrats to match these Atenistas.

Incidentally, among the guys above, ang magkaka-edad na most likely naging student in GMA sa Ateneo ay sina Gabby Claudio, Allan Ortiz, Dodi Limcaoco, Butch Abad, Greg Domingo, Rene Banzon and Tony Bernardo. Gabby Claudio is a product of the DILG of Marcos so he is not new to the Marcos brand of politics kaya siya siguro nandiyan sa Cabinet ni GMA.

For verification of my list above, anyone can simply check with the Alumni Affairs Office of the Ateneo de Manila University.

Nakakalungkot ano? How these people favor each other as if the government is a venue for gangmates to reunite and scratch each other’s back. The only high-performer in this list is Dick Gordon. I think, the others might be or may have been excess baggage.




June 26th, 2005 at 2:58 am


I suggest you get in touch with Atty. Demaree Raval of the Daily Tribune who has a complete set of evidences on the election fraud that took place in 2004. It was he whose office was intruded for the election records he holds. What you may not get from Ping Lacson, you may be able to obtain from the records of Atty. Raval. Salamat.




June 26th, 2005 at 4:10 am

Rizalist, The truth about Tarongoy’s released was just an accidental. It was the American and foreign forces had been going house to house arrest of terrorists in iraq. They had stumbled a home where there are several terrorist and started the fight. The american forces had discovered Tarongoy and an american male hostage. I was appaled when I watch the TFC channel here in USA where the Arroyo admistration is taking the credit of tarongoy’s freedom! it’s a shame I have not heard her saying Thank you america and the foriegn forces! bastos talaga. Although they had been working for Tarongoy’s release for 8 months, nothing is happening because they had simply not heard from the terrorist for along time. I don’t know how much news you have about Iraq but here in USA is just 24 hours a day. I had seen in live action when american and foreign forces had stumbled on tarongoy and the american hostage in one house that were abandon by the terrorist. The Arroyo had nothing to do with the release of tarongoy, it WAS THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN FORCES. I HOPE YOU GUYS OUT THERE SHOULD POST THAT ON EVERY NEWS. Don’t you ever notice Arroyo didn’t even mentioned how Tarongoy was released? because it wasn’t the filipino diplomats whom she send to mediate for Tarongoy’s’ release. They are not doing anything . It was the american and foreign forces who are working outside searching for terrorist that’s why they had discovered Tarongoy and the american male hostage. They also discovered one Australian hostage too the previous week. I hope the family of Tarongoy should be thankful to american and foreign forces for rescuing her husband. What a shame for Arroyo pulling out her troops from Iraq for the sake of de la Cruz, doesn’t she realized, Philippines made a commitment to join the allies, she should stand firm and follow the rules written on the book that Philippine government sign. There was a japanese citizen that was beheaded by the terrorist because japanese government refuse to give in to their demands. After the beheading of one of their citizen, the japanese government, wasn’t intimidated they send more troops to Iraq. The more they irritate and defy the terrorist. I have not heard them targetting japanese anymore.



June 26th, 2005 at 5:42 am

PCIJ people, “maria’s” post was very intriguing and quite compelling. I hope that you can investigate the veracity of her claim that the Americans freed Tarongoy. GMA do not deserve an ounce of trust if it is true.

Sobra na kawalanghiyaan nyang p__un_etang Babae na yan. Nakakapanginig ng laman.



June 26th, 2005 at 7:03 am

I really doubted if it was really the government’s effort that lead to the release of De la Cruz and Tarongoy. Now with “maria’s” post I now have the
basis to bolster those doubts. KAPAL mo talaga day!



