January 25, 2006 · Posted in: Arroyo Impeachment, In the News, Science and Technology
Is it Garci’s voice or not?
THE wiretapping inquiry at the House of Representatives formally ended today (see previous post) with former Commission on Elections (Comelec) commissioner Virgilio Garcillano sticking to his previous testimony, refusing to the very end to categorically say whether or not it was his voice that was caught on the tapes talking — at least 15 times — to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.
In two hearings in December last year following Garcillano’s reappearance after five months in hiding, all that the House joint committees on public information, national defense, public order, suffrage, and information technology could squeeze out of the former poll commissioner were just these admissions: that he did talk to the president, but only once, on May 24, 2004, when she asked him why her lead of one million votes had dropped to 892,000, and that it was he who Arroyo had referred to as the election official she had made an "improper" call to in her public apology on June 27, 2005.
Is there reason to believe Garcillano?
In an effort to validate his claims, we sought the help of local sound and recording engineers in doing an analysis of Garcillano’s voice using samples from the "Hello, Garci" taped conversations and from his testimony in the House hearings.
Jim Sarthou, an audio engineer with 27 years of professional experience in music recording and mixing, was the first — and so far the only one — to publicly claim that the main male voice on the "Hello, Garci" tapes is Garcillano’s. Sarthou says he was able to identify Garcillano’s voice after having listened for hours upon hours to the tapes, and after hearing him talk during the congressional inquiry on television.
Using what he calls "the tools of his trade, my ears included," Sarthou was able to find at least three instances in both recordings wherein Garcillano uttered the same words and phrases — "pipilitin", "fearful" (which was pronounced in a distinct Visayan manner as "ferful"), and "board of canvassers."
The word "pipilitin" was taken from Garcillano’s reply during the first hearing when Rep. Rolio Golez asked him to read from the "Hello, Garci" transcript. In response, Garcillano said "I never said ‘pipilitin ko‘."
Sarthou matched this with the conversation where Arroyo was supposed to have asked Garcillano about the possibility of having a lead of more than one million votes, to which he replied "pipilitin ho natin, ma’m." What he found out was that the pronounciation and enunciation are exactly the same.
Listen to the clips by clicking on the links below:
- "Board of canvassers" in three-hour recording
- "Board of canvassers" in House hearing recording
"Of course, it sounds a little bit different because there are two environments, two different microphones used in two different places. But I think anybody will be able to recognize his voice," says Sarthou. "As far as I’m concerned, it’s Garcillano’s voice."
Audio experts will say that a more conclusive way of doing such analysis is to employ audio forensics, either with a visual comparison using FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) spectrographs or biometrics of the voice prints, also done on identical words spoken by the same person with more or less the same intonation.
Unfortunately, it proved difficult to do a fairly good voice-print analysis and comparison because the House hearing recordings were generally clipped (recorded with a loud volume). Nonetheless, by removing and filtering out the unwanted frequency (background noise) and leaving only the subject’s voice, the analysis done on the "pipilitin" clip by the same audio engineer who did similar studies on the 3-hour, so-called "mother-of-all-tapes", Paguia tape, Bunye tapes, and the Chavit "X-Tapes" does support Sarthou’s own conclusion.
This time though, instead of relying on human audio sensation (or a pair of trained ears, as in the case of Sarthou), our source used computer software to extract the voice tonal information and speech intonation patterns of the two samples and to compare the results of each of the extracted values. A compilation of these voice parameter values makes up a voice model template or "voice print."
Usually, verification of an individual’s voice print is done using biometrics wherein a software creates a database of a person’s voice template parameters and uses it to automatically verify if the template parameter extracted came from the same individual with sample voice recording parameters done at a different time.
Below is his analysis of the "pipilitin" clip, but first, an explanation of the process:
The analysis starts with the extraction of the dominant frequencies of each spoken word. These "dominant frequencies" are called formants. Each individual has at least three or more dominant frequencies, which when mixed together will comprise the distinct tone of an individual’s voice. This is different from the "pitch" of the voice. Two individuals may have an identical voice pitch spoken at one point in time but may never have an identical set of "dominant frequencies" no matter how you increase or lower the pitch.
The combination of these tone frequencies sounding together is how our brain distinguishes the voice of our peers, one from the other. These frequencies are the result of the current physical configuration/characteristics of the vocal chords of the individual and they are usually unique with every individual. Most of the biometric applications usually rely on the extraction of the formant frequencies to be plotted on a frequency/time scale using FFT algorithms. These patterns are then used and computed through weighted averaging to find a match.
Other applications go deeper with the analysis by extracting the fundamental frequency plotted across time for every spoken word. We hear this as the distinct "intonation/pronunciation/phonetic patterns" of the spoken word. This is the result of the "contraction/flexing/ movement" of different muscles in our vocal chords, tract, tongue, jaw muscles, etc. Of course, because these muscles are controlled "in sequence" by the brain, any external/internal factors (such the current physical/emotional state of the person) can alter these patterns. In most cases, these patterns are fixed and very unique in every individual.
We start by performing FFT extraction and plotting of the voice samples. The two clips were combined in one clip to simplify the analysis. Time code 0 to 0.67 secs is the "pipilitin ko" clip extracted from the House inquiry. Time code 0.68 to 1.3 is the "pipilitin" clip extracted from the 3-hour tape. After FFT, the formants are extracted by isolating peak dominant frequencies.The image below (under FFT Spectograph/formant frequency) shows the result of the extraction with the formants plotted in pink. (Click here to download a larger image.)
A snippet (Items marked A and A’) on the two samples already shows three distinct formants with almost identical dominant frequencies. The same situation is also seen across each of the samples.
Next part of the analysis is a little bit interesting. Extracting the fundamental frequency data on the "pipilitin" word on both clips reveals pitch-pattern variations that are very similar. Referring to Figure 1 (under Speech Base Frequency/Speaker Intonation), Items marked B, C, D, E, F, and G representing peaks/dips of the base frequency of "pipilitin" uttered at the House hearing are also present on the "pipilitin" word found in the three-hour tape (marked as B’, C’, D’, E’, F’, and G’). This is a strong indication that both words were pronounced by the same vocal chord, vocal tract, tongue, muscles, etc.
Still, there will be those who will insist voice analysis lacks the accuracy of fingerprint or DNA identification, citing the case of the authentication that was done on the Osama bin Laden recordings. But Sarthou counters that one can’t really be too technical about these things. "I don’t think any audio forensic expert can come up with a conclusive analysis anyway. So I guess a person who is very familiar with that voice will be able to say that that is his voice."
Sarthou’s view echoes the verification route that UP sociology professor Randy David has been pointing us to all this time. In his December 31 column last year, he wrote:
"We may call upon a voice authenticator to tell us if the voices in a tape match the voice prints of a given sample of vocies. We may ask a recording technician to ascertain the physical integrity of a piece of recorded material. But all that one needs to make sense of a conversation is knowledge of the language and a lot of common sense."
So, is it Garcillano’s voice on the tapes or not? You tell us.
66 Responses to Is it Garci’s voice or not?
January 26th, 2006 at 1:25 am
The only thing they all provided was entertainment.
January 26th, 2006 at 2:07 am
IF it wasn’t Garciallano’s voice, why didn’t he fight tooth and nail to protect his name from the start?
IF it wasn’t Garciallano’s voice, why did he go into “hiding”?
IF it wasn’t Garciallano’s voice, why did he dodge questions in the inquiry at the House of Representatives?
IF it wasn’t Garciallano’s voice, was it Daffy Duck’s?
IF it wasn’t GLUE-RIA’s voice, was it Bugs Bunny?
Like GLUE-RIA, GARCI is taking the country for a ride and ASSumes the public is stupid!
January 26th, 2006 at 2:22 am
yup, “entertainment” that has put us into a bind – a not so entertaining entertainment for a nation very much fond of being entertained by mere entertainment.
kudos to jimsband.
January 26th, 2006 at 5:31 am
That’s no entertainement that’s swindling in the highest order.
January 26th, 2006 at 6:08 am
The reason the Congress Committee got nothing but frustration out of this exercise is simple: What they were trying to do was to get Garcillano to admit to his crimes, to make him commit, in open session, an act of self-incrimination.
Yet the dilemma has already been stated: The separating line between Right of the Public Know and the Right of Individual Privacy is the democratic Right against Self-incrimination.
That is a most precious right usually fought for by civil libertarians and even Leftists, because the Right to Privacy, with its wall at “the Fifth Amendment” — that is actually the foundation of ALL democratic rights. It must not be breached even in the case of the Judas Goat, Virgilio Garcillano, though of course we may try.
