September 6, 2005 · Posted in: Arroyo Impeachment, In the News

The voting continues

AS of 11:33 am, the tally is 107-34-4 in favor of throwing out the impeachment complaints.

Muntinlupa Rep. Rozzano Biazon: The President needs to be heard in the impeachment forum. The Justice Committee held seven days of hearings, but most of these were on prejudicial questions rather than the issues against the president and the evidence that support the accusations against her. She should be allowed to clear her name. The people have the right to know whether she violated the law and the constitution. Six Cs influence congressmen: Conviction, conscience, constituents, compromises, committee chairmanship and CDFs. His vote: No

Iloilo Rep. Ferjenel Biron: We were witness to the sad spectacle of the devaluation of the rule of law, the most abused term in our democracy. We are depriving the President the opportunity to defend herself against the charges made against her. But he added that he cannot be part of a proceeding that violates due process. His vote: Abstain because the committee report is void and doesn’t exist.

Pampanga Rep. Anna York Bondoc: Let us realize our mistakes and correct our shortcomings as a society. Her vote: Yes

Laguna Rep. Danton Bueser: He abstained from voting on sufficiency of substance of the impeachment complaint but votes Yes

Zamboanga Sibugay Rep. Belma Cabilao: Her conscience dictates that she vote Yes

Davao del Sur Rep. Douglas Cagas: It’s 5:31 in the morning and democracy is alive and strong in the halls of Congress. Our people are for ending this impeachment show; they are tired and exhausted by this proceeding. They want this to be over soon so they can work and deal with other problems. He asked politicians to abandon the hungry quest for power and leave the impeachment behind. His vote: Yes

Bohol Rep. Roberto Cajes: The officials in his district have all expressed support for the President but gave him the freedom to decide on the impeachment. Yesterday, a congressman alleged that massive electoral fraud took place in Bohol in 2004. This is an insult to the voters of his district. He was present at the canvassing of the votes in the province. All the opposition candidates were represented by a battery of lawyers and none of them registered a single complaint. The elections in Bohol were orderly and clean. His vote: Yes

Leyte Rep. Carmen Cari: She is not a lawyer or a member of the Justice Committee but attended the hearings. It is time to move on and work harmoniously. This is all the will of God. Her vote: Yes

Negros Occidental Rep. Tranquilino Carmona: We need to rise above turmoil. Let history judge how we acted. His vote: Yes

Bayan Muna Rep. Teodoro Casiño: Only seven pages of the 37-page Justice Committee report dealt with sufficiency of form and substance; of these, only one page dealt with sufficiency of substance. Only two of seven hearings dealt with the issue of form and substance; all the rest, with prejudicial issues. We never talked about the charges against the president. Bayan Muna never had illusions that the impeachment would succeed because we know how Congress works. His vote: No

Zamboanga del Norte Rep. Cecilia Carreon: Only the rule of the majority should be the criterion in deciding this and other issues. There is no sufficient moral, political or constitutional compulsion for the President to be impeached. Her vote: Yes

Capiz Rep. Fredenil Castro: He felt lost and confused, not because of the legal and constitutional complexities, but because of all the passion and obfuscation in the halls of Congress. The issue must be viewed with prudence and with the needs of the nation in mind. The country cannot afford to be further divided. His vote: Yes

Taguig-Pateros Alan Peter Cayetano: One cannot serve both God and money. He saluted those who voted yes or no because of their convictions but reserved judgment for those who voted because of money. He said he never accepted offers of money or position, including the offer of being Taguig mayor next term. It cannot be said, given the Church, business and civil society leaders supporting impeachment, that we are only interested in destabilization. Many young congressmen want a change in the system. How can you bring Congress your grievances when Congress is your grievance? How do you deal with an institution that is sufficient in form but insufficient in substance? His vote: No

Zamboanga del Sur Rep. Antonio Cerilles: Taunted the opposition for not getting the 79 votes even as they heaped insult on those for the administration. He said the opposition can try again next year. His vote: Yes

