PHOTOGRAPHS have surfaced that appear to substantiate allegations that election returns (ERs) were faked and switched with genuine ones to make it appear that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo won in the 2004 presidential election.

The photos, taken using a cellphone camera, appeared in the latest issue of Newsbreak magazine as a follow-up to its report last year that detailed the cheating operations done in December 2004, six months after Arroyo’s proclamation. The alleged operation involved the substitution of the ERs in the ballot boxes kept at the Batasan complex so as to ensure that these would match the certificates of canvass (COCs) submitted by the Commission on Elections. The substitution was supposedly done in case the court ordered the opening of ERs in connection with an election protest filed by Arroyo’s rival, Fernando Poe Jr. Malaya, in a report today, has also cited the photos.

Newsbreak said the photographs were provided by the same source who helped prepare its story on election cheating in its Sept. 12, 2005 issue.

The series of photos we are posting here, which also came from the Newsbreak source, purportedly depicts the work performed by operators identified with lawyer Roque Bello, former Comelec regional director who the September 2005 Newsbreak story described as: 

"…in his 60s who is known in political circles to have the sophistication and the right contacts within the poll body to influence the votes to favor whoever his principal is."

In that report, Newsbreak said it was able to contact Bello but he refused to be interviewed.

Aside from showing the sequence of acts in preparing the fake ERs, the photos also include the Toyota FX taxi, with plate number PXD 330 said to be owned by the Bellos, which was used to transport the fake ERs to the printing press for the printing of the serial numbers; the Heidelberg printing machine used; and a Mazda Tribute van owned by Bello’s son parked inside the Rounce Printing Corp. premises during the December 2004 operation. After these were manufactured, the fake ERs were then supposedly transported to the Batasan and substituted for the original ones.

Arroyo has persistently denied any allegations of fraud in the 2004 elections, saying she won fair and square and that surveys taken during that period attested to her lead over rival Poe. She also said that the count conducted by the National Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel) showed her winning over Poe. Moreover, she said, independent poll observers had not found anything questionable about the conduct of the elections.

(Click on the images below for a larger view.)

tamper1.jpg tamper2.jpg tamper3.jpg tamper4.jpg tamper5.jpg tamper6.jpg tamper7.jpg tamper8.jpg tamper9.jpg tamper10.jpg tamper11.jpg

64 Responses to Evidence of 2004 poll fraud captured in photos?



March 13th, 2006 at 7:51 am

More pictures to come. Ang alam ko may video footage pa ang ginawang pagmamanu-facture at switching sa Congress bldg. The people MUST SEE THESE PICS and VIDEO. WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO KNOW!



March 13th, 2006 at 9:46 am

These days, I am trying to entertain myself listening to talk show hosts in government-owned radio and tv broadcast firms, as well as playing a game of “spot the logical fallacies” on statements coming from President Arroyo and her lieutenants.

Two classics here.

Presidential Chief of Staff Mike Defensor does not hesistate to commit an “appeal to consequences” false argument when he frames Loren Legarda’s protest against Noli de Castro as a waste of some P186 million in public funds since the 124,400 ballot boxes containing protested ballots could not be taken from the Presidential Electoral Tribunal while Legarda’s protest is pending.

In the same breath, Defensor also commits the “association fallacy argument” by claiming that “the absence of election fraud manifested from the revision of ballots from the province of Cebu in the ongoing election protest of former Legarda against De Castro is the best evidence that President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo won fair and square in the 2004 presidential polls.”

How about pulling off the Chewbacca Defense next time, Mike? 😀



March 13th, 2006 at 9:47 am

d pa rin aamin si GMA, ssabihin naman nya gawa gawa lng yan ng mga kalaban nya. amf



March 13th, 2006 at 11:51 am

my two cents, while these pictures MAY show na nagkaroon nga ng dayaan nung election..they do not prove na si GMA ang nakinabang sa tampering base sa mga pinapakita sa mga larawan. Ooppsss..di sa nagbubulag bulagan, i hope lawyers here or law students could explain kung magagamit ang mga ito as evidence na nandaya nga si GMA nung nakaraang eleksyon.