The real battle with Garci is now in the Supreme Court and his Second Petition.
tongue in, anew
January 26th, 2006 at 6:15 am
For all I care, it might have even been my voice. But one thing I’m pretty damn sure, that that one on the other end of the line is the voice of the shameless bitch who has caused us all our miseries.
Storm the front!
January 26th, 2006 at 6:41 am
PS> I’d like to congratulate PCIJ Blog for exposing its readers to something as important in history as Fast Fourier Transform Spectroscopy, which has applications far beyond audio forensics. It is at the heart of our modern understanding of anything that has to do with WAVES. That includes all phenomena involving light, sound, tsunamis, earthquakes, and anything else that CHANGES, even “the wavefunction of the universe.” The tech blogs should do more of this. There used to be a small DOS program for the IBM PC/Jr that let you speak into the mike and it made a nice 2D image of your voice in the frequency domain, which is what the FFT “is.”
lokalokang matino
January 26th, 2006 at 9:49 am
The issue of the gloria-garci tape is as simple as 1+1, the questions are answerable by simple YES or NO.
If its not his voice, why not say NO!!! SIMPLE!!!!
If its not his voice he could have protested from the very moment the issue came public.
The truth is, it was his voice. It was him talking to gloria. It was gloria talking to him.
IT NEVER WAS ” A lapse in judgement”!!! A supposed intelligent person an assumptionista, could not have comitted “a lapse in judgement”. The fact is, it was pre-meditated by an intellegent person with MIS-PLACED honor, moral values and delicadesa.
Is Garci hostage? Is Garci being held in a camp against his will?
Pity Mrs. Garcillano, the BALLS of her husband are in gloria’s hands.
January 26th, 2006 at 11:11 am
What Garci told the Supreme Court in his Second Petition is that people in Congress and in the Media are using certain illegally wiretapped recordings to accuse him of voterigging during the 2004 elections because they say that is his voice on the tapes. The question is do they have a right to use such recordings to make such accusations against him when the ONLY legally sanctioned use of wiretapped materials is when it is covered by a Court Order as specified in R.A. 4200. Tanada set it up so that wiretapping was illegal, and so is the mere possession, use or reproduction of wiretapped materials for any purpose, by default, unless you had a Court Order to perform wiretapping yourself at some specified FUTURE time and place OR to use wiretapped materials as evidence in PAST crimes against persons guilty of illegal wiretapping!
Why the Opposition has not filed for such Court Order designation of the Garci Tapes as evidence of such crimes TOTALLY MYSTIFIES me. Nothing in RA 4200 prevents them from doing so today. Why don’t they? Especially since Garci is hurrying up to get the Supreme Court to grant the exact opposite prayer: BURY THE GARCI RECORDINGS!
January 26th, 2006 at 12:16 pm
kudos to PCIJ for showing clearly the lies and evasions of garcillano, et al, especially with the method of converging technical analysis (fourier transforms! mabuhay ang mga ECE haha praise, praise the tech who did the analysis) with exegesis and hermeneutics (or at least i think that’s what it’s called; kudos to randy david for doing that for us) towards a clear-cut presentation and logical conclusion.
i had little doubt then that it was garci and gloria. i have absolutely no doubt now.
evict the squatter from malacañang. she sullies the meaning of the palace’s name, as do her cohorts. as per the lina law, let’s relocate her humanely… to house arrest, sharing rooms with erap, perhaps.
January 26th, 2006 at 12:22 pm
as what randy david said, “all that one needs to make sense of a conversation is knowledge of the language and a lot of common sense”.
i’m convinced it’s Daffy Duck and Bugs Bunny talking.
January 26th, 2006 at 12:47 pm
Rizalist said,
January 26, 2006 @ 11:11 am
“Why the Opposition has not filed for such Court Order designation of the Garci Tapes as evidence of such crimes TOTALLY MYSTIFIES me.”
I have exactly the same feeling, and I believe I have written here several times on what is the opposition is doing really. Are they just lousy? But I strongly believe that they are just messing up with the people just like if not more than the President.
I just wish that we should realize by now its not only the sitting president that we cannot trust. WE SHOULD NOT TRUST NOBODY! That our vigilance should not only focus on the president but for all the people on both sides. If we exert pressure to the president, the same pressure should be exerted on the opposition as well. We shoudl really put pressure on boths side to really do their job well for the sake of the country.
Gosh, I missed the days when Senator Joker was in the opposition. They were able to impeach Erap even when they are a minority. I believe so far its only Joker or his leadership/initiative that is delivering the real blows to the adminstration. Just like what he did to the Venable contract that resulted to its cancellation. Minimal talks but good results. All the rest are just all talks!
You can not just underestimate GMA! You can not defeat her with so much talks alone. She just did not made it to the presidency for nothing. Not even the combine forces of previous presidents Cory, Erap, and FVR can topple her. She did not made it to the top list of powerful women in the world for nothing! Powerful leaders around the world can see that . Why the opposition can’t see that? Then and only then the opposition will be able to topple her from her throne. Sabi nga ni Joker the opposition just have to work very very hard to impeach GMA from her throne. Instead of heeding him, the opposition just wished that Joker would joined them. Eeeewwwwwww! inamin bigla ang kakulangan nila. Pero wala pa ring ginawang magandang action! Where is really the sincerity to oust GMA?
Haayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!Makapagtrabaho na nga lang……..
January 26th, 2006 at 1:30 pm
Rizalist said,
January 26, 2006 @ 11:11 am
“Yet the dilemma has already been stated: The separating line between Right of the Public Know and the Right of Individual Privacy is the democratic Right against Self-incrimination.”
First we should really consider that all moves of Garci is being dictated by GMA…
And I believe the big difference between the opposition and GMA lies very very well on the lines stated by Rizalist above.. GMA knows this very well! She serioulsy worked very hard and built her strategies around it. If you carefully analyzed it, her battle cry is “Rule of Law”. And every wrongdoings she did she is really very careful enough not to collide with the law. Remember the Jose Pidal controversy where she was able to get out of it, no sweat? She is just no Erap, who, lets face it , pale in comparison with GMA in the “head” department. So the opposition should get out of their mindset that they removing a similar person of the same caliber. Definitely GMA is a much different breed of a shrewd politician. She made of entirely different stuff.! And for that, the opposition should really overhaul their current strategy. That is if they are really serous of getting rid of GMA………..
January 26th, 2006 at 1:58 pm
“Definitely GMA is a much different breed of a shrewd politician. She made of entirely different stuff.!”
agreed. she’s certainly much more than the average politician.
more dishonest, more opportunistic, more fraudulent, more rapacious, more kleptocratic, more scheming, more venal, more grasping, more power-hungry, and more callous than is the average member of the barong-clad reptilian species.
January 26th, 2006 at 2:05 pm
When you are CAPO DI TUTTI CAPI (Boss of all Bosses), naturally you must have the best CONSIGLIERE (legal advisors). She has had the best, considering the Supreme Court is but a branch of the FIRM now, and Davide a MADE member of the Family. In charge of electoral reform. Wow! The Opposition has been outclassed at the legal-neural level with everyone busy at hystrionics.
How long will Garci be parked at Camp Bagong Diwa before the Supreme Court rules on his Second Petition, I wonder?
Lorenzo Tanada is waiting with bated breath …
Alecks Pabico
January 26th, 2006 at 2:31 pm
Apologies for the non-working links to the audio clips earlier. I’ve already fixed the problem. You can listen to them now.
January 26th, 2006 at 4:29 pm
Madaling sabihin na bakit hanggang ngayon eh di pa rin nagsasampa ng kaso ang opposisiyon.
What for? If you know very well that your case will just be dismissed by a minute resolution or end up in the trash can, then, what for talaga.
Evidence and even tons of evidence, ordinarily, can make the law side with you but, as every local practicing lawyer knows, Philippines is an exemption rather than the rule.
Practicing law here is best done if you have a long list of connections from left to right as well as from down to up, or vice versa.
It’s really so funny that until now, few, if not some are still wondering why we after all these strewn craps, nothing moves.
Geez, take a grip again folks. You and I know the real answer.
