January 30, 2006 · Posted in: Arroyo Impeachment, Charter Change, In the News
The search for truth must be pursued — CBCP
WHEN the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) issued its first pastoral letter at the height of the wiretapping scandal last year, various groups criticized the Church for not calling on the President to resign.
The Bishops, instead, merely warned President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo not to dismiss the calls of other groups for her resignation. Referring to Arroyo’s apology for her "lapse in judgment" in calling an elections commissioner during the polling period, the CBCP said the President must exert all means to restore the people’s trust. The CBCP said there should be a "thorough, credible, and independent process" to seek the truth behind the "Hello, Garci" tapes and allegations that some members of her family are involved in jueteng.
These issues, however, have not been resolved. Congress ended the wiretapping hearings last week without getting an admission or denial from former elections commissioner Virgilio Garcillano that it was his voice on the tapes. The impeachment process has been deemed thwarted, the Truth Commission has never materialized, and the Citizen’s Congress has never been taken seriously by the government.
The CBCP, in its second, more strongly worded pastoral letter since the Gloriagate crisis erupted, expressed its frustration over the current political crisis but also did not make a stand on the President’s resignation. It did, however, call for an end to all partisan interests and demanded institutions to relentlessly pursue the truth.
"What we have seen instead are acts of evasion and obstruction of the truth, as in the case of the wiretapping and Garcillano tapes controversy."
It reiterated that confidence in the country’s political processes must be restored and as a first step, electoral reforms must take place. Electoral processes must be modernized especially with the upcoming 2007 elections. The CBCP said next year’s polling is an important democratic exercise that should push through despite suggestions from Arroyo supporters for a "No-el" or no election next year.
The CBCP also did not support changes in the Constitution without widespread discussion and participation. It preferred an elected Constitutional Convention rather than an appointed commission on charter change.
And amid rumors of a brewing coup d’etat, the CBCP stressed, like in its first statement, that it did not condone any violence or unconstitutional means to resolve the crisis.
The Palace reacted by saying that it supported the CBCP’s "continued search for truth" and it was open to just and fair means to end all speculations of electoral fraud in the 2004 presidential polls. The Palace also promised to transform the Commission on Elections (Comelec) into a competent and reliable body and ensure that appointments to the Comelec "would be beyond reproach."
The CBCP said many Filipinos have lost trust in political leaders and institutions which are perceived to be corrupt. It pointed out that at the center of the political chaos is a crisis of moral values. Because of this, CBCP said the needs of the poor are increasingly being ignored as fishermen, farmers and indigenous peoples are affected with the "negative effects of mining, commercial logging, illegal quarrying and fishing."
CBCP, in an accompanying statement it issued on mining, reaffirmed its stand for the repeal of the Mining Act of 1995. "We believe that the Mining Act destroys life," it said. "Allowing the interests of big mining corporations to prevail over people’s right to these sources amounts to violating ther right to life."
The CBCP also criticized President Arroyo’s "Mining Revitalization Program" which encourages the operation of large-scale mining of trans-national corporations. Like in its similar statement in 1998, the CBCP reiterated its request to the President to recall all approved mining concessions and disapprove pending applications.
Yesterday’s statement on the political crisis can be viewed here, and on mining, here.
74 Responses to The search for truth must be pursued — CBCP
January 30th, 2006 at 7:32 pm
I know, I know, we said it a hundred times and I’ll say it one hundred more times; the government is already in a big mess without the need for the Church Meddling. From the time immemorial the Church not only meddling in the running of the government, but in the old days of colonization, it was the Government-least we forget. That is one reason why we have this legacy of oligarchs, nepotism and cryoyinism and all kind of nismm that was passed to us by our noble churchmen which considered themselves so holy they can’t even clean up their own acts. Don’t get me wrong. I spent a fortune sending my nephews and my niece to Sienna Catholic School until they left two months ago (now they are in public school in usa) and I believe their education much better than public school, but up to this day I still don’t believe that they run the Church better than the Government. Until that day, maybe it will be able to help, otherwise the smarties in the Government will just use it as a diversion and a firewall and in the p.c. term an Anti-Virus, and would not even know it.
January 30th, 2006 at 10:55 pm
“Ours is a country divided; the story of our nation is a tale of two Philippines; almost, as it were, two countries under the same name.” excerpt from http://www.news.ops.gov.ph/sona2005.htm .
…one is the Philippines bereft of moral values; the other is the Philippines adhering to ethical standards…
pray our country be one…the latter one, of course… http://abplagdameo.blogspot.com/2006/01/renewing-our-public-life-through-moral_29.html
January 30th, 2006 at 11:29 pm
Let us salute the CBCP statement.
Now, what I want them to do is denounce what the government has been doing to the Magdalo Soldiers. They are not criminals. They should not even be charged because they were actually whistleblowing corruption and murder within the Military. The same Military accused of illegal acts, continued to by immorally failing to comply with a gentleman’s agreement with them. These are the soldiers we need to succeed against this corrupt government. If we don’t spend time and look into their inhumane conditions, then how can we expect others to follow their path? We should all remember, that whatever becomes of the Magdalo soldiers, would set as a signal to other soldiers to go on and emulate July 27, 2003. At the end of the day, it would be hopeless to fight a lost cause, where peopel, such as the Media, despite doing much, has not done enought to ensure that the battle against this ilegitimate regime is won.
January 31st, 2006 at 1:23 am
“call for an end to all partisan interests and demanded institutions to relentlessly pursue the truth…” CBCP
Hmmm, let’s break this down. First of all, “end to all partisan interests…” This makes me laugh because it’s nothing but wishful thinking. The partisan interests of the few running this country [most of whom are related to each other] will never give their power and wealth to benefit the majority. THEY ARE NO SAINT FRANCIS.
“relentlessly pursue the truth…”
Okay, hey CBCP, you want the truth? Stay the hell out of politics. If you want to get involved, stop beating around the bush by telling us to “pray” and “hope”…we have been praying and hoping since Magellan and where is the nation now?…in HELL!
How about concrete plans and actions that will transform the Philippines before 2020? The kind of corrupt society we have can’t be solved through praying, hoping and vague suggestions from the Bible. Our people need food, jobs and discipline NOW!. Our problem is economic, NOT RELIGIOUS.
Again, I keep saying that first and foremost, before any reformation can take place in the Philippines, the disciples of corruption must be isolated and prevented from taking part in our national politics and the economy. WE KNOW WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE. THEY ARE THE REMAINING 40 THIEVES THE LATE CARDINAL SIN COMMENTED NOT TOO LONG AGO.
Rise Filipinos! Numbers overwhelm [corrupt] authority. Don’t settle for hand-me-downs, bandaids and political rhetorics. All of these are nothing but:
“Here you go you stupid, idiotic, coward. Shut up and eat your lugao today. Tomorrow, leave your family and apply for a job in the Middle East. Use your degree abroad and work as a maid, that way you don’t cause trouble for us here. We’ll take care of your family while you’re gone…and don’t forget to send your earnings to keep our corruption afloat. Make yourself useful so at the end of the year, us corrupt few will declare you a hero for helping the Peso exchange rate and making us look good internationally.”
So Filipinos, stop depending on the government, the church, the surveys, the Charter Change. Depend on our common sense and ask…
1. Is corruption the shovel being used to bury us six feet under?
2. Who is/are using this shovel?
3. Do we allow them to bury us alive?
It’s time for a Philippine Renaissance my countrymen!
