September 11, 2005 · Posted in: Arroyo Impeachment

The president’s gravy train

HOW generous is President Arroyo to certain members of Congress?

Generous enough these days to do the unthinkable, even if it is a no-no in government: Issue postdated checks to support the pet projects of favored legislators, who have been getting millions of pesos for such things as high-school scholarship funds (even if high-school education is free) and other questionable projects.

The checks were released from the President’s Social Fund. Also known as the president’s “pork barrel,” the fund was created by a Marcos decree that required the Philippine Amusement and Gaming Corp. or Pagcor to remit its earnings to support the president’s development projects. According to the Commission on Audit, the fund stood at P1.16 billion as of Dec. 31, 2004.

Among the recent releases from the President’s Social Fund were three postdated checks, each worth P5 million, that were sent to the Department of Education in late August by no less than the Presidential Management Staff. The checks, all issued to the DepEd, were drawn from Account No. 001512-1027-66 at Land Bank’s Malacañang branch. The first check was dated Sept. 3 and has since fallen due. The two others were dated Dec. 3, 2005 and March 3, 2006. All of them were signed by Erlinda M.B. de Leon, officer in charge of the President’s Social Fund, and Deputy Executive Secretary Susana D. Vargas.

(A Malacañang source, however, said Vargas probably did not know about the postdated checks. The deputy executive secretary customarily pre-signs the checks and lets the president dispose of them as she sees fit, the source said. The president is the sole approving authority of the fund releases.)

PCIJ saw the original copy of the checks and obtained facsimiles which are posted in this blog.

Although the postdated checks named DepEd as payee, their backs clearly pointed to who these were for: “c/o A. M. Diaz Scholarship Program, 2nd Dist. Zambales” or the 78-year-old Antonio Magsaysay Diaz who represents the second district of Zambales.

The checks arrived barely a week after Diaz himself sent to DepEd a current-dated P5 million check also sourced from the president’s pork. In an accompanying letter, he informed DepEd officials that President Arroyo “generously committed P20 million from her Social Fund to supplement the scholarship fund for Zambales” and that the P5 million represented the first tranche.

Diaz and his chief of staff have verbally requested the DepEd central office to deposit the check to its account and transfer the fund to the Zambales schools division, from which they would get the money for distribution to scholars under the “GMA-Diaz Scholarship Program,” according to DepEd sources.

Tied to impeachment?

DepEd sources said they strongly suspect the fund releases were tied to the Palace maneuvers to kill the impeachment complaint against President Arroyo. They pointed out that Diaz himself stated in his letter that the first tranche was released last Aug. 21, a Sunday and a nonworking day.

The release came two days after the House justice committee closed the debates on the three impeachment complaints and two days before it was to resume hearings to address “prejudicial questions” and vote on the supposedly proper complaint. In the end, the committee decided to act only on the original complaint filed by lawyer Oliver Lozano, but threw it out for lacking in substance.

Rep. Ronaldo Zamora said pro-impeachment congressmen at first thought Diaz, a member of the Liberal Party which had called for Arroyo’s resignation last July 10 over the jueteng and “Hello, Garci” scandals rocking her administration, was sympathetic to them. “He came to us and claimed he was outraged” over the House justice committee proceedings, Zamora recalled.

Last Sept. 6, however, Diaz was among the 158 House members who voted to adopt the House justice committee report junking the Lozano complaint.

On the day the House was set to vote on the committee report, sources said Malacañang also called DepEd about the P5-million check for Zamboanga del Sur Isidoro Real Jr. Like Diaz, Real voted yes. He explained to his colleagues that the president has helped his province. “We have never had it so good,” he said.

The Malacañang source said the Office of the President has issued to other government agencies checks that are really intended for the congressmen, and is frantically coordinating with the accounting units of these agencies how to transfer the sums to the legislators and their projects.

The source, however, is not privy to the number of congressmen-recipients of the president’s pork and the amount of the largesse.

Wrong move?

By releasing the checks to government agencies like the DepEd, Malacañang may have bitten more than it can chew.

Up to now, the DepEd central office has yet to transfer Diaz’s first P5 million to the Zambales schools division. Neither has the department given in to Malacañang’s escalating pressure to sign the receipt for the three postdated checks.

Sources said education officials, who have repeatedly asked to be “insulated from politics” amid the political crisis hounding Arroyo, object to the Palace’s move to use DepEd and other agencies to cover the money trail from Malacañang to the congressmen. “This is clearly laundering. DepEd is being used to launder the money for the congressmen,” a DepEd official said.

The official also said DepEd would be violating government account practice by accepting the postdated checks issued by the Palace.

Another source also said the DepEd accounting office at first thought the Palace checks were spurious because the entries were handwritten. “It’s crudely done,” the official said.

In business, the issuance of postdated checks is a common practice. Postdated checks are used to ensure collection and pay debts, among other purposes. These serve as guarantees of payment.

A senior state auditor said there are no rules prohibiting or allowing postdated checks in government “because there is no transaction of this nature in government.” Told about the postdated checks from the President’s Social Fund, he said: “I’ve never seen one (a government-issued postdated check) in my 26 years as an auditor. That is a highly abnormal transaction. Government never issues postdated checks.”

Zamora, who was former President Estrada’s executive secretary, said it is the first time he has ever heard of a government agency issuing postdated checks. “A government check is good immediately. Very clearly, they (Malacañang) don’t have the money,” he said.

Accountability is another major reason the DepEd has refused to cooperate with either Diaz or Malacañang. “There would be no accountability at all. Diaz does not officially appear as the recipient. How do we liquidate the amount? How can we compel him to liquidate? What do we tell COA?” the DepEd official said.

Without DepEd’s help, Diaz cannot get the P20 million the Palace has committed to him. The checks can only be deposited at the DepEd central office’s trust account. None of its field offices have trust accounts.

If Diaz were to deposit his checks with DepEd field offices, these would have to be booked as income in the general fund and, as a result, revert to the National Treasury. Diaz would still have to wait for the Department of Budget and Management to issue an authority to transfer the money back to the DepEd through a special allotment release order and notice of cash allocation.

Diaz’s fame

In the House of Representatives, Diaz is famous for his fondness for giving out his pork barrel to scholars in his province.

Zamora said colleagues have questioned Diaz’s scholarship programs because these were construed as vote-buying. The Zambales representative would have as many as 20,000 scholars in a year, each receiving as little as P150, he said.

A COA source said Diaz makes it a point to personally hand out the checks to his scholars instead of the scholar’s school billing the DepEd division, which is the normal procedure.

Diaz’s initial P5 million under the GMA-Diaz Scholarship Program is supposed to be given out to 14,285 scholars in 22 public high schools in his district. This means each scholar wound end up with P350. “It’s nutty. High-school education in public schools is free,” said an education official. “The president was ill-advised to approve this.”

Diaz has gained fame for other reasons.

Last February, “Viva Hot Babe” Ana Lea Javier filed a sexual harassment and oral defamation case against the congressman before the justice department and the House ethics committee for “shamelessly kissing” her in public and making sexual advances to her in his beach resort in Iba, Zambales. Javier is the same starlet whom Metro Manila Development Authority chair Bayani Fernando was caught kissing at a fund-raising event.

In September last year, Diaz threatened to resign as congressman when he failed to get the post of deputy speaker for Luzon (this went to Tarlac Rep. Benigno Aquino III), only to change his mind a day after when he failed to get support and sympathy from his colleagues. He had also claimed to be disillusioned because of the public’s low public regard for congressmen, lawmakers abusing their privileges and the delay in the release of their pork barrel.

Even earlier, Diaz gained the monicker “Furusato King” for holding meetings of the oversight committee on Mt. Pinatubo which he chairs at the expensive Japanese restaurant Furusato. He quickly wrote a personal check equivalent to the total expenses of the oversight committee after he was roundly criticized. Diaz is also chairman of the committee on science and technology and vice chairman of the committee on public works and highways.

The President’s pork

When she was president, Corazon Aquino, through Executive Order 338, deemed it best to have all the Pagcor earnings her office was entitled to deposited with the National Treasury. This meant the funds were released in the same way most government funds were.

Fidel V. Ramos, however, authorized Pagcor earnings to be deposited under a separate account at any government bank through Memorandum Order 22-A issued in the same month he assumed the presidency. His move was supposed to give Malacañang flexibility in managing the President’s Social Fund.

From the Aquino to the Estrada’s presidencies, the Social Fund was managed and administered by the Presidential Management Staff. On March 15, 2002, however, President Arroyo ordered the fund transferred to the Office of the President through Memorandum Order 56. At the time of the transfer, the President’s pork totaled P1.09 billion.

The fund has not entirely escaped COA’s notice, especially its accounting. For example, when the money was transferred in 2002, no corresponding entry for the transfer was made in the Office of the President’s books of accounts.

The Palace invests a portion of the fund in treasury bills, other marketable securities and high-yield accounts. COA noted that the P2.3-million interest earned on a P119.4-million time deposit sourced out of the President’s Social Fund and placed with Land Bank last year was not taken up in Malacañang’s books. Neither was P603 million that represented marketable securities and their proceeds recorded in its books, it said.

It has also taken the Office of the President awhile to conform with a COA circular on how to book Pagcor earnings for the President’s Social Fund under the new government accounting system. It had persisted in treating Pagcor money as liability when it should be classified as income, specifically as a share from Pagcor/PCSO (Philippine Charity Sweepstakes Office).

The Office of the President has since made the corrections—after repeated reminders from COA, topped by an audit observation memo issued to the Palace last Feb. 14.

244 Responses to The president’s gravy train



September 11th, 2005 at 10:39 am

Characteristic of politics of spoils. As I’ve said before, there is no longer a rule of law in this land. Just plain old politics. Poli–many, tics–blood sucking insects.



September 11th, 2005 at 12:45 pm

sana magising na ang taong bayan,matuto na sana tayo na wag na mag
papaluko sa mga pulitico.
If only we open our eyes the way politician`s work
when they run for a position in the goverment,this politicians doesnt have anything,but when they become councilor,mayor or congressman they then have everything,house,car`s cash and even kerida`s.
one example is mike defensor,
nag commute lang siya,ngayon lahat na yata ng kotse meron siya



September 11th, 2005 at 1:12 pm




September 11th, 2005 at 1:25 pm

hay naku, galit na talaga ako sa kay Guya(GMA). walang delikadesa, garapal na ang corruption.



September 11th, 2005 at 1:38 pm

Pakapalan na lang ng mukha talaga yan!

I think she is really proud of what she is doing :)



September 11th, 2005 at 2:10 pm

What else do we, the people, need to prove that she is corrupt , a thief and a liar. We need to do whatever it takes to get rid of her before there is nothing left for our future. RISE!



September 11th, 2005 at 2:39 pm

well what can i say. the more i miss mr. raul roco.



September 11th, 2005 at 2:43 pm

As Filipinos and taxpayer we can do our share in minimizing the corrupt practices of our government officials. One thing we can do right now is to be more vigilant especially with our local officials. If we can see that they are using government vehicles for their personal benefit, for example, promptly report this to the local media. We should use local media as our sumbungan ng bayan para naman mahiya ang mga corrupt officials natin !



September 11th, 2005 at 2:55 pm

kahit na nakakasuka ang mga ganitong balita … please keep them coming .
hopefully , these will achieve critical mass, explode , and kick us awake from our supposed ” people-power fatigue “



September 11th, 2005 at 2:55 pm




September 11th, 2005 at 3:02 pm




September 11th, 2005 at 3:17 pm

…..Hail to the thief!!!



September 11th, 2005 at 3:42 pm

even mike velarde is collecting on utang na loob. look at what’s happening in one tv network being used by him. gocc’s are being distributed to favored people who supported her. The squatter in malacanang owes so many favors that we might have to sell the philippines to recover.



September 11th, 2005 at 3:58 pm

Hindi lang naman mga mahihirap ang ginagamit ng mga politiko (street rallies), even bussinessmen (during election) ay nagpapagamit din. Last presidential election, there were Mr. Roco who is undoubtedly a great man for the Pilipino people, & Mr. Villanueva who is a God fearing man. We were given a chance for a change & revival of our economy by these two individual but many of us voted for GMA & Poe. We reap what we saw and that’s where we are now.



September 11th, 2005 at 4:37 pm

TRAPO at its most unshameful display…KAPAL na KAPAL…



September 11th, 2005 at 4:40 pm

Let’s be patient. I know the day will come…GMA’s Demise.

Keep it burning!


Dr. Kal

September 11th, 2005 at 5:12 pm

agree ako dyan kay mike defensor. isa sa pinakurakot na politoko yan. mga brods nyan sa UP and mga kolektor ng nakukurakot nyan.



September 11th, 2005 at 5:25 pm

hail to the thief!!!! exact word to describe the one running the country.

part of the blame should go to those who voted for gloria, when will we ever learn? as the song goes…… tsk! you reap what you sow…. sorrow and suffering for the Filipino people, when will this end? maybe not in this lifetime. mike defensor, a friendly advise shut your mouth, para ka ng chismosa sa kanto, nakakahiya ka na!


ed b. umali

September 11th, 2005 at 5:39 pm

Sabi na nga ba, tutoo ang balita, 20 million pesos ang allocasyon ng bawat congressman na pumirma sa pag basura ng impeachment. At kahit wala pang pondo, puede kahit “post-dated” cheques.Ito daw ay tulong ni GMA sa kanilang mga probinsya. Di ba nila naiintindihan na pera ito ng bayan? Sa 20 million, magkano ang sa probinsya at magkano ang sa kanilang BULSA? Tama si congressman Zamora. Vote buying ang scholarship program ni Diaz. Dapat ang schorlarship ay pang kolehiyo, di pang high school kasi libre ito. Ang masakit niyan, sinisira ng mga ito ang pangalan na iniwan ni Presidente Ramon Magsaysay. Ngayon, lahat ng mga kamag-anak nya sa congress, maliban siguro sa anak na senador, si sen. Jun Magsaysay, lahat ay nabili na ni Gloria Arroyo. Ang mga ito ay… Mitos Magsaysay, Amang Magsaysay at Antonio Magsaysay Diaz. Senador Gordon, ilabas mo na ang ebidensya mo, kung meron nga o baka puro ka rin daldal at naghihintay ng “offer” galing” kay Gloria Arroyo.



September 11th, 2005 at 6:32 pm

There are no crooks if either one of BOTH refuses the bribe, the giver and the recipient. If the congressmen couldnt resist the funds given them then they are to blame. Zamora should know because he too was recipient during erap’s time. Weather, weather lang, as ERAP loved to say. For so long as we continue to vote IDIOTS in congress and for so long as the majority of people would vote candidates who have the money to give them during election day: transpo allowance, food allowance, and extra for other expenses, there will be 100 more GMA’s. PCIJ can print thousands upon thousands of exposes, insider plots, but the same will happen. In the end we will all look like IDIOTS amongst these policiticians.



September 11th, 2005 at 6:42 pm

After GMA what do we have?
Erap (and his bunch of the same idiots)
Ping Lacson (and his rightist torturers)
Bro Eddie (will the Catholic church allow a PROTESTANT BISHOP to lead the country?)
Sison and Jalandoni (Thru Ocampo, Akbayan, Bayan- will the MILITARY allow the left to take power?)
Businessmen (under the Makati Business Club- wasn’t Luz head of NAMFREL? was NAMFREL in cahoots with GMA’s cheaters?)
A revolutionary government with leftist and rightist members? Is it possible for to co-exist? They would exterminate each other.
Marcos (Imee and company?)
The young turks: Escudero, Cayetano? With their IDEALISM i doubt if they can last a month.
Susan Roces (Can she stomach the intrigues of politics?)

As bad as it is with GMA, i am afraid the same scenario will happen, even worse because those who will now come to power will be hungrier, and when they are hungry the next inevitable thing happens: government coffers are looted. Same cycle, same situation.

What are our alternatives?
Paging PCIJ….



September 11th, 2005 at 6:51 pm

If FPJ had won, does anybody HONESTLY think the crooks and polticians behind him will not resort to the same looting of govt coffers? Honestly? Look at the whose and who in congress and you’d realize these are the same people- the sons, daugters and relatives of those who were in power during Marco’s time: Escudero, Cayetano, Zamora, De Venicia, etc. People will say FPJ would have the guts to stop them. Will he? hahahahahahahahahahahaaa…Were not only Stupid as a people but NAIVE as well. Tell that to the marines. We have to device a way to change our electoral system or the moneyed will continue to be in power. And THEY will be the factors behind the winners as they will be the source of financing, whether through legitimate means (business profits), illegal means (jueteng and drugs). It will be the same.


ka erning

September 11th, 2005 at 7:17 pm

Hanga ako talaga kay bangus! Kahit gaano kagarapal ang kanyang among pandak, pilit pa niyang ini-idolo at ipinagtatanggol. Malaki yata ang kanyang pakinabang at busog na busog na siya!



September 11th, 2005 at 7:55 pm

Bangus is perfectly right, just look at who’s lording over in that side of the fence, puro mga wala ring maitatago, you know their faces, their pasts. Take your pick from this bunch of…, and all too well, we’re in the same cycle.



September 11th, 2005 at 8:04 pm

As Gary Granada said, Kung gusto nyo si Gloria walang truth, Kung Gusto nyo ng Truth, wala si gloria..make ur choice mga parekoy!



September 11th, 2005 at 8:16 pm

I voted and campaigned for RAUL ROCO last election. Ka erning is wrong to say i am rooting for GMA. For me, it is only (was) Roco who would have been BEST for the country as he was NOT compromising. Unfortunately, the good die young so….