January 26th, 2006 at 6:33 pm
Alam naman natin ang sagot! Si Garci at si Glue-ria ang nasa tape. Bakit pa natin kailangan ng “audio forensics”? Sapalagay nyo, kung ito ay mapatunayan ng isang “third party” expert na walang kaduda-duda silang dalawa ang nag-uusap (wag po natin kalimutan, inamin na nila na nag-usap na sila) at ang pinag-uusapan ay hindi dinoktor, e, aamin na sila?! Naku, isang “I am sorry” speech nanaman ang lalabas. E, yung una, nakakasuka na nga, magdadag-dag pa ulit. Yay!!! Puputi na ang uwak bago umamin yang mga makakapal ang mukha!!!
Ang tanong. Ano ang gagawin natin? Pababayaan na lang ba natin ng ganun. Binastos ang ating mga boto. Nagsisinungaling hanggang ngayon. Ang masaklap, binabago ang ating Konstitusyon para sa kanilang pangsariling kapakanan. At may isang mangdaraya din na pumapapel para isulong ang kanyang layunin.
Pinoy, GISING!!!
January 26th, 2006 at 9:19 pm
Granted, the voices on the recordings were Pres. Arroyo and “Garci” now all we need is a proper authority or a person who has a mandate to declare that without any doubt the conversation were between the President and the Commissioner. The Joint committee that conducted the hearing I believe has that mandate. But they need all other supporting evidence other than the tape alone. Because everyone knows that anyone could “doctored” recordings and both side could have “expert” on their side to refute each other. Why there were not other witnesses who must have some personal knowledge of this conversation. I can not for a moment believe that both hide inside a sound proof closet or room during these conversation. Why rely on the recordings alone? There must be a boatload of evidence to prove the recordings were theirs not by their voices alone. If this is the way the senate committee conduct its inquiry or hearing, might as well give it to the boys scout, might get some results.
January 26th, 2006 at 9:28 pm
Rizalist said,
January 26, 2006 @ 2:05 pm
“When you are CAPO DI TUTTI CAPI (Boss of all Bosses), naturally you must have the best CONSIGLIERE (legal advisors).
Exactly! And on top of that, she knows very well how to use it! She knows how to get the right people and use them in her favor! Davide for example, and add to that Bush and other powerful leaders around the world.
I bet she learned so much and so fast from the previous presidents mistakes, especially in Erap case. She know what pitfalls to avoid….
Now the questions is: As an onlooker or keen political observer ( I have long relegated myself to that position and bowed never to get personally involved again in politics of the country) Should I take that against her and call her names, insult here and there, isumpa sya talaga ng husto, magalit…. ?????????
My answer is No, not so far. She is still using the prinicple of proactiveness so effectively . ( to hell with the surveys, name calling, negative press, I have my goal to get so rich and famous…they can say what ever they want. I have to make my goal a reality…) She is still winning! And I love winners….
Siguro, pagna talo na sya doon ko na lang ilalabas lahat ng galit at negative emotions….
And the opposition who never seems to get it the right strategy until now. I give them a dollar each. Pambili ng bubble gum. Siguro naman pag may nginunguya sila, mababawas bawasan ang kasasalita nila. And allow their heads to really work!!!!!
January 26th, 2006 at 9:52 pm
rego said,
January 26, 2006 @ 9:28 pm
“But they need all other supporting evidence other than the tape alone.”
Exactly, the opposition just relied on the tapes and all they have are the tapes. Andconsider it as be all end all to oust Gloria.
I ve written something about establishing something like paper trail in my previous comments, and some blogers here replied that the tape is more than enough….
I really believed eversince that the tape is nothing. The opposition just use it to feed anger to the people. Incite them. Hoping for the best of that the people will move to oust GMA out of that anger. Eh they over did it at di na toluy naniwala ng karamihan sa kanila.
Now I understand, why the opposition doesn’t really want to impeach GMA from the very start. And they just wanted to pressure here to resign… and make the supreme sacrifice kuno… (Eh the ever brainy GMA is isn’t biting at all.) Its because the opposition really have nothing that much in their hand to convict GMA in the proper court until now! Lokohin nila ang mga lelong nila! They talked too much, too soon , too early… in the game.
And that gave GMA more than enough time to build her strategy!!!!While the opposition are over crowding all forms of the press to make a lot of noises. GMA was sitting there in her study table silently and meticulously going over and over again the stategy that were submitted by the best lawyers of the land. After all she all the “kaban ng bayan” to herself to pay for only the best lawyers of the land and even the best in the world….
January 26th, 2006 at 10:07 pm
its garci and gma, alright, no need for experts to tell us that, just a one good ear for that matter! and now what?
opposition has failed in the impeachment.
rallies continues but majority of the people refused to join the streets (a big question mark to the righteous some).
neither would the military, escapes, tipping point chizmis notwithstanding.
people don’t believe anymore to surveys.
what else to do but write (or gripes to some) in the blogs. at least here we’re in nil danger of getting killed!
quo vadis pinoy? brace for gma’s 2nd wind!
lokalokang matino
January 27th, 2006 at 12:13 am
May I also add, gloria is a very smart, clever TRAPO, She uses languages, crooks like her understand very well,- MONEY, POWER and more MONEY! No wonder, the treasury is empty.
As for the opposition, I think, they’ve done their best, what they lack is enough funds to sustain their activities. TRUTH is’ politicians and even some businesses want a corrupt leader like gloria, so that they’re free to do their corrupt practices too.
January 27th, 2006 at 2:17 pm
Hi guys!
How I wish we could all dispense with the technical analysis of whose voices were on the tapes.
If Garci can’t recognize his own voice, that’s normal. Even I couldn’t recognize my OWN voice first time I heard it on tape.
Simple – a person’s voice is meant to be heard and recognized by OTHER people – not yourself. You don’t call YOURSELF on the phone, now do you? If someone whose voice you know fairly well gives you a call, you’d most likely recognize him or her without having to call on an audio forensic expert or do an FFT analysis.
Mike Defensor, Jonathan Tiongco, et al, have been wittingly or unwittingly misleading everyone into thinking a forensic expert is needed for such simple things.
Tell that to the Marines (the Magdalo ones)
Jon Mariano
January 27th, 2006 at 4:35 pm
One vote that it was “Garci’s Voice” here.
There is no doubt that in majority of people’s minds, it was Garci and Gloria chatting. And if it was just left to that, then they will be indicted, then jailed for (1) rigging the 2004 elections, (2) covering up what they did.
But in the court of law, guilt needs to be established without a shadow of doubt. As far as what Gloria and Garci is doing, it is their right to protect and defend themselves. The problem is that while they are doing their thing to survie, many of us feels that we are being taken for a ride. It is not a good feeling when your sensibility is insulted. That is how i feel, and i perceive many more filipinos feel the same way.
January 27th, 2006 at 10:10 pm
Hey guys! Please Check out http://www.jimsband.multiply.com (I got this from there)
Yeah, right. Liar!
Segment (1) 11:26 AM
Pilipino ako and I’ve been a recording engineer for 20 years. Since 1978 I believe. May name is Jim Sarthou, S A R T H O U pronounced Sar-two. Ahmm… Can I say something about the tapes? Yeah… I have not made an extensive because I was just recently contracted no… like I told ah Secretary… yeah… ok, but I have made my own analysis. At first I was disturbed by the content… but… I was also disturbed at… why were there annotations? So… if there were annotations, it cannot be the original tape.
Segment (2) 11: 36 AM
Actually I have heard all these tapes before and I can tell you this is the same… but but one thing… I have not analyzed it as extensively as you have and now that you let me hear the spike… I noticed something… the voice before the spike and the voice after the spike are different… so its an obvious splice. I think the best equipment is ours ears. I heard it… I heard it now.
AUGUST 13, 2005
Segment (1) 12:41 PM
Ah actually I have already analyzed… the whole 3 Hours… on my own… walang nag hire sa akin. Anybody can download the so-called mother of all tapes from PCIJ or even ABS-CBN dot com whatever… I downloaded it.
Segment (3) 12:43 PM
I believe this whole thing is a useless exercise because… I agree with Secretary Defensor here… because all of this versions are probably… probably… edited in some… for some way or another. What I’m saying is… this are not the original tapes.
Segment (4) 12:44 PM
Ok now that you mentioned master… ah… something came out on the internet yesterday… saying na Jim Sarthou does not know what he’s talking about… because Intelligence community or something… the master tape is the one that is annotated. Yung conversation between unidentified female presumed to be GMA… its annotated… its not the… its not original! Where’s the original? Now that’s beyond my scope… what I’m suggesting is why doesn’t somebody come down to the buttom of it because we’re barking up the wrong tree by listening to… Senator Lacson’s version, Secretary Bunye’s (2) version… Atty. Paguia’s version… or even the (3) hour thing… it cannot be the original because somebody is annotating!