Let’s attain it within our generation. Grab that shovel and FIGHT BACK!!!!!
tongue in, anew
January 31st, 2006 at 1:41 am
Finally, the church heirachy has realized that their group would soon be dismissed into moral irrelevance if they continued to lend deaf ears to their flocks’ clamor for the real “relentless search for truth”. Though not surprising, the change in leadership from Capalla to Lagdameo has effectively pulled out all buttplugs that they now recognize assholes around them.
They could have made the same statements at the time these would have mattered but it’s still better than none at all. Sabi nga nung mayordoma namin, “kung kailan panis na yung kanin saka pa naisipang isangag.” They could do better than issuing pastoral statements every 3rd month and very politely (or priestly, according to Lacson) criticizing the government, even avoiding to mention Gloria’s name because they do not want to be accused of politicking.
What in Jesus name did they just release? Isn’t that all politics? Why not say it straight, using in-her-face language she deserves and avoid the usual politese which only gives the palace jester called Bunye an opportunity to spin it to favor the tyrant? Maybe they could announce that they are henceforth denying Doña Gloria her communion or other sacraments or something to that effect. Maybe excommunicate the bitch for grave blasphemy as she has, since day one, used the sacred sacraments as images for her propaganda. God knows how many prayovers we’ve seen performed on her and what does she do? Lie, cheat, steal, bribe, coverup, and lie, cheat, steal, bribe, coverup, and….
She gives Catholics a bad name.
January 31st, 2006 at 2:25 am
I thank Archbishop Lagdameo, as well as to the rest of the members of the CBCP for clearing the path for their flock who are so disturbed. I had held the belief that the “Hello Garci” issue is a moral issue; many people like me looked to the church for guidance amidst all these confusion, but somehow got disappointed with their first statement in July 2005. I hope that majority of the people will take the road that has been paved for us; a road that will lead us to true peace. As mentioned in the recent CBCP statement, “Restore us to Thee, O Lord, that we may be restored” (Lam 5:21).
We know what we should do to make this a better Philippines. After all, I do not think that God is a magician who will make GLUE-RIA disappear into thin air. “God helps those who help themselves.” Thank you, Archbishop Lagdameo, as well as to the rest of the members of the CBCP for clearing the path for your flock who are so disturbed. I had held the belief that the “Hello Garci” issue is a moral issue; many people like me looked to the church for guidance amidst all these confusion.
I hope that majority of the people will take the road that has been “opened” to us; a road that will lead us to true peace. As mentioned, I also say: “Restore us to Thee, O Lord, that we may be restored” (Lam 5:21).
Thank you, Archbishop Lagdameo, as well as to the rest of the members of the CBCP for clearing the path for your flock who are so disturbed. I had held the belief that the “Hello Garci” issue is a moral issue; many people like me looked to the church for guidance amidst all these confusion.
I hope that majority of the people will take the road that has been “opened” to us; a road that will lead us to true peace. As mentioned, I also say: “Restore us to Thee, O Lord, that we may be restored” (Lam 5:21).
Together as a people, we should take a stand and do what we ought to do. I don’t think God is a magician who will make GLUE-RIA disappear into thin air. Sana nga, pero kaso, hindi ganoon. God will only “help those who help themselves.”
Do we permit a GLUE-RIA to continue? No matter how hard she tries, it is NOT a choice for her to make. After all, to quote the recent statement of the CBCP “The Church recognizes that in a democracy power emanates from the people—i.e., that “the subject of political authority is the people considered in its entirety . . . This people transfers the exercise of sovereignty to those whom it freely elects . . . but it preserves the prerogative . . . [of] evaluating those charged with governing, and replacing them when they do not fulfill their functions satisfactorily.” (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, No. 395)”
January 31st, 2006 at 2:29 am
I thank Archbishop Lagdameo, as well as to the rest of the members of the CBCP for clearing the path for their flock who are so disturbed. I had held the belief that the “Hello Garci” issue is a moral issue; many people like me looked to the church for guidance amidst all these confusion, but somehow got disappointed with their first statement in July 2005. I hope that majority of the people will take the road that has been paved for us; a road that will lead us to true peace. As mentioned in the recent CBCP statement, “Restore us to Thee, O Lord, that we may be restored” (Lam 5:21).
Together as a people, we should take a stand and do what we ought to do. I don’t think God is a magician who will make GLUE-RIA disappear into thin air. Sana nga, pero kaso, hindi ganoon. God will only “help those who help themselves.”
Do we permit a GLUE-RIA to continue? No matter how hard she tries, it is NOT a choice for her to make. After all, to quote the recent statement of the CBCP “The Church recognizes that in a democracy power emanates from the people—i.e., that “the subject of political authority is the people considered in its entirety . . . This people transfers the exercise of sovereignty to those whom it freely elects . . . but it preserves the prerogative . . . [of] evaluating those charged with governing, and replacing them when they do not fulfill their functions satisfactorily.” (Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, No. 395)”
January 31st, 2006 at 8:26 am
To Naykika–
If you read Article 28 of Deus Caritas Est, the Papal Encyclical from which the “govt as thieves” quote came in the Pastoral Letter, you will find Benedict and the Bishops completely agreeing with you: the Church should not meddle in politics — she is not responsible for the realization of a just society on earth — that is not her department. But of course, I am sure, most people only read the newspaper stories about the Pastoral Letter, where the sound bites they want to hear made it to the headlines. But it was a reactionary position the Bishops took, no matter what the spinmeisters say with the Bishops encouragement of course. If you are not already decided on the issue of Garci and didn’t know the history of Gloriagate, reading the Pastoral Letter would give you the impression that everybody around here is equally guilty of some kind of immorality. In fact, the Letter castigates destabilizers, coup plotters and armed insurgents far more than it does voteriggers or wiretappers. A pox on Left, Right and Center it cries with Lagdameo’s stentorian voice.
Who does that leave for the people to hope in?
Oh how the Bishops are ever so carefully steppin’…
But where’s the guy when you need him?
Cardinal Sin, I mean. I almost … miss him.
January 31st, 2006 at 9:10 am
The message of the CBCP Letter is clear. They are not satisfied with GMA’s governance because of the lying, cheating, stealing ang covering-up. It is short of telling GMA TO RESIGN !!!… And malacañang is again trying to twist the real message… because it HURTS THEM!!!
January 31st, 2006 at 9:43 am
CBCP President Archbishop Angel Lagdameo is a Blogger. He has the Pastoral Statement up as his current posting and the Comment Thread is open.
Luz–Sure, you can cherry pick the Pastoral Letter for what sounds good as headlines and sound bites. But it was unavoidably made with the Mass Media in mind. Think the Bishops don’t know how to pander? In the final analysis, Democracy is not important to the Church, only to the citizens within it. Her own survival is assured, whether we return to feudalism, stay a failed democracy, or become a communist state. It’s all the same to the business of saving souls. Convinced that GMA is still better than the alternatives, the CBCP won’t be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. The Shepherds will move with the meandering sheep, not a step forward, not a step backward. But History is made by the elite of the heroic, the once-in-a-while only people, the people that History itself mysteriously raises up, sometimes against their own will or inclination.
It’s only now I’ve come to grieve for loss of Cardinal Sin, seeing what seems to be coming after him, and reading their Pastoral Letter, carefully — not the headlines.
lokalokang matino
January 31st, 2006 at 10:28 am
I think the BISHOPS finally felt gloria’s tight GRIP on their BALLS, but still for me the message is medium strenght, para bang nakikipagtawaran pa. The message should be straight to the point, loud and clear GO AWAY LITTLE GIRL!!!!!!!!!