…”PHOTOGRAPHS have surfaced that appear to substantiate allegations that election returns (ERs) were faked and switched with genuine ones to make it appear that Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo won in the 2004 presidential election. “


lokalokang matino

March 13th, 2006 at 12:03 pm

Atty.Roque Bello, therefore is one missing piece of the puzzle, where is he now?



March 13th, 2006 at 12:10 pm

That’s right , Scud! I can’t wait to see this photographs properly examined in court particularly in a televized Impeachment proceeding And see how will they really stand!



March 13th, 2006 at 1:11 pm

scud – what will it take to convince you that your idol cheated?


ka lando

March 13th, 2006 at 1:21 pm

Good question, Lokaloka.

Nawiwili na ata ang iba sa atin. Nauna na naman ang media makatanggap ng mga ganitong “ebidensya.” Look what happened to Ong. Sa wala din napunta ang mga efforts nya. I don’t know why, but trial by publicity only worked against Erap. It’s having a hard time working against PGMA.

The proper way of doing this is to present the evidences in a proper forum. Preferably, the members of the opposition, or militant organizations, who are willing to file an impeachment case against PGMA should be the ones to which these evidences are submitted. They will have the legal expertise needed to handle the matter.

Newsbreak and Malaya may be able to expose these photos, but knowing how PGMA had ignored all previous issues, this would surely lead again to nowhere.

But if these evidences are submitted to the concerned members of Congress, and hopefully the latter would learn from their mistake last year, then this may lead to something good.



March 13th, 2006 at 1:22 pm

manuel..not the photos above.



March 13th, 2006 at 1:23 pm

manuel..di magagawa ni Raul Roco ang ganyan.


Uniffors - Just another harmless weblog » The Pictures are out, Finally

March 13th, 2006 at 1:23 pm

[…] PCIJ reprints pictures that prove the ballot boxes stored in the Batasan complex were faked and switched. The PCIJ report can be found here. Also, keep an eye out for the next issue of Newsbreak. […]



March 13th, 2006 at 1:43 pm

Another chance for the crooks at the lower house when another impeachment case will be filed against GMA. For sure millions of pork barrel for them, that’s the reason why the lower house is delaying the passage of the annual budget. Mabubusog na naman ang mga buwaya sa lower house :) mabuhay sila!! Ang kakapal ng mukha!! ang tatanga pa!!!



March 13th, 2006 at 2:32 pm

Though every elections we’ve got were always tainted with cheating, a person like me who is very familiar with COREL DRAW and PHOTOSHOPPE program cannot be convinced easily with these photographs, as far as new technology about splicing photographs is concerned. One flaw that is very apparent is that the photos were percieve to be taken from a cellphone, mainly because photo splicing is not easily be recognized if (1)its pixels is low (2) it very easy to do the blurring the environment by masking. Let me know if anyone is interested to see ERAP and GLORIA kissing or naked, but cellfone looking pix. I will be very glad to make such photo and share it with you guys just to prove my point.



March 13th, 2006 at 3:09 pm


do you know that you misspelled “Photoshop” with PHOTOSHOPPE? if you really are what you claim you are, such an elementary mistake!

o baka naman mali ang dinig mo sa idinikta sa iyo? just asking!



March 13th, 2006 at 3:18 pm

hahaha! Sorry typo error. However, I would like to ask if you are interested for me to do some pix to prove my point.



March 13th, 2006 at 3:28 pm

Elementary mistake as it is having a typo error, but it does not affect my experience, as far as familiarity with the program is concerned. In fact COREL DRAW suite 12 is much effective, efficient and more convenient to use in splicing than PHOTOSHOP program.



March 13th, 2006 at 3:55 pm

Bloody ass, your challenge is good but I dont think there will be takers…



March 13th, 2006 at 4:04 pm

Baka PENNSHOPPE. Hrhrhrhr

I-disbar yang Atty. Roque Bello na yan.



March 13th, 2006 at 4:30 pm

Rego, I think no one will. Anyone who is a computer savy knows, splicing can be done with these programs. In photo studios, you might wonder how they were able to remove pimples, moles, modify noses,change ones backgrounds etc. because these type of programs work wonders. Though its not easy to learn the program ,but once you learn it one can be very confident to operate a small photo studio even having only a 3megapixel digital camera at hand.



