FOLLOWING is the full statement issued by the De La Salle group of educational institutions yesterday. The educators say that while they "humbly accept" the President’s apology, Arroyo must now make the "supreme sacrifice" and relinquish power.

Restoring Faith in Democracy

It pains us to speak at this time, but, as a network of Catholic educational institutions committed to the Lasallian Mission of teaching minds, touching hearts and transforming lives, it behooves us to let our collective thoughts be heard by our people, most especially the young who are entrusted our care.

Our nation is beset anew by a serious and profound political crisis. The turmoil is spurred by allegations of fraud and deceit leveled against our nation’s Chief Executive, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. Though the charges have yet to be proven and we cannot discount the possibility that these allegations are orchestrated by forces with selfish interests, the present political turbulence has brought a heavy cloud of uncertainty over our already troubled nation.

The on-going congressional investigation and the President’s admission of a lapse in judgment have not quelled the restiveness of our people. We fear that there are groups that will exploit the increasing instability to further their political ambitions. As Christians, we humbly accept the President’s offer of apology, but also wish to respectfully remind her that it is imperative that she provide our people with a more substantive explanation and more convincing proof that indeed she did not in any way participate in electoral fraud. Anything less puts her legitimacy in question. It is also imperative that, as a people, we demand the same from our COMELEC officials and all other government and non-government organizations responsible for the conduct of the past elections.

We must restore our people’s faith in the Presidency and in the democratic process. This will most certainly require the full exercise of leadership that our President alone could effect. We would like to believe that she was sincere when she expressed her commitment to make a personal sacrifice for the nation’s interest. We now pray her to bring it to full fruition—the supreme sacrifice of surrendering personal want, comfort and position. We pray her to voluntarily relinquish power so that a constitutional process of succession may proceed.

We firmly believe that moral ascendancy is a critical ingredient in effective governance, and that even if she stays in Office for the next five years, she will be unable to realistically command the respect of the nation. While lapses in judgment may be acceptable in some other circumstances, we cannot agree that a phone call to a COMELEC official is a case of mere impropriety, especially since the right of suffrage is the cornerstone of democracy. Precisely because she took on the mantle of leadership at a time when the nation was looking for greater accountability and transparency, it is even more incumbent upon her to be without reproach.

But even as we ask her to give up her post voluntarily, we must, however, reject all other extra-constitutional solutions to this present crisis or any other means which may lead to violence. We must adhere to the rule of law and allow the constitutional succession process to be refined and perfected so that the next generation of leaders may restore our people’s faith in our political institutions. The challenge for us now is to find other creative options that we can pursue within the parameters set by the Constitution which can allow for a smooth transition without having to resort to another popular uprising which, at this time, may only contribute to further political destabilization.

While the President’s supreme sacrifice may temporarily restore our people’s faith in our political institutions through the implementation of a constitutional process of leadership succession, the bigger work remains for the successor government and for all Filipinos to address the chronic democratic deficit. Our nation’s democratic deficit is a product of the weakness of our political institutions and factors that prohibit the full exercise of our people’s right to effective and expansive participation. Unlike the fiscal deficit that required a mere statutory fiat, the democratic deficit necessitates changes in our Constitution and the activation of a greater number of citizens whose participation is necessary to ensure inclusive, participative, transparent and responsive governance. If we are able to do this, then we can face the children in our classrooms as effective teachers and really teach them the ways of honesty, integrity and truthfulness.

If we ask the President a supreme sacrifice, nothing less should be required of every Filipino. Let this be a learning moment for us as we go through an authentic soul-searching and as we work assiduously towards healing and conversion. We are calling on all institutions of learning to provide their academic community with objective information, to initiate multi-disciplinary discussions that are critical and transformative, and to create venues for community prayer. Our efforts will be futile if we do not humble ourselves, fall on our knees, and acknowledge that nation-building is as much our work as it is God’s.

In this time of chaos, let us always remember that we are in the most holy presence of God. We need more light and less heat. Let us ask for the Spirit of Wisdom to gently lead us so we may see clearly, judge fairly, and act zealously. The God of History has never abandoned us in the past. Today, more that at any other time, we must reaffirm our faith that God will raise up true shepherds for our people. Live, Jesus, in our hearts forever!

