February 25, 2006 · Posted in: Edsa Special, Podcasts

Edsa 20/20: Corazon C. Aquino

‘ALL of us Filipinos have to make sacrifices’

cory.jpgCory Aquino was borne to Malacañang on the wings of People Power. The widow of assassinated senator Benigno S. Aquino Jr., she became the symbol of the country’s suffering under the iron rule of Ferdinand Marcos. The Aquino presidency re-established democratic institutions, but was marred by several attempts by military rebels to launch a coup d’etat. Today Cory Aquino is in political retirement, but continues to speak out on matters she feels strongly about.

Sheila Coronel talks to Mrs. Aquino in this podcast.

Length: 00:30:10
File size: 20.7 MB

41 Responses to Edsa 20/20: Corazon C. Aquino



February 25th, 2006 at 12:46 am

Arroyo, if your intentions are for the economic good of the country then I fully support the State of Emergency, even Martial Law. Do what Aquino did not…arrest the Marcoses and their cronies who are behind the chaos and seditious acts that are affecting growth and order in the country.

Stop offering reconciliation and freeing those who are guilty. Do what Queen Elizabeth I did…BEHEAD THEM!!!!!

This is your chance to prove your greatness as a leader. Just do it!!!!! Start with Imelda. As long as these parasites are alive, there will be plots to ouster you. Stop being flaccid.



February 25th, 2006 at 12:49 am

President Aquino will always be a symbol of democracy in the Philippines. What greater gift can one give his motherland but the gift of freedom…



February 25th, 2006 at 1:31 am

Cory Aquino has always been a symbol of freedom and decency until she started cavorting with the Estradas and the Marcoses and their ilks. She sold her soul to the devil in exchange for new glories. What a waste. She was like the Queen of England – a symbol of unity. She could have kept her higher level of status instead of allowing herself to be used by power-hungry politicians.



February 25th, 2006 at 1:51 am


Mauna sya at kanyang angkan… bago buong bayan pa ang madamay. Luisita is in trouble now because it was exempted from agrarian reform during her term. Justice for whom? Where is justice for the common man?

She lost a loved one to the dictatorship and we all felt her pain and put her into the office of her mortal enemy. And now what? She’s about to lose Luisita and?

She was president once…as we transitioned from a dictatorship to democracy and we are grateful for that. She’s always been held in great regard by majority of Filipinos. But, we all have to admit, she helped her relations and friends more than she did the people during her presidency..

Gosh, I can’t believe there would come a day when I would be so bitter about Cory Aquino, woman scorned.

Tama na. sobra na. Let’s move on from the glory that was EDSA, a miracle that cannot be repeated, because we don’t deserve it anymore. It’s time to get to work and get our country of this vicious cycle we created ourselves!

As for reconciliation, I think we need it badly more than ever….include everyone, the Marcoses and Estrada…because if we don’t, I fear for the country’s future. I really do. We have to find it in our hearts to be bigger than the perils we face.



February 25th, 2006 at 4:32 am


“Cory reiterates call for Arroyo’s resignation”(2-24-2006)
“I faced greater dangers after Ninoy died. I dared going out into the streets, I dared march with the people. So this is certainly not a time for me to retreat,” Aquino told ABS-CBN.

The truth is when people uprising started during EDSA I, Mrs. Aquino is hiding somewhere else in Cebu City, the Filipino people are not inviting any political figures, military to go to the streets. The people silently walk by going to what is now known as the EDSA SQUARE. People went to the streets by its own will. Bringing in candles for prayer and flowers with them to offer for the soldiers loyal to the late President Marcos. This is what Filipinos is all about peaceful resolution to events which matters most. You did not face the danger as what you said, it was the poor Filipinos who is facing the danger during the troubled times, it was the Filipino people who came face to face with the soldiers with a blazing gun againts a candle, a fearsome armored tank againts the flowers and rosary. The ordinary people, nuns, priests, students, children and adult alikes who face the real danger. It’s a shame that political figures like you, where only seen after a successful peaceful revolt by the Filipinos. The Filipino people are the ones who planted the trees and you are the benefactor of the fruit. A few days during the start of peaceful people power revolt, now then you can see political figures emerging, from left to right joining the people as if it seems they lead the people on the streets during the revolt and Mrs. Aquino is one of them.