June 26th, 2005 at 8:06 am

Tobebs, this is a blog. I don’t know you and it seems you are biased. Honestly if you re-read my post did I mentioned the dela cruz released WASN”T an effort by the Philippine government? You seem to be one sided. It had shown here live, we have american and european journalist in the line of fire who go to the harm’s way while our american and foreign troops in combat. It was shown live here at fox channel when Tarongoy and the american male hostage was rescued by american and foreign troops. This was shown LIVE HERE on TV. It’s not fair that arroyo admistration is getting the credit while the truth the american and the foreign forces did the worked in rescuing Tarongoy and the american hostage. Do you think that’s right. You seems to be uncivilized name calling me as “Kapal mo talaga day”. I don’t have a think face because I was the one who is not trying to get credit that I didn’t work for. Do you think the kapal mo talaga day signify you well? I think so because if you don’t humble yourself to others you are not worth it. I’m not into Arroyo or any politics , I’m here to speak of what we know here in USA. If you discredit other forces for helping your fellowmen, you better think because Arroyo had given so much shame about the filipinos. She is worse than Marcos, she had failed to obey the law of the Philippines, and that’s stealing from trust from filipinos. I hope this Blog will remain here because this place is full of wealth of informations. I really appreciate this site but not your presence and uncalled for behaviour, Tobebs. Enough said. :)



June 26th, 2005 at 8:34 am

Binayaraan ng milyon ang release ni de la cruz. Si Robert Tarongoy, ay walong buwan na, walang nangyari. Sabi ng kapatid ko sa Quatar, sa Iraq talagang walang communication dahil na monitored daw ng mga americano ang mga lines. It is impossible for the people in Philippines embassy to get in touch with the terrorist.
Maria, sana pagpasensiyahan mo na si Tobebs hindi siya galit sa iyo. Expression namin iyan dito sa Pilipinas ngayon. Hirap kasi pag matagal ka sa tate nagbago na ang mga salawikaing pilipino.



June 26th, 2005 at 9:02 am


You got me wrong when you said that I was referring to you as the one ang KAPAL mo day. I was then referring to the big LIAR in malacanang claiming all the credit for the release of Tarongoy and if you carefully read my comment I said I really DOUBTED if it was the governments efforts that led to the release of Dela Cruz and Tarongoy. I”M ONE WITH YOU GUYS please don’t get me WRONG



June 26th, 2005 at 9:23 am

Tobebs, I apologize ha ha ha ha after kurdapiyo explain to me the words, I got the idea of the expression. I hope you accept my apology. Thanks Kurdapiyo.



June 26th, 2005 at 9:33 am


You know I have relatives in the States and what my cousin did was send back his three (3) children here to study to at least finish highschool kasi lumalaki daw walanghiya ang mga bata dyan. With your apology I think YOU’RE NOT one of them. I accept your apology.



June 27th, 2005 at 4:10 am

If Raval has the evidence, why was it not presented by Lacson?
The supposed “paper trail” presented by Lacson is not enough.
If Lacson had access to the damning proof, why did he present such a weak and shallow “paper trail”? Since everyone seems to be throwing anything and everything at GMA, why has he stopped short of presenting hard proof of cheating?

If Lacson has the evidence, let him present them. Right now, what he presented served only to introduce doubt, and agitate the people. His press con was mostly flash, and very little substance.

“Those who fail to protect their votes don’t deserve to win. There’s no use complaining about fraud after it has already happened.” – Ping Lacson, senator and presidential candidate.

I am not saying that GMA did not cheat. If proven that she indeed cheated, and that the cheating affected the outcome of the elections, then I also believe that she should resign, out of delicadeza. But we must follow the constitutional process. If GMA resigns, then De Castro should be the next president, whether we like him or not.



