GEN. Ramon Montaño, former Constabulary chief, was “arrested” by the police in Cavite today and was taken to Camp Crame for questioning.

Last year, retired generals Fortunato Abat, Jose Almonte, and Montaño were rumored to have had a series of meetings with former President Fidel Ramos on a plan to unseat the President in June last year.

Montaño served as chief of the Philippine Constabulary under the Aquino administration. Under Ramos, Montaño was appointed Presidential adviser on police matters. Ramos, in an interview with the media this afternoon, said Montaño’s wife called him up and informed him of the arrest.

“I said, ‘please do not panic this will only be a short while,'” Ramos told Montaño. “‘It’s a badge of honor, Mon, for you to be arrested,’ I told him. He was one of my great soldiers during Edsa and during all the coup attempts,” Ramos said.

Former PNP Police Gen. Rex Piad was also taken in for questioning this afternoon. Piad belongs to the Matatag Class of 1971 and was classmates with Sen. Panfilo Lacson and former senator Gringo Honasan. Piad was the former director of the Office of the Directorate for Intelligence and Detective Management of the PNP.

Meanwhile, Brig. Gen. Danilo Lim is also now under the custody of the Philippine Army in Fort Bonifacio. The Philippine Army told media that members of the elite force or the 1st Scout Ranger Regiment under Lim denied any involvement with the destabilization plot against the administration. They gave their word that “they will not embark in such adventurism,” the Army assured.

8 Responses to Three military officials taken in for questioning



February 25th, 2006 at 8:42 pm

Don’t let the dogs out! Time and time again, there are many elements in the miliary who are too adventurous, even knowing that civilian holds supreme! It’s high time that the dogs of wars be tamed and put where they belong, e.g. to the barracks and in the fields of war!

Coup d’etats during Cory time, now Glo’s time, none during Fidel’s time (who is from military background) and none duirng Erap’s time. Cory was perceived as weak hence coup d’etats were justified by the military. Now the country has a no non-sense president that appears strong, segment of the military appears to have been challenged by her ego!

Why will governance be dictated by military? Civilian governments may be a failure but mind you, military government, on the pretext of democracy, would be even worst!

AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Senga is a fellow of high repute, whatever the oppositions or enemies of the state says! He’s not a politicians, hence, would consistently call for military personnel to stay away from politics. There are those who were instrumental in the previous putschs, even led these. But true color showed up, he became a politician and just the same achieved nothing significant! However, this is better than wearing a military uniform, brandishing guns and when fed up with corruptions, inefficiencies in government would attempt to overthrow a regime through coup d’etat.

If the dogs of wars are not leashed, the Republic of the Philippines would be in the leagues with he Banana Republics of south American countries! Long live the bananas!


Toto Claparolls

February 25th, 2006 at 9:48 pm

Yeah, right. That’s why she has had eight AFP Chiefs of Staff in 6 years, and 9 of them by July this year. Fastest way to unprofessionalize and politicize the military. Way to go GMA! Rock and roll!

We don’t need a military government anymore with the way she has started trampling on civil liberties.



February 25th, 2006 at 10:20 pm

the dogs of wars not unleashed yet? just check at the list of cabinets secretaries and appointed oficials of glue-ria. ermita, reyes, cimatu, corpuz, mendoza, etc. if they are not unleashed yet, i don’t know how you can call it.



February 26th, 2006 at 1:47 am





February 26th, 2006 at 3:00 am

hahaha..that mouth is faster than the brain. then what’s next pag naalis na si Liliput? sino papalit? Whoever?


Bahala Na Republic » Blog Archive » Philippine Media Under Fire

February 26th, 2006 at 9:29 pm

[…] First it was the rallies, then the personalities [Randy David, Ka Bel, Ka Satur, Gen. Montaño, etc.], now it’s the media that is being attacked. All in the name of Proclamation no. 1071. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Senate condemns Proclamation 1017

February 28th, 2006 at 12:19 pm

[…] Members of the Upper House questioned what they called "alarming acts" carried out by government authorities, like the warantless arrests of opposition leaders like Crispin Beltran and certain military officials, the exercise of control over print media, veiled threats against broadcast networks, and even the 6 p.m. curfew imposed on the press corps of Malacanang. […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Norway expresses concernover human rights situation in RP

March 21st, 2006 at 4:46 pm

[…] Ordering the military and the police to “suppress all forms of lawless violence as well as any act of insurrection or rebellion,” Arroyo said the country was under threat from a Left-Right conspiracy to overthrow the government. This led to the arrests of ralliers on February 24, the day Proclamation 1017 was issued, left-wing party-list representatives, and members of the military. The Justice Department also said some members of media are being investigated for publishing and airing “seditious” reports. […]

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