September 11th, 2005 at 8:31 pm

I am in TOTAL agreement that GMA should be ousted fast. It is inevitable that sooner and later GMA will be ousted. What i am trying to say ask is: WHAT is the post GMA scenario? Who do we trust to put into power? LUIS JALANDONI? SISON? As Ka erning im sure would like? Maybe its about time we ask them to come back instead of enjoying the GOOD COFFEE and AMENITIES in the prague. Why dont they join their comrades in the mountains?



September 11th, 2005 at 8:35 pm

Without question, GMA will soon be ousted. The question i ask is: WHO WILL TAKE THE REIGNS OF GOVT? Luis Jalandoni? Joma Sison? Ka Erning would be happy.



September 11th, 2005 at 8:37 pm

when can we have a truly honest and good leader?!… when will the Filipinos learn how to vote for someone dedicated to help the people?… but i’m not saying to vote for these actors,huh, duh?!!!…i just pity the Filipinos for having to endure all these hardships coz of all these corrupt people in the government… i live overseas and i just wish that someday the Philippines will just be like the place where I am living right now… probably a hundred years from now… it’s just so sad…



September 11th, 2005 at 9:07 pm

off topic…

opposition and some truth-seekers in congress have been had…and so are we.

previous news items:

tonight, lozano was seen with marcoleta at a NBN talkshow (mr. f. abando as host). as usual, both of them are denying they knew each other from the start. however, lozano acted unnaturally as a defeated complainant (either he is a gentleman or really a bogus adversary). he even admired the brilliance of the majority congressmen (much the same way as he admires the opposition). now he’s again jumping the gun on the opposition by filing a haphazardly done petition for writ of certiorari to the supreme court. i’m sure this will muddle the issue more; jeopardizing the case. the truth-seekers will possibly run out of legal means for the impeachment. such a nuisance lawyer!

…just goes to show how a grand conspiracy (or how evil, for that matter) triumphs…FOR NOW…



September 11th, 2005 at 9:35 pm

It is not surprising that the government writes post-dated checks. I’ve seen paychecks of teachers that are post-dated. You can verify this with the DepEd. I live in the province and it has been a long practice of the DepEd to issue post-dated checks.

What is surprising, though, is that you are still surprised that the President writes checks from her social fund as if it is her own personal checking account. What has COA done about it?



September 11th, 2005 at 10:05 pm

Patong patong na ang evidences against the pekeng presidente. Mayroon pa rin ang tanong ano ang alternatibo pag wala na ang dwende. Bawat isa ay may kasagutan na kakaiba sa kapwa. Maganda nga nakikialam tayo.

Nabuo ang solidarity movement dahil sa pagkakasundo na kailangan pababain si GMA. Sa akin, ito ay patunay na ang boses ng masa ang kanilang pinakikinggan, hindi ang sarili.



September 11th, 2005 at 10:06 pm

The only reason why GMA is still president, is because there is no strong leader to be found among the opposition.

They have to make their case, this is the only way it is going to happen. They have convince us.

I for one, do not want a caretaker gov’t. Especially not Rene de Villa, and when you talk of a caretaker gov’t, it’s like they decided amongst themselves to divide what remains of our country. That is one of the reasons why the majority of us, and we are not silent- no I know we aren’t.

To pick the opposition who are glued together by the aim to oust her and little else would be to jump from the karahay into the grill.

wag na. We keep saying we are a democracy, then we have to have the balls to push our agenda.



September 11th, 2005 at 10:17 pm

To everyone who is fighting to know the truth, who aspires for better future of generations to come, let me share to all what Randy David has written:

“First, I believe there is nothing wrong with politicians having personal motives. But for these to have social validity, such interests have to be fused with the wider interests of the community. That is how leaders are found: they personify the aspirations of an entire nation or community. Second, cheating in elections must bother all of us who value democracy. Democracy is meaningless if we do nothing to make elections trustworthy. That is why it matters very much that we know whether Ms Arroyo and Commissioner Garcillano manipulated the 2004 elections. Third, it may indeed be true that many of our present politicians are morally bankrupt. But that should only prompt us to be selective of our future leaders, rather than forgiving of the corrupt ones we have.

Clearly, it is not just confusion we are battling here. We are also up against cynicism, fear, despair, and the pull of blind affinities. We might begin to overcome these if we could visualize the kind of nation we want to leave to our children. In my heart of hearts, I know that such a nation has to be one that is self-reliant and capable of governing itself, is run by leaders who inspire trust in their people, who in turn have a reason to be proud of their identity and heritage and fully embrace their responsibilities as citizens. If such a vision has any value at all, it should show us the way past Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.”

Good Riddance !!!!



September 11th, 2005 at 11:03 pm

what’s with bangus? He is so worried of the left taking over, hence he is resorting to spewing anti-left bogey, sounding very much like McCarthy. ho hum. because of his fear, bangus would rather have that intellectually dishonest and cheat in malacanang.

so what about jms, louis? they are very decent and intellectually honest persons; and their programs are second to none, if i may say so. visit their web. they don’t have to join their comrades in the mountains, they could do better in international and diplomatic work. dito sa pinas, dinededo lang ng mga katulad ni palparan ang mga progressives and revolutionary leaders like jms, louis and coy. They are rare breed, may their tribe increase.

he says he rooted for raul roco, another decent man. pero di ba nanawagan si roco for gma’s ouster just before his death?

am not afraid of a transition council having in its core the leftists and rightists. anti-erap and pro-erap. anti-marcos, pro-marcos. pro-cory and anti-cory. in launching a good fight, we should isolate the enemy, that is gma. leaders will rise as the protest movement progresses.

ambivalent ako sa transition dati pero i think this is now the best option after the House killed the impeachment proceedings. blessing in disguise dahil this only united the fractious opposition. maraming namiss na chances. medyo late na nga because umasa ang Hyatt 10, si Cory at iba pa sa impeachment. the church too played coy. ano ang nangyari? lalong naguluhan lamang ang mga katoliko, minaksimisa ni GMA ang ambivalence ng CBCP statement to her favor.

but everything is water under the bridge now.

the opposition should now strive to unite further, win over those who have yet to decide, focus on organizing the great majority, and do some purging, too, expel the traitors in its ranks (nalalaman lang nila sekreto niyo, like imee and the erap die-hards).

the opposition should present a common agenda, viable enough and should address the outstanding issues like e-vat, oil price hikes, decent wages for workers, food sufficiency, human rights, foreign debt, etc. this common agenda will surely overcome whatever ideo differences they have had. people first.

kailangang kumayod pa. ousting a pseudo-president needs earnest sincere efforts from all sectors, from all faiths, creeds, and parties of varied persuasions.

of course, ousting gma would not be the be all and end all of the protest movement. marami pang reresolbahin but that should come later. we’ll tackle them one at a time. the point is, gma should go now.

she had it coming.


lokalokang matino

September 11th, 2005 at 11:12 pm

Nakakasuka na talaga si pandak!!! Using her talino sa panloloko. Ang kapal ng mukha. Paghumaharap kaya sya sa salamin , ano kaya nakikita nya? Dapat pag-isipan ngayon kung sino ang kakaladkad sa kanya palabas ng Palasyo!!!. Duda ko kasi, she will chain herself sa lahat ng poste ng palasyo, wag lang maalis, or better yet sementohan lahat ng lagusan sa palasyo at hayaan na sya manatili sa loob, kasama si Bunye, Claudio, Defensor at Ermita. For people who say na walang alternative kay GMA, wow naman,anong utak meron kayo, ibig bang sabihin pagnamatay si Pandak titigil na ang mundo, my God!!! Huwag naman tayo magpaka estupido, the future will be alot better without GMA,,anybody can replace the liar, the thief, the cheater. Sana maliwanagan na tayong lahat at palayasin na ang illegal sa palasyo!!!!



September 11th, 2005 at 11:40 pm

maybe somebody should write on the expertise of our president, or for that matter the filipinos in general, it does seem that she has mastered the art of Prostituting Democracy.



September 11th, 2005 at 11:58 pm

I wonder what people still need to prove GMA’s corrupt and unforgivable politcal schemes. Please, kick her off the Palace. The Philippines is better off without her.



September 12th, 2005 at 12:23 am

matured person doesn’t need to be influenced by anybody.
we always have somebody to blame everytime a government gets this kind of thing.
the saying cast the first stone is quite applicable.

now i would say people who voted for GMA or other candidates deserve the right to be governed wether by GMA or the others, now that systems says GMA won, accept it and everyone be vigilant..

corruptions are not our prime priority.
it’s the love of the country.
if all of us love our country no one can do “dagdag-bawas”.
if all of us love our country everybody can be vigilant to dispise corruption and the likes.

accepting once defeat is the worst reaction we filipinos usually don’t know how to handle.
hope we can still accept defeat.
that’s life, not all can be a winner.

*note: i’m not a pro GMA… i only love the Philippines that’s my fault.

your opinion might not be mine,but i hope we all share the same passion…loving our motherland…the Philippines…without hidden agenda (that’s the most important thing that each filipino must learn). it’s not all about the principle…it’s about the love for our country.
show them that like what Ninoy said “The Filipino is Wort Dying for.”



September 12th, 2005 at 1:12 am




September 12th, 2005 at 1:16 am




September 12th, 2005 at 2:22 am


With all due respect, ano po bang love for couintry ang sinasabi niyo? Hindi niyo nga ho mahal ang sarili niyong wika! Kung nagtagalog na lang kayo eh di sana madali niyo kaming makumbinsi at di niyo pa sana sinalaula ang wikang inggles.

You quoted Ninoy whom I believe (as a former school writer and later professional journalist) always edited his work meticulously. Sinunod mo man lang sana ang standards ni Ninoy para walang “corruptions”, “wort”, “accepting once (?)defeat”, “dispise”, “wether”.

Ask for whom the bell tolls… it tolls for thee.




September 12th, 2005 at 2:27 am


Oops, I correct myself on COUNTRY which I misspelled. Sorry po.




September 12th, 2005 at 2:37 am


You took a pro-GMA stance in the early entries you made. In the end, when you had a lot of beating from the opposition bloggers, you were singing a different tune of who will head the next government. McCarthyist pa ang iyong position. By the way, hindi mo pa nahahalata na inspite of the almost 40 years of CPP existence, the communist ideology has not supplanted our basic human and Christian, if you please, beliefs. God still reigns no matter what. Kaya huwag ka na matakot kina Jalandoni at Satur Ocampo or Crispin Beltran. Tulad mo, pinanganak din sila na may puso, isip at damdamin at isa pa, mga mortals din yan. NO threat.

So, back to GMA’s ouster! Basic issue kasi yan. The replacement can come later. First things first!




September 12th, 2005 at 3:03 am


Why don’t somebody create a groupsite for those people;

1) who is not a member of any movement,

2) yet support the cause for truth and GMA’s departure.

3) Without party affiliations, without reservations, without hidden motives and personal interest on gov’t. positions

Who knows, maybe we might be able to form our own independent group and a collective voice in this crisis.



September 12th, 2005 at 4:27 am









September 12th, 2005 at 4:34 am

GMA is treating the coumtry as her own business corporation. She raids the coffers of taxpayers money. She investigates tax cheats except her family and allies. Mikey jr and sr,Iggy should be investigated too. They even want to name the Philipines the Republic of Macapagal. She named Clark Airbase after her father not to mention the billion peso Macapagal Highway. South Harbor is now named after her mother. Next time we know the Philippines is already titled to GMA. What right do they have to do that ??? She is worst than Marcos, De Venecia, Ramos,the Abu Sayyaf and Lacson combined because she has perfected the art of corruption, intrigue and deception and if she survives this opposition to her, she is going to be meaner, smatter, more vicious. LET’S PRAY FOR ANOTHER MIRACLE. She must go, we must never let her come back to the Philipopines.



September 12th, 2005 at 4:37 am

Mga Bagong Katungkulan (Translated Job Titles)
> Siguro napapanahon ng palitan ang mga titulo ng mga
> katungkulan, trabaho (job title), of “elected positions” na dati
> nating
> nakasanayan.
> Nakalista sa baba ay mga titulo ng mga posisyon sa English at
> ang bagong nababagay na bansag sa kanila sa wikang
> Pilipino:
> President – Pasimuno
> Vice President – Kunsintidor
> Secretary – Palsipikador
> Treasurer – Kubrador
> Auditor – Kasabwat
> Business Manager – Gastador
> Public Relations Officer – Tsismoso
> Sergeant-at-Arms – Pasaway
> Representative – Pahamak
> Observer – Usisero
> Advocate – Taga-batikos
> Spokesman – Bolero
> Moderator – Taga-bulabog
> Announcer – Manggugulat
> Monitor – Taga-silip
> Inspector – Taga-lapirot
> Investigator – Mangangalkal
> Enforcer – Tirador
> Jail Warden – Sadista
> Prosecutor – Tagapaglait
> Judge – Tagahugas-kamay
> Aide – Taga-istorbo
> Assistant – Galamay
> Adviser – Sulsol
> Consultant – Mangangalakal
> Contractor – Estapador
> Expert – Punong-Yabang
> Technical Writer – Manlilinlang
> Spin Doctor – Taga-himas
> Headhunter – Taga-silat
> Headshrinker – Basagulero
> Director – Taga-udyok
> Manager – Taga-kulit
> Boss – Busabos
> Supervisor – Ambisyoso
> Chief Accountant – Punong-Gahaman
> Sales Vendor – Pirata
> Collector – Mangingikil
> Custodian – Taga-ligpit
> Dispatcher – Taga-dispatsa
> Distributor – Taga-kalat
> Delivery Man – Taga-iwan ng Gamit
> Circulation Head – Taga-bilog ng Ulo
> Purchaser – Palengkera
> Receptionist – Palikera
> Clerk Typist – Taga-parami ng Papel
> Messenger – Tagatulak ng Papel
> Janitor – Taga-limas
> Plumber – Taga-tagas
> Repairman – Mambubutingting
> Gardener – Damuho
> Utility Man – Inutil
> Watchman – Istambay
> Security Guard – Bantay-Salakay
> Doorman – Nagpapalusot
> Driver – Kaskasero
> Chance Passenger – Malas na Nakikiangkas
> Comedian – Alaskador



September 12th, 2005 at 4:39 am

I wonder how much “post dated checks” did Edcel Lagman and Marcoleta received? Maybe a lot, because they sold the country to the devil!!



September 12th, 2005 at 4:54 am

Eto ay mga email natanggap ko na galing sa gobyerno nagtratrabaho… Magaling ang mga deskripsyon, medyo nagtutugma na ba sa mga panahon ngayon?

Nasasainyo kung tanggapin natin o hindi, kung hindi matanggap wag naman tayong tumanganga na lang at magkibit balikat.

-Lumabas kung kaya at iharap at ilabas ang damdamin
– kung hindi, isama mo sa panalangin ang Bayan natin, katulad ng pagsama sa Panalangin sa mga anak natin, eto na lang ba ang ipamana natin sa kanila?
-magbantay, at maghikayat ng ibag walang alam. Kahit di tayo lumabas kung ang damadamin natin at pag iisip lahat ng Pilipino ay sama sama , walang imposible. May mga natural na bagay ang gagalaw para sa atin, ang importante ay iisa ang atin layunin. walang iba kundi pagbabago…

Sana na po sa ikabubuti ng Bayan natin….


tongue in, anew

September 12th, 2005 at 5:39 am

Putris, ililista na naman ni Oliver Lozano yan! Pag dating ng June 26 2006, ipa-file niya ang impeachment complaint laban kay Doña Garapatang Garapal at ang ebidensiya niya itong PCIJ Blog.

Palagay ko habang nabibisto ng husto si Cheat Execu-thief lalong mahihirapan yan umalis sa Malacañang. Biro nyo, oras na mapalayas yan sa palasyo, sandamukal na plunder at halo-halong kasong walang piyansa ang naghihintay sa kanya.

Kaya kwidaw kayo sa Cha-cha, dahil wala nang paraan para makaligtas si Ate Glue sa kalaboso o bitay, maliban sa kung papalitan ang batas. Mahirap na baka masingitan ng probisyon ng mga Representa-thieves na magpapawalang-sala sa “acting” President ngayon.

Lahat na yata ng negatibong adjectives nagamit ko dito sa blogs ng PCIJ laban kay Pandak, pero dadagdagan ko pa: surot, talamak, dukimal, pasaway, panggap, balakyot, pilipit, tungaw, pigsa, hadhad, kutong bigas, dahongpalay, kamote, kwago, maligno. diablo…



September 12th, 2005 at 8:28 am

Pinoy nga naman talaga. The pathetic helplessness of the public to address these injustices that the politicians you elect to office exhibit with impunity is manifest in the childish ways you express your frustration.

If only we all had done a little bit of homework before we went to the ballot box and used our heads instead of our dancing feet and open palms (to receive dole-outs) during the elections, then maybe — JUST MAYBE — we would have had true REPRESENTATIVES representing us in Congress to GET THE JOB DONE properly.

What are we left with instead?

Representatives that reflect the people who voted them into office.

ha ha! 😀

Let me leave you today with a bit of insight taken from this article:

And I quote:
Indeed, this penchant for Fiesta Revolution is but one in a multilayered cake of irony that is the Philippines (a cake, that routinely goes to waste):

(1) A people who pinned their hopes on the democratic process of impeachment (a process than can have many outcomes), yet bizarrely expected only one acceptable outcome.

(2) A people who elected their representatives to Congress by popular vote and then deny that these officers of the Legislature represent the will of the Majority.

(3) A people who are now ready to once again infest Manila’s streets and are looking to the “revolutionary” leadership of the mother of the current Constitution that frames the democracy that they presume to defend.

