August 19, 2008 · Posted in: Governance, In the News
What is the MILF thinking (and feeling)?
SPORADIC attacks believed to have been conducted by the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) in several parts of Mindanao yesterday have left scores dead, mostly civilians. The renewed hostilities come in the wake of the aborted signing of the controversial Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain (MOA-AD) between the MILF and the government which had been issued a temporary restraining order (TRO) by the Supreme Court. The agreement, critics and some justices argue, go beyond the framework of the Constitution.
Atty. Soliman Santos Jr., our guest blogger on the burning issue of the day, again offers an independent assessment of how and why the situation has come to this.
What is the MILF thinking (and feeling)?
THE devil’s (that’s what the MILF is, right?) advocate in me wants to try to present their side of the current controversy about the unsigned final draft of the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP)-Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain (MOA-AD). The MILF can, of course, very well speak for itself. The problem is that their voice is hardly being heard in the Philippine court of public opinion that is the Philippine media. And in the pending cases against the unsigned final draft MOA-AD in the Supreme Court, the MILF, which is one of the two parties to the MOA-AD, has not itself been impleaded (made a respondent) in those cases.
In any tactical or strategic situation, it is always good to know what “the other side” or “the enemy” is thinking and for that matter feeling, aside from what it is doing. A fair indication of what the MILF and for that matter many Moros are thinking and feeling can be gleaned from the MILF website The problem is that many in the Philippine general public do not have access to the Internet. This short piece can only provide choice snippets from some MILF website articles. Like I said, they can very well speak for themselves. So, that is what I will mainly do here — quote and relay their messages — and in the process throw in a few brief comments. Please do not shoot the messenger.
In the MILF website article “MILF to Government: Honor your agreements” posted on August 11, 2008, one can find the MILF’s view about the character of the MOA-AD as a document. According to lawyer members of the MILF Peace Panel, “it is premature to talk of the incorporation of the MOA-AD into [the Government’s] constitutional practice or municipal [meaning domestic] law.” “The only sanction here is political,” they said, adding “Hence our chief negotiator Mohagher Iqbal is duty bound to accept the completed negotiation of the AD strands as a done deal.” My comment: “done deal” as a political document but not as a legal document (which it is not) out of which legal obligations, rights and sanctions arise.
The MILF lawyer negotiators said that the MOA-AD “is about a new formula on political settlement of the Bangsamoro problem, not some legal battles about treaty-making or judicial litigation.” The MILF’s lead lawyer negotiator Datu Michael Mastura, himself a member of the 1971 Constitutional Convention and a former member of the Philippine Congress, lamented: “That TRO [Temporary Restraining Order in the Supreme Court] turns upside down the TOR [Terms of Reference] of the agreed text on ancestral domain, which are meant to allay fears and apprehensions.” My comment: indeed, what is there to fear (even by Nur Misuari) with reference to the 1976 Tripoli Agreement and 1996 Final Peace Agreement with the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF), and to Republic Acts Nos. 6734, 9054 and 8371, all protective of the “sovereignty, territorial integrity and the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines”?
Incidentally, the other compañeros in the MILF Peace Panel are Atty. Lanang Ali, once Provincial Administrator of Maguindanao, and Atty. Musib Buat, “who served the government for decades.” They are among the MILF peace negotiators identified in the MILF website article “MILF: We are no better negotiators, but truth is on our side” posted on August 13, 2008. Atty. Ali said “government negotiators are high caliber men who know how to negotiate, but it just happened we in the MILF are standing on solid historic, moral grounds that are impossible to defeat in a fair and square deal.” Atty. Buat “has no unkind words to government negotiators, although he acknowledged that discussions sometimes got so passionate and emotional, which he described as natural in negotiations.”
Speaking of “passionate and emotional,” there is the long remarkable article in the guest section of the MILF website entitled “Reality Check” by Ibrahim Canana, probably a pseudonym of (my guess) one of the MILF’s non-lawyer negotiators, which perhaps best expresses some Moro, not just MILF, sentiments these days of disquiet and nights of rage. I warn mainstream Filipino Christian readers, including Filipino nationalists and militants, that some of his remarks may sound offensive but part of this whole process is a catharthic letting out of some stream by both sides. Why must the inflammatory remarks come from only the three “Dodongs” (Messrs. Piñol, Lobregat and Cruz)? A spiral of rhetoric is still better than a spiral of violence. Again, please do not shoot the messenger. Here then is Canana:
“…The whole debacle [TRO on the MOA-AD] brings to the fore the issue that [Executive Secretary] Ermita raised on several occasions when he asked whom shall the GRP negotiate with in the face of the factionalism within the Moro liberation movement. But this time, it is the MILF that should ask the same question: With whom shall the MILF negotiate — the Arroyo regime, Congress, Supreme Court, the Church, the Big Business power blocs, the AFP or Piñol and the Filipino colons [colonials] in Mindanao?”
“After more than three months of ‘due diligence’ — three months that it took the legal experts commissioned by the GRP to study the constitutionality and legality of the draft MOA-AD — now the GRP Negotiating Panel Chair is telling us that the same issue which took four years to settle on the negotiating table has to be renegotiated.”