However, during Mrs. Aquino’s Presidency, she was not able to bring the life of poor Filipinos into a better condition. Her administration was haunted with several coup de etat’s.

Mrs. Aquino you should be an advocate of peace, you don’t have to shout to the street and misguide the people to your agenda. You are only bringing more chaos to this critical situation and who will suffer most, the Filipino people specially the most affected are the poor Filipinos who are living in a “once a day eat”. As a former President you are not helping our country, you are now the one who is inticing more coup de etat to tople a government. Don’t lead the people to a dangerous situation, don’t put them only to be caught in between with these political intrigue and greed.

If you have conscience, look at the innocent people who will be affected with this political turmoil, let us bring this in a peacefuel manner.




February 25th, 2006 at 6:34 am

The Filipinos have suffered enough since the Spanish era we have been raped by foreigners and even by our own,when will this stop?We can’t trust our leaders,politician most of all the military.I am sorry to say this Mrs. Aquino that you are a part of the problem if only you did right when you were the president you were vindictive and a lame duck president.



February 25th, 2006 at 6:35 am

I’m going to hazard a guess and say that each one who commented here is all based outside the Philippines, as I am…would I be right?



February 25th, 2006 at 6:36 am

Hurrah for the GMA latest action… Hurrah for the democracy..

Ngaun palang tumatayo ang gobyerno sa mga kalaban nito.. sana ipagpatuloy nila ito.. hangga’t puro reconciliation lang ang ginagawa.. hindi matatapos ang problema dahil ang aso ay mananatiling aso kahit na alagaan mo ito..

Gaya ng oakwood mutineers, inalagaan at inaruga dahil sa putang reconciliation na yan.. eh ano ngayun.. kinagat ulit ang gobyerno na nag-aruga sa kanila..dapat they have been beheaded in the first place..

I dare the government to show some bones.. Sinimulan nila ito ngaun.. dapat tapusin nila.. para naman matahimik na ang pilipinas..

long lived gloria.. wla kami sa likuran mo kungdi katabi mo… at sana matapos na ito.. i would rather have death than to live and see filipinos shaming there own country.. shame on the media who have long dictated the politics on this country.. shame on abs-cbn…

galit ko sa abs-cbn kasi kasi sabi nila kahapun na wla daw si gloria kung wla nila tinulungan sa EDSA DOS… shame on them for claiming the victory of the filipino people.. shame on them..



February 25th, 2006 at 7:34 am

Four ducks on a pond.
A grass bank beyond.
A blue sky of Spring.
White clouds on the wing;
What a little thing
To remember for years–
To remember, with tears!



February 25th, 2006 at 7:46 am

From where I am,
I can see Talim.
The Island at the throat of the Pasig, I mean.
Two men are in the water
Being sought by the Guardia Civil.
But both men lived I tell you!

Now of course you are right. These are the last happy days of carefree blogging. Soon there won’t be anything left worth reading because, as you have all noticed, the Media has been in a process of retreat and conformity since last year. The blow will come to make examples of the stragglers. If you are not already part of the herd you soon may be. I think PCIJ should expect to be one of those examples. You will become guerillas. The Palace is very sophisticated now with Defensor there. Heard they ordered a bunch of new servers and are hiring IT types…



February 25th, 2006 at 8:31 am

The problem really is Acccountability. Just about every leader may had have very good intentions at the start, but once in the position and found out, that can do anything for his/her interests without being accountable to the people, that’s when the trouble starts. Just about true to public servants and everyone. To each his own, may be good as long as not at the expense of one another. About the State of Emergency, the World is watching.



