THE 158 members of the House of Representatives who junked the impeachment complaint against President Arroyo apparently don’t have their ears to the ground.

The  Social Weather Stations‘ latest nationwide survey shows that in the last few days of the recent House justice committee hearings on the impeachment complaint against the president, 79 percent of Filipinos wanted Arroyo impeached, 64 percent favored her resignation, and 51 percent said she should be removed by people power if the House would reject her impeachment.

The SWS attributed the negative sentiment to what it said was the belief of most Filipinos that Arroyo’s phone calls to “a Comelec official” amounted to instructing him to cheat in the 2004 election.

Of the 57 percent believing that the phone calls gave instructions to cheat, 89 percent were pro-impeachment, 80 percent were pro-resignation, and 62 percent were pro-people-power, according to the quarterly Social Weather Survey.

Those calling for impeachment comprised 90 percent in Metro Manila, 82 percent in Mindanao, 79 percent in the balance of Luzon, and 69 percent in the Visayas. The higher the socio-economic class, and the higher the schooling, the greater the support for either impeachment or resignation of Arroyo.

The survey also found that only 22 percent had much trust in the House, while only 24 percent had much trust in the Senate.

Arroyo’s net satisfaction rating remained low at -23, but was an improvement over the -33 she got last May 2005, said to be the record low for all presidents beginning with Corazon Aquino.

The SWS polled 1,200 adults nationwide from Aug. 26-Sept 5. The survey has sampling error margins of ±3 percent for national percentages and ±6 percent for area percentages.

Read the full report.

40 Responses to SWS poll: 79% of Pinoys wanted GMA impeached



September 10th, 2005 at 10:06 pm

hay naku another survey!



September 11th, 2005 at 1:12 am

the results of all the surveys conducted in the last 3 months have been consistent. that majority of the Filipino People want PGMA to resign, be impeached or ousted. But Malacanang will disregard this survey by saying that it is not credible because they don’t see people going to the street. Maybe somebody should come up with an idea as to how to convince malacanang that this is for real.



September 11th, 2005 at 2:12 am

What the survey ‘in aid of people power’ is basically saying is the time is ripe for people power. It tells us: “Hey, it’s okay to do the illegal thing: Overthrow the government”. The survey reflects the mood of the people from all regions of the country encompassing all class status with a little resistance from the Visayas of course. Why, even Erap had a higher trust rating of 26% at the time he was ousted to Gloria’s 22% now. So, quo vadis Philippines? Are we or aren’t we? And just to inject some sense of urgency: Gloria’s net trust rating is actually moving up from -33% as of May 05 to -23% as of Sept 05. In other words, do it now before Gloria’s ratings will increase much higher and all these chances to oust her will have dissipated. So what gives? Why is she still there? It’s not for lacking of trying. There have been rallies after rallies after rallies, with all the pomposity and pageantry of a fiesta, as BenignO would say . Each and everytime, organizers are saying its gonna be the biggest, the mother of all rallies. Actually, it has come to a point of diminishing interest. Now, I’m confused: How come Filipinos are saying they want it, but are not doing it? There is a missing X factor somewhere. Is it the late Cardinal Sin? Is it the Military? Is it the Business Community? the Middle Force? the Bishops? the confluence of all these elements? See, to bridge the gap between WANTING and ACTUALLY DOING it, you have to have the HEART to do it. The WANT is instigated by the brain, which gets its information from the press and other sources. The HEART is Gods medium of communicating to us. Am I saying then that this so-called ‘magic’, the Invisible Hand, the X Factor, is telling us NOT to do it?



September 11th, 2005 at 2:50 am

no amount of survey will ever convince gloria to vacate malacañang!!!

its not the want or the need but rather who will replace her? the constitutional succesor noli? my gosh he doesnt even have the balls to stand up to an issue! he’s just playing safe! transitional govt? like who voted for those freaks?

my point is: people may be tired of gloria but they dont have anyone to turn to.



