February 25, 2006 · Posted in: In the News, State of Emergency

Beltran arrested

ANAKPAWIS party-list Rep. Crispin Beltran was arrested at 8:30 am today by a team of police operatives in Bulacan.

He and his family were aboard a car, on their way to a subdivision in San Jose del Monte, when a team of the Philippine National Police’s (PNP) Criminal  Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG) aboard two vans apprehended them. They arrested Beltran with a warrant for a 1985 case for inciting to rebellion. "Imbitasyon daw ito pero palagay ko aresto ito,"  Beltran told reporters who went with the CIDG team to Camp Crame. No bail was recommended in that warrant.

He and his wife, Rosario, were brought to the CIDG office in Camp Crame. Karapatan, a militant human-rights alliance, said they have assembled a group of paralegals to assist Beltran.

Meanwhile, Bayan Muna party-list Rep. Satur Ocampo evaded arrest at 10:15 this morning, as members of the minority in the House of Representatives wrapped up their 9 a.m. press conference at the Sulo Hotel in Quezon City.  

Obet de Castro, deputy secretary general of Bayan Muna, said he saw three vans carrying fully armed men in black waiting along Matalino St. in front of the hotel, two policemen in a PNP mobile, and a man in white shirt on a motorcycle.

De Castro said he warned Ocampo and other members of the minority that the police might be there to arrest them. They then exited through the hotel’s back door and Ocampo boarded a vehicle. He is "now in a safe place," said de Castro. Ocampo’s other blue car, which served as a decoy vehicle, was blocked by the operatives and took his driver and security aide.

Bayan Muna Rep. Teddy Casiño said the arrests confirm their fears that Proclamation 1017 was issued not against rebels but against the members of the opposition. "It is a crackdown," he said and added they will challenge the declaration in the courts.

23 Responses to Beltran arrested



February 25th, 2006 at 1:07 pm

Rebolusyon! Sigaw ng Bayan;

Kung hindi ngayon kelan pa

Kung hindi tayo sino pa!

We must protect the rights we gain and show this fascist arroyo that we have enough of her!



February 25th, 2006 at 1:10 pm

Any update on the following….?

Lacson, Jinggoy, Sotto, Legarda, Imee, Binay, Imelda, etc….?

Hey Arroyo, why not use a hit squad and finish these trouble-makers once and for all? Then just play dumb.

Arroyo, this is your defining moment. Should you end up being soft again now that you’ve declared the State of Emergency, these parasites will prevail. GET RID OF THEM!!!!!



February 25th, 2006 at 1:48 pm

yup after dat lets kill o the filipinos who do not kowtow to your brand of politics mam ate glue…. =) para naman komonti population natin di ba??


‘State of Emergency’ » Blog Archive » Arroyo begins crackdown on Left, media

February 25th, 2006 at 1:51 pm

[…] MANILA — Saturday has been frenetic for the Left. In the morning, one of its stalwarts, Crispin Beltran, a party-list congressman of AnakPawis, was arrested in his home in Bulacan. According to Beltran, there was no warrant for his arrest. He said he was told the police merely invited him for questioning. Satur Ocampo, another congressman and leftist leader, narrowly missed arrest by authorities, according to his aides. Beltran’s arrest has been condemned, many calling it Marcosian. Leaders of the Left warn that more such arrests are likely to take place in the hours ahead. Other leftist leaders are said to be in hiding now. Meanwhile, the furor over the police’s raid of the Daily Tribune offices continues. Senator Aquilino Pimentel described it as a “true sign of the impending death of free press.” The National Telecommunications Commission, meanwhile, warns broadcasters against airing rebel propaganda. […]



February 25th, 2006 at 6:06 pm

I’m surprised that anybody is surprised that all this is happening. After all, what exactly did Pinoys achieve in the 20 years since the so-called “revolution” of 1986 other than the PERVERSION and SQUANDER of the very freedoms that were regained?

Tapos sabay iyak pag-pinalo.

Wag na kayong umiyak diyan. Think of it this way. Maybe Pinoys truly deserve their government.

ha ha! 😀




February 25th, 2006 at 9:06 pm

For sure the legality of the arrest and raids made by this morally bankrupt regime will be filed in the Supreme Court in the coming days. Let’s watch if the so called “highest court of the land” will rise to the occasion or will affirm its irrelevancy.

