FORMER president Fidel V. Ramos sees no immediate end to street protests "with the situation now exacerbated by the proclaimed ‘national emergency’ condition."

But, Ramos says, such protests will not spark a reprise of People Power 1986. "Another ‘People Power’ revolution will not again happen," Ramos writes in a column for the Manila Bulletin. The former president lists what he calls the "powerful factors" that work against another People Power uprising:

  • People are tired of the political bickering; they simply want to carry on with their lives and remain hopeful of a better future.
  • The primary concerns of the citizenry are economic, not political. They worry most about high prices and unemployment.
  • The opposition is "headless and scattered." Some militant groups may be well-organized, but overall, the anti-government forces are divided and confined to a few urban areas.
  • A nationwide outrage is still absent, and there has not been a spark large enough to trigger such outrage into a massive uprising. "The political opposition, civil society protesters and the coup plotters—whoever they are—seem to forget that Edsa I took place only after the passage of 13 years of strongman rule and kleptocracy," Ramos writes.
  • Still absent from among the anti-government forces is the involvement of significant elements of the Armed Forces and the National Police.

But while another People Power uprising is not likely to happen, Ramos says, the "Spirit of Edsa" must be perpetuated and institutionalized, as the country continues to face long-standing problems of poverty, corruption, injustice and inequity.

He traces the roots of these problems to what he describes as "the durable oligarchy"—the alliance between business and politics that allows wealthy and powerful families to use public authority for their own gain.

"This durable oligarchy has used the powers of the State to create opportunities for themselves to make money and more money—without having to create economic value for the common good," Ramos writes.

Ramos repeats his calls for charter change, a proposal he has long made. "Without further delay," he says, "let us do the Constitutional reforms, legislative policies and executive actions essential to sustained progress and development."

Read FVR’s column, "A powerful wake-up call."

93 Responses to People Power won’t happen again — FVR



February 27th, 2006 at 2:06 pm

I agree with FVR that people power uprising is so farfetched and those people who are deluded are overestimating their own strength. Likewise, I agree with FVR that Malacanang has overreacted to the plan. Had the government just allowed them to go as they planned, they would have been a pathetic group who risked everything and got nothing. People are tired of people power you morons and we want to move on with our lives. If politics is the be-all of your pathetic lives, spare us the silent majority the inconvenience brought about by your pathetic actions.



February 27th, 2006 at 2:31 pm

Thank you for saying all that, Jonathan. I agree with you.

It’s not only tiring, it’s counter-productive. If some people get a rush and excitement over this, they should seriously look into bungee jumping.



February 27th, 2006 at 3:06 pm

A nationwide outrage is still absent, and there has not been a spark large enough to trigger such outrage into a massive uprising. “The political opposition, civil society protesters and the coup plotters—whoever they are—seem to forget that Edsa I took place only after the passage of 13 years of strongman rule and kleptocracy,” Ramos writes.

But what about edsa dos, Mr. Ramos?



February 27th, 2006 at 5:38 pm

Problem is, the MEDIA keeps giving these Edsa/politics-happy morons so much airtime, to the point where they are over-represented whilst the SILENT MAJORITY or those who simply want to get on with the QUIET task of making a living are under-represented and are unfairly tarnished by the stigma of the NOISY FEW.

That is where the tragedy lies, peeps. 😀



February 27th, 2006 at 5:40 pm

Let’s not forget that there are still 1,300 Pinoy souls buried and/or unaccounted for in the aftermath of the latest mudslide.

Isn’t it disturbing that they have been relegated to nothing more than a footnote whilst the more moronic world of Edsa-happy politics continues to get frontpage news in rags like this.

That says a lot about the MEDIA’s regard for ordinary Filipino lives in its constant quest for sensationalist news — the kind that gets unproductive tongues wagging.


Huseng Bulag

February 27th, 2006 at 6:24 pm

Let’s not forget that there are still 1,300 Pinoy souls buried and/or unaccounted for in the aftermath of the latest mudslide.


and over 70% of the citizenry living below the poverty line. And a paranoid trapo who, using public funds, cheated her way to the presidency posturing as the president of this country . Afraid of its own shadow, presently bribing her way to survival.

On Feb22, 1986, was the country prepared for a people power? If we allowed ourselves to settle the question first on who should replace the dictator, could the events in the next 4 days have happened at all?



February 27th, 2006 at 7:01 pm

In just one month, The Philippines never cease to get the limelight in world media. First we have the stampede, then the mudslide, and now the infamous coup d’tat na naman? Pinoy, di na ba kayo nagsasawa? We are adding more negative images to our country, than positive ones. Your ‘fiesta revolution’ as Benigno says, di na to nakakatuwa! I used to believe that I don’t need to go abroad to earn a living. I have earned a good business in there only to last for a couple of years having the difficulty surviving a business climate taunted by political instability. And I did not make it in our country, sad to say. Here abroad, I fight a bigger fight as with the Philippines. I pay exorbitant tax to a government not my own. I am tired but have to work to pay the bills. I want to go back to the Philippines as my hopes are coming back when our peso and economy in the past few months showed signs of stability under GMA. Now, I am very appalled by the same usual same nuisance people, getting all the media attention. Bringing back the same old Philippine setbacks. I’m tired now…I feel I don’t want to settle back in our country full of KSP’s. We need an Iron Fist to bring back the once disciplined and economic focused Pinoys. Amen….



February 27th, 2006 at 7:17 pm

Huseng Bulag said,

And a paranoid trapo who, using public funds, cheated her way to the presidency posturing as the president of this country . Afraid of its own shadow, presently bribing her way to survival.”


Could it be that you are pushing her too much to the edge so she is left with no options but to use public funds and call the military to her defense….It has always been suggested here that we re examine our selves everytime we throw mud to the government…..

Maybe she cheated, yes she is corrupt. And its just healthy to condemn it. Thats the essense of democracy! But silent majority knows very well that you can do it peacefully and orderly. That you can gather all the evidences and charge her and her minions in a proper court. Then let the people go on with rebuilding their own lives. You can do it in a non counter productive and non self destructive way. Vigilance is one but promoting chaos is another thing.

Why not just let her do her job, while the concerned citizens are doing watching all her moves in very vigilant ways whiel moving own to rebuild their own lives. Instead of violently asking her to resign, why not forced her to work for the progress of country. The silent majority know very well that she can really do something with country economy. ( No matter how you the other side downplay it). And they can see some results ( no matter how the other side cover it with mud).

Scrutinize all her programs all her moves and when something bad is found ask congress or senate to invistigate it. It was done in the Venable Contract, where the blue ribbon commitee pursue dit to the end and made malacanang to recsind the contract. Actions like these are the ones that is very productive. and the result is very positive to the nation. Why not peacefully push the impeachment that we are promoting order in removing a president and the and teh doing it the next time would be more easier for all of us….

Had you only pursued your cause peacefully and orderly. Then the public funds is not being wasted to put order for the chaos and the clean the damage that were done by the other side. And we are not in State of Emergency right now.

Examine you self! Because more and more people are believing that you are the problem as much as Gloria is! Wonder why your number is not growing an dteh tipping point is not happening!!!!? Becuase your turning of a lot of people too and much more that Gloria!!!!)



February 27th, 2006 at 7:35 pm

Huseng Bulag said,
February 27, 2006 @ 6:24 pm

and over 70% of the citizenry living below the poverty line.


O yes that “cliche” again!

Everybody know this and if you just google “poverty around the world” in your computer almost all nation has the same problem!

But check your self again. Because the Silent majority knows that while the other side keep on harping on it , they are also making it worse. All their action and destabilization efforts run counters to everybodys concern of lowering that poverty line.



February 27th, 2006 at 7:44 pm

For once i agree with FVR!

However, i’m afraid that something much more violent is brewing. People power won’t succeed because of the lack of conscience and moral judgement of most of our police and military officials. We are already in a police state, wherein the authorities mandated to protect our rights are the first ones to trample on it.

We are in a volcanic situation, the pressure is just building and in the right time it will explode. Unleashing all the anger of our poor and hungry masses and if coupled with those in the military that have remained unstained by the system, then we have the right formula for violent takeover. No negotiations or diplomatic methods may be able to quench all the anger that has been released, for the poor are tired of all the talk. Bloodshed will be unavoidable. So, before it becomes too late, Gloria should resign now!



February 27th, 2006 at 7:46 pm


“We need an Iron Fist to bring back the once disciplined and economic focused Pinoys.”

back to the days of being afraid to criticize government policy, watching trapos and cronies amass greater wealth while the middle class shrinks in size and the mass of those below the poverty line gets bigger?

back to the days of the desaparecidos, back to the days of the knock on one’s door in the middle of the night, back to the days when civilian massacres were brushed aside as collateral damage, back to the days when suspicion was sufficient to throw one in jail and be kept there, back to the days when torture, rape, and murder were valid instruments of government policy?

back to the days when the leaders were beholden to none but themselves, government coffers to be dispensed as largesse to anyone they favor, to spend without accountability?

back to the days when the truth was only what was “good and beautiful”? back to the days of crimethink and doublespeak?

back to the days when the power of the rods and the ax cowed people into submissive “discipline”, the focus of economics not being for the good of the many but for the shoes of the few?

sure, why not? sounds good, doesn’t it?


“Could it be that you are pushing her too much to the edge so she is left with no options but to use public funds and call the military to her defense…”

public funds are public funds, not her personal allowance. calling the military to defend her from the public is no different from using the AFP as her personal goon squad.

are both things not wrong? are we supposed to condone wrongdoing?

GMA is supposed to be a public servant, beholden to the people. if people don’t want her anymore in malacañang, she has no business trying to keep herself there.

she has an exercisable option, rego. she can resign.



February 27th, 2006 at 7:47 pm

Oo nga e. Sobrang nakakasawa na ang mga nagbubungangang “Gloria resign”. This stance in the face of a lack of any credible alternative boggles the mind. What kind of psyche would fire a president and leave a power vacuum in such a hopelessly unstable basketcase nation like ours?

Pinoy nga naman…



February 27th, 2006 at 7:54 pm

However the problems we are facing doesn’t stop with Gloria.

For example, the problem of poverty has always been there, it was there before Gloria, Erap, FVR, Cory and even Marcos. The problem is not just Gloria, it’s the system that has produced the likes of Gloria. The system that has kept our masses poor and ill-educated. The system that has favored the interests of the wealthy few over those of the hungry millions. The system that has cuddled corrupt police and military officials.

I think to overcome all of these cancers that have embedded itself in our society, a revolution becomes inevitable.



February 27th, 2006 at 8:13 pm

I cannot agree with a FVR’s lack of support for a revolutionary change because he is not objectively assessing the situation as he has been promised the position of Prime Minister once the parliament is set up.
Those who wish to be complacent in the face of massive corruption and abuse should not put down those who wish to exercise their rights to change the system. We all claim this country as our own. You have a right to sit on the fence as we have a right to take a stand.



February 27th, 2006 at 9:28 pm

jester-in-exile said,
February 27, 2006 @ 7:46 pm

“public funds are public funds, not her personal allowance. calling the military to defend her from the public is no different from using the AFP as her personal goon squad.

are both things not wrong? are we supposed to condone wrongdoing?

GMA is supposed to be a public servant, beholden to the people. if people don’t want her anymore in malacañang, she has no business trying to keep herself there.
she has an exercisable option, rego. she can resign.

“Personal allowance” is your word not mine. I still stick to my original statement that “public funds are being wasted to” to curb lawlessness cause by the destabilization efforts of the minority. That instead of
paying the police to to go after the criminals, Gloria was left with no choice but to use it to stop the violence being espouse by the opposition. When the opposition can just air their greivences and protest the ills of the governement in a peaceful and orderly manner or even by just using the processes already defined by the law.

Now if you believe that public funds is being used for personal use and laws are being violated in doing so. Then you can gather all the evidence and file a case, or approach the leader of teh opposition to file a case. Unless you do that, you statement only falls under the category of ” innuendoes”

Same goes with you insinuations that the AFP was used as personal goons. A pure innuedo! If you believe that decalaring state of emergency has no legal basis , the government declared that their action is open for Supreme court Challenge. Or you may want to quickly move your cursor to the opinion page of Inq7 and read Father Bernas opinion with reagrds to it legality. ( .