January 27th, 2006 at 10:23 pm
This Sarthou guy, he looks like a goat and he just messess up the integrity of PCIJ with these reports. He already said the tapes “were spliced and not original.” So how can we count on a flip-flopper like him? I’ve done some checking and found out there’s another guy who’s more credible – Arnold Jallores. He’s engineered most of the top albums in the Market now and his studio, Mixonic is a Pro-Tools 24bit 96khz, 48 track digital recording system. He too (like Sarthou) during that stint with Defensor, was not convinced that the tapes were hastle free. I also checked how much his audio system costs and its 17,000 USD. Does Jim Sarthou use this? Or is he just using some freeware or pirated software for his examination? I saw Sarthou on Tv and he is using a pirated software, its called Sampletude and its woth 50 pesos at greenhills. I mean, arent pros supposed to use Pro-tools? Please react…
January 27th, 2006 at 10:50 pm
I don’t know, Rizalist… it’s obviously illegally obtained since hindi naman humingi ng permission ang ISAFP na i-wiretap si Garcillano (baka kay maam, meron pa).
So hindi pwedeng gamiting ang tapes sa court of law.
BUT there was never any intention by the opposition to use these tapes in a court of law anyway.
Pero I believe pwedeng gamitin ang tapes sa impeachment trial, because Impeachment doesn’t follow the same rules in a court of law and is more of a POLITICAL EXERCISE.
And like you said, the mere possession, use or reproduction of wiretapped materials without a court order is illegal. So why didn’t GMA’s DOJ Sec. Raul Gonzalez and Garcillano do the smart thing and take PCIJ (the one making it all available), Sen. Serge Osmena, Rep. Roilo Golez, Alan Paguia, you, me and everybody else who has internet access and has copies of the voice recordings?
Garcillano and siRaulo Gonzalez can do that kung gugustuhin nila. Pero bakit ayaw nilang gawin yan? Hindi ba bawal ang mag-possess ng mga Hello Garci tapes na yan?
tomas tinio
January 28th, 2006 at 4:32 am
This is only tangentially related to the topic at hand. Na-intriga lang ako sa isang small part ng isang post.
Jon Mariano said,
January 27, 2006 @ 4:35 pm
“But in the court of law, guilt needs to be established without a shadow of doubt.”
Hindi ako abogado. Hindi rin nakapag-aral ng law other than isang semester of “Obligations and Contracts” sa UE. Pero parang hindi tama sa pandinig ko yung statement ni Jon Mariano above.
From one hit sa pag-google ko eto ang nakita ko. I won’t even cite the source and don’t know how valid or accurate pero it sounds good. It’s from a piece entitled Doctors and the Criminal Law.
“The standard of proof required in a criminal case – beyond reasonable doubt – is higher than the balance of probabilities which suffices for civil actions. Another practical distinction is that the legal rules of evidence are observed more stringently in criminal matters. The phrase ‘beyond reasonable doubt’ does not mean ‘beyond a shadow of doubt’. A remote possibility, which is not in the least probable, does not create ‘reasonable doubt’. The Judge directs the jury on the standard required, often telling them ‘they must be satisfied so that they are sure’.
Hindi ko na susubukan pang i-delineate ang difference between “beyond a shadow of doubt” and “without a shadow of doubt” na sa palagay ko ay closer to each other in meaning than either one is to “beyond reasonable doubt.”
Sorry to digress from the main topic of this thread. Nasobrahan lang siguro ako ng kapapanood at kababasa noon ng Perry Mason.
lokalokang matino
January 28th, 2006 at 10:51 am
Everyone believes, it was Garci’s voice and so is gloria’s:
gloria in panic admitted this in her “I’M SORRY SPEECH”, TRUTHFULLY validating that the conversation took place.
gloria, by saying the act of calling a comelec official during election period is “A LAPSE IN JUDGEMENT” she smartly lowered her culpability.
The TRUTH is gloria’s action demeans the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, sa simpleng lenguaje, binaboy niya ang Opisina ng Presidente.
RULE-OF-LAW has been conveniently used and abused by gloria and her ilks. My question now is do they know the meaning of rule-of-law, because if they do,they could have evaporated and did harakiri.
Hands down, I believe gloria is intelligent, the problem is, she is a crooked, wicked, power hungry, arrogant intelligent person. Therefore her priorities are all for herself, myself,…. sa tagalog SAKIM.
She had practically broken and defy the laws of the land. BUT there is one law she cant break and defy, intimidate and buy….THE LAW OF GRAVITY. here’s a line of a famous song -“what goes up must come down, spinning wheel – got to go round”
Another song says ” and now the end is near and so I face the final curtain”
While watching a TV show I heard Commodore Rex Robles humming,
” A time for us, some day there’ll be a new world
A world of shining hope for you and me”
So help us God
January 28th, 2006 at 1:43 pm
like djb said, the mere possession, use or reproduction of wiretapped materials without a court order is illegal. So why didn’t GMA’s DOJ Sec. Raul Gonzalez and Garcillano do the smart thing and arrest PCIJ (the one making it all available), Sen. Serge Osmena, Rep. Roilo Golez, Alan Paguia, you, me and everybody else who has copies of the voice recordings?
At bakit hindi sila interesado na malaman kung sino ang nagwa-wiretap sa kanila? Hindi ba sila concerned dito? At yung nag-wiretap sa kanila at sa opposition at admin officials, ARE THEY STILL DOING IT?
And are they still doing it because this admin refuses to do anything about it and is in fact trying it’s best to coverup the people behind the spying operations on public officials?
January 28th, 2006 at 2:01 pm
To me the answer is simple…..they believe the Garci Tape doesn’t matter anymore! And I believe the tape is just soooo worn too. My worry is that baka masyado na tayong na haling sa tape na yan at nalingat na tayo sa iba pang kalokohan ng gobyerno at mga politiko!
Maybe we should just let the supreme court decide on the petitions that were filed. And while doing that lets continue our vigilance on other things. Baka malingat na naman tayo….
I believe na ang dapat tutukan na ngayon eh yung isyu about the misuse of Marcos Funds… Then there is the coco levey fund, the fertilizer fund, the economy, the rejection of the charter change, the computerization of COMELEC, ( election na namn next year eh) at marmi pang iba!!!!
January 28th, 2006 at 2:08 pm
While watching a TV show I heard Commodore Rex Robles humming,
” A time for us, some day there’ll be a new world
A world of shining hope for you and me”
You mean coup? God forbid! I hope we really understand the consequences of putting the nation under rule of coups…And really try to check what happened to several nations that expereinced military rule…I have yet to see a nation that prospered under military rule through coup d etat….
tongue in, anew
January 28th, 2006 at 4:25 pm
A coup d’etat does not make a nation prosper. But it is an effective tool for change when all lawful alternatives fail.
The country is beset with problems in magnitudes never before seen in our history. The people want change. They believe the first step in the solution is to change the leadership. They want Gloria out.
All legal steps taken by the opposition were met by legal technicalities. But the issues are not merely legal. Moral issues far outweigh the legal ones.
Now they want to change the constitution to “legalize” the wrong, thinking that what is lawful will always be right. Well, you cannot legislate morality, or values, or righteousness. That can only be achieved through change.
If change within the legal framework is impossible to achieve, the only alternative of a desperate country is coup d’etat. For once, let’s have leaders who serve the people.
Mabuhay kayo kap!
January 28th, 2006 at 5:06 pm
So many questions here but so very few answers.
The question:
Is it Garci’s voice or not?
It is Garci’s voice, spliced or not. Does it incriminate him? Yes it did. Unfortunately, most of our tongresista wanted to hear just what they wanted to hear. It doesnt matter whether it is the truth or not. It also justifies their decision to trash the impeachment.
Is it over?
No, it is not. For as long as there is no retribution, there will never be peace. There will be outburst every now and then, but Gloria would only be wise to quell them before it gets out of hand. She’s good at this, what with all that money at her disposal, but she won’t get far with it, firemen doesn’t prevent fire.
Why doesnt the administration file charges on wiretappers?
Its like shooting yourself at the foot.
Is the opposition up to it?
Not at this point. The problem is that they don’t get their heads together, much to our dismay.
Let’s face it, guys. Gloria is one tough shell to crack!
lokalokang matino
January 28th, 2006 at 11:12 pm
BIRTH PAINS precedes the birth of a child.
If Mrs. Paquiao, feared & avoided the PAINS OF GIVING BIRTH, the country would not a have a champion like Manny.