February 25th, 2006 at 9:31 am

This lady who supposedly “invented” “people power” also played a key role in its PERVERSION into nothing more than a nutty Pinoy-style political exercise.

Look back to 2005 and check out the last spectacular fizzle out street “revolution” that saw our tired old and irrelevant madame marching in the streets with a bunch of other nutty politicians:

“R.I.P. People Power (1986-2005”

Led by no less than Madame Ex-President, former Time Woman of the Year, and Ms 1986 “Revolution” herself — Ms Corazon Aquino, what may now be billed Edsa IV (or Commonwealth Avenue I, as the case may be), promised to be another spectacle of sorts. This time there was no particular heir-to-the-throne around which the fete was organised. If it succeeded in its bid to amass enough warm bodies in the streets to make a statement, it would have marked a new low in the practice of a concept that Filipinos fancy themselves to have invented back in 1986. If it had failed, it will have further served to highlight the utter ridiculousness of how Filipinos conduct their affairs.

And failed miserably it did. Bursts of little street protests sporadically erupted in Manila’s streets in the days following the House dismisal of the impeachment bid, but none even remotely approached the kind of numbers these would-be anarchists crowed in the days leading to Tueday. Each were in fact smaller in number than the equally ridiculous street gathering in Makati on 25 July.

. 😀



February 25th, 2006 at 9:55 am

Look back to 2005 and check out the last spectacular fizzle out street “revolution” that saw our tired old and irrelevant madame marching in the streets with a bunch of other nutty politicians:

for all her faults as president and i dare say there are many.. i think ms aquino has all the right to say what she feels.. and if the people heed and heard what she has to say then so be it.. i think loosing a husband to the cause of freedom and freeing this country from the bounds of dictatorship is enough of an achievement to let her say her peace at makati right??? At least we all know she won the presidency fair and square during the election against marcos and was cheated out of it not the other way around in the case of ate glue right?? =) if it wer not for her i dont think there
will even be a pcij now for u guys to blog.. so a little respect pls..

The problem really is Acccountability. Just about every leader may had have very good intentions at the start, but once in the position and found out, that can do anything for his/her interests without being accountable to the people
—- who was it that said “the buck stops here” i think it was truman.. yup we should be held accountable for our actions.. the problems is our president here is not.. too many skeletons in the closet… and like their idol perhaps her minions are stocking up on their closets as well… tsk tsk..



February 25th, 2006 at 9:56 am


Truthfully, I didn’t see any let-up with the Philippine press in the past year. If anything, it’s too free-wheeling, and needs more discipline IMO. Everything is ratings-based…and I know having come from the industry. And people will always go for their market’s emotions or they won’t succeed.

I know this being a “cowboy” is an admired Filipino trait because we’re emotional people and we’re not going to hide it. But when it comes to our professions, we shouldn’t be so emotional because it will always hurt the output. In media, that’s very dangerous.

Should things come to a point when blogs or the media will be shut down by the government, then that’s the time I’ll throw in the towel for this administration. I will not tolerate another martial law. So far, I don’t see that yet.



February 25th, 2006 at 10:07 am

Yes, things HAPPEN. Question is, what are the OUTCOMES.

Just because someone suffered and worked hard, does not necessarily mean anything was ACHIEVED.

Ninoy died, for example. But was don’t you think he would have been a wee bit more productive if he had a pulse today? And how sure are we that he, being a politician, would not simply blend into the woodwork of nutty politicians that infest our society today? Cory herself demonstrated her own penchant for joining the bandwagon of granstand politicking and street parliamentarisanism.

So what makes us think that all those people we venerate here will have really made a difference.

And isn’t it ironic that this PEOPLE power thing we are celebrating today kinda overshadows the on-going 1,800 PERSON tragedy that continues to unfold right under the radar of the media?

