SAYING they were exhausted and that the opposition had already exhausted all their arguments, the majority moved at 3:37 this morning to vote on the Justice Committee report junking all three impeachment complaints against President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Two hours later, the voting is still taking place, as each of the representatives were allowed to explain their votes. The House will surely declare the impeachment dead in the next two or three hours. So far, the count is 22-12 in favor of throwing out the impeachment complaints. President Arroyo is off the hook, in time, as her allies had intended, for her address next week to the United Nations General Assembly. As expected, the congressmen voted according to party lines.

The marathon session began at 5 p.m. yesterday with a series of privilege speeches, mainly by pro-impeachment congressmen, that lasted all of five hours. After a 45-minute break, congressmen proceeded to discuss the controversial report, but not before being delayed by two hours of questions and motions by representatives from the minority.

It was past midnight when the chair and vice chair of the Justice Committee finally made their speeches endorsing the report. This was followed by two-and-a-half hours of grilling mainly by opposition representatives Francis Escudero and Alan Peter Cayetano.

The House rules require a roll-call vote, and each represenative was given three minutes to explain his or her position.

At 3:52 a.m., the voting began with Batanes Rep. Henedina Abad starting off with a quote from Burmese Nobel laureate Aung Sang Suu Kyi, who said, “It is not power that corrupts but fear of losing power that corrupts those who wield it.” Her vote: No to the report.

Muntinlupa Rep. Bejamin Abalos Jr. came next, saying that the rules of the 13th House should have been followed, and this would have allowed a merging of the impeachment complaints. His vote: Yes.

Manila Rep. Bienvenido Abante quoted the Scripture: “Woe to you Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites, for you are like whitened sepulchers, who are white on the outside but inside or full of dead men’s bones.” This exercise is hypocritical, he said. Pro-impeachment advocates don’t have a monopoly of truth or righteousness. For those who warn of going to the streets, another biblical quote: Those who resist the authority, resist God. His vote: Yes.

Cavite Rep. Joseph Abaya:  “I have nothing against the President and her son and daughter are good friends.” He said he has three young children who would judge him on the bais of whether he did the right thing for God, country and people. He added: “I have made the decision based on conscience, morals and upbringing… a decision made without pressure, fear or favor.” His vote: No

Northern Samar Rep. Harlin Castillo Abayon: It is not the fault of the majority but of the minority, who didn’t agree to the proposed rules of the 13th Congress, which allows amendments to the impeachment before the House adopts an order of business. The prohibition on multiple impeachment complaints must be followed. His vote: Yes

Ilocos Norte Rep. Roque Ablan: “After listening to Rep. Cayetano, I have decided to vote to follow my conscience… I support Mrs. Arroyo.” His vote: Yes

Bukidnon Rep. Nereus Acosta:  The charges have to be resolved in the fullest, most transparent has trust been compromised? Has truth been concealed? Surely, we need to abide by the rules and the parameters provided by law, but these must be done in the context of public trust. We all seek a national closure. We must ask what we value most and what standards we should uphold as citizens, as parents, as leaders and representatives of our people. His vote: No.

Akbayan Rep. Mario Aguja: We are convinced that Mrs. Arroyo cheated, lied, and stole the people’s money. The impeachment is intended to get at the truth and to obtain justice. We have failed to provide the public an opportunity to hear the evidence against the President. The crisis will intensify as long as Mrs. Arroyo stays in power. His vote: No

Camarines Sur Rep. Felix Alfelor: Impeachment is decisive and might ignite the dismemberment of the nation. We should not be rash but be prudent and patient. His vote: Yes

Davao Oriental Rep. Jose Mayo Almario: Impeachment is a political tool used mostly by those who are against the incumbent President. The merits of the complaint are often sidelined. Those who are for impeachment have an axe to grind or are sourgraping because they have not received funds for their programs, or because they want media exposure, or want the former president back in power. He believes Mrs. Arroyo is still the best person to run the government. His vote: Yes.

Palawan Rep. Antonio Alvarez:  Endorsed the second complaint but feels the President will not get a fair trial in the Senate. His vote: Yes.

Agusan del Norte Rep. Angelica Amante: As representative of her district, her vote is Yes.

Sulu Rep. Hussin Amin: This is one of the most difficult votes he has made as congressman.  People are suffering not because one person cheated her way to the presidency but because we have failed to respond to people’s needs. He voted to dismiss the Lozano complaint in the justice committee. Impeachment is a political process, not a legal process.  The question is not only whether there is evidence to support the impeachment but whether the preferred policy is to remove the president or not. It is time to address the economic crisis. His vote: Yes.

Aurora Rep. Juan Edgardo Angara: The committee has taken a myopic view of the constitutional provisions on impeachment. We cannot absolve the president without hearing the evidence. While the majority rules, the minority and dissenting voices must be heard and they must feel they have a stake in the political process. We ask for a process that listens before it judges. In the last three months, we have seen the President manipulating the agencies and institutions of government. We should not allow ourselves to be likewise manipulated. His vote: No, despite the “awesome powers of a sitting president.”

Nueva Ecija Rep. Rodolfo Antonino: These problems began with the revolutionary government formed in 1986 and the drafting of a constitution against this backdrop. We all swore to defend the constitution. The committee report is in accordance with his beliefs and principles. His vote: Yes.

South Cotabato Rep. Darlene Antonino Custodio: In the last four years, she has seen the House compromise on many issues, including sin taxes and committee chairmanships. Yet in order not to compromise the president, the committee on justice has railroaded this report. “We are aggrieved, Mr. Speaker, do you see our pain?” she asked. The administration has no one to blame but itself. Four years after people power ousted Estrada because of jueteng, this administration has not done anything about the illegal numbers racket. There has been no change. If the impeachment complaint is killed, the political crisis will only intensify. Her vote: No.

Leyte Rep. Trinindad Apostol: She arrived at her vote with a clear conscience after diligent study of the facts. She cannot endorse Lozano complaint for trial as it is anchored on speculation. It is not wise to subject the president to the rigors of an impeachment trial after the opposition had been given the opportunity to ventilate their allegations. This divisive issue should be ended, for the benefit of the country and the economy. Her vote: Yes

Makati Rep. Agapito Aquino: At the height of the “Gloriagate” scandal, the President and her men urged us to go through an impeachment. The Justice Committee should have sequentially considered each of the three complaints. Instead, the complaints were slaughtered in just one day. We won’t be embarrassing the President if she goes overseas with an impeachment hanging over her head. It will instead show that in this country, no one is above the law. It’s not true either that the impeachment is destabilizing; on the contrary, the government will be more secure if the charges are dealt with. His vote: No (“As in Aqui-no.”)

Tarlac Rep. Benigno Aquino III: We could have had a single impeachment proceeding despite multiple complaints. When he came to the House at 1:30 this afternoon, he asked for a copy of the Justice Committee report, but was given a copy only after 6 pm. This report has not looked at any evidence of guilt or innocence. We have not heard the evidence yet. The President has not been absolved. Government is not just about getting things done, but getting the right things done for the right reasons. The Filipino is patient, as his father said, but there is a limit to that patience. His vote: No.

Pampanga Rep. Reynaldo Aquino: He is a neophyte in the House but believes that his vote will work toward a consensus. His vote is one of conscience, of truth and honor. No side has exclusive possession of all these. This is a time for decisiveness and sobriety. We cannot afford any more protracted debate.  We should set our priorities right or we perish. His vote: Yes

Sulu Rep. Abdukmunir Arbison: He believes in the justice committee report and that it will advance democracy His vote: Yes

Negros Occidental Rep. Ignacio Arroyo: We all have a conscience and the fifth district of Negros Occidental votes Yes.

Manila Rep. Rodolfo Bacani:  The President has asked that the accusations against her be discussed in the proper forum. He revealed previously the intention to kill the impeachment complaint through technicalities. This is what happened on Aug. 30.  The impeachment is the only remaining legal process to shed light on the issues that had been raised against the President. Unless she answers these accusations, she cannot get the people’s support. Instead, a cloud of doubt will hang over her and will reduce whatever confidence is left in her leadership. His vote: No.

Lanao del Norte Rep. Alipio Badelles: Our country cannot continue to be held hostage by this political crisis. Congress should now focus on equally important matters such as the rising cost of electricity and oil. Debating endlessly on whether the President cheated will not help his constituents. His vote: Yes

Agusan del Norte Leovigildo Banaag: He has seen seven impeachment complaints in his years in Congress, and always, the rule of the majority has been upheld. Those who are for impeachment may not have a good case. Congress must move decisively. The President has already taken a severe beating. In a week, she will be presiding a meeting in the United Nations and we should rally behind her. His vote: Yes

Surigao del Norte Rep. Robert Ace Barbers: It was a great honor to fight for the truth. We have not lost the battle, but the leadership shown by the minority will inspire the people to continue the search for truth. It is better to die for the truth than to be part of the multitude who lie and live forever. A wrong was admitted to on national television. It cannot be righted by another wrong. Let us allow justice to be rendered and give the President her much-needed day in court. His vote: No

Zamboanga del Norte Roseller Barinaga: Given the hour, he did not explain his vote: Yes.