I rather not dwell on your questions wether it is right or wrong becuase im sure it will just methamorpose into an endless debate. I rather dwell on the questions wether it is legal or not . Because there is a clear endpoint for this. The SC decisio… As amatter of fact there are already legal groups who are suppose to go to SC today to contest its legality.

Oh yes she is indeed a public servant. And she is beholden to the public that why she believe doing the things like declaring state of Emergency to put a stop to the nuisances that the minority is doing to majority of the public. Thats why she continue to focus on the economy of the country no matter how the opposition is hellbent to destabilizing her administration. Because economy is the main concern of the greater public not the political.

On resign options…. as you termed it,, its only an option. Its her very personal prerogative to heed that call or not. And she already declared that she will not resign. And you can not deny that there is silent majority who wanted her not to resign. So you can not forced that to her! Much more break the law and wreak havoc just becuase she wont heed your resignation call. She is very much open to impeachment. So why not just spend all your diligence on the good damn impeachment case?? Thats the law on removing a president any way! But opposition wont just do that. And now keep harping that Gloria is the problem when clearly the Silent majority can very well see that the opposition has become a big problem too just as much a they claimed that Gloria is the main problem.



February 27th, 2006 at 9:33 pm

Really??? lc!!! I thought it was Joe de Venicia who is set or was promised to post of Prime Minister. But still, FVR assesment , I believe is much much closer to reality than the assesment of EDSA/people power happy opposition.



February 27th, 2006 at 9:58 pm


I couldn’t blame you for your skeptism. But a Lee Kwan Yu approach I think is the best possible solution sa mga taong katulad natin na wala na talagang disiplina , panay grandstanding at sobra sobra na ang ingay! Come to think of it, pag tuloy tuloy ang peso stabilization like we’ve experienced for a few months ago. We can start from there, at hindi na ako pakahirap dito sa abroad na palagi na lang minamaliit ng mga puti. Pero I think, it will just still be a dream to go back in the Philippines na peaceful at economically stable kasi like Argentina we have a mental attitude to f_ck off our presidents. Like the mental framework that you have.



February 27th, 2006 at 10:45 pm

Benigno says:

Problem is, the MEDIA keeps giving these Edsa/politics-happy morons so much airtime, to the point where they are over-represented whilst the SILENT MAJORITY or those who simply want to get on with the QUIET task of making a living are under-represented and are unfairly tarnished by the stigma of the NOISY FEW.

That is where the tragedy lies, peeps.

Is it? Are there really only two options for Filipinos: Join the incoherent political opposition or stay silent, doing the “QUIET” task of making a living.

I don’t want Gloria overthrown by a group of soldiers or kicked out by people power of whatever version, UNLESS she turns into a despotic leader.

At the same time, I believe that she has been an active participant in the corruption of the military and the Commission on Elections. Her actions must be subjected to criticism, when warranted. There must be a greater clamor to fix the institutions that have been damaged over the past 40 years or so. Corruption on the part of her husband and close allies must not be tolerated.



February 27th, 2006 at 11:40 pm

I agree with you, DuckVader. Corruption should not be tolerated. But it seems whoever sits on the the presidential post is inundated with accusations of being corrupt. In the mind of Filipinos, all officials are corrupt.

If Gloria gets overthrown, then who takes over? The VP? Wow, isn’t that like moving backwards? Maybe a little faith in our officials will help too.

I agree with bloodyass. I’m sick of paying a huge sum of my hard-earned money to a country that is not mine….I just want to go home!!



February 28th, 2006 at 12:02 am

Hindi kayo nag-iisa Ginger, bloody ass, I too wanted to go home. Maybe what we can do is just to be more patient for our kabayans and our politicians…. And just hope that normalcy in our country will happen in our lifetime. So we can enjoy again the joy of living our dear country with our love once. For now maybe a few visit to our country will do.



February 28th, 2006 at 12:50 am


Then let us turn to actions based on principles; that way we strengthen the “rules” and institutions that should govern us.

Did A cheat in the elections, or is A corrupt?
If yes, then ask the institutions to do their jobs, or pressure the politicians to pressure the institutions, or failing all of the above, pressure the institutions or politicians directly.

If A is found guilty, B takes over.
If B does something corrupt, or is neffective, then do the same as with A. Within the framework of the rules, pressure institutions, politicians directly or indirectly.

But will we not apply the principles against corruption and cheating simply because we fear B? If that were the case, then the application of laws would be relative … In the long-term a worse solution.



February 28th, 2006 at 1:39 am

Okay, lets say A did cheat or is corrupt. Then, I agree that the institutions should conduct their investigation and, if found guilty, enforce the proper action. In the meantime, while all that is going on, we should move forward. The constant bickering on the sidelines is not helping. These rallies, calls for resignations, attempted coup d’etats show political instability and is greatly hurting our economy.
I work with the Philippines’ biggest foreign investor. They have GREATLY influenced the rise of the peso over the past few months, but they’re tapping their fingers while constantly watching. If their fears prevail and pull out, we are back to where we started.



February 28th, 2006 at 1:57 am

All the rules and laws for good governance are in the book. All the procedures of removal and succession of political leaders are in the book. Everything look good on paper. But the problem is the people entrusted to enforce all of these have all vested interest not to. It is a tug of war, which side is stronger at the moment wins the battle- but not the war.



February 28th, 2006 at 2:36 am


I was addressing your statement — “If Gloria gets overthrown, then who takes over? The VP? Wow, isn’t that like moving backwards?” First of all, I think that overthrowing Gloria is wrong, regardless of who is waiting in the wings (whether an incompetent Noli or a brilliant leader). But I am also critical of statements that say that Gloria should stay because Noli comes next. In this latter case, application of rules becomes relative.

I always give the benefit of the doubt to allowing street protests, as it is within the realm of the democratic space, having lived through Marcos. I feel the benefit of saying what we want (as long as it’s not for coups, et. al.) outweighs the inconveniences. After all, when Marcos imposed Martial Law, most people supported it — saying that it was necessary for peace and order. Well, lo and behold, it started the darkest era for the Philippines post-WWII.

My greater gripe is that while we say that we should allow institutions to work, we do not examine why and how they have been weakened to the point where they cannot withstand political shocks. We say the Comelec is corrupt — who exactly corrupted it and why have they not been punished? We decry the politicization of the Marines. Who exactly is responsible? What have we done about the people resonsible?

There are two possible answers:

a) We do not know the answers — then we should find out. Anyone who prevents us from doing so must be the subject of our ire.

b) We know the answer but do not want to suffer the short-term consequences. — We then reap what we sow; see you all in coup 11, 12, 13, etc.



February 28th, 2006 at 2:46 am

Good for u rego, vader and ginger, u r already out n contemplating of going back home. Me??? I’m still figuring it out how to go out from here..I’m really tired of what’s happening, i’m in my mid 30’s and i cannot just keep on hoping, i also dreamt of a better life for me and my family… which when is about to become”when some light at the end of the tunnel already appears”’ these noisy “self righteious intelligent and grand standing filipinos are quick to throw mud at whatever gains the economy show. THey simly do not want Gloria or any president for that matter to succeed unless their agenda is the one considered. Gusto nila, kanilang paraan lang,,,maghintay sila ng kanilang panahon…Meanwhile, let us make the govt work, do its job. Let us keep on complaining about poverty, hardship, etc. etc. but on the other hand we are not helping govt do its job… INSTEAD, we let the govt spend our public funds and focus its energies in fighting the coup plotters, the power grabers, etc. instead of fighting poverty… THIS is CRAB MENTALITY in the national grander Scale… Kaya kayo, labas muna kayo ng bansa,,, keep on sending some of your money here to help… to me that is more nationalistic than protesting and rallying in the name of == i don’t know if they have agreed on the issues… all they have agreed so far is they dont like GMA from the start….. Hopefully time will come when you can come back here to help this country move forward… much like more overseas Indians are doing to India…which is becoming the darling of foreign investors like China.


ms. bayani

February 28th, 2006 at 2:55 am


now, why wouldn’t the government give freedom to people who want to hold a peaceful, collective show of dissent and let us find out really how many will join them…..

ang nakikita natin ngayon ay mga mapayapang protesta na pilit na binubuwag sa pamamagitan ng water cannons at pagbatuta sa mga sumasali.

WHY is the government want to sow fear and intimidate people who wants to air their criticism and dissatisfaction with this government. ARE THEY afraid of the real magnitude of this group?

WHEN ARROYO was the beneficiary of this action it was allowed without interference….if it is true that people don’t want people power to happen anymore then why the CPR, and harrassment….

got this notion that FVR himself is afraid of another people power to happen…WHY?



but what is really frightening is the magnitude of the involvement of the military in election activities in favor of ARROYO that was put to glaring public scrutiny by the HELLO GARCI tape….it further politicized the military more and added another divisive issue among them…just hope and pray that the unfolding events….and the possibilities that may happen….would resolve itself out in a peaceful manner.


Click Mo Mukha Mo! » Blog Archive » State of Confusion A Pinoy Blog About Nothing

February 28th, 2006 at 4:52 am

[…] I’d like to post something cheerful (weird links) or inconsequential (recent consumption of pop culture) not Serious with a capital S. Unfortunately, I can’t just yet. I read somewhere Monday is supposed to be important regarding the status of PGMA’s State of Emergency declartion. Already the empathic warning of the government to the media and the closing of the Tribune has a chilling effect on some of the normally…verbose…bloggers. I can’t believe younger bloggers don’t even mention any of the events that will have a direct effect on their future. Still others still sit on the fence on the face of blatant abuse of power. I guess they’re still waiting for that knock in the night to get them off their asses. Have an opinion. Any opinion. Get involved. Maybe FVR is on to something when he said people are tired of political bickering. […]



February 28th, 2006 at 7:10 am

DucK Vader and Ginger

A very nice exchange of points of view between you two. Very interesting! Keep it up.

Kaya lang bitin naman yung two answers sa huli.

So do we really know or we dont know? huh, Duck Vader?



February 28th, 2006 at 7:17 am

I believe in a HIGHER POWER, bigger than FVR, bigger than CORY,FPJ, ERAP,GMA…bigger than all of us Filipinos combined.

I call HIM GOD, muslims call HIM ALLAH, jews call HIM JEHOVAH.

Are we that blind to see that all that had happened in EDSA 1 and 2 were propelled by an unseen Hand that is so patient with us Filipinos even if we NEVER learn our lesson. We had been off tangent for a very long time now.

FVR thinks he is still president, CORY thinks she is still president, ERAP thinks he is still president, GMA thinks “hey, I AM THE PRESIDENT”…And we FILIPINOS think “there must be somebody better out there, must find THE one, must change, right here,right now!”

In our INSTANT mami culture, we need and crave ‘snap’ change.

Why did we come to this?

We see ourselves bigger intellectually, financially perhaps that we makes ourselves even dumber by not realizing that even if all the politicos, the left and the right leaning, the bishops, the sisters and priests,the manong and manangs of this society WANT to propell things to HAPPEN THEIR WAY, it REALLY WON’T…if GOD is NOT INTO IT.

We could argue all we want, on our own intellectual level, but it all boils down to this, God has a stake on our own future, He has brought us this far, HE still has the final say.

We could pray on top of the tanks, pray on the streets, cite His name in endless political stand, but HE sees through each INTENTION, every minute thing.

And the God of all ages, who had seen through countless wars there is and every human struggle, will finally…make HIS move, at the right time and always on time.



February 28th, 2006 at 8:29 am

So most of you are saying that let GMA be, lets live our lives and move on….! Lets stop being apathetic…Sorry but I think my conscience tells me that I will never turn a blind eye on corruption & cheating. For everyone search your own conscience !!!



