VICE PRESIDENT Noli de Castro’s position on the issuance of Proclamation 1017 placing the country under a state of emergency:

I urge everyone to rally behind the Constitution. Only by adhering to it will we be assured of the continued enjoyment  of our freedom and our democratic way of life.

I respect the right of the President to declare a State of Emergency in order to preserve the peace, maintain law and order, and ensure the protection of human rights and civil liberties of the people for as long as there is an imminent threat to public safety.

I reaffirm my support to the people, the Constitution and the duly constituted authorities. 

6 Responses to Noli backs Arroyo on Proclamation 1017



February 25th, 2006 at 3:44 am

A True statesman……hope it will last forever…thumbs up kabayan…


Mon A.

February 25th, 2006 at 5:25 pm

Halatang tuta ni Gloria. Traydor sa taongbayan si kabayan!



February 26th, 2006 at 2:52 pm

Lacking in character with an IQ the size of his foot and wisdom lower than an amoeba, our beloved spare tire shows why he does not deserver to replace ate glue.



February 26th, 2006 at 6:33 pm

to mang romy & mon.a
i know you have your freedom of expressing your ideas
i hope you people get to use your freedom of expressing nice thoughts
to the people around you. freedom is valuable and meaningful yet people tend to abuse it. you have too much freedom that you speak ill of others. no wonder the Philippines lags behind other countries because of the kind of people we have.
if you can’t say anything good, then you’d better shut your mouth.
your mouth stinks.



February 27th, 2006 at 2:55 pm

why GS are you afraid to say the truth. Most likely you are one of the attack dogs of glue and spare tire. it is our spare tire that opened his mouth and made chuchuwa to pd 1017 not me. Whose mouth stinks? me, you or our beloved spare tire.

It made sense why our beloved spare made chuchuwa to pd 1017, he does not know how to make sense about it.

Hahaha, our beloved spare tire a piece of advise ‘less comments less mistakes, no comment no mistake’


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Arroyo to lift 1017?

March 1st, 2006 at 1:16 pm

[…] Arroyo’s announcement this morning came amid the condemnation it generated from various sectors — senators, lawyers, academe, business, media and civil society groups — over the spate of arrests and the threats to media following the February 24 declaration. Vice President Noli de Castro, who has earlier declared his support of Proclamation 1017, is now also urging that the emergency declaration be lifted before the end of the week. […]

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