(4) A people who fail to see that a chronic disillusionment with due process constitutes the seeds of anarchy. A state they, on the other hand, find distasteful when used in other contexts (such as the communist revolutionary context). The anarchy in the very street protests that are a response to a legitimate outcome of a democratic process such as impeachment is now and once again being used to uphold the anti-anarchy that is supposedly our Republic.

Read it and weep! 😀



September 12th, 2005 at 8:41 am

During election sabi nila vote for the less evil, so they voted GMA. Tama sila si GMA lesser than evil. Tingnan mo pinagagawa nya, puro pansariling kapakanan. I voted FPJ not because i’m a fan of him but because I know he is a good man. To be a good leader its not a prerequisite na mataas ang pinag-aralan mo kungdi may puso ka sa mga mahihirap; hindi sa karanansan mo sa pulitika kungdi may pananaw para sa kapakanan ng bayan. Sabi nila “there’s no alternative kay GMA” MY GOD, wala na bang righteous sa bansa natin?…. Any can lead our country. By the grace of God, a true leader can be one of us.



September 12th, 2005 at 8:43 am

News and exposes like these are not reported in TV, radio nor popular newspapers. How can truths like these reach a larger number of people?…

i, personally, have sent links to PCIJ news to family, relatives, friends, colleagues and former classmates… bahala na… regardless of their affiliations… and ask them to forward to more and more people…

maybe you guys can do the same.

which “truth” other people would choose to believe is their responsibility. at least i did my part.



September 12th, 2005 at 8:50 am




September 12th, 2005 at 8:52 am

Why are we always reduced to just “voting for the lesser evil”. Isn’t that just as pathetic as voting for a greater evil? Makes me wonder how a nation of 80 million cannot even produce one good president, a couple dozen good senators and a few hundred good congressmen.

And besides, voting an official into office represents only a minuscule portion of one’s civic responsibility in the whole democratic framework. There is that less-understood responsibility to ROUTINELY hold leaders to account and build robust institutions to support this endeavour.

Look at the kind of discussion we have here — all after-the-fact posturing. We spend 80% of the time allowing our house to be infested by vermin and then at the 11th hour (when said vermin are feeding on our grain) start running around like bozos trying to pound them to death.

ha ha! 😀

The moral of the story: Democracy is not about “freedom” (ironic, considering that all we got out of the 1986 Edsa “revolution” is a FREE PRESS which has a pathetic track record of contibuting to building a strong nation and not much else).

Check out my detailed take on this colossal misnomer about “democracy” that Pinoys have hollow-headedly latched on to here:

Elections are not the whole point of a democracy. Elections are expensive and a necessary evil of a democracy. The fact that our elections are, for the most part, a mockery of the concept of democracy, ironically, is therefore no laughing matter. We invest a huge amount of public funds on elections not to mention the cost associated with discontinuities in governance and policy focus, disruptions in the peace, and reduced labour productivity during the uncertain environment whenever elections are in the air among others. These elections are a national security risk as well. Imagine an imminent military threat suddenly emerging in the middle of a Philippine-style election!

In short, the costs of the practice of democracy must be justified! And for this to be done, one must first understand the true place of the freedom (of which elections are just one form of expression) we enjoy under democracy.

Read it and weep! 😀



September 12th, 2005 at 8:53 am

Sorry DethianMark, SinningSaint, hindi para sa inyo. Sa nauna.



September 12th, 2005 at 8:56 am




September 12th, 2005 at 8:58 am

ok lang PopsJ.. kahit sa akin yon Ok lang naman…



September 12th, 2005 at 9:02 am

sobrang garapalan na talaga to…look at what greed for money and power can do..but i am more amazed at us filipinos….look at how we can tolerate all these corruption and injustice done to us. Why inspite of the damning evidences glaring at our faces, we still remain silent and a bystander.



September 12th, 2005 at 9:12 am


maraming salamat po sa iyong walang pakundangang galing. hindi po ang pagsasalita ng english at pakakamali sa spelling ang sukatan ng pagmamahal sa bansa.

kung walang maling spelling yun, hindi nyo na po naiintindiihan ang aking nais ipaabot?

spelling blunder for “corruptions, despise, whether and worth” doesn’t constitute my love of the country.

i got no excuses for making the spelling blunder. and i hope this time around i didn’t create such silly mistake.

i still thank you opti for noticing what i’ve comment.

thanks, PCIJ…



September 12th, 2005 at 9:14 am

maawa kayo kay bengnO… he doesn’t just provide links to his site, pahaba na rin ng pahaba yung mga “excerpts” na pino-post nya, mabasa nyo lang…

susunod nyan, lahat ng laman ng site nya, nakapost na dito…

banignO nga naman. ha ha!



September 12th, 2005 at 9:37 am

Whatsa matter “sinnigsaint”? Can’t handle the truth?

ha ha! 😀



September 12th, 2005 at 9:42 am

I think we need to find an island in the Philippines as far as possible to civilization, rent a boat put all the TRAPOS like GMA, JDV, AND RAMOS AND OTHERS.




September 12th, 2005 at 9:47 am

PCIJ folks,

okay lang ba if i print some of your blog entries and let my husband read it?… antamad kasi mag-open ng site… mas may time sya magbasa….

wala lang… baka lang may copyright concerns…



September 12th, 2005 at 9:52 am

H’wag ninyo ng pansinin at sagutin ang mga postings ni benign0. Wala namang ginawang maganda ang taong iyan except manlait, mang-asar at insultuhin tayong mga pilipino. Kong makita ninyo ang kanyang pangalan, just skip it na lang.



September 12th, 2005 at 9:55 am

assumptionista said,
September 12, 2005 @ 9:42 am
I think we need to find an island in the Philippines as far as possible to civilization, rent a boat put all the TRAPOS like GMA, JDV, AND RAMOS AND OTHERS.


What’s the point?

Even if you banish all these trapos to an island and allow them to die, you will still have an entire nation of hollow-headed voters who will probably troop to another FIESTA ELECTION and vote another batch of hollow-headed politicians into office.

Same bannana.

ha ha! 😀



September 12th, 2005 at 9:55 am

hindi ba ino audit ang president’s social fund? let’s wait for COA to come out with a report on this.



September 12th, 2005 at 9:58 am

LadyL said,
September 12, 2005 @ 9:52 am
H’wag ninyo ng pansinin at sagutin ang mga postings ni benign0. Wala namang ginawang maganda ang taong iyan except manlait, mang-asar at insultuhin tayong mga pilipino. Kong makita ninyo ang kanyang pangalan, just skip it na lang.

Tough luck! You cannot hide from the truth as it will always come back to bite you where the sun don’t shine, lady. 😀

If what I say is, indeed, nothing but a crock, then how come I manage to use the same material over and over again over the last 5 YEARS.

Goes to show that Pinoy society hasn’t changed much as the same “insults” STILL apply and STILL hit the same raw nerves.

HA HA! 😀



September 12th, 2005 at 10:00 am

kahit i audit pa ng COA, wala ring mangyayari. Saklaw ng mga galamay ni GLORIA yan.

KAPAL ni GLORIA! ni na nahiya sa ibang bansa, umaatend pa sa UN meeting, ano kaya gawin nya doon? I sure mangsisinungaling din. Yon naman talaga gawain nya.



September 12th, 2005 at 10:10 am

I voted for ROCO and AGREE with him that GMA has to go. That is a “no brainer”. What i am asking is simple: WHO WILL TAKE OVER? A revolutionary government? Who will lead and who will be members of that revolutionary govt? I think we should have our discussions on this issue. GMA is for intents and purposes a goner. Sooner or later she will have to go if not legally by force. But the fundamental question remains: Who will take over Govt? And with the same set of idiots in congress?



September 12th, 2005 at 10:22 am


e wala naman kasing bago sa mga pinagsasabi mo e.

mahaba lang.

ha ha!



September 12th, 2005 at 10:25 am

ikaw, benignO, can you handle the truth?… na walang nagbabasa ng mga webposts mo… na kelangan mo pang mambulabog dito sa PCIJ para lang magkaron ng hits ang site mo?…

benignO nga naman talaga. ha ha!



September 12th, 2005 at 10:50 am

BANGUS maraming namang PWEDE IPALIT KAY GMA! Pwede nga IKAW. Ako number 1 supporter mo. Maraming pwedeng ipalit kat GMA. Kung ganyang ang pag-iisip mo mas mabuti pang ibenta nalang ang Pilipinas sa U.S para wala ng gulo. Pero i’m sure di papayag ang mga pulitiko.

I’l gather a campaign signature for “BANGUS for President”… Ok ba sa yo?



September 12th, 2005 at 10:54 am

sinningsaint said,
September 12, 2005 @ 10:25 am
ikaw, benignO, can you handle the truth?… na walang nagbabasa ng mga webposts mo… na kelangan mo pang mambulabog dito sa PCIJ para lang magkaron ng hits ang site mo?…

benignO nga naman talaga. ha ha!

A wala bang nagbabasa ng webosts ko?

How would YOU know?

Or did you use the same thought processes to come to that conclusion as you do to come up with your political views?

ha ha! 😀



September 12th, 2005 at 11:01 am

i agree with bangus. who is really the best one to replace GMA?

as for the article itself, i take it with a grain of salt. it’s easier to complain about anything the people in our government do, every transaction, every project. but looking at the bright side, i see it as a good thing that funds are being allocated for edcucation. post dated checks are not really new in the government, contrary to what one source in the article has said. and i believe that issuance of post-dated checks are better, for better supervision of the allocation and use of the funds. let us just be vigilant and see where these funds go, making sure that they do go to the beneficiaries they were intended for: the students and the educational system, instead of always questioning the intentions. intentions of any politician are always questionable anyway.



September 12th, 2005 at 11:10 am


(let me guess. as i’m typing this, benignO is currently looking a material from his site discussing the MY thought process and he’s gonna post the link here and he’s gonna say “pinoy nga naman. ha ha!”….

personally, since he’s gonna discuss MY thought process, i would apporeciate if he would just say “sinningsaint nga naman talaga”… rather than generalizing the THOUGHT PROCESS of the whole Pinoy race.)

… (signing-off, on the THOUGHT PROCESSES issue)



September 12th, 2005 at 11:15 am

gandang umaga mga mahal kong kababayan!!



September 12th, 2005 at 11:23 am

Hoy Bangus, baka pwede ka president ng pilipinas kasi talino mo. Biro mo naisip mo na walang better alternative kay GMA, mabuhay si BANGUS. BANGUS FOR PRESIDENT !!



September 12th, 2005 at 11:27 am

There is something to be said of people who insult and denigrate other people’s thoughts and see theirs as superior beyond doubt. We call them egomaniacs. There is more to be said of them who do not care a thing about the sentiments of their host who probably share the sentiments of those they routinely insult. We call them bastos.



September 12th, 2005 at 11:28 am

ok pumayag na daw ang oposisyon na si Noli na ang mag succeed na naayon sa ating saligang batas…



September 12th, 2005 at 11:32 am

bruise_tawilis is right. the allocation of funds was for education, a good cause. the president’s social fund is really intended to be given to worthy causes. besides, scholarships is part of the president’s 10-pt agenda.

the bottomline here is that it is perfectly legal, overboard and beyond scrutiny. its just given malicious insinuations by the pcij article.



September 12th, 2005 at 11:34 am

sus wag na lang pansinin yung mga bloggers na pilit na pinagpipilitan ang kanilang pananaw with matching “articles” (at eto written like 2 years ago (daw may nakabasa kaya nun?) etc etc.. na biglang ma resurrect) na wala naman ka kwenta kwenta kung din kutyain ang sariling kababayan.. let’s not name name/s kung sino man yung mga blogger na yun.. sayang ang space.. pagbigyan na kasi rainy season at uso ang talangka… crispy crab anyone? saw saw natin sa suka.. sukang sasa or sukang paombong?



September 12th, 2005 at 11:35 am

release ng fund for “scholarship” sa middle ng school year? ahhh mag start na SY sa US kasi kaya na release… may sense diba?


Alecks Pabico

September 12th, 2005 at 11:45 am

Let me just remind everyone to strive for a more sober discussion of issues. Let us not dwell on petty exchanges, at the very least, about someone’s obvious attempts to promote his site. If I may be allowed to say, opinions are like assholes. Everybody has one. We would do well not to give pompous and condescending remarks their undeserved attention.



September 12th, 2005 at 11:48 am


your right about these obnoxious bloggers, kaya nga nya pinoposts dito kasi para may maka-alam na may article pala siya…tsaka kaya sa Internet niya pinoposts kasi kahit sa ABANTE o BULGAR hindi ma-publish…



September 12th, 2005 at 12:08 pm

bangus said,
September 11, 2005 @ 6:42 pm

After GMA what do we have?

Ni hindi mo sinama si vice sa listahan mo. Paulit ulit naman, hindi naman talaga kung sino ang papalit ang problema, meron naman tayong constitutional successor in the person of De Castro. Kung hindi naman nangyari ang lahat ng ito and lets say namatay si Gloria, si Noli lang naman talaga ang dapat pumalit di ba, at yan ang isa sa mga primary roles ng bise presidente. Ang problema eh ayaw lang talagang bumababa sa pwesto ni Arroyo. At ang tanong na kung sinong ipapalit, ang pinipilit nyang isaksak sa ulo ng mga tao. Napakayabang talaga ni Gloria, ang tingin nya sa sarili nya kasi sya lang ang may kakayanang mamuno sa bansang ito.



September 12th, 2005 at 12:12 pm

yah primo! these bureaucrats and honorables kuno have already perfected the art of juggling…..with gma as numero uno juggler. primus inter pares. wala nang katapat, primo. i wonder anong iskuwelahan itong sina bruise, camille, bangus, and their kind. ok lang sa kanila ang MAGNAKAW basta according to rules. twisted.

mindanao, puedeng paramihin ang sinulat mo, truly a lexicon of the times. thank you. natuwa’t natuto ako. we need to laugh and at the same time spread these awful shenanigans. nakakaburat na ang malacanang, di, ba?

bangus, bangus…you’re a pathetic speck. you are afraid to move on, thus, you shamelessly cling to your beloved president. yun naman ang ibig sabihin ng iyong blogs. other than gma, all the rest are idiots. the people who wants the president out are idiots. your undercurrent is that gma is indispensable, siya pa rin ang the best. magtiis na tayo dahil baka maagaw ng kaliwa, kanan at kung anong multo. subliminal. you sound so much like malacanang which has been bombarding us with the line – gma is the best option; enough of the “fiesta revolution”; sawa na ang tao, people power fatigue daw; a third edsa would be idiocy; the other Philippines wants to move on yet the other blocks it, and so forth and so on … pero ang hindi nila ina-admit…

it’s gma, stupid!

who will take over the govt? the people will eventually decide that. fear not, bangus, the people will make history. there is life after gma. transition is a process. so is revolution. hanggang sa kaduluduluhan ng daigdig, magunaw man ang mundong ito, hindi mawawala yan. that’s a very basic law.



September 12th, 2005 at 12:30 pm

camille wrote:

hindi ba ino audit ang president’s social fund? let’s wait for COA to come out with a report on this

I say:

with gma’s immense power and influence after the failure of impeachment, it would be the height of intellectual naivete to expect that an honest audit be had. in fact, that is now the oft-repeated line of malacanang, my dear. the more that we should smell something is rotting!



September 12th, 2005 at 12:44 pm


thank you for the reminder. more power to this site!



September 12th, 2005 at 1:04 pm


The COA may audit all they want just as long as their reports will suit GMA. Although the COA should be independent from all government agencies to perform it constituted duties, this is far from reality.

This practice of the system auditing itself is just an attempt of the government to look credible before the people. Why not hire third party auditors like SGV, JCC, CLMC or P&A to audit the gov’t funds and then let’s see what they uncover.



September 12th, 2005 at 1:05 pm

enlightened_pinay said,
September 12, 2005 @ 12:08 pm

bangus said,
September 11, 2005 @ 6:42 pm

After GMA what do we have?

Ni hindi mo sinama si vice sa listahan mo. Paulit ulit naman, hindi naman talaga kung sino ang papalit ang problema, meron naman tayong constitutional successor in the person of De Castro. Kung hindi naman nangyari ang lahat ng ito and lets say namatay si Gloria, si Noli lang naman talaga ang dapat pumalit di ba, at yan ang isa sa mga primary roles ng bise presidente. Ang problema eh ayaw lang talagang bumababa sa pwesto ni Arroyo. At ang tanong na kung sinong ipapalit, ang pinipilit nyang isaksak sa ulo ng mga tao. Napakayabang talaga ni Gloria, ang tingin nya sa sarili nya kasi sya lang ang may kakayanang mamuno sa bansang ito.


enlightened_pinay, nanonood ka ba ng balita? sabi na nga ng mga lider ng anti-PGMA eh hindi nila tatanggapin si Vice Noli bilang kapalit ni PGMA eh. Yan ang problema. Kung sa yo ok si Vice Noli dahil siya ang constitutional successor eh paano sa mga lider ng mga anit-GMA movement. Kaya mo ba silang pakiusapan na tanggapin na Vice Noli? Dito lang tayo nagkakagulo eh, kung sino ang ipapalit… Magkakaroon ba tayo ng boses sa pagpili ng papalit kay PGMA kung sakali mapatalsik siya? Ang masusunod sigurado yung kung sinong gustong ipalit ng mga lider ng anti-PGMA at hindi ang taong bayan…itaga mo sa bato yan…



September 12th, 2005 at 1:08 pm


huwag ka na maghanap ng matitinong generals. ang pagkakaalam ko sa AFP, hindi ka aabot ng general level kung matino ka…



September 12th, 2005 at 1:21 pm


Let us cross the bridge when we get there. The first and foremost problem is to get rid of GMA.