I dont want a coup, I favor SURGICAL LIFT.
However, if gloria loves this country, RESIGNATION IS IN ORDER !!!
Let us not ask ourselves the stupid question ” WHO’S GOING TO REPLACE HER?”, because this country has over 80million qualified individuals except Noli de Castro ( he refused to replace gloria, remember?)
January 29th, 2006 at 12:21 am
The question of “Who is going to Replace Pres. Arroyo” is not a problem. Anyone without a horn protruding in his/her forehead would suffice. The Problem is everyone without want to replace her. Anyone in her circle would certainly want a few months or years, enough to build a good retirement fund. The opposition (don’t be embarrassed now) would step on each other back to get it. The only problem again as fast as one gets it somebody (the military, the opposition, the insider, the media, the people) will start asking again “who is going to replace Pres. who” and the cycle begins>.
January 29th, 2006 at 2:04 am
tongue in, anew said,
January 28, 2006 @ 4:25 pm
“If change within the legal framework is impossible to achieve, the only alternative of a desperate country is coup d’etat. For once, let’s have leaders who serve the people.”
Are you saying, lets get rid of PGMA, through coup d’etat just for the sake of getting rid of her? Then we’ll start from there? Now what is our guarantee that these coup plotters will really serve the nation? What if they don’t? Is there any assurance that we can replace them as soon as we realized that they are not fulfilling their promises?
Remember , once the country is under military rule, the constitution is automatically suspended. So what will be our resort to get rid of the military rulers? Another coup d’etat? I believe we will be left with no option other than that. Becuase arms can only be fought by arms. Now where will that leave the country, us?
Do we really knows these people who are espousing coup that well? Do they really desrve our thrust?
I remember, Honasan. He is the very picture of an idealist leader. The people almost go with him. Then we gave him a chance to be elected in as a senator. What happened then. Geee,! he is a such a dismal failure as a public servant that he was n’t even reelected!
January 29th, 2006 at 3:08 am
“The question of “Who is going to Replace Pres. Arroyo” is not a problem. Anyone without a horn protruding in his/her forehead would suffice.”
But where the hell are these kind of peopel in Phil. political arena? They are nowhere! They dont wnat to be involve in politics. Theyd rather work hard even leave the country and make money the more decent way.
Ayaw natin kay Noli… Si Drilon ba walang sungay? Sino ba ang malinis ang pwedeng italaga dyan sa position na yan? We really have no way to find out the best person! And if ever we find that person, we really don’t have an assurance that person will not fail us once he got teh power…
Thats why I believe that we should really look at teh system and not on the personalities. Strengthen the current system defined in the constitution and implement new ones that will prevent the president to be corrupt.
Two things that I believe that is very very important is the computerization of election system and the strengthening of the impeachment proceedings.
Computerized election has a very good potential of electing a president that is LESS TAINTED if NOT TAINTED with cheating. Impeachment is a very good way of removing them once they committed abuse after they elected. So it will become less of a problem for us on who gets elected. May sungay man o wala, less qualified man or higly qualified… for as long as this two system is reinforced, malaking kabawasan na sa ating sakit ng ulo..
Contrary to what one blogger said that I dont know anything about what competerized election. I am very much aware that there was already a law that computerized the election process. I know fully well what happened….
But should we stop pursuing the computerization just because of the first attempt was seriosuly corrupted? As just read Pimentel saying something like Gloria should resign first before we move on computerizing the election. Why??????? Why does everything has to hinge on Gloria resignation? Why are all their moves if that is for the progress of the nation has be really tied up to Gloria resignation. What if she did not resign (and she seem to really have no plan of doing so.. ) Why should the progess of the nation be sacrificed. Bakit kailangan mag suffer ang mag mamamayan kung hindi mag resign si Gloria?
To me, if we really wanted to computerized the election, we just have to do so with or without Gloria. We have to do it very soon bagong na naman mag election sa 2007. Do what ever it takes to have teh election system computerized. If we need to make a new computeruzed election be it so. If we need to sacrifice the pork barrel allocation so be it….anything that is doable, gooooooooo! basta ma computerized lang ang election.
Now, with regard to the impeachment process. Maryosep , nagawa na natin eto kay Erap eh. I really don’t buy the idea that the congress is dominated by Gloria partymates that hwy the first attempt failed. If teh impeachment case was voted out in teh Justice committe level, everybody know that that is not supposed to be the end of it. They very well defeat the Justice committe in with the plenary votes. It was gaining ground. Some pro administration solons have started defecting. The problem some of the oppostion members were not even present during the voting. So nabalewala langbigla yung momentum that they gained..
But anyway so much for that failed firt impeachment. In about 5 or 6 months pwed ena uli mag file ng 2nd impeachment. Gather all the learnings from the first attempt and make it better this time. Shoudl somebody from the pro impeachment camp or anti Gloria just prevent Lozano from filing impeachment again! Somebopdy shodul really talk to the man and prevent him from bungling the whole process again. But the real question is, IS THE OPPOSITION REALLY SERIOUS AND SINCERE OF OUSTING THE GLORIA TO IMPEACH???? As of now I really doubt!!!!They are so preoccupied themselves on bungling the whole process themselves so that people will gather on the streets again and have peopel power.
But there is really a way. People can go to their respective congressman , especially those who are higly credible to the eyes of the vast majority to just push for the impeachment. without much funfare this time. Of course I know this is a wishful thinking…. but I am very convinced that it is very doable.
January 29th, 2006 at 7:23 am
“hornless” persons tend to shy away from politics…that’s where problem in governance starts…i.e., politicking is left to the “horny” ones…
paraphrasing what don chino roces said (and this was quoted here http://www.quezon.ph/blog/?p=790 ):
the best elements leave politics to those who are not so clean, and then wonder why the government does not run as well as it should.
January 29th, 2006 at 8:17 am
First and foremost, I would really like to sincerely aplologized for my post a while ago. I just reviewed it because was so worried that I posted it so haphazzardly. Found out t so many glaring errors that might be so annoying to some if not all teh readers. A very important client suddenly barged into my office and wanted me to attend to our project right away while he wanted to use my laptop. I was left with no choice but to send dahil nag hihinayang ako eh! Again, Im really sorry!
Now back to business….
baycas said,
January 29, 2006 @ 7:23 am
“the best elements leave politics to those who are not so clean, and then wonder why the government does not run as well as it should. ”
Very very good point!!! But can you blame them??? There were so much to benchmark on in the first place…. There were some ” Seemingly Hornless” who did try to participate in politics but look at what happened to them…
Ninoy did not become a president and got killed. Jovito Salonga ran for president but lost miserably. Raul Roco failed to be elected as president too. Haydee Yorac did not win when she attempted to run for senate……And there were so many!!!!!
I really believe that Phil. politics are not for “hornless” people. They are better off in other feild than politics…
And Im very sure, too, that no matter how “hornless” you are, the political system will just NEVER EVER treat you nice!
So leave the Phil politics to the “Horny” ones BUT a reinforced and/or develop a fool proof system that no matter how sharp their horns are, people are SAFE!!!
January 29th, 2006 at 1:51 pm
There was once a “Horny” man, who was impeached for having fun, but the senate knew he was wearing a different kind of horn and let him go. History is in the making now. He will be remembered as one or perhaps the Greatest Ameican President. That’s the kind of “horny” I like to see our president would be. Not the other one. But as baycas and others would say, where are all the” hornies” gone. I still admire that Man Bill. I think he shoul run again.
January 29th, 2006 at 8:36 pm
But it seems that his better half is a shoo in the next presidential election! Im betting for her… I think its not a bad idea after all!
tongue in, anew
January 31st, 2006 at 3:40 am
Rego said,
“Are you saying, lets get rid of PGMA, through coup d’etat just for the sake of getting rid of her?”
Me: Read the post again. Wasn’t I explicit when I mentioned “…change within the legal framework is impossible….desperate country. Try not to second-guess me.
Rego: “Then we’ll start from there? Now what is our guarantee that these coup plotters will really serve the nation? What if they don’t? Is there any assurance that we can replace them as soon as we realized that they are not fulfilling their promises?
Me: Guarantee? None. The only consolation though is that it’s not Gloria’s generals who will run the show. The younger Trillanes-Magdalo-KMP-whatever group has captured the inspiration of the country’s idealists and that would be a total departure from the present desperation coming even from realists. There isn’t any assurance either from this government that we can replace Gloria now that Cha-cha has been taking shape to perpetuate Gloria and her ticks.