Bohol Rep. Edgardo Chatto: The doctrine set by the Francisco ruling remains: Only one impeachment complaint can be filed in a year. We need a more substantive complaint and more proof.  Impeachment is a process that is intentionally made difficult by law. If we are dissatisfied with this reality, then we should change the constitution. His vote: Yes

Laguna Rep. Justin Chipeco
: We are supposed to be instruments of truth and defenders of the majority. Will we allow the House to be remembered by the coming generations as a symbol of how truth can be withheld? His vote: No

Ifugao Rep. Solomon Chungalao: This is his first term in Congress, winning by landslide against more established rivals. His constituents voted for the president in 2004 and she was there to mark the 60th anniversary of Yamashita’s surrender. His vote: Yes

Leyte Rep. Eufronio Codilla Sr.: The impeachment has already caused so much damage, the economy is in bad shape. Mass actions diminish our democracy and will only create chaos. He appealed to those marching in the streets to respect the rule of law. Future generations will remember us for doing a noble task for solving a crisis swiftly in accordance with the law. His vote: Yes

COOP-NATTCO Rep. Guillermo Cua: Our national interest lies in freeing Congress of the burden of impeachment so it can go on with its legislative responsibilities, including addressing the problem of poverty. While impeachment is a congressional duty, our country has been through a similar process in the past and many in our constituency in the cooperative are no longer interested in this process. We need instead to change our political structure and give more power to local areas and redistribute wealth. Removing a sitting president will not address the social volcano. His vote: Yes

Quirino Rep. Junie Cua: Impeachment is a way of rendering political justice. He wondered whether the Senate can hold a fair trial. This process has to change and hopes that everyone can accept this decision. His vote: Yes

Cebu Rep. Cuenco: This matter has been talked to death. Goebbels said a lie repeated many times will sound true. This is what happened to the purveyors of the lie that there was massive cheating in 2004. The charges against the president are reckless and wild as the wind. He recommended that Congress through legislation do a full recount of the ballots and election returns, instead of going through an impeachment in the Senate. This is the only way to put to rest any doubts about 2004. His vote: Yes

Capiz Rep. Rodriguez Dadivas: The President was charged of culpable violation of the Constitution, bribery, graft and corruption, and betrayals of public trust. I am in full accordance of the findings dismissing the three complaints. The Justice committee based its order of dismissal on the Lozano complaint on gorunds that though it was sufficient in form, it was not sufficient in substance. And that no impeachment complaint can be filed more than once in year. His vote: Yes

Maguindanao Rep. and justice committee chair Simeon Datumanong: His vote: Yes

Marikina Rep. Del de Guzman: Voted with a clear conscience. His vote: Yes

Maguindanao Rep. Bai Sendig Dilangalen: Cannot vote in favor of the committee report because I don’t believe in its wisdom. To vote No is to vote for the impeachment of the President according to the Lozano complaint. I cannot vote for the amended complaint because nothing happened to the previous complaint. Her vote: Abstain

Mt. Province Rep. Victor Dominguez: The impeachment process is a political exercise. The people of Mt. province are loyal to the President. I represent their vote. His vote: Yes

Baguio City Rep. Mauricio Domogan: The law does not allow new allegations within a year. This crisis had done nothing to our country. It would be better if this is resolved sooner. His vote: Yes

Lanao del Sur Rep. Faysah Dumarpa: A careful examination of such a complaint is nothing more than hearsay; it’s violative of the anti-wiretapping law. I consider the amended complaint is sufficient in form and substance but it is barred by the one-year rule. Her vote: Yes

La Union Rep. Tomas Dumpit: This is not just a legal issue but a policy issue. To adhere to the rule of law. His vote: Yes

Cebu Rep. Joseph Ace Durano: No cheating ever occurred in the Cebu. I have 10 resolutions from different municipalities recognizing President Arroyo as the legitimate president. His vote: Yes

