‘IF it’s possible, I want another Edsa to take place now’

deunida.jpgNanay Mameng, a laundrywoman, has not given up. Now a 77-year-old grandmother, she is angry that the lives of the poor remain unchanged despite all the political upheavals the country has undergone. She was at Edsa in 1986, as she was in other rallies against Marcos in previous years. She was also in Edsa 2 and in many rallies before and after that as well. For decades now, Nanay Mameng has lived in a clapboard shack in the depths of the Leveriza slum, just a 10-minute walk from Manila’s tourist district. Despite ill health, she goes to rallies whenever she can, fighting for a better world that she fears she may never see.

Fides Lim talks to Nanay Mameng in this podcast.

Length: 00:25:05
File size: 17.2 MB

15 Responses to Edsa 20/20: Carmen Deunida, a.k.a. Nanay Mameng


lokalokang matino

February 12th, 2006 at 10:47 pm

“IF it’s possible, I want another Edsa to take place now’”

The statement above is the real VOICE of the Filipino People.
The statement is an honest reflection of how desperate the people are in searching for a responsible leader. If she has not given up, neither we should we.

Nanay Mameng’s wish is the nations wish. Hers is a simple wish, but hard to accomplish because unlike Nanay Mameng who despite her age continue to participate in street mass actions, some don’t . I also attend rallies and mass actions, but not as frequent compared to her.

But It’s not too late, lets join together in the next mass action. Let’s join Nanay Mameng and make another EDSA happen again!!!


birth right

February 13th, 2006 at 1:20 am

Stop anymore Edsa, one is enough! Are we filipinos not learning from it. What have we got after Edsa? huh…. Edsa is not working anymore! Edsa 2, then 3 then 4…., It is doing more harm than good! All we need is a new way to mold the next system for social change and definitely… it should never be another Edsa like “Lokalokang di matino” is proposing… Why do we have to bother with her suggestion? She’s lokaloka anyway… Go away and stop infecting this site lunatic!



February 13th, 2006 at 11:33 am

To me, calling the EDSA revolution as EDSA 1 or EDSA revolution is a misnomer. It was never the place, it was the people that made it as it was. It was not the politicians or the military- it was the PEOPLE. Like a movie with sequels, the other EDSAs that followed never measured to the first. The first was out of a need to topple a dictatorship and rise from political and social oppression, the next EDSAs were just a result of political shrewedness, adventurism and opportunism with the people as unwitting participants. And we wonder why EDSA has lost its mystique and potency? We have tainted its spirit. We eventually gave up or are giving up to the “system”. EDSA was about people empowerment and we empowered the wrong people. It is not late to reap the lessons of People Power (sadly after 20 years)- we as a nation can make Philippines better- TOGETHER! Without ulterior motives, without selfish desires. Enough with too much politicism that have gnawed our moral and national fiber. Not because we WANT to make this country better, but because we NEED it.


lokalokang matino

February 13th, 2006 at 1:16 pm

birth right:

Am not going away as long as long as SOME STUPID CLOSED MINDED INDIVIDUALS BORN WRONG roams this country!!!

Use your imagination man,,, if you are…. this is a free country and freedom of expression is universal, it is absolutely non-negotiable. It is you, who should go way, leave this forum if you wish to dictate your uncivilized personal biases. Go where your tribe belongs.



February 15th, 2006 at 7:44 am

To me EDSA spirit is alive in well but is taking a different form.

I have to agree with my dear freind ( an Ateneo Professor) in our own forum. That with the acts and scenes that political figures enact seem to be out of touch with the everyday reality of ordinary filipinos, the EDSA spirit is fast eveloving into a Silent Revolution. More and more Filipinos just ignore the show, called politics, snub the would be players, and just go on, intent on their personal tomorrows for loved ones and country. (why waste time, love and sweat on politicians? )

I even agree with him further when he said: ” there a lot of true Filipino Leaders outside politics. People like the work of Gawad Kalinga of Tony Meloto, the new Rural Bank of San Leonardo of Andres Panganiban, and Lifebank or the Rural Bank of Maasin, Iloilo of Nicanor Perlas is more inspiring than anything our so-called ‘leaders’ say or do. One hesitates to call our national figures leaders. They have ceased to behave like statesmen. Tony, Andres, at Nicanor are only some of the true filipino leaders. They lead our people out of the quagmire. They lead with hope. They lead out of love for people…”