When the hurricanes wreaked havoc in New Orleans, that news item was on the headlines for weeks. Yet the mudslide thing warranted nothing more than a token article here.

Pinoy nga naman talaga… 😀




February 25th, 2006 at 10:34 am

Just because someone suffered and worked hard, does not necessarily mean anything was ACHIEVED
— hmm is it just me or are we talking bout just her right to talk at makati yesterday? hmmm??? yup agree with that point .. as with the point that even if were paying the right taxes if it werent used right then why do we bother to pay at all??

Ninoy died, for example. But was don’t you think he would have been a wee bit more productive if he had a pulse today
— i agree.. i think he and rizal were both escapist in some respect.. still.. i think at least they have the balls to face the music di ba?? which would u prefer ba a dead hero un blemished or a live “im the best lady for the job” crook?? i think ill take the former..

So what makes us think that all those people we venerate here will have really made a difference.
— hero’s are there for us to emulate.. not just to gawk at .. i guess thats the reality thats lost in us.. maraming taong nakatingin lamang.. kasi maraming maka sarili.. yun lang.. puro salita walang gawa.. o di ba?? madali lang naman magsalita eh.. but if u have the balls y dont u come here and do something??

And isn’t it ironic that this PEOPLE power thing we are celebrating today kinda overshadows the on-going 1,800 PERSON tragedy that continues to unfold right under the radar of the media?
— media reports news that affects us now.. like ur train of thot kanina.. if ninoy is dead whats use is he to us.. heartless as this may sound all of the things that can be done were executed.. theyre dead.. so if we follow ur logic.. we should move on to the living right??

When the hurricanes wreaked havoc in New Orleans, that news item was on the headlines for weeks. Yet the mudslide thing warranted nothing more than a token article here
— please dont equate peeps living in the states to peeps here.. 70 percent of the people here live below the poverty line.. if u compare even the poor peeps at detroit live better there than here.. hmm try coming here and live at the slums and you’ll know what im talking about..


ms. bayani

February 25th, 2006 at 3:22 pm

this is my personal take on EDSA celebration:
PEOPLE POWER was borne out of the efforts of the people who have dreamt of having a society conducive to peace and progress for its people. The people were not wrong at that time…it is just right to overthrow a dictator.
It is the GOVERNMENT LEADERS and OLIGARCHIC families who betrayed the Filipinos and taken them for a ride. Instead of executing and fully implementing policies to uplift the plight of the majority, they embraced hook, line and sinker the greedy, sinister and corrupt ways of the old traditional politicians and old elites.
GMA was the greatest and biggest disappointment and disillusinment that we, the freedom-loving and reform-minded Filipinos, had trusted the country, along with its 85 million people, with. With her pedigree, educational background and the manner by which she was catapulted into office, she could have made a big difference and tremendous moral impact in our political and social climate. but she chose to thread the path of the old ways—even having the temerity to justify her sin and omission by saying that, well…anyway everybody is corrupt and she is just a player in the system….etc.
under is an outline of scandals and issues rocking her office upon assuming the presidency:
1) IMPSA deal – Jimenez, Perez, et. al
2) Vicky Toh caper – Defensor a big character in the melo-drama using gov’t resources – Mahusay, et. al
3) Prosecution of Erap did not prosper – she has no moral suasion to pursue because she’s also guilty of the same crimes
4) Acsa Ramirez blunder- instead of recognizing Acsa for her honesty, she was convicted and humiliated by publicity by no less than the president. (maybe…this is a veiled threat for those who will do the same thing because of larger sums of money that will eventually disappear in gov’t coffers come election time)
5) Majority of government appointees came from the military–why? is she trying to consolidate an absolute hold on power and for what reason? we may be realizing now that she have a need for them after all
6) Bolante caper, re-stolen marcos wealth…etc, etc.billions of funds missing or unliquidated
7) Bankrupt gov’t institution –why the importance of E-VAT?
8) Family connection in big time smuggling and jueteng largesse surpassing the alleged estrada takes
but maybe…the biggest disappointment are the character, and profiles of personalities we elect in office ( maybe…cheated their way into one). who perpetually mouthed inanities, illogical reasoning, immature bickerings and immoral partisan lines because they materially, financially benefit from them. intelligent individuals who would rather take the moronic stance for personal enrichment and power posturings