(sorry po, ganito talaga magsalita kaming mga loka-loka, di po kami marunong magpa-cute )
The BISHOPS refuse to hit the nail on the HEAD. They should have strongly hit the NAIL’s HEAD so it will finally rest on it’s proper place
Sabi nga ng fruit vendor sa Farmers Market, when asked “WHAT THEY DO WITH ROTTEN FRUIT’? ” Ina-alis po namin at itinatapon!!!”
Last night, gloria’s blind protector-nino-bonito mike defensor. said something, about their readiness to find the truth, but complains that people already had their conclusion about the TRUTH.
MIKE DEFENSOR, WHAT ELSE WOULD INTELLIGENT PEOPLE CONCLUDE,when your idol already BLOCKED all the avenues towards the TRUTH. gloria vanished garcillano ( which you will deny again), gloria issued EO 464, gloria with the aid of her hungry voltures in congress murdered the empeachment (for technicality).
You yourself participated in the cover up with your press conference (i hope public funds were not use). ONLY the unborn child does not know the TRUTH about GLORIA’S cheating and cover-ups unless, really you have a different defination of TRUTH.
The TRUTH is mabait lang ang PINOY, yun ang inaabuso nyo, but dont push us on the wall, our back is already pressed on the wall, DONT PUSH further!!!!
Let me tell you,THE problem is gloria including YOU, STUPID!!!
January 31st, 2006 at 10:52 am
Oh my God, the Philippine Daily Inquirer editorial is spreading Internet Hoaxes and urban legends. The Fluorescent bulb was invented daw by a Filipino! It’s embarrassing. This is better than when the Manila Times claimed a Filipino won the Nobel Prize in Physics for disproving Wiles Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem. Go have a laugh folks: today PDI editorial: “Pride”
January 31st, 2006 at 11:08 am
CBCP’s message clearly states that if we really want to help our country succeed, we must all do our part well. Follow our ASEAN Games athletes example; Manny Pacquiao, Cristina Bugayon, and countless Filipinos who are giving their best in whatever they do despite the problems brought by those who seem to think they know the solution but instead brings unrest and destabilization to our country, making the situation worst.
These corrupt officials are rooted deep within the gov’t system and are fighting the reforms and changes that will eventually terminate their leeching existence by creating baseless accusations and fabricating evidences so that those who are doing their job and working against them will go first instead of them. This is what they have been doing since Cory’s administration up to this day, and the opposition and many people have been deceived.
We should work within the bounds of our constution, be vigilant in the implementation of laws, use our finances in creating sound businesses, providing livelihood to our countrymen, instead of terror and fear. Surely those who have been shouting daily about our problems can afford good lawyers and create an organization that will showcase their ideals. Together we must all work and act to solve our country’s problems. Before we speak against any government official, or any individual, we must first have evidence against him or her. Having those evidence is not enough warrant to speak because while this so called “evidences” may point to a certain person we can never be sure if these are authentic and are not fabricated to misled us. We can truly serve our country well by bringing the matter to the proper forum, the court. Surely we can follow the example of Imbestigador, Mission X and other TV programs that exposes corruptions through hidden cameras and other equally effective means of bringing the truth out by exposing the corrupt and bring instability and fear to their kind.
January 31st, 2006 at 11:22 am
PDI does not want to give an opinion on GMA, so I guess it has to divert to something off beat. Next would be the “Narnia” movie review….. It has been tamed by GMA….. just compare headlines with other dailies. I think its De Quiros’ column that’s worth reading nowadays. I, myself, is a long subcriber of PDI but for the past two months…..it changed its tone. I’m wondering how much? I hope PCIJ would remain… Let us be patient…we’re getting near to the “Fluorescent Bulb”.
January 31st, 2006 at 12:54 pm
Are we on the same avenue here?… Here, we are fighting for our belief that MIDGET cheated last election and not on whatever philosophical beliefs or cultism or what-have-you.. don’t get me wrong man, I respect your choice but please, put your claims on the proper prespective… don’t try to inject some fanatical beliefs on every argument here… even the one you’re claiming that PDI is wrong in their article about Filipino inventor, those people are veterans and professionals enough that they have done their homeworks before releasing that article… and granted you are right, i think that message is not related to the argument we are trying to raise here…
some other forums are available for your claims.
We already have too much here.. PEACE MAN!
January 31st, 2006 at 1:00 pm
Yeah, I guess rongie is correct.. I don’t feel anymore the ‘sharpness’ that PDI use to project three to four months ago.. i was wondering why.. even PCIJ has gone ‘soft’ compared to what they were have usually been….
January 31st, 2006 at 1:11 pm
too late the hero na etong cbcp. they have their chance last july. kung saan malamig na at parang nawalan na ng gana ang tao tsaka na naman mangangalampag. wala namang patutunguhan etong mga wishy-washy na pastoral letters nila. puro padaplis! kayang-kaya naman silang paikutin ni glue-ria. kita nyo sagot kaagad ng palasyo, yes father! so, what’s next? hanggang pastoral letter na lang ba? an unpassionate quest for the truth? may makikinig pa ba? as i’ve been saying before, if cardinal sin is still around, matagal ng tapos ang boxing! sadly, the church now is also divided.
January 31st, 2006 at 1:21 pm
pdi just like phil star has lost its ‘sharpness’ during glue-ria’s time unlike erap before.
January 31st, 2006 at 1:25 pm
IF TRUTH could only speak, what would it say? If thoughts were audible, what would we hear? If looks could kill, who would you stare at?
Seven months after the controversial “Hello, Garci” audiotapes surfaced, everyone who opposes Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s presidency is still searching for the so-called “truth.”
Opposition lawmakers refuse to terminate the “Hello, Garci” probe hoping that Congress could ferret out the “truth.”
Former cabinet members, the bishops and influential business groups are one in their call for this government to tell the truth.
But what truth are you looking for morons?
The truth is out there.
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, by calling a corrupt election official during the canvassing of votes, has committed an illegal and immoral act. That is the truth.
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo spent millions of taxpayers’ money in an effort to win the presidency. That is the truth.
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo tried and succeeded in covering up all investigations by rewarding Virgilio Garcillano a free trip to at least three of the world’s continents. That is the truth.
If she had delicadeza, she would have stepped down. But she refused. Makapal talaga ang mukha eh, anong magagawa n’yo? That is the truth.
Street protests?
The political opposition just did that nincompoop! Satur Ocampo was there. Susan Roces was there. Ping Lacson was there. Corazon Aquino was there. Fortunato Abat was there. Even Bill Luz was there. Hell, almost everyone made it there. But still, they failed. That is the truth.
The opposition bloc in Congress could only muster a negligible 51 votes and you expect Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to be ousted through the most legal means? Give me a break! You failed. That is the truth.
What truth are you searching for then dimwit?
You want GMA to admit that she cheated her way to Malacañang? Are you nuts? That’s just like forcing John Osmeña or Jude Estrada to admit that he is gay!
You believe that Garcillano violated laws of the land? Sue him. Let the courts do its job.
You believe that Jocelyn Bolante pillaged DA coffers? Sue him. Let him rot in jail.
You cannot make them account for their criminal acts unless you take them into courts. Enough of rhetoric. Do something. Work. Puro kayo daldal. Puro kayo press con. Puro kayo hearing. Kumilos kayo.
And how do you then resolve a problem like Gloria?
Begin with Comelec. Hand in hand, administration and opposition alike, you institute reforms in the country’s electoral system. Rid the commission of bad eggs. Siphon off the depraved and the crooked, and flush out the dishonest.