Ilocos Sur Rep. Salacnib Baterina: The opposition has not been able to get the numbers for their complaint yet blame the majority and call them sordid names. The opposition should hopefully accept the verdict. His vote: Yes

Anakpawis Rep. Crispin Beltran: The impeachment complaint was killed last week and will be buried today. Despite this shocking murder, the campaign to remove and replace her is not over. The fight has just begun. His vote: No

123 Responses to Impeachment dead; Arroyo survives


tongue in, anew

September 6th, 2005 at 6:21 am

At 6:12 this morning, ang pinakamagandang narinig ko yung sinabi ni Rep. A.P. Cayetano: “Marami ang hindi natulog pero marami rin ang hindi nagising.”


concerned citizen

September 6th, 2005 at 7:14 am

talagang bang ganito na ang proceso sa house of representative? laging inaabot ng madaling araw. anong oras ba naproclaim si arroyo? anong oras ba naaprub mga bills ng evat, at mga budget na nilalamay ng mga tongressmen na ito to the plelasure of arroyo not to the pleasure of the majority of the people. d ba pahirap sa tao itong mga nilalamay na ito ng mga tongressmen? bakit ayaw ipagpabukas? may 60 days sila para pagusapan ng maige. railroading ginawa ng mga majority tongressmen. hoy matulog naman kayo. ang tibay din naman ng mga sikmura nitong matatandang trapo na mga tongressmen. kasi gusto ni arroyo by tomorrow dead na ang impeachment in time for her speech sa un. on the other hand mabuti rin na inabot ng umaga at least makita at marinig ng sambayanan kung paano pinatay ng mga tongressmen ang impeachment. majority rule daw. may majority ba in the real sense na pumapanig sa mali? hinde majority tawag doon. garapalan at pakapalan ng mga apog. pwe! well hope to see people on the street! let us join tita cory and manang inday susan roces and the rest of BUKLURAN PARA SA KATOTOHANAN! to fight for the truth and justice. UNITE AS ONE! ONE VOICE- GLORIA MUST GO!! OUTS ARROYO NOW!!!!



September 6th, 2005 at 7:20 am

O ano? Fiesta “Revolution” na ulit mga bata! Para masaya! 😀

There’s one little itsy bitsy thing about this new fiesta revolution mood that is different: There is no particular successor in mind. True to the Pinoy spirit — BASTA REVOLUTION!

Aside from this little detail, the rest is all the same — politician-driven, hollow-headed, non-sustainable-solutioneering, shortcutting, passive-aggressive approaches to building a nation.

What makes everyone think things will be different after THIS fiesta revolution.

At the risk of being accused of spamming, might I remind everyone again of this prophesy back in 2001:

“What will happen if Aroyo fails to do better? Another revolution to throw her out without even considering if the possible successors will do better? Just throw her out! ano ‘to, trial and error? Do you know the latest buzzword in the streets after Aroyo had taken her oath as the new President and after Erap resigned? Well the latest buzzword is “now we’ll have to wait for HER impeachment or the next revolution to throw her out.” YES, believe it or not. You wanted to know the inside story, well, that’s what people are talking about right now. Even my bosses, my officemates who were there in EDSA in support of the opposition. They’re the ones who are now saying, “Next to be overthrown—AROYO!” Imagine that! And last year, in October/November, everytime I get an email/text message from people urging me to join them, whenever i ask them, if Erap steps down, who do you think would be the better replacement and believe it or not 100% of them answered, ‘none’.”

See the complete article here:

Yeah yeah I’ve posted the above snippet before, but then step back and view the big picture, isn’t THIS SITUATION too familiar already? What does that say about us as a society? History will be the judge.

Stidi lang kayo diyan. 😉



September 6th, 2005 at 7:30 am

mananahimik na lang ba tayo, inulol na naman tayo ng tongressman na yan! pinasok na naman tayo ng mga magnanakaw sa madaling araw!!! inubos ko na ang luha sa pagkakalibing ng impeachment,, dun na tayo sa kalsada kasama nila tita cory & tita susan AT SA LAHAT NG NANINIWALANG KELANGANG LUMABAS ANG KATOTOHANAN. manindigan na tayo!!!! sa mga kongresista na lumagda sa impeachment saludo ako sa paninindigan nyo… at sa mga humarang ng impeachment karmahin sana kayo!!! ( di ba nauna ng nakarma si de venecia at si abalos)



September 6th, 2005 at 7:36 am

mabuhay ang mga kongresista na nanindigan para sa katotohanan. at sa iyo labanderang conni dy humanda ka sa eleksyon bruha ka!!!wala ka namang ginagawa sa pasay marami pa ring adik adik.ibabasura ka din namen gaga!!!!



September 6th, 2005 at 7:44 am

THE TRUTH DIED THIS MORNING!, To the peoplle who say lets move on – move on to what? If you think the accusations againts GMA will stop, it will not. SHE HAS TO FACE THE TRUTH, I cant believe it if Filipinos let this CRIMINAL BE OUR PRESIDENT. People get the government we deserve, if we let her go then we deserve to be a part of the moral degeneration, we deserve to be a part of a rotten society, we deserve to be in a socitey that is stricken by cancer, we deserve to be with her, . BUT I STILL BELIEVE WE DESERVE A BETTER LEADER, A TRUE MODEL FOR OUR YOUTH, SOMEONE YOU CAN LOOK UP TO. IF YOUR ARE REALLY CONCERN WITH OUR FUTURE HELP MAKE THIS HAPPEN. GLORIA RESIGN!!


jay seneca

September 6th, 2005 at 7:46 am

ang impeachment session ay di tulad ng basketball, larong lang, kailangan sports lang, tanggapin ang pagkatalo. move on to the next game. dagdagan ng kaunti ang utak para malaman kung bakit halalan ay di tulad ng basketball.


jay seneca

September 6th, 2005 at 8:05 am

concerned citizen is asking:

talagang bang ganito na ang proceso sa house of representative? laging inaabot ng madaling araw. anong oras ba naproclaim si arroyo?

maaring kasagutan diyan: maraming nangyayari sa dilim habang ang tao ay natutulog. may nagtatalik na mga taksil, may naghihilik pagod na magasawa. Ayon kay Rizal alalahanin ang mga nabulid sa dilim. Sa ka-Manilaan gabi at dilim ang ngakukubli sa mga kriminal, nagnanakaw, nagtatanim at nangumgumpiska ng evidencia. Sa mga nag aral at nanunungkulan gabi kung gahasain ang inang bayan, sa Amerika tawag sa mga yan ay motherfuckers. Marami ang Pilipinas ng ganyan uri ng tao. Nagkakaroon sila ng orgasm pag patay ang ilaw.

Puede na bang ang sagot na yan bro/sis concerned citizen?



September 6th, 2005 at 8:11 am

Talagang ganyan ang takbo ng kongreso, lalo na kapag hindi nag-iisip ang madla tuwing p[anahon ng eleksyon. Kaya panindigan niyo na lang ang resulta ng proseso, dahil resulta yan ng mga taong in-elek niyo.

Ganyan talaga ang “demokrasya”. You get what you deserve. 😀



September 6th, 2005 at 8:11 am

Balik na naman ang mga blog brigade nila.

We support you President Cory.

St. Michael, defend us.


jay seneca

September 6th, 2005 at 8:33 am


tagal ko ring nag OCW, tagal ko ring hindi bomoto, dami ko ring naibayad na tax sa ating foreign embassies, from marcos, cory, tabako, erap at gloria I honestly believed, I do not deserve the government I got from them.

Your line has a flaw mr benign zero: from mayor to president, COMELEC officials and carpentered election summaries, and board of canvassers had elected these criminals in office. Of course their sycophants and die hard followers voted for them and they truly deserved them for the goodies they get.


concerned citizen

September 6th, 2005 at 8:56 am

thanks bro jay satisfied with your answer. talagang sa gabi naghahasik ng lagim ang mga masasamang espiritu gaya ng mga tyanak, dwendeng itim, kapre, manananggal, bampira, laki tenga na makikita mo sa mga majority tongressmen & tongresswomen. wisikan na yan ng holy water or ensenso para makonsyensya at matauhan. sorry nakakagigil na talaga eksena sa kongreso.



September 6th, 2005 at 9:04 am

Hindi ko maintindihan itong si Tongresman Abante (o Paatras). Boboto rin lang gagamitin pa ang Bibliya, eh palpak naman. Sabi niya “Those who resist the authority, resist God.” Kung hindi ba naman siya isang tanga at kalahati eh paanong magiging authority si GMA eh nandaya ng garapalan para manalo. Ginamit ang pera ng bayan at nakipagsabwatan pa kay Garci. Paano ako magsa-submit sa isang authority na mandaraya, magnanakaw at sinungaling? Kung talagang wala siyang kasalanan at malinis ang konsensiya niya bakit hindi niya hayaang imbestigahan siya? Ika nga sa inglis – “Hab her dey in kort.” Sa nangyari, lalo tuloy lumalabas na totoo lahat ng bintang kay pandak. Kaya paalala lang plis, huwag niyo nang yurakan ang Bibliya at nararagdagan lang ang inyong kasalanan.



September 6th, 2005 at 9:05 am

patay na ang impeachment. Mamatay na rin ang mga kongresistang nag vote ng yes. as of 9:05 am 84-24-3 na ang score.

Kailangan nating mailathala ang mga pangalan ng bomoto ng yes at kung magkano ang nakuha nilang pabor at pera sa malakanyang.



September 6th, 2005 at 9:10 am

More food for thought folks. According to Belinda Olivares-Cunanan in an article:

“Former Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office chair and now director Manuel Morato thinks he knows why Cory Aquino is all fired up against Ms Arroyo. This may be due to what he calls the “Dinky connection with Cory.” Morato says he knows a number of members of the family of Soliman, and they said that her father, Godofredo “Nene” Juliano, worked for many years as “encargado” in Hacienda Luisita. In addition, Soliman had a doctor-aunt, now 84 years old, who worked in the hacienda. According to Morato, because of her father’s work with the Cojuangcos, Soliman frequented Aquino’s place and would report to her everything about Ms Arroyo. Toward the end, he opined, she began to poison Aquino’s mind about Ms Arroyo even as she continued to work for the President.”