“If one has to listen to the griping against the MOA-AD and give validity to the claims of those Filipino sectors that say that they are stakeholders in Mindanao but were not consulted, it is as if it is the Bangsamoro people who have no right to assert their own claim to their ancestral domain. The Filipinos have forgotten that the Moro homeland has been occupied and owned by the Moros since time immemorial and for which they have sacrificed many lives down the centuries to preserve and defend from aliens, including the Filipino colons, who covet it.”
“Having been forced to cancel the act of affixing its signature on a document that it had already initialed earlier, the GRP is cast in a situation whereby its capability to conclude peace agreements with the MILF, not to mention the MNLF and the National Democratic Front (NDF), is now open to doubt. And this does not augur well for the peace process in Mindanao because elements within the Moro liberation movement who oppose negotiations with the GRP seem to have been proven right. Indeed, why negotiate with a weak and inutile government that cannot exercise authority over its own perople let alone deliver on its commitments in the agreements it signed with other parties?”
“This can of worms has also regurgitated another unsavory reality that has been with us ever since our forefathers fought the Spaniards and their Indio factotums [servants]: the anti-Moro attitude of the Filipinos…We are aghast at the way Filipino politicians, whether in and out of government, and with the help of the media, have whipped up an anti-Moro, anti-Muslim hysteria that has swept the whole country. It is simply nauseating to see and hear on radio and TV these politicians blatantly and publicly distort the MOA-AD and turn it into propaganda to demonize the MILF, the Bangsamoro people and Islam. It is sickening to note that they are playing on the ignorance of the Filipino public to drum up opposition to an agreement that would be the key to resolving a long-drawn conflict that has confined both the Bangsamoro and Filipino peoples in the political, economic and social quagmire.”
“Clearly, the Filipino politicians and their paid media hacks who peddle this lie either do not know the root cause of the Mindanao conflict or they are simply driven by their greed and colonialist impulses not to allow any measure of justice to be accorded to the Moros…Whatever it is, the simple but ugly truth that now stares us in the face is: the Filipinos hate the Moros so much that they would never allow the latter to be free or even be given a semblance of self-rule.”
“The Filipinos have no right whatsoever to accuse us of failing to consult our public. They should remember that the Bangsamoro people were not consulted when they were incorporated into the Philippine Commonwealth in 1935 and subsequently into the Philippine Republic in 1946…It has always been the rule under the Philippine colonial regime that when it comes to the partition of Moro lands, only the Filipinos have the right to do that, not the Moros.”
“Now, under the MILF, the Moros want to recover whatever little is left of their ancestral domain and be given the chance to govern themselves as a sub-state entity within the larger Philippine nation-state. Peace on the basis of justice is about to be achieved under this formula. But even this does not sit well with the Filipino elite, the politicians, the Church and the Filipino colons in Mindanao. They have sabotaged the efforts of their own government. All, including those who claimed to be sympathetic to the plight of the Bangsamoro people like Senator Aquilino ‘Nene’ Pimentel, Jr., have ganged up against the Bangsamoro people to prevent them from even reclaiming areas which they now actually occupy and where they are the majority. The result: back to square one. Mindanao again is on the edge of an all-out war.”
“What needs to stated here for the record is that we Moros are not inclined to abandon our homeland to these vultures. We will fight for it as our ancestors fought for it. The mestizo leftovers of the Spaniards such as the likes of Teddy Locsin and Lobregat, and Filipino colons in Mindanao like Piñol as well as their capitalist patrons ensconced in Makati can go hang themselves from the nearest lam post for all we care. The Moros will fight. MILF Base Commander Ustadz Amirul Ombra Cato will not be alone. A war in Mindanao will drag down this pathetic, artificial country and its government to perdition. Perhaps this time we will no longer settle for a sub-state or a federative arrangement with the Filipinos. It’s useless anyway because they would never grant it. They would always insist this is ‘secession’ even if we do not have the intention to secede. So let’s give them a dose of their own medicine. Let’s aim for independence this time. For real. Like what the Algerians did when their clamor for autonomous rule was repeatedly and violently denied by the French colons. Given the Filipinos hostile attitude to anything Moro and Muslim, there is no other option left. This is now the reality facing us.”
“Cato will not be alone.” That almost sounds like “Ninoy, hindi ka nag-iisa.” Is this the case of a new Moro hero emerging to the strains of a late Filipino hero whose 1983 assassination is now commemorated every August 21? Cato, in the process of clarifying that he is not a MILF renegade (confirmed officially by the MILF website on August 12, 2008), said “They [GRP] should do the final signing [of the MOA-AD]. One word is enough for a wise man. Where’s justice? It is they who did not keep their word.” (PDI, 8/13/08, p. A21) Former Sen. Benigno ‘Ninoy’ Aquino, Jr. once said in Jeddah in 1981 in the context of returning to the 1976 Tripoli Agreement with the MNLF: “…If we do not negotiate, my friends, there will be a return to bloodshed and more people will die.” But this messenger, they shot.