Rego: “Remember , once the country is under military rule, the constitution is automatically suspended. So what will be our resort to get rid of the military rulers? Another coup d’etat? I believe we will be left with no option other than that. Becuase arms can only be fought by arms. Now where will that leave the country, us?”
Me: What good is the constitution today, under Gloria. She has spit on it, crapped on it, and wiped her ass clean with it. She tells us its sooo wrong, we have to change it. Like its the very problem. Now, tell me, if the next impeachment gets fucked the same way as last year, isn’t that gonna be desperate, doesn’t that make it impossible to punish a cheat, lying, stealing fake? Of course you can hell blame again that the opposition is blablabla…
A coup, the real kind, unlike Gloria’s in 2001 which we now know was paid by money contributed by big businessmen, makes a real statement and maybe is just what this wayward country needs. Money politics that paved Gloria’s Malacañang occupancy is still responsible for continuing billions of paybacks and has been the prevalent cause of the people’s woeful plight to this day. This sick cycle has to be stopped. Only idealists are capable of making that happen through change.
Hey come to think of it, aren’t we under military rule yet?Didn’t Gloria come to power via coup d’etat, too? Your argument that only another coup can replace a coup validates the acceptability of that option against Gloria.
Rego: “Do we really knows these people who are espousing coup that well? Do they really desrve our thrust?
I remember, Honasan. He is the very picture of an idealist leader. The people almost go with him. Then we gave him a chance to be elected in as a senator. What happened then. Geee,! he is a such a dismal failure as a public servant that he was n’t even reelected!”
Me: At the very least, these guys are PMA/PNA/PNPA educated, have been with, talked with, fought with Filipinos who know what’s happening on the grassroots, not what they are told by their neighbors in Forbes, Greenhills, or La Vista. Unlike politicians, they are guided by common principles not interests. Unlike businessmen, they are inspired by patriotism not the bottomline. Unlike you and me, they are proactive not prodaldal.
With Honasan, they share the same ideological leaning – the moral transformation of Pinoy society. Sorry but I will correct you Honasan was not a dismal failure. I’d prefer his clean air act any day over Gloria’s half-baked globalization laws which are the proven failures. Further, my dear, he didn’t lose a reelection bid. He didn’t run.
January 31st, 2006 at 12:49 pm
Hey Tongue,
Im not here to debate with you about your fascination or espousal of coup d’etat. And even with its technical definition. what is coup waht is not. I even have no intention to change your mind about it .I just wanted some clarification and really make sure that you really know what you wanted to happen! And dont ever think that I am second guessing you…. If you will notice almost all my reply to your comments are in the form of questions…
You have expressed you reason for believeing so. I respect your conviction. For as long as something good will really come out of it, its fine with me.
Just as you are expressing yours, I believe I have all the right to question you for the sake of clarifications, express my opinions and explained from where I am coming from…Just to present the other side, you know…
I will be very direct to you. I dont believe that coup can save our nation. And I am not impressed at all with the PMAers and the people pushing for it. If you wanted to go for it, hell, I will never be with you.
You talk about grass roots knowledge… I grow up in the poorest province of the country. Since birth till high school. I did not leave that province. I went to Manila for my college education work for 12 years in Makati but every time I have a vacation I go home to that province. I belong to middle clas family but I have relatives and close freinds who dirt poor. I have seen poverty, i have mingled with those people, I dined and drink with them, talked, emphatized with them.
You talk about politics, I belong to a political clan, with my granf father in the father side, a governor for three terms, an uncle is a current vice governor, grand father in the mother side a town mayor for 3 terms. Dirty politics? Our province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot spot every election due to political killings until now. I live in teh martial era and I was just entering college when Ninoy died and it was the turning point of my politicization Joined people power I and II and an onlookers of the rest of peopel powers. Participated actively in 1985 snap election as well as the suceeding presidential elections. So I know what I am talking about politics.
Global knowldege? I have traveled to Pusan and Seoul, Korea. Taipeh. Hongkong, Chenzhen and Shanghai, China. Kuala Lumpur and Penang Malaysia. Singapore and Japan and California as part of my job as an engineer. And I work with expats. I talked with their engineers about their politics, economy, military. Now I live in New York. So somehow, i have some first hand knowldege on how is the Philippines compared to these countries. Right now I belong to an exclusive group of Filipinos working and living overseas with our counterparts in the Philippines. We have a forum and we also discuss the bad and the good side of our country as well as how we are coping with our personal lives ( not necessarily in relations to the state of our country.
Now going back to Honasan. Yes your are right he did not run again. And I believe the reason why is that he was very low in the pre election surveys. Thats why I said he was never reelected. I dont know if you noticed his performance during the televised Estrada impeachment. It wasn’t really impressive. He together with Oreta, John Osmena, Jaworski… people saw and majority turn them down. Even Miriam did not win in that election. Honasan and Oreta di not run again because they knew they wil never win. Jaworski tried to run again hoping that people have already forgotten their performance in that televized impeachment and he lost.
You said Honasan has Clean Air Act as senators, gee, that pale in comparison to Gloria’s record in the senate. One of the reason why Gloria became so popular and won the vice presidency with even more votes than Eraps as president. Between Honasan and Gloria senate accomplishments? I d rather go for Gloria. at saka parang ang layo naman yata ng clean air act doon sa mga pinagsasabi nya when he was leading a coup.
My impression is that, these coup plotters are nothing but power grabbers. They know they can never have power through a democratic exercise. So their only way to power is through coup d’etat….Sige tutal mukhang toluy naman ang election sa 2007, tumakbo nga sila sa election….
Kung may ideologies sila eh may ideologies din naman ang NPA and the left ah….at mas di hamak pa! At maraming grupo pa dayn who has as genuined ideologies as they. They dont have the monopoly of ideologies that can serve the Filipino well. So why would I choose to support them????
January 31st, 2006 at 4:49 pm
idealist coup plotters = power grabbers?
tell that to the french who stormed the bastille and who went to the barricades.
tell that to the descendants of katipuneros.
tell that to the modern-day magdalo, who merely wanted to expose the corruption in the AFP, not take over the government.
hell, tell that to rizal. simoun in the fili was a coup plotter.
agreed that after a successful coup things may return back to the way they were before it, but that is the fault of disinterest, the “ayokong makialam diyan” mentality. we all have to learn that the price of freedom truly is eternal vigilance.
lokalokang matino
January 31st, 2006 at 11:31 pm
ONLY an unborn child does not know it’s Garci.
gloria says talking to a comelec official is “LAPSE IN JUDGEMENT”
Garci in congress admitted talkng to the president in may 2004. that was during election period. So 1+1 = 2 (SIMPLE IQ)
Today additional VAT will be impose upon us to cover the huge deficits, why are we being made to suffer for the mis-governance of gloria.
We should ask gloria first to explain, the following plundered funds which were possibly spent for her election bid accordinng to MAC RAMIREZ of Kabataan Migranteng Pilipino:
— distribution of PhilHealth Cards —P9.84 billion
— municipal building fund — P7.3 billion
— Kalsada natin Alagaan Natin — 2.3 billion
— DILG funds for branngay officials — P714 million
— Students for a Strong Republic — P200 million
— Pagcor “donated equuipment” — P68 million
— Department Of agriculture farm inputs — P1.1 billion and P728m
— Department of Agrarian Refform –P1 billion
— Overseas workers Welfare Adm Fund — P530 million
— Department of Foreign Affairs — P15 Million
Not mentioned are the un-audited PAGCOR FUNDS.
These are government funds, therefore proper accounting is a must!
OK, I may forgive her for her STUPID lapse in judgement by talking to a commisioner during election, But PLUNDER? NNAAHH,
she must rot in jail.
lokalokang matino
February 1st, 2006 at 12:49 am
tongue in,anew and jester in exile,
Pagbigyan nyo na si rego, sa tingin ko nga certified card bearing gloria
fanatic ang kababayan natin. di nyo ba pansin, takot na takot sya mawala si gloria sa palasyo.? Read between the lines, how he takes pride on gloria like the following statements:
1. You can not just underestimate GMA! You can not defeat her with so much talks alone. She just did not made it to the presidency for nothi
ng. Not even the combine forces of previous presidents Cory, Erap, and FVR can topple her. She did not made it to the top list of powerful women in the world for nothing! Powerful leaders around the world can see that . Why the opposition can’t see that? Then and only then the opposition will be able to topple her from her throne. Sabi nga ni Joker the opposition just have to work very very hard to impeach GMA from her throne. Instead of heeding him, the opposition just wished that Joker would joined them.