Read the entire article here:

So yung mga iba diyan na handang sumayaw na naman sa tugtugin ng mga pulitika imbis na MAG-ISIP, mag-isip-isip kayo. There are hidden agendas even amongst the most “angelic” of our political figures. Hinay-hinay lang sa mga hirit. You never really know when or if you are just being made into a moronic mouthpiece by these PERSONALITIES you worship blindly. 😀

Might I reiterate again what I said back in late August (as y’all can see I am always one step ahead. 😉 ):

“It’s the old case of our ability to work hard but not smart. We expend so much effort on inefficient vigilance — the kind that sends people to the street to topple presidents — and not on the kind of vigilance that progressively builds working systems that outlive administrations to frame future ones. Instead of working the system hard, we work hard for the system. Democracy today is costing us what we already can’t afford — most notably the triple whammy of (1) the expense and disruption involved in the whole process of electing officials to office, (2) the upkeep of their offices, and (3) the instability — and disruption — caused by these same officials’ outrageous behaviour and ethics. The prevalence of political commentary blogs shows just how focused Filipinos are on petty politics and analysing the behaviour of their politicians. And the dearth of any blogs focused on systemic change and systems approaches to change? Well that speaks even louder about what constitutes (or what does not constitute) the Filipino mind.”

Read the entire article here: 😀



September 6th, 2005 at 9:18 am

you got to give cory more credit than that. siguro naman di utouto si cory ni dinky. she is not just a housewife. ex-president na yan.
gimme a break, manoling.



September 6th, 2005 at 9:20 am

si manoling ang benign0 ay iisa.. mga kababayan wag nyo pansinin yang KSP na yan puhhhhhhleaaasse?



September 6th, 2005 at 9:23 am


The blogger you are reacting to is the VILLAGE IDIOT.
Please don’t take him seriously.
Let him be.



September 6th, 2005 at 9:27 am

No more idiotic than a people who would elect:

(1) a drunkard-womaniser-philanderer-plunderer back in 2000; and,
(2) congressmen who can’t be bothered to uphold the common good

ha ha! 😀



September 6th, 2005 at 9:32 am

Look at those honorable YES-SIR,YES-MAM CONGRESSMEN, they really make us Filipinos proud of our dear leaders…

And what a sad day in our nation’s history. Indeed, we cannot really move forward and solve our nation’s ills because, as what Fr. James Reuters, SJ, deplored very recently, our politicians are the problems!!!

These gentlemen who are mandated to make our lives worth living as simple human beings (to say the very least), are instead making most of us looking so miserable and hopeless.

Our people should by now realize that with this type of politicians in Congress controlling our lives and destiny, we might as well have a king (or even a tyrant) to govern us. Perhaps, it’s better for us to wish that the ghost of Napoleon Bonaparte be reincarnated in our military or risen from his grave to help save our beloved Phippines.

All we want to know is for the TRUTH to come out, not suppressed, not hidden. The CBCP should now understand that they have a moral obligation to let the truth be set free.

Or, did the CBCP and others allowed TRUTH to be nailed to the Cross so that they can piously pray for its glorious resurrection???

The Filipino people should act RIGHT NOW!



September 6th, 2005 at 9:34 am

Correction….Cong. Abalos is from Mandaluyong



September 6th, 2005 at 9:36 am

paalam na impeachment. Paalam na rin mga congressman.



September 6th, 2005 at 9:38 am

See what I was saying, shinobu? What a total idiot!

To new bloggers, he might seem offensive. But for us, veterans of this site, he entertains us each time. Albeit, in an oblique way.

The trick really is never to take him seriously, even for an INSTANT. Like black coffee, he makes my mornings. He reminds me that God created idiots like him to squeeze out the intelligence in everybody.

Benign0, don’t ever stop, okay?




September 6th, 2005 at 9:49 am




September 6th, 2005 at 9:50 am

And check out this other hollow-headed remark by this guy “Bro.” Villanueva:

“Villanueva, leader of the Bangon Pilipinas Movement and a loser in the 2004 presidential election, said the impeachment process was the country’s last chance to prove that a peaceful, constitutional process could work.”

Complete article here:

He failed to mention that the impeachment process can LEGITIMATELY yield a number of outcomes, some of which DOES NOT INVOVLE REMOVAL OF THE PRESIDENT FROM OFFICE.

In effect, he is saying that “we will abide by the process as long as it yields the results we want”. Now if that isn’t an utterly illogical and moronic stand, I don’t know what is.

ha ha! 😀

And check this out:

“If this fails, I don’t think we can stop the people from going to the streets in exercise of their sovereign rights,”

As if these bozos are even PRETENDING to “stop people from going to the streets”. Now what kind of gorssly hypocritical statement is that? They encourage people to take to the streets yet say that they “don’t think [they] could stop” them.

These are the kind of oxymoronic ideas dished out by moronic politicians that the Philippine public so happily lap up folks.

Here’s another one:

“These are critical days. This is a historic week. These times call for concerted action, and show of strength,”

So how come the slow descent to mediocrity and failure over the last 50 years was not treated with an acceptable degree of “criticality” too? And yet today, we find “criticality” in a failed exercise of a legitimate democratic process. What a laugh. We are truly the laughing stock in a region of high achievers who treated the RIGHT issues with the appropriate CRITICALITY rather than happily focus on petty politics as the way one would a sideshow entertainment.

Here’s yet another gem:

“[Today], Filipinos will show their unshakable unity against the President. The numbers in the rally may not yet result in people power, but the fact that these groups are coming together is already a positive sign that we will resolve this crisis,”

He says, sure we may be few in numbers but these few numbers alone are a sign that we will resolve the crisis. Say what? Where, again, is the logic in that one? But of course logic-challenged Pinoys will not get that one as well.

Tsk tsk.

Here’s more!

According to a certain Carol Araullo: “More and more are becoming open to the idea of street actions and other forms of protest to resolve the political crisis”. Sure sure. “More and more” daw. ha ha! 😀

It’s only in Philippine News that one can get so much evidence of the intellectual bankruptcy of Philippine Society. By the way, this intellectual bankruptcy is something explored in an article written way back. You can view this article by clicking on the following link:


“AN admired Filipino economist, based in New York, surveyed the economic situation here and dolefully intoned: ”What ails the country is that Philippine society is intellectually bankrupt.” Take, for instance, the national debates, she pointed out.

“They are droll and unintelligent, focused on the trivial or the irrelevant.” When the issues are of some significance, it’s the wrong arguments that prevail, the wrong side wins. Logic and common sense take the backseat to political arguments and the views of the poorly-educated.” 😀



September 6th, 2005 at 9:57 am

i wonder ilang “hits” yung nakukuha ng isang blogger d2 by parading his “articles” dun sa geocities? parang he’s being taken seriously ah.. crap.



September 6th, 2005 at 10:03 am

Why shouldn’t I be taken seriously? Give me a good reason. All I see here are Dolphy/Erap/Tito-Vic-and-Joey-style admonitions against cute little moi. What I don’t see are solid and logical arguments against the ideas I put forward befitting those of the thinking class. 😀

It figures, considering the stuff happening to the Philippines today. The nation reflects its people and vice versa. 😉



September 6th, 2005 at 10:05 am

An admired New York cabdriver once told me that the problem with the Philippines has a lot to do with INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT BLOGGERS. He particularly mentioned one Benign0. I particularly remember what he said:

“benign0 is droll and unintelligent, focused on the trivial and irrelevant. Hell, my 5-year old kid can do what he does with the computer. Betya 10 dollars on it!”




September 6th, 2005 at 10:08 am

Salvatore said,
September 6, 2005 @ 10:05 am

An admired New York cabdriver once told me that the problem with the Philippines has a lot to do with INTELLECTUALLY BANKRUPT BLOGGERS. He particularly mentioned one Benign0. I particularly remember what he said:

“benign0 is droll and unintelligent, focused on the trivial and irrelevant. Hell, my 5-year old kid can do what he does with the computer. Betya 10 dollars on it!”


Is that so?

Cite your source please (like a true advocate of “investigative journalism”, if I might add). 😉



September 6th, 2005 at 10:09 am

And why not?

The moment I give you a good reason is the moment I take you seriously.

Sayang, wala dito si Dolphy, Tito, Vic & Joey to really make our day.

Kaya ikaw na lang, ok?



September 6th, 2005 at 10:29 am

So are we all going to the rally in Batasan?

Lets show to the world that the real majority doesnt share the sentiments of these congressmen. They have no right to take away from the people their chance to hear the truth.



September 6th, 2005 at 10:30 am

If the “real majority” does not share the sentiments of these congressmen, then why did this “real majority” vote for them in the first place?



September 6th, 2005 at 10:32 am

hmmn. i think i can summarize benign0 posts thus:

Filipinos are LOSERS!

he is a real charmer, that benign0.


concerned citizen

September 6th, 2005 at 10:34 am

ha talaga? manoling and benigno is one? hahaha! no wonder. chuva!! hehehe.



September 6th, 2005 at 10:34 am

cory et al were reported to plan assembly at st peter church. but PDI failed to mention what time. anybody know?