March 13th, 2006 at 4:40 pm

sure, sure bloodyass, anything you say.

ladies and gentlemen, since bloodyass here has successfully impugned the veracity of these photos, go back to work! and don’t you ever again wonder why this country is in such a mess. you, yes you, you smart-alecky blogger, pocket your impish grin and lower your eyebrow, get a hold of your document which is probably long overdue for submission!

it’s all a matter of perception! the hello garci tapes are spliced! the photos are fake! it’s all a colossal mistake! long live the strong republic! May the queen reign forever and ever….

(handel’s messiah in the background)



March 13th, 2006 at 5:13 pm

by rego
Bloody ass, your challenge is good but I dont think there will be takers…

chige ba.. bloody try nga to manufacture a convincing video of ate glue and macoy together… =) if nagawa mo yan bilib na tlga ako sau… at di na ako magpopost sa blog na ito.



March 13th, 2006 at 5:17 pm

Parang star wars, nauna ang sound track (hello..garci) bago ang movie (House videos) 😉



March 13th, 2006 at 5:29 pm

kasi nga were being played by some shadow puppet master out there… =) kaya pa unti unti yung evidence…akin lang.. as long as this presidency suffers from a legitimacy problem marami pang mga ganyan ang lalabas whether manufactured or for real.. yan lang po.. kaya ate glue.. tell the truth na kasi.. be a good president and dont take us roller coasting with u… ilan pang coups ilan pang threats to security.. ilan pang threats to the economy will you want us to experience with you.. life is hard na as it is.. dadagdagan mo pa ang pasanin namin.. where’s ur concience??


Huseng Bulag

March 13th, 2006 at 6:05 pm

conscience? yun yata ang wala si GMA. Otherwise, she would not be doing these things she’s doing now to the very same people who helped her into her present position. On a lighter note, this only proves that GMA is a true Christian… she does not believe in karma.
bloodyass, this is not a simple photo editing thing that you wanted it to be. For the pictures to be taken seriously, there should be underlying circumstances or related events that reinforce them. The pictures are not the issue, they are one of those mitigating circumstances that defined the whole picture. If you still choose to ignore the total issue of GMA cheating in the 2004 elections, that’s your prerogative. But please don’t make an idiot out of us who may be more discerning, logical and objective.



March 13th, 2006 at 6:21 pm

pareng Huseng Bulag, kala ko ba bulag ka? e ba’t ang linaw ng paningin mo? please lang tantanan nyo na si bloody ass. The fellow is just earning his keep, er, keePHE.

i have surrendered to all their arguments, counter-arguments—whether of the Chewbacca variety or not—and have thus accepted what i really am to their minds: an indio and an idiot, ergo, INDIOT!

To bloodyass and his erudite ilk, please keep on blogging! Mabuhay kayong lahat!



ka lando

March 13th, 2006 at 6:47 pm


I agree with you. Digital editing can be done with any photos, even videos.

But the point is, are these specific photos digitally edited? Di pa nga nasusuri ng expert, na-rule out mo na agad ang possibility ng authenticity.


Huseng Bulag

March 13th, 2006 at 7:06 pm

While we’re at it, please allow me to dwell on my optimism and hope it rubs on others, too.

I seem to notice that more and more evidences are cropping up, courtesy of people who have direct knowledge of what really happened. If these individuals had earlier made up their minds, listened to their conscience, thought of the ordinary folks robbed of their votes, and whose dreams may have been shattered, if only, then we would be in still water by this time and already picking our way up. But I still welcome their turnaround, how late in the night it may be, and will welcome those who will still be coming out.



