THE basic radio journalism training for Mindanao journalists the PCIJ and the Kapisanan ng mga Brodkaster ng Pilipinas (KBP) are currently conducting in Cagayan de Oro had Bukidnon Rep. Juan Romeo Nereus Acosta as interview subject during this afternoon’s role-play activity on the art of interviewing session. Journalist-participants were given an opportunity to ask Acosta one question each on any conceivable topic. The Liberal Party’s executive vice president was candid enough to answer all the fielded questions and even advised the journalists about looking at the bigger picture, and linking the series of events that have happened in the past months.

Below are excerpts from the interview: 

On the recent shakeup of the Liberal Party

What media sees, or what’s being made to appear, is a franchise, that we own the franchise. The party was founded by Sen. Mar Roxas’s grandfather (former Pres. Manuel Roxas). Atienza claims he’s an LP poster boy, that his father and his grandfather were also members.  If we do that hindi matatapos ang away. Kung ganito ang away sa partido, mananatili ang diwa…if the message is there, the messenger is just as important.  If we go by what the four past presidents — Salonga, Tañada, Daza, Abad — said, then we have that claim. But beyond personalities, we have to ask: what does the party stand for? It’s an engineered coup by Malacañang.  We’ll rise with a new Liberal Party that’s not a GMA cabal. We welcome this opportunity.

LP sila. Lapian sila ng Pangulo, Lakas pala sila ng Pangulo. We remain the official LP. We’ll continue to fight the case (citing previous LP splits such as the Salonga-Kalaw, Quirino-Avelino squabbling).

On the prospects of reunification in the Liberal Party

It’s an exercise in futility. You can’t fit a square peg in a round hole. The differences are fundamental. They only want to divide the party on the basis of one question: Are you pro or anti-Arroyo? If that is your basis for making a party’s identity, sorry. A party in a democracy should never be about whether you’re loyal to a president. Otherwise, just be a cheering squad. Don’t call yourself a political party. Leave us to the principles that have energized us since (Jovito) Salonga, (Ninoy) Aquino, Roxas…tama na ang pro and anti. Dapat issues-based.

On the prospects of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s ouster

I wish my forecast would have come true.  It’s up to the people. There has to be engagement.  There’s divide and rule. That’s what the President is doing.  She’s dividing media. She went to GMA -7.  She’s divided parties.  She’s dividing congress like she did with impeachment. She’s dividing the Senate, although she has a more difficult time. She’s dividing institutions and processes that we want to follow in politics.  If politics, businesses, local governments, media remain divided, it seems she’ll stay long in power.  We worry more about Susan and Cory marching together, we question motives instead of asking: What do we want for this country?  Do we accept cheating, stealing and lying? What’s good for the country?

On Proclamation No. 1017 and the shrinking of democratic space

PP 1017 is martial law in installment, no matter how they make it appear. Make no mistake, PP1017 doesn’t operate in a vacuum. 1017 is very much a part of the context of legitimacy, cheating, "Hello Garci," the destruction of institutions, patronage politics, guns, goons, and gold. If you situate 1017 in this context or milieu, then 1017 is not much about the saving of the republic but of someone who thinks she is the state.

If you are deluded enough to think you are the only one out of the 87M Filipinos who could lead state, that’s very scary.  We must defend everything that is threatened by it.

Since Edsa 1, it was taken for granted, it’s a given, assumed, it’s never questioned that the democratic space is as natural as the air we breathe. No reporter since 1986, all told, ever felt they had to self-censor, that you’ll become a Niñez Cacho-Olivarez, that they will resurrect a 21-year old subversion case (in the case of Rep. Crispin Beltran’s arrest and detention).

If the democratic space shrinks, your latitude for speaking out — the fundamental right of free expression — becomes somewhat blurred. There’s a Damocles sword hanging over it. When the President of the Republic goes to GMA-7, gate-crashes an early morning talk show to a captive Mike Enriquez, and without mincing words but veiling threats, "buti ka pa Mike, hindi kayo nagbabatikos, balanced kayo," what is she saying? Mike Enriquez is tameme.  It’s comical. 