Avatar - one pinoy pundit points and shoots » Since yesterday

September 6th, 2005 at 10:36 am

[…] Five to six hours later, its still ongoing, and sadly, the struggle of survival won over. Again, if anyone needs credible news on this, read the PCIJ Blog. Most recent entry is: Impeachment dead; Arroyo survives. Related Posts: […]



September 6th, 2005 at 10:37 am

concerned citizen said,
September 6, 2005 @ 10:34 am

ha talaga? manoling and benigno is one? hahaha! no wonder. chuva!! hehehe.

Maybe you should have an “investigative journalist” look into this theory some time. 😉



September 6th, 2005 at 10:40 am

Right, shinobu. if anybody knows the assembly time, kindly post here.


Duck Vader

September 6th, 2005 at 10:46 am

I suggest not paying too much attention to that Benigno. He degrades people in general because he thinks he has discovered the eternal wisdom about the Philippines. What he doesn’t know is a) most of what he says are commonly known and have already been expressed in far more intelligent language (read Peter Bowring and the Economist of three years ago) and b) his “great theories” are largely motherhood statements that are 90% anecdotal theorizing, and do not go into the real “whys.” He takes pleasure in believing that he is more intelligent than many people, not knowing that there are far many more people more intelligent than him.

For instance, he doesnt’s give a plausible, scientific answer as to why Filipinos continue to vote for obviously incompetent officials, and how to realistically break the vicious circle created by elite politics. And please don’t give me a scenario where some magic solution just implements itself without considering how vested interests in Philippine society will try to defeat it. I’ve been there before

In other words, he’s just a blowhard.



September 6th, 2005 at 10:47 am

Today’s assembly:

September 6, starting at 1:00 PM, St. Peter Parish, Commonwealth Avenue, Quezon City

September 7, starting at 12 noon Barrio Fiesta, EDSA, Mandaluyong City (before Ortigas fly-over)

“Unite for the truth. Demand the truth. Defend the truth.”


concerned citizen

September 6th, 2005 at 10:49 am

bakit ikinahihiya mo ba si manoling ha? you must be proud of your co temporaries. go ahead manoling we respect your opinion being a KSP. surely we’ll entertain your blogs para masaya. chuva! hehehe. peace!



September 6th, 2005 at 11:03 am

sinabi ng wag pag aksayahan kasi ng oras ang isang blogger d2 na nagmamagaling wala naman binesa… wala bang “sticky” option d2 sa blog tapos stick natin “BABAWALA: WAG PANSININ SI ….”

ok noted ang schedule ng assembly mamaya.. Let the truth come out!



September 6th, 2005 at 11:05 am

Egomaniacs do not deserve attention or response. Don’t you understand the word ignOre?!



September 6th, 2005 at 11:10 am

I have a suggestion. Since nobody can’t (and won’t) prevent anybody from posting blogs here (except of course, Alecks), let’s just post something like this whenever benign0 posts his genius analyses:

(Disclaimer to new bloggers: We are just having fun. We are not serious!)

What do you think?



September 6th, 2005 at 11:11 am

isama ang isang blogger na yan dun sa batasan para ma bastardize din sya dun.. hindi ka talaga ma take seriously kasi lahat ng pinagsasabi mo ay puro rehashed, reused, recycled etc etc.. isa kang anay dito..

ok mamaya kita kitz sa commonwealth..



September 6th, 2005 at 11:22 am

Rehashed and re-used nga talaga, just like People Power and all the stunts that these politicians are conning the public into doing are all tired and rehashed “mass action initiatives”.

I never said that my views are original. But a people who are so beholden to old worn-out means (with world-renowned track records of failure in the Philippine setting) to achieve their ends DESERVE re-hashed and re-used ideas as well.

ha ha! 😀



September 6th, 2005 at 11:25 am

(Disclaimer to new bloggers: We are just having fun. We are not serious!)



September 6th, 2005 at 11:27 am

right, just refer to him as “isang blogger jan”. nadedesecrate ang pangalan ng isang bayani if we mention his username pa.

anyways, hoy, pano kame?… bukod sa mga-post ng mga commets sa mga blogs, mag-send ng emails sa mga kakilala (which i alreeady did) about how this impeachment sucks, try to get co-workers aware and involved… what do you guys people like us who can’t leave work nor leave the house (since I have to take care of my son who was victimized by dengue h. fever), but would want to express our disgust but cannot join you in your assemblies?…

sensya na… i didn’t bother calling up my congressman, by the way. i live in mandaluyong. you know naman who is the father of our representative here.



September 6th, 2005 at 11:29 am

Let’s not kid ourselves about what will follow if this next people power initiative is successful. Victory isn’t always sweet. Just make a list of all the people now involved here and see where they or their kamag-anaks will be afterwards. Do we really believe the next batch of leaders will not be as greedy as the ones we now have? Do you think these new leaders will not demand their ounce of flesh for their toils from the one who will succeed GMA? Is the country’s stability worth the gamble for a few selfish souls?

When will we learn to work within the system of democracy we already have? GMA and her allies played their cards right and they are still standing – that’s politics. This is all just politics. And why the rush to oust GMA and then have that cloud of illegitimacy hanging over the head of the next lame duck of a president, if I may ask?



September 6th, 2005 at 11:29 am


… what do you guys SUGGEST TO people like us who can’t….



September 6th, 2005 at 11:32 am

as per latest news, only 28 voted no…sumuko ba kaagad mga pro-impeach congressmen, inaantok or talagang 28 lang talaga sila….most likely there are blank (undisclosed/opportunists) endorsers who voted yes…

and because they didn’t get what they want there, marching to the streets becomes the next option…well, hope you could gather more crowd this time than before the impeachment proceeding took place or better yet realize that just like the lower house scenario, you are the minority (of the filipinos).



September 6th, 2005 at 11:34 am


hindi rason na dahil wala kang mapili o dahil hindi mo type ang papalit para pagtyagaan ang isang tao kahit alam mong madumi, madugas at masama.

ok, fine. pulitika lang yan. all politics. so pwede nang dedmahin?

subukan mong ituro ang ganyang pagdadahilan sa anak mo, at ng anak mo sa magiging apo nya. tingnan ko kung san ka pupulutin.

(magiging syang katulad ng “isang blogger jan”.)



September 6th, 2005 at 11:40 am

wala kang karapatan magreklamo kung unang-una pa lang hindi ka nakikialam, hindi lumalaban, hindi nagsisikap magparating ng kanyang damdamin, nagsawalang-kibo ka, nagparaya, napagod…



September 6th, 2005 at 11:40 am

If you people think you are disenfranchised and therefore have to resort to street parliamentarianism, then think of the further disenfranchisement that will occur when the next “lame duck” president steps into office under this cloud of illegitimacy that Ms MitaMS already forecasts.

Again, to re-hash, let me highlight that GMA herself started out that way. The writer Marco Garrido even cited an analogy between GMA’s ascent to power and that whole Davide debacle back in 2003:

“Marco Garrido in an October 2003 Asia Times Online article made a timely assessment of Pinoy-style democracy in light of the move of Congress to impeach Chief Justice Hilario Davide. The article titled “Philippines: Between democracy and disaster” highlights a chilling implication on the future of our nation in this short passage:

‘True, the House ultimately respected the Supreme Court’s decision, and thus, one could say, upheld the rule of law, but had the pro-impeachment forces [garnered] greater moral support, it is not unimaginable that they would have imposed their will despite the law – and legalized their move after the fact. One need not even imagine it; one need only recall the events that installed Arroyo as president in 2001.’ ”

View the entire article here:

Brings to light the BIG PICTURE about the small mindedness of Pinoy Society and how it contributes to painting that overall culture of crime that pervades our society. 😀



September 6th, 2005 at 11:43 am

The key term above is our penchant of legalising extraconstitutional actions AFTER-THE-FACT a-la tapal vulcaseal.

Kaya nga nag ating lipunan ay pangit dahil panay tapal ang mga solusyon na ginamit dito. 😀



September 6th, 2005 at 11:43 am

benign0 said:

If the “real majority” does not share the sentiments of these congressmen, then why did this “real majority” vote for them in the first place?

para sa mga nakakaintindi talaga kung bakit binoboto ang mga kongresistang yan, alam nila na kapag nanalo ang binoto nila, automatic na sya ang magiging boses o representante ng distrito nila. ang iba kasi nabigyan lang ng padulas at nadaan lang sa pabobola, ibinigay na agad ang boto. sana, kahit tanggapin na lang ang grasya tapos pagdating sa voting precints iboto ang karapatdapat. pero, sa tagal tagal ng bumoboto ng iba, hindi ba nila talaga alam o nagtatanga-tangahan lang? binoto ng nakararami. eh di tanggapin na lang natin. ako personally, hindi ko gusto ang desisyon ng kongresista namin sa pagpirma sa impeachent. pero, dahil binoto ko sya, ginagalang ko na lang ito.

they are representatives of the people. therefore, what the majority decides, it should be respected. kahit saang organisasyon, tuwing botohan sa desisyon, majority always wins. buti nga sa kongreso, binibigyan pa rin ng pagkakataon ang minorya. kung 1/3 ay pipirma sa impeachment petition, kahit may desisyon na sa plenaryo may tsansa pa iendorso sa senado.



September 6th, 2005 at 11:45 am

isipin natin kapakanan ng ating mga susunod na henerasyon ang ating mga anak, kapamilya at syempre ang ating mga kababayan…. kung may ayaw lumabas sa kalye wag sisihin.. kung “pagod” na kayo madami pang hindi napapagod… magtulungan tayo in whatever ways (emails, text, makabuluhang “bloggings” etc.. etc..) so let the truth come out!



