RENEWED calls for Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s resignation or ouster have, for obvious reasons, come with the usual apprehensions about her successor. Going by the Constitution, Filipinos actually don’t have much of a choice as Arroyo’s replacement would have to be Noli de Castro, being the incumbent vice president.

Vice President Noli de Castro [photo courteys of Malaya]Just as in 2005, at the height of calls for Arroyo to step down in the wake of the “Hello, Garci” scandal, de Castro has not inspired confidence in many. He is seen as “weak” and lacking in competence to run the country.

The political opposition, for one, criticizes de Castro for his refusal to take a strong stand on important national issues, including allegations of massive corruption in government. “He is too much of a fence-sitter,” said Adel Tamano, the spokesperson of the United Opposition.

To others, particularly the middle class, the vice president is likely to be another Joseph Estrada, who is clueless about a lot of things that, if thrust to the presidency, would most probably be tagging along to Malacañang his own retinue of friends — in “weather-weather lang yan” fashion — who would not have the good of the country in mind.

Of late though, de Castro is not keeping a low profile the way he did in 2005. He has been responding to the criticisms by speaking his mind out more often, the latest of which is his echoing of the Catholic bishops’ call for the abolition of Executive Order 464. On his radio program last week, he said that he is “prepared” to assume the presidency as it is his constitutional role as vice president in case of a vacancy.

What de Castro has consistently portrayed himself to be is someone who is not power-hungry or a traitor, as shown by his quick clarification that being prepared does not mean he is “preparing” to take over Arroyo. When 10 members of Arroyo’s Cabinet resigned in July 2005, he chose to stick it out with her.

Should such an eventuality arise, what would a Noli de Castro presidency be like? Our i Report feature back in 2005 offered clues to the character and the issues confronting the man who has come a long way from his days as a broadcaster, and who may yet end up in Malacañang. Read the report again here.

6 Responses to A Noli de Castro presidency, anyone?


nosi balasi

March 5th, 2008 at 2:19 pm

the constitution don’t leave us a choice…Noli is the constitutional successor for the President…yes there was many (intriguing) arguments about his stand in 2005, but he was no choice then for his position was also in question…all he has to do is to stick with Arroyo…or he will loose his vice-presidency…

anyway, the issue of who will replace GMA…for me is too early to tackle…specially by those people who want to unseat the President…para bang pag si GMA ang nakaupo pa rin sa pagka-Pangulo even they found her guilty talagang aatekihin ka sa puso sa galit…pero nakaka-stress kung iisipin na si Noli ang papalit…ano ba ang pipiliin mo? yung nakaka-stress o yung ma-heart attack ka…yan lang talaga ang choice…pili na mga suki.



March 6th, 2008 at 4:46 pm


In legality noli is the one next in line to arroyo and that should be followed. He may not have the expertise that everyone is expecting but with the big bucks available in a president’s contingency funds he can afford to hire the best and the cream of the crop consultants in the country plus prayers from us Filipinos that he be guided by God in serving our country.



March 7th, 2008 at 5:09 pm

Arroyo will stay in power, I want her to finish her term. After her term is done is 2010 then lets install a new leader in malacanan. If Noli runs and I think he will as he is Administration’s best pick currently, I may or may not vote for him, I have yet to observe and see how well Roxas, Villar, Legarda and Lacson they do their jobs as senators within the next two years and from there, I would like to exercise my right to vote. if Noli wins, whoever wins , I will give my support as a loving citizen of this country. I intend to give them that chance to prove themselves. I just hope that after all these chaos on the streets and continuous senate hearings are done everyone who will be in power in 2010 will have second thoughts of committing immorality of any kind. Personally, that’s the only positive result that I know we will all benefit from with what Lozada and the senate are doing in the many hearings they had tackling this issue that will soon die…



March 7th, 2008 at 7:32 pm

now is not the time to stay in the gray area. It doesn’t matter how many times we’ve called for a president or official to step down. the real issue here is that these officials are corrupt and are not fit to lead this country. Not doing something just because “we’ve done this before” is tantamount to saying yes to all the atrocities gma and her cohorts have been doing.



March 8th, 2008 at 4:39 pm

While i do not mind the personality of GMA’s possible successor, i am more concerned of that person’s interests. Hence, the question: Why now? Where was he during the times that the Filipinos needed him most? Where was he during the times the people were looking for a face, a leader, a name since the Hello, Garci! scandal?

Well, maybe he has not made up yet his mind to run for president. Now he did. So he talks. Read some Snippets here.



March 10th, 2008 at 8:06 pm

For me, Noli de Castro was good. He started as a reporter in TV Patrol and Magandang Gabi Bayan and afterwards he ran for Vice-Presidency. All I remember is that he was been a newscaster and excelled to be a Vice – President of the Republic of the Philippines up to now. I think he realized that it will be the time for him to run for presidency. It will be a great opportunity for him since he have a great experience on being a political leader.

But I realized that there is someone that is very competitive and might be a competitor that these political leaders should be scared of. I think it would be our honorable mayor now MMDA Chairman, Mr. Bayani Fernando. We are all aware of Mr. Bayani Fernando but let me tell something about him for those people who doesn’t have a clue about him.

Well, Mr. Bayani Fernando is considered as my idol. Before Marikina was once a chaotic place, but when Mr. Bayani Fernando came and was appointed as Mayor of Marikina, He changed it more than just people want it to be. Before it was the city that has the highest crime rate but now It changed a lot. It was now considered as third most competitive company and it has been much more like a little Singapore. During Fernando’s regime people became disciplined and responsible. Because of his smart implementation programs and disciplinary actions he was truly a great leader.

He became the MMDA chairman and simply won. And he also does what he did in the city of Marikina to Manila. But many people do hate him because of what changes he did. Little did they do not know that Mr. Bayani Fernando made an outstanding improvement onto it. The people don’t appreciate what he did but still many people supports him and I’m one of them. I will continue supporting Mr. Bayani especially on 2010 because he was planning to run for presidency. I do believe that he will be the one that will change the main economic problems of the Philippines. Go FOR BAYANI FERNANDO FOR PRESIDENT!

Christian Leonard de Guzman
Far Eastern University
Marketing Management

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