February 28th, 2006 at 8:56 am


Continue hoping and keep your optimism…

I still believe and very confident that what is happening to uor country right shall pass. The same with the two nations you admired , China and India. And even other great countries lIke US, France Germany…

I wanted to share to you this post from one of the members of our exclusive group. I hope you find more reason to be optimistic from this:

“We had several constitutions in history marking different republics.
[1st-Malolos, 2nd-1935 Const, 3rd-1973 Const, 4th-Freedom Const, 5th-1987 Const] So we are a relatively “young” Republic [



February 28th, 2006 at 9:02 am

Magdalene, EDSA won’t happen anymore cause we don’t deserve it …God gives miracles to those who are helpless and not to those who are selfish and don’t learn their lessons.
Duck Vader and Ginger – I don’t mind NOLI taking over….if the transition is a smooth one. NOLI is not so bad really….honestly. Let’s not crucify the guy before he even gets to the hill.
He has a college degree, he got as far in his field of choice as anyone can get – from where? – obscurity and Mindoro. You can’t just do that if your coconut has no juice. He has something and he works hard with no politicking which we have not see in the longest time. Let’s admit it. He is still an independent – more independent than anyone ever said he was going to be.

Remember, they said the same things about Magsaysay (who had no college degree) and he is still the best-loved president we ever had.



February 28th, 2006 at 9:34 am

kaya nyo mag kibit-balikat lang?

benign0 na amirican idol you are the moron.



February 28th, 2006 at 10:28 am

Assumptionista i searched my own conscience..tinanong nya ako. Why do we have always to equate People Power to power grab/mutiny/mob rule? How about those people who are united not to bring the house’nt it also the power of the people? FVR’s “powerful factors” are valid and correct, that people are tired of politickal bickering ; they simply want to carry on with their lives and remain hopeful of a better future.

We have to accept the fact that we cant get all that we want. GMA was voted by 40% of the voters, so that means 60% di bumoto sa kanya or in other words Ayaw sa Kanya. so kailangan ba patalsikin na lang ang nahalal just because majority of the people are against her? Kung gusto nyo ng Majority over Plurality eh di palitan nyo ang sistema! Gawing two party system. Pasensya tayo parang chopsuey ang politika sa Pilipinas.

Another point by FVR, The opposition is “headless and scattered.” Some militant groups may be well-organized, but overall, the anti-government forces are divided and confined to a few urban areas.

Sana magkaroon ng “Pinoy Big Brother – Politics Edition? pagsama samahin mga kumag nato ng 100 days sa loob ng iisang bahay..nang sa ganon isang daang araw walang ingay, matira pa ang matibay!!



February 28th, 2006 at 11:10 am


Who is the source of the political bickering? GMA has to answer a lot of questions: Did she lie, cheat and cover it up, who is the comelec official she talked to……Unless these are answered credibly the political bickering will not stop. I do not want to bring the house down what I want is we rebuild it.

We have a duty not to ourselves but to our children… we cant just close our eyes and move on because we are tired…. What would have happened if our ancestors, heroes would have just said we are tired of fighting and just move on….what would have happened if Ninoy just got tired and moved on….what would have happened …..the freedom that we have now,the opportunity to comment in this blog…… we owe it to people who fought for it before us….




February 28th, 2006 at 11:45 am


i agree! we have duties to our people and our country, but that doesnt mean i will follow your path. We can still reach the end of road even if we are on the opposite direction..but the problem is, you want short cuts!

Who doesnt want the truth? Who doesnt want freedom, clean and transparent government? I want it..and i want it very badly. But picking on the little girl in Malacanang as the source of bickering is such hypocrisy, one cannot bicker with herself takes two to tango, remember?

We should not compare our can’t just say Peace loving Rizal is a better man than revolution-happy Bonifacio. and we have to remember they submit themselves to rule of law..kahit kamatayan ang hatol. I’m grateful to both of them, now we have the freedom and opportunity to comment on this blog and fight for what i believe in.. hanggang kamatayan..sumalangit nawa ako,amen



February 28th, 2006 at 2:45 pm

I think it is about time to accept by ex president Ramos that oldish time was passed by….matanda na kayo…….meaning laos na….there is no need to mis guided the filipino people because they now the have the brain…..i think the people power 1 was success because of the support from the cevilians…..return back all the old history for all co’s no one succeed without the civilian’s support……you’re calling the people because you’re afraid of might happin or done by the military to you with ex defense minister ponce enrile……i the best to do is to critized the wrong policy of this government with action….sumoputa ka na…’s about time for you come out…….mr….president….people needs you now……not edsa 1 not edsa 2 or etc but for the filipino people…..salamat po……..cigar….president…



February 28th, 2006 at 5:25 pm

Editorial : Political standoff
First posted 00:13am (Mla time) Feb 28, 2006

“…So it appears that the nation is in for a lot of political instability over the long haul unless some miracle happens before the next presidential election, in 2010. The nation went through a similar period of instability from August 1983, when former Sen. Benigno Aquino Jr. was assassinated upon his return to the country, until February 1986 when the four-day People Power Revolution toppled the Ferdinand Marcos dictatorship. Filipinos, like all other Asian peoples, are a patient people. They can wait, unless…”

…a martyr has “risen.”

the best lesson from people power is to avoid brinkmanship that will prove to be unmanageable in the end.


the threats posed by 1017 are, i think, still manageable and apparently working to gloria and her minions’ advantage. they are really a cautious lot.

i think they will lift 1017 in due time now that it’s already being questioned in the Court. the lifting will be at the time before the high court will say, “resolution is no longer necessary since 1017 is already gone.”


economy still healthy, investments pouring, stock market on the high side, peso still strong…no REAL threat against the state, no REAL emergency, that’s why.



February 28th, 2006 at 7:37 pm


I also search my concience and its telling me not to turn blind eye on corruption and cheating. But unlike your concience it is telling me too that there is a rule of law that must be followed to run after the corruption and cheating. And that by the doing so I wlll never be wrecking havoc to the rest of the citizens and the whole country. and hurt the economy. And that by doing so I will no be pushing down those peopel already below the poverty line.

I am not tired for running after cheating and corruption, I just sick and tired of people like you who wanted who continously mob the existing government to the detriment of lives of other people who dont want to be a part of the mob.

Now can you check you conscience again maybe its the bad concience that is working on you. Would you please try to activate your good concience????

assumptionista said,
February 28, 2006 @ 8:29 am

So most of you are saying that let GMA be, lets live our lives and move on….! Lets stop being apathetic…Sorry but I think my conscience tells me that I will never turn a blind eye on corruption & cheating. For everyone search your own conscience !!!



February 28th, 2006 at 7:49 pm

kumento lang sa issue:
pwede bang itagpi ang lumang damit sa sirang damit? yan sa palagay ko ang gusto ni fvr sa charter change…

cuts of life lang po:
sa palagay ko ang nag-totolerate ng lying, cheating, and stealing ay…mga gurang at ulyanin pa…kasi di na nila ma-alala ang mga moral values na itinuro ng kanilang mga guro’t magulang…tama si assumsionista na hanapin nyo ang inyong mga conscience para sa mga tolerables…yun ay kung meron pa, kahit tinga na lang…kasi kinain na nila ang kanilang conscience kasi napagkamalang biskwit…
sa totoo lang…si macoy,cory,fvr,erap,gma ay part ng come and go party…uupo sila, at tatayo din…pero ang mga pilipino, kahit di nakaupo o nakatayo…ay pilipino pa rin…di ba majority nga ng mga nasa ibang bansa ang pangarap nila ay dito na sila magretire…
at sa mga nagsasabing tired na sila…malamang sila yung mga may edad na rin at walang ehersisyo…ayaw mang gumalaw pero di na makakibo, malamang busog lang…at wala lang…yun na…



February 28th, 2006 at 8:14 pm

i never agree with FVR. i wonder why somepeople do.part of the propaganda ni gloria. ang hirap ngayon hindi mo alam kung ano stand ng bawat isa. kung ano ba talaga ang paninindigan. ang CBCP, SC, kayo na narito sa room at marami pang iba di na nakikilala ko ano tal;aga tayo nila sa mga issues.

people power may not work dahil, di kagaya nila gringo mahina pa loob nila querubin et al. nung time nila gringo never mong nakitang nag-crackle sila during the uprising. pangalawa si cardinal sin mabilis tumayo kung saan talaga sya. ngayon di mo alam kung ano ba talaga. sabi ng CBCP huminahon, magmatyag at yaw nila sa violence pero yung mga riot police pinagpapalo na ung mga rallyist. nanghuhuli na ng walang warrant. sana sabihin natin kung ayaw natin ng ganun. ang AFP naman binubusabos na nila ang kapwa nila sundalo like the magdalo para kanino, ke GLORIA. the so-called sonspiracy is just a propaganda para they could get away with this 1017 thing without angering the US. bakit nila nasisikmurang gawin ito sa kapwa nila just to protect PGMA. yung iba naman dito na-brainwashed na ng propaganda ni PGMA na walang mabuting kapalit. na sya ang mabuti at the ebst na pinuno.

20 years ago focus they loathe marcos, they went out to show their disgusts. Ninoy gave his life for the struggle. ang mahirap dahil sa internet pero blog na lang kayo inform nga pero wala namang gawa.

sana maninidigan lahat, pag ginawa mo pangatawan mo. pag ayaw mo, ayaw mo. si querubin naka-pwesto na pero bumigay pa rin.

saka paano mag people power eh konti pa lang tinitibag na, me checkpoint at ngayon me 1017 na.

takot ang kabataan ngayon!

takot ang simbahan nagayon!

takot ang mga reformist sa AFP ngayon!

takot ang media ngayon!

magaling lang sa bibig.

saka si ramos di naman yan ang EDSA 86.

yun mga tao 20 years ago sila ang EDSA. yung mga tao ngayon kumilos kayo wag nyo na hintayin kayo ang biktima bago kayo kumilos.

wag na hintayin ang mga tao 20 years ago ang kumilos para sa inyo. kayo na ang bagong pinoy.

gusto nyo bang sa blog, sa text, sa chat na lang kayo lagi nagpapahayag ng disgusto nyo.




February 28th, 2006 at 8:54 pm

rego said,

I also search my concience and its telling me not to turn blind eye on corruption and cheating. But unlike your concience it is telling me too that there is a rule of law that must be followed to run after the corruption and cheating. And that by the doing so I wlll never be wrecking havoc to the rest of the citizens and the whole country. and hurt the economy. And that by doing so I will no be pushing down those peopel already below the poverty line.
— hmm why is it that pag me crook na eexpose tapos nahuhuli parati nilang ineenvoke yung law?? pero pag ginagawa naman nila yung crimen they disregard it.. a case to prove my point here.. ate glue siezed power from a majority elected president effectively affecting a coup dtat.. but now that somebody is pulling the same thing they suddenly switch around and call it unlawful? its like the cow calling the horse an animal.
a famous person once said a question left unanswered will haunt you till u answer it.. we have a question right in front of us now.. and we are haunted by it.. sino ba talaga nanalo?

I am not tired for running after cheating and corruption, I just sick and tired of people like you who wanted who continously mob the existing government to the detriment of lives of other people who dont want to be a part of the mob.
— i think talking bout it in a blog is not inciting the mob.. its just it.. talking .. wouldnt u wanna know what your government is up to? now.. if you and the government has no balls to face all the criticisms that your public throws at you.. then by all means resign coz you have no business to be in government..
ang pagiging isang presidente ay isang importanteng tungkulin.. dapat hindi lang puro papuri ung pwede nyang marinig.. she should be able not only to handle criticisms.. and better act on them to satisfy the majority or minority.. coz she by law di lang sya presidente ng mayorya.. kung di lahat tayo..
but if masyado syang sensitive na konting criticisms lang state of emergency rule na agad then i guess she’s not cut out for the job now is she? si cory for all her faults and through numerous coup attempts.. ramos.. and even erap during the height of his ouster by the coup plotters sitting now in malacanang never declared a state of emergncy just to prolong her stay in power.. NEVER!