Bakit sinampolan ang Bayan Muna and then Akbayan? Pag sa pork barrel, may first tranche, second tranche, what tranche am I in? Last week, there were police outside Congress. The justice secretary was there. Why would he be there himself?  It’s a signal.

When you shrink the space, you are exercising prior restraint.  And that is going to be the most unfortunate fallout of the whole crisis — when we ourselves have to limit our way of thinking.

We’ll just have to be more bold.  We just have to more determined. Repression and authoritarianism doesn’t always come in wholesale.  If we don’t take a stand on EO 464, the Liberal Party took a stand on EO 464, CPR (calibrated premptive response), PP 1017, em>pagwasak sa LP, the media have to be free. You have to keep doing it — not just through rallies but being engaged. My metaphor for this: Marcos, at least to my mind, did it clearly.  We knew martial law immediately, in one fell swoop. Ang laban natin mas claro.  Under the setup now, we’re dying by a thousand cuts. They’re testing the people if we will rise up. And they see the indifference — or fatigue — is so great. Maybe people are just tired of this system, hindi umaaalma. So resist it at all turns. Or else the thousand cuts will come and we will bleed to death.

On the comment of a Philippine Sports Commission (PSC) official that the only way for our country to stabilize is to let Arroyo finish her term

It’s (Arroyo’s ouster) not going to solve everything, but it’s going to be the beginning of a solution — acceptable and liberating.  There’s validity to point of view to move on…but my question: we might be missing the forest for the trees.  The larger view: can we as a country survive when we have grave and fundamental issues of legitimacy, accountability, leadership.  But no self-respecting country or government in this world, especially in this day and age, will progress if it doesn’t address these.  The question: ano ba talaga ang gusto natin sa gobyerno?  Should we accept wrongdoing because everyone does it anyway? But was I elected to Congress to respresent the views to ask the forest questions: what about accountability? Why can’t we demand that at every turn? Why not true? What can’t we  demand that of our officials.  Let’s have snap elections.  In the private sector, will they agree to a CEO who ? If they demand that of their sector, why can’t we demand that of our government?

You worry about programs and projects in the next three years. Worry about the future and soul of this country in the next 50 years which Arroyo is trying to destroy.

On Proclamation 1017 as basis for Arroyo’s impeachment

Magaling ang pagkagawa…1017 and 1081. Same wording, same layout. She uses an obscure section on National Patrimony to justify the takeover. Napag-isipan na nila yang PP 1017.  That’s not where the battle is.  The battle is what the proclamation was used for. What should be questioned are the acts, what they’re using PP 1017 for. That’s what’s patently unconstitutional. 

On the possibility of another People Power

The cruel irony is not lost on everyone. It is very unfortunate that on the 20th year of Edsa 1, we have a proclamation curtailing civil liberties.  My reading is that people are fatigued, cynical. They looking for a third way. We have to depart from the sense of people power and how it was in 1986, 2001, that we can change governments through sheer number of people. People power should take new forms — email, Internet, texting.  Mass mobilization isn’t enough. There are ways of mobilizing people, students. Students aren’t activists anymore. This is the time to do that — conscientization in churches, schools, NGOs…

On Arroyo’s remarks that the Senate is wasting its time on too many investigations instead of passing laws

There would be no basis to investigate if there’s no wrongdoing. First question to ask: Why are there investigations? There is basis — fertilizer scam, Garci, the Marcos wealth, Venable.  These are bases.  If you don’t want investigations, you better make sure there’s no basis for questioning what’s happening.

The Senate and the House are mandated not just to make laws but to have broad powers of inquiry and oversight. You have a vast perspective on questions asked regarding laws and implementation of laws.  If anti-graft and corrupt practices act, election code and the Constitution are violated, then that is within the responsibility of Congress. Who’s been deprived of information with EO 464? We never knew what Norberto Gonzales was supposed to say.

If investigations are so bad, how come the Senate is highest in all the approval ratings (+24)?  The House  got 0, the Cabinet -15, and Arroyo -33.