Pasay Rep. Consuelo Dy: It has go through a process and to stick to it. Every president will fear what might happen. Even at this time there might be forces conniving to overthrow Noli de castro if he becomes the president. Her vote: Yes

House Speaker and Pangasinan Rep. Jose De Venecia, Jr.: The two polling organizations, SWS and Pulse Asia, both on the eve on the exit polls declared the president had won. Namfrel said she won and it was clean. One hundred American and European observers declared that there was clean and transparent election in the Philippines. Sending this to the Senate—given that the Senate president is determined to oust the president—will mean continuing damage to our economy. We will endanger our country, our economy and further divide country. Prone to human error, she is still our best option. There is no suitable alternative to Arroyo. His vote: Yes
Surigao del Norte Rep. Glenda Ecleo: No explanation for her Yes vote.

Batangas Rep. Eileen Ermita-Buhain: No explanation for her Yes vote.

Sorsogon Rep. and Minority Floorleader Francis Escudero: It is the truth that has lost. But the search for the truth does not end today. The president and her allies will always be haunted by questions. His vote: No

Biliran Rep. Gerardo Espina Jr.: The president won in Biliran. She’s innocent of all the charges. This should end soon so our economy can recover. His vote: Yes

Pangasinan Rep. Amado Espino Jr.: This is for the children of our children. His vote: Yes

Guimaras Rep. Edgar Espinosa: No explanation for his Yes vote.

Pangasinan Rep. Conrado Estrella III: We need to invite more investors and encourage local businessmen. His vote: Yes 

Zamboanga City Rep. Erico Basilio Fabian: The president needs the opportunity to defend herself. In the process the truth will surface. His vote: No

Surigao del Sur Rep. Peter Falcon: The people in my district overwhelmingly voted for president Arroyo. His vote: Yes

Western Samar Rep. Catalino Figueroa: Upholding that the complaint is insufficient in substance is the right application of the rule of law. His vote: Yes

Romblon Rep. Eduardo Firmalo: I go for the rule of law. We must work as one. I vote yes for stability. His vote: Yes

Davao del Norte Rep. Antonio Floirendo Jr.: The rule of physics is that no two matters can occupy a space at the same time. It applies to the impeachment. The people want this issue stopped. It is divisive, destructive. His vote: Yes

Siquijor Rep. Orlando Fua Jr.: It is the fault of the opposition that the amended complaint was not received on technicality. Impeachment was only a last resort when mass action failed. They must suffer the consequences. His vote: Yes

Camarines Sur Rep. Arnulfo Fuentebella: The decision of the majority is not always what is right. His vote: No

Bataan Rep. Albert Garcia: Every vote here must be based on the interests of our citizenry. I will follow my conscience. His vote: Yes

Iloilo Rep. Janette Garin: I cannot accept the Lozano complaint because I believe it should have been the consolidated complaint. It is the best avenue that we can prove that the accusations are wrong, that these may have been committed by other people and not directly linking the president. Her vote: Abstain.

VFP party-list Rep. Ernesto Gidaya: The impeachment was initiated by disenfranchised people and their greed for power and selfish interests. They are destroying the peace and stability of our nation. His vote: Yes

Parañaque Rep. Roilo Golez: The reputation of the president and the Comelec was tarnished, many now believe that the president stole the presidency. Respectable NGOs, universities have asked for her resignation. Many questions. What is the truth? His vote: No

Iloilo City Rep. Raul Gonzales Jr.
: We cannot side with you, after we in the majority have been repeatedly maligned. You cannot ask someone to join you after calling them a liar. His vote: Yes

Batangas Rep. Oscar Gozos: The complaint of Lozano failed to hurdle the test of substance. Let us respect the result of this process. His vote: Yes

Bukidnon Rep. Teofisto Guingona III: It seems the president uses the power of the state to perpetutate personal interests. How can you trust a person who endorses a weak complaint? Who allows Garcillano to leave the country? Who condones the kidnapping of an election official? She has to answer to the very serious charge that she betrayed public trust. His vote: No