De La Salle Araneta University
De La Salle Canlubang
De La Salle Lipa
De La Salle Santiago Zobel School
De La Salle University – Dasmariñas
De La Salle University – Manila
Immaculate Concepcion College – La Salle (Ozamiz)
La Salle Academy (Iligan)
La Salle College Antipolo
La Salle Green Hills

Br. Rafael Donato FSC
Auxiliary Visitor, De La Salle Brothers (signed)

Br. Edmundo Fernandez FSC
Brother Visitor, De La Salle Brothers (signed)

16 Responses to “Bringing the sacrifice to full fruition” — De La Salle community



July 4th, 2005 at 2:13 pm

In my humble opinion, it is best to completely hear from Mr. Garcillano what had occur on those significant days where this issue started. I believe, what Atty. Paguia and Atty. Ong revealed tapes has something “juicy information” omitted, to protect their own masters. All we want today is the whole truth.
We live in both world, physical and spiritual, within the matrix of laws, the constitution. Let Filipinos abide their Philippine Constitution, and, let Believers abide the rule of its constitution, the Holy Bible or the Holy Quran.



July 4th, 2005 at 2:36 pm

Way to go Brothers! If this gloriagate episode is a war, this a good tactical move to ‘shepherd’ the middle forces who are on the verge of joining the opposition who are out to install their own government into the administration plank of noli de castro. this is of course plan B of GMA just in case matters get worse. This plan B by the way is the constitutional way. Just two questions, though, (1) what would the mainstream opposition think about your plan? (2) what happened to Bro. Ray Dizon who came out with a statement of support to Gloria a few days earlier? If ever, hope the new administration will keep fellow alumni Purisima in their cabinet and let him run the country.



July 4th, 2005 at 2:56 pm

The Brothers have listened to their hearts and followed their minds. Animo La Salle!



July 4th, 2005 at 3:14 pm

To the Brother’s of La Salle, We will heed your call. God Bless



July 4th, 2005 at 3:32 pm

La Sallites have never been known for their political acumen, why should Filipinos heed this call to capitulate? The ouster of a lying and cheating president should not be swept under the rug much in the same manner as the Catholic hierarchy hides the nefarious deeds of sodomizing priests!



July 4th, 2005 at 5:15 pm

while i agree with the conclusion. the justification is weak

the president must resign because of political turmoil brought on by allegations that are unproven.


what is that? that is so lame.

come on brothers. you can do better.

(refer dequiros, david et al. quezon et al. plagiarize if you need to :-) )



July 4th, 2005 at 6:26 pm

Yep! This is the one im talking about. Finally. Indeed, Animo Lasalle! :)

Godbless! :)



July 4th, 2005 at 7:44 pm

I was not really expecting this statement from DLSU for I thought they would be the last to make a stand…well i was wrong, I was shocked when DLSU was the institution being described by the sunstar news network that joined the calls for the resignation of GMA….

Whew! It made me prouder of being a LaSallian! Animo La Salle!



July 4th, 2005 at 10:18 pm

So when is the Ateneo community issuing its stand?

Ateneo should also issue an apology for producing
graduates like:
1. Gloria Arroyo
2. Mike Arroyo
3. Mikey Arroyo
4. Arthur Yap
etc. etc.
Their names should be stricken off the alumni roll.


Alecks Pabico

July 4th, 2005 at 10:26 pm

From jjc1384:

I was not really expecting this statement from DLSU for I thought they would be the last to make a stand…well i was wrong, I was shocked when DLSU was the institution being described by the sunstar news network that joined the calls for the resignation of GMA….

Whew! It made me prouder of being a LaSallian! Animo La Salle!



