May 20, 2006 · Posted in: Podcasts

Adventures in sound

WHEN Filipinos talk of radio, what usually comes to mind are the high-pitched, hard-hitting commentaries we hear in morning radio programs. And when we talk of radio news, we immediately think of spot reports of breaking news, reported in a rush.

But radio can be much more than that. Early this month, a group of journalists from Southeast Asia produced a series of radio news features about issues and events in the Philippines. The production was their final project for their diploma course in radio journalism under the Asian Center for Journalism or ACFJ. The course was taught by Professor Kim Kierans, head of the journalism school of the University of King’s College in Nova Scotia, Canada.

The Asian Center for Journalism is based at the Ateneo de Manila University and is funded by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation. The Center recently put up digital broadcasting facilities that allow radio journalists to explore alternative radio formats.

In this podcast, PCIJ features some of the ACFJ radio reports. The stories are adventures in sound and introduce listeners to a whole new world of radio reporting.

Listen to the ACFJ radio features here.

File size: 10.3 MB
Length: 00:11:13

1 Response to Adventures in sound



May 23rd, 2006 at 10:14 am

Indeed !, the great information technology revolution?really inspires. It is up to us how to translate this facility into a tool to change political, economic and cultural landscapes.

Listening to the test podcasts makes one hopeful that if only this tool is accessible to the great majority or at least half-of-the population, those important information kept away from the public for so long could probably be unlocked and unloaded (or downloaded), as a direct consequence.

Imagine, the possibilities if Interactive and Real time capabilities are integrated- the podcast reporter while reporting live events, could facilitate queries, and suggestions from the audience or i-tuners.

How i wish, IT will provide the equilibrium to the great divide that has become our nation.

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