June 28th, 2005 at 6:10 am

There are 2 ways to wiretap a mobile GSM phone. Method 1: You need to clone the SIM with inside help form a mobile operator and you must have complete access to the mobile network switch(In this case SMART or GLOBE)-this is highly unlikely since the operators themselve would not allow this to happen. Method 2(used by ISAFP) You must know the person’s number(Garcillano’s phone was a prepaid phone for security reasons) and the exact location of the person when the calls takes place within a 1 kilometer radius. The machine with ISAFP is sensitive but needs to be close to the phone being tapped. Now the question arise who authorize the wiretapping. Who knew Garcillano’s phone number? Who knew the whereabouts of Garcillano who was continuously on the move? The opposition didn’t have any clue about Garcillano. I don’t buy the reason that Garcillano was wiretapped to make sure he won’t turn around. That leads to the question turn around from what. Only the inner circle knew about Garcillano’s purpose and therefore his whereabouts and phone number. Why was Garcillano wiretapped? I’m sure he didn’t plan to joint the opposition during the counting. Who nominated him to the COMELEC? I think the guy knows very well whom he owes. So the wiretapping was not planned from the very beginning. But I believe someone from the inner circle had the wiretapping done for some future use knowing that there will be an illegal operation during the election. These wiretapping can be use to bag juicy contracts and post to someone who possess it. These tapes were release in aid of collection or revolution. Not from the opposition but from the greed of someone within the inner circle. That has been settled out already in a meeting in Malacanang. The president was shocked and awed with these tapes and all the more it came from an ally at that.



June 30th, 2005 at 8:15 am

check, or even



July 1st, 2005 at 10:31 pm

Hello friends,

I’m active visitor of this site, reading with great interest all your comments, but this is my first time to post mine. I like to think that most of us are already convinced that GMA stole the election from us. Hence we should focus all our efforts in deposing the great pretender in Malacañang. We should not be detracted by the people who want to divide us, varied maybe our interests and political persuasions are, by pitting our leaders against one another. There should be unity in diversity, the very foundation of a pluralist and democratic society. If VP de Castro would like to join us, he should be welcome despite his political and economic affiliation, but he too should resign soon, not when the ship is about sink. GMA is a goner.

Consultations among various opposition groups are ongoing to address the leadership issue and transition process. The unity that has been arrived at is bigger than EDSA 1, 2, and 3 as it is composed of them. But I am wary about one group, the one who’s one foot in and one foot out, the one group who openly support GMA and continues to offer unsolicited advises but whose associates are openly calling for Gamma’s ouster and advocating the formation of a civilian-military junta, but despises us.

We know them; nonetheless, we have to engage them.




July 2nd, 2005 at 12:01 am

to rich_ong:

The simplest explanation is the best.

Garci himself recorded all phone calls to his phone. The only way to confirm is to talk to Grci himself. As to why he would expose the tapes. Who knows. Maybe he hates GMA or maybe he will get favors from someone who hates GMA. Either way Garcilliano needs to show himself. If it is true is he a hero?



July 2nd, 2005 at 12:10 am

Lacson was involved in wiretapping hundreds of Erap’s opponents. He knows a lot that he is not telling us. I dont like that at all.



July 2nd, 2005 at 12:32 am

I dont see a united opposition at all.

Erap wants to become the head of a council that will run government. He wants to abolish congress and the supreme court. And establish a dynasty for his wife Guia Gomez or is it Laarni? Im confused. Oh for Loi and her kids. Ok ok.

The leftists want to get rid of all elitists in the country and that for me includes the estradas, marcoses, and all rich filipinos tainted by western ideas and western style education. Ultimately that would include me because I have a very western outlook. Well probably not because im not rich.

Lacson wants to take over government as it is and step on everybodys toes to keep them all in line. And of course blackmail everybody with what he knows. And of course reward Garci for his help in recording all his phone calls. He knew all along that a lot of people cheated in the elections and chose to expose only GMA. And only after the main beneficiary of the act died. I dont think he wanted FPJ to become President at all. I dont think a PMA graduate wants a superstar to be his boss. I dont think he has respect for FPJ at all.

The leftists are the most serious of all. They have a complete lineup already. They have complete government prepared. They have made very thorough studies of the issues that affect us and have prepared solutions. They believe thay are carrying forward the social evolution of the Filipino people if not the whole human race. They are going to kick all of their allies ass when the time comes.

Oh I forgot about Abat. He is protecting himself. He believes that the leftists are gaining and he and his PMA friends are going to stop that.