I know that some anti-GMA people are positioning themselves to takeover after she is removed. However, many of them are thinking of a caretaker (transitional) government that will be headed by an assembly which will ensure that the all sectors of our society will be properly and adequately represented. The only duties of the transitional government will be to weed out the deeply-rooted problems of this government and this society and to ensure that its control is returned to the people.

As to who will lead after this transitional government steps down is anybody’s guess. It is not a problem for me because any FIlipino with a deep love for his country, honest and true to his people can lead us. He can be of average intellect as long as he knows what is right and wrong for the Filipinos.



September 12th, 2005 at 1:33 pm

I will not be wasting any of my brain cells answering comments that are shallow and narrow minded.

Fund released by the president should have been audited properly by COA, but the problem is even they (COA) are part of the take. In every step of the way money change hands, from top to bottom. One way of solving this problem is to let Private Firms like SGV audit fund releases, and counter check whether it was really used. If we depend on the COA, then we will not go anywhere. Because often 30-50% of the budget goes to the pockets of the TRAPOS.

It is like tax collection, if we depend on the government to collect taxes, we will not get the results we want. The BIR should be abolished, and instead replaced by a Private company. Then we can dictate to them the terms that we want.

What we need is a total overhaul of the system, and we should start from the TOP-DOWN. But First, we should remove GMA!!



September 12th, 2005 at 1:40 pm

dimasalang said,
September 12, 2005 @ 1:21 pm


Let us cross the bridge when we get there. The first and foremost problem is to get rid of GMA.

I know that some anti-GMA people are positioning themselves to takeover after she is removed. However, many of them are thinking of a caretaker (transitional) government that will be headed by an assembly which will ensure that the all sectors of our society will be properly and adequately represented. The only duties of the transitional government will be to weed out the deeply-rooted problems of this government and this society and to ensure that its control is returned to the people.

As to who will lead after this transitional government steps down is anybody’s guess. It is not a problem for me because any FIlipino with a deep love for his country, honest and true to his people can lead us. He can be of average intellect as long as he knows what is right and wrong for the Filipinos.


Pre, i agree with you, but the problem is we are not the leader of the anti-PGMA movement. Will they agree with us to make a transitional gov’t.? I hope they will agree with us.. i will crossed my finger on this issue.
I also want to put on my mind that we should cross the bridge when we get there… because we want really to removed PGMA first… But man, this is our future, hindi ko talaga pwedeng sabihin bahala na kung sino ang pumalit basta matanggal muna si PGMA. I’m looking for a long lasting solution not bahala na solution because it will just be a cycle again. Anyway, hope for the best… I hope we will unite if ever PGMA will be removed from office and we will respect the person who will replace her kahit ayaw man natin sa kanya.



September 12th, 2005 at 1:54 pm

What proof does the PCIJ article offer that the funds do not go to the implementing agencies or were not used? Only speculation, it seems.



September 12th, 2005 at 1:56 pm

may naniniwala pa sa SGV?? (j/k!)

pag gusto, may paraan. pag ayaw, may dahilan.
in fairness naman sa COA, hindi lahat e windang-windang…

COA reports, just like any practicing private auditor’s, are just “opinions”. Yung “user” ng reports ang bahala sa buhay nya if he wants to believe or rely on the auditor’s opinion. May power ba ang COA na mag-file ng charges with regards to its findings? Parang wala.

They just let their findings go out in public as far as the Meralco charging is concerned… so may mga investigations… nakarating pa sa Supreme Court… and the rest, you know the story. PERO HINDI LAHAT NG FINDINGS NILA AY NAILALABAS.

Kung feel mo e hindi talaga valid yung findings ng kahit sinong auditor mo, nasa iyo naman yun kung adjust mo according to their findings. Pwede mo ring ipaglaban sa korte kung talagang “MALI” ang findings nila….
at any rate, kung gusto , may paraan… kung ayaw, may dahilan.

Kung sa COA e hindi acceptable.. pwede kang lumaban, hanggang Korte Suprema pa…

ang tanong: naniniwala ka ba sa Supreme Court?



September 12th, 2005 at 1:56 pm

BenigN-0, BenigN-0,

you are still too attached with your writings. Like i said before, your
mind is too crimped with that computer monitor of yours. Dahil diyan
hindi ako naniniwala sa mga pinagsasabi mo. Try to stick na lang to your
Copernican idealogy. Maraming maniniwala sa iyo doon.



September 12th, 2005 at 1:57 pm

assumptionista said,
September 12, 2005 @ 1:33 pm

I will not be wasting any of my brain cells answering comments that are shallow and narrow minded.


who are we to judge which is shallow and narrow minded person? can we judge the opinions and views of other bloggers? do we have the right to tell here that our opinion is correct and the others not because they differ from our point of view? Can we pls. respect others opinion and avoid judging them, just write your own opinion and if you don’t agree with others so be it…



September 12th, 2005 at 1:58 pm

kaya simulan na natin ang pagbabago na magsisimula sa sarili natin.. ang ganda sana ng kultura natin.. gaya ng bayanihan (nasan na ito?), kung ihahalintulad natin magtutulungan tayo buhatin ang malacanang at sabay sabay natin itapos sa ilog pasig… yun.. bat di natin magawa? ok simulan sa blog na ito wag tayo mag asaran mag gaguhan lantad na lantad na sa harapan natin ang umiiral na bulok na sistema ano ginagawa natin? ang gagawin natin?



September 12th, 2005 at 1:59 pm


I understand your concern for our future and the problem of who will replace GMA is another obstacle that we must hurdle, IF she is removed. That is a big IF, so i believe that we should consecrate our utmost endeavors to her removal first. After that, we can see a clearer picture for her successor.

Also i believe that majority of the leaders of the Anti-GMA movement are open to any suggestions that may come from the people. Because they owe their eventual success to the people.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:00 pm

assumptionista’s idea of turning over BIR and COA functions to private entities sounds terrific in theory, but in reality everything will go straight to f—— hell. the private individuals will be corrupted, too. there’s just so much government money flowing out to all sorts of suppliers, that the temptation to take some of that “flow” is just too great. Too great, indeed. And if you think people working in private entities are not corruptible, think again!



September 12th, 2005 at 2:01 pm

It’s too bad indeed that good intentions, instead of being appreciated, are made the subject of pillory.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:01 pm

We enjoy press freedom (too much, I guess) and after 3 months of expose’s, the majority of Filipinos still prefer the status quo. Bakit ba ayaw ng minority i-respeto ang gusto ng nakakarami. Marami tayong ibang problema at di lang iisa na maalis si GMA.

At least ako may sinumbong akong isang corrupt Q.C. Hall employee sa aming councilor at siya’y napaalis. Yun ay dahil meron akong ebidensya.

Tama na sana ang tsismis politics. Nandyan naman ang ANC na sabik na sabik sa mga scoop. Pero sana kumpleto ang pinahahawakan niyo para maniwala naman ang mga katulad ko na di nagpapadala sa tsismis.

Tapos itong “minority” kung di kami anti-GMA, pro-GMA na raw kami. Para kayong si Bush ha.

Sa akin kasi ang tinuro sa eskuwela “Majority Rules”. Tinuro ng mga guro ito para wala masyadong gulo. Siguro naman maiisip rin ng minority na after 3 months minority pa rin kayo, eh tumahimik na muna kayo. Nakakasawa na dahil mukhang may credibility problem talaga ang karamihan ng inyong kasama.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:03 pm

(echoing Integracompr….)

privatization?… hinay-hinay lang sa paggamit ng konsepto, ms. assumptionista… so far, wala pang magandang epekto sa ekonomiya natin yang flagship project na yan ni FVR. Mas nakasama pa nga.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:05 pm

to dimasalang: there is no “IF” in GMA being removed. MALAPIT NA SIYANG MAPALITAN! sa 2010!!!

God save the Philippines.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:08 pm

dimasalang said,

Also i believe that majority of the leaders of the Anti-GMA movement are open to any suggestions that may come from the people. Because they owe their eventual success to the people.

of course they would like you to believe so.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:11 pm

All these discussions about who will takeover after GMA, the kind of government we will have – IT’S ALL A WASTE OF TIME! This is the hard truth, and I know it’s hard for all of you to swallow: GMA is and will be your President for years to come. It’s all over folks! Wake up and live with this reality. TIME TO MOVE ON. So funny, some even suggested a shakeup of the opposition starting with the Marcoses and the Eraps. Helllooooo? Aren’t you reading current history? They are the opposition! But, tama ang karamihan so inyo. Before anything else, you have to get rid of GMA. Easier said than done. What haven’t your leaders done to try to get rid of her? They tried, and tried and tried and tried. SURPRISE! She’s still here! Kayo kung ako kayo just be like Pacquiao’s foe – throw in the towel!



September 12th, 2005 at 2:13 pm

oo, nga, jonathan. sad, but true. MALAPIT NA TALAGANG MAPALITAN SI GMA!!! sa 2010!!! haaaaaaaaaaay, shit.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:14 pm

thanks for understanding my views. we may differ from other things but we’re united in ousting PGMA. I clearly understood your point and just hoping if ever PGMA is ousted, the leaders of anti-GMA movement will listen to the people and honor any gentleman’s agreement they will agree with.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:15 pm

on the lighter side, mga kababayang ko’ng bloggers… meron ba dyan marunong bumasa ng position ng mga planeta, estrellas, buwan, tubig, apoy mga bagay na nagpapatungkol sa astrolohiya?…. ano kutob nyo sa byahe ni gma? pati yung flight number ni gma paki suma na din tignan natin..



September 12th, 2005 at 2:37 pm

kay Selene pa coa coa ka pa dyan. kahit pano mo paikot ikutin, maliban sa nandaya sya at patuloy na nagnanakaw, wala ng MORAL AUTHORITY SI GLORIA na mamuno sa ‘tin. isa lang ang sagot dyan GLORIA RESIGN RESIGN RESIGN!



September 12th, 2005 at 3:02 pm

revival2006 said,
September 11, 2005 @ 3:58 pm

Hindi lang naman mga mahihirap ang ginagamit ng mga politiko (street rallies), even bussinessmen (during election) ay nagpapagamit din. Last presidential election, there were Mr. Roco who is undoubtedly a great man for the Pilipino people, & Mr. Villanueva who is a God fearing man. We were given a chance for a change & revival of our economy by these two individual but many of us voted for GMA & Poe. We reap what we saw and that’s where we are now.

revival2006, I agree with your sentiments. We were given a chance for a change but we wasted it. We reap what we saw and that’s where we are now. Unfortunately my bet just passed away recently. And people are too busy with the impeachment issue then, little recognition was given to him.


Yvonne Chua

September 12th, 2005 at 3:16 pm

The last thing PCIJ engages in is speculative journalism. We verify information that comes our way before putting it out. Everything in this post is documented.

For the guidance of those who have not read the entire post or missed some pertinent portions, including the links we provided, PCIJ uploaded the postdated checks from the President’s Social Fund and Rep. Antonio Diaz’s letter to DepEd. We do not make up stories.

COA’s observations about the President’s Social Fund are contained in its annual audit reports. The post supplied a link to the COA website. We do not jump to conclusions.

On the “abnormal” practice of government issuing postdated checks, it is government accounting experts whom we interviewed — including a senior and well-respected government auditor, DepEd veterans and certified public accountants — who said that. We do not make malicious insinuations.

It is the implementing agency — DepEd in this case — that has refused to accept the checks precisely because it finds their issuance questionable. We had DepEd officials themselves telling us that.

Who can argue about the benefits of a scholarship program? But, as DepEd itself painstakingly pointed out to us, public high school education in our country is free. And as Primo, one of our readers, astutely observes: “release ng fund for ‘scholarship’ sa middle ng school year? ahhh mag start na SY sa US kasi kaya na release… may sense diba?”

P.S. to sinningsaint: Yes, you can print the blog entries for your husband to read. No copyright violation there. Thank you for your support.



September 12th, 2005 at 3:20 pm

to selene,

of course I believe them because i know most of them…I have seen the way they discuss every move their organization takes, they would always consult with their members. And that is how they will do it in case they come into power. Unlike Gloria, who was seated by the Makati businessmen, jueteng lords and civil society, these anti-GMA leaders will know that their loyalties lie with the masses…



September 12th, 2005 at 3:36 pm

pahiya ka no Selene.

havent you all noticed, everytime someone will expose charges against Arroyo, the first thing her cronies will do is to ransack the reputation of these whistleblowers. look at Sammy Ong, Sandra Cam, Louie Zuce and the military guy witness of Lacson, even Archbishop Cruz hindi pinalagpas. Ngayon pati PCIJ, a very reputable group, sinusubukang siraan. panis!



September 12th, 2005 at 3:37 pm

Sometimes, they grant scholarships without funding; with the grantee spending for the tuition and/or other fees in advance to be reimbursed once the funds are available. Kaya it could be in the middle of the school year na available ang reimbursements. Of course public high school tuition fees are free, but what about the other fees? P350 is hardly enough. There are still out of pocket fees. Nothing is completely free. To us, this may seem like “vote buying”, “waste of pork money” but what about to the poor student-recipient? It’s probably the difference between going and not going to school.



September 12th, 2005 at 3:37 pm


Sorry i am not referring to you or others, its just my answer to the comments of Benigno !



September 12th, 2005 at 4:04 pm

assumptionista said,
September 12, 2005 @ 3:37 pm


Sorry i am not referring to you or others, its just my answer to the comments of Benigno !


yeah, it doesn’t matter if it’s me or others. Anyway if benigno started it, then it’s ok, just answer his comments…we are entitled to our own opinion.



September 12th, 2005 at 4:05 pm

matatanggap ko na walang halong paglilinlang ang pag issue ng check (post dated pa man din, basahin mabuti ang pcij article at sundan ang link kung saan matagpuan ang pdf na post dated check bago tayo magpost ng ano mang opinyon d2 sa blog na i2) para sa “scholarship” sa 10pt program ni gma kung ang congresso ay nagpanukala or gumawa ng batas na gawin setyembre ang simula ng pasukan (diba meron panukala nito noon sayang di sana ma bubuking!!! yan kasi!) simple lang kailan nagsisimula ang pasukan dito sa ating mahal na bansang Pilipinas?

ok alam ko na sasabihin ng isang blogger dyan at aaphin nanaman tayong mga pinoy.. ehehhe ayaw ko nga syang i quote heehehe…



September 12th, 2005 at 5:11 pm

palakpakan naman natin ang DepEd at ang COA na assigned sa DepEd… well, at least for this issue.

palampasin man yan ng DepEd, kung hindi hunghang ang COA nila, sisingaw din yan…

i wonder how the other Departments are “expediting” the impeachment suhol funds?

(to Yvonne… thanks…)


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Palace retrieves postdated checks

September 12th, 2005 at 5:14 pm

[…] He confirmed PCIJ’s report that the department would not sign the receipt for the checks because, he said, "postdated checks are not allowed in government transactions." […]


concerned citizen

September 12th, 2005 at 5:29 pm

deny to death si bunye regarding this issue. sino naman ang maniniwala sa kanila. eh kaliwanag ng report na ito ni miss yvonne chua. galing nyo talga pcij. ang dami talagang kalokohan nitong administrasyon ni arroyo na hinde natin nalalaman. talaga palang ubod ng sama itong si arroyo. katakot takot na plunder ang ginagawa nito. huh! sobra na talaga. kaya pala mga tongressmen na ito like diaz ay talaga naman busog na busog sa kurakot. maawa na kayo sa bayang pilipinas. wala ng pondo kaya puro post dated checks na. kaya yung mga binabayad nating taxes ay doon lang mapupunta sigarado yun. sayang pinagpaguran natin. kailan kaya itong pekeng pangulo lalayas sa malakanyang ng makahinga naman tayo ng maluwag luwag. grabe! Isigh)



September 12th, 2005 at 5:33 pm

hala ka Selene…hinahanap ka ni Yvonne Chua…itatapal daw sa noo mo na parang salompas yung report……




September 12th, 2005 at 6:26 pm

The deped official Usec Luz where the info was sourced is the brother of Makati Business Club Bill Luz who is calling for GMA to resign. So this is a very biased source. He also has a very bad reputation among DepEd suppliers as he is reportedly “in the take” for grease money just to be able to release their payments. With those info coming from him, it is quite a polluted source which should have been verified by responsible journalists writing about these matters.

Maybe an investigative piece can be made on the release of hundreds of millions of DepEd funds for suppliers of which Luz is allegedly involved in extortion of around 10% of the actual funds to facilitate its release?

Responsible journalism presupposes that the journalist involved investigated whether her source is credible and not involved in anomalies themselves.



September 12th, 2005 at 6:31 pm

eto na naman….tinira na naman ang source…tulad nina Zuce, Cam, Ong atbp..e pano mo nga malalaman ang kababalaghan kung hindi ka kasali? Malalaman ba ni Sabit Singson ang katarantaduhan ni Erap kung hindi sya kasali? tsk! Simpol aritmetik….


for more info please check my article:



September 12th, 2005 at 6:32 pm

hahahah. nakakatawa na talaga ang mga fans ni IDOL. hahahahah.



September 12th, 2005 at 6:34 pm

sige si Usec Luz naman ang siraan natin.
phval, if all that allegation about him is true, why dont they remove him from office? bakit nadyan pa rin sya sa deped?



September 12th, 2005 at 6:37 pm

ah syempre nga naman, kung kurakot ang boss, eh di kurakot din ang mga tao nya. ang saya saya no?



September 12th, 2005 at 6:38 pm

that’s the reason why the campaign for ousting of gma is not gaining steam….we’r not united on the post-GMA scenario… let noli sit first.. he may not be the ‘intelligent’ choice but he’s the constitutional successor.. GMA is the cancer that eats the country and sucks the treasury dry…let’s just remove the tumor first….if she’s out i hope noli will re-hire the Hyatt 10, kick the asses of bunye, gonzales et al out… throw FG arroyo out of malacanang…. this country still has hope…. just six years of honest and resolute governance… let’s keep our hope burning….



