BELOW is the full text of General Order No. 5 issued by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo implementing Proclamation No. 1017. This order is similar to the one Arroyo issued on May 1, 2001 when she invoked her commander-in-chief powers to call out the armed forces to suppress and quell the rebellion by thousands of supporters of deposed Pres. Joseph Estrada who stormed Malacañang after the former chief executive’s arrest for plunder charges:




WHEREAS, over these past months, elements in the political opposition have conspired with authoritarian of the extreme Left, represented by the NDF-CPP-NPA and the extreme Right, represented by military adventurists — the historical enemies of the democratic Philippine State — and who are now in a tactical alliance and engaged in a concerted and systematic conspiracy, over a broad front to bring down the duly-constituted Government, elected in May 2004;

WHEREAS, these conspirators have repeatedly tried to bring down our republican government;

WHEREAS, the claims of these elements have been recklessly magnified by certain segments of the national media;

WHEREAS, this series of actions is hurting the Philippine State by obstructing governance, including hindering the growth of the economy and sabotaging the people’s confidence in government and their faith in the future of this country;

WHEREAS, these actions are adversely affecting the economy;

WHEREAS, these activities give totalitarian forces of the both extreme Left and extreme Right the opening to intensify their avowed aims to bring down the democratic Philippine State;

WHEREAS, Article 2, Section 4 of our Constitution makes the defense and preservation of the democratic institutions and the State the primary duty of Government;

WHEREAS, the activities above described, their consequences, ramifications and collateral effects constitute a clear and present danger to the safety and integrity of the Philippine State and of the Filipino people’

WHEREAS, Proclamation 1017 dated February 24, 2006 has been issued declaring a State of National Emergency;

NOW, THEREFORE, I GLORIA MACAPAGAL-ARROYO, by virtue of the powers vested in me under the Constitution as President of the Republic of the Philippines, and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of the Philippines, and pursuant to Proclamation No. 1017 dated February 24, 2006, do hereby call upon the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP), to prevent and suppress acts of terrorism lawless violence in the country;

I hereby direct the Chief of Staff of the AFP and the Chief of the PNP, as well as the officers and men of the AFP and PNP, to immediately carry out the necessary and appropriate actions and measures to suppress and prevent acts of terrorism and lawless violence.

City of Manila, February 24, 2006.


By the President:

Executive Secretary

17 Responses to Text of General Order No. 5


blog @ » Blog Archive » Blog Coverage on The Death of Edsa 1

February 24th, 2006 at 9:52 pm

[…] Inside PCIJ posts the US Embassy’s statement on today’s news. It also has the full text for the fast-becoming infamous Proclamation No. 1017, and the follow-up General Order No. 5. […]



February 25th, 2006 at 10:53 am

the dark side of the force has descended on the land, such are the ways of that evil female hobbitt.


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Senate condemns Proclamation 1017

February 28th, 2006 at 12:21 pm

[…] It added that General Order no. 5, which grants authority to the Armed Forces of the Philippines and the Philippine National Police to prevent and suppress violence and terrorism, "open(s) boundless opportunities for abuse and violation of fundamental human rights." […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Legal challenge vs Proclamation 1017

February 28th, 2006 at 3:02 pm

[…] The Akbayan petition assailed Proclamation 1017 and the attendant General Order No. 5 as "effectively impos(ing) a de facto state of martial law without following the requirements for such imposition mandated under Article VII, Section 18 of the Constitution, and as they arbitrarily and invalidly impinge on constitutionally protected rights to the freedoms of speech, of the press, and of assembly." […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » UP Diliman Council challenges Proclamation 1017

February 28th, 2006 at 3:27 pm

[…] The Council likewise voted to adopt in full an earlier statement by the UP College of Law calling for the "immediate and unconditional rescission of Proclamation 1017 and General Order No. 5. On this motion, 197 voted Yes, 3 voted No, and 6 abstained.  […]



March 2nd, 2006 at 10:05 pm

GENERAL ORDER No. 5, September 22, 1972

WHEREAS, Proclamation No.1081 dated Sept. 21,1972, was issued by me because of a grave national emergency now prevailing throughout the country which has been brought about by the activities of groups of men now actively engaged in a criminal conspiracy to seize political power and state power in the Philippines in r order to take over the Government by force and violence, the extent of which has now assumed the proportion of an actual war against our people and their legitimate Government; and