2. You said Honasan has Clean Air Act as senators, gee, that pale in comparison to Gloria’s record in the senate. One of the reason why Gloria became so popular and won the vice presidency with even more votes than Eraps as president. Between Honasan and Gloria senate accomplishments? I d rather go for Gloria. at saka parang ang layo naman yata ng clean air act doon sa mga pinagsasabi nya when he was leading a coup.
Honestly, when gloria took over in 21 january2001, i was excited and hopefull, I thought then that all her intentions were for the good of the country. and being an economist she can really do wonders for the country.
But alas, my expectations for her were know were in the horizon.
Before Bunye exposed the Garci tape, I never entertained the idea that she cheated in the 2004 election, Still I gave her the benefit of the doubt, until garcillano disappears, then cover up after cover up.
The benefit of the doubt I accorded her, went away when she faced the nation in her “I’M SORRY SPEECH”. That ends my interest and TRUST in her. Then she issued EO 464, then CPR. Smart, but people dont beleive her some may still believe her, but thats their problem with conscience.
February 1st, 2006 at 1:43 am
Pagbigyan nyo na si rego, sa tingin ko nga certified card bearing gloria
fanatic ang kababayan natin. di nyo ba pansin, takot na takot sya mawala si gloria sa palasyo.? Read between the lines, how he takes pride on gloria…
Kalokang Matino.
Its defintitely not true that I am a card bearing Gloria Fanatic. And absolutely its not true that I am so afraid of Gloria will be booted out of Malcanang. My life doesn’t revolve in her and I very sure I can definitely live my life to the fullest wether she teh president or not.
But If thats how you wanted to put it, you are very much entitled to your own opinion. Thats your choice and I will take no offense at at all. It does’nt really matter to me…
Im a neither a Gloria Fanatic nor a Gloria Hater. And I am very comfortable with that. I would give her credit for the good thing s that she has done in her entire political career. The same way that I would give her the severest whip on the areas where I perceived she had comitted bad things.
Once and for all I would like to reiterate that: I DONT WANT HER TO RESIGN. I preferred that she be prosecuted through the impeachment court. And if found guilty, should be punished with the full force of the law.!
February 1st, 2006 at 3:25 am
Two things Jester:
1. When I said these coup plotters are nothing but pwoer grabbers. I was referring only to the Filipino coup plotters..
2. I like every much your knowledge of history. Reminds me so much of my dear father. But dont you think your point of reference is to far from where we are now? French, Bastile? Simon in Fili of Rizal?. Katipuneros? Way to far I believe. Things has already changed or eveloved a hundred times since then till now!
Modern day Magdalo….What a way of exposing corruption in the AFP.! Cant they do it without risking their respective careers. Now what? They are in jail and their corruption that they have been fighting was never solve! Worst, serving jail terms is even rendering them immobile and prevent them from furthering what ever noble cause they had!
February 1st, 2006 at 11:03 am
Arnold Jallores, the “other” sound engineer, is one of my best friends. I met him back in the early 80’s when I recorded his band, WARHEAD. They were a great band way ahead of their time playing Speed Metal rock.
It was then that Arnold became interested in recording. I was his first mentor.
He is now very acitve and very talented and successful, and I’m so proud of him!
He uses ProTool, alright, and I have been using Samplitude professionally since 1996, an original version – since then upgraded bought in the US – not Greenhills. It can also be downloaded, if you can find a crack for it.
I do hope no one else cares to react about this. I and Arnold go back a long way. We will not fight or quarrel or even debate.
Analyzing the Garci stuff became a hobby for me – I never did it professionally (meaning – I was not paid to do it).
As for the tools we use, Arnold uses ProTools, and I’m a vegetarian. His TOOL is also probably bigger than mine, but that’s another story, interesting only to faggots to derive pleasure in watching grown men fight.
Elvis is dead, and I have proof (but Paul McCartney is alive and well, and also a vegetarian…:-)
‘Nuff said.
February 1st, 2006 at 2:52 pm
In the Court of Final Judgment, only these questions will be asked of Gloria and Garci:
To Gloria, “Did you talk to Garci?”
To Garci, “Did you talk to Gloria?”
No quibbling about right against self-incrimination, wiretapping laws, the Fifth Amendment, etc.
How they will answer the questions is all that really matters.
February 2nd, 2006 at 12:08 am
I don’t know what the hell is that Pro-Tool or Sampler but all I can say is: Jimsband is not telling the truth. I heard him on radio before during interview at DZMM he said he was paid P 5,000 by the other guy Jonathan. What’s he saying now? He was not paid? Duh..
I also read another comment above and it appears that what he is saying now is an exact opposite of what he said then when he was paid to appear on TV for that presscon. Being less knowlegable is forgivable. But recanting is on something like this is incredible. Consistency is very important to establish the credibilty of a person who claims he knows or is an expert in something. Like Medical surgeons who only have one shot on their patients.
So what happens to Jim Sarthou and anyone who would present him if he testifies and video tapes taken in Sulo Hotel with Defensor where he said; that the tapes are no originals, spliced, i heard it the voice is different are played to confront him? This would only jeopardize the cause of the people.
He should consider reviewing all that he said in the past so not to hummiliate the PCIJ and the CCTA when the time comes. This is just my view.
Jimsband must follow the steps of Capt. Faeldon, who had (1) shot to escape, at least, even after capture, he has not yet recanted his advocacy. We salute you cap!
Mabuhay and PCIJ!
February 2nd, 2006 at 12:16 am
Also, I want to know if Jim Sarthou is Certified Audio Forensics Expert or Certified Digital Audio Engineer. My cousin is a Certified Forensic Dentist at the DSWD and I am aware that in legal cases, not just any Dentist can qualifiy as an expert. We need credentials or else any Tom, Dick and Harry is gonna come out and argue like before and in the end, their testimony won’t hold water. Maybe Cong. Jose Marie Gonzalez is more qualified and maybe he is certified.
February 2nd, 2006 at 1:44 pm
rego said,
January 31, 2006 @ 12:49 pm
You talk about politics, I belong to a political clan, with my granf father in the father side, a governor for three terms, an uncle is a current vice governor, grand father in the mother side a town mayor for 3 terms. Dirty politics? Our province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot
spot every election due to political killings until now.
Hahahaha ahh… kaya pala!!! I am apologizing to you Rego… i really do… you should have told me much earlier….
now i truly understand where you coming from….
Pssst…….. Did your uncle received Fertilizer Funds before the elections?

February 2nd, 2006 at 2:02 pm
singit lang, regarding Senator Honasa, i think the reason he didnt run again for senator was that he already reached the two term limit.
its definitely garci’s voice, there is no question about it … its just a matter of interpreting what was said in the conversations, the fact that garci went into hiding and the goverment tried to cover up the whole matter by muddling it with the gary tape, remember bunye’s infamous gary tapes?
anyways, lets just hope that there are more capt faeldons and trillianes out there, they are the new katipuneros and they do offer fresh perspective on how we can change our country for the better.
February 2nd, 2006 at 10:46 pm
I had no idea there was money being passed from one person to another in envelopes to buy the services of people for political ends,” he said, referring to testimony before his commission that more than $1 million in federal funds was secretly routed back to the Quebec wing of the Liberal Party of Canada.
“And this was something that I learned and it was quite scandalizing to me and I was disgusted by it,” Gomery went on. He added that, as a judge, he had heard murder cases and other shocking evidence.
`I had an idealistic view of politicians, which I have now lost.’
Justice John Gomery at news conference
And you think you have the monopoly of corrupt POLITICIANS. We had our share, but Justice John Gomery Ferret everyone of them in his Judicial Inquiry, The Liberal lost the govt. and the politicians
responsible are now all goners and some of them may yet to face the Music including a score of public servants, but most importantly, the honorable Justice come up with all the necessary legislative measures to tighten control and laws will soon be in place. It’s no picnic for the bad guys. I hope the time for your bad guys will soon come. everyone of them..
February 3rd, 2006 at 1:02 pm
February 6th, 2006 at 8:24 am
Yes. Jonathan gave me P5,000. But not for any analysis before or after the presscon. I accepted because It took the whole fucking day. I also used it for cab fare to and from there and to and from the interviews I had to attend to clear my name. I was not PAID Duh… Get your facts staright, Molina.
I also did not recant anything. What I heard – or was made to listen – at that presscon DID contain splices – may have been put there deliberatley by someon to mislead people. Maybe even Jonathan did not know about this.