Now can you check you conscience again maybe its the bad concience that is working on you. Would you please try to activate your good concience????
— is there such a thing as a bad concience? if there is.. siguro mam ate glue ur affected with it also.. nyaaayyy



February 28th, 2006 at 9:38 pm

AMEN, BIG AMEN to Mitams & Dmagdalene… God has the final say, maybe God did not yet see the oure intention of the protesting masses, klaro na man talaga ang intention nila, to grab power to further their
hidden agenda. It does not take a God to see through that. Mga itim kasi mga balak nila, hehehe. Tsaka, People Power, if you really analyze it,,, it succeed without planning,,, it just happened from the collective consciousness of the people. Hindi yong pinaplano, na kunyari may EDSA anniversary celebration, maraming tao,,tapos magtiwalag ang militar, tapos suportahan ng mga tao… sa pagkakaalam ko, nagyari yon unexpectedly,,, hindi may plot… ALSO let us remember that EDSA one happened during Marcos time, where technically Martial was still in effect even if it was already lifted,,, thus, hindi pa rin free at the time to gather and protest, meron pa rin restriction…but why people make it happen despite Marcos.. because it was bound to happen,,, and God’s hand was there? Ngayon kaya, kaninong gusto? sa mga tao at politicong mayroong sarisariling interest… look at Cory, ano interest nya? ma- spare ang kanilang Hacienda Luisita which is now subject to CARP… yong iba dyan???



February 28th, 2006 at 10:08 pm

i agree god must hate us so.. kasi nagka earthquake na, pumutok pa pinatubo, dona paz nag capsize, ozone nasunog, payatas gumuho, cherry hills gumuho, rizal day bombings, leyte dalawang beses na landslide, marcopper nag poison ng buong river, abs-cbn stampede.. makasalanan kasi tayong lahat.. but much praise will be reserved for out corrupt leaders kasi kung di dahil sa kakakurakot nyo most of those said tragedies could have been aborted.. sana ma consyensya naman kayo.. at multuhin kayo ng spirits ng mga taong pinatay nyo… amen..



February 28th, 2006 at 10:21 pm

hi everyone. i hope everyone is doing fine. i have some questions. i hope somebody here can reply. please, if u can. um, if u get a chance to personally (via technology, anyway but you know it is them) ask a govt official a question about whether this bad issue/rumor/concern is true or not, would you ask him/her? Or is it rude? I mean, for example, do you say “were you corrupt?” or “is it true that you were involved in..”? That seems embarrassing, awkward and insulting.

also, another question…………..i asked my father what he thought if i would ask an official if he/she is corrput or if a corrpution issue is true. my dad said “what for? Would he/she tell the truth?” so are all politicians……..if all politicians are corrupt and assuming we follow the system of legal and moral justice and fairness, they would be made to resign, would that mean wala nang matira?

so if all polticians are corrupt, then what would be my point to ask an official if a corruption issue is true or not? and thinking that all politicians are corrupt, then what are they doing there? should they all resign(or be made to)? really sorry if i am ignorant or naive….please give me an insight. i guess i just thought that there is at least some nice and good people in govt. and then u hear something bad about them, should u go ask if it is true or not? or do we all believe that it is true since they are all corrupt?



February 28th, 2006 at 10:30 pm

also, another question…………..i asked my father what he thought if i would ask an official if he/she is corrput or if a corrpution issue is true. my dad said “what for? Would he/she tell the truth?” so are all politicians……..if all politicians are corrupt and assuming we follow the system of legal and moral justice and fairness, they would be made to resign, would that mean wala nang matira?

— my advice.. just listen to what the people around him has to say bout him.. learn bout his policies.. bout his stand on issues.. ul learn more bout him from what he does than from what he says.. and unless he is a family friend .. it wouldnt be prudent to ask him if he’s corrupt.. baka ipapatay ka pa..
— and lets face it.. wlang taong di corrupt.. akin lang.. wag lang sobra.. if i wer a politician.. in the dawn of my term dapat me goals akong i lilist and sasabihin sa aking constituents na at the end of my term dapat ito ang dapat na ginawa ko.. all promises should be kept.. yun ang taong me honor.. dapat we should demand that from all our politicians



February 28th, 2006 at 10:37 pm

– hmm why is it that pag me crook na eexpose tapos nahuhuli parati nilang ineenvoke yung law?? pero pag ginagawa naman nila yung crimen they disregard it.. a case to prove my point here.. ate glue siezed power from a majority elected president effectively affecting a coup dtat.. but now that somebody is pulling the same thing they suddenly switch around and call it unlawful? its like the cow calling the horse an animal. a famous person once said a question left unanswered will haunt you till u answer it.. we have a question right in front of us now.. and we are haunted by it.. sino ba talaga nanalo?


Correction, Arroyo did not seize power in EDSA2 the people trooped to EDSA immediately after the Senate Majority refuse to open the 2nd envelop. The military withdraws support to Erap, Erap leaves Malacanang.. Gloria being the Vice President then was the lawful successor so the people in EDSA2 has no choice but to put Gloria in power.

There were questions on the legality of her assumption in office. But it was resolve in SC in her favor. So the laws wer followed..

Everybody know that teh oppositions has all the time to put up another peopel power. and take Gloria out of Malacanang. Unfortunately after 8 months, peopel are not coming to their call of people power. So they failed and ther is nothing to be decalred unlawful.

Its really horrible that who people like you can have the concience to twist the truth. And claimed that the pople who doesn;t subscribe to your twisted truth are the ones na nagbubulag bulagan.

– i think talking bout it in a blog is not inciting the mob.. its just it.. talking .. wouldnt u wanna know what your government is up to? now.. if you and the government has no balls to face all the criticisms that your public throws at you.. then by all means resign coz you have no business to be in government..

>>>>> Hurling cirticism to the existing government is very good and should never be suppressed at all. For as long as the accusations are true and properly substantiated. Even better if teh charges is brought to court and the guilty party is convicted The nation will definietly benifit from it. But destabilizing the government and working to overthrow it is unlawful. And no way that any decent countries allows that.

The mere fact that you can write all your critcism to the government ion this forum is an indications that the government is facing and wiling to face any valid criticisms. Even so there is no law that ignoring baseless accusations is basis to overthrow a government.

ang pagiging isang presidente ay isang importanteng tungkulin.. dapat hindi lang puro papuri ung pwede nyang marinig.. she should be able not only to handle criticisms.. and better act on them to satisfy the majority or minority.. coz she by law di lang sya presidente ng mayorya.. kung di lahat tayo..
but if masyado syang sensitive na konting criticisms lang state of emergency rule na agad then i guess she’s not cut out for the job now is she? si cory for all her faults and through numerous coup attempts.. ramos.. and even erap during the height of his ouster by the coup plotters sitting now in malacanang never declared a state of emergncy just to prolong her stay in power.. NEVER!

>>>>>The declaration of the state of emergency is stated in the constitutions. So that is always an option for the sitting President to use it . Now if Erap did not use that option that was his prerogative. But Mrs Arroyo choose to use that option available to her. Now if you believe that the declaration of Arroyo is illegal, you can always go to the Supreme Court. ( I believ this is being done now)



February 28th, 2006 at 11:03 pm

maybe … maybe not ….
lets just cut to the chase, the philippines was never independent, 400 years of despotic spanish rule, 30 years or so of manipulative american rule, 3 years of brutal japanese rule and more than sixty years of hellish filipino rule as summed up by an observer, everything that is happening now is just a battle between elites, since time immemorial, its been a battle between the haves, leaving out the have nots. people power didnt really happen, it was a case of one faction of an elite going against another faction of the elite using the have nots as pawns in their games. until such time that the people wake up and realize what is happening then there is no point to all this



February 28th, 2006 at 11:14 pm

Correction, Arroyo did not seize power in EDSA2 the people trooped to EDSA immediately after the Senate Majority refuse to open the 2nd envelop. The military withdraws support to Erap, Erap leaves Malacanang.. Gloria being the Vice President then was the lawful successor so the people in EDSA2 has no choice but to put Gloria in power.
— the second envelop which was empty? why dont u call a spade a spade..edsa 2 was instigated by the ayalas of makati kasi yaw nilang presidente si erap.. di ba nga sabi ni zubiri sa isang tv interview ever since erap sat there in ofice they’ve been planing for his ouster na? and which majority are you talking about? erap was an majority elected president.. sure not elected by the elite but still majority elected.. (now who’s in favor of the minority over the majority?? consistency lang).. erap did not resign.. he signed a letter that was in effect just a leave of absence.. the supreme court sinabi ok na raw yun n swore gloria into office.. the police turned turncoats and decide to support gloria .. all the while di pa din nagresign si erap.. what is that? that’s called a coup.. sabi ko nga sa isang article madali nang ipalit ang facts pag ikaw na ang nanalao.. history nga is written by the winner di ba? but dont tell me that i twist facts please.. if u want proof mag research ka.. anu ako lackey mo? =)

There were questions on the legality of her assumption in office. But it was resolve in SC in her favor. So the laws wer followed..
— how did the supreme court resolve that issue agen? by disbarring the attorney making the argument against them.. nice move…

Everybody know that teh oppositions has all the time to put up another peopel power. and take Gloria out of Malacanang. Unfortunately after 8 months, peopel are not coming to their call of people power. So they failed and ther is nothing to be decalred unlawful.
— excuse me contrary to your belief.. your president is the one who’s paranoid enough to believe that somebody’s out to get her.. sinu ba naglabas ng garci tapes di ba yung government?? kala ng experts na pinning said tapes as the work of the opposisiton will give her sympathy votes.. belat lang nya the opposite happened.. and who came out after prolonged silence to say she was sorry?? si cory ba?? in short the government is the one who manufacturing all of this.. scaring as with usual marcosian boogeymen tales.. like communists and economic meltdown.. why doesnt she just admit the truth na sya ang me kagagawan nito? siya ang nag labas ng garci tapes, recorded by her military, regarding things in a election she rigged.. with a comelec official she installed (against the wishes of everybody.. coz kakatakataka naman na lahat alam cheat yun sya lang hindi).. now you might say that all of this is coinsidence..?? e y doesnt she come clean? y the eo 464? why did all the colonels that was with guidani in lanao.. suddenly appointed to general after the elections? what did the attempt to trow a wrench into the oppositions bid to impeach her?.. all coincidence? siguro if ur mike defensor u might think so.. u may think din dat all the people here in the philippines are that gullible to believe that its all opposition cum adventurist cum communist hype.. but after all is said and done.. one question remains.. if she’s not guilty why does’nt she prove it?

its really horrible that who people like you can have the concience to twist the truth. And claimed that the pople who doesn;t subscribe to your twisted truth are the ones na nagbubulag bulagan.
— i dont intend to convince anyone to share my views di naman ako si gloria eh.. lahat ng ginagawa propaganda.. gusto lahat ng proyekto me mukha nya.. teka pera ba nya yung ginamit nya sa paggagawa sa mga proyektong yun? what right has she? and i dont twist the facts i just tell it as it is.. di naman ako si mike eh.. spinster tawag dun… yung patay maargue nya na buhay pa din..? ganun sila.. tanungin mo kung nangdaya ba sa election..sabi dalhin nalang natin sa husgado at dun tayo magusap.. di pa nag fifile ng complaint inunahan na.. tapos wla pa sa husgado pinatay na yung complaint.. anu un?? double speak?? who is the one twisting the facts? and who is the one who subcribes to twisted facts? esep esep

The declaration of the state of emergency is stated in the constitutions. So that is always an option for the sitting President to use it . Now if Erap did not use that option that was his prerogative. But Mrs Arroyo choose to use that option available to her. Now if you believe that the declaration of Arroyo is illegal, you can always go to the Supreme Court. ( I believ this is being done now)
— read your constitution please.. declaring a state of emergency doesn’t suddenly give ate glue additional powers.. walang additional powers.. di sya pwedeng mag aresto ng wlang search warrant, do pwedeng mag enter ng private premises ng walang warant.. much less take anything.. it takes an act of congress for that to happen.. so one might ask what is she doing? just one thing.. breaking the law.. and whats this asking lumibao to censure the press?? sabi pa ni lumibao dpat ng ipapahayg i clear muna sa kanya? anung tawag dun? martial law.. pwede ba yun sa state of emergency?? yung suspension of the writ? di po labag po sa batas yan? so in effect who is breaking the law now? what makes her any different from querubin, lim and miranda? lots.. at least sila miranda heroes.. sya magnanakaw na sinungaling pa..