September 6th, 2005 at 12:07 pm

Nanggaling na ko sa street protest. Ano ba sa akala mo ang naging problema ni GMA? Yung mga taong nakapaligid sa kanya noon na hindi nabigyan ng pabor ang syang umaatake sa kanya nung simula pa. Ganun din ang mangyayari sa susunod. This is going to be a vicious cycle.

HIndi naman imposibleng patalsikin si GMA – hindi lang nga ngayon, kungdi sa susunod na taon. Ang sinasabi ko ay gamitin naman natin ngayon ang proceso ng demokrasya. Nagkamali ang oposisyon ngayon, may next year pa.

You will never be certain of the truth. Sagutin mo muna ako…sino ang talagang pumatay kay Ninoy? Anong nangyari sa mga kaso ng mga Marcos pati na ang mga tuta nila na nagnakaw ng bilyong-bilyong piso…

Demokrasya na to…hindi diktadura….give democracy a chance. May next year pa

Baliktad…ang representante natin sa kongreso ay dapat laging iniisip ang kapakanan at kagustuhan ng bumoto sa kanya. Kaso sa bansa natin, kaya sila nakaupo ay dahil pinili nila ang malakas na ka-alyado. So ang aalagaan nila ay yung malakas nilang ka-alyado. At eto tayo, okay lang sa atin. Hindi natin binantayan ang boto natin kaya sila andyan at eto naman tayo ngayon. Sira ang sistema ng eleksyon sa bansa at hindi pa rin natin gingawan ng paraan para ayusin ito….



September 6th, 2005 at 12:18 pm

I dont see anything wrong with going to the streets & voicing out that one is against corruption, cheating, nepotism, partisan politics & trapos.



September 6th, 2005 at 12:29 pm

So what then is the objective of this call to the streets?

Is it, as one said, simply to voice out “that one is against corruption, cheating, nepotism, partisan politics & trapos”?

Or is it to oust a president?

Looks like these street action advocates cannot even agree on a specific objective.



September 6th, 2005 at 12:54 pm


nanggaling ka na sa street protest. ako rin. mula nung wala pa akong asawa. ngayon, apat na anak ko. pero hindi nakakasawa at hindi nakakapagod. mas nakakapagod e yung nagiging tolerant ka, yung akala nila okay lang sa ‘yo, yung ginagago ka.

Next year, ganyan lang din yan… matatalo din ang impeachment by numbers. e syempre, yan pa rin yung mga nakaupo dyan e, baka nga mas lumawak pa ang galamay.

e bakit mo pa paabutin next year.



September 6th, 2005 at 12:57 pm

ill go out there to seek the truth.. kahit walang mangyari sa paglabas sa kalye TRUTH pa din yun… kahit hindi mapatalsik si GMA TRUTH pa din yun.. kahit di malaman kung sino ang pumatay kay ninoy TRUTH pa din yun (tanungin ba ako kung sino pumatay kay ninoy ang babaw!)… akala nyo ba limited lang sa pag oust lang ng presidente ang TRUTH?



September 6th, 2005 at 1:08 pm

So are you saying “kahit walang resulta basta protes!”?


Bernie La Plante

September 6th, 2005 at 1:15 pm

primo said,
September 6, 2005 @ 12:57 pm

“ill go out there to seek the truth.. kahit walang mangyari sa paglabas sa kalye TRUTH pa din yun… kahit hindi mapatalsik si GMA TRUTH pa din yun.. kahit di malaman kung sino ang pumatay kay ninoy TRUTH pa din yun (tanungin ba ako kung sino pumatay kay ninoy ang babaw!)… akala nyo ba limited lang sa pag oust lang ng presidente ang TRUTH? ”

My answer to Primo:

“People are always talking to you about TRUTH. Everybody always knows what the TRUTH is, like it was toilet paper or something & they got a supply in the closet.

But what you learn as you get older is that there ain’t no TRUTH. All there is, is Bullshit, layers of it.

One layer of Bullshit layered on top of another. And what you do in life, like as you get older, is you pick the layer of Bullshit you prefer, & it’s your Bullshit.”



September 6th, 2005 at 1:22 pm

ibig mong sabihin this is all about EGO? Ginagago ba tayo o nagpapagago tayo?
alam ng oposisyon na matatalo sila. una, naisahan sila ni lozano. bakit nagkaganoon? kasi nung una pa lang, “resign” ang sigaw nila. hindi inasikaso ang impeachment. bakit sila sumakay kuno sa impeachment kung alam nilang matatalo sila sa congreso? nag walkout sila agad bago man nilang subukan kunin yung katiting na 79 votes…bakit? dahil gusto nila matanggal si GMA nang mabilisan – thru street protest – dahil atat na atat na silang umupo. sinubukan naman nila nung una – wa epek. so, magpapaka-GAGO na naman ba tayong ulit na susunod sa kanila?
nung election last year, buong akala ng tao na mananalo si FPJ. masakit ang matalo. sa pagkapanalo ni GMA, PUEDEng totoo eh. na-split ang boto ng oposisyon at nagkasakit si Roco. Maswerte si GMA, napadali ang pagkapanalo nya. Sakali mang totoo at nandaya sya…bakit kailangan madalian ang pagtalsik sa kanya? Ang susunod na presidente ay mauuwi din sa ganito. Meron syang pagkakautangan na sisingilin at sisingilin…

Huminahon ka….You’re not making any sense…



September 6th, 2005 at 1:23 pm

at least may pinagkatandaan ako mahirap tumanda ng paurong yung tipong hinintay mo na lang mahulog sa nakabuka mong bibig mo ang bayabas…. mas madaling maintindihan ang katotohanan pag matanda ka na…. mas madaling matanggap ang katotohan kasi nasa hustong pag iisip kana dapat.. kahit bullsh$t yung truth na yun may bangaw naman dyan to consume it.. at kung tatanungin mo ako kung sino yung BANGAW na yon.. go figure mr Bernie La Plante…



September 6th, 2005 at 1:31 pm

yun na nga ang tanong e: nanalo ba talaga si gma? na proklama siya but everybody knows in their gut that she cheated. di siya swerte, tuso siya at balahura.



September 6th, 2005 at 1:31 pm

Goes to show that the most unpopular people are not necessarily the biggest idiots. GMA is a politician and she practices politics shrewdly. The question in politics is not who is right or wrong. The game is all about shrewdness, foresight, and stoicism even in the face of howling barbarians. Ironic that the only people looking like fools now are those who presumed to stand for what is the “Truth” and what is “Right”.

And what do fools do pag na-talo? Simple. Ma-asar. And what do people who are asar do? They stomp their feet and take to the streets.

And if these politicians-turned-street-urchins succeed in getting a bunch of other fools to join them what do we get? A whole nation of natalong asar. ha ha! 😀



September 6th, 2005 at 1:34 pm

Enlightened Pinay,
That’s another thing you’re talking about. The call to unity this time is ACTUALLY to unseat an incumbent president. You cannot get her to resign (naturally) so you’ll force the issue. Is there something wrong with that? When the stability and future of this country is at stake, there is something very wrong with that. Look into the future and tell me if investors will still be interested if we have a coup with every change of administration. Do you want us to remain the laughing stock of Asia? We need the stability of government and strenghthen our institutions and economy more than anything.



September 6th, 2005 at 1:35 pm

pag may batang nakarinig ng garci tapes at nagtanong kung bakit si gma ay hindi naparusahan sa kanyang pandaraya’t samantalang sila ay di maaaring mandaya sa eksamen, sabihin niyo na lang na mahina ang ulo at sikmura ng sambayanan at huwag sana itong panggayahan ng mga batang na tulad niya.



September 6th, 2005 at 1:36 pm

not making sense? saan? ang mag alala ka sa future generations ng pamilya mo.. sa bayan mo at sa mga kababayan mo? wala bang sense yun?

truth=bullsh$t (eto hinahanap ko at alam ko madaming pang naghahanap nito)
mitams=bangaw (who consume the TRUTH aka bullsh$t) isama na din natin yung nag sabi na ang truth ay bullsh$t diba Bernie La Plante?



September 6th, 2005 at 1:37 pm

Can you please explain that? Bakit kamo “everybody knows”? I explained my point…please do me the courtesy of doing the same…

Kung totoo yung sinasabi mo, bakit walang nagreklamo noon? Nasaan ka noon? Napaniwala ka din ba last year?



September 6th, 2005 at 1:41 pm

what stability are you talking about? she’s the one causing the instability by clinging on to power because of her stubborness and pride.

we’ll remain the laughing stock of asia because we have no common sense to get rid of a a person who cheated to get to the palace and whose husband and his cohorts has been raping the coffers of the govt. yan ang katawa-tawa. a pretender to the presidency who has bought her way to remain in power by appointing family members of reps to govt positions and using taxpayers money to lure the gutless reps for their loyalty. i wonder who pays for her legal fees for retaining platon.

gma is actually capitalizing on the “lily-liveredness” of the filipino people.



September 6th, 2005 at 1:44 pm

fpj is as popular as erap. gma winning over fpj? that’s a joke. all the people i know know it. your opinion is your opinion. it is not fact. i know what i know and what the people around me knew then and now.



September 6th, 2005 at 1:51 pm

Your opinion is also only your opinion. No one has a monopoly of the truth. And that’s why we shouldn’t be so presumptious to read only opinions we agree with and claim to know the truth…kikitid utak nating lahat.