March 13th, 2006 at 7:56 pm

unconfirmed breaking news tell that stormtroopers will break in newsbreak’s office…probably before dawn break…



March 13th, 2006 at 9:57 pm

bloodyass, gawan mo ko video.. GMA with Richard Nixon magkatabi nagreresign..a la Forrest Gump! :)



March 13th, 2006 at 11:26 pm

mas mabuti tatlo sila. si nixon na nagresign at nag apologize.. si gloria na ayaw pa ring mag resign pero nag apologize at si erap na huli na… tanggi pa rin na nag resign at mag apologize…



March 13th, 2006 at 11:32 pm

You dont need a photoshop to edit those picture.. hiram ka lang ng digicam.. mga 1 megapixel ata kasi hindi malinaw yung kuha.. at tsaka kumuha ka nang model at tsaka pagawa ka sa kapitbahay ng balota.. ok na.. kunti lang kasi ang budget kaya low angle lang..
at tapos pa pasa load ka sa kapitbahay at tsaka text ka sa ABS-CBN na may ebidensiya ka.. ayun.. kakagatin na yan ng mga bobo… tanggal na si gloria..

approximate budget..
isang case na san miguel beer pra sa model(barkada mo lang pwede na_)
imbita mo na rin kapitbahay mo na may-ari ng digicam at nagpasa load sau…


tanggal si gloria…

after effect..

upo si noli

(balik naman gawa ng pic ng ibang model.. at tsaka ibang angle)



March 13th, 2006 at 11:33 pm

magaling talaga mag=isip ang pinoy kaya lang di pa rin nag=iisip.. hehe…

next tym kahit sino pa ang presidente pag kinagat ang ganyan ebidensiya. kahit sino anytime pwede matanggal…tsk..tsk..



March 13th, 2006 at 11:35 pm

pera nga ang daling gawin…hehe. pero im not that bad..



March 13th, 2006 at 11:42 pm

sino namang bobo maniniwala diyan kasi wla namang bobo na magpakuha na picture na kung ganyan ka illegal ang ginagawa nila na maaring silang maputolan na ulo pag nagkamali.. ahh mayron pala.. yung mga bobo nga nakikinig palagi sa tsismis



March 14th, 2006 at 6:36 am

coldfeet, eh yun sabi ng caption o. do you mean??? susme…they’re lying, they’re lying…sandali…who are “they” anyway?



March 14th, 2006 at 11:07 am

perhaps the person who took the pictures did so as an insurance policy …. baka nga napagutusan lang siya by his/her superiors or commanding officer so mabuti na yung may hinahawakan siya kung saka sakali.

perhaps i’m being too naive but i have to agree that the pics can be doctored or edited.

kasi ba naman … sino-sino ba yung ayaw lumabas ang katotohanan dyan sa resulta ng eleksiyon 2004.



March 14th, 2006 at 11:35 am

In my opinion, they took pictures to ensure that they will not be backstabbed by the administration after they have done their work. Or maybe to give to their superiors proof that they have done their work.

Anyway, with regards to the admissibility of these photos in court, i don’t care about it anymore. E bias din naman yung mga korte natin e, lalo na yung Supreme Court. Wala na ring kwentang pag-awayan pa yan. Hayaan natin na ang mga tao na lang ang humusga.



March 14th, 2006 at 1:05 pm

rego said,

That’s right , Scud! I can’t wait to see this photographs properly examined in court particularly in a televized Impeachment proceeding And see how will they really stand!

If Mrs. Arroyo will go through a televised impeachment proceeding, that would be welcome news to us Filipinos. An impeachment trial would be the best and the most appropriate venue for her to answer all the allegations against her; like the Hello-Garci scandal, the fertilizer scam, etc. It should be televised so that the whole nation can weigh in. This is what the majority of us wanted her to do from the very beginning. She owes the Filipino people the TRUTH. But, the big question is, will Mrs. Arroyo do it? If she has nothing to hide, what’s the big deal? Any decent and innocent human being will have no qualms in facing any court, any trial, any probe, any investigation to clear his or her name. But, if a person is guilty or is hiding something, they will do anything and everything just to cover their tracks.