February 28th, 2006 at 11:21 pm

maybe … maybe not ….
lets just cut to the chase, the philippines was never independent, 400 years of despotic spanish rule, 30 years or so of manipulative american rule, 3 years of brutal japanese rule and more than sixty years of hellish filipino rule as summed up by an observer, everything that is happening now is just a battle between elites, since time immemorial, its been a battle between the haves, leaving out the have nots. people power didnt really happen, it was a case of one faction of an elite going against another faction of the elite using the have nots as pawns in their games. until such time that the people wake up and realize what is happening then there is no point to all this

— agree.. too much elite in the process.. but bad as they are.. worse are cheats caught red handed and trying to act as if nothing hapened.. i mean we prosecute tax evaders here with gusto right? why cant we prosecute tax misusers as well.. prosecute them with even greater gusto coz.. millions ang winawaldas nila.. old peeps use to say rome wasnt built it one day.. so i guess we will just have to prod along.. but doesnt mean we have to me mindless twits espousing everything the government feeds em.. free thinkers.. free doers.. one must be vigilant.. and aware.. one bad guy at a tym i say…



February 28th, 2006 at 11:24 pm

Thanks so much, penpenpen888!

question also for every one: is it unrealistic to ask for and expect for a government official to be not corrupt?

True. You know what, at first, observing the government official, he seems good and humble. and looking at his actions and performance, very competent. i also researched. i admire his stands…. but then i actually found out two bad issues related to the official…so what happened was i asked that official about the first issue. the official actually replied, very openly and honestly. and reasonable. but the second concern is very…rather mas direct, personal and sensitive. and it is based on what a blog user who we do not know had said…so it could be a rumor or it could be the truth…baka akalain nang official if i ask na it is “chismis” in a sense. and like i’m basing it on a possible chismis.(it could be true or it could be not) so that’s why i feel bad regarding asking him if this bad rumor/concern is true or not! we are not related. but i am grateful and happy that the official replied and explained about the first concern…….i guess….akala ko talaga…at first you know, before you hear of things naman na good or bad, but just based on your observation, you would think that this official is doing a good job. and as a filipino i was truly happy. then later you hear something bad somebody had said…do you ask that official if it is true or not? i don’t want to be intrusive or anything.i don’t want to be disappointed.

thanks…i just have this question and concern and i was wondering if i should ask the official about it, or baka rude….thanks again. and i would appreciate your insights about this. thank you



February 28th, 2006 at 11:27 pm

and finally for all those of u cha-cha fanatics.. an encore from the kingdom of thailand.. a prime minister in distress dissolved parliament to prolong himself in power.. lotsa peeps there now protesting to have him ousted.. so mr. tabako.. hope your taking notes.. wala sa systema yan.. nasa taong nagpapalakad.. if corrupt yan katulad ni thaskin and our very own ate glue.. magkaka problema pa din tayo.. be it parliamentary or presidential.. so if i were u. dont bother.. sayang lang pera.. wla na nga tayo nun iwawaldas nyo pa sa walang katuturang mga gawain.. para kayong mga bata.. pag sawa na sa isang laruan ipagpapalit sa iba..



February 28th, 2006 at 11:29 pm

After Marcos, what did the past presidents do to better our lives? How did their actions during their tenure affect the misery that we are in right now?

CORY’s term: >>all i distinctly remember are those hideous brownouts that never seem to end…the Philippines was literally in the DARK!
>>I remembered cory’s dictum” i don’t listen to unsolicited advice from anyone..”blah-blah.
>>MILITANT FARMERS were killed in mendiola during her reign.
>>Gringo the great HOnasan rose to power and infamy
>>heaps of coup d’etat were thrown upon Madam President…..and all those who participated got puny push-ups from RAMOS.
>>Louie Beltran the journalist was sued by CORY for writing the she hid “UNDER” the bed during the height of those numerous coup.
>>disgruntled military men was in furor over Cory’s compromises with the insurgents and the slow pace of promised social reforms

RAMOS >>was elected President, but NOT without the hint of cheating courtesy of Miriam Santiago…did he cheat or not?….who knows? ……in politics, thou shalt not be caught, or else…suffer,suffer the stupidity of having to say “i’m sorry…”
>>was forever for charter change that the opposition at that time thought was a ploy for RAMOS to extend HIS term…tsk-tsk…
>>1997 saw CORY and SIN attending a rally to protest RAMOS’ charter change that will allow HIM a second term…(Marcosian blood really runs deep…)

ESTRADA >>ramos’s VP made it to MALACANANG land and made it a playground for wine, merriment and song, not to mention women.
>>he was probably a sultan with a harem in his past life due to those numerous women he fed and bedded.
>>was a very good actor in playing the title role of MR. IDEAL PRESIDENT.

GLORIA >>never voted her for President
>>voted her as a Senator though for which she garnered the highest number of votes due to her NORANIAN qualities
>>being at the end of the food chain is no joke with 3 past predecessors hammering you with UNSOLICITED advices, making her DO THE ultimate sacrifice of resigning….coming from TITO EDDIE, the charter change king….

what am i saying? Let him who has no sin cast the first stone.

For delicadezas sake all ye past presidents, can you just fade from the scene and let others do the talking…? and i mean that also to all those politicos who have more skeletons in their closets than Capt. Hook.



February 28th, 2006 at 11:33 pm

a good way to judge a good politician will be to weigh his achievements against his faults.. dont think there is such thing as a really clean politician.. kasi maneuverings that are done in congress me mga kapalit mga yan.. yun lang nga.. is not to loose much of your values in the process.. me limit as to which issues na dapat me compromise.. me line that you should’nt cross.. yun lang.. kung baga treat your constituents like your immediate family… do not to others what u dont want others to do unto u di ba?.. dapat yan ang itatoo ni ate glue sa utak nya..



February 28th, 2006 at 11:46 pm

what am i saying? Let him who has no sin cast the first stone.

For delicadezas sake all ye past presidents, can you just fade from the scene and let others do the talking…? and i mean that also to all those politicos who have more skeletons in their closets than Capt. Hook.

— mali.. they’re are not just past presidents.. they are citizens po.. thus under the law have equal rights to say what they feel.. its all bout the constitution di ba.. di naman pwede tayong maging selective in applying the law.. each has every right to be heard… yun nga ang mali natin.. we dont wanna be heard.. if as u say daming politicians dyan na maraming skeletons in the closet e di ba dapat ibunyag yan para malaman ng tao kung anung klaseng politico ang hinahalal nila sa office?
— another mali is letting bygones be bygones.. if me mali si tabako with regards to PPA and PEA-AMARI dapat syang i habla.. he has to answer to what he’s done.. its called command responsibility.. problema you demand that from your soldiers sa presidente isinaisang tabi nalang natin..
— erap is being prosecuted now for being involed in jueteng.. if cory is involed in killing those militant farmers then let her have her day in court…. wlang ” di bale nalang attitude” if we demand only excellence from them the more our country can improve..
— side note.. di ba it was cory who sued beltran for insinuating that she hid below her bed during one of those coups.. ? for all her faults at least si maam cory law abider.. me grievance sya against beltran she sued his ass and won.. erap for all his faults was battered by media as well with bad publicity.. but did he resort to any dastardly deeds? the only thing media got from him was a mouthful.. ito lang talaga ang presidente na sobrang ganun ang ginawa.. so if u ask me.. dapat lang humingi sya ng advice sa mga past presidents she might learn a thing or two from them



February 28th, 2006 at 11:55 pm i guess i should not ask, huh???part of me wants to know the truth, part of me to ask so they will know that we care or that they should know about our questions and concerns. of course..i don’t want to be disappointed…and also friendly din ang reply nya, and maybe mean and rude and ungrateful if i ask him.




March 1st, 2006 at 12:27 am

i am also grateful for bonifacio and rizal(somebody mentioned them above). that’s why i am in this blog website. if i did not hear about them i would not care much about the government…they wanted a filipino-run government. and what we have is their dream come true.thanks



March 1st, 2006 at 12:42 am


Your father is right! What is the point in asking? Do you think he/she will tell the truth?




March 1st, 2006 at 12:56 am

that’s sad though

thanks for replying.



March 1st, 2006 at 1:42 am

“I shall die without seeing the sun rise in my beloved mother country. To those who will see it, greet it. And don’t forget those who perished in the dark.” –Elias, Noli Me Tangere (i just translated,but not in verbatim)

Ako’y mamamatay na hindi man lamang nakita ang maningning na pagbubukang – liwayway sa aking bayan. Kayong makakikita, batiin ninyo siya at huwag kalimutan ang mga nalugmok sa dilim ng gabi!” — Elias, Noli Me Tangere



March 1st, 2006 at 1:42 am

– the second envelop which was empty? why dont u call a spade a spade..edsa 2 was instigated by the ayalas of makati kasi yaw nilang presidente si erap..

>>>>> As guso mo pa yatang e rewrite ang history. Kay lang super hilaw ang version mo.

And you call that your spade? Im sure you were not there in EDSA2. I was there and I went there spontaneously with nothing but my conviction. Same goes with my close freinds and my officemates in Makati ( we went on shift) Walang Ayala nagsabi sa akin o sa amin na pumunta doon. The event were spontaneous. Ni hindi nang kami nagkatwagan ng mag kaibigan. Basta nag kita kita na lang kami doon Wala ng plano plano na katulad ng ginagawa ng opposition ngayon.

Di nga ba pilit eto dinuduplicate ng opposition for 8 montsh now. Kay sadya nila pinatalo ng mga kasamahan nila ng impeachment believeing that they can get exactly or more symphaty than th evoting down of opening of the second envelop. Sad to say nilnagw sial sa EDSA.

Sa justice comitte pa lang eh may pa walk-out walk out na sila. Kala kasi nila mauuto pa nila ang karamihan. They are just simply out sync with the people need.

Walang originality…..

-– excuse me contrary to your belief.. your president is the one who’s paranoid enough to believe that somebody’s out to get her.. sinu ba naglabas ng garci tapes di ba yung government?? kala ng experts na pinning said tapes as the work of the opposisiton will give her sympathy votes.. belat lang nya the opposite happened.. and who came out after prolonged silence to say she was sorry?? si cory ba?? in short the government is the one who manufacturing all of this.. scaring as with usual marcosian boogeymen tales.. like communists and economic meltdown.. why doesnt she just admit the truth na sya ang me kagagawan nito? siya ang nag labas ng garci tapes, recorded by her military, regarding things in a election she rigged.. with a comelec official she installed (against the wishes of everybody.. coz kakatakataka naman na lahat alam cheat yun sya lang hindi).. now you might say that all of this is coinsidence..?? e y doesnt she come clean? y the eo 464? why did all the colonels that was with guidani in lanao.. suddenly appointed to general after the elections? what did the attempt to trow a wrench into the oppositions bid to impeach her?.. all coincidence? siguro if ur mike defensor u might think so.. u may think din dat all the people here in the philippines are that gullible to believe that its all opposition cum adventurist cum communist hype.. but after all is said and done.. one question remains.. if she’s not guilty why does’nt she prove it?

>>> simple lang po. patunayan ang po ang theoryang eto. at ihayag sa publiko. tingnan natin kung may maniniwala. marunong naman po mag isip ang majority sa atin eh…

you know one of the reason why the balance is not tipping on the side of opposition are innuedoes like these. its defintely turning off a lot of peopel away from the opposition. Pati toluy yung mga valid issues nila di na rin pinaniniwalaan

For 8 months, walong buwan po. the opposition has been issuing inuendoes and innuedoes and innuendoes. And look what happened nilangaw ng husto ang people power nila. Eh aabutan na sila ulit ng pasko eh. And now naideclare pa ang State of Emergency eh di tuluyan na pong nawalan sila ng change to rule the country.