Cebu Rep. Eduardo Gullas: We are a government of laws and not a government of men. I cannot remember any other time when this chamber has been this bitterly split. We should now move on. His vote: Yes

Anak Mindanao party-list Rep. Mujiv Hataman: It is not numbers that should rule. The truth should rule. Let’s look into the evidence against the president. Let us not kill the truth by a mere technicality. His vote: No

Manila Rep. Joey Hizon: At the end of the day, majority wins. That’s democracy. His vote: Yes

Akbayan party-list Rep. Risa Hontiveros-Baraquel: It has been a flawed impeachment from the start. We fought for the impeachment in our search for the truth. If it will all end this way, let no one wonder, and no one blame the people if they decide to do what we have failed to do here. Her vote: No

Bohol Rep. Eladio Jala: The findings of the justice commitite are in accordance with the constitution and the rules of impeachment. The amended complaint is barred by the constitution. The President has been very kind to the people of Bohol; she won overwhelmingly in Bohol and there was no cheating. His vote: Yes

Zamboanga del Norte Rep. Cesar Jalosjos: This long wait has sapped the strength of our nation. It is now time to move forward. His vote: Yes

17 Responses to The voting continues



September 6th, 2005 at 11:47 am

Malapit na ang pinakahihintay ng mga Pinoy! FIESTA REVOLUTION na naman! πŸ˜€

Will the numbers hit 50,000 tomorrow? Stay tuned folks. Grab a bear and some pop corn to view the spectacle.

As a point to ponder as you watch the fiesta, look back and recall an observation made by the Sun Star a short time ago in that first attempt by the hollow-headed opposition to claim Manila’s streets with their hakots:

“It looked like a huge street party with an interesting mix of characters… Street vendors were out in full force, peddling corn on the cob, boiled bananas, fish balls, deep-fried chicken gizzards on a stick and scoops of ice cream on hamburger buns…. Music and entertainment were another crucial component, keeping the crowds from drifting away. Pop stars crooned on a huge stage and the “Sex Bomb” dancers–a group of young women in tight white tops and blue capri pants–did the classic bump and grind.”

Look for the source of the above snippet here: πŸ˜€



September 6th, 2005 at 12:13 pm




September 6th, 2005 at 12:28 pm

I have always believed that Filipinos are capable of change, capable of being the best in the world, capable of choosing what path to choose, capable of knowing what is right or wrong. To say that people who search for truth are HAKOTS is not only an INSULT to our filipino heritage but also degrades our nobel past. They insult the heros who fought and died to preserve our freedom. Filipinos are a thinking people and to say otherwise is unacceptable. We may make some mistakes,nobody’s perfect, but we are also capable of correcting those mistakes. LETS CORRECT THE MISTAKE NOW! GLORIA RESIGN!



September 6th, 2005 at 12:33 pm

115-39 according to ABS-CBN news. 79 lang kelangan nila…tapos 39 lang nakuha? What went monumentally wrong? Mahina, mahina….yun lang ang sagot….

Teddy Casino said:

“Bayan Muna never had illusions that the impeachment would succeed because we know how Congress works.”

Then what on earth is he doing in Congress if he doesn’t believe in the institution? And what on earth is his motive in going through the process of campaigning and getting elected and participating in Congress?? Is that reasonable??

I hope he reads this….Kung sincere sya, work for change but be aware if you criticize the institution you CHOSE to be a part of – it reflects on you!



September 6th, 2005 at 12:35 pm

WE FILIPINOS ARE NOT STUPID LIKE SOME MIGHT THINK!I have always believed that Filipinos are capable of change, capable of being the best in the world, capable of choosing what path to choose, capable of knowing what is right or wrong. To say that people who search for truth are HAKOTS is not only an INSULT to our filipino heritage but also degrades our nobel past. They insult the heros who fought and died to preserve our freedom. Filipinos are a thinking people and to say otherwise is unacceptable. We may make some mistakes,nobody’s perfect, but we are also capable of correcting those mistakes. LETS CORRECT THE MISTAKE NOW! GLORIA RESIGN!