Are the Garci tapes original? No, they’re not – they DO contain annotations and canNOT be THE original. Are they genuine? I believe so.
I don’t need to review anything I said or not said. I don’t use scripts when interviewed.
Am I a certified Forensic Audio expert? No, I’m not, never claimed to be. I was “hired” for my capacity as a recording engineer. My name is neither Tom, Harry, nor Dick, DICK!
Cong. Jose Mari Gonzales, a family friend and the “Granddaddy” of all of us recording engineer IS a certified ECE and Audio Engineer – one of the few in the country. He’s one of my idols and mentors.
Johnathan Tiongco is also very good at what he does. He uses Sound Forge. He is also tall and handsome, Bert. If you want his cellphone number, you’ll have to TAKE it from me – or kiss me – no tounges!!!
Gosh, I didn’t know there were so many idiots out there!
Elvis is dead!
Long live Elvis!!!
February 6th, 2006 at 11:26 am
For: Jimsband
“I don’t need to review anything I said or not said. I don’t use scripts when interviewed.
Am I a certified Forensic Audio expert? No, I’m not, never claimed to be. I was “hired” for my capacity as a recording engineer. My name is neither Tom, Harry, nor Dick, DICK!”
But you said you were never hired? You also said you did not know there was a presscon. So what were you hired for?
Sec. Defensor said posted something on you web page. He also said in the papers you just a pretender and you may land in jail with you lies.
Read this and tell me if anyone was dictating to you when said these:
Segment (1) 11:26 AM
Pilipino ako and I’ve been a recording engineer for 20 years. Since 1978 I believe. May name is Jim Sarthou, S A R T H O U pronounced Sar-two. Ahmm… Can I say something about the tapes? Yeah… I have not made an extensive because I was just recently contracted no… like I told ah Secretary… yeah… ok, but I have made my own analysis. At first I was disturbed by the content… but… I was also disturbed at… why were there annotations? So… if there were annotations, it cannot be the original tape.
Segment (2) 11: 36 AM
Actually I have heard all these tapes before and I can tell you this is the same… but but one thing… I have not analyzed it as extensively as you have and now that you let me hear the spike… I noticed something… the voice before the spike and the voice after the spike are different… so its an obvious splice. I think the best equipment is ours ears. I heard it… I heard it now.
AUGUST 13, 2005
Segment (1) 12:41 PM
Ah actually I have already analyzed… the whole 3 Hours… on my own… walang nag hire sa akin. Anybody can download the so-called mother of all tapes from PCIJ or even ABS-CBN dot com whatever… I downloaded it.
Segment (3) 12:43 PM
I believe this whole thing is a useless exercise because… I agree with Secretary Defensor here… because all of this versions are probably… probably… edited in some… for some way or another. What I’m saying is… this are not the original tapes.
Segment (4) 12:44 PM
Ok now that you mentioned master… ah… something came out on the internet yesterday… saying na Jim Sarthou does not know what he’s talking about… because Intelligence community or something… the master tape is the one that is annotated. Yung conversation between unidentified female presumed to be GMA… its annotated… its not the… its not original! Where’s the original? Now that’s beyond my scope… what I’m suggesting is why doesn’t somebody come down to the buttom of it because we’re barking up the wrong tree by listening to… Senator Lacson’s version, Secretary Bunye’s (2) version… Atty. Paguia’s version… or even the (3) hour thing… it cannot be the original because somebody is annotating!
Also, you’re all alone. The other guys who also appeared in SULO did not recant. The chubby one Arnold even reiterated his observations on Korina’s show, with Jose Marie also present.
Stop pretending please. We want the truth to come out and you should have never attended that presscon in the first place. Worse, you spoke on your own. No one was poking a gun at you when you were talking. You even made more statements than everyone else, plus katabi mopa si Sec. Defensor. You were one of the leaders there. What you did helped our cause temporarily. But you must accept the fact that everyone still thinks you were not happy with P 5,000 which is why you recanted. Why you testify in the future, be ready to be haunted by the same issues. And maybe they may even play you video so you can’t deny you conduct that day.
Elvis is Dead? That’s an old tune. Garci is alive. And sorry, you’re not the silver bullet against him. I suggest you pray and review your past statements.
February 6th, 2006 at 11:52 am
rego said,
January 31, 2006 @ 12:49 pm
You talk about politics, I belong to a political clan, with my granf father in the father side, a governor for three terms, an uncle is a current vice governor, grand father in the mother side a town mayor for 3 terms. Dirty politics? Our province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot
spot every election due to political killings until now.
Pssst…….. Did your uncle received Fertilizer Funds before the elections? bwahahaha
so if i were you guys… just try to understand rego! see….. Try to look at where he is coming from…. First, He is in another country. Second, as what he already said….
“You talk about politics, I belong to a political clan, with my granf father in the father side, a governor for three terms, an uncle is a current vice governor, grand father in the mother side a town mayor for 3 terms.” Third, Kaya siguro siya nasa ibang bansa like all other Trapo clans…. ay para magtago kung sakaling mabuko ang kanilang mga modus operandi….
And a bonus….. Dirty politics? Our province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot spot every election due to political killings until now.
Your Grandfather was a 3 term Governor… Right??? Your Uncle is the CURRENT VICE GOVERNOR. RIGHT??? Wow!!! and you have the guts of telling us that your province is the muddiest of them all, always the hot spot every election due to political killings…. and UNTIL NOW!!! Talk about GOOD GOVERNANCE!!! HAHAHAHA
Wow!!! Ang tindi mo… kung ako nasa katayuan mo… i wont even dare tell that to anybody…. even my bestfriend… kunsabagay, Pakapalan lng ng mukha yan eh…. i think you sounding like your boss…. “THE CHEAT PRESIDENT” bwahahahaha
February 6th, 2006 at 6:29 pm
Remember, Jose Rizal was also in another country when he realized and seen the bastardization of his country and came home only to face the firing squad. Ninoy Aquino was in self exile in the United States when he too decided to return to offer himself for his country. Can you imagine if two of these in ‘another country’ had a chance to perhaps lead the Pilipino People, would you have you quarrel with Rego right now? I have nothing to do with your arguments. To me it’s healthy. I am also in ‘another country’ which allow us to express our opinion to the fullest without any fear at all, and our Government here will back us up in that regards.
Now, since the People running the Government there are within the country-and they are grinding the country to the ground, isn’t it about time to perhaps bring in the people from ‘another country’ to give it a try? But again who wants a bullet in the head upon landing at the Airport that is ironically named to its famous victim. Just my thoughts.
February 6th, 2006 at 8:04 pm
yeahh…. i think you are right naykika! so i guess rego should come back to the philippines and replace his UNCLE who is a current VICE GOVERNOR or teach his GRANDFATHER who was a 3 term GOVERNOR….. who has the muddiest province (in terms of election….)
3 term of GRANDFATHER and at least a term of UNCLE…. is equal to 12 years!!! 12 years in power but still it’s the muddiest province in terms of election….
WOW! Unbelievable! 
February 7th, 2006 at 8:02 am
Dear Bert,
I took your advice and I prayed – not very good at it, since I’m an atheist, but great heavens – I received an answer from GOD, well, at least some emissary. The message was:
Stop wasting your time answering stupid statements by certified morons.
By the way, are you also Julian? You kinda seem like one and the same.
‘Bye to both of you and you alone!
February 7th, 2006 at 8:45 am
You see you’ve made your own ghosts now. Your speculations on the tapes are as stupid as your suspecting me as Julian. Who’s he?
Anyway, you are about to enter the twilight zone and youre past statements are gonna continue to echo and hound you in your sleep.
Remember, if you testify again, you videos may get played and you’re gonna look like the idoiot that you are in front of everyone you have been fooling for the past few months.
I am just telling the truth. You’ve got a credibility problem Mr. Sarthou and you owe to see a doctor (an ear doctor). Maybe your ears have not been working well lately. Whispers here and there… Hey isint that the guy who got paid or I mean got hired and paid P 5,000…? Yeah thats him. Maybe nagka onsehan lang sa partihan ng pera kayat bumaliktad yan…
So what do you call a guy who sais something is NOT ORIGINAL but at the same time say its AUTHENTIC…
A flip-flopper! A paid witness. To quote Secretary Defensor, a PRETENDER WHO COULD LAND HIMSELF IN JAIL.
Regards to your fried Julian! Who ever he is.
February 22nd, 2006 at 2:27 pm
skitzo yata si Jimsband