February 15th, 2006 at 11:23 am

the fact is nanay mameng is basically voicing what the desperately poor are feeling right now. if i foresee no future, and food is a daily struggle, i probably would want nothing but a break from the vicious cycle. the two edsas, however, manifested to us that people power is not the answer. the constant political wranglings and the destability that follows will only worsen the economy and take us back further. like it or not, the present government has been successful in restoring fiscal health, and economic boom is now a possible reality. let us not spoil this chance. This is not about Gloria anymore, its about us Filipinos moving forward. The only way we can change nanay mameng’s life is for her kids to have jobs, for our government hospitals to have funds to take care of her, and for our financial institutions awash with funds to enable them to grant her microcredit. We need political stability in order not to drive foreign investors away, so the government can collect more taxes, so more local businessmen will expand their businesses and hire more people.


EDSA: 20 Years After | Blackboard

February 17th, 2006 at 2:34 am

[…] From Edsa 20/20: Carmen Deunida, a.k.a. Nanay Mameng: […]


birth right

February 17th, 2006 at 10:25 am

“Loka-lokang matino” what’s in that name anyway??? Oh yeah, this is a free country and everyone has the right to voice out opinions, but this site is for the MOST SENSIBLE and NO DUMB people. My sincerest opinion??? Go away IDIOT… I hate to see your posting!


lokalokang matino

February 17th, 2006 at 11:29 pm

birth right:

MOST SENSIBLE PEOPLE dont call people names. ONLY IDIOTS, DUMBs call people names because they have no arguments to put up. Sorry, kaming mga loka-loka ay di kayang takutin ng mga taong nagkukunwaring matino but worse pala when they open their mouth. IF YOU HATE TO SEE MY POSTING,, well, I would love to see more of your POSTINGS, KEEP POSTING.

BUT BACAUSE I respect the authors of this blog, This will be my last reply to your mindless attack on my person.. But promise, I will continue
expresssing my views against or in favor with anyone, EXCEPT you. You can say anything you want against me till you break your bones, strain your brain, and drop your sensibilities.

BY THE WAY, ayon sa aking pagkaloka-loka, malapit nang Mag EDSAng muli, kawawang gloria, her arrogant days are numbered. Will gloria go in excile? Where kaya, She cant go to the US kasi madali syang ma-extradite, Maybe Greece, Saudi does not like her.in fact her plans to visit their it appears was denied, so with the US.

The best for her to do now is to resign and bargain for safe pass and maybe be forgiven, what do you think birth right?


Alecks Pabico

February 17th, 2006 at 11:39 pm

birth right,

Please refrain from dishing out personal attacks or insults. It’s not healthy.



February 18th, 2006 at 12:00 am

lokaloka pero matino,
i’m offering her a one way ticket to join us here in sub zero on Feb. 22, D Day, even if i have to max my visa. and also a semester of Good governance lesson, how about that? or a lifetime- you say?


lokalokang matino

February 18th, 2006 at 1:00 am


Thanks, even if I want to, my cardio wont allow me yet. and besides, am afraid to fly, that makes me loka-loka.



February 18th, 2006 at 3:01 pm

dream on ladies. if that’s what makes you happy. not in your lifetime though. the odds are against you. big time.



February 18th, 2006 at 11:59 pm

2010 is not really so far away. if glue-ria is not forcibly taken out before that time comes, maybe we’ll still see the day when she suffers the same fate as erap. mark the year. unless she is hell-bent in staying for another 20 years which is close to impossible i think. so let’s keep on dreaming my friends. it could still happen in our lifetime. after all, may kasabihan, “hindi masama ang mangarap”.



February 19th, 2006 at 11:21 am

i’m glad that birth right has stopped his/her posting.. i agree with lokaloka in her views.

i cant find another way of having a change in this society except for another people power. some say that people power is already passe and the people are already tired of it. i think the people are tired of what happened after the two EDSAs– having the same bananas sitting in Malacanang.

sorry for my grammar. balubaluktot. pero yun ang naiisip ko lang…

i admire aling mameng. i also admire those who risk their lives in organizing and joining rallies. at least may nagsasalita. di kagaya ng maraming pinoy parang walang pakialam. mayayabang pa pag may rally. kesyo trapik etc. pero reklamo naman ng reklamo na di magkasya ang sweldo, mataas ang presyo, etc.

ako, sasama ako sa commemoration ng edsa not to celebrate. wala namang dapat i-celebrate tingin ko. di rin ako madalas sumama sa rally. feel ko lang na dapat akong makiisa.

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