ms. bayani

February 25th, 2006 at 4:13 pm

at para sa mga personahe dito na minamaliit ang karangalan ng mga Pilipino:
kayo na marahil ang pinaka maingay na trumpeta ng mga tiwaling politiko at gahamang mayayamang pamilya na walang kasawa-sawa sa panloloko, pagnanakaw at pag-aalipusta sa mga mayorya ng pinoy.
sinasabi nila na talagang mga lahi tayo ng kawatan, katamaran at kawalang disiplina at kabahagi lamang sila ng sistemang ito. ngunit hindi ito totoo. pinipilit nila tayong maniwala sa kasinungalingang iyon dahil pinakikinabangan nila ang resulta nuon. pikit-mata na lang nating tatanggapin dahil pinaniniwalaan natin yun. ayaw nilang mabuhay tayo ng marangal at me dignidad dahil pag nangyari yun mawawalan sila ng limpak-limpak na kabuhayan at pakinabang dahil sa mga gawain nilang tiwali.
basehan ng aking mga pahiwatig:
1) ang mga pinoy na siguro ang isa sa may pinaka-malawak at malalim na sakop sa ambag nito sa mundo at mga maunlad na lipunang nilipatan nito. sila ay mga pinagpipitaganang doktor, narses, engineer, seaman, academicians, caregivers, arkitekto, it professionals, entertainers, etc.ibig sabihin, sila ay nanagana at umasenso dahil ang lipunang nilipatan nila ay sumusuporta sa ganitong uri ng pamumuhay ng kanilang mamamayan.
2)pansinin din ang pagbabago sa mga personalidad na halos patapon na sa ating bayan ngunit ng makalipat sa maunlad na lipunan…nagkaroon ng dignidad at maayos na pamumuhay.



February 25th, 2006 at 10:09 pm

I wish Cory would stop asking GMA to make the supreme sacrifice by stepping down. Doesn’t she know GMA is following her footsteps when she also refused to make the supreme sacrifice to step down when Gringo Honasan threatened her with those deadly coups?



February 25th, 2006 at 10:21 pm

Chabeli said: President Aquino will always be a symbol of democracy in the Philippines. What greater gift can one give his motherland but the gift of freedom…

Many share your feelings about her, Chabeli. I, for one, wish that the respect and admiration I have for her will not be tarnished by her association with discredited political leaders that people have discarded for being corrupt. I cringe when I saw her in the company of Erap. Does she need his help to bring down GMA? That image turned off a lot of Cory believers.



February 25th, 2006 at 10:53 pm

i was a cory believer then… putting him on the highest pedestal of the the people who idolize.. pero nawala yun lahat.. nang makita ko siyang nakipag kabit bisig sa mga taong simbolo ng corruption gaya ng mga estrada. hindi si GMA ang nasa panic ngaun kungdi si CORY.. kahit mga ahas kinakasama.. …

cguro pag successful sila ngaun at mapa alis si gloria.. pag nakabalik ang mga estrada o lacson kaya.. tatawag naman siya ulit ng people power .. at makikipagtulungan ulit kay GMA..

hindi nyo ba nakikita ko ano na siya ngaun.. kahit sino pwede na siyang gawing uto-uto.. parang isang prostitute.. may pinagmanahan nga naman talaga..