Very nice huh? Im not surprised that a lot of level heads are saying what they have said. This is a formula for disaster!



July 2nd, 2005 at 12:56 am

ka roger_gangster, sang-ayon po ako sa inyong palagay. ako po ay isang karaniwang tao lamang at kung masusunod po ang kagustuhan ng i-ilan na palitan ang kasalukuyang pamunuan ni presidente arroyo ay lalo lamang pong gugulo ang situwasyon ng ating pamunuan. kung mayroon pong katotohanan ang akusasyon na dinaya ni presidente arroyo ang nakaraang halalan, hindi po natin dapat palitan na lamang ng kung sino man ang gusto ng i-iilang may galit sa lehitimong pamunuan ni presidente arroyo.

sa isang karaniwang tao na katulad ko, lalo lamang pong ma-aapektuhan ang aking pang-araw-araw na hanapbuhay. sana po ay tigilan na natin ang sobrang pulitika. itaguyod na lamang po natin ang sinimulang adhikain ng ating kagalang-galang na pangulo at pati na rin po ang adhikain ng civil society para naman po umunlad na kalalagayan ng mga karaniwang taong katulad ko.

ang mga pilipinong tinaguriang silent majority, sa akin pong palagay ay lubos pa rin po ang pagtitiwala sa lehitimong panunungkulan ng ating kagalang-galang na presidente arroyo.

mabuhay po ang sambyanang pilipino!

Lubos na gumagalang,




July 2nd, 2005 at 1:45 am

gangster_roger and alagad

I hate to doubt your motivations, accept my apologies in advance, but I think you’re not confused. You dont trust (like) anybody from the opposition. You’re for GMA, but I have faith in the filipino people.

The best formula for disaster = Cheating and lying leader + corrupted people

2nd best formula 4 disaster = Sum of all people condoning or keeping silent in the midst of corruption.



July 2nd, 2005 at 2:00 am


Ang mahinahon at mapayapang pamamalakad ng sambayan lamang po ang aking pinapanigan. Kung ang oposisyon po ay may plataporma na magiging kapaki-pakinabang sa sambayang pilipino, doon din po ako papanig. Subalit sa nakikita ko po, lahat po ng may galit sa kagalang-galang na pangulo ay puro may personal na ambisyon at hindi po taos sa puso ang paglilingkod maliban lamang po kay Bishop Cruz na ang tanging adhikain ay ibuwal ang jueteng. Ganunpaman po, ang kanya pong mga testigo ay walang sapat na ebidensiya na makapagpapatunay na ang butihing ginoong arroyo at ang anak nito ay may kinalaman sa jueteng.

Sa sinabi po ninyo na pagsisinungaling, hindi naman po itinanggi ni pangulong arroyo na siya iyong boses na nasa tape. Higit pa roon ay humingi siya ng paumanhin kung sa paningin po natin ay hindi karapat dapat ang naturang pag-uusap.

Mabuhay po kayo pingkian at sa lahat ng mambabasa ng PCIJ.





July 2nd, 2005 at 11:56 am


You’re right, PGMA didn’t deny that she’s the one conversing with an election official in the tape, neither did she admit categorically that she’s the one.

I can not accept her apology. She should first categorically state whether she’s the one caught in the tapes and apologize and do reparation. She should not block investigations on the matter, in fact she should even encourage them.


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » There’s really only one tape

July 7th, 2005 at 6:37 pm

[…] Brian Lovell, whose company Uniquest Pty Limited was tapped by Lacson to examine the recording, is an associate professor at the University of Queensland, Australia and research director of the Intelligent Real-Time Imaging and Sensing Group.  The Hong Kong and Australian police engage his services. […]


INSIDE PCIJ » No legal obstacles to Senate probe on ‘Hello, Garci’ tapes

August 25th, 2007 at 4:14 pm

[…] however, and found that they were reputable in their countries. Brian Lovell, whose company Uniquest Pty Limited was tapped by Lacson to examine the recording, is an associate professor at the University of […]

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