By the way, you still haven’t answered my questions….



September 6th, 2005 at 1:51 pm

you’re kidding rignt? me, go to prove cheating? when the machinery and the people running it as well as the congress acting as nat’l canvassers have been held by the balls by gloria and her unscrupulous crew? noted ng noted. fpj filed his case. should i have filed a case too? wala akong standing. i’m still watching how loren’s case will come out. you want me to go against the isafp, the pnp and the armed forces? i tell you we need a real revolution like the french. we have a recycled oligarchy that has dominated philippine politics and has brought untold suffering to the filipino people.

i know it then and i know it now. gma cheated and she is not the duly elected president of the republic. as such, the people have the innate power to unseat her.



September 6th, 2005 at 1:52 pm

well i think my opinion is better than yours so it’s futile to convince me.


Bernie La Plante

September 6th, 2005 at 1:54 pm

People are always talking to you about TRUTH. Everybody always knows what the TRUTH is, like it was toilet paper or something & they got a supply in the closet.

But what you learn as you get older is that there ain’t no TRUTH. All there is, is Bullshit, layers of it.

One layer of Bullshit layered on top of another. And what you do in life, like as you get older, is you pick the layer of Bullshit you prefer, & it’s your Bullshit.

But is your Bullshit the most important thing for us at this point in time?


It’s the Economy, Stupid!



September 6th, 2005 at 1:54 pm

OMG, eto na naman tayo at dadalhin pa ang Pilipinas sa French Revolution of 1789 – that was over 200 years ago!
Please don’t forget to take whatever medication you’re supposed to be taking…



September 6th, 2005 at 1:55 pm

Kahit ano pa ang ipagdakdak natin dito, ang katotohanan ang mahalaga. Ang pangnanakaw, pagsisinungaling at pandaraya na ginawa ng pekeng pangulo. Tutoo talaga.

Biningyan natin ng pagkakataon sa kongreso, subalit dinaan sa numero. Tayo naman ang magpakita at magpadama ng ating kalooban. Ang sigaw — “OUST GMA”.

Hindi man ako makarating sa St. Peter’s Church, bukas, sa EDSA na tayo magkita-kita.



September 6th, 2005 at 1:58 pm

the tactic of defending gma’s legitimacy by trying to show that those who oppose her are irrational is not gonna work. there is cheats, inc. the raid on loren’s docu guy, garci tapes, exit polls, verzola’s report, gratitude to the garcia’s for cebu’s delivery kaya di matanggal tanggal si garcia ng gsis and that’s even beyond the popularity of fpj.



September 6th, 2005 at 1:59 pm

personalan na po! hehe. pikon na!



September 6th, 2005 at 2:01 pm

by the way, the guillotine worked for the french. 😉 liberte, fraternite, egalite. we could learn a lot from their history. they had a tipping point.



September 6th, 2005 at 2:12 pm

balahura si gma! no question about it. the time to be open minded about her culpability is past.

i wouldnt put it past malacanang to send people to this site to act as if it is the right thing to let gma remain in malacanang. i’ve noticed different levels. gma has retained a makati lawfirm and i can sense a member of the team spewing the result of their legal research. really, who would go into the francisco case in depth? and quote from the case itsellf?

what is illogical is we do nothing to counter the blantat assault on our intellect and more importantly, our integrity by gma and her ilk’s maneuvers so that she will remain unpunished for her cheating and so she can remain in power. enough!



September 6th, 2005 at 2:13 pm

When the stability and future of this country is at stake, there is something very wrong with that.


you should ask this question to the person who was caught doing the hello garci call, the same person who shouldnt have ran in last year’s poll in the first place.



September 6th, 2005 at 2:16 pm


tama ka dapat naman talaga iniisip nila ang kapakanan natin. lahat ng mga ibinoto ng mamamayan, suklian ang binigay na tiwala ng tao. kaso, meron ba jan hindi nagsasabi na ganun ang sentimyento nila? marami sa kanila lagi na lang bukambibig ang taongbayan ang kawawa at kung anu ano pang drama. blah blah blah… meron bang umamin na sarili lang nilang ambisyon ang mahalaga sa kanila? eh, kahit kapwa kongresista nila, walang tiwala sa kapwa nila. tulad na lang ni Teddy Casino. kaya daw sya nag-abstain.

ang sinasabi ko lang naman po, kahit ano pa ang impresyon sa kanila ng tao, sa kongreso, o sa senado, kung kaninong side ang mas maraming boto, ito ang mananalo. kahit saang bansa pa yan na demokrasya ang umiiral, majority always wins.

syanga po pala, nadinig ko kanina sa radyo, si Digs Dilanggalen, magreresign na daw sa kanyang partido. (kasama pati wify nya). nag-abstain kasi ang kanyang wify imbis na bumuto ng “no”. pinupuwersya daw siya ng kanyang partido dahil hindi nga bumoto ng “no” ang kanyang asawa ay uunahan na raw nila. pwersahan na pala ngayon. para ng diktaturya ngayon sa political parties. mukhang desperado na talaga sila. walang kaparti-partido kapag di sumunod sa kanilang gusto. kaya lumayas na ang susuway. haay… how mature.

dapat lang naman talaga irespeto ang kagustuhan ng mas nakakarami.



September 6th, 2005 at 2:17 pm

They’re blaming the oppositionists & the people who want to bring their complaints in the streets as if they are the one who who caused this political crisis.



September 6th, 2005 at 2:25 pm

oo nga e. what stability? e kung nag resign siya noon pa, tapos na sana. gma is the cause of instability.



September 6th, 2005 at 2:28 pm

Dapat sana…at yan talaga ang demokrasya. kaya importante kung sino ang iboboto natin, pero mas importante na bantayan ang boto. si teddy casino naman hindi naniniwala sa kongreso pero tumakbo sya at ngayo’y nakaupo na. kung bakit naman ewan ko. kinukuha ba nya ang benefits nya bilang congressman? sa tingin ko, pinaka-malaking hipokrito naman ginawa nya sa sarili nya…sayang.

Enlightened Pinay,
What question?



September 6th, 2005 at 2:32 pm

Huwag na pong pansinin ang mga nag-ju-justify pa jan jung bakit hindi natin dapat ituloy ang laban… na for the sake of our country’s stability and appeal to foreign investors, e “igalang” na natin ang resulta sa tongreso… na para hindi tayo maging laughing stock ng asia e maging “sibilisado” tayong tumanggap sa “rule of law”…

hala, sige… foreign investors ha… bukas-makalawa, magigising ka na lang, sila na ang may-ari ng Pilipinas… hindi stability kaya sila na-aatract mag-invest dito, alam nilang ang Pilipino, nagbebenta ng prinsipyo at kaluluwa… konting milyong piso lang, wala na yan, kampi na yan sa yo…

hala, sige… rule of law ha… what about ethics? what about morals? what about logic, at the very least?… yun lang ipahanap si Garci, hands-off sila… e sinong gunggong ang maghahanap at makakahanap dun?!… wala raw sa batas at sa responsibilidad ng gobyerno ang hanapin at pananagutin si Garci… YEAH RIGHT!… o sige, fine, pwede bang pagsalitain na lang kung sino yung “comelec official” na inamin ni GMA na tinawagan nya kung talagang ayaw nilang aminin na si Garci nga yun?… sufficiency in form and in substance?…

hala, sige… “inutil” at “unqualified” kasi ang papalit e kaya hayaan muna sya jan…. whoa!!…

meron kang syota: may hinala kang ginagago ka. tinanong mo sya. hindi daw nya sasagutin kasi “walang basehan” ang kutob mo. (kayo na ang bahalang tumapos nyan.)



September 6th, 2005 at 2:43 pm

Ang may-ari ng Pilipinas ay hindi foreign investors…yung mayayaman na dati nang mayaman na nakikipaglaro sa pulitika ang nagmamay-ari ng Pilipinas. At puede ba, hipokrito naman natin, hindi sila pumunta sa atin, tayo naman ang naghanap sa kanila! Ilan na ang OFW ngayon?

Tignan mo ang Brat Pack…lahat sila may kamag-anak na iba naman ang posisyon sa kanila. Pro-Arroyo naman. Nang ganun, kahit sino ang lumitaw na panalo, nasa eksena pa din ang pamilya. Yan ang Truth.

Tignan mo lang at tanungin mo ang sarili mo- nasaan sila next year? Ikaw, o ako, saan naman tayo pupulutin sa susunod na taon? Ginagamit lang tayo – ginagago lang tayo….


tongue in, anew

September 6th, 2005 at 3:19 pm

Hey, masha, walang bibitiw!

I think what MitaMS is really saying is:

Whoa, masha, please stop it! Don’t march in the streets. What if GMA spent P6B of taxpayers money prior to the last elections to ensure her win? The P400M OWWA funds transferred and used by Philhealth is there, hindi lang makita ngayon ng COA, maybe in 2010. No, masha, the road users tax were not used to bribe your representa-thieves, DPWH just committed a mistake in alotting P38M to one district that has only one 2-km, 2-lane street. Yung Diosdado Macapagal Highway nga P57M per kilometer yun, mura na yan diba?

Please, masha, maniwala ka P350M lang yung liquid fertilizers na binili nung eleksiyon para sa farmers, coursed through NGOs. Problema dahil liquid, nag-evaporate dahil summer nung eleksiyon diba? Saka totoo naman merong farmers sa Las Piñas, sa Parañaque, at Q.C., e. Sa Cubao nga ang laki ng Farmers, o di ba? Kaya si Rep. Cynthia Villar sinungaling yan na walang silbi yung fertilizers sa Las Piñas pwede naman mag-gardening, kaya lang baka malunod yung halaman sa P5M worth of fertilizers.

