COMING back from a PCIJ-KBP week-long training on radio news features in Cebu, we just learned that Asia Blog Awards announced last week that voting has been opened for the Best Asia Group Blog category. The PCIJ blog is one of eight contenders vying for the said award.

You need to register at the Asia Blog Awards site using your email address in order to vote. The poll requires only one vote per person, with IP addresses being tracked to guard against multiple voting.

Register now and express your support for the PCIJ blog. You only have until tomorrow, October 3, to vote for us. We’re counting on you.

1 Response to Vote for ‘Inside PCIJ’ as best Asian
group blog



October 2nd, 2006 at 3:37 pm

come on guys, takes only a few minutes. let’s make PCIJ the Top Blog of Asia. Good Luck guys…

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