Atty. Soliman Santos Jr. graduated cum laude from the University of the Philippines with a degree in A.B. History. He obtained his law degree from the University of Nueva Caceres. He has a Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne in Australia. He is author of the following books: The Moro Islamic Challenge: Constitutional Rethinking for the Mindanao Peace Process (UP Press, 2001), Peace Advocate (DLSU Press, 2002), Dynamics and Directions of the GRP-MILF Peace Negotiations (Alternate Forum for Research in Mindanao, 2005), and Peace Zones in the Philippines (Gaston Z. Ortigas Peace Institute, 2005); and co-author of Philippine Human Development Report 2005: Peace, Human Security and Human Development in the Philippines (Human Development Network, 2005).
28 Responses to What is the MILF thinking (and feeling)?
August 19th, 2008 at 5:15 pm
The Moro sentiment is both terrifying and incomprehensible. i never realized, based on Ibrahim Canana’s piece, that the Moros never saw non-Muslims as their countrymen. They’re so hellbent on winning an age-old dispute that the present consequences do not matter. The Japanese did some unspeakable crimes to us during the World War II, but a little over two decades, we consume their exports, go there for vacation, work for their factories and even read their comic books, all in the interest of peace and prosperity. From what Canana is saying, I get the impression that the world never changed for them since the 19th century and will never change until they get what they want. They cry Jihad and do not seem like even trying to work within the system to change or uplift their lives. Like spoiled children deprived of candy, they should be treated like the childish, unreasonable people they are.
nosi balasi
August 20th, 2008 at 9:50 am
as per the post: Whatever it is, the simple but ugly truth that now stares us in the face is: the Filipinos hate the Moros so much that they would never allow the latter to be free or even be given a semblance of self-rule.”
With these statements from the messenger, I would say that the MILF are considering themselves as not Filipinos. So wala talagang patutunguhan yung negosasyon ng kahit sinong umupo sa gobyerno ng Pilipinas corrupt man o mas corrupt pa. They-MILF do not want to be ruled under the Philippine Government or by anybody else except thru them and from within.
But there is something in between, they-MILF do hate the Filipinos for they think that they were robbed or took away their freedom -(going over the statement above/ or twisting it over).
This is what I have said in one of my post in the other topic…that ” Instead of alienating the insurgents, the government should reach out and engage them, understand their plight, initiate confidence- and trust-building measures and resolve the matter peacefully. The approach must be holistic as a major factor in insurgency is the absence of government in the remote areas where the rebels are strong. All government agencies should be involved in delivering basic services to the people. “…though I say “rebels or insurgents”, the MILF is indeed a rebel, a non-conformist to the Philippine Government as a whole.
Yes, the Government should reach out but not to negotiate…the Government should make them feel their presence by working with their people and making improve their people’s lives to exercise their freedom but not to make an agreement.
Current » Berserkers and a breather
August 20th, 2008 at 4:13 pm
[…] editorial also points to this press statement by the MILF, while over at The PCIJ blog, Soliman Santos suggests the further radicalization of Moros if hostilities continue. He points to […]
Manuel L. Quezon III
August 20th, 2008 at 4:13 pm
[…] editorial also points to this press statement by the MILF, while over at The PCIJ blog, Soliman Santos suggests the further radicalization of Moros if hostilities continue. He points to […]
A Just War | Filipino Voices
August 20th, 2008 at 6:18 pm
[…] the PCIJ blogged asking, what is the MILF thinking (and feeling)? I can not help but remember MOA-AD, as MLQ3 pointed out several times, was the prize sought by The […]
Pedestrian Observer GB
August 21st, 2008 at 2:46 am
“The Filipinos have forgotten that the Moro homeland has been occupied and owned by the Moros since time immemorial and for which they have sacrificed many lives down the centuries to preserve and defend from aliens, including the Filipino colons, who covet it.”
The problem is the historical time line that they are shoving in our throats and mindless exclusivity of deluded thinking that Moros are not Filipinos when in truth and in fact we are all Filipinos mostly with Malay race and other ethnicities.
How pathetic and what are they thinking really? The fact is before the 13th century the Philippines is inhabited by Anito praying people and that includes the Moros. Islam may have come before Christianity which came via India (yes, would you believe it came from India, lol) and the Arabs concocted the Sultanate and Datu System with these so-called Royalties claiming to be descendants of Arab and even straight from Mohammad. If we then go with these historical time line, how can the Moros claim to be Indigenous when they are no different from the Christianized Filipinos? Their Sultans and Datu are also definitely not Indigenous as they originated from Bin Laden country so how can they justify or prove that Mindanao is their exclusive ancestral domain.
The problem with the problem errrr I meant the bogus perception and bogus demands on ancestral domain will not fly because we are all snub nosed Malays. Unlike the Caucasians and the Indians in the US where genuine ancestral domain really applies, which our colonial minded constipationalist inserted in the 1987 constitution. Made even worse by the SC in their interpretation because maybe they were watching too much western B movies.
The reason for giving ancestral domain to the IPs is because they live off the land and their environment, can we say the same of the Moros?
Pedestrian Observer GB
tongue in, anew
August 21st, 2008 at 6:34 am
I concur with POGB as I have said it myself in many other blogs, the historical references to the Treaty of Paris and Aguinaldo’s Declaration of Independence to bolster their claim of what constitutes Moroland is both unilateral and presumptuous. Before the Datus, native pagans lived in those lands, many of them chased away by the then neo-muslims should they choose not to bend (and get their backsides screwed?) towards the newly established sultanates.