On the killing of journalists and possible legislations that can be enacted

You cannot legislate behavior or change of consciousness.  But you can enact laws to create environment to influence behavior.  You can ensure that the processes and the legal recourses are truly enforced, there’s a strengthening of the process — in police laws, court system.  We have thousands of laws and bills but we enter into a trap that a law would necessarily solve a problem. It’s like a law prohibiting premarital sex; it’s legislating behavior.  You can only change the conditions.

On the second endorsement of Atty. Oliver Lozano of the impeachment case against Arroyo

Lozano is Malacanang’s attack dog.  He’s the monkey wrench to prevent a second impeachment. The petition was not accepted. This is perceptions warfare.  I believe the people around the president are very good at this.  They’re good at messaging, signaling: "Try ninyo a second impeachment, handa kami." It becomes an attrition battle.  It wears the country out.  It’s sad.

On the threat of two mayors in Mindanao to secede from the Philippines

I fully sympathize with Mindanao’s underdevelopment. Mindanao has been a milking cow. But I don’t think we can use the bogeyman of secession on the national government to get what we want. In this democratic setup we have, threatened as it may be, we have to see ourselves as equals, as Mindanaoans equal to Luzonians and Visayans and Manilans, and assert ourselves as Mindanaoans. But it requires a Mindanao ideology. I’m afraid that’s not formed yet.  What we have as Mindanao ideologies are representations of Mindanao groups, interest groups.  Until we are a region with a clear voice of what we want to do here, nothing will rock the Malacañang boat.  That involves Mindanao politicians talking to one another, but that’s not happening.

On the Catholic Church’s proclamation that lawmakers who sponsored the reproductive health bill will not be given communion

We are not in medieval times. This is the 21st century. Our constitution, at least in theory, guarantees full separation of Church and State.  While we recognize the important role of religion, if we want to progress as a pluralistic democracy, not just one religion or institution should dominate. That is the democratic framework we seek and uphold. For one institution like the Catholic Church to say this, it’s a throwback to Jose Rizal’s time. We have to respect dialogue. If you don’t agree because of a doctrinal perspective, please respect there are other views. Policy has to bring all that together.  I was not elected a Catholic congressman but I was elected to represent as many pluralistic voices as possible. Is it anti-life when you want to give families and women the capacity to plan how they want their families to be? Why deprive them of their human right? I will stand by that principle.

On the issue of House Bill No. 3312 sponsored by Rep. Jose Miguel Zubiri proposing to divide Bukidnon into two provinces

I was outvoted.  It’s a numbers game. It’s now with the Senate.  I think it’s not fully understood. The implications of dividing a province is far-reaching politically, economically, culturally, especially in Bukidnon, home to Lumads. Take the example of Zamboanga Sibugay. They think that dividing a province is going to solve all the problems.  There is a bureaucracy. There’s a new layer.  Who’s going to pay the debts? Who’ll get the IRA? Streamlining?  I hope the Senate would give me the time and day to answer that.  Not just the political voices but the voices of the political forces.

On his future plans

I am the only LP not just of northern Mindanao but the entire Mindanao. That makes me a displaced politician.  Although I do hope the Senate doesn’t pass it (HB 3312), of course. This is the only bill of a division of a province that gerrymanders another province. My plans will have to come when something like that happens.  But I’d like to  be engaged in Bukidnon’s politics and in shaping programs that aren’t there. I will make myself available for the leadership  challenges of Bukidnon, hopefully a still united Bukidnon.  I’m a lumad in many ways — I was born and raised in Bukidnon.  But I still hope they don’t pass it.

12 Responses to Rep. Nereus Acosta: ‘Filipinos dying
by a thousand cuts’



March 10th, 2006 at 7:24 am

On the Liberal Party’s predicament:

Our good Senator Jovito Salonga’s statement for both sides clearly projects and delivers a message that says,” You guys can fool others and make fools of yourselves, but you can’t fool me.”

The Liberal Party is not yours, it’s not mine, not the trapos’ nor foolish politicos’, the Liberal Party cannot be grabbed nor hijacked because the soul of the party is the totality of its principles. The Liberal Party therefore could not be had, it can only give but cannot be given away. That’s the Liberal Party way, self giving. Ego, selfish ambitions therefore has no place in the party.