What if she and Garci cheated you of your vote, its just one vote right? Sa bawat Pilipinong bumoto, tig-iisang boto lang naman yata dinaya e.
Saka yung mga sundalong nambraso ng mga botante sa Mindanao, di naman si Gloria nag-utos nuon, ‘no? Si FG Mike lang. Saka siya naman ang Commander-in-Cheat, este Chief pala, natural lang na tulungan siya ng militar.

Si Zuce, di totoong pamangkin ni Garci. Ampon kasi yun. Isa pa GMA did not have a hand in Garci’s escape, si Ebdane yata! Pati yung “Hello Garci” Tape, its a fake! Tanungin mo pa si Bunye at Defensor, pleeze!

Yung Jueteng, kasinungaIingan yun kasi lahat ng pulis, station commander, provincial commander, regional commander WALA namang nakikitang jueteng, e. Tsismis lang yan. Pati yung mga Governor, Congressman, Mayor, Councilors, Board Members, Barangay Captain, Councilman, Tanod wala namang lagayan diyan. Di totoong may Jueteng. At saka nga pala, masha, before I forget, si Bong Pineda hindi kumpare ni GMA, inaanak lang niya sa binyag at kasal yung dalawang anak nito.

Now, dahil tapos na ang impeachment, gaganda na buhay natin dahil papasok na mga investors, magtatrabaho na ang Congress, mawawala na ang corruption dahil mapepressure na si GMA. Pati yung kikitain sa EVAT na P200M, in 30 years(!), we will be able to return to the country’s coffers the P6B she spent in the 2004 campaign. The EVAT will not affect us, the Cheap Execu-thieve told us so.

Kaya kung ako sa iyo, masha, forget the impeachment, its over. The RULE of LAW took its just course. Our Con-gressmen have done their constitutional job, and its time to move on. Let’s forgive and forget. Sawang-sawa na ang mga tao sa people power. Kawawa naman ang mahihirap.




September 6th, 2005 at 3:23 pm

to MitaMs,

tutut na tutut. hindi na kasi nagtanda ang mga voters. ilang taon na ba silang bumoboto.


jay seneca

September 6th, 2005 at 4:21 pm






September 6th, 2005 at 6:16 pm

mabuhay ang mga pro impeachment team sa pangunguna ni chiz escudero, kahit binasura ng mga lolong tongressman ang impeachment. ipinagmamalaki ko pa rin sila at saludo ako dahil lumaban talaga sila.. hwag sana silang sumuko at sana ilabas na lang nila ang ebidensya sa kalsada.



September 6th, 2005 at 10:16 pm

nahirapan lang akong maniwala sa mga Reps na minsan ay naniwala at nagtanggol sa isang Erap Estrada.



September 6th, 2005 at 11:13 pm

i was furious of erap then last 2001. but take a look at the arguments in his trial now. no verdict yet but it seems the government now – gloria et al – have some special, anomalous and personal involvement also.

do not judge history by erap alone.



September 7th, 2005 at 12:00 am

Let me put MitaMS comments like this:

“Do we really believe the next batch of leaders will not be as greedy as the ones we now have?”

Do we really believe that the ones we have now are greedy? Yes? Then stop greed now than to wasting time thinking of stopping a hallucinated-corrupt next-leader.

MitaMS continued like this:

“Do you think these new leaders will not demand their ounce of flesh for their toils from the one who will succeed GMA? Is the country’s stability worth the gamble for a few selfish souls?”

A very imagined hypothetical conclusion. Its like crying before opening a gift because you say its not what you’re expecting.

A very AFRAID stance.

After you open the gift then say wether you like it or not.

The appreciation only comes after and not before.

So “When will we learn…” huh?!?



September 7th, 2005 at 2:07 am

Sige Noelet, magbulagbulagan ka lang. Sa susunod na mga taon at may bagong presidente sa Malacanang – yan din ang sasabihin mo. Uulit ka lang dahil walang repormang ginawa ngayon. Pakinggan mo sarili mo at kahit minsan lang, bigyan mo ng exercise ang utak mo – tignan mo ang future natin sa scenario na gusto mo (foresight nga pala tawag dun) …sana ikaw lang ang andun. kaso hindi.

Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

“a very AFRAID stance” – ano daw? very imagined hypothetical conclusion? ehehehe…kaya mo ba yon?



September 7th, 2005 at 3:31 am

Thank God there is peace for sometime in the blog because an intellectual who dominates and “destabilizes” it is resting (in peace?).




September 7th, 2005 at 3:49 am


If God intervenes and changes the scenario to ne that is least expected as in EDSA 1 and EDSA 2, there is nothing really that can stop that from taking place, di ba?

Even if foreign investors witness the change in government and the image of instability, God will be there to correct the imbalance. But first and foremost, He will come into render JUSTICE where it has been denied.

When? Only God knows. So foreign investors ba nag problema? Baka ganoon din ang gawain sa susunod na Pangulo? Huwag kang mabahala MitaMS. Nandiyan ang God. Teritoryo niya yang pinangangambahan mo. Pray ka lang. Tingnan mo, the best will come out. Whether that best for God is agreeable to you or not, it will surely come.

Ano nga ba nag tinutukoy kong da best? Well, I am not going to play God here. But my fearless forecast is that the best will come soon and that is GMA’s ouster. Here is what I said about that in a daily newspaper:

“GMA has been forgiven by God and by the Filipinos. In their hearts, she’s a confessed offender.

But, but, but…. SHE MUST ATONE FOR HER SINS. In the sacred scriptures, the woman whom the Jews wanred to stone to death due to prostitution was cleared by Jesus but she later RESIGNED from her past. Likewise, GMA should resign from her POST.

Forgiveness without penence is a farce. Heaven is not free and it is reserved only for those whop want it and are willing to pay the price to have it.

GMA is not willing to pay the price. Therefore, she cannot lead by example and should resign now!!!”




September 7th, 2005 at 4:04 am

hypothetical and imminent greed pales in comparison to actual and acted on greed. takutin ba tayo kung ano ang hinaharap. mali si gma ngayon, dapat ngayon rin natin aksyunan ang panggagago niya sa atin. sinong aasahan nating mag rereporma? si gma? balahura ang pagkakatiwalaan nating mag re reporma? galeng!



September 7th, 2005 at 4:08 am

thanks for the letter, tongue in, anew. 😉 i’m convinced!…not.haha.



September 7th, 2005 at 5:10 am

Nakakakilabot naman ang pinagsasabi mo. And no, hindi ako ang magiging judge ng sinoman. Malaking kasalanan yung ina-akusahan ang kapwa ng kung anung kasalanan. Kung may kasalanan ang tao, hindi ako o ikaw ang mangungumpisal sa Diyos para sa kanya…

Sugo ka na ba ng Diyos at alam mo ang gusto Nya?



September 7th, 2005 at 6:34 am

INC tipped balance for GMA, says solon…..from INQ7

Ganun ba?then we are really doomed, imagine religious groups siding with a cheat, liar and thief. Masyado silang tahimik INC, El Shaddai etc. Wag kayong maniwala sa mga lider nyo



September 7th, 2005 at 8:02 am

yup from the mouth of rep joey salceda. bayaran na ng political debts. we saw from the catholic church that religion/being religious does not necessarily mean moral/being moral.



September 7th, 2005 at 8:11 am

Arroyo survives—True, for Now…



September 7th, 2005 at 9:11 am

Looking at the way the Erap boys voted in the report, his most rabid supporters Reps. Villafuerte, Cerilles went for Gloria. Meanwhile Reps. Oscar Malapitan, Luis Asistio, Bingbong Crisologo, and even the wife of the former Representative Dilangalen either voted for or abstained. What the hell is the meaning of all of this? I expected the Erap boys to go all out in supporting the impeachment, but with their actions yesterday, I am very dismayed or better yet outraged.

I don’t know what they believe in this issue, but if you ask me there may have been deals involving Asiong Salonga and Pandak. Have they turned their backs on Erap? Highly unlikely. To paraphrase MLQ III, there may be new alliances between the Marcos, Estrada, Arroyo, JDV and FVR camps.



September 7th, 2005 at 9:47 am

baka napangakuan ng house arrest na lang si erap.



September 7th, 2005 at 9:58 am

Kabayan lalo na sa kapital hindi nyo pa rin ba matang-gap na ang boung bansa ay hindi ayun sa ingay ninyo. Maraming beses na kayo ang nagpasimuno nang kaguluhan sa pulitika at mukhang lumaki na ang mga ulo ninyo na ang kapalaran ng bansa ay nasa kamay ninyo. Nagising na ang buong kapuloan at nanindigan. Kung kaya ninyong kumbinsihin ang ibang parte ng bansa natin na umayon sa inyong pag-ma-martsa siguro manaig kayo. Pero kung kayo-kayo lang ewan na lang namin kun mapabago ba ninyo ang takbo nga ating bansa. Hindi ako sang-ayon sa sinuman ang nakatayo sa pag-goberno ng ating bayan dahil parehas lang silang lahat. Hind ba ninyo namalayan na kamag-anakan na ang karamihan sa mga pulitko sa ating bansa. Mula kay Lolo, Lola, Tatay, Nanay, mga anak, pamangkin, at kaapo-apuhan ay pulitiko na. Ano pa ang maasahan natin sa kanila? Pero kung magpalit tayo ng Presidente taon-taon anong kabutihan ang maidulot nito sa bansa natin? Lahat na lang gustong maging presidente para sa akin alang problema niyan total parehas lang naman silang lahat pero mas makabubuti na papagtapusin ng termino muna bago palitan. Ang pasimuno ng ingay diyan wala na mang iba kundi yung mga talunan sa nakaraang eleksyon. Mga hard losers na hindi makapaghintay sa sunod na eleksyon. Gising kabayan inuoto lang tayo nila anong magagawa natin? Kaya huwag kayong magpagamit, hayaan ninyo silang mag-ingay hang-gang mawlan ng gana. Anong kabutihan ang matang-gap ninyo kung sasali kayo? Maliban na lang kung mabigyan kayo ng kasaganaan at kabutihan sa inyong buhay at araw-araw na pangangailangan. Well, kung ganoon di exception ka Kabayan na hala Kombate!