That is historically one of the the earliest local cases of landgrabbing, they, the Muslims themselves perpetrated it. It is the highest form of dishonesty, worse, hypocrisy, to attribute the same sins to non-Muslim settlers that came later while they absolved their own sins.
You cannot fool the people, nor entice even the peace-loving Muslims to your cause by such tomfoolery and mischievousness, history will catch up with you however much you twist it for your own rogue ends.
August 21st, 2008 at 8:26 am
“ x x x playing on the ignorance of the Filipino public to drum up opposition to an agreement that would be the key to resolving a long-drawn conflict that has confined both the Bangsamoro and Filipino peoples in the political, economic and social quagmire.”
“x x x the Filipinos hate the Moros so much that they would never allow the latter to be free or even be given a semblance of self-rule.”
These are inflammatory lines that suggest that the proponents of the Bangsamoro self-rule are the only people in this planet who are very intelligent and can understand the conflict in the political and economic life of the nation.
For me sir, the Muslims have put up several mosques in the heart of Metro Manila; have occupied huge chunk of real estate along Tandang Sora and have being doing business in the Metropolis. Their Christians counterpart had never asked them to leave the cities and other real estates in the cities by claiming that they were occupying the ancestral lands of the Christians.
For me sir, there are no Christian ancestral lands and neither Moro ancestral lands. Only Philippine archipelago where every Filipino has the birthright to subject any piece thereof to his possession by purchasing it, occupying it, tilling it and putting a claim and title as allowed by our land registration laws.
Ancestral lands may be declared by the government reserved only for certain indigenous people like the Tausog or Maranaws, of Sulu or Tawi-Tawi or the Igorot of the Cordilleras or the Aeta of the Camarines. My ignorance does not lead me to the concept that “Bangsamoro” is an ethnic or indigenous people who are entitled to ancestral lands. Granting that such ancestral land entitlement is equitable, what would prevent the Bicolanos, the Kapampangans, Tagalogs, Batanguenos, Cavitenos, Ilocanos, the Ilongo, the Hiligaynon and other regional people from claiming their own ancestral lands?
We are pushing the country to medieval period where every piece of land is headed by a warlord or a chieftain who demands absolute loyalty from his subjects instead of promoting the concept of “one nation, one flag”.
Other people would like to be the citizens of the world, but we want to keep our own petite kingdom so we can enslave our own people and have a territory for our own tactical struggle.
Some people cannot quite comprehend the proposition that our Muslim brothers who been struggling for cessation and for its own Republic would suddenly give up that aspiration after they were given their ancestral nation. They were clamor for more!
“O what a tangled web we weave, When first we practise to deceive!” (Sir Walter Scott (1771 – 1832)
tongue in, anew
August 21st, 2008 at 5:07 pm
YOU speak MY mind.
August 21st, 2008 at 9:12 pm
tounge in,
they say that dumb/genius minds run on parallel lines.
tongue in, anew
August 25th, 2008 at 9:56 pm
which sides are we on? Hehehe.
nosi balasi
August 26th, 2008 at 2:35 am
jcc…therefore in this case…the dumb/genius are in equilibrium. 8)
August 26th, 2008 at 2:40 am
I would like to react on this intelligent people’s remark with regard to the issue in mindanao:
[The Moro sentiment is both terrifying and incomprehensible. i never realized, based on Ibrahim Canana’s piece, that the Moros never saw non-Muslims as their countrymen.] from arpeelazaro.
Let me ask you… how can the moros people consider filipino’s as their countryman when you discriminate them? can you honestly say that you don’t hold any grudge against them? I live in a place where no one know’s am a muslim for 6 years but I could only count like 3 or 4 people who said positive things about them, the rest says they are worthless and deserve to die.
[The Japanese did some unspeakable crimes to us during the World War II, but a little over two decades, we consume their exports, go there for vacation, work for their factories and even read their comic books, all in the interest of peace and prosperity.] from arpeelazaro
I agree with you but the difference is the Japanese doesn’t hold any hostility against the Philippines…but in here specially in manila if your known as a muslim it would be so hard for you to find a decent job. by the name itself your already disqualified. not only that, even in finding a decent place to stay. A lot of apartment owner would not accept a muslim occupant [sad but its true ].
Looking back I remembered being called in Deans office in Mindanao State University while I was dreaming of becoming a chemist, She asked me ‘why do you want to become a chemist? This course can only be applied somewhere in Luzon and if you’re a Muslim you would never have a chance in finding a job with your degree’.
[How pathetic and what are they thinking really? The fact is before the 13th century the Philippines is inhabited by Anito praying people and that includes the Moros. Islam may have come before Christianity which came via India (yes, would you believe it came from India, lol) [sign of mockery] and the Arabs concocted the Sultanate and Datu System with these so-called Royalties claiming to be descendants of Arab and even straight from Mohammad ] from Pedestrian Observer GB.
this is one form of discrimination. being a Christian/muslim doesn’t make you above anyone else…we are all created equal.