Once done, the opposition – if there’s truth to its claim that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has become the least popular and the most reviled leader this tiny republic has ever had – would win the next elections with ease. And then they could impeach her.
However, if they couldn’t even win a district despite the clean and orderly polls, Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s fate is sealed.
Let the lady finish her term. She is indeed fated to become president. That is the truth. Albeit, an awful one.
Still searching for truth? The truth is out there, stupid!
for similar articles, pls visit:
January 31st, 2006 at 5:12 pm
then what do u suggest loi_pogi?.. let her finish her term?.. and accept things as they are?…
you sound like you want us to give up…
yeah, i will admit MIDGET and her DOGS have scored quite a lot already against the people who are seeking the truth and begging her to step down.. but it doesn’t end there…
if as early as now you will say that let’s just accept fate that MIDGET is fated to be a fake president and go on with our daily chores… can you do that?
what will come next?.. have you thought of what would it be like when our children have to live in a country which once let a fake president ‘finish’ her term?… have you thought of the implications of just accepting that WE, THE PEOPLE, let some culprits cheat us of our basic right, to vote, and not doing anything about it?..
as i’ve said.. maybe for now she is winning.. and what we are doing in this blog is quite small or unnoticed but time will come when I can tell myself, and specially my children, that I did not let myself be fooled and cheated and i did not go against my conscience and principles of fighting for what i believe is right and proper…
sorry man, i won’t heed your call… errr,
January 31st, 2006 at 5:13 pm
then what do u suggest loi_pogi?.. let her finish her term?.. and accept things as they are?…
you sound like you want us to give up…
yeah, i will admit MIDGET and her DOGS have scored quite a lot already against the people who are seeking the truth and begging her to step down.. but it doesn’t end there…
if as early as now you will say that let’s just accept fate that MIDGET is fated to be a fake president and go on with our daily chores… can you do that?
what will come next?.. have you thought of what would it be like when our children have to live in a country which once let a fake president ‘finish’ her term?… have you thought of the implications of just accepting that WE, THE PEOPLE, let some culprits cheat us of our basic right, to vote, and not doing anything about it?..
as i’ve said.. maybe for now she is winning.. and what we are doing in this blog is quite small or unnoticed but time will come when I can tell myself, and specially my children, that I did not let myself be fooled and cheated and i did not go against my conscience and principles of fighting for what i believe is right and proper…
sorry man, i won’t heed your call… or better yet, WE WON’T HEED YOUR CALL.
January 31st, 2006 at 5:39 pm
Loi_ Pogi,
Nice rhetoric…. i think its you who can’t figure out the truth. All our institutions suck.
Judiciary – all cases filed against GMA will be decided after 2016;
Congress – depends on the pork barrel in the coming years, which also means that VAT will be increased to 25%;
Independent Commissions (COMELEC/COA) – If our Justices can sell their souls, why can’t we?
The only thing you can trust in this country….. are the traffic lights. If it says RED, he meant it regardless of whom they are talking to.
I think your view is more of a feasibility study topic option….The Filipino People are far better than what you think. PEACE MAN…… it’s time to get real…..
January 31st, 2006 at 6:53 pm
yeah, it’s time to get real.
tell that to yourself.
i’ve never been so hardworking in my life and i’ve been reaping the fruits of my diligence now. i may not be earning millions but i am so satisfied with what i have.
the problem with people like you: pessimism. lahat na lang hinahanapan ng masisisi.
bakit? ano ba ang nagawa mo para sa pamahalaan at sa bansa?
natutuwa ba sa yo ang bayan?
simulan ang pagbabago at pag-unlad sa sarili.
February 1st, 2006 at 12:04 am
“simulan ang pagbabago at pag-unlad sa sarili.”
while the assholes are messing-up with our lives. yeah! and start the year with the 2% e-vat increase. no matter how some people try, their diligence is just not enough to reap any fruit. frustration rather than satisfaction. another glaring truth.
buti na lang may konsolasyon… may masisisi.
gayunpaman, kapayapaan!
February 1st, 2006 at 9:22 am
You’re more concerned with yourself…. you’re afraid of what will happen to your “fruits”…..must be conservative…..that is the real pessimism. I can’t figure out why we need to compare our accomplishments with our poor fellow pinoys. And yet, we can proudly speak of BAYAN…. Just look at the fertilizer scam, hybrid rice, CARP…and we can SAY to these poor people.. “SIMULAN ANG PAGBABAGO AT PAG-UNLAD SA SARILI”. Unless, you are one of those hybrid rice dealers, which is beyond the point here.
Man… “pag-unlad” requires the participation of others. But if we’re trying to preach the gospel here, then, Sunday services can be a good venue too.
lokalokang matino
February 1st, 2006 at 11:23 am
Is anyone here really determined to allow gloria to finish her term?
Unbelieveable!!!, THINK, it’s like allowing a rapist to continue raping your daugther, sister, mother, just because the RAPIST is not yet satisfied with his LUST?
Some say , sue gloria, sue bolante, sue her, sue him, bring them to court …. Wow…. thats typical BUNYE line, knowing they could easily
influence the court. Pero-Power lang yan.
jr-lad is correct to say “too late the hero na etong cbcp.”
Dapat nga to make up for their IN-ACTION, they should point blank tell
gloria to RESIGN!!!
February 1st, 2006 at 11:51 am
what we need is a call for action, let the real will of the people be heard, and its already deafening … bingi lang ang di nakakarinig, kailangan na ng pagbabago … kailan pa tayo magigising …. kawawang pilipinas
let us thank the bishops for showing some guts … i hope the others will follow ….
February 1st, 2006 at 12:55 pm
yan ang point ko tumbukin na ng cbcp yung mismong tao. huwag ng magpatumpik-tumpik pa and with those vague statements. they should be more gutsy. huwag ng idaan pa sa mga ‘parables’.
after all, the bible says, “Let not truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart”.
February 2nd, 2006 at 2:11 pm
Loi_Pogi said,
January 31, 2006 @ 6:53 pm
i’ve never been so hardworking in my life and i’ve been reaping the fruits of my diligence now. i may not be earning millions but i am so satisfied with what i have.
Buti ka pa….. kunsabagay sarili mo lng iniisip mo….
oo nga… hayaan na natin mamatay sa gutom ang ibang tao basta tayo ay satisfied… hayaan na natin umikot ang mga mata nila sa gutom! basta tayo busog! May mga tao Loi_Pogi na walang opportunidad…. dahil pinanganak silang mahirap tamad na sila, bobo at tanga! Naalala mo ba yung batang nagsoli ng pera na napulot??? mahirap din yung pamilya nya!!! pero nung tanungin sya bakit nya ito sinosoli…. simple lang ang knyang sinagot… ALAM MO KUNG ANO?

HINDI NAMAN DAW SA KANYA YON….. isang batang nagugutom, walang pera, nakatira sa kalsada…. ngunit ang values, ethics at moralidad nya ay mas higit pa sa values, ethics, and moralidad ng pinuno ng ating bansa!!! Hindi sukatan ang yaman upang masabing ikaw ay realistic, magaling, at laging tama…. ok???