September 12th, 2005 at 6:46 pm

hahahah. korek ka dyan kapatid. “birds of the same feather, kurakots together.

kaya nga di ba, sa mga trials ho, ang sinasakdal ay lalong nasusupalpal kapag ang witness ay kasama niya sa ginawa nyang crimen di ba.

kc, “birds of the same feather, kurakots together.”

haiii. manay GLO! grabe na to.



September 12th, 2005 at 6:46 pm

“si val…si val na walang malay….”
-Ate Vi




September 12th, 2005 at 6:48 pm

hindi raw credible source si Jesus dahil nakasama daw nya si Judas sa ilang mga meeting at dinner……..tsk



September 12th, 2005 at 6:59 pm

lets us not be fooled by those people who keeps on saying “we have to move on, we have to settle w/ GMA kc thre is no better option” we have wide range of option here a much better option. there is the constitional mandate for vice pres. de castro or the council of leaders from various sector as suggested by people pushing for the revolutionary government. we cant move on. we will continue to experience this kind of instability. we will forever have this kind of leaders and the people will always used the street to air grievances and the worst to topple the government. for as long as our present leaders never get liable for their misdeed, for as long as gov’t institution is politically influence and our very own constitution is manipulated to protect the few we cant never move on. This is not about who’s who behind everything, not about who’s capable and who’s not in leading this country. This is all about bringing out the truth. We dont deserve this pilitical circus, we need justice. If our leaders continue to get away with their liability whoever will be in the shoes of pres. arroyo will do the same. even our leaders knew that as long as justice in this country can be controled they will going to manipulate it for their own benefit. this will always be a precedent, whoever will be in malacañang. unless we start now. A CALL FOR THE RESTORATION OF JUSTICE!



September 12th, 2005 at 7:09 pm

naniniwala pa rin ako na darating din ang time na babagsak si gloria at kakarmahin sya, di naman natutulog ang diyos.. hinde magtatagal at kakarmahin din yan at ang buo nyang pamilya , hinde lahat ng oras ay pasko para sa mga arroyo tignan nyo nangyari kay de venecia at kay abalos di ba siningil sila at buhay ang kapalit sa mga kawalanghiyaan nila.ganun din ang mangyayari kay gloria at mas masahol pa ang mangyayari sa kanya at buo nyang pamilya



September 12th, 2005 at 7:21 pm

Yes emer naniniwala ako. kaya nga dapat lumayas na sya sa Pilipinas, isama nya na ang kamag anak at alipores. sa dami ng kasalanan nila baka madamay pa tayong mga Pilipino sa mga mapapataw na parusa at karma sa kanya.



September 12th, 2005 at 7:26 pm

emer said,
September 12, 2005 @ 7:09 pm

naniniwala pa rin ako na darating din ang time na babagsak si gloria at kakarmahin sya, di naman natutulog ang diyos.. hinde magtatagal at kakarmahin din yan at ang buo nyang pamilya , hinde lahat ng oras ay pasko para sa mga arroyo tignan nyo nangyari kay de venecia at kay abalos di ba siningil sila at buhay ang kapalit sa mga kawalanghiyaan nila.ganun din ang mangyayari kay gloria at mas masahol pa ang mangyayari sa kanya at buo nyang pamilya

BABAGSAK…….MAYDAY! MAYDAY!…….san kayang ocean magandang ipakain yung nakasakay sa eroplano…kaya lang baka ultimo pating..isuka pag nalamang laman ni GMA ang lalapangin nya….

^ ayan ang karma!



Yvonne Chua

September 12th, 2005 at 7:29 pm

phval: Kindly read my comment on the concerns you raised in the post, “Palace retrieves postdated checks.” You posted the same comment in the two posts. We avoid doing that.



September 12th, 2005 at 7:33 pm


tama ka, ngunit and mga kababayan nating nagugutom ay hindi makapaghihintay dumating ang panahon na yan…kelangan tayo na rin ang umaksyon…nasa diyos ang awa nasa tao ang gawa ika nga…



September 12th, 2005 at 7:40 pm


We cannot accept Noli to sit because he is also into it. What I mean is the cheating. The Congress canvasses the votes for the President, Vice-President and the Senators. And these COCs were altered. We cannot discount the possibility that only Glorias numbers were altered.

Also, if ever Noli sits will he be able to prosecute Gloria for all the crimes she had committed? Noli is a pawn of the Lopezes and i don’t think they will allow the savior of Maynilad and Meralco from being prosecuted.



September 12th, 2005 at 7:53 pm

Enough is enough. GMA should step down! Here in Riyadh I know only 2 Pampangans who want this bloody administration to keep hanging in the balance. I for one believe that GMA did not win in KSA. To hell with Garci and other GMA cohorts.



September 12th, 2005 at 8:23 pm

wish ko lang walang mag post ng spam mails dito. eh yong post sa taas ilang beses na kayang sinesend yan sa mga spam mails?

haiii. sana lets post our opinions not spam mails.



September 12th, 2005 at 8:31 pm

Puerte man ka gago mga tao dire. I ask one question: WHO SHOULD WE REPLACE GMA with? And you start to insult me, curse me. For the 10,000th time, i dont give a shit about GMA. As far as im concerned shes a non-entity and will soon fall. What concerns me is who will replace her? We HAVE to have an alternative to her now, not when she falls. Why cant we just agree to “disagree” and stop insulting each other. If we choose De Castro, it will be like saying GMA did NOT cheat because HE was with GMA and her team. Same with the senators. It has to be a clean slate. But who will lead? Its easy to say si Juan De La Cruz, but sinon’g Juan De La Cruz? It irritates me when people accuse me of being pro-GMA. I have said in the beginning that i voted and campaigned for RAUL ROCO and thought (up to this day) that he could have been the best President we could ever have. But thats my opinion, if the idiots here don’t agree with me, no problem. Ang gago, gago gid maskin ga tuwad pa.



September 12th, 2005 at 8:38 pm

eyesWIDEopen said,
September 12, 2005 @ 8:23 pm

wish ko lang walang mag post ng spam mails dito. eh yong post sa taas ilang beses na kayang sinesend yan sa mga spam mails?

haiii. sana lets post our opinions not spam mails.


Sorry po, kaya po ang sabi ko yung iba maaring nabasa na ito. Pero yung ibang di pa nakabasa pakibasa nalang. Your free po if you don’t want to read it ok. Spam mail po ba yon? Ang pagkakaalam ko forwarded mail yun hindi spam mail kasi wala naman malicious content dun and hidden ads.



September 12th, 2005 at 8:45 pm

bangus said,
September 12, 2005 @ 8:31 pm

Puerte man ka gago mga tao dire. I ask one question: WHO SHOULD WE REPLACE GMA with? And you start to insult me, curse me. For the 10,000th time, i dont give a shit about GMA. As far as im concerned shes a non-entity and will soon fall. What concerns me is who will replace her? We HAVE to have an alternative to her now, not when she falls. Why cant we just agree to “disagree” and stop insulting each other. If we choose De Castro, it will be like saying GMA did NOT cheat because HE was with GMA and her team. Same with the senators. It has to be a clean slate. But who will lead? Its easy to say si Juan De La Cruz, but sinon’g Juan De La Cruz? It irritates me when people accuse me of being pro-GMA. I have said in the beginning that i voted and campaigned for RAUL ROCO and thought (up to this day) that he could have been the best President we could ever have. But thats my opinion, if the idiots here don’t agree with me, no problem. Ang gago, gago gid maskin ga tuwad pa.


bangus i agree with your sentiments here… Imbes nga sagutin yung tinatanong mo pauulanin ka nila ng insult. I don’t know why other bloggers are like that, if they don’t agree with your opinion they will accused you of so many things. I experience that also here bangus, hindi ka nagiisa.


concerned citizen

September 12th, 2005 at 8:53 pm

kung saan man galing email na ito sige larga na. von voyage! sana makita mo kapayapaang hinahanap mo. huwag ka nag babalik dito ha? sana makita mo perfect na bansa na wala yung mga sinasabi mo sa email mo. sana mabasa ni arroyo email. sana doon mo pinadala sa malakanyang. you know there are still hopeful filipinos. huwag tayong mawalan ng pagasa kagaya nitong email na ito. darating din tayo dyan konting tiis lang. God bless the philippines. bye bye regards to uncle sam!



September 12th, 2005 at 8:56 pm

It irritates me when people accuse me of being pro-GMA. I have said in the beginning that i voted and campaigned for RAUL ROCO and thought (up to this day) that he could have been the best President we could ever have. But thats my opinion, if the idiots here don’t agree with me, no problem.

Bro, pareho pala tayo ng binoto. I voted also for ROCO last 1998 & 2004 election. And upto now I believe also that we could have been the best president if we only give him a chance. Unfortunately he passed away already. But he will be our inspiration to change this country.



September 13th, 2005 at 12:03 am

Calling aircraft mechanics……eto na ang panahon para maging bayani kayo…..

ahihihihihi 😉




September 13th, 2005 at 12:43 am

Nga pala…baka magkalimutan…babatiin ko lang si Press Secretary Ignacio Buni….hinahanap ka na ng Trosyd….yari ka!

sige cry foul over this….




September 13th, 2005 at 2:50 am

Blog Rules

Violation of any of these rules will result in the removal of comments. Repeat offenders will be banned.

2. Do Not Abuse, Harass, or Defame

– No personal attacks. Insulting, attacking, or denigrating another community member are ad-hominem attacks, which weaken debate and are not allowed under any circumstances. We have zero tolerance for taking an argument about any topic to a personal level.


What’s being done? Inaction or tolerance?

Tsk Tsk Tsk!


tongue in, anew

September 13th, 2005 at 6:32 am

Haay Bangus, kaya ka nahihirapan dahil ang idea mo ng ideal president is, well, masyadong ideal.

You cannot find a perfect person siyempre. Whatever aspect of governance one candidate for president-after-Gloria has no expertise on, will have to provided by her staff and cabinet. That’s why we hire technocrats – to become secretaries undersecretaries, etc. And that’s where Gloria belongs, the bureaucracy, for she is a technocrat not a leader. Erap had some of the best minds in his cabinet, but he delegated everything and instead chose to devote more time playing mahjong with his gang of shady businessmen.

Your Raul Roco was no different. Suffice it to say that his record as a lawyer was not an immaculate one. I should know, my family owns the vast lands now owned by his client who at the time of litigation were prohibited by law to own land being foreigners. Alas, a check with the LRA put the name of the registered owner as “Raul Roco”. My great-grannies fought the court battle until the day they died.

Enough for personalities. The requirements for president is simple. Its there in the constitution. The 1986 framers had it so worded it that they clearly understood that genius simply does not make a president, knowing that from their fresh experience of Marcos. The requirements therefore are simple, that only a negligible part of the population would not qualify. That being the case, though, may I give you what to me are more important values that a true leader must possess.

True leaders must provide inspiration, not hopelessness. True leaders, unite people, not divide. True leaders listen then follow, not rule and ignore. True leaders fight FOR the people, not WITH the people. True leaders EARN the trust of the people, not BUY the trust of the people. True leaders do not cheat, steal or lie.

And yes, true leaders know when its time to quit.



September 13th, 2005 at 7:43 am

Selene wrote that since these congressmen were elected, they can do whatever they want to do until the next election. This is dangerous.That’s why people in congress are called representatives. They were elected by their constituents to represent their interest in congress not their personal interest. To say therefore that the congressmen can do whatever they want to do since their were elected shows a total lack of political understanding.



September 13th, 2005 at 8:28 am

Congressman who accepted development / social fund cum bribe from GMA are very short sighted and selfish. They reason out that the Funds from GMA are good for their congressional district / province but by doing so they are ignoring the fact that the country as a whole is slowly being buried by multitude of foreign debt.

In the end, the money that they received from GMA won’t amount to anything – but a simple bribe to a simple minded congressman. GMA is robbing the treasury just to buy the loyalty of her supporter where is GOOD in that. The country will have to pay its debt and meaning even those people in the provinces will be affected by it. So Mr. Congressman, ano ang Mabuti sa ginawa ninyong pagtanggap na Pera mula kay GMA.



September 13th, 2005 at 8:47 am

Other than the present leaders, who do you think will be a good president for our country? And even cabinet members? Maybe its about time we look for alternatives. Any suggestions? New leaders, untainted, for our country.



September 13th, 2005 at 9:36 am

kung ako tatanungin kung sinong pwedeng “alternatives” subukan natin ito:

1. nilagang bangus
2. tinurbong bangus
3. kinilaw na bangus (ok boneless para di matinik)

yan pa lang naisip kong “alternatives”. yung meron pang naiisip paki add nalang.



September 13th, 2005 at 10:07 am

you ask “who do you think will be a good president for our country?” your way off of what really is going on to this country. this is not about who’s capable or who’s not. our problem with our presidents past or present is not about policy its about bringing atleast ‘the minimum good’ on their leadership. our leader ‘allegedly’ commited blunder. so we have the proper forum to answer all allegations. so where is that proper forum? and what happen to that proper forum? so where, when, how can we get justice when our very own constitution and gov’t institution is manipulated? we just hope this QUESTIONS, this INSTABILITY, this CHAOS will not happen in the next electionssssssss and the next election…. elections and all other elections to come. WE HAVE TO START. a good leader your asking? vice pres noli de castro is better than gma.



September 13th, 2005 at 11:35 am

yvonne, base sa article mo re post-dated checks at ibang PCIJ expose…pwede na bang maging materials o ebidensya ito para sa anti-graft and corrupt practices ng government officials? Kahit marihap asahan na kikilos ang ombudsman, malaking bagay na mairehistro ang ganitong klase ng mga katiwalian. kahit nakakasawa na ang mga inquiry sa senate, sana matalakay ito. di naman kasi ganun kalawak ang naaabot ng pcij laluna dun sa mga taong ginagamit ng mga pulitiko. salamat sa makabuluhang report.


Yvonne Chua

September 13th, 2005 at 12:02 pm

renso_lui: A senior COA auditor told me that PCIJ’s report can already serve as basis for the auditor assigned to the Office of the President to look into the disbursement. The question: Will he?



September 13th, 2005 at 12:13 pm

Ok, there is a suggestion for Noli de Castro as successor to GMA. Who else? What about Chief Justice Davide? Will he be good? Danding Cojuanco? If not for his age, he has good business sense. Perhaps we need one to run our country? But he will forever be tainted with Marcos. Mar Roxas? He may be too young. Your suggestions please. No problem on the idiots who continue to insult me. Ang gago, maskin ga tuwad gago gid. Translate that and you’d know what i mean.



September 13th, 2005 at 12:25 pm

yvonne_chua and renso_lui: the ombudsman has power to investigate graft even if it is not reported to them. The Ombudsman can actually initiate investigation on its own. COA can only make a report on the presence of an illegal disbursement. It is the Ombudsman that can file charges against any government official including the President. However, it is easy for malacanang to get away with this mess because:

1) The Presidential Social Fund is a discretionary fund per a GMA executive order;
2) Though postdated, GMA did not sign the check (of course she was not stupid enough to sign it) hence, there is no evidence;
3) Malacanang has already retrieved the said check, no harm was done.



September 13th, 2005 at 12:38 pm

we should all unite in ousting GMA. Di nyo ba napapansin patterned lahat ng goals nya at methods from Marcos. ang problema di hamak na mas concrete ang projects ni marcos such as lung center, kidney center, heart center etc. To those who hate Marcos so much, wag nating pabayaan na mabreak ni GMA ang record ni Marcos and later on maging anghel sya compared to GMA. gARAPAL na masyado si GMA.



September 13th, 2005 at 12:46 pm

bangus said,
September 13, 2005 @ 12:13 pm

Ok, there is a suggestion for Noli de Castro as successor to GMA. Who else? What about Chief Justice Davide? Will he be good? Danding Cojuanco? If not for his age, he has good business sense. Perhaps we need one to run our country? But he will forever be tainted with Marcos. Mar Roxas? He may be too young. Your suggestions please. No problem on the idiots who continue to insult me. Ang gago, maskin ga tuwad gago gid. Translate that and you’d know what i mean.

Bangus other bloggers here really insult those people like us who only asking who will replace PGMA. They will always accused us of being pakawala or relatives of PGMA. I don’t know why they don’t want to understand our point. Look they always shouting here that we must move on. Makibaka, manindigan, sumali sa rally pero sila naman na nagsasabi niyan, nasaan sila? Andito nakaupo, nasa harap ng computer, busy nakikipagchat…. Sigaw ng sigaw na lumabas sa lansangan upang sumama sa rally pero sila busy sa pagiinternet. Puro salita di naman ginagawa. Wala dito sa harap ng computer si PGMA andun sa malacanang, bakit yung mga nagsisigawan dito hindi kayo lumabas sa lansangan tulad ng mga sinasabi ninyo at andito pa rin kayo sa harap ng computer buong araw. Ano takot din ba kayo? Bakit di ninyo sugurin si PGMA sa malacanang, at isigaw ninyo ang mga sinasabi ninyo dito. At least kami honest kami sa aming sarili, nagiisip muna kami kung sino ang ipapalit kung sakaling mapaalis nga si pandak bago kami umaksyon at sumali sa rally. Hindi yung ngawa-ngawa dito at sinasabing kailangang sumali sa rally pero siya andito naman buong araw sa harap ng computer…



September 13th, 2005 at 1:07 pm


Ganoon na ba kasama ang bansa natin na wala na tayong makukuhang matino to lead us. We are a country of at least 80 million people and from them we cannot choose a single honest man or woman or group that has the strength of character, the will and love for country that will be needed in order to overhaul our society?