[For me sir, the Muslims have put up several mosques in the heart of Metro Manila; have occupied huge chunk of real estate along Tandang Sora and have being doing business in the Metropolis. Their Christians counterpart had never asked them to leave the cities and other real estates in the cities by claiming that they were occupying the ancestral lands of the Christians.] from jcc.
Muslim people have lived there long before the coming of Christianity.
[Ancestral lands may be declared by the government reserved only for certain indigenous people like the Tausog or Maranaws, of Sulu or Tawi-Tawi] from jcc
allow me to add Kalagan, Maguindanaon, Iranun, Badjao,etc. This comprises the bangsamoro people.
The government bombing the so called MILF area but its actually a place where the muslims civilians make their living but since they are muslims it doesn’t matter. Lucky are those civilians that has been murdered by the MILF their existence has been known by people,unlucky are those muslim civilians,pregnant womens, kids, old that has been hit by military bombs, their case remains invisible — who cares? They are muslims…
August 26th, 2008 at 6:48 am
i think we were on the side of the dumb because we keep posting at PCIJ.. joke only …
August 26th, 2008 at 9:15 pm
You have not addressed the issue that we should work for the validation of the concept of “one nation one flag” instead of parceling our the Philippine Archipelago to Bangsamoro, BangsaBicolano, BangsaTagalog, BangsaHilagaynon, BangsaKapampangan, BangsaIlocanos, BangsaIgorots, BangsaPangalatok, BangsaAeta, etc.
You did not address the issue that establishing BangsaMoro was only a tactical struggle towards cessation from the Philippine sovereignty. Your Muslim leaders continue to deceive the Filipino people of your intention and yet you are very unforgiving of the GRP’s own deception. You would not even admit that you desire for peace. Your leaders desire for territory and for power and for seceding from the Philippines.
Your issue about being discriminated was by reason of your Dean’s myopic perception of the world and it did not represent the view of Filipino people towards their Muslim brothers.
And you include Tandang Sora, in the heart of Quezon City and part of Luzon as part of the Bansamoro Land and yet you claim of being discriminated against by landlords who refused to lease you a place to stay. Maybe it is because Muslims have no track record as a good tenant and known to have left an apartment without paying the rent. Maybe it has nothing to do with your being a Muslim, but more on tractability of good paying records. Landlords will do that even to Christians.
Bombing of your area was in retaliation of your own bombing against civilians. Your Muslim people also killed Christian civilians. You have your own share of fault. Please bring the Paticul incident to your mind and read this news dispatch:
I wish we could discuss issues that will cement the relationship between Christians and Muslims and not issues that continue to divide us. But until we become honest with ourselves and honest to each other, this Muslim cession crap will bring more bloodshed in our land.
August 27th, 2008 at 11:30 am
Mr.jcc I replied with what people are writing here based on my own experienced and others. And as I can see, the opinion are all one sided and doesn’t stressed a thing you called ‘one nation one flag’. Your merely blaming the muslims for everything. And do not forget that today is the result of what people did yesterday.
[Your issue about being discriminated was by reason of your Dean’s myopic perception of the world and it did not represent the view of Filipino people towards their Muslim brothers.] – Mr.jcc go out and survey you would know what am talking about.
[ And you include Tandang Sora, in the heart of Quezon City and part of Luzon as part of the Bansamoro Land and yet you claim of being discriminated against by landlords who refused to lease you a place to stay. Maybe it is because Muslims have no track record as a good tenant and known to have left an apartment without paying the rent. Maybe it has nothing to do with your being a Muslim, but more on tractability of good paying records. Landlords will do that even to Christians.] – I didn’t claimed anything Mr.Jcc I merely replied to that person thought about muslims residing in manila. Maybe you need to read it again. And yah muslims and Christians can have bad record but why they only banned muslims? Tell me?….
[Bombing of your area was in retaliation of your own bombing against civilians. Your Muslim people also killed Christian civilians. You have your own share of fault. Please bring the Paticul incident to your mind and read this news dispatch:] news you say mr jcc? I don’t rely on news. Have you ever thought beyond what people are saying in the news?.. let me give you an example a muslim guy whose illiterate went on a market in Mlang to buy his sick brother a food and on his way back a policeman give him something for his brother thinking it can help them he accepted it not knowing it was a bomb. He was convicted without trial.
another muslim guy in kidapawan , he was looking for his Christian girlfriend after a bombing incident and just because he was the only muslim who was in the crime scene they put the blamed on him.
Until now this people are still in jail for a crime they never did but because they are muslims there is no justice for them…
Tell me about peace mr jcc? Is this peace? The Filipinos are trying their best to prove that the muslims are terrorist so that the US can help them eliminate them but if the MILF are terrorist like the alqaida I don’t think the Philippines government would stand a chance.By doing this your destroying not only the muslim people today but those who aren’t born yet for the future doesn’t hold any justice for them…
The ongoing war in Mindanao could only be blamed to the government. The MOA-AD has been going on for 4 years now but why it only leaked just before the time of the signing of the contract [could it be a planned?] it doesn’t state anything about separation it was merely giving the muslim the right to maximize their own natural resources in the area of a certain place were dominated by muslims.