– read your constitution please.. declaring a state of emergency doesn’t suddenly give ate glue additional powers.. walang additional powers.. di sya pwedeng mag aresto ng wlang search warrant, do pwedeng mag enter ng private premises ng walang warant.. much less take anything.. it takes an act of congress for that to happen.. so one might ask what is she doing? just one thing.. breaking the law.. and whats this asking lumibao to censure the press?? sabi pa ni lumibao dpat ng ipapahayg i clear muna sa kanya? anung tawag dun? martial law.. pwede ba yun sa state of emergency?? yung suspension of the writ? di po labag po sa batas yan? so in effect who is breaking the law now? what makes her any different from querubin, lim and miranda? lots.. at least sila miranda heroes.. sya magnanakaw na sinungaling pa..

>>>>> As Ive said the supreme court is open for yoru issues .Sa supreme court ka na lang mag paliwanag. tulungan mo ang mga lawyers nyo doon. naka set na po ang oral arguement. So goodluck na lang…

Anyways, di ba ikaw yung nag advise sa akin na magpabasa. It is turning our na you have to tak ethat advise for yourself. It is very obvious.



March 1st, 2006 at 6:49 am

“…Gloria…issued an administrative order granting a 1,000-peso-increase in monthly salaries of more than one million national government employees, including members of the military and the national police.”

i hope not part of the “tipping” factor…still, the timing is suspect…to ensure PP won’t happen again?



March 1st, 2006 at 6:49 am

Naku naman pen…

all of us as citizens of the republic that is the philippines has the right to say anything…why if my hamster can talk, and i know he was born here in the philippines, he will also have a say in what’s going on.

but the thing is, these presidents had their time in history and are now being judged for their achievements and mistakes. they are now just “ordinary” citizens but they are still using their acquired clout and semi-diminished power to yak-yak-yak all the way.

At the back of people’s mind andun ang thought…”sus kala mo naman kung sinong mga santo kung magsasalita..”

That goes for all those politicians with such a tainted track record.
And for those clergies also with tainted track records.
Why Bishop Bacani nga up till today, there’s this case against him by his former secretary na hinipuan nya?remember…geezzzzz.

if we look at past US presidents, they don’t meddle in the politics of who is in power, and i am saying it in a generalized form of way.

a leader is alone at the top. a president’s tenure is a tenure of loneliness. he or she can consult many great minds, but in the end, it is the president who will make the decision for better or for worse of the country.

FVR should know that, CORY should know that, ERAP should know that. they had all been there. but what disgusts me is that the way they show their disagreement with whoever it is in power. Lahat sila nag-a-ala Pontius Pilate.

Probably it is a case of it takes one to know one that’s why ang mga magnanakaw ay galit sa kapwa magnanakaw.

Si Cory, at the beginning of her reign and before unseating Marcos, SHE is the ultimate Mrs. Clean. That’s why people rallied to her cause. There was nothing in her known past that MAKES HER LIKE the man she has unseated.

Past forward now. History has judged Cory’s presidency and it is not yellow-sunshiny at the most. Those farmers who died in Mendiola got no justice, and Cory is demanding justice in the case of ESTRADA et al?

PENpen si Cory law abider? right. Yung Hacienda Luisita nga di nya sinama sa Land Reform. I admire Cory for what she was able to accomplish but she is not the ultimate role model for a good president.
At her own backyard nga, magulo ang mundo nya…and I am not talking about Kris Aquino…i am referring to her precious Hacienda Luisita. Nag aklas na naman mga workers nya? Pinaputukan pa.EH BAKIT? Di nya mapatino household nya, pano nya mapapatino si GLORIA?

Si ESTRADA naman women lover lang yan. He really adores women too much, and that was his downfall. All love no balls.

RAMOS is a king maker wannabe. He thinks he can make and unmake history the way he had done in EDSA 1. Like Marcos, he is reading too much Machiavelli.

EH bakit nga ba sinabi ni Kristo dun sa mga mambabato dun sa Prosti na “those of you who has no sin, let him cast the first stone…?” DOES that make sense? OR is JC just being cute?

No. JC was right, pag IMMORAL ka at HINDI NAKIKITA SA pagkatao mo na HINDI KA KATULAD NG TINATARGET MO, WALA kang AASAHANG magandang mangyayari.

Kaya nga hanggang ngayon, PEOPLE POWER 3 in an elusive dream na magpapababa kay GLORIA.

But give us a GOOD man or woman anytime, who in their lives is living a decent existence and is morally upright, and the citizenry will listen.

We had been overly saturated by people who makes themselves SAVIORS of the people that we had forgotten that what we need are not saviors, just ordinary people with an extraordinary drive for excellence and keen foresight to take the country to where it is suppose to be in the first place.

Peace man!



March 1st, 2006 at 8:34 am

dmagdalene said,
March 1, 2006 @ 6:49 am

“Kaya nga hanggang ngayon, PEOPLE POWER 3 in an elusive dream na magpapababa kay GLORIA.”

“But give us a GOOD man or woman anytime, who in their lives is living a decent existence and is morally upright, and the citizenry will listen.”


You hit in the nail head, dMagdalene. This exactly the sentiments of the Silent Majority. Iiiiiffffffff only the opposition can give us A good man or woman. Matagal na nangyari and tipping point na yan . The EDSA 3.

On the thread of Mrs Diokno, I suggested that the opposition should ask Mrs Diokno to lead them instead of Cory. Mas may pag-asa pa!

One of the biggest turn-off of the oppositions is using Susan and recyling Cory and Erap. At the back of the minds of the silent majority is a very loud ” DI BALE NA LANG.” status qou na lang kami.

Im sure FVR is waiting to be named. But he seem to be playing so many games eh. So as the days go bye mukhang tinatabangan na rin ang Silent Majority. I believe even the opposition also. Kaya hanggang ganyan na lang sya. paisyu isyu ng statement, pasundot sundot, sundot sa kaliwa , sundot sa kanan. Hay naku enough of his game no.

I remember in EDSA2, the general sentinment for Gloria then is a very big hesitation. Kaya lang dahil sya naman ang VP and if you are to follow the constitution sya naman talaga ang successor. But still there was silent voice from among the people in EDSA2. That if only we can pick out a man or woman other than Gloria, the better. Walang lang talagang panahon na. And somebody has to take over Erap soon.

Anyways , I really really agree with you! The opposition has to come up with a good man or woman. Then and only then will Gloria will be removed from power.

Unfortunately until now the oppsoition has n’t done so. Even the Gloria haters in this forum cannot even give us just one name. They have been dared several several time but nothing really come out.

If only the opposition can come up with one. They dont have to invent so many issues like what they are doing now. Just one issue is enough Too many issues make sthen so unbelievable na eh, di na realistic. One issue and a good name and thats it . Gloria is out.

But still it has been a blessing in disguise for the Silent Majority for they were able to discern the opposition so well. That all of them are just bunch of power hungry crocodiles and not really out to serve the people.. The mere fact na ayaw nilang magbigayan just tells us that we were right affer all for not going with them….

So give us a name Gloria haters in this forum . Bring them on!!!!

Me, I can share some names that came out from our forum as of today

Joker Arroyo
Oscar Orbos
Richard Gordon
Manuel Pangilinan (of PLDT)
Jovito Salonga ( too old though)

My preference is someone like Pangilinan , a CEO of a Big Company or from the private sector. If nothing from private sector would be willing to serve. Then I will settle for Joker Arroyo ( pres) and Oscar Orbos ( VP)



March 1st, 2006 at 8:41 am

And you call that your spade? Im sure you were not there in EDSA2. I was there and I went there spontaneously with nothing but my conviction. Same goes with my close freinds and my officemates in Makati ( we went on shift) Walang Ayala nagsabi sa akin o sa amin na pumunta doon. The event were spontaneous. Ni hindi nang kami nagkatwagan ng mag kaibigan. Basta nag kita kita na lang kami doon Wala ng plano plano na katulad ng ginagawa ng opposition ngayon.

— really. walang tawag tawag? walang plano??? i was also there and it doesnt look like spontaneous to me, wonders of technology diba? txt lang ginamamit to spark that event, and as i recall, most of the people there wants a revolutionary goverment, resign all ang call not for ate glue ria to assume the post



March 1st, 2006 at 9:26 am

I was at EDSA 2, right there at the shrine when the military top guns arrived…I can also attest that was spontaneous.

On hindsight though, we should have waited and allowed the impeachment proceedings to finish and accepted the consequences – whatever it was. If we REALLY had faith – in God and in democracy. We should have had faith to see it through. But we didn’t.

EDSA 1 was different. We had no recourse with the long and well-entrenched Marcos dictatorship.



March 1st, 2006 at 9:39 am

i still believe that it wasnt spontaneous, it was a coup without the guns, it was well thought of and planned, maybe the timetable was hastened but it wasnt spontaneous.

we should have stick with the process and respect the outcome whatever it was, that way, we preserve the integrety of the institutions



March 1st, 2006 at 10:04 am

di na ba kayo nagsawa sa salitang Truth? its easier to understand if you just say Gloria lied, cheated and stole the presidency..but for you saying “seeking the truth”, mas pinapa windang windang nyo lang ang usapan. We all know na walang acceptable na TRUTH para sa inyo kundi ang nandaya si Gloria sa dayaan. What if the Truth is talagang nanalo sya fair and square? ipapaputol ko kahit anong parte ng katawan ko kung tatahimik kayo..kasi nga para sa inyo Truth equals she lied,cheated and stole! simpol math kenat seek seek pa kayo..



March 1st, 2006 at 12:03 pm

99.99% of politicians are corrupt. It is very difficult to put corruption in perspective because for the most part it goes unnoticed or unknown. the amount that these politicians have pilfered from government coffers are difficult to quantify.

when one talks about corruption, ferdinand marcos easily comes to mind. but the same can be said about cory aquino’s kamaganak inc., fvr’s pea-amari and centennial expo, and erap’s mansions and jueteng.

the present administration is also corrupt, if not the most corrupt in the last 50 years.

since, there is no way of knowing who is the most or least corrupt, the best way to distinguish one from the other is performance.

cory’s term was marred with several bloody coup attempts and power outages that barely moved the country forward. she must be given credit however for restoring democracy which up to this day she fights for dearly.

not much can be said about erap’s presidency. he was an ineffective president who was simply in over his head.

fvr’s presidency, i believe, is the most successful since the marcos era. the economic numbers, including the peace and order situation from 1992-1998 will speak for that.

as for gma, a negative 30% approval rating (which i believe will decrease further in light of presidential proclamation 1017) simply says that the filipino people no longer believe in gma as a president. whether that belief is premised on the fact that she was not validly elected in 2004, or whether she was validly elected but cannot handle her duties effectively, is NOT important because the conclusion is the same: she is a non-performing president.

when we speak of “seeking the truth”, we do not have to look far. the truth is already quite obvious- gma can no longer be president. it has come to the point that the uncertainty of a gma-less government is much more attractive than having gma remain in malacanang. but if we continue to allow ourselves to be bound by the chains of apathy despite the blatant failure of this administration, then we deserve gma as president.


pdff 71

March 1st, 2006 at 1:07 pm

The “factors” FVR mentioned are precise.

Maybe he made this one upon seeing that the coup plot was failing, in order to either distance himself from the issue or exonerate himself somehow.

By the way, that “cha-cha” ain’t the solution. We should not support this one. Not this time.

Why? The same gang of opportunits will feast on it.

Parliamentary govt is not bad actually .. but it’s just that … this is not the right time for such, considering the current players in our political system today.



March 1st, 2006 at 2:33 pm

“On hindsight though, we should have waited and allowed the impeachment proceedings to finish and accepted the consequences – whatever it was. If we REALLY had faith – in God and in democracy. We should have had faith to see it through. But we didn’t.”

Like wise MitaMS, But then wala na rin kasing makakapigil eh. Right after the decision to refuse the opening of the second enveloped was shown on TV, people starting going to EDSA eh. remember.

I do have some regrets about EDSA2. Kaya ayoko na na peopel power uli ang gagamiti nating solution sa crisis natin ngayon. People power kasi is a very emtional aproach to solve a problem. Kay marming nakakligataan important details Lets take our time this time. At pag-isipan talaga ng mabuti kung ano ang talaga ang ating dapat gawin.

And its good that peopel are learning too hindi narin basta basta nakikinig sa call for people power.