July 5th, 2005 at 1:36 am

Does a change in the faces of leadership, taken from the present contenders, pretenders and/or their supporters, result in the radical and fundamental changes needed for the betterment of the majority, in the long-term? We have seen such facial changes before since the dictator Ferdinand Marcos: Cory Aquino, supposedly pious but only brought back the old oligarchs, and see today what and how her family’s Hacienda Luisita treat their plantation workers; Fidel Ramos, a former Marcos henchman who continued the politicalization of the military (putting them in civilian posts), a West Point graduate and strongly pro-American, wasted people’s money on APEC, brought in the WTO to destroy our nascent industries and agricultural econony, among others; Joseph Estrada, a supposedly “pro-poor” celebrity who was an incompetent drunk and thief; now Gloria, supposedly a Catholic college girl, highly educated, economist, an exponent of the WTO and all these alledged corruption in her immediate family. We have had a very smart strongman, a religious widow, a military man, an incompetent drunk-thief, and currently a highly educated Catholic woman, what’s next? Who can our fellow Filipinos in the homeland turn to? What can they do?

At this point in our homeland’s history, the western-type political democracy does not seem really fit given the level of political maturity or understanding of democracy by the majority, the lack of national unity, and absence of adequate economic foundation necessary to decent livelihood for all, which a democracy requires to become truly effective and useful for most members of society [it is difficult to talk about ideas to hungry stomachs]. At this point in time “guided democracy”, “limited democracy” as was practiced in Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Taiwan especially during the early stages of their economic development seems more appropriate. (refer to: But of course, the specific histories and cultures have to be understood. Nothing is completely transferable. There are many ways to skin a cat. At best, an eclectic approach is needed.



July 6th, 2005 at 12:32 am



pero kulang…


ngayon ang pagkakataon…

ngayon ang panahon na mas kailangan kayo ng mga pilipino…

pero magaling parin…

mas gugustuhin ko pang magaral sa lasalle kaysa sa ateneo dahil at least kayo hindi fence sitter…



jay cynikho

July 6th, 2005 at 1:03 am

dear bmdrona

para sa akin may insight ang sinabi mo, short of
an uprising, meron pang remedio diyan. nabasa
mo na ba yung Interim Government Council
at magkakaroon ng election na walang dayaan
after eleven months, baka sakali, may ibang
mukhang mapili ang mga tao, maraming
mabuting tao sa silent majority. importante
ang election walang dayaan, at ang bayan
di natatakot bantayan.



July 6th, 2005 at 8:25 pm

All these things happening nowadays, I believe, aren’t the president’s fault, but of the opposition people who are apparently after the position and will do anything to get it. I guess they should read Bob Ong’s, “Alamat ng Gubat,” it’s tailor-made for them…. Also, if they just have had enough sense to speak up when what they have in mind is reasonable, then we won’t have falling peso-dollar exchange rates, disgruntled foreign investors, and moreso, a divided nation. I’m not saying I’m correct… I could be wrong, but I’m just saying what a mere 18 year-old has in mind….

Another thing… I guess those student-rallyists, esp. those from SCUs, ought to prioritize their studies first as a debt of gratitude to the government for the privilege of their being, “Mga Iskolar ng Bayan.” That’s it….

More power to PCIJ! Good thing I discovered their website… this is my first comment… ‘hope it gets posted… kudos! Grazie per leggere e tante belle cose! Ciao!



July 7th, 2005 at 9:03 am

I believe that the call of the De La Salle Brother’s for Mrs. Arroyo to surrender power is indeed the most significant sacrifice she can make to save our distraught country. Her conduct during the last presidential elections, as heard in the Gloriagate cd’s, not only shrouds with controversy, but has bastardized the office of the presidency. She has no right to stay in power one second longer.

I believe that we no longer need to go to the streets for her to step down. This will be no good for us, for the constitution and for the democracy that we are fighting for. The very bastion of democracy, which is the constitution, must be upheld in times of crisis so as not to allow political personalities to take advantage of this very fragile situation.

I was a student of De La Salle for 16 years, from grade school all the way up to college. I have never been prouder of my education. Truly, the brothers are the epitomy of service for God and country. ANIMO LA SALLE!



July 8th, 2005 at 11:01 pm

thank you brothers raffy and dodo.
calling all la sallians, all students, alumni (kahit atenista kayo), elite, masa, whatever: take a stand, make your voice heard– call for gma’s resignation. we’re still in a democratic country, right? let no one take that from us, not a corrupt system, not a corrupt president.
we know that the impeachment process will only deter what’s due the filipino people: justice and truth. if our votes were ignored last year, let’s rock the boat now! from using your cellphone to rallying in ayala, each of us can make a difference. the time is now….

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