February 26th, 2006 at 3:00 am

Chabeli said,

President Aquino will always be a symbol of democracy in the Philippines. What greater gift can one give his motherland but the gift of freedom…

I totally agree with you. I’ll always admire her courage regardless of what her detractors says. When Cory said that she will only serve one term as the transition president , she kept her word. This is unlike the present occupant of Malacanan palace who doesn’t have any palabra de honor. She not only ran during the last presidential election but cheated her way into office as well. Of all the presidents of the Philippines, GLUE-RIA is not only the smallest, she is also the worst! (BAD, BAD GLUE-RIA MACAPAL-ARROVO!)



February 26th, 2006 at 5:19 am

“That’s why I was asking what is this emergency act all about? Is it another name for martial law?” Mrs. Aquino told the media yesterday.

Why?, Mrs Corazon Aquino, you don’t know what is happening? Wag kang magpaka patay-mali. You know the current situation, how chaotic it is and you are asking for it and your new found friend the opposition bully. You don’t like it when she proclaimed because all your bad intentions were not relialized.

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, has the right to declare the State of Emergency in order to preserve the democratic level of our society, she is more professional than you are. I could not even imagine what you did to the people of Hacienda Louisita, I only knew it when it broke out from the media and the killings of the leaders of the peasants. You are not following the rules of CARP, the tenants have the rigth to own the land they till. For how many years these tenants are tilling the land working under the heat of the sun or in the middle of the freezy rains, it is like slavery, only to serve this aristocratic family and yet these farmers are still living in a situation which is hard to explain. This is a plain injustice, inequality, and a false hope.

The economy was already on the right track for a few months, the credit ratings, the rebound of the peso and the confidence of the investors are high, until yesterday when you, the rouge soldiers, the hungry opposition perform a damaging action to the growth of the economy, sabotaging the confidence of the people to the goverment. LAKTOD NGA PAGKASULTI WA MOY MGA BATASAN.

We are glad that PGMA, did not surrender the freedom of the people to the hungry lions or a hawk looking for its prey. The declaration of PGMA’s 1017 is the right step to strike first the enemy before they can strike.

Congratulations, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and to all your supporters.



February 26th, 2006 at 4:36 pm

Huwag nating kalimutan na kung wala si ginang Aquino kailan may hindi natin matatamo ang demokrasya ng ating bansa. Itoy utang natin sa kanya at sa kay ginoong Ninoy na nagsakrepisyo para sa ating inang bayan. Mabuhay ka Mrs. Aquino.


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Not quite people power — yet

February 26th, 2006 at 9:28 pm

[…] THOUSANDS of civilians, including former President Corazon C. Aquino (who is on her way as this is being written), opposition politicians, activists, and priests and nuns, are gathering outside the Marine headquarters at Fort Bonifacio, singing songs and praying the rosary in support of mutinous Marines, even as the military ordered  the deployment of anti-riot troops and sealed off the camp to prevent even more civilians from swelling the ranks of supporters. […]



February 26th, 2006 at 9:38 pm

The higher they gets the crooker they became!



February 26th, 2006 at 11:24 pm

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, has the right to declare the State of Emergency in order to preserve the democratic level of our society,
— to preserve our democracy or prolong her stay in malacanang??

The economy was already on the right track for a few months, the credit ratings, the rebound of the peso and the confidence of the investors are high,
— tell the to the poor masses out there who were poorer now than they were during marcos’ time.. economy went up because of the dollars the overseas workers sent in.. and the rise in taxes.. which i might add if the government is not corrupt in the first place shouldnt have been done..

like what ive said earlier mrs aquino has her faults.. among them her penchant to discard all those things marcos had done be it good or bad.. still she did restore our democracy.. and i guess.. if she did’nt all those of u badmouthing her now would have been incarcerated by pd 1017 di ba? kaya magisip muna kayo ng logical bago mag post pls..