Because compared to you, muslim areas mostly not yet civilized. Doesn’t have concrete road ,doesn’t have electricity ,doesn’t have public toilets. bathrooms. And there are some who doesn’t even know how to cook noodles.
The MOA-AD also stated that the government can only have 25% of the income and the politicians doesn’t like it because they want more money. They’re afraid also that GMA might be doing this for her own purpose. Your selfishness and fear with future resulted to the deaths of people… even a grades school knows this.
August 27th, 2008 at 12:22 pm
Poverty and injustice is all over the Philippine archipelago. It is not only limited to Mindanao. Every poor in this country, regardless of his faith, has no meaningful access to the courts, can be a victim of injustice, denied of his dignity, and basic economic needs.
Do not make drum-beat your oppression as an occasion to bite the bullet and tread the path of no return. Violence begets violence, and the State has plenty of it.
Be guided by Isaiah 11:6-9
“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together: and a little child shall lead them. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.”
nosi balasi
August 27th, 2008 at 12:54 pm
mawalang galang lang po sa inyo…linggo ng wika ngayon kaya iiwas muna ako sa pagsusulat ng inglis.
sa ganang akin “misslost”, di lang siguro natin nauunawaan ang bawat isa sa atin…siyanga pala…ako ay isang kristiyano na Pilipino. magkaiba man ang ating paraan sa pananampalataya, pero tayo ay may malaking pagkakatulad sa ating ugali at kultura. Unang-una, may pag-galang tayo sa mga nakakatanda sa atin…pangalawa,mahalaga sa atin ang mga kaugalian ng ating pamilya-depende po kung ano ang nakasanayan ng bawat angkan…lahat tayo ay pwedeng kumain ng kamay lamang ang gamit…mas gusto natin ang salo-salong kainan…at palaging may kanin sa lamesa. Dito sa bansang kinaroroonan ko ngayon, ang mga Jamaican, Americano, Canadian…tinatawan nila kaming mga pinoy kapag nakikita nila kaming kumakain na gamit ang mga kamay…kasi nga daw madumi- di nila alam malinis talaga tayong mga Pilipino…yung pandesal nga hinuhugasan pa natin sa kape bago isubo. Silang ibang lahi, kapag nag-iinuman gusto nila sariling baso o kaya may sarili silang bote ng beer…tayong mga Pilipino tagay…isang baso lang ang gamit at may pulutan pa. Bumalik tayo doon sa sinabi ng iyong GURO, malupit siya…naging madamot siya sa iyong mga pangarap. At kung sa mga bahay-tuluyan, at ayaw ng mga may-ari na ipa-upa sa isang katulad mong muslim…baka naman may mga karanasan silang di maganda sa ibang muslim noon…sa aking tahanan sa Pasig, may kapit-bahay akong muslim-totoo po ito ha, hindi ito isang kwento lamang. nangungupahan siya at sila lamang ang nag-iisang pamilyang muslim doon sa lugar namin kasi nga ang compound (sensya na di ko alam ang tagalog) namin ay puro katoliko kasi donasyon ng simbahang katoliko ang mga bahay namin doon na pinasinayaan pa ni Pope John Paul II nung pumunta siya sa Pilipinas noong 1981. At yung pamilyang muslim na iyun ang nagiisang nangungupahan sa lugar namin, kasi nga yung may-ari na ninong ko pa ay nanirahan na po sa Amerika, yung ninong ko ay isang Leader ng samahan ni Mike Velarde sa Pasig na masasabi ko na isang mabuting kristiyano. Anim na taon na nangungupahan yung pamilyang muslim doon pero wala siyang naging problema lalo na sa aming mga kristiyano. May nasabi siya sa akin noon, may sarili silang bahay sa Pasig kaya lang binenta na nila kasi nga magulo daw sa lugar na yun at halos lahat ay puro muslim ang nakatira doon. Kaya sila umalis, kasi nga nauna ng pumanaw ang kanyang asawa dahil sa isang gulo na pinasukan ng kanyang esposo na kanyang kinamatay sa kanilang kapwa muslim. Sa takot din na madamay ang mga anak niya lumipat na lamang sila ng tirahan at binenta ang kanilang bahay. Sa ganang akin, ang muslim o kristiyano, maraming di pagkakaunawaan…marahil ang unang tagpo nila noong unang panahon ay tabak at sibat ang nagpakilala sa kanilang dalawa. Pero sana sa panahong ito, sa panahon natin, kailangan nating isantabi ang ating pananampalataya dahil magkaiba tayo doon, at simulan natin i-respeto na kailangan nating mabuhay at huminga sa iisang hangin, iisang lupa, at iisang tubig na ating ginagalawan basta marangal at sa mapayapang paraan na sakop ng saligang batas ng Pilipinas.
nosi balasi
August 27th, 2008 at 1:42 pm
siyanga pala may idaragdag pa ako “misslost”.
marahil hindi umaabot ang serbisyo ng gobyerno sa lugar ng mga muslim sa mindanao katulad ng kabuhayan, kalusugan, edukasyon, seguridad pangkapayapaan, mga regulasyon sa mga pasilidad at “structures” tulad ng tulay, kalsada, puerto o daungan, sa agrikultura naman ay mga irrigasyon, mga pataba sa pananim, mga panlaban sa peste ng pananim, pakiskisan ng palay at marami pang iba.
