February 18, 2006 · Posted in: Edsa Special, Podcasts

Edsa 20/20: Luz Emmanuel Soriano

‘WE will never have anything better unless we try’

soriano.jpgSister Luz of the Religious of the Assumption was preparing sandwiches when the tanks drove into Edsa at the height of the People Power revolt. She and the other nuns were soon on their knees, thinking they would die there and be in heaven the next moment. But the tanks never fired. Sister Luz remains a firm believer in the emancipatory potential of education. Apart from being an educator, she has set up a butterfly sanctuary and is on the board of several NGOs and foundations. She was also part of the consultative commission on charter change formed by Assumption alumna Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

In this podcast, Cecile Balgos talks to Sister Luz.

Length: 00:30:34
FIle size: 20.9 MB

4 Responses to Edsa 20/20: Luz Emmanuel Soriano



February 18th, 2006 at 8:20 am

Tsk tsk.

All we have left is a penchant for looking back to the “glorious” revolution of 1986.

The fact AT PRESENT is that Edsa “revolutions” have been perverted by the very society that pompously claims to have “invented” the concept.

And the biggest irony of all is that the very lady who started it all – Ms Edsa Revolution and Time’s Woman of the Year – 1986 – had a primary hand in its demise as the favourite Pinoy method of changing administrations.

Ne need to look back to 1986. Look back no further to 2005 to understand our folly in our worhip of street parliamentarianism. Check out the following article to understand how “Edsa Revolutionism” has died:


. 😀


lokalokang matino

February 18th, 2006 at 8:36 am

“She was also part of the consultative commission on charter change formed by Assumption alumna Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.”

The above makes me sad about Sister Luz. She could have politely refused the offer.. I felt she was USED. She could have SCOLDED gloria, instead and clear her (gloria) name first before doing CHA-CHA.

According to what I know, The Executive has no legal authority to propose charter change, it is within the authority of congress. The Consultative Commission created by gloria has no legal basis, therefore it is illegal, immoral because it is contrary to the provisions of the constitution.

I appreciate her EDSA 1 participation,but her Con-Com participation? NEVER.



February 18th, 2006 at 4:46 pm

” People power'”?
Steven Solars coined the words “people power” that flattered the flushed
Flips to ear-fluttering heights who were then already intoxicated by CNN hypes .
Then, once again, as when Dewey whispered sweet words to Aguinaldo at the gates of intramuros a century ago, just when the Flips’ victory over the Spanish colonizers was imminent, we had allowed ourselves to be robbed of our Revolution, our fight for Freedom. We had allowed ourselves, time and again, to be deceived.
Twenty years ago at EDSA we had something better,more powerful than “people power”. We had the mercy of the Almighty on our side
because we were a “powerless people”. We had nothing but our prayers and our tears, we had lost even our fears. Now, we are a lost people. “People power”? How I wish we would be as “powerless” as we were twenty years ago, for then “when we were weak, then we were strong”.

Was EDSA I a “miracle”? or was it “people power”?
The moment we chose to believe the latter we lost the “miracle” of EDSA -the miracle that could have transformed us and our nation inside-out. Can “people power” save us now? Never.



February 19th, 2006 at 1:33 pm

Sister Luz’ interview is lousy. I thought she’s talking about another place in the interview because she was so evasive to discuss the serious side of the issues. All she talked about was what they did in EDSA, the food, the sharing of food, and more food, etc. Nothing significant. I also felt that the interviewer was a bit hesitant to draw the sister in discussing controversial issues for fear of ‘cornering’ the sister. It was all motherhood statements.

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