September 11th, 2005 at 6:46 am

i looked at impeachment part of this survey as moot as the lower house already decided against it, notwithstanding what the SC would say.

looking at table 5 of the survey, except for ncr, there is a large percentage of those in favor of people power that was categorized as ‘somewhat agree’. this could be the group that’s ‘wanting but not doing it’.

noticeable also is the percentage of undecided, which with the exception of ncr again, is almost as large to those who disagreed. these percentages of the somewhat disagree and undecided could finally tilt the balance of what the real direction the peeople really want to go to.

another survey seem desirable with the circumstances.

at the meantime, pro and anti gma should stepped up their campaign to influence these groups to join their sides unequivocally.



September 11th, 2005 at 7:54 am

You know why some people who want GMA to resign are not joining rallies? Because their lives has been so miserable since GMA became president that they could hardly make ends meet. GMA contributed a lot to the poverty, confusion and cynicism Filipinos have now.

In an article published on page A15 of the September 11, 2005 issue of the Philippine Daily Inquirer By Randy David he said :
“Clearly, it is not just confusion we are battling here. We are also up against cynicism, fear, despair, and the pull of blind affinities. We might begin to overcome these if we could visualize the kind of nation we want to leave to our children.”

And I think that is the key. Ones Filipinos realized that its not only the present that is at stake, but also OUR FUTURE. Then we will stand up, make our voices heard.Change cannot be made overnight it takes time. IN GODS TIME WE WILL MAKE THE RIGHT MOVE. PLEASE DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THE FILIPINOS!



September 11th, 2005 at 8:21 am

Now is the roght time to get rid of GMA. She will never acccomplish anything constructive to help the people because she is only concerned about her suevival.
Her survival as president, as suppoted by her cronies, who are all corrupt like her will perpetuate their lies, cheating,and stealing because their only goal as politicians is to enrich themselves.. These are people who do not care for us, the poor, the illiterate and the downtrodden. The people they can manipulate to stay in power without any feeling of remorse or pity in spite of their promise to be the servants for the people’s needs.
Obviously, our corrupt officials do not care and is without consience.
It is also obvious that they can not be removed from power by legal means because of their number. It is without question that they do not represent the majority of the citizen because their votes does not represent the pulse of the country.
INow, therefore, is the right time to rise and kick them out of power.



September 11th, 2005 at 11:54 am

It’s ironic that the Palace does not believe in surveys that GMA is really hated by the people, while fiercely asserting that according to surveys released just before the polls the she will win the elections.

Does this mean that what is true then, is a baloney now?

Sabagay, wala naman sinabi ang palasyo na consistent. Take for example the fiasco on the declaration of a holiday on the 28th of August. I got scolded by my manager because I was not able tonacio report to work kasi nga nasa province na ako dahil sa announcement ni
Mr. Ignacio “copy of the copy of the copy of the CD” Bunye na walan ngang pasok.



September 11th, 2005 at 1:33 pm

survey? wala epek yan kay Guya(GMA). walang delekadesa yan eh



September 11th, 2005 at 4:09 pm

I was waiting for this survey to affirm just what I thought. The results of the survey show that the 158 congressmen who voted to junk the impeachment complaint against La Tonta (GMA) were not in sink with the voice of the people. This was contrary to a majority of them saying–when explaining their Yes vote–that they have consulted with their constituents on the issue. The survey results show otherwise. As El Antipatico (Nograles) said on TV, “it’s a numbers game!” And so it is. The people HAVE spoken. And they will HEAR from us soon.



September 11th, 2005 at 5:08 pm

The longer GMA clings to power the more the Filipino peope would sunk into poverty. She’s the only factor that leaves the country divided. She’s the main reason why our country’s economy is still far behind our neighboring countries. Her doctorate in Economics is a big joke! Bill Gates could have done a better job (considering he was not able to finish his studies)….

Maybe GMA would be able to cover up her evil doings yet she her children and grandchilren would pay for it. She would pay for it in hell.



September 11th, 2005 at 5:46 pm

People with no political affiliations and aspirations unite! :)

Tayong walang kilalang grupo o politiko….sama sama na tayo. Let’s coordinate and add our voice. I know a lot of us want to participate in this :)

join us

Usap usap tayo! :)



September 11th, 2005 at 8:04 pm

People please.

How can you trust surveys?!?

The anti-impeachment tongressmen spoke to the electorate before their vote and according to these distinguished public servants the public is not interested in impeachment. According to one, the public is more interested in changing the current presidential system to a parliamentary one and how we can improve the economy. With respect to the last part they seem to have forgotten that GORIA has managed it for the last four years LOL!!!