March 14th, 2006 at 1:13 pm

marami talagang bobo. meron ngang isang napakalaking bobong nakaupo diyan sa justice department. puro tsismis din pinapaniwalaan. ibig sabihin two sided yung tsimis. sa nakararami, may naniniwala sa isang side at may naniniwala naman sa kabilang side. so, bobo republic? pero, hindi raw kasama yung mga apathetic silent majority. sila daw yung mga matatalino na nagmamasid lang. :)



March 14th, 2006 at 3:30 pm

mahirap yung reason na kumuha sila nang picture para ma protect ang kanilang sarili.. mas lalong nilang ididiin ang kanilang sarili.. kasi unless nakuhaan mo pati si gloria. paano mo mailink siya kahit pa pabor sa kanya ang ginawa..

for example..

kahit na sumigaw ako dito na sana mamatay kung sino man ponsyo pilato.. pag may pumatay sa kanya ko na iba… kahit aaminin ko pa.. the court should still prove na ako mismo ang may kakagawan noon…

hirap e link iyan.



March 14th, 2006 at 3:55 pm

Halo guys! Back from work. I have a ten minute manipulated picture at hand. Anyone interested? I did it with corel draw photo-paint 12.



March 14th, 2006 at 3:57 pm

tama ka diyan coldfeet. tsismis lang yan. hindi naman iyan mapapatunayan sa korte.

for example din.

si glue-ria nakuhaan ng mga tapes na kausap si garci. umamin pa at nagsorry. still walang nangyari sa korte. binasura pa rin ng magagaling sa kongreso. sabi pa spliced yun. so, tsismis lang yun.

may link na nga absuelto pa rin sa korte. yan pa kayang mga photos na yan na hirap ilink kamo.

ganunpaman, may maniniwala sa tsismis na yan at may mga hindi rin maniniwala.

sabi nga pala ni nograles, noong isang taon pa inaalok sa kanila ang mga pictures na yan pero malaking halaga ang hinihingi. now, now, insurance ba ang dahilan o pera? bello, magsalita ka!



March 14th, 2006 at 5:09 pm

so do you believe na hindi nila binibili ang tape kasi hindi nila kaya ang presyo .. baka wlang laman.. heheh.. i think kung totoo man mayron nag offer ng tape kahit pa mahal ay kaya nilang bilhin ito… hindi sila poor. donate nga si erap sa militar na hindi nila alam kung saan ginasta.. gets mo…



March 14th, 2006 at 7:14 pm

correction. hindi tape ang pinag-uusapan kundi ang mga photos. at hindi oposisyon ang nagsalita kundi si nograles na kaalyado ng malacanang. tama ka hindi sila poor at kayang-kaya nilang bayaran magkano man halaga neto. ang tanong mo dapat ngayon sa akin ay kung naniniwala ako na talagang inalok sa kanila eto. dahil kung pagiisipan nating mabuti, iba ang talagang intension ni nograles sa pagsabi neto at pagbanggit niya ng pera … mensahe yun para sa mga bobo… gets mo rin ba ang ibig kung sabihin?



March 14th, 2006 at 8:01 pm

heheh.. kita mo news na sabi ni enrile na si madrigal ay nangdaya noong eleksyon.. siguro tsismis din nalang tau.. teka bakit tahimik kau nito… hindi daw eto second hand information kasi siya mismo kaharap ni madrigal nang tumawag eto at nakipag-bid.. siguro nag pa print din sila sa parehong printing press.. at nagka package discount pa ata kasi bumili din yung iba…heheh.. siguro sila yung nasa picture..ehem/..



March 14th, 2006 at 8:52 pm

Press Secretary Ignacio Bunye said the video was a rehash of an attempt to revive the old charges of election fraud against Arroyo.

“They had the chance to prove their case in the unsuccessful impeachment attempt, and now they’re trying to resuscitate this issue,” he said.

“We believe it’s time to set this matter aside so that we can attend to the more important business of the economy,” Buye added



March 14th, 2006 at 10:35 pm

“heheh.. kita mo news na sabi ni enrile na si madrigal ay nangdaya noong eleksyon.. siguro tsismis”

“I overheard her bargaining with somebody through her cell phone,”
Enrile said. He said Madrigal words were: “Name the price as long as I am within the first five.”