WHEREAS, in order to restore the tranquility and stability of the nation in the quickest possible manner, it is necessary to prohibit the inhabitants of the country from doing certain acts or undertaking certain activities such as rallies, demonstrations, picketing or strikes in certain vital industries, and other forms of group actions which would cause hysteria or panic among the populace or would incense the people against their legitimate Government, or would generate sympathy for the radical and lawless element, or would aggravate the already critical political and social turmoil now prevailing throughout the land;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Ferdinand E. Marcos, Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the Philippines, and pursuant to Proclamation No.1081 dated Sept. 21, 1972, do hereby order that henceforth and until otherwise ordered by me or by my duly designated representative, all rallies, demonstrations and other forms of group actions by persons within the geographical limits of the Philippines, including strikes and picketing in vital industries such as in companies engaged in the manufacture or processing as well as in the distribution of fuel gas, gasoline, and fuel or lubricating oil, in companies engaged in the production or processing of essential commodities or products for exports, and in companies engaged in banking of any kind, as well as in hospitals and in schools and colleges, are strictly prohibited and any person violating this order shall forthwith be arrested and taken into custody and held for the duration of the national emergency or until he or she is otherwise ordered released by me or by my designated representative.

Done in the City of Manila, this 22nd day of September, in the year of our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-two.

Republic of the Philippines



March 2nd, 2006 at 10:41 pm

wow! is glue-ria the state now?


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » House minority lawmakers challenge Proclamation 1017 before Supreme Court

March 3rd, 2006 at 1:13 am

[…] Arroyo through Proclamation No. 1017 and the subsequently issued General Order No. 5 usurped and continues to unconstitutionally usurp legislative powers; […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Lawyers march in Edsa

March 3rd, 2006 at 6:00 pm

[…] The IBP yesterday filed before the Supreme Court a temprorary restraining order, restraining authorities from enforcing Proclamation 1017, General Order No. 5 and other related orders. (See the IBP petition here) […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Norway expresses concern overhuman rights situation in RP

March 21st, 2006 at 4:44 pm

[…] Proclamation 1017 and the two General Orders that implemented it have been met with staunch opposition from several political, human rights, and media groups following a series of warrantless arrests, arbitrary detentions, and even threats of possible takeover of media outfits. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Supreme Court: PP 1017 partly unconstitutional

May 3rd, 2006 at 11:23 pm

[…] The Supreme Court further declared General Order No. 5, which implemented PP 1017, as partly valid. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » PNP on SC ruling on 1017: There was no abuse of authority

May 4th, 2006 at 3:40 pm

[…] In a statement released to the media, PNP spokesman Senior Superintendent Samuel Pagdilao Jr. said the police were merely following orders issued by Malacanang through Proclamation No. 1017, and General Order No. 5 which implemented it. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Sol Gen appeals to Supreme Court on PP 1017

June 5th, 2006 at 6:15 pm

[…] THERE was a clear threat to the State, and, acting in good faith, the President declared a state of national emergency to thwart anarchy and preserve democracy. On this note, the Solicitor General has asked the Supreme Court to reconsider its decision on Presidential Proclamation 1017, declaring a state of emergency, and General Order No. 5 which implemented it. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » SC denies gov’t appeal on PP 1017

June 7th, 2006 at 5:45 pm

[…] THE Supreme Court has denied with finality the government’s appeal to uphold as valid in their entirety Presidential Proclamation 1017, declaring a state of national emergency in February, and General Order No. 5 which implemented it. […]


INSIDE PCIJ » Civil libertarians vow to challenge anti-terror bill

February 20th, 2007 at 3:23 pm

[…] The 2006 Supreme Court decision declared Presidential Proclamation 1017 and General Order No. 5 as unconstitutional in the absence of an internationally accepted definition of terrorism. Both presidential orders directed the the police and military to “immediately carry out the necessary and appropriate actions and measures to suppress and prevent acts of terrorism and lawless violence.” […]


Anti-Terror laws in Philippines disguise for ending Freedoms | Outlaw News

February 23rd, 2007 at 12:13 am

[…] The 2006 Supreme Court decision declared Presidential Proclamation 1017 and General Order No. 5 as unconstitutional in the absence of an internationally accepted definition of terrorism. Both presidential orders directed the the police and military to “immediately carry out the necessary and appropriate actions and measures to suppress and prevent acts of terrorism and lawless violence.” […]


The Arroyo Regime’s Anatomy of Despotism « VINCENTON POST

November 13th, 2009 at 2:17 pm

[…] Arroyo regarding the declaration of state of national emergency under Presidential Decree 1017 and General Order No. 5. Here the Supreme Court declared some portions of the law unconstitutional particularly the phrase […]

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