FILIPINO new media pioneer and social activist Roberto “Obet” Verzola has released an update to his study on the extent of cheating in the 2004 presidential elections.

With new data obtained from the National Citizen’s Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel), in particular, a regional breakdown of precincts tallied by Namfrel in its Report No. 81, and a regional and provincial breakdown of precincts tallied by Namfrel in its terminal report, Report No. 83, Verzola says it can now be said with certainty that an “invisible hand” within Namfrel’s national tabulation center manipulated the results of its tally. The manipulation, he adds, was done in three different ways:

  • Delaying the canvassing of FPJ (Fernando Poe Jr.) areas vis-a-vis GMA (Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo) areas and then aborting its count
  • Doctoring precinct totals and tally completion percentages
  • Canvassing tampered election returns

But in doing all these, the “invisible hand,” Verzola says, has exposed itself by carelessly leaving unmistakable marks of manipulation, as evidenced by the wrong precinct totals inserted in the Namfrel’s presidential report that do not tally with the vice-presidential report, which still had the correct figures for the precinct breakdown.

Verzola claims that this is the smoking-gun evidence of manipulation of Namfrel numbers that confirms suspicions that the administration’s cheating machinery extended far and wide. He called on Namfrel to shed light on the issue by explaining how its terminal report “ended up with internal inconsistencies, statistical impossibilities, and other incredible entries.”

Asked to comment on Verzola’s latest findings, Gus Lagman, information technology head of Namfrel said he has yet to read the report, which can be downloaded here.

In an earlier paper, Verzola claimed that Arroyo did not win the May elections by 1.1 million votes as it was a very close contest. Analyzing both the Namfrel tally that used election returns (ERs) and the parallel official count by Congress of provincial Certificates of Canvass (COCs), he concluded that the “most probable results” ranged from an Arroyo win of around 156,000 votes or less, to an FPJ win of around 84,000 votes or less.

12 Responses to ‘Invisible hand’ in Namfrel manipulated results
of its 2004 presidential tally — Verzola



September 4th, 2005 at 10:05 pm

interesting. but why now? he could had divulge this things when the recipient was still alive. But one thing is for sure. whenever I want to win an election ill just dial the Garci hotline.

madaya talaga ang babaeng squatter.


Alecks Pabico

September 4th, 2005 at 10:38 pm

Obet Verzola first made his findings public just over a month after the May 2004 elections. The Inquirer published a shorter version of his study on June 20 last year.

His earlier study was hobbled by the refusal of NAMFREL officials to release to the public their breakdown of precincts reported by province. Given this limitation, it proved diificult to appreciate how the tally was proceeding — whether evenly in each candidate’s bailiwick or whether certain bailiwicks were contributing a disproportionate share to the national totals.

It was Verzola’s belief that the release of this breakdown will afford any analyst “a very good ER-based estimate of the true results of the 2004 presidential elections, independent of the COC-based Congress canvass.”



September 5th, 2005 at 1:22 am

Some IT friends of mine volunteered in NAMFREL in the 2004 count. Based on what they said, I am inclined to think that theirs was an IT failure.

They wanted to use an SMS-based system for collecting information from the field, and it melted down. They had to do massive catch-up afterwards.



September 5th, 2005 at 6:22 am

may technicality ……

How many tape recorders and players does isafp have ?

PCIJ People and PCIJ Bloggers just to give you a heads up, i found some interesting ‘artifacts’ on the three hour tape file specially on the file where the yung dagdag conversation is heard and some other interesting clues on the different versions of the Garci tapes. These artifacts does not mean an anomaly but merely tells certain clues if the tapes are the original or a duplicate or if there are multiple tape recorders and players that produced these. I am not questioning PCIJ’s take on the tapes because the analysis are mostly on the content and are valid. The question is if the three hour tape is the really the original.


If you listen deeply on the three hour tape specifically on the yung dagdag conversation, you will hear fluctuations
on the overall audio volume withe a regular interval of 9 seconds. I call this the ‘9 second tape slip’. I think its a phenomenon where the magnetic tape slips back and forth on top of the recording/playback head due to a loose or mis-aligned tape guide rollers. Either tape casette or the player/recorder is defective. It is possible that a specific combination of a recorder/player and a tape could produce a specific artifact because the the cause is purely mechanical.

The same fluctations are also found on the conversations and ISAFP introductions found before the yung dagdag.


Starting from the 2nd conversation counting from the yung dagdag conversation , volume fluctation intervals is also evident. This time the fluctuation is every three seconds considering we are still lookingl on the same three hour tape file. PCIJ should do a spectrographic view on the rest of the file to confirm my observation.


There are no volume fluctuations heard on the other parts of the three hour tape conversations. Overall volume is constant.