>>>si enrile? “siguro tsismis”? malamang. Pero meron pa siyang sinabing baka di mo nagets, the famous, “I WAS AMBUSHED!” Nakakuha ka pa ng (IN)-credible witness. Hehehe. Wala na bobo republic na nga tayo. Yan ang sinasabi ko na two-sided yung tsismis. Ang tao namimili lang ng paniniwalaan. Dumb and dumber ba kamo?

frankly, i don’t care about madrigal. if it is true and they can produce any evidence to support the claim of enrile (the no. 1 vote rigger), well and good. As we are always saying here, iexpose lahat ng mandaraya at manloloko ng bayan. Hindi kami nakadepende sa oposisyon. Kaya hindi kami mapapahiya kung may kalokohan mang lumabas sa mga iyan.




March 14th, 2006 at 11:21 pm

Well see the NO Compromise to cheating, lying and stealing.. i doubt na papansinin yan ng mga opposition.. pipit bingi din sila sa issue na makakasakit sa kanila.. siguro ikaw.kasi buo pa ang prinsipyo mo…kaya lang pangit tingnan kasi na may kasabay mo ang mga wlang prinsipyo.. 100% percent ako hindi ito papansinin ni cory o sino man sa hanay nila.agree ako na wlang dignidad yang enrile na yan pero sino nga ba meron sa mga senadors ngaun.. heheh.. .basta let wait see nalang sa reaction nila kung meron man.. .may signs na nga of insomia si cory kasi kasama na nia si marcos at mga erap.. yan ba ang NO COMPROMISE… eh halos lahat na COMPROMISE



March 14th, 2006 at 11:29 pm




March 15th, 2006 at 1:35 am

I doubt it very much if these so-called photos will convince or even touch the patriotic hearts of our honorable members of congress to submit an impeachment to the senate for trial. Leaders of Congress will be most likely affected by these photos ifever they are proven to be authentic since those ballot boxes are under their care and are even located inside the Batasan Pambansa building.And besides, the Speaker is very much busy preparing for the cha-cha while an impeachment trial will take some time. So, I don’t think they’re gonna waste their time on these.
Perhaps it would be most appropriate to submit evidences like these to the Presidential Electoral Tribunal. However, when shall the tribunal give its verdict nobody would know.


pinoy abroad

March 15th, 2006 at 3:32 am

hala, dinemanda ang pcij ni tiongco dahil sa pinost ang hello garci tapes… for sure, may magdedemanda na naman dahil pinost ang mga pictures na ‘to. ewan ko lang kung si tiongco ulit…

om c’mon tiongco, do it… wag ka nang mahiya… sige na, diyan ka naman magaling di ba?


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Ex-Comelec director denies hand in faking ERs

March 15th, 2006 at 6:37 pm

[…] FORMER Comelec Regional Director Roque Bello admitted today that the house that appears in a photo where election returns in the May 2004 polls were supposedly tampered with was his. But he denied an operation that manufactured election returns took place in his Cainta, Rizal home in December 2004 as reported in Newsbreak‘s latest issue. […]



March 17th, 2006 at 10:41 am

this is my first post. welcome me he he he.

you people are so naive, he he. is this the first time it happened?

maybe it’s the first time somebody photographed it.

why? it’s the first time pinoys got a hold of digital cameras courtesy of celfones. but then it’s nothing new.



March 22nd, 2006 at 3:00 am

naive ba kamo? ikaw ata ang naive para masabi mo na naive kami.

sa dinami dami ng mga nag post dito ng mga posibleng interpretasyon ng mga pics na ito, naisip mo nalang bigla na naive pa kami?



March 22nd, 2006 at 2:43 pm

talagang naive. dahil ang gawain na ginagawa simula pa nung maintroduce ang eleksyon sa pinas ay panagbibigyan ng importance na parang ngayon lang nangyari. may mga photoshop pa kayong nalalaman. nakapagtrabaho ako sa local comelec sa panahon ng election noon, nakita ko ang mga CoC na iba ang nilagay keysa actual. paano, kasama ako sa tagaisip kung tama lang ang nilagay na bilang para mukhang kapaniwala. syempre pabor sa administrasyon. ngayon, dahil may picture na galing sa celfon, kung ano ano pang mga theory meron kayo.

ganito lang pre, kung may pera mananalo. pag wala talo. period.

kung sa palagay mo may magawa ang celfon picture, he he he naive ka talaga.