Naalala ko yung napanood kung palabas sa internet sa pamamagitan ng “pinoy channel tv”, ang pamagat ay “KIDNAP” ito ang buong kwento kung saan nagsimula at natapos ang pagdukot kay Ces Drilon ng ABS-CBN. May isang bata doon na ang edad ay 16-18 years old, siya yung bata na nagbabantay sa mga na-kidnap na nakuhanan ng camera ng kasama ni Ces Drilon habang sila ay binabantayan kung saan inaantay ng mga bumihag kay CES DRILON ang pera na ipangtutubos sa kanila.
Siya ay nahuli ng mga awtoridad, at sinabi ng bata na siya ay sinabihan lamang na bantayan niya sina CES DRILON na di naman niya kilala at ang binayad sa batang yaon ay halos apat napung libong piso. At para sa batang yaon, ang pagbabantay ay isang trabaho…saan ka ba naman makakakita ng apat napung libong piso sa mindanao na ang gagawin mo lamang ay magbantay. Yan ang trabaho na nakagisnan ng batang yaon, at para sa kanya ay hindi mali yun at di niya alam na ang kanyang ginawa ay isang malaking kasalanan sa batas ng Pilipinas at ang katumbas ay habang buhay na pagkakakulong sa salang pagkidnap. Bakit nagkagayon? at sa tingin ng bata ay trabaho ang kanyang ginagawa. Dahil din sa kakulangan ng Gobyerno, ang serbisyo nila ay hindi nakakarating sa mga mamamayan na nasasakupan ng bansang Pilipinas. Tama na lamang ba na may budget sila para doon? bakit di nila tinitimbang maigi kung ang budget ay sapat na at kung talagang epektibo ang kanilang programa sa pag-angat ng kabuhayan ng bawat Pilipino na nasasakupan nila. Sapat na ba ang dahilan na matitigas ang ulo ng mga walang pinag-aralang mahihirap na Pilipino, kesyo sasabihin nilang pinagkalooban na namin yang mga iskwaters na yan sa Maynila ng lupa at bahay sa malayong lugar pero bumabalik pa din para mag-squat ng bahay. Binebenta kasi nila yung mga binigay naming mga tahanan sa kanila…at marami pang dahilan…kaya tumigil na sila sa kanilang serbisyo- sabihin na natin di lang sa panahon ni GMA…mula pa noong tinatag ang Rupublika ng Pilipinas ayan ha para fair at di ma-tagged na anti-GMA. Ang Gobyerno na din ang gumawa ng kanilang sariling multo, dahil sa walang humpay na korupsyon at katiwalian na gawain. Bakit ‘ika nga dumdami ang sumasapi sa mga UGNAYAN ng mga taong labas sa kanayunan, oo walang sasali sa kanila na nasa mga syudad- kasi nga ang serbisyo ng Gobyerno nandoroon- pero sa kanayunan madami. Pero di dapat magsign ng agreement ang Gobyerno sa Probinsya ng mga Moro, aba kung gagawin nila yan, dapat udyokan ko na din yung Mayor ng Pasig na gawing isang state na din ang Pasig at hindi na isang syudad sa Metro Manila, di naman hamak na malaki ang population ng Pasig sa Probinsya ng mga Moro.
nosi balasi
August 27th, 2008 at 1:47 pm
paging any historian or land registrar…meron po ba na bangsamoro sa mapa ng Pilipinas?
August 27th, 2008 at 10:42 pm
ito ay hindi ba-balita lamang sa kangkungan. Iyong daing mo na ang mga Muslim ay karamihan nagiging biktima ng inhustisya dahil sa kanilang pagiging Muslim sa aking palagay lihis sa katotohanan. Nagiging biktima sila ng inhustisya dahil, tulad ng ibang Kristiano, mahirap din.
Ito ang aking karanasan. Tatlong mahihirap na Kristiano sa Antipolo ay sinampahan ng pagpaslang matapos maglubid ng kasinungalingan ang Hepe ng Polisya ng Antipolo na may kinalaman sila sa pagutay-gutay sa isang nangangalang Eduardo Jimena, taong 1991.
Kumalap ng bayarang testigo ang hunghang na Hepe at sinampaan ng kaso ang tatlo. Dahil sa mahirap lang iniasa ang kaso sa PAO. Isa sa tatlo ay si Avelino Barasona, ipinanganak sa bayan kung saan ang iyong abang lingkod ay ipinanganak. Natunton ng kapatid ang aming maralitang tahanan sa Tandang Sora at ako ay nasiphayo sa sinapit ng kanyang nakakatandang kapatid.
Nahatulan ng panghabangbuhay na pagkabilango ang tatlo, pero bago pa mahatulan si Barasona ay nakapagpiyansa samantalang si Berja at si Perez ay nakakulong mula 1991 hanggang 1996 ng matapos ang kaso.
Si Berja, na hawak ng PAO ang kaso, subali’t dumolog sa akin upang ipaglaban ang kaso hanggang Korte Suprema.
Ang kaso ni Perez ay hindi inapela ng PAO.
