The book is part of a series of manuals that the PCIJ has been publishing since 1995, is a how-to manual that instructs those interested in corruption—whether they are journalists, activists, government officials, academics, researchers, or plain concerned citizens—how to probe various forms of malfeasance.
Investigating Corruption is a user-friendly manual that is based largely on the experiences of PCIJ journalists. Among others, it gives tips on investigating officials, including checking their assets, lifestyles, and behavior. A special section in the book describes how the PCIJ uncovered former President Estrada’s millions and mansions.
The book also provides a guide to various human sources and documents that corruption investigators can use. The government’s complex procurements system is explained in the book, which also includes tips on how to spot whether anomalies in public biddings and the negotiation of contracts for government purchases. For the numerically inclined, the book explains how the scale and impact of corruption can be measured using various mathematical and statistical tools.
Other chapters provide instruction on probing corruption in the courts and in the environment sector. A guide to government agencies tasked with investigating graft, including the specific functions of these agencies, is also included. The last chapter of the book lists the NGOs involved in curbing corruption.