September 7th, 2005 at 10:09 am




September 7th, 2005 at 10:12 am

At isa pa iyung gustong magbago si GMA o magsisi o mag-resign o kung ano pa man ang mga kamaliang gusto ninyong i-justify sa kanya para maalis sa kinatayuan niya. Isa lang ang tanong ko sa bawat isa sa inyo; Kung kayo ang nasa katayuan niya gagawin ba ninyo ang mga kahilingang ito? Siyempre hindi A! Kabayan hindi na uso ang maging Bayani at wala na iyan ngayon TANGENGOT meron! Sa laki ba nang nagastos nila para marating ang kinatayuan nila i-sakripisyo lang nila basta-basta di tangengot ang labas nila. Kaya ang talunan ganyan dahil paano nila maibalik ang gastos. Ang haba-haba nga termino para makapaghintay sila so ang pinakamabuting paraan di walang iba kundi guguluhin ang bayan. At si Kabayan na man ay madaling sumakay. Mas lalong magulo ang bansa mas lalong lulobog ito sa kahirapan. Tama man o mali ang sumapi sa magkabilang kampo kasama tayong lahat na maghihirap at magutom. Ang mga trapos hindi dahil malalim ang pondo nila. Gising Kabayan!



September 7th, 2005 at 10:19 am




September 7th, 2005 at 10:23 am

To: vonpogi

Relaks lang kabayan masayado kang mainit. Ang totoo kabayan galing na ako diyan noong panahon ng diktador muntik ng maibuhis ang aking buhay. Hindi ako magnanakaw kabayan kundi napundi laang sa ginagawa nila sa atin. Ang ginawa ko baka gusto mo ring gawin pansarili na laang. Pinalitan ko ang bansa natin dahil hindi natin kayang baguhin kung tayo-tayo laang. Payong kapatid; pag uminit ka madali lang yan, huminga ka ng malalim at uminom ka ng isang basong tubig. At mag-isip…….



September 7th, 2005 at 11:01 am

Siguro ang mga nagmamartsa, aktibista, welgista, at ibpa. sa panahon ngayon ay hindi ma-ikumpara sa panahon ng Martial Law at sa unang presidente pagkatapos ng diktador. Naranasan ba ninyo ang ginawa nila sa amin noon? Abogado at Presidente nabili, ang organisasyon nabuwag, mga miyembro blacklisted hindi makakuha ng trabaho. Hindi lang ang ama ang naghirap kundi sampu ng kanyang pamilya. Sino pa ang umasang may kabutihan pang natira sa mamayan kung mismong goberno ang gumawa nito sa kanya. Solusyon? Maghanap ng bansang mas abante ang pang-goberno at batas na makatao. Kayo Kabayan naranasan nyo ba? Kung inakusahan mong magnanakaw ang Presidente, ngayon mo ba lang nalaman iyan? Walang hindi gagawa niyan pati na ikaw kung ikaw ang nasa katayuan nila. Kaya ipinaglaban nila ang maging indepente ang bansa natin para sila-sila laang. Dahil kung hindi hang-gang 1946 ang Pinoy makapasok sa U.S. hindi alien kundi U.S. national. Aba! di madali na lang ang lumayas diyan at pumirme sa Amerika. At hindi nila kayang gawin ang nangyayari ngayon sa bansa natin. Tingnan nyo ang Puerto Rico ayaw na ayaw nilang tawaging silang Amerikano kun di Puerto Rican pero kung bibiyahe sa U.S. asul ang passport. Maikumpara na man siguro natin ang kalagayan nila keysa bansa natin. Ngayon Kabayan maski gustuhin mo man na umalis at pumasok sa U.S., Canada, Australia, at iba pa., hindi madaling makakuha ng Visa. Pero hindi imposible kaysa babaguhin natin ang ugali ng mga trapos. Ilang beses ng nagkaroon ng Peoples Power? Ano ang resulta? Ilang ulit pa ang kailangan. Wala tayong laban dahil uso ang turncoatism. Si Makoy sino ang tumira sa kanya? Si Erap di ba iisa ang eksena. May pagbabago o kabutihang idinulot sa bayan? Ewan ko?


soledad t. tubay

September 7th, 2005 at 1:06 pm

I am proud of the Caviteño Reps. Abaya and Gilbert Remulla. Talagang galing kayo sa bayan ng mga bayani na naniniwala sa tunay na diwa ng demokrasya at kasarinlan. Mabuhay ang Kabitenyo.

Pero bakit iba boto ni Boying?


soledad t. tubay

September 7th, 2005 at 1:09 pm

Matakot kayo dahil magkadikit na ang Imeldific at Glorific!



September 7th, 2005 at 2:31 pm

Iba boto ni Boying kasi kung manalo si GMA, nasa eksena pa din ang magigiting na Kabitenyo….



September 7th, 2005 at 2:38 pm

soledad t. tubay said,
September 7, 2005 @ 1:09 pm

Matakot kayo dahil magkadikit na ang Imeldific at Glorific!

very much indeed ma’am Soledad. very much indeed.



September 7th, 2005 at 2:58 pm


malaking kasalanan ang husgahan ang kapwa? alam mo ba ang sinsasabi mo? yun pinakahihindikan mong uupo sa malacanang wala pa ngang mukha hinuhusgahan mo na?

so what’s your point?



September 7th, 2005 at 10:58 pm

sa mga nagsasabing we have to move on at tanggapin ang naging resulta ng house voting sa impeachment, sincere b talaga kyo jan? d b kayo nangingilabot? pano natin tatanggapin at tatapusin ang isang isyu na hanggang ngayon ay walang malinaw na kasagutan? sa patuloy na pananahimik ni gloria labandera, d b lalo lang niya pinatatagal ang pagdurusa ng bayan? ang panalo ni gloria sa kongreso ay hindi nangangahulugan na tapos na ang kanyang dilemma…..dahil hangga’t hindi niya sinasagot ang mga akusasyon sa kanya punto por punto ay patuloy siyang mumultuhin at babangungutin…

kung talagang wala siyang kasalanan, bakit hindi nya sabihin ng derecho at walang paligoy-ligoy? kung walang itinatago at pinagtatakpan, bakit kailangang madaliin at patayin ang impeachment complaint laban sa kanya? kung totoong d sya nandaya, bakit d sya mag-“hello garci” ul at pabalikin dito si garci?

unless the issues are properly addressed and answered by gloria, she will remain an “illegitimate” president sa mata ng nakararami… at dahil doon, sya ay mananatiling “praning” hanggang matapos ang kanyang term……

yun ay kung matatapos nga…..???



September 9th, 2005 at 10:42 am


If you’re feet is in her shoes (GMA) are you willing to resign? Be honest.

Politicking is just the same with business investment you need ROI and in doing so a timetable is very important. Now how would you resign with out achieving your ROI? This does not applies to GMA alone it covers to all of them (administration or opposition). Then to widen the empire you will educate your siblings to become a politicians as well. This is common in Philippines political arena.

I suggest you to make inventory of the family names of our present politicians it is very unique. And you can find it only in our country. Does this factors doesn’t came up to your mind?

With regards to revolution, did you forget that we are not in a solid continent? Agreeing to your idea how we will mobilize the Pinoys that are located all around the 7,100 islands? And the logistics where are we going to get it? Even America is considered as a super power with their technologies and capabilities it took them four days before assistance reached it’s destination who are just across a state border. Are we going to swim our way from South to North just to remove the administration?

If all these impossible things we will succeed, who will run our country? Of course another set of TRAPOS based on the above reasons they will do the same. So we will stage another revolution over and over again. What future lies ahead of our country if this will really happened?

I think MitaMS has a point of her views.

Siguro manahimik lang tayo kung magkaroon uli tayo ng diktador. Dahil sa panahon ni Makoy itong ingay na ginawa natin imposibleng mangyayari. I never heard a President in our country that doesn’t have any thing but all of those accusations are the same including his/her administration. Sa ekonomiya ng ating bansa walang magagaling na pinuno na ma-bail out na tayo. Lubog na lubog na ang Pinas sa utang siguro kung puwedeng mag-file ng bankruptcy matagal ng ginawa ito. At mag-umpisa uli at pagkatapos bankruptcy uli. Ewan ko ba!


INSIDE PCIJ » A rushed decision

October 19th, 2006 at 6:51 pm

[…] The SWS also reported that more Filipinos or 45 percent disagree with the Lower House’s decision to junk the case filed on July 28, 2006. Last August 24, majority of the House members voted to adopt the justice committee’s report endorsing the dismissal of the impeachment case for lack of substance. A year ago, Arroyo’s allies also junked three impeachment complaints on technicalities. […]

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