September 6th, 2005 at 12:39 pm

The lesson is this. Before you eat up everything that is told you by these politicians and — worse — act on these “wisdoms”, try to sit back with a cool head and actually dissect these little works of grandstanding and understand how oxymoronic and logic-defying they are. πŸ˜‰



September 6th, 2005 at 12:51 pm

Some people might think they know everything, no wonder they do not know whats right or wrong anymore. The truth is simple, so simple that it is only answerable by yes or no. Did GMA cheat, Did she use taxpayers money in the election , did she lie? The problem is she cant even answer who she talked to in the Garci tape! What a shame. To other people who are also KNOW IT ALL well you insult people who seek the truth has HAKOT. Well filipinos are not as dumb as you think! We can be the best in the world, and saying otherwise is an insult to our heros who fought and died for our freedom and also an insult to you.


soledad t. tubay

September 7th, 2005 at 1:00 pm

We do not wish for a fiesta revolution but circumstances always force peopel to seek venues to air grievances. Many Filipinos are ignorant about what’s happening because the powers that be prefer that they remain ignorant. This is what pains me most as a Filipino. Why are there many among us who are happy that others know very little that they can be used as pawns by whoever has the means? So sad! So tragic!

Mabuhay ka Allan Peter Cayetano for a very profound, patriotic reasoning.

JDVs reasoning is the tupidetst of all!


soledad t. tubay

September 7th, 2005 at 1:01 pm

We do not wish for a fiesta revolution but circumstances always force peopel to seek venues to air grievances. Many Filipinos are ignorant about what’s happening because the powers that be prefer that they remain ignorant. This is what pains me most as a Filipino. Why are there many among us who are happy that others know very little that they can be used as pawns by whoever has the means? So sad! So tragic!

Mabuhay ka Allan Peter Cayetano for a very profound, patriotic reasoning.

JDVs reasoning is the most stupid of all. Ano ba ito… and he is the speaker of the house? What kind of speech… eheste… ano na nga ba yun?



September 7th, 2005 at 1:18 pm

soledad t. tubay said,
September 7, 2005 @ 1:01 pm

We do not wish for a fiesta revolution but circumstances always force peopel to seek venues to air grievances. Many Filipinos are ignorant about what’s happening because the powers that be prefer that they remain ignorant. This is what pains me most as a Filipino. Why are there many among us who are happy that others know very little that they can be used as pawns by whoever has the means? So sad! So tragic!


Hey, Filipino people are not ignorant. The silent majority just studying and weighing the options that’s why they don’t make actions yet. Filipinos are thinking people. Look at the rally and protest today, only few people attended because people now are studying the situation.
If we remove PGMA in office who will replace her? did the opposition have an answer to that? the opposition always avoided that BIG question bacause they are afraid that the people will not accept the person they want to replace PGMA. Will the people trust Lacson, Erap or this so called Civil Society? Filipinos are not stupid anymore that they will remove somebody who is stubbing they’re back and replace her with somebody who will just hit they’re head… Us of now there is no viable option to replace her… Nobody from the administration and absolutely nobody in the opposition, that’s why I think people will just maintain yet the status quo until this anti-GMA movement will give clearly their intention and their proposal who will replace PGMA if she will remove from office..But unfortunately they don’t have yet answer to that or they will keep on avoiding to answer that baecause they are afraid that the people will know the truth also that they have personal interest on the presidency.



September 7th, 2005 at 1:21 pm

noli is the constitutional successor. gma chose him herself to become her vice (meaning in place of; replacing).


soledad t. tubay

September 7th, 2005 at 1:23 pm

So, if replacement is the problem- A BIG PROBLEM- then, we just have to live with her as the president until ewan…



September 7th, 2005 at 3:02 pm

replacement is just an imagined problem – wake up its not real!