Our good Senator Jovito Salonga epitomizes the true Liberal Party leader, let the members heed his call. Long live the good senator, long live the Liberal Party!



March 10th, 2006 at 11:13 am

I will not comment on Rep. Acosta’s comment on the LP – I think that’s best done in other forums – but I’ve been tracking PCIJ’s treatment of this issue and I’ve noticed that you’ve already taken comments from two people – Chito and Neric – and NONE from the other side.

I think that, in the interests of fairness, PCIJ should at least endeavor to get their side of the story. This is rather one-sided from my point of view. The issue is actually more complex than people are made to think because one side is the only one with exposure here.



March 10th, 2006 at 12:15 pm

“On the possibility of another People Power”

There’s a possibility, but right now thats not the priority. People have nowhere to go, parang mga “pusang gala” at “tupang ligaw”. We have an executive who is too “praning” , a legislative investigating “in aid of legislation” without passing legislations and a judiciary singing ” Mona Lisa -they just lie there and they die there” while sitting on their cases. It’s easy to choose between right and wrong, but between family and country ibang usapan na yun.
Gustuhin mo man sumama kay Cory, di mo magawa dahil may pamilya naghihintay sayo. Gustuhun mo man sumama sa rally, di mo magawa kailangan mag overtime pandagdag sa nawalang oras dahil sa half-day work gawa ng rally sa makati. We are caught between the ” devil and the deep blue see” , at kahit pa sabihin na pwede kang sisihin ng magiging anak mo sa hindi mo pakikialam. Tanggapin mo na lang.. ang anak mong sisisi sayo pagtanda, kailangan mo muna palamunin habang bata. At habang may kapatid kang pinapag aral ng nursing para makaahon din sa kahirapan, you have no choice but to swallow your pride and lose your balls kahit na alam mong kailangan kang manindigan para sa bayan. Maraming pilipino ang gusto na lang manahimik and its not because of apathy, its because we dont have any other options left.



March 10th, 2006 at 12:18 pm

Is this the real life
Is this just fantasy
Caught in a landslide
No escape from reality

Open your eyes
Look up to the skies and see
I’m just a poor boy,i need no sympathy
Because I’m easy come,easy go,
A little high,little low,
Anyway the wind blows,doesn’t really matter
To me

“Bohemian Rhapsody”
by Freddie Mercury



March 10th, 2006 at 1:34 pm

Out of curiosity, why haven’t you run a piece on the admitted “donation” of Estrada’s foundation to the Marines?



March 10th, 2006 at 1:42 pm

lam mo MitaMs, hintay ko rin yan.

Alecks, nag email ako sa inyo re The Rulemakers .. ayaw nyo yata ako pagbentahan eh


ka lando

March 10th, 2006 at 2:15 pm


You dont have to be in the rallies physically. The mere fact you were able to post your messages here means you have the time to consolidate your thoughts and express your opinions on the issues that matter, without sacrificing your hourly wage. And best of all, it means you have access to the internet.

So you may not be able to come to Highway 54 and join the protests, but the Information Superhighway allows you to reach millions of readers with your expressions of disgust to the current administration.

It is our collective efforts to expose the wrong-doings of PGMA, or at least support those who are brave enough to ask her to face the accusations and let the inquiries follow its course. By expressing your comments here, who knows, maybe one or two of those who blindly affiliate themselves with PGMA will be finally enlightened.

In a way, nag-rarally na tayo dito against the president. Mapapansin mo, may mga komokontra din sa atin dito. In a way, nagra-rally din sila in support of their president.

You still have a choice. And by expressing your opinions here, it mean you are exercising your choice.


PCIJ maybe one-sided about the Liberal Party. But who cares? I don’t want to know about the other side either. Does Lito Atienza care if Drilon says he and the rest of the senate would like to conduct an inquiry on the president’s alleged role in the fertilizer scam? Do they care if some members of their party ask on the legitimacy of the Arroyo presidency? Hell no. They are people who have lost their principles for personal gains. They are people who have lost the very ideas that the true Liberal Party stands for.

Atienza’s side is for the president, regardless of right or wrong. Acosta and the true LP are for what is right, regardless of the president.

So whose side do you want to be with?



