PRESIDENT Arroyo’s issuance of Proclamation 1017 appears to have no significant impact on her overall performance and trust ratings at the national level as these remain practically unchanged from last October’s levels, according to Pulse Asia.

The survey of 1,200 respondents from Feb. 18 to March 4 showed 26 percent of Filipinos saying they approve of her performance and half saying they disapprove of it. Meanwhile, 22 percent say they trust her while half said they don’t.

However, Pulse Asia detected a significant drop in Arroyo’s approval (-17 points) and trust (-15 points) ratings, as well as the increase in her disapproval (+17 points) and distrust (+19 points) ratings in the Visayas before and after Proclamation 1017. However, those from this region still grant Arroyo her highest approval and trust ratings.

Pulse Asia said Arroyo’s most recent ratings are a significant improvement over her July 2005 ratings, but these have not reverted to their level before questions on the legitimacy of her presidency arose. “These have remained at critically low levels, still lower than that of any other Philippine president in the polling history of the country,” it said.

Other highlights of the survey:

  • Seven in 10 Filipinos say their personal circumstances worsened over the past year while 83 percent feel that the national quality of life is worse now than it was a year ago. Majority expect their personal situation to worsen in the next 12 months, and 70 percent expect the national situation to deteriorate further.
  • Fifty-nine percent do not believe that the Philippines is a hopeless case. However, 30 percent continue to express a desire to migrate to another country.
  • About half of Filipinos cite avoiding illnesses and staying healthy as their most urgent personal concern while 51 percent think controlling inflation should be on top of the national administration’s agenda.

Read the full text.

9 Responses to Pulse Asia: Arroyo’s ratings unchanged



March 15th, 2006 at 12:25 pm

More important and more serious than GMA’s ‘economic indicators’ are these social indicators, human development indicators shows fundamental problems have aggravated during GMA’s term.



March 15th, 2006 at 1:44 pm

wala namng epek sa kanya yung mga surveys eh…=) naka bolt on ksi palda nya sa upuan nya sa malacanang… she doesnt care about the masses all she cares about is how to stay in power.. so all those na nauulanan ng grasya nya are incidentals lang a means for her to achieve her goal.. bribing the military with houses.. the government employees with pay increases.. the congressmen with fertilizer funds and what have you….a kin lang if u compute it lang tlga mas madami pa syang kinukuha sa atin kesa binibigay.. so whats the logic in keeping her?



March 15th, 2006 at 2:32 pm

Compare Arroyo’s numbers to erap’s poll numbers (i compiled a list of them) before his downfall in jan. 2001.

Most of the surveys then showed erap being more popular than GMA or the anti-estrada opposition at that time and most say that he shouldn’t resign — pero natanggal pa rin siya.

OTOH, most recent surveys show people want Arroyo to resign or be removed from office and have given her low approval ratings, but she’s the one who was able to cling to her position by brute force and intimidation.

go figure.

Moral of the story: don’t trust surveys. 😉 :p


SWS: 79% of Filipinos for Impeachment, 64% for Resignation, 51% for People Power



March 15th, 2006 at 2:37 pm


While reading the surveys of 2000 and the recent arroyo surveys, I would like to remind people that erap was removed from office via edsa dos for juetengate and other corruption charges.

Arroyo and Jose Pidal OTOH, are facing corruption charges too. And I’m sure most of you know by know Arroyo’s illegitimacy problems.



March 15th, 2006 at 3:00 pm



March 15th, 2006 at 3:48 pm

Most of the surveys then showed erap being more popular than GMA or the anti-estrada opposition at that time and most say that he shouldn’t resign — pero natanggal pa rin siya.

— the question here is who control the government kasi… the masses or the elite.. answer that and you will know why erap was ousted kahit na majority ng massa ay para sa knya.. and why si glori kahit yaw ng massa eh an dyan pa rin.. who wants her in power? the elite.. those who rob our nations natural resources and call it progress.. those who rob our pockets and call it sacrificing for our country.. those who rob us of our jobs our means of livelihood but dont wanna call it smuggling…. those who apply the laws subjectively trample on our rights and call it state of national emergency.. those people are the ones who want glori to stay in power..



March 15th, 2006 at 11:22 pm

Although the surverys say this, the people’s action is that. I don’t get it.



March 18th, 2006 at 9:14 am

sino ba me me mas malakas ang loob ang mga kumokulo ang tiyan u ung mga elite?

bakit ba marami pa ring mahirap?



March 18th, 2006 at 9:15 am

79 % want GMAS out of malacanang? Where are those 79% when the 1017 was proclaimed?

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