September 7th, 2005 at 3:08 pm

noelet said,
September 7, 2005 @ 3:02 pm

replacement is just an imagined problem – wake up its not real!


Yes for now replacement is still just an imagined problem, but sooner or later if PGMA was oust it will be really real problem. I’m afraid to gamble when that times come.



September 7th, 2005 at 3:42 pm

ha! ha! ha! ha!
ako lang yata ang nakakaalam na ang impeachment ay batas na nilikha upang dalhin sa korte (impeachment court) ang opisyal ng gobyerno na pinaparatangan ng mga paglabag sa batas. sa atin sa pilipinas ay ang kongreso ang magsusulong nito upang mabigyan ng pagkakataon ang pangulo o ang sinoman opisyales ng gobyerno na inirereklamo ng paglabag sa batas. dapat pa nga nila piliin ang inaakala nilang pinakamalakas na kaso o paratang o complaint.
ha! ha! ha! ha!
sana ay gumanap ng kanilang tungkulin ang ating mga tauhan sa kongreso na naangkop sa itinatakda sa kanila ng batas.
ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!
dun sa senado, dun lang dapat husgahan kung talagang walang saysay ang mga kaso laban sa isinasakdal at hindi sa kongreso. ang layunin nga po ng batas ay madala sa korte ang isinasakdal upang dun siya ay makapagpaliwanag at maipagtanggol ang kanyang sarili. dun malalaman kung puro paratang nga lamang ba ang lahat ng kaso laban sa isinasakdal. dun din malalaman kung walang matitibay na ebidensya laban sa isinasakdal. dun di malalaman kung ang isinasakdal ay tunay na may kasalanan o wala. dun dapat magpapaliwanag ang lahat ng testigo na magpapatunay kung nagkasala o walang ginawang kasalanan ang nasasakdal. ha! ha! ha! ha!
kaya naman po 1 impeachment proceeding lang ang dapat maganap sa loob ng isang taon ay upang maiwasan ang mga walang saysay na reklamo lalo na ang paulit-ulit na kaso o complaint. ano ba yan?! nakakabaliw na talaga ang mga nangyayari sa ating bansang pilipinas. ha! ha! ha! ha!
ako lang daw ang nakakaalam nito?!./! huh! nahihibang ba ako o nababaliw na?!.,/;’ ahihi! hindi kya ang totot ay yun lang ang dapat nangyari upang matapos na ang lahat ng paratang ng bawat isang panig; paratang ng oposisyon sa administrasyon at paratang ng administrasyon sa oposisyon. huh!
kayo diyan na makabasa nito at mapatunayan nyo na tama pala ako at may kakayahan kayo na dalhin ang usaping ito sa korte suprema, pakidala na lang po dun sa korte suprema, bakasakaling ang patay na at nailibing na ay muling bumangon upang mabigyan ng hustisya ang lahat ng mamamayang pilipino (pro o anti-gma man). sana nga po ay mali ang aking paniniwala na iligal ang pagpatay o pagpapawalang-saysay sa impeachment complaint.ahihi!
ano sa palagay nyo ang katotohanan ng aking pananaw? totoo ba ito o kahibangan lang ng isang katulad kong ordinaryong pilipino na sawa na sa kapapaikot ng ating mga batas. wag nyo na po sanang kahabaan ang sagot nyo, totoo na lang po sana o hindi ang maging sagot nyo, please. hu! hu! hu! hu!
gusto pang palitan ang batas upang maligtas sa kasalanan??? huh!



September 7th, 2005 at 4:50 pm

you don’t have to bet your life in a gamble on the next. if you believe in the constitution – impeachment – then let it be who succeeds. the point is believe it before, during and after.

this is not the same in believing its dead. though it is also constiturional… yet its unprincipled and don’t do justice to the very law of impeachment.

… but a justice only for Gloria.


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