February 26th, 2006 at 11:56 pm


who sabotaged the economy? the coup plotters or the declaration of the state of national emergency of your idol? are you not reading the news? even the international news like cnn and what their political analyst has to say about the major move or as what fvr said the “overkill” ? and where is glue-ria yesterday after declaring the day before pd 1017 while mike d. is saying that there are armed elements still on the loose? your idol is touring the malls. yan ba ang may serious threat sa life niya? kaya pang magmall tour at mag photo-ops? hindi ba SOP na pag may threat sa life ng president kailangang isecure eto at hindi muna dapat malapitan ng mga tao? ganon ba ang nangyari?
how chaotic ba kamo? sino ba ang nambulabog ng edsa celebration? naghuli ng mga raliyista at nagsampa ng kasong sedisyon? OA masyado. all glue-ria wanted was to avoid the celebration and what she did to ensure it was to ban the celebration. galing din ano? the truth is wala siyang pakialam sa magiging epekto nito sa ekonomiya. what she only wanted is to hold on to power no matter what happens.




February 27th, 2006 at 12:07 am

President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, has the right to declare the State of Emergency in order to preserve the democratic level of our society, she is more professional than you are

— last comment before i call it a night.. excuse me mrs arroyo is all things but not professional.. how do u call a president who addressed congress and clearly state that she will not run after her stint as “president” then backtracks and conviniently says that its the people who want her to run?? what do u call that? professional?? di kya walang palabra de honor? o worse sinungaling?? dun plang its says alot bout her as a person.. i may have been glad that she suceeded erap.. but ever since that booboo.. i can never trust what she says again.. can u??



February 27th, 2006 at 6:19 pm

I pray for you Tita Cory. You are the Moses in our people’s quest of the Promised Land. Remember the dove perching on your shoulder at your wedding and inauguration – signs of the crosses you had to bear. Thank you for your forbearance and continued vigilance. Viva Papa Ratzi.



February 28th, 2006 at 7:14 am

Mrs. Aquino was once a symbol of democracy and hope for the Filipino people when she became the president. But, if she only did her job, we would not be suffering anymore 20 years after the People Power. She had the chance to put the likes of Imeda and Marcos cronies rotting in jail, but she did not. And now, she has the face to critisize the present administration, and worst, ask a President to step down. Marunong siyang tumingin sa dumi ng ibang tao pero hindi niya nakikita ang dumi sa sarili niyang mukha. Kapal ng mukha niya.



February 28th, 2006 at 5:15 pm

i love cory…

“…Different coups, different responses. The coups against Cory were launched by people determined to topple a legitimate government and scuttle democracy as we know it. Her response was to strengthen the institutions of the democracy even more. The coup against Arroyo was launched by people determined to topple a government shrouded in illegitimacy and, at least by its avowal, restore democracy as we know it. Her response has been to raze the institutions of democracy completely.”

“What can I say? I love Cory.”


arturo, long time i haven’t read from you. welcome back!



March 2nd, 2006 at 2:15 pm

Where is Cory Magic?

Where is Yellow Power?

Haven’t you guys noticed.. it’s fading and waning.

The middle class is absent in all these rallies.. the flock of Cory has indeed turned their backs against a symbol of freedom and faced democracy itself.

Cory is a great EDSA hero, but what she is doing now is not heroic.. hope she does not desacrate the color yellow anymore.. it means a lot to us Filipinos, and seeing an Estrada wearing a yellow ribbon is like throwing mud at our Philippine flag.

Let’s just help each other.. politics aside.

Filipinos are a great people! Mabuhay Pilipinas natin!


malayang ibon

March 3rd, 2006 at 9:02 am

Tula para kay Cory Aquino


Snap election, boto ko sayo
EDSA Uno, andun ako
Natulog sa damuhan, nagbabantay ng coup
Nasan ka kaya, ewan ko!

Salamat kay Lord, ikaw naging pangulo
Mga masa umasa, binigo mo.
Me nagawa ka ba, ewan ko!