A tolerant Supreme Court to an abusive regime is sufficient justification for the people and our soldiers to overthrow not only GMA but the whole governmental apparatus by any means.



February 25th, 2006 at 10:27 pm

Balik na naman tayo where we started hindi tayo nagtatanda masakit tanggapin pero we deserve the leaders what we have now because we voted them.Will someone comeout not a trapo or from military who will lead us.This might be our last hurrah or we face the doom forever.



February 25th, 2006 at 11:08 pm

eh mungo..pano kugn walang makibaka jan sa sinisigaw mo, mananahimik ka na ba at magmumuni muni na kakaunti lang naman palang mga Pilipino ang sumusuporta sa inyo.

Baka sakali naman umusad usad ng kaunti ang Pilipinas kapag tumigil na sa panawagan ng people power ang mga nasa oposisyon..tagal na yan ah! ni hindi nga nagtatagal ng overnyt mga rallies nila



February 26th, 2006 at 4:41 am

may nag rally ba nung sabado?


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Rep. Beltran charged with inciting to sedition

February 27th, 2006 at 1:29 pm

[…] FOLLOWING last Saturday’s arrest of Anakpawis Rep.Crispin Beltran, police authorities have filed a new case against him for the crime of inciting to sedition.  […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Government crackdown intensifies

February 27th, 2006 at 8:31 pm

[…] Government lawyers have said that as rebellion is a continuing crime, and those who are guilty can be arrested even without warrants. Bayan Muna party list representative Joel G. Virador, for example, was arrested without a warrant in Davao City earlier today. On Saturday, Anakpawis  Rep. Crispin Beltran was picked up in Bulacan, also in a warrantless arrest, while Bayan Muna Rep. Satur Ocampo eluded an arrest attempt. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Haunted by the past

February 28th, 2006 at 12:03 pm

[…] THE government has arrested two congressmen and announced that at least four others may soon find themselves behind bars in the wake of a failed attempt to oust President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. The clampdown does not only call to mind the mood right after the declaration of martial law when Ferdinand Marcos ordered his political enemies imprisoned. The similarity reaches farther back in time to an incident that is hardly mentioned in Philippine history. Sixty years ago, government ordered the expulsion of leftists in the legislature. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Senate condemns Proclamation 1017

February 28th, 2006 at 12:36 pm

[…] The senators questioned what they called "alarming acts" carried out by government authorities, like the warantless arrests of opposition leaders like Crispin Beltran and certain military officials, the exercise of control over print media, veiled threats against broadcast networks, and even the 6 p.m. curfew imposed on the Malacanang Press Corps. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Lawyers march in Edsa

March 3rd, 2006 at 5:57 pm

[…] On February 24, on the same day Proclamation 1017 was issued, University of the Philippines professor Randy David and other protesters were arrested during a protest rally held in commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the Edsa 1986 revolution. A day after that, Anakpawis Rep, Crispin Beltran was arrested for a 21-year-old charge of inciting to rebellion and was later slapped with a case of inciting to sedition. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Lawyers’ groups urge Supreme Court to rule on 1017

March 17th, 2006 at 5:04 pm

[…] Following its issuance, police arrested ralliers marching to the People Power Monument on February 24, among them University of the Philippines professor and Inquirer columnist Randy David. On the eve of February 25, after a stern warning from Arroyo that media should not publish rumors and baseless information, police raided the office of the Daily Tribune, an opposition newspaper, without a search warrant. On the same day, Anakpawis Rep. Crispin Beltran was arrested, without a warrant, for a 21-year-old case of inciting to rebellion. Two days after, the police came up with a list of 59 individuals, among them Beltran and other members of leftist party-list groups, including Satur Ocampo, Teddy Casino, Joel Virador of Bayan Muna, Liza Maza of Gabriela, and Rafael Mariano of Anakpawis, all said to be guilty of rebellion and insurrection “committed on February 24, 2006.” […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Supreme Court decision, concurring and disssenting opinions on Proclamation 1017