Paguia’s yung dagdag tape does not contain any volume fluctuations


PCIJ’s Bunye version of the yung dagdag does not contain any volume fluctations


PCIJ’s Lacson Copy of the yung dagdag also does not contain volume fluctations.


PCIJ mentioned in one of the articles here that the word ‘NAMFREL’ was removed from Bunye’s yung dagdag. PCIJ’s Lacson copy of the yung dagdag with the NAMFREL was also removed.


Traces of repeating audio data at the quiet part of the recording can be heard at the end of of some of the conversations. Its a clue that the medium is a magnetic tape. This is a phenomenon on magnetic tapes where the tapes are stacked on a tape reel spool causing the magnetic information to be transferred from one layer of the tape reel to a layer above or below it.

my comments,

1. Artifacts A and B may have come from two different tapes played on a defective player Artifact C could be a third possible source tape.

2. ARTIFACTS A,B,C volume fluctations cut across the iSAFP introduction and the conversation after it. There are no ARTIFACT transitions within an ISAFP introduction and within a conversation ARTIFACT transitions are only evident between conversation compilations.

3. ARTIFACTS A and B are present side by side on the supposed to be a single reel three hour tape. A to B transition is noted between the 2nd and 3rd conversation counting from the yung dagdag conversation

Possible cause:

3.1 Multiple tape source were used to produce the three hour long tape.
3.2 The source tape could have been replaced a couple of times while the three hour tape is being produced.
3.3 The player could have been replaced sometime while the three hour tape is being recorded and compiled to another tape.

No matter how you look at it, the three hour tape version is i think not an original copy but a compiled copy of different tapes due to the varying ARTIFACTS.

4. ARTIFACT H indicate that the source tape is a magnetic tape.

5. ARTIFACT D possibly shows that the paguia tape is not from the three hour tape.

6. ARTIFACT E possibly shows that the bunye tape is not from the three hour tape

7. ARTIFACT F possibly shows that the Lacson tape is not from the three hour tape

8. ARTIFACT G is a puzzle to me.

9. How did bunye got hold of the copy if the original is with ong?



September 5th, 2005 at 6:43 am

If we were to hear the introduction of T/Sgt Doble on those tapes we are going to know that he is recompiling those tapes into one. If those anomalies as you said about mutiple source tapes maybe that reason Doble compiled it into 1 or 2 tapes.

just a thought. I am not a technical guy but I have to look at it with common sense.



September 5th, 2005 at 7:14 am

If my recollection serves me right, it was the IT expert GUS LAGMAN, who led the fight on the NAMFREL side against the Automated Counting System of Comelec. In fact, I believe he was involved in the suit at the Supreme Court in December 2003, because he was part of the losing bid(?), and was a plaintiff or representing them



September 5th, 2005 at 11:17 pm

Isn’t this Verzola guy who’s been writing papers on the WTO, bio-patenting, organic farming, internet copyright issues? He was a lecturer / reactor in a conferences I attended. An international expert of some sort but a leftist radical as well. I’m interested to know how he reached his conclusions.


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Punishing the cheats, not election automation, is real solution — local IT pioneer

June 9th, 2006 at 11:02 pm

[…] Verzola has recently spearheaded the forming of the group Halalang Marangal (or the Network of Citizens for Honest Elections and Truthful Statistics). He says they intend to do a citizens’ audit of the elections in 2007 because the elections watchdog National Citizens’ Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel) cannot be relied upon anymore to make an honest tally. (See also Verzola’s studies on the extent of cheating in the 2004 presidential elections here and here.) […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Verzola: Namfrel part of poll fraud coverup; Namfrel: Go after Comelec, not us

June 19th, 2006 at 5:49 pm

[…] Verzola said then that an “invisible hand” within Namfrel’s national tabulation center manipulated the results of its tally by: […]


INSIDE PCIJ » Namfrel has chance to redeem itself -- PPCRV

March 26th, 2007 at 1:30 am

[…] Namfrel’s key officials have also been linked to the allegations of massive poll fraud that marred the 2004 elections. […]


i-site’s 2007 Election Files » Namfrel has chance to redeem itself — PPCRV

April 11th, 2007 at 11:38 am

[…] Namfrel’s key officials have also been linked to the allegations of massive poll fraud that marred the 2004 elections. […]


INSIDE PCIJ » Why you should doubt the Maguindanao election results - 4

July 12th, 2007 at 7:32 pm

[…] Verzola also analyzed the regional and provincial tallies of the National Citizens’ Movement for Free Elections (Namfrel) in 2004. Then, he concluded that an “invisible hand” within Namfrel’s national tabulation center manipulated the results of its tally. […]

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