I don’t think so…hindi naman kelangan may pangalan siya para mamuno, diba? As long as he will be a model for all of us then we would be glad to follow him.



September 13th, 2005 at 1:13 pm

Thanks kaveneshi. I guess narrow minded people like them just criticize without knowing the issue at hand. All we need DAW is a simple person with a sincere heart to run government. I think that is not possible when the SYSTEM itself is at fault. Why? Because for someone to win form the Barangay level, one needs oodles and oodles of money. I short we can shout ourselves until were blue in our face but without money nobody even if he is the most sincere and saintly can win any election, even as barangay captain. So what is the suggestion? A revolutionary government to install people with various interests even if THEY are not the voice of a majority. That will fail, sorry to say, as all of them will try to grab power from each other. Maybe we should look for other forms of government to minimize the need for money to win. What system, i dont know. Even in the US, without money senators and congressmen cannot win. The reason why their supporters have fund raising activities. Everybody is just concerned about ousting GMA. That is a fact already that sooner of later she would be ousted. The question remains: WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? WHERE DO WE GO FROM THERE? Can we afford intrigues when a power play comes into play? Or if the military sick of all thats happening and takes powere, declares martial law and prevents people from complaining and closing blogs like these?



September 13th, 2005 at 1:16 pm

dimasalang said,
September 13, 2005 @ 1:07 pm


Ganoon na ba kasama ang bansa natin na wala na tayong makukuhang matino to lead us. We are a country of at least 80 million people and from them we cannot choose a single honest man or woman or group that has the strength of character, the will and love for country that will be needed in order to overhaul our society?

I don’t think so…hindi naman kelangan may pangalan siya para mamuno, diba? As long as he will be a model for all of us then we would be glad to follow him.

sino nga yung juan dela cruz na yun… hindi naman sinasabi ni bangus na wala ng mapagpipilian eh, nagtatanong nga siya kung sino nga yun sinasabi mong yan. Baka kahit ikaw di mo pa rin alam kung sino nga yang sinasabi mong model for all of us na yan?



September 13th, 2005 at 1:24 pm

BANGUS the real issue is not who replaces GMA. You are missing the point. The issue is retribution and punishment for any offense committed against the Filipino people. GMA admitted and apologized for calling Garci, of the COMELEC, a supposedly independent constitutional body. She cheated in the elections and continuously uses taxpayer’s money to stay in power. These are crimes which must have corresponding penalties. The offender must be impeached and must suffer the penalties attached to these crimes if we are a country under a regime of truth, justice and freedom (as the Philippine Preamble states). As to who replaces GMA, it does not really matter. Just like what GMA supporters always say, we have to obey the Constitution or the rule of law. And our Constitution is clear that in case of resignation, death or incapacity of the President, the VP succeeds.



September 13th, 2005 at 2:18 pm

walang kailangan maging model because whether we like it or not, the Constitution says it is the Vice President who replaces the President in case of resignation, incapacity, or death of the latter.



September 13th, 2005 at 2:42 pm

ipinanganak na ba yang “model” leader for Juan dela Cruz na yan? sino nga ba talaga?



September 13th, 2005 at 3:05 pm


Approve ako dyan, dapat private ang AUDITORS ng Gobyerno at dapat ibalik ang discretionary PRE-AUDIT of GOVT. FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS.



September 13th, 2005 at 3:12 pm

kailangan maging masigasig din ang Ombudsman sa pag-papafile ng graft cases sa mga erring government officials.



September 13th, 2005 at 3:13 pm

I’m sure there are many who are qualified, the only problem is we dont know who yet among the millions of pinoys.

Any suggestions?


Any others?



September 13th, 2005 at 3:24 pm

This discussion on post-Gloria scenario is very relevant in the sense that more members of the civic groups are joining the bandwagon to unseat her. We all know that a people power at this point in time will be very bloody, it will be a real civil war with the military hell bent on preventing the reds from gaining power. No matter how sincere the Cory group is in their quest, the circumstances are not favorable for a peaceful transition of power and if they did get hold of power it will be a bloody fight amongst parties of different political agenda. The bishops admonition for people to move on is actually the most responsible thing to do right now. The constitutional route is still the best alternative for leadership change. In other words, wait for next year and the opposition better do their homework this time. The tragedy for GMA is that the longer the impeachment issue persists the longer she will be subjected to a flurry of blackmails from the congressmen. Requests for porks will increase and unless she can turn around the economy or totally make the Garci tape scandal irrelevant, governance will surely suffer.



September 13th, 2005 at 3:28 pm

Just for the record bangus, my choice has always been Mar Roxas. He got the political name and most importantly the genius to run this country. No other politician understands the potentials of the brains economy than Mar.



September 13th, 2005 at 3:52 pm

Ako si Nino Muhlach talaga ang gusto ko fan kasi ako non. Sige sasali na ko sa rally at subsequently people power para mapabagsak ang rehimeng Gloria! Oust Gloria! yung VP kailangan si joyce jimenez ha kung hindi di na ako pupunta sa rally.

Nino for president!


concerned citizen

September 13th, 2005 at 4:03 pm

bagsak din credibilty ni davide as per previous surveys.. i suggest snap election kung ma unseat president & vice president kaya lang malabong mangyari yun. pinatay na impeachment ng mga tongressmen. ayaw magresign ni arroyo kapit tuko nga eh. ok sana snap election. at least may mandate ng tao. importante na ligitimate at hinde fake ang presidente. pwede isabay sa 2007 election kaya lang malabo din comelec. baka may lumitaw na naman na hello garci. huh! saan na ba tayo pupunta? anyway ang issue dito ay nandaya ba? nagsinungaling at nagnakaw ba? iyan ang dapat panagutan ni arroyo. iyan ay sapat na para maalis sa poder ang pekeng presidente. palusot lang ng mga alipores ni arroyo kung sino ipapalit kay arroyo. hinde ito excuse or reason para makaligtas sa kasalanan nya.



September 13th, 2005 at 4:07 pm

bangus, dont justify the wrongdoing of our leaders… its in your blog, its in our face in every filipino’s face… you dont have to fool urself. there is an alleged wrongdoing then what we do w/ it????? it is the fundamental rule that govern every filipino, fair justice to all! if our country can stand on it then expect we can have a stable government. A CALL FOR THE RESTORATION OF JUSTICE.



September 13th, 2005 at 4:18 pm

concerned citizen said,
September 13, 2005 @ 4:03 pm

bagsak din credibilty ni davide as per previous surveys.. i suggest snap election kung ma unseat president & vice president kaya lang malabong mangyari yun. pinatay na impeachment ng mga tongressmen. ayaw magresign ni arroyo kapit tuko nga eh. ok sana snap election. at least may mandate ng tao. importante na ligitimate at hinde fake ang presidente. pwede isabay sa 2007 election kaya lang malabo din comelec. baka may lumitaw na naman na hello garci. huh! saan na ba tayo pupunta? anyway ang issue dito ay nandaya ba? nagsinungaling at nagnakaw ba? iyan ang dapat panagutan ni arroyo. iyan ay sapat na para maalis sa poder ang pekeng presidente. palusot lang ng mga alipores ni arroyo kung sino ipapalit kay arroyo. hinde ito excuse or reason para makaligtas sa kasalanan nya.

sino bang nagsabi na dahil walang ipapalit kay PGMA eh wag na natin siyang patalsikin. what we want is kailangan muna tayong magkasundo dito sa issue na to para kung mapatalsik na natin siya eh maging smooth yung pagupo ng kung sino man pipiliin natin. wala pong nagsabi na hindi siya pwedeng paalisin dahil walang ipapalit. Ang gusto lang po namin linawin ay kung sinong ipapalit kung sakali ngang naalis siya, and that’s the point. Kasi if we are just asking for her ouster, then afterwards magaaway-away din tayo kung sino ang ipapalit, problema na naman yun. Hindi po pwede yung basta gusto ko patalsikin si PGMA pagkatapos nun bahala na, free for all na yung position ng presidente. Ok sana kung susundin ang constitutional successor kaso nga po ayaw pumayag ng mga lider ng mga anti-GMA movement. At eto ang magiging problema. Mahirap bang intindihin yan… At sigurado po bang masusunod ang gusto ng taong bayan kung sakaling matanggal si PGMA o yung gusto lang ng mga lider ng mga anti_PGMA na yan ang ipapalit.


concerned citizen

September 13th, 2005 at 5:15 pm

ang issue po ay nangdaya, nagnakaw at nasinungaling ba si arroyo? ito ang 1st priority na masolved. hinde yung sino ang ipapalit. ang mahalaga pagbayaran nya kasalanan nya sa taong bayan. kung sino ang ipapalit? 2nd priority ito. si noli successor. ang tanong payag ba tao? hangang ngayon wala pa syang stand tungkol sa mga issues. parang tinotolerate pa nya mga kasalanan ni arroyo. i have nothing againts noli tingin ko naman kung kay arroyo lang mas may moralidad naman si noli. basta my stand ay yung sinabi ko sa post ko. at iyun ay hamak na suggestion lamang.”mahirap bang intindihen yun?” sorry ka na lang kung ayaw mo. opinion ko lang yun.



September 13th, 2005 at 5:33 pm

Ako po si Konsensiya. Nabasa ko po lahat ng naisulat ninyo. Iba’t ibang opinyon ng iba’t ibang tao na may iba’t ibang interes, trabaho, kasarian at estado sa buhay. Sa tingin ko po, lahat kayo ay tama, wala pong mali. Magkakaiba lang po talaga ang mga pananaw. Sana po ay bigyan hangganan natin ang ano mang personal na pananaw sa mga taong iba ang opinyon sa atin.

Sa ganang akin po lamang, ang problema ng ating bansa ay nag-uugat sa ating mga sarili. Bakit di po natin tignan ang ating sarili sa salamin at itanong:

1. Nagbabayad ba ako ng tamang buwis?
2. Naglalagay ba ako o nagbibigay ng “tong” sa pulis o traffic enforcer kapag ako ay nahuling lumabag sa batas trapiko?
3. Naglalagay ba ako para mapabilis ang pagkuha ko ng dokumento sa isang ahensiya ng gobyerno?
3. Nagyayabang ba ako o pinagyayabang ko ba kapag may kamag-anak, kaibigan o kilala o kilala ng kakilala ako na nasa mataas na posisyon sa gobyerno?
4. Marunong ba akong pumila sa MRT o LRT? sa estasyon ng bus?
5. Nag-uuwi ba ako ng supplies (papel, lapis etc) mula sa aking trabaho?
6. Nagte-txt ba ako sa aking mga kamag-anak, kaibigan o kilala habang ako ay nagtratrabaho sa opisina?
7. Nag-iinternet ba ako habang ako ay nasa opisina?
8. Nakapulot na ba ako ng pitika na may pera sa kalye at hinanap ko ang may-ari?
9. Mahilig ba akong sumingit kahit di trapik?
10. Kinakanan ko ba ang sasakyan ko kahit galing ako sa kaliwa?
11. Binubusinahan ko ba ang sasakyan sa unahan ko pagpalit ng traffic signal sa “green”?
12. Binoto ko si ……kasi kaibigan siya ng pamilya ko?
13. Binoto ko si…….kasi sabi ng tatay o nanay ko?
14. Binoto ko si…….kasi sabi ng barangay leader namin?
15. Binoto ko si…….kasi may kuneksyon ako sa kanya?
16. Binoto ko si…….kasi may kapalit na pera?
17. Binoto ko si…….kasi sabi ng simbahan o ng sekta ko?
18. Di ko binoto si……kasi sabi ng tatay, nanay, kaibigan, barangay leader, simbahan, o sekta ko?
19. Naglalagay ako sa BIR para di na ako ma-audit?
20. Naglalagay ako sa Customs para mapabilis ang labas ng goods ko?
21. Naglalagay ako sa City Hall para maayos agad ang permits ko?
22. Naiinis ako pag nakikita ko ang mag Marcoses?
23. Naiinis ako pag nakikita ko si Kris Aquino?
24. Naiinis ako pag nakikita ko ang mga Estada?
25. Naiinis ako pag nakikita ko si FVR?
26. Naiinis ako pag nakikita ko si JdV?
27. Bakit mas mayayaman ngayon ang mga kapatid nating Tsinoy kesa sa atin?
28. Bakit mababang magpasahod at halos alipinin tayo ng mga kapatid nating mangangalakal na Tsinoy?
29. Bakit tayo puro kontraktual lamang?
30. Bakit mas gusto natin ang imported kahit peke?
31. Bakit gusto nating mag jeepney o bus kung gusto naman nating bumaba kahit saan parang sa taksi?
32. Bakit sa kanto tayo palagi naghihintay ng masasakyan?

Napakaraming pa pong tanong na di naitatanong. Napakaraming pa pong sagot na di tumutugon. Kung binasa mo po ito, sana po ay nakanti ang inyong mga puso at damdamin. Kapag natugunan na natin po ang mga katanungan, siguro alam na rin po natin ang ating patutunguhan.



September 13th, 2005 at 5:47 pm

hulseye, why not jolina magdangal or sara heronimo? mukang sila ang type mong maging kapalit ni gloriang galing mo.



September 13th, 2005 at 5:56 pm


You are limiting your argument in the present setup of this government. That is why you cannot move from this problem.

We must remember that we are not only fighting to oust Gloria but also change the present system. If we only change the figurehead, even if he is a sincere man, the system will eventually produce another Gloria or somebody worse than her and then we return to where we started. Everything will have to change, the government, the people and the economy and economic policies that we have right now.

And are you sure about Davide?


We cannot name anybody right now. But what I have given you is a simple model of a man who is qualified to lead us. Let us wait for the dusts of this struggle to settle before we can see who will emerge as this man.

to everybody,

I would rather have somebody who is not part of this current system to lead us.



September 13th, 2005 at 5:56 pm

gusto ko Joyce Jimenez o kaya Aubrey Miles.



September 13th, 2005 at 6:13 pm

dimasalang said,
September 13, 2005 @ 5:56 pm


We cannot name anybody right now. But what I have given you is a simple model of a man who is qualified to lead us. Let us wait for the dusts of this struggle to settle before we can see who will emerge as this man.

to everybody,

I would rather have somebody who is not part of this current system to lead us.

so you mean we will gamble for this man? Basta mapaalis si PGMA tapos bahala na kung sino man ang papalit sa kanya, accept nalang natin siya whoever he/she is.

I’m with you about somebody who will lead us and he/she should not be a part of this current system. We need a new faces to change the current whole system. I’m agree with you also that we should not only change the leader but also the whole system.



September 13th, 2005 at 6:34 pm


This is a struggle and if he proves that at the end of this struggle he is worth our trust, then there is no need to gamble.



September 13th, 2005 at 6:43 pm

dimasalang said,
September 13, 2005 @ 6:34 pm


This is a struggle and if he proves that at the end of this struggle he is worth our trust, then there is no need to gamble.

Absolutely yes man, but that is a big “IF”. anyway let’s just hope for the better, is not good to think negative at this time. Everyone of us here want a better philippines and sick and tired of too much politics.



September 13th, 2005 at 8:29 pm

dapat ipakulam nalang yang si “ate GLUE” makapal na ang mukha di tinatablan ng hiya.



September 13th, 2005 at 8:49 pm

If the system is the problem, then WHAT system do you think is best for us? Parliamentary? I dont even think it is the system. It relaly is US – filipinos. The problem goes beyond personalities, systems. It is a moral disintegration of our values. If you agree with this premise, then it will take a lifetime to make all the necessary changes for the good of our country. I sacrificed my future in the United States as an engineer in Silicon Valley to come home and help in anyway that i can, in my small town in the provinces, If i gave up on the Philippines, i could have been long, long ago. I would have been established already as an american citizen in the US. But i decided to return to help in anyway i could. The campaign for Roco opened my eyes on the reality that without MONEY, no upright, honest, educated person can win an election. People have just been used to getting money in return for their votes. They ASSUME during the day of election the following due them: Transporation allowance to go to the precincts, Food to feed them, and extra expenses so they can enjoy with their families. Sometimes it is so frustrating to see this scenario over and over again. And after the elections what happens? They curse, complain against the politician they voted to office- the mayor, congressman, governor. But when election time comes and the other party – the more qualified candidate runs BUT does not have the funds to give come election day, the same scenario happens. Its a vicious cycle. Its easy to say that ive been stuck on personalities. But its not even that. Until we get back the VALUES of yestyears, i dont think we can have qualified people governing us. We need nothing SHORT of a miracle mga pare ko.