Andiyan ka na naman, naga-alburuto
Nakikisama sa mga trapo
Puede bang, wag ng makigulo
Sa ating bayang, naghihingalo.



March 5th, 2006 at 8:49 pm

“When you pray do not be like the hypocrites! They love to stand up and pray in the houses of worship and on the street corners, so that everyone will see them”….. Matthew 6:7.
Woe to you Cory and her fans of priests, nuns, Tito Guingona, and all the other politicians and poor ordinary people… they all do pray with funfares, lights, cameras for all the world to see. They too chose where the actions (protests) are progressing to pray complete with rosaries.
Cory prays for the downfall of Gloria and Gloria prays to remain in power as the President … who does God favors then.
In so many instances Cory did probably pray but God seems to have turned a deaf ear on her.
Did she pray for the safety of Ninoy? Did she pray for Kris, too.
A news article not too long ago wrote that Cory gave a rosary to a dying politician but died just the same. It was reported that Cory’s rosary according to her saves lives!
I need not say more……
Cory, the President by accident. She rendered no credible accomplishment but surely her Kamaganak, Inc. did their job well of raking the most of the expensive/profitable human settlements projects for a song. What are we in power for … so they say.

So Cory why demand the resignation of your President. Am sorry you have no moral authority to do so.



March 5th, 2006 at 9:56 pm

I have visited many forums and I was amazed to see the growing number of people who have turned against Cory because of her association with some unpopular political elements. Indeed, she has become a big disappointment to many. I suppose Cory should feel at home with her new found group. Can’t blame her though after all GMA did not lift a finger to prevent the Hacienda Luisita from being taken away.

Hi BAYCAS glad to be back and good to hear from you again.


kuleet ato

March 7th, 2006 at 4:19 pm

Supreme Sacrifice???

Tita Cory you condemn Gloria for alledged involvement in hoaxing the presidential elections, when COMELEC AND NAMFREL claiming and shouting then that it was a clean and credible elections!!! mga loko-loko!!!Tapos today since its uso to fight the goverment abaa itong mga nasa NAMFREL sinasabing GMA must resign kasi may dayaan!!! ewan ko sa inyo!!! Ito namang si tita Cory dadasal-dasal with the Marcoses and the Estradas whose honesty is more doubtful..baka nakakalimot po kayo eh kaaway nyo po yan dati??? IMPOSSIBLE!! Is this your Supreme Sacrife???WITH SUCH DOUBLE STANDARDS, HOW
CAN THE PEOPLE TRUST YOU? Nsaan na si Cory Aquino??? na ipinagtangol ng Pilipino…Ma’am wag po kayong magpagamit,kumilos kayong mag-isa baka mas magtiwa po kami…..



March 7th, 2006 at 9:42 pm

Who do we now call ‘political prostitute’. Paki explain baka matulungan ako ng dating government official. O kaya ‘sleeping with the enemy’ na lang para mas maganda ang dating. O kaya ‘tactical alliance’ para bagang tunay na may alam!!!!!



March 7th, 2006 at 9:45 pm

Ok then…Who do we now call ‘political prostitute’. Paki explain baka matulungan ako ng dating government official. O kaya ‘sleeping with the enemy’ na lang para mas maganda ang dating. O kaya ‘tactical alliance’ para bagang tunay na may alam!!!!!



March 7th, 2006 at 9:54 pm

Are we now seeing a ‘political prostitute’ at work? Maybe the former general can help me out with the definition. Or ‘sleeping with the enemy’ a milder term … or ‘tactical alliance’ but this presupposes a more brainiac motive.



May 21st, 2006 at 2:02 pm

‘ALL of us Filipinos have to make sacrifices’

may mga tao talagang sadyang makapal ang mukha.

i was brought up believing that she was the country’s savior. that’s what they taught us in schools. i’m glad i woke up just in time.

no, she didn’t turn out to be a disappoint lately. she has always been a disappointment. i have no respect for her.

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