March 10th, 2006 at 2:35 pm

Ka Lando,

Kontra ako kay GMA pero kontra din ako sa ibang politiko na di inuuna ang kapakanan ng mga tao bago ang sarili nila. Mas maganda sana kung ang imbestigasyon ng senado “in aid of legislation” may mga katapat na panukala para sa ikagaganda ng bansa. Nagpapaikot ikot lang kasi na parang mga gulong, sa susunod yung kampo naman ni GMA ang magiging oposisyon. Sa mga ibang nandito naman,di
ko nakikitang kumakampi sila kay GMA, kung meron man,.yun nga lang lahat tayo naghahanap kung ano nga bang magiging solusyon sa pagkaka hati hati natin.

Kahit papaano may mga nagawa rin si GMA na maganda kahit di popular (yun ay sa pananaw ko lang), kaya lang sa tingin ko mas pabor sya sa pagpapaganda ng imahe ng bansa sa mga dayuhan kesa pagsilbihan ang taumbayan.

Kaya naman sana ayusin na ng mga oposisyon ang trabaho nila kung gusto nila ma-impeach si Gloria. Talagang ganyan sa kahit anong laban, may “gulangan”..pag nautakan sila ng mas nakakraming pwersa ng kabila..di na natin kasalanan yun.



March 11th, 2006 at 1:41 pm


you have to take note that originally, the senate was predominantly an administration dominated senate. the LP is her ally. joker arroyo, recto, gordon and villar is her allies. biazon run under her party. it was only during the “hello garci” tape scandal and the junking of her impeachment case that most of her allies withdraw their support to her and the senate opened up all these investigations against her administration’s anomalies. so it’s not really accurate to say that the senate is made up of oppositions out to destroy glue-ria. there’s a valid issue against her that she’s refusing to clear up to now with the aid of eo 464. and that’s the root cause of all these “destabilizations” against her.



March 11th, 2006 at 3:45 pm

i don’t question the wisdom of my fellow bicolanos sen. joker of the senate and TOYM awardee chiz escudero..both are ideal example of “useful” oppositionists. They’re the “few good men” of philippine politics and they are worthy of emulation. Pumapasok lang ang problema pag nawawala na sa focus ang ibang mga mambabatas natin..they don’t attend committee hearings or budget deliberations anymore coz’ they are more concerned with the investigation on administrations anomalies. Di na tuloy maintindihan kung egoism o altruism. Hanggang di nareresolba ng SC ang issue ng EO 464 at PD 1017 kailangan natin lahat kumayod..lalo na lang tayong napag-iiwanan.
“Therefore, I have heard of military campaigns that were clumsy but swift, but I have never seen military campaigns that were skilled but protracted. No nation has ever benefited from protracted warfare.” – Sun Tzu



March 12th, 2006 at 1:19 am

jr_lad.. predominantly mga balimbing yung nasa administrayon na mga senador.. mga nagover da bakod.. kaya expected na yung ginawa nila.. kunting bagyo lang lilipat na ng kampo.. at pag di ma ambonan.. kakagatin ang sariling amo..heehe… kita mo.. pag sa kanila na ang naka-upo… lipat bakod agad pag di napakain ng husto…



March 13th, 2006 at 6:13 pm

let me just say that im not surprised that atienza would do what he did..sip-sip to the max tlga sya and its so obvious na its a palace orchestrated event.. and what right has he to be the president of LP eh yung manila nga di nya maasikaso ng mabuti… mga street lights na sobrang tad tad on one block tapos yung susunod na block wala ni isang ilaw (wlang logic sa planning.. i bet overprice pa mga ilaw na yan)… mga parks na pinapakinabangan lamang ng palaboy ( dun na natutulog tumatae minsan naliligo ) yung mga ordinaryong mamamayan di maka lapit baka ma holdup lang.. mga jeep kung saan saan nyang pinapayagang pumarada kaya parating trapik sa manila… ang the most stupid thing he did was to reclaim rizal avenue and make it a quasi semi park.. kaya parating magulo dyan sa me avenida.. walang plano in short.. at a whim lang magagawa nya nyan irregardless kung tama or mali me logic o wala.. yan si atienza..

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