May 4th, 2006 at 3:37 pm

[…] VOTING 11-3, the Supreme Court yesterday upheld the constitutionality of Presidential Proclamation No. 1017 issued by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo which placed the country under a week-long state of national emergency last Feburary 24, 2006. Acts committed by government authorities under the said proclamation as the warrantless arrests (here, here, and here) and raid of the Daily Tribune office were however declared unconstitutional. To better understand the recent Court ruling, we provide readers the full text of the following: […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Beltran finds ally in Inter-Parliamentary Union

May 18th, 2006 at 2:24 pm

[…] Beltran, who was arrested on Feb. 25, has been in detention for nearly three months now. He has been transferred to the Philippine Heart Center for health reasons. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Beltran set to appeal court decision to proceed with rebellion case

June 2nd, 2006 at 3:15 pm

[…] This is the second time that Beltran was charged with rebellion. Under the Marcos dictatorship, Beltran was incarcerated and tortured as a political prisoner in Camp Crame. On February this year, Beltran was taken to Camp Crame on the strength of a 21-year-old “outstanding warrant of arrest” for inciting to rebellion. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » SC ’status quo’ order provides relief to leftists charged with rebellion

June 15th, 2006 at 4:38 pm

[…] The status quo order, however, does not apply to the rebellion cases filed against Anakpawis Rep. Crispin “Ka Bel” Beltran and 1st Lt. Lawrence San Juan as they were not the subject of the same preliminary investigation that the petitioners questioned. Saying that the rebellion case is a “fantastic tale” which will not hold water in court, Ladlad believes though that the DOJ is not really interested in having them convicted but to have them “in jail and let us rot there indefinitely, while the wheels of justice turn at the pace they want.” “They have done this to Ka Bel. He has been in jail for more than three months. The state prosecutors do not mind keeping him in jail even if he is ailing,” he said. Whether the DOJ and PNP will heed the order of the Supreme Court, Ladlad expressed hope they would but added he can only “keep my fingers crossed.” […]


INSIDE PCIJ » Gov’t sitting on Ka Bel’s temporary release

May 8th, 2007 at 6:38 pm

[…] Beltran was arrested February last year on a 21-year-old “outstanding warrant of arrest” for allegedly committing the crime of inciting to rebellion. Beltran now has three cases filed against him, two on rebellion charges and one on inciting to sedition. He remains under detention at the Philippine Heart Center. […]


i-site’s 2007 Election Files » Gov’t sitting on Ka Bel’s temporary release

May 8th, 2007 at 6:41 pm

[…] Beltran was arrested February last year on a 21-year-old “outstanding warrant of arrest” for allegedly committing the crime of inciting to rebellion. Beltran now has three cases filed against him, two on rebellion charges and one on inciting to sedition. He remains under detention at the Philippine Heart Center. […]


The Philippine Department of Justice Secretary: An Example Of What Deep Dark Hole The System Over There Is In « the story of healing

May 11th, 2007 at 1:56 pm

[…] Raul Gonzalez, the Philippine Secretary of Justice, has opened his venomous mouth again. Well, that is his right. But I specifically do not agree with Ramon Tulfo’s likening him to the late Claro M. Recto. Raul Gonzalez is just a male chauvinist in my book. In the interviews that I have caught on television where he had to speak supposedly as a honorable representative of the Justice Department, instead he makes these biased comments regarding an alleged rape victim on attracting this horrible incident upon her by being in that particular “place” anyway. Well, not in those exact words really but by insinuating that a good woman should not have been in a “place that’s not for her”. But this is another story. And there is that incident about him calling the United Nations Special Rapporteur Phillip Alston a muchacho, which has a twisted meaning in the Philippine language, when the latter suggested the release of Crispin Beltran, who was arrested on charges of rebellion by this administration. His arrest is more politically motivated than anything else. While the rest of the world evolved and on to 2.0s. All this government did was hound its enemies and lock them up and keep the education budget down to oblivion. Mr. Beltran claims he was arrested in his home without warrant. Again, this is another story. […]


INSIDE PCIJ » SC rules in favor of Batasan 6; scores DOJ for lack of impartiality

June 1st, 2007 at 8:46 pm

[…] It added that Beltran’s arrest was illegal as none of the arresting officers saw Beltran commit the crime of rebellion. Beltran was arrested without warrant for the charge of inciting to sedition, a day after the country was placed under a state of national emergency. He has been in detention for over a year. […]

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