September 13th, 2005 at 8:59 pm

How can people in government be EVER afraid, when the perfect EXAMPLE of the Marcoses being left un-punished comes to forte? We should have made and example of them when Cory took power. We could have began with the children. Hang EACH ONE of them at the LUNETA until Imelda gave back what marcos had stolen. And if we finished with the children: IMEE, IRENE, BONG-BONG, we could start with the grandchildren so we can have ALL the stolen money back. If we had done that, do you think ANYONE would risk stealing in government again? Look what has happened, they have been voted congresswoman, governor and their former cronies now with GMA! Given what had happend to them to the Marcoses and their rise AGAIN to power, do you think GMA and her cronies see that? We all are suckers. We can shoot each other here and all of them go laughing all the way to the bank…



September 13th, 2005 at 9:59 pm

nakaka asar talaga pag nakakabasa ako ng mga tanong na SINO NAMAN ANG IPAPALIT NATIN KAY GMA??? malaking insulto talaga. Ano ba naman ang gusto nyo’ng mangyari? NA KAHIT MAGNANAKAW, MANDARAYA, SINUNGALING AT WALANGHIYA SI GMA PAGTIYAGAAN NA LANG NATIN??? alam nyo mga tol, hindi kailangan ang mataas ang pinag aralan ng isang pangulo. Ang importante ay matuwid at may malasakit sa kapwa. Di ba may mga taxi driver nga na nag sosoli ng malaking halaga na naiiwan sa kanilang sasakyan dahil hindi nila kayang sikmurahin na ipakain sa pamilya ang galing sa pinaghirapan ng ibang tao.? Ngayon maitanong ko naman sa inyo, meron ba kayong nabalitaan na congressman o kahit sinong pulitiko na nagsoli ng sobrang pera sa kaban ng pamahalaan???? di ba wala…Lumalabas pa ngayon na kahit taxi driver lamang e di hamak na mas tao pa sila keysa mga may pinag aralan kuno….
MAUTAK TALAGA YANG SI PANDAK!!!! kaya post-dated check ang pinamudmod nyan ay para sigurado na hindi makakabaliktad ang mga tongressman na pumabor sa kanya…. sisiguruhin nya muna na mananalo sya. at ang tseke ay nakabitin lang para tumulo ang laway ng mga tanga..mantakin nyo hanggang january ng susunod na taon pa ang petsa ng huling tseke. Hindi nga naman makakabaliktad ang mga gago kasi hihintayin pa nila ang panahon na yun. At malamang pagdating ng araw na yun malamig na ang issue laban kay pandak.. Ganyan din naman ang ginawa nya nung election di ba., Lahat ng heneral na sangkot sa Hello Garci Tape ay ngayon na inaani ang ginawa nilang pag dorobo sa taong bayan.nung nakaraang election..



September 13th, 2005 at 10:16 pm

dong said,
September 13, 2005 @ 9:59 pm

nakaka asar talaga pag nakakabasa ako ng mga tanong na SINO NAMAN ANG IPAPALIT NATIN KAY GMA??? malaking insulto talaga. Ano ba naman ang gusto nyo’ng mangyari? NA KAHIT MAGNANAKAW, MANDARAYA, SINUNGALING AT WALANGHIYA SI GMA PAGTIYAGAAN NA LANG NATIN???
dong, hindi naman namin sinasabi na wag ng palitan si PGMA dahil wala tayong ipapalit. itinatanong lang namin kung sino nga ang ipapalit kung sakali ngang mapatalsik siya. Ayaw nga natin kay pandak kaso baka naman ang ipapalit natin ay mas pandak sa kanya. gusto lang namin magkaroon ng clear view sa susunod na president kung sakali. magkaroon ng clear view kung sino ang mamahala sa atin at saan pupunta ang pilipinas kung sakaling mapatalsik na si pandak. Kahit ideya man lang sana kung saan tayo pupulutin pag napatalsik na si pandak.



September 13th, 2005 at 10:25 pm

kaya walang masyadong sumasali sa rally kc ang gusto ng mga tao yung pangmatagalan na solusyon sa problema. gusto nilang marinig at makita sa mga namumuno at leader ng mga anti-gma ay yung kung mapatalsik man si pandak ano ang mangyayari sa pilipinas. kulang kasi sa paliwanag ang mga movement na to eh. halos lahat tayo gusto siyang patalsikin, pero di natin maimagine kung anong plano natin pagkatapos. anong mangyayari pagkatapos, magaaway na naman ba ang mga lider na to sa pagaagawan sa pwesto. walang clear view eh, lahat tayo nanghuhula, walang malinaw na plano. hindi natin alam kung papayag ba ang mga opposition kay Vice Noli o sila ba ang uupo sa posisyon na mababakante. ang daming katanungan na dapat munang masagot bago kumilos ang taong bayan.



September 13th, 2005 at 10:36 pm

Sa mga lider ng mga anti-GMA, wag na sanang magaksaya ng panahon sa kakapaliwang na nandaya si PGMA. At pinapatay ang impeachment sa congress. Hindi naman bobo ang mga Filipino eh. Alam na nila yan at naniniwala na sila jan. Ang kailangan ngayon ay ang malinaw na paliwanag kung anong gustong mangyari ng mga lider ng movement na to sa pilipinas. Ipaliwanag ninyo ang inyong mga plano, wag lang yung pagrarally, kailangan namin makita kung paano ninyo mababago ang bulok na sistema sa gobyerno kung sakaling mapatalsik man si PGMA. Baka pag napaliwanag ninyong mabuti yan, hindi na ninyo kailangan manghikayat pa, kusang loob susugurin si pandak sa malacanang.



September 13th, 2005 at 11:29 pm

its not wether a people power type rally must win or loose.

after the impeachement, the pros and cons are battling it out on the success (or not) of any people power on the rise.

but you see the surveys, 79% wants impeachment.

and some would conclude otherwise, that a missing link exist between the survey and the impending people’s revolt.

surely the pinoys are tired and exhausted of being used again by politicians. because at any given moment we are open to such exploitation.

but to gain is to try. and to try is to voice out the our grievance and to make the government listen. pound their hearts with bricks and stone if necessary – if its needed.

it is the proper path but we are on a tiring journey. and we pray for a miracle. we pray for a leader. to lead us to the path of true awakening.

you see there are many capable one’s. but we fail them. we brand them. we ridicule them. we throw bricks and stones at them instead of throwing that to malacanan. we exploit ourselves than wait to be exploited.

we are seeing the political environment in a very tampered media. tampered by malacanan’s press releases. but the fact still is we got 79%. what you say about that?

that without malacanan’s media blitz and manipulation, the surveys could rise to 90%.

the difference with the enemy is that we are really divided and malacanan is so very much coherent with its plot and purpose – the plot to cheat, the plot to kill the impeachment, the plot to silence the media, the plot to counter evidences. with a sole purpose – to stay and power.

whereas we, the divided, tries to do much more in every direction. plus the fact that we criticize others who fail even to dent the malcanan machinery, instead of encouraging support.

in this forsaken times, how can an ordinary pinoy go to the streets where every sentimo counts? but that doesn’t mean that he is off to some good in keeping with the rally. but merely, he is able to make time for himself to find the needed pesos to buy a single luckyme pancit canton to feed a family of 5 to 7.

keeping off the streets doesn’t guarantee a food on the table either.

but keeping off the streets guarantees a smoother traffic, which aga muhlach will surely love.

so what is the long term solution?

the long term solution has a beginning… the removal of gloria arroyo.

we cannot begin any other way.

we can finish her term but at what expense? the destruction more and more of an already destroyed political morality. the personalization of the oath, “service to god and country.” instead becomes a service to herself.

the laudering of taxpayers money to bribe friends and foes through a seemingly legal channel – and as revealed by DepEd.

this will become a 9-year legacy of corruption and decadence.



September 13th, 2005 at 11:38 pm

and some would just work hard to earn a living and to project a better economy.

my-hardwork-will-contribute-to-the-economy stance.

i don not know if there such one. especially if that stance is not the general sentiment of the public.

its because not all of us are employed.

but all of us is being used by malacanan – wether you the opposition or for GMA. ita all part of the grand plan to succeed.

congress is just the typical micro application of malacanan’s grand plan – the macro plan is the entire philippines.


concerned citizen

September 14th, 2005 at 7:36 am

bakit sinasabi na walang pwedeng ipalit kay arroyo. for heavens sake! naman! naman! kadaming qualified. better than arroyo. eh si arroyo na yata ang panaka worst president ever!. pwede ba huwag nyong idahilan na walang ipapalit kay arroyo kaya ayaw nyong alisin sa poder. mga palusot ng alipores ni gma. ang importante ay magkaroon muna ng closure yung problema na si arroyo mismo ang solution. maraming options kung sino at paano papalitan. at yan mapaguusapan after na maalis ang bogus na president. tanggalin muna bago palit ha? paano tatanggalin si arroyo eh patay na impeachment? succession, extra constitional mean or pakiusapan na magresign or mag evaporate na muna hehehe (joke lang) kung sino ang gusto ng tao ang syang masusunod. sa ngayon ang gusto ng tao as per nationwide sws survey 79% ay tangalin si arroyo.”mahirap bang intindihen yun?”



September 14th, 2005 at 7:40 am

kavenishi said,

kaya walang masyadong sumasali sa rally kc ang gusto ng mga tao yung pangmatagalan na solusyon sa problema. gusto nilang marinig at makita sa mga namumuno at leader ng mga anti-gma ay yung kung mapatalsik man si pandak ano ang mangyayari sa pilipinas.

Maganda ang pananaw mo kavenishi, pero mahirap makita ang tunay na ugali ng tao hangga’t hindi pa nauupo sa pwesto. Noon bang pinatalsik si Erap kilala na ba natin si PANDAK ? di ba nagkakaisa daw ang mga tao noon sa EDSA.. na masama si ERAP, pero ano ang nangyari? Napatunayan ba???
Kaya pinagtatawanan tayo ng grupo ni tabako.. kasi sila at ang makati businessmen ang may pakana ng lahat ng yun.,, di ba kayo nakakahalata na dahil sa utang na loob ni pandak sa kanila. wala siyang magawa para kontrolin ang sunod sunod na pagtaas ng lahat ng bagay.. at pinapaboran nya ang mga korporasyon na yan para pigilan naman ang dagdag na sahod ng mga manggagawa.

Ayaw natin na makialam ang simbahan sa pulitika, pero alam naman natin na mahirap magtagumpay ang people power kung hindi makikialam ang simbahan. Aminin natin na malaki ang impluwensiya ng religion sa isip ng tao kaya nga may mga suicide bomber dahil sa paniwalang mapupunta sila sa langit sa ngalan ni Allah!! Kahit nung panahon ng hapon. Ang tingin din nila sa emperador ay diyos. kaya handa silang ialay ang kanilang buhay.

Malaki ang naging papel ni Cardinal Sin sa mga people power na nagdaan. kahit pa nga sabihin natin na nagamit din siya ng grupo ni Pandak at Tabako!!! kung baga sa Granada ang taong bayan ang pampasabog at si Cardinal Sin ang tiga bunot ng PIN para itoy sumabog. At dahil sa panawagan nya lahat ng catholic school at mga religious group ay kumilos..

Sa ngayon ano ang stand ng CBCP? wala!!!! Alamin daw ang katotohanan sa legal na paraan??? pede naman daw mag people power pero ang tanong “SINO ANG MAGTATANGGAL NG PIN PARA SUMABOG ANG GRANADA???? pati nga sundalo nabahag ang mga buntot kahit pa nga ginagago na sila ng palasyo sa ginawa nitong pagbalewala sa rekomendasyon ng board of generals. Sayang… kung ngayon nangyari ang ginawa ng MAGDALO GROUP malamang nagtagumpay sana sila…..



September 14th, 2005 at 8:16 am

so ano na plano dong?

kung ayaw sumama ng church (can rally daw as long as its peaceful) or ayaw makisama ng militar (apolitical daw e)…

looks like gma is here to stay, with or without rally, to the costernation of majority (as per survey) most of which doesn’t want to go to the rally.



September 14th, 2005 at 9:24 am

For so long as we do not have one sample of a CROOK in government shot at the luneta as EXAMPLE of justice, the same situation will continue. If GMA goes, she should be tried and then shot together with the other crooks for crimes committed against the filipino people. Simple lang mga pare ko. After that, i dont think anybody else who will take over will risk stealing. For the lower ranks in govt, we can follow what the muslim countries are doing: cut the hands of those who steal. Some will say this is “drastic”. Do you think the rallies, the complaints and the final fall will result in better GOVERNANCE? For so long as we continue to be HYPOCRITES, same scenario pare ko, same situation…



September 14th, 2005 at 9:36 am

COA auditors will definitely make an audit to make more money. Meanwhile GMA keeps on compromising herself having to cover up the cover ups. She has to maintain and keep her stable of politicians happy until the next impeachment, and the politicians are taking advantage. Santa is here and Christmas started in September for them. kEEP UP THE GOOD WORK PCIJ



September 14th, 2005 at 9:42 am

Maybe that is the reason why people are tired of attending rallies and for another people power, hoping the military will intervene. As it is now with the LEFTIST groups like ocamp, casino, beltran at the forefront with the other groups i don’t think the military will be enticed to join. And people have seen after EDSA1 & 2 what happened. Those who said they wanted change because of corruption are now the same people accused of corruption! So what is new? The names. The positions are the same. People in this blog are irritated when i sort of reason out my position about what happens next because they just have only one thing in mind: OUST GMA. That will happen soon mga pare ko. If not through people power, the economy and oil problem will do her in. And with all the pay backs due those who supported her, tapos na ang boxsing. That can be next month in October when crude prices due to the onset of winter is expected to reach $100 per barrel. But after she is ousted, what happens? We call a snap election and spend another 500M for it and then those who are elected begin again from the bottom raiding whatever is left of the coffers in govt.

My proposal is simple: WE SHOULD ALL THIK OF A POST-GMA scenario. It will not be easy as most politicians are suspect. SO lets get a JEEPNEY DRIVER who is untained to be president or caretaker. Or a teacher. The most important is planning for the “after GMA scenario.”


concerned citizen

September 14th, 2005 at 10:13 am




September 14th, 2005 at 10:19 am

agree ako kay bangus. all the past criminals in the government are still at large. wala tayong nakikitang napaparusahan. we have laws but the justice system has failed. worse, the justice system is there only to protect the very powerful few. as long as this is not corrected, people power na lang ang sagot para mapatalsik ang bawat presidente.



September 14th, 2005 at 10:36 am

if you think that the survey saying 79% wants impeachment is correct and accurate, then you should also believe the 2004 SWS Exit Poll Survey: GMA 45%, FPJ 34%, Lacson 10%, Roco 6%, Villanueva 5% is correct and accurate.

surveys can be manipulated.




September 14th, 2005 at 10:40 am



yeah right! as if what happened to the Marcoses and Estradas we’rent enough lesson.




September 14th, 2005 at 11:10 am

Shoot the crooks in PUBLIC, like the Luneta. One, two crooks. Believe me, nobody will dare steal again in government.

Better still, behead them. Mas brutal the better. This is the ONLY way the corrupt in government will know.

If we had hanged all the Marcos children when the time Marcos flew into exile, we would have FORCED him to return ALL that he had stolen.

What did we do? Wala, the corrupt agencies in cahoots with him stole the money. And the marcoses ended up again in power. Imagine! NAKAKAHIYA! Hasnt anybody thought of that?

The saddest part, LISTEN TO THIS, mga pare ko, in a survey in one of the universities here, BONG-BONG MARCOS and IMEE MARCOS were VOTED among the PROMISING politicians for the 21st CENTURY! They were branched together with Mar Roxas. Isnt that sad? We talk of morality, righteousness, good governance, and here comes a survey of the youth that says BELIEVE na BELIEVE sila sa mga Marcoses!

IF these children of Marcos can get away and having their cake and the peoples sympathy (the younger generation) too, imagine what the others will become even if they are removed from office.

Choose the good ones to vote for? The system GUARANTEE’s by the time they finish office, they would have enriched themselves! Why? Because the temptation to steal is so great and walang corresponding punishment, so they steal! It becomes an incentive for others because the past officials also stole. And it becomes a vicious cycle.

Shoot or Behead one or two top government officials. Believe me that will be the BEGINNING for a solution.


The J Spotter » Blog Archive » Hard times indeed

September 14th, 2005 at 12:15 pm

[…] Expensive charter change consultantsThe President’s Gravy TrainTravel Expenses […]


concerned citizen

September 14th, 2005 at 1:45 pm

alin bang exit poll yung survey ng dzrh? hinde naman nangyari na panalo si arroyo here in metro manila baka nakakalimutan nyo na. kayo ang nagmanipulate. ang exit poll ang inaccurate kasi talo si arroyo dito sa luzon. sa visayas alam naman natin kung ano nangyari sa hello garci tape. yung survey ngayon ng sws 79% ay feel na feel naman na ayaw na talaga kay arroyo ng tao. sa lagay ba naman ng estado ng pilipinas ngayon do you think na may gugusto pa kay arroyo? iba situation ni erap kay gloria. pati na rin si marcos mas malala si gloria ngayon. kasalanan ni erap at marcos ay ginawa din ni gloria. (iyun ay nasa lozano amended impeachment complaints na pinatay na ng congress.)



September 14th, 2005 at 4:10 pm

We keep on fighting, arguing about the sins of GMA. Without a doubt most if not ALL people think and know she is GUILTY and should resign. Problem is legitimate ang concerns about what happens next. I think people should be told whats next. Why? Look at what happened after Edsa 1 and 2. Was there any new change? People, especially here in the provinces know that GMA is 100,000% guilty. But they are aware about what will happen post GMA: the same crooks starting from scratch robbing the people. Many say, there are 84million filipinos. That was what was said after EDSA 1 and EDSA 2. Did we find the person that we wished could lead us? Unless that “issue” of the SAME scenario is addressed, there will be no people in the streets, there will be no clamor. It will only be NATURE and the WRATH of GOD who will do GMA in, when the Economy falters further. This is a pragmatic view of the situation. Imagine people here talking about the impeachment, coa, etc., etc. Even the BLIND knows everything was done wrong and continues to be done wrong by this Govt. EVERYONE knows this Govt CHEATED during last elections. Were all sounding like a broken record. We are overstressing the facts when it is OBVIOUS that halatang-halata yong mga ginawa ng gobiernong ito. Lets all move on ASSUMING a post GMA scenario. The FACT that GMA has committed a crime has already been established. No need to continue discussion about this. Useless mga pare ko.