February 2nd, 2006 at 2:25 pm
February 2nd, 2006 at 6:58 pm
i may be a moron, a nincompoop, a dimwit, nuts, and stupid…i’m still not satisfied with loi_pogi’s “truth.” for i believe the real truth still waits to be uncovered…
gustafson wrote ( http://www.rbc.org/odb/odb-03-25-99.shtml ):
“Though sin seems to triumph and wrong conquers right,
Though lies can put justice to flight,
God’s truth is eternal, His Word shows His might,
And He will bring justice to light.”
i will never succumb to all the failures and give up…the last thing i’ll be is become a defeatist. it only adds flame to the already fired-up gloria when we have an attitude such as loi_pogi’s…and that, i think, is his contribution to the government and country…to trample further each and everyone’s right to seek redress and grievance, to divide the truth-seekers more, to urge us to give up and move on, to encourage us to be indifferent, to be comfortable in life despite the poverty pervading our brethren’s lives.
my voice is just a squeak but with other morons, nincompoops, dimwits, nuts, and stupid people (according to the brainy, genius, intellectual, smart thinker that goes by the name of loi_pogi) we can sound thunder to the plugged ears of malacañang. i may even give encouragement to the discouraged, i may even give light to those who are in the dark, and i may even give voice to those who cannot speak.
it’s immaterial to ask for anyone’s contribution…i firmly believe that it is everyone’s duty to give a part of himself to a just government and certainly to his dear country.
what i would like now to share to everyone is this concrete example of living a public life sticking to moral values…it is never too late to learn that LOSING IS NOT ALWAYS FAILURE: http://www.rbc.org/odb/odb-06-06-02.shtml .
February 2nd, 2006 at 9:19 pm
thanks. baycas. :0
February 3rd, 2006 at 12:46 pm
CBCP can issue as many pastoral letters as they can. But if they are not producing any positive results for the country, does it really matter?
Agree with Loi, everybody just need to do what they have to do!
February 3rd, 2006 at 8:20 pm
Gaya ng sabi ni Allan Peter Cayetano, mamamayan din ang mga bishops at may karapatan sila para makilahok sa mga usaping pambansa at kasama na dito ang political issues. Ok lang yun. Mas liberal ang bansa natin sa pagkilala ng pahayag ng mga obispo at mga pari bagamat may tinatawag na separation of church and state. Tulad naman ng isang responsableng mamamayan, sila rin naman ay kumikilala sa kung ano ang nakasaad sa batas, kung ano ang mandato nito ukol sa mga proseso sa kung paano iimbestigahan ang mga akusasyon. Hindi nga ba’t binanggit nila na ang Ombudsman, the Commission on Audit, the Commission on Human Rights, the Sandiganbayan, at ang Kongreso ang mga naatasan para dito dahil ito ang nakasaad sa konstitusyon. Nirerespeto nila ito at dapat lang na respetuhin din natin.
tomas tinio
February 4th, 2006 at 4:32 am
Tama nga na dapat nating respetuhin ang mga naturang institution. Pero kailangan din nilang ipakita na karapat-dapat sila sa respetong ibibigay sa kanila.
At least ang COA ay nagpapakita ng independence sa pag-audit ng fertilizer fund scandal. Pero ang Ombudsman ay tila wala pang ginagawa kahit kabi-kabila ang malalaking scandals na naibubunyag ng Senate at media.
Ang Sandiganbayan naman, kailan kaya nila tatapusin ang kaso ni Erap? Napakahinang klase ba naman ng ating sistema na maglilimang taon na ay hindi pa matapus-tapos ang kasong ito?
Balik sa Ombudsman, bakit hanggang ngayon ay hindi kinakasuhan ang Comelec commisioners sa kanilang criminal actions duon sa illegal na contract bidding procedure?
Ang BI, bakit labas pasok ang mga Garci, Bolante, atbp na maka-GMA pero kahit na may hold order ang Senado?
Karapat-dapat ngang igalang ang mga institution, pero ang mga namumuno naman ay karamihan halang ang kaluluwa. Nakakasuka!
February 4th, 2006 at 11:29 am
“Hello? Anybody home?” are the first words we utter when we approach a house and aren’t sure if anyone is inside it….
Now, Imagine uttering those same words to the ears of all the people who have in no small way contributed to the continuance of FPGMA’s (ie., false-president Gloria Macapagal Arroyo) governance and you might feel that indeed you have been hollering to a house (and a mind) without anybody inside it….
Just recently, FPGMA’s allies in our evil House of Representatives declared its inquiry on the “Hello, Garci” tapes closed, thus leaving every other avenue in our search of truth – closed and barred with no other recourse… (ukinam duwende lakas ng kulam mo)….
Now we have EO464 which bars officials of the Executive Branch from appearing in legislative hearings without the President’s permission. This one, by its intent is a fuck-up gag order for people with knowledge on the wheeling-hustling-dealings that has put our treasury on the redline.
But whoever believes that this administration is going to go out of its way to be transparent in its dealings are either so stupid or clearly imbecilic. The actions of all the current officials in the controversies that have been playing with Congress shows everyone the nature of the monster that currently occupies Malacanang. The evasive, outlandish and idiotic replies of administration officials and witnesses to lawmakers’ questions in the legislative’s zarzuela has made a mockery of our legislative processes and showed us the monkeys that occupies our congress and are unfortunately called legislators.
But I guess, we won’t be hearing the end of the stories of graft and corruption. As sure as the sun rises and sets we would always hear and smell the mountain-like garbage that this administration has been hiding from prying eyes. One things for sure, this administration does not care one bit…
Read the following and tell me about it….
1. Budget Secretary Romulo Neri has admitted that P27 billion of the P35 billion of the Marcos loot recovered from Switzerland has already been spent. Huh? “already been spent”…. repeat that again – “already been spent”…… Holy shit…..just where the heck did the money go? There are reports that the P728 million squandered in the fertilizer scam came from this fund. To shed light on it – we have Former Agriculture Undersecretary Jocelyn “Jocjoc” Bolante’s doing her disappearing act and practically failing to attend altogether any Senate hearing on the fertilizer scam probably because of EO464.
2. Then we have PCGG Chair Camilo Sabio, who’s adamant refusal to answer any questions about the reported negotiations and compromise deal with businessman Eduardo Cojuangco Jr. regarding San Miguel Corp. shares bought with coconut levy funds merits an award from the Phil. Bar Asso.for coming up with that parry. Chair Sabio qouted a provision in the law that created PCGG which says, “No member or staff of the commission [PCGG] shall be required to testify or produce evidence in any judicial, legislative, or administrative proceeding concerning matters within its official cognizance.” wow…. touche’ (ukinam isa ka pa)
3. Of course – we still have the “Hello, Garci” inquiry. Though the evil cohorts of the administration has declared it done and sealed…. it would never be finished. Not by a long shot…
And I don’t think I have to talk about it some more here…
4. And how can I leave the 2 Gonzales of the administration….NSA Sec Norberto Gonzales during the Senate hearing on the Venable contract in September 2005 has been quite effective in hiding the truth….Gonzales said he had signed the contract on his own, but dodged questions about the extent of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s involvement in the agreement as well as the funding for the contract.
5. While justice-sec Gonzales has always bombarded us with his inane behavior and outrageous antics trying to cover up the stupidity of this administration….
6. Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye – oh well….what can I say….the much maligned press-sec has after all done a great public service by divulging the Garci files….he has stupidly time after time tried to defend this administration to the delight of people… who hears him and says “kakatawa ano? Me naniniwala pa ba sa taong ito?”
With the Senate effectively having their asses immobilized by Executive Order 464 and a House happily fattened by pork, can you recommend anyone else who will effectively check the executive branch?
I still remember FPGMA’s inaugural address after People Power II. She stressed the following points – a.) in order “to ensure that our gains are not dissipated through corruption, we must improve” the government’s moral standards. B.) “As we do so, we create a fertile ground for good governance based on a sound moral foundation, a philosophy of transparency, and an ethic of effective implementation.”
GO LIAR!!! GO!!!