Maybe hindi ka kasama doon sa mag unang tao na dumagasa right after the saw the decision on TV. Baka later ka na pumunta. Noong nag kakatawgan para dumami pa ang tao .

Maybe it was coup, maybe not. But I remember fully well that the people massed at EDSA firts before the military decided to withdraw support from Erap. sa 2nd day or third day na yata nag withdraw ang military.

EDSA1 surely is a coup, because FVR and Enrile staged a coup first before the people came to support them.



March 1st, 2006 at 2:41 pm

Tambuli, since you were there in EDSA2 , did the Ayalas called you to go there? Sino ang nagtext sayo par pumunta doon?

O yes I remember ther was an idea to form a revolutionary government comming from the left. It was there firts time that they joined people power But in the end Gloria was swonr in.


birth right

March 1st, 2006 at 2:42 pm

Sawa na ako sa people power. Nanduon ako sa harapan ng mga tangke at halos ubos na ang boses at lakas ko sa ilang araw na vigil. Makalipas ang mga taon, Wala parin namang nangyayari. Kailangan ng mas malinaw na pagbabago sa bawat isang pilipino. Wag na tayong magpagamit sa interest ng iilan na wala namang ibig kundi ang maluklok at makapangurakot. Eto pa ang isa, si Gloria na obvious na parang linta sa pagkapit sa kinasilawan niyang power, makapal ang mukha at di marunong mahiya…. Okey ang pagpapaalis sa kanya, pero iba naman kasi iisa lang ang people power… nuong 1986 at wala ng iba…



March 1st, 2006 at 5:31 pm

imple lang po. patunayan ang po ang theoryang eto. at ihayag sa publiko. tingnan natin kung may maniniwala. marunong naman po mag isip ang majority sa atin eh…
— marunong nga po.. more than fifty percent of em believe she cheated.. isnt that enuf proof for you? the mere fact that she keeps on erecting obstacles for those who seek to find out what the truth is.. well isnt that enuf proof for u too? hirap kasi pag nagbubulagbulagan eh..

you know one of the reason why the balance is not tipping on the side of opposition are innuedoes like these. its defintely turning off a lot of peopel away from the opposition. Pati toluy yung mga valid issues nila di na rin pinaniniwalaan
— nope if because people like you only see what they like to see.. in short you take things at face value.. sinabi lang sa inyo na the economy is in peril believe na kayo.. sinabi lang na its taking off believe na din kayo.. be discerning in short.. di naman masama mag tanung di ba?

For 8 months, walong buwan po. the opposition has been issuing inuendoes and innuedoes and innuendoes. And look what happened nilangaw ng husto ang people power nila. Eh aabutan na sila ulit ng pasko eh. And now naideclare pa ang State of Emergency eh di tuluyan na pong nawalan sila ng change to rule the country.
— excuse me??? kung meron mang innuedos its coming from ate glue.. nag remit lang mga overseas workers sinabi nang sound fiscal management kaya tumaas yung value ng peso.. is that how it works?? ..?? at least sa mga expose ng opposition.. unti unting namumulat ang mga mata natin sa pinagagawa ng administrasyong ito.. kung ayaw nyong makinig.. e di mag bulagbulagan kayo.. kami we wanna know..



March 1st, 2006 at 5:41 pm

And you call that your spade? Im sure you were not there in EDSA2. I was there and I went there spontaneously with nothing but my conviction. Same goes with my close freinds and my officemates in Makati ( we went on shift) Walang Ayala nagsabi sa akin o sa amin na pumunta doon. The event were spontaneous. Ni hindi nang kami nagkatwagan ng mag kaibigan. Basta nag kita kita na lang kami doon Wala ng plano plano na katulad ng ginagawa ng opposition ngayon.
— e sinu ba yung unang nag tawag di ba tao nila ayala?? asa tv sila.. that proof for you.. granted lahat kayo sa makati nan dun.. ang tapang mo naman to think that you represent the whole 80 million of us.. thats calling a spade a spade..

Di nga ba pilit eto dinuduplicate ng opposition for 8 montsh now. Kay sadya nila pinatalo ng mga kasamahan nila ng impeachment believeing that they can get exactly or more symphaty than th evoting down of opening of the second envelop. Sad to say nilnagw sial sa EDSA.
— this is calling a spade a spade? me contact ka ba sa opposition na nag sabi sau na pinatalo nila yung impeachment?.. magisip ka naman plsss.. sinabi na nga ni escudero sa majorya not to preempt them kasi they want to build an air tight case against the president.. yet lo and behold lackeys of the president kapal muks pa rin na nag file.. eh yung fi nile naman nila ang-pao complaint.. so unless ur an ex opposition member who happens to be at congress and is privy to their discussions.. pardon me if i dont subscribe to you lame ans… thats calling a spade a spade..

Sa justice comitte pa lang eh may pa walk-out walk out na sila. Kala kasi nila mauuto pa nila ang karamihan. They are just simply out sync with the people need.
— who in the hell is thinking bout originality at that moment.. maybe you.. and your president.. pa tv tv pa acting as if everything is on the up and up tapos mamya nasa state of emergency na pla.. pathetic..



March 1st, 2006 at 5:46 pm

As Ive said the supreme court is open for yoru issues .Sa supreme court ka na lang mag paliwanag. tulungan mo ang mga lawyers nyo doon. naka set na po ang oral arguement. So goodluck na lang…
— hmmm is this the same supreme court that connived to sit her in the office in the first place? and the same court that disbarred that guy when he questioned the ligality of their desicion? hmmm ur right we not only need luck for this one.. we need a miracle.. =)

Anyways, di ba ikaw yung nag advise sa akin na magpabasa. It is turning our na you have to tak ethat advise for yourself. It is very obvious.
— ive already read it.. as well as delved into issues like it on tv and in the net.. you should try it sometime.. i hear it will make you less prone to brainwashing.. =) try it..



March 1st, 2006 at 6:17 pm

ll of us as citizens of the republic that is the philippines has the right to say anything…why if my hamster can talk, and i know he was born here in the philippines, he will also have a say in what’s going on.
— hmm well if your hamster has a birth certificate has a surname.. and contributes taxes perhaps he might (brain cells dwindling)

but the thing is, these presidents had their time in history and are now being judged for their achievements and mistakes. they are now just “ordinary” citizens but they are still using their acquired clout and semi-diminished power to yak-yak-yak all the way.
— its their right.. if u dont like it perhaps u wanna live in lets say china??
yakyakyak.. its the yakyakyak of ramos that saved gloria at the nth hour.. yakyakyak thats what mike defensor is doing now right all the while taking away our rights.. yakyakyak.. mga tao sa kanto sa sarisari store ni ate belen pinaguusapan kung gaano ka hirap ang bayan natin.. 5 years after gloria sat there in malacanang yaking bout all the things she wanted to do.. and still were in the process of wanting to do pa rin.. yakyakyak.. the people say enough.. it may be the minority.. but ei were still citizens.. di naman kami hamster di ba?

That goes for all those politicians with such a tainted track record.
And for those clergies also with tainted track records.
Why Bishop Bacani nga up till today, there’s this case against him by his former secretary na hinipuan nya?remember…geezzzzz.
— dont look now but your yaking din right? problema satin its ok to yak bout people we dont like.. but pag like natin sya.. nakup defend to the death.. (side note i agree.. dapat tlga i tax na yang mga pari.. ipatupad ang death penalty, and i allow na population control.. kaya naman were in this mess now e kasi dumadami yung mahihirap . wla na ngang pera anak pa ng anak..)

if we look at past US presidents, they don’t meddle in the politics of who is in power, and i am saying it in a generalized form of way.
— they dont have to their parties do it naman eh.. why should they when they make more dough speaking at conventions and stuff..

a leader is alone at the top. a president’s tenure is a tenure of loneliness. he or she can consult many great minds, but in the end, it is the president who will make the decision for better or for worse of the country.
— hmm ask erap di naman sya lonely ah.. hehehe.. though i agree.. the rise and fall of the country is tlga nasa hands ng president.. lalo na tayo na young democracy plang.. akin lang be a man.. if your accused of something dont hide behind a technicality.. be man enuf to face it.. simple as that.. truman did that.. he owed up to bombing hiroshima.. i did it.. imagine owing up to killing thousands if not millions.. ganun dapat..

FVR should know that, CORY should know that, ERAP should know that. they had all been there. but what disgusts me is that the way they show their disagreement with whoever it is in power. Lahat sila nag-a-ala Pontius Pilate.
— anung allusion ito? bakit mo silang inihahambing ke pontius pilate? sino si jesus si gloria?

Probably it is a case of it takes one to know one that’s why ang mga magnanakaw ay galit sa kapwa magnanakaw.
— precisely.. i say convict all of them.. coz definitely lahat sila me kasalanan.. para fair di ba? korea did that.. madami na silang kinulong na past presidents.. are you willing to back me up on this issue?

Si Cory, at the beginning of her reign and before unseating Marcos, SHE is the ultimate Mrs. Clean. That’s why people rallied to her cause. There was nothing in her known past that MAKES HER LIKE the man she has unseated.
Past forward now. History has judged Cory’s presidency and it is not yellow-sunshiny at the most. Those farmers who died in Mendiola got no justice, and Cory is demanding justice in the case of ESTRADA et al?
— sabi ko nga if me pagkakamali e di i habla .. nobody should be above the law.. not cory not ramos.. si estrada nasa corte na…. lets make it a quad and add gloria into the fray.. i say i habla sila lahat.. nang matakot naman yung susunod na uupo dyan sa malacanang..

PENpen si Cory law abider? right. Yung Hacienda Luisita nga di nya sinama sa Land Reform. I admire Cory for what she was able to accomplish but she is not the ultimate role model for a good president.
At her own backyard nga, magulo ang mundo nya…and I am not talking about Kris Aquino…i am referring to her precious Hacienda Luisita. Nag aklas na naman mga workers nya? Pinaputukan pa.EH BAKIT? Di nya mapatino household nya, pano nya mapapatino si GLORIA?
— so now.. its in court.. let the courts decide the fate of hacienda.. personaly i dont think cory broke the law… but ei knowing all of you na wla nang ma accuse ke cory kung di luisita ng luisita here’s an added tidbit.. she is also the cause of the widespread blackout .. simply because di nya inadopt yung well reserched plan ni marcos.. yan feast on that.. =)

Si ESTRADA naman women lover lang yan. He really adores women too much, and that was his downfall. All love no balls.
— estrada for all his faults di nagnakaw sa kaban ng bayan.. akin lang if you wanna convict him.. you should convict chavit also coz we all know sya yung talagang jueteng lord.. but where is he now? di ba kakabalik lang nya sa vegas sa fight ni pacquiao?? selective justice.. a gloria trademark..

RAMOS is a king maker wannabe. He thinks he can make and unmake history the way he had done in EDSA 1. Like Marcos, he is reading too much Machiavelli.
— ramos is mr PPA and mr kidnapper.. wouldnt mind seeing him in bars.. oh add to that coup plotter pa..

We had been overly saturated by people who makes themselves SAVIORS of the people that we had forgotten that what we need are not saviors, just ordinary people with an extraordinary drive for excellence and keen foresight to take the country to where it is suppose to be in the first place.
— we need an honest guy thats all.. one who does not lie cheat and steal..

peace be wid u back.. =)



March 1st, 2006 at 8:18 pm


i went there on my own accord, i dont give a damn about the ayalas, they are but just a part of the elite that continually battles for control of our country, i went there because i feel that we need to have changes effected.

why do you call those who wants to establish a revolutionary government then leftist?? why is it that if someone espouses radical change, you label them leftist? can you define leftist??

if you would read accounts of what happened prior to and after edsa2, you will find out that it was a plot to oust a sitting president, its plan b if plan a fails which is the impeachment proceedings.

people power remains elusive up to this day …..