September 14th, 2005 at 4:24 pm

bangus yan din ang sinasabi ko dito, ang gusto ng tao kung anong mangyayari after napaalis si pgma. kaso ayaw maniwala eh, paulit-ulit nalang sinasabi yung mga obvious na ginagawang kamalian ni pgma. sinabi na ngang hindi bobo ang mga filipino eh, yung obvious alam na nila kaya hindi na dapat ulit-ulitin pa. alam na lahat ang ginagawang kalokohan ng gobyerno, open book na yan. ang importante kung anong mangyayari sa pilipinas assumming a post GMA scenario. kaso walang makapagpaliwanag ng mabuti sa mamamayan kung ano nga ba?



September 14th, 2005 at 4:44 pm

Amen kavenishi. Exactly my point. On my way home this lunch i asked a taxi driver: Kung mag people power, join ba kayo mga drivers? His answer, exactly our sentiments: Pag na overthrow si GMA, anong mangyayari? Ang mga police nag to-tong e re-assign at ang mga bagong assigneess naman ang mag ka pera. Ngayon busog na busog na ang karamihan. Pag ina assign ang bago, yong hahanapin na tong from scratch ulit. Same with the local officials, ang na gu-gutom for so many years sila naman ngayon mag ka racket, etc. Saan ang pag ba-bago?
Enough said….


concerned citizen

September 14th, 2005 at 4:45 pm

hinde bobo mga filipino. kaya alam nila na nagkasala si arroyo kaya dapat lang maimpeach. ito po ang issue. IMPEACH ARROYO na pinatay na nga ng congress. so kung walang alternatibo kalimutan na lang? move on? ganoon lang? tuloy ang ligaya ng mga alipores ni arroyo? pinipilit nyo post gma scenario, tanggalin muna . kung si noli di si noli. tutal sya naman ang successor. kung kay arroyo lang naman na talaga namang OBVIOUS na sobrang nagkasala di yung lesser evil na si bise presidente. okey ba mga pare ko? peace!



September 14th, 2005 at 4:56 pm

concerned citizen said,
September 14, 2005 @ 4:45 pm

hinde bobo mga filipino. kaya alam nila na nagkasala si arroyo kaya dapat lang maimpeach. ito po ang issue. IMPEACH ARROYO na pinatay na nga ng congress. so kung walang alternatibo kalimutan na lang? move on? ganoon lang? tuloy ang ligaya ng mga alipores ni arroyo? pinipilit nyo post gma scenario, tanggalin muna . kung si noli di si noli. tutal sya naman ang successor. kung kay arroyo lang naman na talaga namang OBVIOUS na sobrang nagkasala di yung lesser evil na si bise presidente. okey ba mga pare ko? peace!

hindi po namin sinasabing magkalimutan na. ang gusto lang po namin malaman kung anong plano ninyo kung sakaling maalis na si pgma? sinasagot ninyo eh di ang ipalit si Noli. ok sana po yun, kaso yung mga lider ng mga sinasamahan ninyo sa rally, yung mga lider ng mga anti-gma movement na yan, ayaw nila si noli ang umupo. ngayon kung kaya ninyong pakiusapan ang mga lider ninyo na tanggapin muna si noli na kapalit si PGMA then ok wala ng problema, tanggalin na natin si PGMA sa pwesto. papirmahan ninyo sila sa isang kasulatan na hindi sila kokontra sa pagupo ni noli.



September 14th, 2005 at 5:28 pm


you are creating your own problem. sinabi na under constitution si noli ang pwedeng pumalit tapos piniproblema mo ung ibang opposition hindi accepted si noli. If after we install noli there will be oppositions, then let them oppose as long as the majority is behind noli and noli has a clear mandate of hte people, the disagreement of the opposition will not amount to anything.



September 14th, 2005 at 5:46 pm

correction, Tita Cory has been saying that the constitutional successor should replace Gloria. pls dont confuse yourselves too much with your ifs & buts.



September 14th, 2005 at 5:55 pm

I don’t eat BANGUS but certainly bangus here is matinik. We are all one in the desire and hope for a better country and governance but we must be united to be able to make a point and to be heard by the people concerned. As one suggest, we must form a group of people who do not have any political ambition or personal interest that can be credible enough to make our point. The main thing is to oust GMA. First thing first. There will surely be a leader among the more than 80 million Filipinos.Let’s organize! Count me in.



September 14th, 2005 at 6:19 pm

fencesitter and gagay,
yeah i hope i’m just confusing myself with my if’s and buts and your correct that the disagreement of the opposition will not amount to anything after post GMA scenario. Just take note that the role of the opposition in philippines politics nowadays is not being a fiscalizer, not being a check and balance party but mainly to bring down any administration. Oppose everything and doing nothing….



September 14th, 2005 at 7:37 pm

i dont know how…pero since nagkakatanungan kung sino ang magandang pumalit ke bansot…..yung mas bansot…JUAN FLAVIER!



September 14th, 2005 at 7:43 pm

usda_gradeameat said,
September 14, 2005 @ 7:37 pm

i dont know how…pero since nagkakatanungan kung sino ang magandang pumalit ke bansot…..yung mas bansot…JUAN FLAVIER!

call ako jan, hindi lang mas bansot, full of sense of humor pa. at take note siya ang pinakamahirap na senator…



September 14th, 2005 at 7:53 pm

Tagal na sa serbisyo ni Johnny F….me experience na…me katalinuhan (doktor)…me malasakit sa kapwa….wala akong masamang tinapay dito…yun nga lang siguro..ayaw ng simbahang katoliko ke Johnny F dahil pabor ito sa family planning…kaya na din siguro hindi maging kandidiato bilang VP man lang….



September 14th, 2005 at 8:37 pm

Flavier will be a good one. Maybe as VP first. And yes medyo problem with his family planning advocacy with the Catholic church. But im sure if they see his sincerity ibang outlook na.

Sino pang iba?


concerned citizen

September 14th, 2005 at 9:34 pm

“Just take note that the role of the opposition in philippines politics nowadays is not being a fiscalizer, not being a check and balance party but mainly to bring down any administration. Oppose everything and doing nothing….”

kagaya ng nangyari kay marcos, erap at arroyo ngayon ha? iyan ang tinarawag na karma. yung ginawa mo ay babalik sayo. ano naman ang gusto mong gawin ng oposisyon bow na lang bow kahit illegal na ginagawa gaya ng mga pinagagawa ni arroyo? kaya nga oposisyon eh para mag oppose sa mga maling desisyon.



September 15th, 2005 at 10:49 am

First step first — OUST GLORIA…
Ito ang kailangan natin ngayon…

LEADER(s) will always come out in times of adversity.
What is important today is to remove the FAKE PRESIDENT OF THIS COUNTRY who treated us like idiots…



September 15th, 2005 at 11:13 am

Isang kwento lang…..

Umakyat si Juan sa langit ng napansin nyang punong puno ng mga wall clock ang opisina ni San Pedro

Juan: San Pedro, para saan po yan?
San Pedro: Ah, yan ang tinatawag na truth clocks…Bawat isang tao meron nyan..Kapag hindi ka nag sisinungaling naka stuck yan sa 12:00

San Pedro: Tingnan mo tong ke St. Francis…nasa 12:00..kasi hindi sya nagsinungaling kahit minsan

San Pedro: Eto namang ke Jose Rizal..nasa alas dos…kasi dalawang beses lang syang nagsinungaling…

Juan: e nasan po yung wall clock ni Gloria Macapagal Arroyo?
San Pedro: Ah yung wall clock ni GMA?…pinasok namin sa opisina ni God…..GINAGAMIT NA ELECTRIC FAN!



September 16th, 2005 at 8:53 am

Its not easy to just say, SOMEONE after GMA will come to lead our country. That was the same scenario after Edsa 1 and 2. Maybe there is really a problem when ppl cannot be enticed to join rallies. A friend told me: How can i attend a people power rally when those that i see were the ONES we ousted during Edsa 1 and 2? It would be kind of weird being with them! Maybe those that are sincere in wanting to oust GMA -who dont have any political agenda- civic groups, educators, students, etc, should separate themselves from the politicians identified with Marcos and the Erap group and HOLD rallies without these politicians. Unless that is done, medyo may credibility problem. People would be afraid to join as they see these people and are afraid they MIGHT be in power again. What do you think? Imagine CORY hand in hand with Satur Ocampo, Imee Marcos, JV Ejercito? Medyo malabo…



September 17th, 2005 at 10:59 am

koj said.
so ano na plano dong?

kung ayaw sumama ng church (can rally daw as long as its peaceful) or ayaw makisama ng militar (apolitical daw e)…

looks like gma is here to stay, with or without rally, to the costernation of majority (as per survey) most of which doesn’t want to go to the rally.
hindi naman sa ayaw makisama ng militar koj, nadala lang sila sa kasing opisyal na inakusahan nila ng pagbebenta ng armas sa abu sayaf ay nanatili sa tungkulin. sa halip ang mga junior officer ang nakulong dahil hindi sila sinuportahan ng mamamayan..kung baga pinabayaan na nga sila pati mga kasama nila nag kanya kanya na ng lusot… kaya mapapansin natin na kahit pa nga militar ang mag take over hindi rin magtatagumpay kung walang suporta ng mamayan… ilang beses na napatunayan yan noong panahon ni cory. pitong beses na nagtangka ng kudeta pero walang nangyari..

sa panahon naman ni erap bumandera ang simbahan.. lumabas si cardinal sin at nagtatakbo ang kontobersiyal na paring si father reyes, At naiupo nga si pandak sa panghuhudas ng mismong kaibigan ni erap.

Ngayon, hindi lang takbo ang ginawa ni father reyes. nag fasting pa kamo ang grupo… ha ha ha kawawa naman ang pobre, mukhang mamamatay lang siya sa gutom… ganyan kakapal ang mukha ni bansot mga tol… pati nga simbahan ngayon hati sa issue.. iwas pusoy ang CBCP may mga umamin na tumanggap ng pondo mula sa sugal..(PGCOR) kaya hindi makapiyok.. may mga grupo naman na talagang lumalaban gaya nila Bishop Cruz…

Sa panig naman ng administrasyon ang karamihang naka pwesto ay ex military personnel… mga heneral na napakinabangan noong panahon ng ang katapatan ay para sa unang pamilya lamang. ang mga naka pwesto ay handang ipagtanggol si bansot kahit magmukha silang kenkoy sa harap ng madla..

Sa mga kadahilanang yan kaya alanganin sumama sa rally ang mamamayan… walang isa man na malakas ang impluwensya para manguna sa rally. Lahat halos iwas pusoy…kaya ang nangyayari??? people na lang wala na yung power!!!!

Ikaw koj, may maganda ka bang suhestiyon ???



September 18th, 2005 at 7:49 am


Keep up the good work!


Wala akong ma-isip na tao para pumalit kay pandak, pero kung may kapalit na, may I suggest that during the induction, let him/her sign a contract in full view of the public and duely noted and witnessed by the supreme court justices. Tha contract should say, “at the slightest sign of impropriety, that the president be removed from office. And that the president would walk naked, the entire length of Roxas Blvd. with a sign hanging from the neck, saying, “I am sorry and that I resign”. Mas matipid yon kesa impeachment. I was pa sa suhulan sa congress. Legal ang binding yon kase mismomng justices ang magno-notarize non. Pwede na ba yun sa’yo? Sa ibang bloggers ka nalang humingi ng pangalan



September 19th, 2005 at 6:42 am


pwede na sana yan…kaya lang sa ngayon hindi credible ang justices na sinasabi mo. karamihan kasi sa kanila appointed ni tabako at ni pandak mismo. idagdag pa natin ang mga local officials na madalas mamasyal sa palasyo. tapos majority pa sa kongreso mga baluktot na ang utak. makikitang walang kalaban laban ang mga batang oposisyon sa kongreso kumpara sa mga matatandang sobra na ang gulang sa katarantaduhan.tapos ang speaker pa nila parang sawa sa galing gumapang. ha ha ha ha..Jedi nga talaga…

Ang matindi nariyan pa ang matandang bangkay sa DOJ na sobrang dalahira…NAKU PO DIYOS KO!!! saan kaya tayo pupulutin nito….



September 20th, 2005 at 3:36 am


Agree ako sa’yo. Sorry ha, nakalimutan ko nga pala na lahat nung mga injustices ay nilagay ni pandak sa puwesto. Sa laki ng kayamang hawak ni pandak, mahirap nga talaga sahil pati baranggay tanod ay kayang-kaya nilang lagyan.

Sana lang ‘wag sa kangkungan


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Palace fires uncooperative DepEd undersecretary

September 23rd, 2005 at 8:25 pm

[…] The postdated checks for Diaz’s scholars, totaling P15 million, came from the President’s Social Fund and were believed tied to Palace maneuvers to trash the impeachment complaint against Arroyo.  The Palace had also issued a current-dated check worth P5 million for the same program. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Palace can’t fire DepEd undersecretary — CSC

September 24th, 2005 at 8:03 pm

[…] Luz’s relief is believed to be the offshoot of his refusal to honor three postdated checks Malacanang had issued for the scholarship program of anti-impeachment representative Antonio M. Diaz. […]


good egg

September 26th, 2005 at 7:07 pm

schumey said,

Wala akong ma-isip na tao para pumalit kay pandak, pero kung may kapalit na, may I suggest that during the induction, let him/her sign a contract in full view of the public and duely noted and witnessed by the supreme court justices. Tha contract should say, “at the slightest sign of impropriety, that the president be removed from office.

at that rate we’ll be changing presidents everyday. lol. well at least yung mga utak talangka will be at peace.

schumey said,

Agree ako sa’yo. Sorry ha, nakalimutan ko nga pala na lahat nung mga injustices ay nilagay ni pandak sa puwesto.

duh? sino ba gumawa ng Konstitusyon na nag-authorize niyan? sila sisihin nyo.



September 29th, 2005 at 1:25 pm

Dapat mag magkaisa na Jr officers sa AFP, masyado ng garapalan ang pagtatakip ng gobyerno sa mga kalukuhan nila.Tulungan nyo ang kapwa filipino na niluluko ng gobyerno lalo na mga aroyos.Pananakot lang iyang sinasabi mga big boss nyo, di naman sila haharap sa barilan, magtatago lang iyan.mga takot din iyan mamatay.



INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Luz sues Malacañang

October 14th, 2005 at 2:42 pm

[…] Luz was fired by the President in what seemed to be a fallout from the DepEd’s refusal to accept thee postdated checks, P20 million in all, that the Palace issued for Zambales Rep. Antonio Diaz’s scholarship program at the time when Congress was conducting impeachment hearings against the President. This move from the Palace has raised suspicions that the DepEd was being used to launder money for legislators who supported the administration (See the PCIJ’s report: The President’s Gravy Train) […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Palace won’t budge on Mike Luz’s transfer to DOLE

December 12th, 2005 at 11:11 pm

[…] Luz refused to accept three postdated checks Malacanang released in September from the President’s Social Fund to support the scholarship program of Zambales Rep. Antonio Diaz. Issuance of postdated checks violates government rules on auditing and accounting procedure, according to the Commission on Audit. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » CSC backs Palace on Mike Luz’s transfer to DOLE

February 4th, 2006 at 9:32 pm

[…] Malacanang fired Luz on Sept. 13, two days after the PCIJ released a report that the Department of Education (DepEd) refused to accept three postdated checks (P15 million in all) the Palace had issued for the scholarship program of Zambales Rep. Antonio Diaz, saying this violated auditing rules and accounting procedure.  […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Mike Luz: ‘CSC ruling weakens civil service’

February 9th, 2006 at 9:46 am

[…] Luz had appealed his transfer to the CSC, saying it was the result of his refusal to perform an “illegal” act: He would not accept three postdated checks the Palace issued to Zambales Rep. Antonio Diaz’s scholarship program at the height of the House justice committee hearings on the impeachment complaint against President Arroyo. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Mike Luz asks CSC to reconsider ruling

April 1st, 2006 at 12:59 pm

[…] Malacanang sacked Luz on Sept. 13 after he refused to accept three postdated checks (P15 million in all) the Palace had issued for the scholarship program of Zambales Rep. Antonio Diaz. DepEd said this violated auditing rules and accounting procedure. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Mike Luz quits DepEd

April 22nd, 2006 at 8:33 pm

[…] Luz resigned nearly seven months after Malacanang sacked him from the Department of Education and ordered his transfer to the Department of Labor and Employment over his refusal to honor postdated checks the President’s Social Fund had issued to DepEd to fund the scholarship program of Zambales representative Antonio Diaz. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Mike Luz hits Arroyo’s low regard for civil service

May 11th, 2006 at 9:48 pm

[…] The Palace, through Ermita, at first sacked Luz, sending him a curt “thank-you” letter after he refused to honor three postdated checks issued by the President’s Social Fund. Ermita later ordered Luz’s transfer to the Department of Labor and Employment. […]


Ellen Tordesillas » Blog Archive » Bleeding the country dry

May 22nd, 2006 at 7:53 am

[…] Last year, Malacañang experienced a shortage of funds for impeachment payoffs as shown by post-dated checks issued to at least two congressmen through the Department of Education. […]


GOD Bless George Bush & The USA! » Blog Archive » … President _ s asserted right to designate

December 10th, 2006 at 12:32 am

[…] INSIDE PCIJ ” The president’s gravy train Origami, has many personalition features for you, the reader. … late August by no less than the Presidential Management Staff. … […]


INSIDE PCIJ » All the President’s funds

October 19th, 2007 at 4:54 pm

[…] 2005, the PCIJ revealed that Arroyo issued postdated checks to support the pet projects of favored legislators and other […]


The Daily PCIJ » Blog Archive » Congress on the dock

November 25th, 2008 at 10:56 am

[…] such glaring instance involved Arroyo’s issuance of P15 million in postdated checks from the President’s Social Fund to support the scholarship program of then Zambales Rep. […]

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