Lots of crap this FPGMA keeps putting out….always trying to wag the dog…. for in the past five years of her presidency and in the acts of many of her officials and allies none of the two points she emphasized has been done or has even seen the light of day…. makes me wonder a lot….
“Hello? Anybody home?”
February 4th, 2006 at 12:08 pm
tanong ko lang….
bakit ung mga tao dito who keeps on saying let’s move on and let’s give MIDGET a chance has nothing to say about EO 464?… paging rego, loi_pogi, et al… can you please give us a piece of your mind regarding your take of the implementation of EO 464?…
manang-mana kayo sa gobyerno eh, nilalansi nyo tao by putting or bringing out other issues kapag alam nyong mababarog na kayo…
cge nga, try lang.. i would gladly hear your two-cents worth about EO 464…
pareng apollo pagamit ng line mo ha… “Hello, garci”… ” Anybody home?”
February 4th, 2006 at 12:51 pm
sinabi mo pa apollo.
buti pa ang mga bata. alam kung ano ang mabuti at ano ang masama. tinalo pa ang ibang matatanda diyan. the other night as i was watching the late night news, grade school students were asked about FPGMA (as what appollo calls her-nice). i was surprised and amused with their answers. “FPGMA should leave the country”. FPGMA is not a good leader of this country that’s why she should resign”, etc. mabuti naman at habang maaga pa ay iminumulat na ang mga isipan ng mga bata sa kung ano ang mabuti at ano ang masama. mahirap kasing turuan pag matanda na. baluktot na ang utak at hindi na kayang ituwid pa.
ang iba diyan all praise pa kay FPGMA. magaling daw lumusot. winner daw. move on. with that statement, it’s crystal clear what values these kind of people have. CHEATERS are condemned not praised. matoto kayo sa mga bata.
wala nga atang tao ang bahay.
lokalokang matino
February 6th, 2006 at 12:55 am
The COA report, tells it all, the P728million FERTILIZER FUND was plundered, wasted for the selfish political ambition of gloria macapagal arroyo!!!. How ironic, Erap is in jail for more than 5 yrs already for alleged plunder of P200m (muslim scholar foundation) and another P130+million.(tobacco excise tax), the prosecution of which up to now failed to proved. If we are to sum up all illegal disbursements of gloria, the plundered amount easily jumps to over P20 billions. take a look:
The following plundered funds which were possibly spent for her election bid according to MAC RAMIREZ of Kabataan Migranteng Pilipino:
– distribution of PhilHealth Cards —P9.84 billion
– municipal building fund — P7.3 billion
– Kalsada natin Alagaan Natin —P2.3 billion
– DILG funds for branngay officials — P714 million
– Students for a Strong Republic — P200 million
– Pagcor “donated equuipment” — P68 million
– Department Of agriculture farm inputs — P1.1 billion and P728m
– Department of Agrarian Refform –P1 billion
– Overseas workers Welfare Adm Fund — P530 million
– Department of Foreign Affairs — P15 Million
If we cannot held gloria accountable on these alleged plunderous
expenditures, then we have no right prosecuting Joseph Estrada.
I respetfully urge the Senate to continue their investigations on these alleged anomalous expenditures of gloria macapagal arroyo.
Dapat nga they should DEADMA gloria already, they should avoid sharing same stage,same phot-op, same venue with this woman.
The best antidote to STUBORNESS, ARROGANCE, and KAPALMUKS is DEADMA, huwag nyo na syang pansinin INCLUDING her blind supporters, as if she/they NEVER EXIST.
If by accident you happen to be in a place with gloria and company , leave immediately, SNUB her/them. Refuse her/their invitations. This is the best way, to counter her EO 464 and CPR. TRY IT!!!
February 6th, 2006 at 11:30 am
that fertilizer scam should be ground enough for plunder …. aantayin pa ba natin ang 2007? or 2010? baka by that time, tinga nalang natira sa pinas.
February 6th, 2006 at 11:42 am
3zz-fe said,
February 2, 2006 @ 1:44 pm
rego said,
January 31, 2006 @ 12:49 pm
You talk about politics, I belong to a political clan, with my granf father in the father side, a governor for three terms, an uncle is a current vice governor, grand father in the mother side a town mayor for 3 terms. Dirty politics? Our province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot
spot every election due to political killings until now.
Hahahaha ahh… kaya pala!!! I am apologizing to you Rego… i really do… you should have told me much earlier…. now i truly understand where you coming from….
Pssst…….. Did your uncle received Fertilizer Funds before the elections?
so if i were you guys… just try to understand rego! see….. Try to look at where he is coming from…. First, He is in another country. Second, as what he already said….
“You talk about politics, I belong to a political clan, with my granf father in the father side, a governor for three terms, an uncle is a current vice governor, grand father in the mother side a town mayor for 3 terms.” Third, Kaya siguro siya nasa ibang bansa like all other Trapo clans…. ay para magtago kung sakaling mabuko ang kanilang mga modus operandi….
And a bonus….. Dirty politics? Our province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot spot every election due to political killings until now.
February 6th, 2006 at 11:48 am
Naputol…. Here’s the continuation….
Your Grandfather was a 3 term Governor… Right???
Wow!!! and you have the guts of telling us that your province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot spot every election due to political killings…. and UNTIL NOW!!! Talk about GOOD GOVERNANCE!!! HAHAHAHA
Wow!!! Ang tindi mo… kung ako nasa katayuan mo… i wont even dare tell that to anybody…. even my bestfriend… kunsabagay, Pakapalan lng ng mukha yan eh….
i think you sounding like your boss…. “THE CHEAT PRESIDENT” bwahahahaha
February 6th, 2006 at 9:02 pm
At eto pa ang mga sinabi mo. Isama na rin natin para lalo ka pang mga enjoy at malubos lalo ang kasiyahan mo!
3zz-fe said,
January 17, 2006 @ 2:30 pm
rego the clown! hahahaha are you for real?!! hahahaha hayy.. mga mga tao nga naman talagang sadyang makakapal ang mukha….. wala ng masabing matino pero daldal pa rin ng daldal! in fairness….. nagsusuggest pa! hahahaha
3zz-fe said,
January 17, 2006 @ 2:01 pm
rego… ang ingay mo! dami mong sinasabi para kang babae! puro non sense naman! hahahaha
3zz-fe said,
January 17, 2006 @ 2:05 pm
magtrabaho ka na nga! la ka na naman magawa noh? bwahahaha may pa “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey ka pa! eh….. ito ba tinuro ni stephen covey? mukhang ikaw ang nde maka move on ahh! hahahaha
3zz-fe said,
January 17, 2006 @ 2:13 pm
rego….. ganitong ganito ang ginagawa mo….. post ng post! flooding ang tawag dyan! sige sasabihin ko na sa iyo bakit hindi ka maka move on…. alam mo kung bakit? kasi pilit mong tinatama ang mali! kaya tingnan mo hanggang ngayon si Glue-ria hindi rin maka move on! while the opposition is already quiet but she still needs to answer and tries to argue her case! hahahaha her actions / decisions / executive orders are all pointing at the direction of her survival! see…. look…. and listen….. hahahaha kaya if i wer you, wag mo piliting itama ang mali! cause the truth will set you free dude!
3zz-fe said,
January 17, 2006 @ 2:15 pm
naturo ba yan sa “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen Covey? hahaha try reading The BIBLE! siguro dun ka dapat magsimula! mas magandang book yon! bwahahahaha thanks!
3zz-fe said,
January 26, 2006 @ 2:35 pm
and? whats the point? lol then why do you keep on answering if you are saying that i can have this forum to myself? hahahaha
leave dude!