March 1st, 2006 at 9:18 pm

FYI pen my hamster has a birth certificate, pinagawa ko sa recto at mukhang authentic naman.magaling talaga ang mga pilipino basta can make it a point against my hamster because he does not pay taxes kasi naman he cannot find work, lack of height palagi ang cause of denial sa mga call centers.

you are a dreamer my man, wala namang nako-convict dito sa pilipinas. probably that’s why jesus was not born here in the philippines, because if he was, di sya mako convict at mamamatay,ayayay!

why pontius pilate? well these past presidents had a hand in wrecking this nation and they are looking at the other way, as if they were not part of what this nation came to be….para bang, “o wala akong kagagawan-dyan-attitude”.

alam mo ang pagyayakyakyak ok yan depende sa character ng yakker at sa substance na lumalabas dun sa tao.
Imee Marcos yakking at the height of Bonifacio standoff…pfft!
Panfilo Lacson yakking on getting the truth and justice for every filipino…pfft!
The manang and manongs sa barberya yakking all night about the state of the nation…great discussion!
Mike on the defense and clueless on what he is saying about warrantless arrests….duh!
Senator Arroyo yakking of another evil proclamation…whoa!
Satur Ocampo’s RED brigade’s tirade..”we are going to the hills…blah_blah..”….sige nga, porket alam mo na ngayon kahit sa bundok pwedeng mag-internet sabi ni Ka Roger…

What’s the difference about barberya/sari-sari store yakking and those politicians? media milleage….nagpapa pogi points always in front of all those kapusos and kapamilyas out there…live. Where millions can see their actions and copy it!

Our telenovela culture extends to reality tv…what a waste.

It is everyone’s RIGHT to talk…teka lang, bakit lahat puro hanggang duon lang….there’s another part of the sentence….WITH EVERY RIGHT, THERE IS A CORRESPONDING RESPONSIBILITY, and SUCH RIGHT IS NOT ABSOLUTE….more so if you are in a position of power and a lot of people can hear and see you via television.

wala namang tulak-kabigin sa kanilang lahat.

i am still looking for ms/mr president right…but in the meantime, we’re in for a long haul compadres.

double peace na manipis PEN!



March 1st, 2006 at 9:29 pm


for the love of socrates wala me maisip na papalit sa dapat palitan ngayon sa gobyerno.

as if na mental block ako.(di kaya dahil naubusan na ako ng sentences kasasagot kay PEN?)

gawin na lang kayang parang American idol…text your votes…ta-dah.



March 1st, 2006 at 10:13 pm

just hope that instead of blaming our leaders and kung sinong pontio pilato e umpisahan na lang nating linisin ang sarili nating ‘bakuran’ one holds our freedom nor our rights but our own..e ano kung may mga laws na ginagawa,matatakot ka lang naman sa law na yun kung may intensyon ka na ibypass yun at takot kang maparusahan..we often misunderstood democracy as something that is away from restrictions and limitations,takot na madisiplina, my dear fellows ang demokrasya ay resulta ng disiplina at sense of responsibility..we often blame other people for our poverty yet did we try to maximize what we have around us..sakit kasi ng tao yung walang contentment.tsaka ang ‘pag-unlad’ ay ine-equate sa materyal na bagay na naaari,ano kung kurakot sila at magulo, bakit sila ba ang mundo natin..its not dat i want things dat are happening around us..lahat naman ng politicians e nagcommit ng pandaraya..lage silang mangangako ng mga plataporma na di naman natutupad,hindi naman kaya ng kahit anong uri ng gobyerno na suportahan ang mamayanan lalo na kung madami itong inaasahan mula sa kanila pero ang ginagawa naman e puro panghuhusga at reklamo..imbes na makatakbo ng pasulong ay naiiwan tayo,lahat kasi e gusto siya ang magsagwan..lulubog na ang Pilipinas kung ang mga tao hindi titigil sa pangangarap ng isang ‘perpektong bansa’ na may ‘matinong mga lider’..aba,kahit sa ibang bansa,mga pangulo at lider matino tapos bigla na lang magkakaroon ng kritiko pero ang mga tao buhay pa din kasi ‘they mind their own business,they live a honest living,pra imbes na makabigat sa pasanin ng gobyerno nagiging productive sila..ano kung kinukuha nila yung pera at ginagamit sa wala,ang importante hindi ikaw ang gumagawa nun,ang karma dadating yan kahit hindi sadyain..ang lahat ng bagay nagsisimula at nagwawakas…ang kapangyarihan mabuti kung hindi ka mako-corrupt nito pero lahat tau kahit di natin aminin sakim sa kapangyarihan..hay,ang pangulo at lider kahit mapalitan kapag ang mga tao wala ng ibang magawa kundi sisihin ang gobyerno,e wla pa rin..parang katulad din yan ng pagsisi sa kastila sa pagsakop at pagbulag nila sa atin sa pamamagitan ng pananampalataya, sa amerikano sa pagbulag nila sa atin sa pamamagitan ng edukasyon,sa komunista sa paglaban nila sa demokrasya..bakit pag naging communist ba tau kaya nila taung imanage..ang tsina, ngayon mas praning pa sa pinas e..kala mo lang magaling sila pero tignan mo at halos lahat ng bagong virus sa kanila nagmumula..basta ang masasabi ko lang wag na tayong makisawsaw sa mga isyu,wlang totoong rebolusyon na sa ibang tao magmumula,ang totoong rebolusyon sa’yo mismo..baguhin mo muna pananaw mo sa buhay,gawin mong produktibo sarili mo para makatulong ka sa kapwa mo..lahat kasi isap talangka e..pero kahit ganun pa man mahal ko ang Pilipinas at ang sa akin lang sana wag nating hayaang maghari ang kasakiman,poot,sariling interes..hayaan natin sila doon na mag-zarzuela,buhay natin ang sarili at pamilya natin ng matapat kahit na nahihirapan..tinuturuan tayo ng DIYOS kasi madalas akala ng tao sa tao din lang nakasalalay lahat ng pagbabago tuloy dumadami ang may ‘messianic complex’..tunay na pagbabago hindi nagagawa kahit ilang dekada pa kung walang kababaang loob at pag-ibig…



March 1st, 2006 at 10:21 pm

on tambuli and rego

oo nga naman rego why do you label anyone who espouses radical change leftist? what is a leftist?

tambuli i betcha there is a leftist in all of us and to be labelled such, does that offend you?


The basic thing that all leftist have in common is that permanent and corrosive dissatisfaction with the society they live in.
They rely heavily on 2 particular dogmas ..”equality” and “the state can fix it”.
The typical Leftist is only interested in stirring up change.
In the name of Equality, the Leftist has the excuse to attack and tear down all existing power structures,authorities,hierarchies and center of influence that already exist in society. Something the leftist has to do to take power for themselves.
Leftist are irreligious if not anti-religious…..
The most extreme form of Leftism is communism….

So people are you left or right?



March 1st, 2006 at 11:19 pm

lets look at it this way, anyone for socialism are labeled leftist, a lot of countries in europe are socialist regime, they are progressive and fully developed.

i dont think being leftist is also against religion, as u will notice, there are a lot of clergy espousing so called leftist(socialist) ideas, remember liberation theology? bishop romero?

communism perse isnt a political ideology, the basic theories of communism is based on economy, i believe that the first real communist were the early christians, everything was owned by the community and everybody works for the betterment of the community. what made communism bad was the twisted mentalities of people like stalin and mao tse tung, they were not communist in the real sense of the word but rather dictators (dictatorship of the proletariat literaly)

im neither a leftist nor a rightist, im a FILIPINO — PERIOD!!



March 2nd, 2006 at 3:24 am

tama nga si fvr…walang people power mangyayari ngayon…
kasi in 1986…there’s a national interest…FREEDOM from Marcos
in 2001…gusto nila ng jueteng, ayaw nila sa bingo2ball
NGAYON!…may jueteng na eh! kaya wala ng pipol power!

okay??! Palakpakan…plak plak plak! paborito ni angel yan eh…



March 2nd, 2006 at 6:37 am


there were a lot of Roman Catholics who had objected to the use of Marxist ideas,the support of revolutionary movements,and their criticisms of traditional church instititutions even way back in “67′ &”68” by the liberationists.

early forms of communism such as the ones of the Incas the Greeks were basically theories of gov’t and social reform where there is communal bliss and harmony without the institution of private property.

Communism today with the capital “C” is a movement that aims to overthrow the capitalist order by REVOLUTIONARY means to establish a classless society in which goods were owned by everybody.

Difrencia nila ng mga Socialist, they do seek similar ends but the Socialist seeks it by EVOLUTION and not the commies’ REVOLUTION.

As with any institution, left, right,commies,socialist,center…lahat naman yan all subject to abuse of power.nagkaron nga tayo ng Marcos,democratic naman daw tayo.

kaya nga i believe that after a “struggle”, who will stand out as a GOOD and MORAL leader?

the Russians were disappointed by their Lenins and Stalins.
the Chinese were disappointed with infightings within the parties and the succession of leaders.
we are equally disappointed with our crop of leaders.

does not matter if you are left or right, Fil or non-filipino, the change that we are all waiting for is elusive.

we are indeed in good company.



March 2nd, 2006 at 6:44 am

insight pala mga classmates”

alam ko na kung nasaan ang SILENT MAJORITY…..they are busy blogging and answering countless message boards…..

if words were real bullets, sa lahat ng pinagsabi natin dito, no one will be left standing…alive!




March 2nd, 2006 at 7:04 am


call me a dreamer, pero hanggang may air pa ang mga asthmatic lungs ko, patuloy me na mangangarap ng isang bansang TAHIMIK at maayos.

mga lider na may disiplina na sa aking definition ng disiplina-magaling magpigil sa panggigigil sa paghahangad ng lahat ng bagay na SOBRA.

mga mamamayan na tapat sa kanilang sarili, yung may sense of “SELF”….
……..>yung alam nilang nararapat sila sa isang pamumuhay na progresibo at karapatan nila ang magkaroon ng magagaling at matatapat na mga lider.

if we all stop dreaming and wishing……(teka pwede ba yun?)



March 2nd, 2006 at 11:03 am

we can all dream all we want or wish all we want, but if we do not do anything about it, it will all remain a dream or a wish, elusive parin diba??

kaya palagay ko, if we want changes to happen, matahimik man or otherwise, we need to start acting now, speak up for what is right.

if we continue to be apathetic to everything, then we do deserve the kind of leaders we have right now. do not complain if your not willing to do your share.




March 2nd, 2006 at 12:31 pm


oo nga naman!

so i will dream on and then act on the dream….(kaya ko yun!)



March 3rd, 2006 at 8:27 am

kaya nating lahat yan, para sa bayan at para narin sa ating kapakanan, a bright future for our country translates to a bright future for the people …. thats the real people power



March 3rd, 2006 at 6:32 pm

why pontius pilate? well these past presidents had a hand in wrecking this nation and they are looking at the other way, as if they were not part of what this nation came to be….para bang, “o wala akong kagagawan-dyan-attitude”.
— si sinu bang ayaw mag prosecute sa mga presidenteng pontious pilate e di ba yung silent majority rin? e up till now silent pa rin sila eh.. side note.. personally i dont think pontious pilate had a hand in wrecking rome though.. and they did have a vocal majority then.. not a silent one like what ours is..

It is everyone’s RIGHT to talk…teka lang, bakit lahat puro hanggang duon lang….there’s another part of the sentence….WITH EVERY RIGHT, THERE IS A CORRESPONDING RESPONSIBILITY, and SUCH RIGHT IS NOT ABSOLUTE….more so if you are in a position of power and a lot of people can hear and see you via television.
— responsibility.. hit the nail right on the head.. perhaps then you should hit gloria on the head as well coz she is being irresponsible of late.. =) you should teach her that with every right there is a corresponding responsibilty thingy.. coz i think she only think that applies to the opposition.. =)

peaceful and traquil thots… for those who are threading the wrong path..



March 3rd, 2006 at 7:21 pm

responsibility comes with every freedom …. we should temper freedom with responsibility and discipline, sad to say, looking at ate glue right now …. wala siya lahat non, how can u ask the people to follow you if you yourself cannot? it should start with the head where the brain is …. hear that ate glue?


Stop Crying Your Heart[s] Out [For P-Noy’s Resignation] – edited | The Not So Valorous Bard

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