Pumunta sina Berja at Barasona sa Korte Suprema. Ang Solicitor General ay umayon sa aking apela at nakunbinsing walang kasalanan ang mga nasasakdal. Anim na taon na nakakulong sina Perez at Berja dahil mahirap at walang pera hindi dahil sila ay mga Muslim.
Ito ang link:
nosi balasi
August 28th, 2008 at 10:36 am
ginoong jcc, mabuti naman at nagkamali ng pagsisinungaling si zulueta. sa totoo lang, ang mga taong tulad ni zulueta at yung Hepe ng Pulisya ng Antipolo ang nakakapang-gigil ng laman. at sana naman ang hukom na humawak ng kaso nina Berja at Perez, ay isinama niya sa pagsulong ng kaso laban kay Zulueta at sa Hepe ng Pulisya. Walang saysay ang mga ganitong desisyon, kung sa darating na panahon ay may isa na namang tulad ni zulueta at Hepe ng Antipolo ang gagawa na naman ng kwento. At sana naisip ng Hukom na apat na taon ang nasayang sa mga buhay nina Berja at Perez…at yun ang dapat singilin sa sinungaling na si Zulueta at sa Hepe ng Antipolo.
sadyang napakahina ng hustisya sa atin…ang pagsasampa ng kaso laban kay zulueta at sa Hepe ng pulisya ay ibang kaso yun at panibagong proseso na naman ng paguusig sa kanila…ang dapat gawin ng DOJ ay sila ang umusig kay zulueta at sa Hepe…dahil sa kanilang pagsisinungaling ang tunay na salarin ay hindi nahuli at ang kawawang biktima ay hindi nakamit ang tunay na hustisya.
bakit napawalang sala sina Berja at Perez? dahil sa inconsistency di po ba…maliwanag na panglilito at pagsisinungaling laban sa Batas ng Pilipinas…ay nakuuu…yung abogadong tumulong kila Berja at Perez di na nilubos ang tulong 8) hahaha.
ano na po ba nangyari sa Hepe at kay zulueta?
August 28th, 2008 at 8:55 pm
iyong hepe at si zulueta ay maliliit na isda lamang. iyong huwes ang dapat usigin, pero nakatamaran ko ng umusig ng huwes dahil ang husgadao ay isang malaking sindikato . . . dalawang huwes na ang aking inusig nuong bagong saltang abogado ako, perso sabi ng Korte Suprema walang kasalanan, iyong isa na re-reprimand lamang. itong pobreng si jcc walang kabulastugang kaso ang inihain, iyon inayunan ng Korte Suprema “extortionist” daw. har har har..
nosi balasi
August 29th, 2008 at 1:59 am
nakakatakot pala kayo ginoong jcc…extortionist na abogado…sana di totoo ang bintang sa inyo. kunsabagay, madaming abogado na din ang ginipit dahil lamang sa pagtutuwid ng sistema.
siyanga pala, si tropical storm GUSTAV nasa Jamaica na ngayon, pinangangambahang maging category 3 hurricane paglabas ng jamaica…at masaklap pa nito madaming dalang tubig si GUSTAV at direct hit ang Cayman Islands…sana lumihis ulit at bumaba na lang papunta ulit sa united states hahaha
Alecks P. Pabico
August 29th, 2008 at 10:16 am
What has your court case got to do with the MILF issue, jcc? May we remind you, as well as the others, of the blog’s first rule, which is to stay on topic. The topic of a blog entry is the topic for all comments pertaining to it. Please avoid conversational drift.
May we also ask you, as a matter of courtesy, to stop arguing your Supreme Court case here? Aside from being out of topic, you’ve just been repetitive, raising the same points over and over (here and in the shoutbox). We heard you the first time. Enough of this, we say.
August 29th, 2008 at 7:38 pm
Alecks, you can delete the post. The shoutbox issue was made because somebody raise it there. I just responded. The post now was in response to nosi’s inquiry what i did to do something about the injustice to Berja, Perez and Barasona. I distinguish between running after the small fish and the big fish – and the small fish tends to get caught but not the big fish.
It seeks to highlight also that injustice is part of our judicial process it run across the board regardless of one’s faith and that was related to Misslost lamentationn that Muslims were subjected to injustice.
But as I said you can always delete a post you consider offensive. No big deal and no hurt feelings.
nosi balasi
August 30th, 2008 at 4:00 am
i made a mess on my posts alecks, i just carried away and allowed myself to be out of the topic for being so relax or too fast…please delete my post which has no relevance to the topic. thank you.
August 31st, 2008 at 6:19 pm
what exactly is this ancestral domain,they seem to claim the whole of mindanao as theirs (MILF) wtf,I thought all filipinos were once pagans,muslims and and lumads and most just converted to the moros are treating us like aliens in our own
Is this the same as the ancestral domain of the indians in the u.s.What do you think the americans will do if some indians establish a bje of their own and lay claim to half of the territory of the u.s.This moros are feeding us a cock of bull..ancestral domain my ass.I hope our politicians will issue a decree requiring all filipinos to serve in war or in the military just like what they do here in Israel,so ordinary citizens like me can give them a piece of our mind regarding ancestral domain in the form a lead with full metal jacket.