3zz-fe said,
January 27, 2006 @ 12:38 pm
of course…. i will leave you alone… coz i am guessing you already sold your and children patriotism to where you are right now…. take care!
February 6th, 2006 at 9:14 pm
Here’s more! Mukhan talagang naggagalaiti ka sa akin and you will do everything para patulan kita. Well, try harder baka saka sakali…
February 6th, 2006 at 9:15 pm
3zz-fe said,
February 2, 2006 @ 1:44 pm
rego said,
January 31, 2006 @ 12:49 pm
You talk about politics, I belong to a political clan, with my granf father in the father side, a governor for three terms, an uncle is a current vice governor, grand father in the mother side a town mayor for 3 terms. Dirty politics? Our province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot
spot every election due to political killings until now.
Hahahaha ahh… kaya pala!!! I am apologizing to you Rego… i really do… you should have told me much earlier…. now i truly understand where you coming from….
Pssst…….. Did your uncle received Fertilizer Funds before the elections?
February 6th, 2006 at 9:23 pm
3zz-fe said,
February 6, 2006 @ 11:52 am
rego said,
January 31, 2006 @ 12:49 pm
You talk about politics, I belong to a political clan, with my granf father in the father side, a governor for three terms, an uncle is a current vice governor, grand father in the mother side a town mayor for 3 terms. Dirty politics? Our province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot
spot every election due to political killings until now.
Pssst…….. Did your uncle received Fertilizer Funds before the elections? bwahahaha
so if i were you guys… just try to understand rego! see….. Try to look at where he is coming from…. First, He is in another country. Second, as what he already said….
“You talk about politics, I belong to a political clan, with my granf father in the father side, a governor for three terms, an uncle is a current vice governor, grand father in the mother side a town mayor for 3 terms.” Third, Kaya siguro siya nasa ibang bansa like all other Trapo clans…. ay para magtago kung sakaling mabuko ang kanilang mga modus operandi….
And a bonus….. Dirty politics? Our province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot spot every election due to political killings until now.
Your Grandfather was a 3 term Governor… Right??? Your Uncle is the CURRENT VICE GOVERNOR. RIGHT??? Wow!!! and you have the guts of telling us that your province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot spot every election due to political killings…. and UNTIL NOW!!! Talk about GOOD GOVERNANCE!!! HAHAHAHA
Wow!!! Ang tindi mo… kung ako nasa katayuan mo… i wont even dare tell that to anybody…. even my bestfriend… kunsabagay, Pakapalan lng ng mukha yan eh…. i think you sounding like your boss…. “THE CHEAT PRESIDENT” bwahahahaha
3zz-fe said,
February 6, 2006 @ 8:04 pm
yeahh…. i think you are right naykika! so i guess rego should come back to the philippines and replace his UNCLE who is a current VICE GOVERNOR or teach his GRANDFATHER who was a 3 term GOVERNOR….. who has the muddiest province (in terms of election….) 3 term of GRANDFATHER and at least a term of UNCLE…. is equal to 12 years!!! 12 years in power but still it’s the muddiest province in terms of election…. WOW! Unbelievable!
February 6th, 2006 at 9:33 pm
Pansinin nyo na sya, plssssssssss. At mukhang hindi titigil nang kaka rego hanggang wala pumapansin…..halos lahat ng thread yun palagi ang sinasabi…..At mukhang kahit saan ako mag punta talaga ayun sya! Pansinin nyo na, kawawa naman….
February 7th, 2006 at 11:03 am
hehehe nice try…… just answer the questions kapal muks!!!…..

February 7th, 2006 at 11:16 am
rego said,
January 24, 2006 @ 9:35 pm
“AS I SAID, YOU CAN HAVE THIS FORUM TO YOURSELF”, re read all you post and believe me it will tell you so much about and what you need to really do. That is if you can get over your self denial and delusions out of you skin….
rego said,
January 27, 2006 @ 8:49 am
Good! “I LEAVE YOU ALONE THEN SO YOU CAN HEAL YOUR SELF WELL”. Just to dont include me and my children in your cause.. I can take care of them and surely they don’t need you….
Just fight for you own ass, alrighty??
February 7th, 2006 at 11:17 am
and what made you believe that I owe you an explanation? but I forgive you because Im sure you dont know what your doing. Now get a life will you?
February 7th, 2006 at 11:30 am
O BTW,kung namemersonal ka lang naman, You can call me at 011636464188603. Or you can email me at NYC1apple@ yahoo.com. You dont have to look silly by flooding this forum for your personal animosity ? But if you still choose to maligned me in this forum. I will not take any offense and you will never get any reactions from me at all. Whatever you do is your personal choice. And how to deal with your negative feelings is your problem. Wag mo ng idamay ang ibang tao dito. O baka gusto mo rin lang mag pakampi sa ibang mga bloggers dito. Ok rin lang sa akin. alrighty??
February 7th, 2006 at 11:30 am
No Further Comment!
February 7th, 2006 at 11:42 am
Just going to borrow some lines here….
tongue in, anew said,
January 31, 2006 @ 3:40 am
Rego said,
“Are you saying, lets get rid of PGMA, through coup d’etat just for the sake of getting rid of her?”
Me: Read the post again. Wasn’t I explicit when I mentioned “…change within the legal framework is impossible….desperate country. TRY NOT TO SECOND-GUESS ME.
rego said,
February 7, 2006 @ 11:30 am
Rego: O baka gusto mo rin lang mag pakampi sa ibang mga bloggers dito. Ok rin lang sa akin. alrighty??
3zz-fe: TRY NOT TO SECOND-GUESS ME!!! bwahahahaha
February 7th, 2006 at 1:52 pm
Well you are very much entitled to SELF DENIAL! …..but you ‘re writing is there and every body reads them….You think you can hide with emoticons and your typwritten laughters… Think again. You are just embarassing your self even more! If I were you, better call me or email me and dump all your animosities towards me in my inbox. That will save you more embarassments!
February 7th, 2006 at 2:38 pm
You keep on saying you are going to leave this forum already…. Its been almost three weeks since you first told everybody that you’ll leave this forum! It is already February 7, 2006. and still you are writing here… bwahahaha What a LIAR! Like the CHEAT PRESIDENT!
No Accountability, Walang Kahihiyan, Saying something that You can not do???
Get Lost Loser!
February 7th, 2006 at 2:40 pm
I am just teaching you a good lesson…. So next time you won’t say something or do something na hinde mo pala kayang panindigan….
February 7th, 2006 at 8:50 pm
And who do you think you are? You think you have the power to just to to just drive away any bloggers here. And you can teach lesson just like that. Now think again because that is the very lesson that you must learn first and formost. Second if you can say anything in this forum where everybody has just the same right as you have. You dont have that monopoly. Third, you keep saying that you will leave me alone and that you have no more comments but look at you…. Sometimes before you pick up a stone and throw it to others, try examining your self first because, you might deserved to be stoned first than the people around you. Lastly, how you take the comments in this problem is YOU AND YOUR PROBLEM ALONE!
February 7th, 2006 at 8:59 pm
proacivated cbcp statement = up to us, go get her out of the palace.
February 7th, 2006 at 10:05 pm
Get a Life!
February 8th, 2006 at 1:57 am
Uh uh , there you are! slipping fast to your delusional tendecies again!
Well, since you just dont want to take my offer of a proper venue to dump your animosities towards me. Then so be it !
You just love embarrasing your self even more in this forum. Then I rather have my fun too and enjoy embarassing you even more. Thats what your asking anyway.