March 22nd, 2006 at 3:16 pm

hinahangaan kita joserizal sa pag-amin mo na kasama ka sa mga nanloko ng bayan. sa pag-amin mo na ikaw ay nabayaran. maraming tarantado diyan na hanggang ngayon ay pilit pinagtatakpan ang kanilang mga ginagawang panloloko sa bayan. ikaw ay isang buhay na halimbawa isang pagpapatunay ng isang bulok na sistemang tunay na umiiral sa ating lipunan na pilit pinagtatakpan ng mga taong.ganid sa kapangyarihan. sana tuloy-tuloy na yang pagbabagong-buhay mo.



March 22nd, 2006 at 3:31 pm


“ganito lang pre, kung may pera mananalo. pag wala talo. period.”

“paano, kasama ako sa tagaisip kung tama lang ang nilagay na bilang para mukhang kapaniwala. syempre pabor sa administrasyon.”

di kaya’t mas bagay ang “tatlumpung-pirasong-pilak” kesa sa “joserizal”?



March 22nd, 2006 at 3:43 pm

ako ay humahanga sa yo joserizal sa pag-amin mo na kasama ka sa mga nanloko ng bayan. sa pag-amin mo na ikaw ay nabayaran. maraming tarantado diyan na hanggang ngayon ay pilit pinagtatakpan ang kanilang mga ginagawang panloloko sa bayan. ikaw ay isang buhay na halimbawa isang pagpapatunay ng isang bulok na sistemang tunay na umiiral sa ating lipunan na pilit pinagtatakpan ng mga taong.ganid sa kapangyarihan. sana tuloy-tuloy na yang pagbabagong-buhay mo.



March 23rd, 2006 at 11:19 am

wala namang bayad per se ang pag-edit ng CoC, instead meron sweldo as comelec assistant sa duration ng election. ang gusto kong ipakita ay ang election process itself ay di hamak na favorable sa sinumang nasa administration. kung ikaw ay isang comelec registrar sa isang municipality, sigurado ka tanggal ka sa trabaho pag ang nanalong mayor or congressman ay yong hindi kinampihan mo. isipin mo naman pag nanalo ang pinaboran mo. maaaring mapromote ka or bigyan kaya ng kotse ang office mo, di ba mabuti?

di ko naramdaman na mali or masama ang ginawa namin noon kasi yon ang gusto ng marami. isa pa yong mga inedit ay sa mga senador. anong pakialam ko sa mga yon kung sino mananalo? malay ko rin kung pagdating sa national comelec babaguhin din ang mga binago namin (as captured by the pictures above). wala akong paki di ba?


ka lando

March 23rd, 2006 at 1:19 pm

Jose Rizal,

Ikaw ay isang magandang halimbawa.

Pinapakita mo kung ano ang mali. Dahil sayo, lalong nawawalan ng kredibilidad ang comelec. Lalong nagiging kaduda-duda ang resulta ng 2004 elections.

Mabuhay ka. T***..



March 23rd, 2006 at 1:38 pm


Alecks Pabico

March 23rd, 2006 at 2:46 pm

Sadly, joserizal has only confirmed to us what we already know about the Comelec (read our report here). What is supposed to be an impartial body, the constitutionally ordained guardian of the ballot no less, reeks of the politics of accommodation, one that has allowed politicians (including the President) to stack it with officials and staff that they have endorsed, who in turn do their political benefactors’ every bidding, including rigging election results in their favor.

BTW, joserizal, mind changing your alias? It demeans Rizal’s name and legacy.



March 23rd, 2006 at 3:33 pm

That’s what I’ve been saying all along.
Why make noise over a celfone pix?
Is it sad? During canvassing, anything goes.
But then it’s like saying your living room is hot
when your whole house is burning.
It doesn’t take a clean comelec to cure the cancer
called philippine politics.

You may have read “Rizal Without The Overcoat”.
Let’s just say, Rizal was a smartass. Demean Rizal?
Nah, even saints have dirty little secrets. :)



July 28th, 2011 at 10:10 pm

Seems reminiscent of the “Great Election Robbery of 2004”, isn’t it?

In the end, all roads will lead to where the money is. Politics is business and business is politics, come to think of it.

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