Now let see how far your stupidity will go…..
February 8th, 2006 at 1:06 pm
Just read the thread!
sino kaya ang embarassing?
February 8th, 2006 at 1:17 pm
Here for the bloggers entertainment!
sino kaya mukhang embarrassing???
Alecks Pabico said,
January 15, 2006 @ 11:39 am
The fertilizer fund scam was in fact part of the charges in the amended impeachment complaint against Arroyo that did not prosper, no thanks to a pro-Arroyo-dominated justice committee of the House of Representatives.
Check out the amended complaint here. You may also want to read our report on the billions of farm funds siphoned to Arroyo’s 2004 presidential campaign.

jr_lad said,
January 15, 2006 @ 12:17 pm
hirap sa iba dito nagkukumahog madepensa ang pekeng idolo nila kulang na kulang naman sa kaalaman kung ano na ang mga nangyari sa nakalipas at sa kasalukuyan. parang ngayon lang kayo nagbabasa ng balita. in a way tama ang sabi ni obet it’s simply “grandstanding”. dapat magresearch muna kayo bago kayo humirit. ang nangyayari tuloy nagiging parang sirang plaka na tayo dahil sa paulit-ulit at pabalik-balik na usapan dahil kailangan pang ipaliwanag na naman sa inyo kung ano na ba ang mga nangyari. o di kaya basahin nyo muna ang mga previous posts dito para di kayo magmukhang tanga (ayan sa gilid ang mga most commented posts). at para na rin maintindihan ninyo ang galit na nararamdaman ng ibang bloggers dito.

luzviminda said,
January 16, 2006 @ 5:55 am
Ayan binigyan ka na ng links ni Alecks para babasahin ang tungkol sa Agri-Scam case… Happy reading! Hehehe!

baycas said,
January 16, 2006 @ 7:44 am
“…what can you expect from Zamora, Marcos,Escudero, Custodio. The mere mention of their names alone is making me puke.”
“That’s why, I am actually suggesting, that lets not allow our emotions to rule over us. Lets be be calm on all of this. Let be objective and really take our time to think about our actions…”
here wego again…
might not be rego’s statement (to puke even by mere mention of names) reveal his abhorrence to the likes of zamora et. al. – his personal feelings and bias? why not center on the issues my friend and dissociate them from the personalities? this, i believe, would make you more objective and not make you puke…as your words return to your throat and elicit your vomit (or gag) reflex.
though i admit i am now biased against arroyo et. al., ‘twas the day my eyes can see, my ears can hear, my mouth can speak…and most especially, the day my emotion got angered and hurt.
rego, i suggest, please read the past blogs…“Wag padalos dalos. Kasi bak pagsisihan lang natin eto sa huli.” your words, not mine.

eyesWideopen2 said,
January 16, 2006 @ 8:08 pm
hahahha. natatawa na naman ako. in fairness he makes the blog lively din naman. kasi once he blogs, he blogs plenty. kaso, parang hindi siya nag babasa ng previous posts. yon lang. natawa lang ako.
hmmm. mukhang sunod sunod na posts na naman yan. hahahha.
Hayyy……. bwahahahaha
AND THE LIST GOES ON AND ON!!!! now who is more embarassing???!!!
February 8th, 2006 at 1:27 pm
stupid? are you referring to yourself dude?
i suggest you better take crash courses on to earn respect…. I will just let other people be the judge…. that’s 5 against 1….
5 bloggers getting irritated by your stupidity!!!
pasensya na sa ibang bloggers ahh… hindi ko lng talaga matiis itong si mayabang na toh eh!!!

February 8th, 2006 at 3:33 pm
And you just keep embarassing your self even more!
Ang tagal mo ng nanawagan wala namang pumapansin sa post mo. Tinulungan na kita wla pa rin.
And now look how desperate you have become! Napilitan ka ng mag cut and paste ng mag pangalan nila dahil walang nagrereply doon sa comment mo…. ngayon napilitan ka ng mag drag ng ibang bloggers dahil di mo na kay defend ang sarili.
Dont tell me that I did not warn you .
I have been reading your comment adress to me. But since we had a deal that we will leave each other alone. I choose to ignore them. But you just wont stop. Kahit saan thread ako mag comment susundan mo at nananawagan ka pa.
Until I decided to really face you….I even offerred my cellphone and my email for you to dump all your animosities. And that will save you more embarasment later. But you just wont accept it.
so sabi ko di sige. thats what you wanted anyway.
so now pano ka pa makakarecover dyan sa katakot takot na embarassment ment
tapos ngayon nayayabangan ka na naman sa akin ..
well, problema mo na yan….
February 8th, 2006 at 3:41 pm
And take note, never ever did I mentioned your name in any of my comments. Ikaw etong laging ilang beses binabanggit ang rego sa halos lahat ng comment mo. But still I did not take offense, yan ang gusto mong gawin sa buhay me eh….Kung sinagot na lang kita later, its because you just wont stop.
So definitely what ever embarassment that you have suffered in this forum until now, YOU INFLICTED IT TO YOUR SELF!
And I will never ever prevent you from doing so….that your life anyway!
February 8th, 2006 at 3:52 pm
natatawa ako sa iyo…. hindi ka ata marunong magbasa eh…. bwahahahaha ur are really a clown!

February 8th, 2006 at 3:54 pm
ur confuse with reality and fiction! bwahahahaha sa tingin ko kelangan mo na ng professional help…. bwahahahaha
February 8th, 2006 at 8:31 pm
Obviously ang lakas ng self denial mo sarili at ang tindi ng delusional tendencies. But they way you behave in this forum is very clear to every body. And they speak louder than what you say. You can use millions of emoticons and overpopuplate your comment with type written laughter. But still you can canot hide the fact in all your comment from the very start that YOU are the one who keep running after me with your silly animosities. And you just love to show it off to everybody here thats why you dont want to use my email or cellphone. No matter how You wanted to just do it in this forum para nga naman may audience ka! No matter how silly you appear to all your audience.
But well yan ang trip mo eh!
Now lets see what is you next silly trick…. and how long will it last….
February 8th, 2006 at 10:44 pm
nagpapataasan na ng ihi ang dalawang ito!
February 9th, 2006 at 12:49 am
Sad to say, KOJ, that is exactly what is happening. But what can I do? I did try to ignore this guy after we both agreed to leave each other alone. But he is just sooooooooo persistent with his animosities. So might as well face him and have all the fun with his silly trip. And just enjoy watching how far will he really go….
February 9th, 2006 at 4:14 pm
let the truth come out, let ate glue face the music!!!!!
February 10th, 2006 at 3:32 am
Action speaks louder that words. No matter what you have been arguing, it is no longer material. What affected your discussion is the fact that you have been nasty to each other that any way you say it, both of you defeated whatever points you are raising. So sa madaling salita, parehas lang kayong, end the end — losers.
So please, lets respect this site by declaring a CEASEFIRE!!! Tama na muna yan.
February 10th, 2006 at 7:11 am
Hi CG,
I have no problem with your suggestion, tts really OK with me and I totally agree. Thank you so much for going between us. I really appreciate it!
INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » CBCP: Impeachment not the means for establishing the truth
July 10th, 2006 at 4:47 pm
[…] This is the third letter issued by the CBCP on issues directly related to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo since the “Hello, Garci” controversy erupted in June last year. The President has repeatedly called on Filipinos to “move on.” But CBCP’s latest pastoral letter is a clear signal that there are still issues to be addressed. (Read the first and second pastoral letters.) […]