September 11th, 2005 at 8:15 pm

i really would want to know how perception survey such as this conducted by the SWS or Pulse Asia really works..if this is indicative of the real sentiments of each and every Filipino..especially those in Visayas and Mindanao…

officials from the several LGUs claim solid support for the administration, as well as its effort to shift to a new system of government…

i hope that these surveys will serve effectively its purpose of presenting to the public the actual results of the study. the people should be selective and more informed in its decisions especially that there are incidence in the past that social surveys were made a tool to serve selfish interests especially of politicians.



September 11th, 2005 at 8:18 pm

really would want to know how perception surveys such as those conducted by the SWS or Pulse Asia really works..if this is indicative of the real sentiment of each and every Filipino..especially those in Visayas and Mindanao…

officials from the several LGUs claim solid support for the administration, as well as its effort to shift to a new system of government…

i hope that these surveys will serve effectively its purpose of presenting to the public the actual results of the study. the people should be selective and more informed in its decisions especially that there are incidence in the past that social surveys were made a tool to serve selfish interests especially of politicians.



September 11th, 2005 at 9:03 pm

we don’t really understand. surveys are for someone’s interest. just as policians are for their own interests. we refused to understand we are being used. we’ll never move forward if we ride on with them. look at the people in metro mla. as if they are honest themselves. haven’t they realized? it’s they who make their lives miserable. unfortunately, we, the probinsyanhon, are dragged along. What now?



September 12th, 2005 at 4:38 am

Mga Bagong Katungkulan (Translated Job Titles)
> Siguro napapanahon ng palitan ang mga titulo ng mga
> katungkulan, trabaho (job title), of “elected positions” na dati
> nating
> nakasanayan.
> Nakalista sa baba ay mga titulo ng mga posisyon sa English at
> ang bagong nababagay na bansag sa kanila sa wikang
> Pilipino:
> President – Pasimuno
> Vice President – Kunsintidor
> Secretary – Palsipikador
> Treasurer – Kubrador
> Auditor – Kasabwat
> Business Manager – Gastador
> Public Relations Officer – Tsismoso
> Sergeant-at-Arms – Pasaway
> Representative – Pahamak
> Observer – Usisero
> Advocate – Taga-batikos
> Spokesman – Bolero
> Moderator – Taga-bulabog
> Announcer – Manggugulat
> Monitor – Taga-silip
> Inspector – Taga-lapirot
> Investigator – Mangangalkal
> Enforcer – Tirador
> Jail Warden – Sadista
> Prosecutor – Tagapaglait
> Judge – Tagahugas-kamay
> Aide – Taga-istorbo
> Assistant – Galamay
> Adviser – Sulsol
> Consultant – Mangangalakal
> Contractor – Estapador
> Expert – Punong-Yabang
> Technical Writer – Manlilinlang
> Spin Doctor – Taga-himas
> Headhunter – Taga-silat
> Headshrinker – Basagulero
> Director – Taga-udyok
> Manager – Taga-kulit
> Boss – Busabos
> Supervisor – Ambisyoso
> Chief Accountant – Punong-Gahaman
> Sales Vendor – Pirata
> Collector – Mangingikil
> Custodian – Taga-ligpit
> Dispatcher – Taga-dispatsa
> Distributor – Taga-kalat
> Delivery Man – Taga-iwan ng Gamit
> Circulation Head – Taga-bilog ng Ulo
> Purchaser – Palengkera
> Receptionist – Palikera
> Clerk Typist – Taga-parami ng Papel
> Messenger – Tagatulak ng Papel
> Janitor – Taga-limas
> Plumber – Taga-tagas
> Repairman – Mambubutingting
> Gardener – Damuho
> Utility Man – Inutil
> Watchman – Istambay
> Security Guard – Bantay-Salakay
> Doorman – Nagpapalusot
> Driver – Kaskasero
> Chance Passenger – Malas na Nakikiangkas
> Comedian – Alaskador



September 12th, 2005 at 4:51 am

Eto ay mga email natanggap ko na galing sa gobyerno nagtratrabaho… Magaling ang mga deskripsyon, medyo nagtutugma na ba sa mga panahon ngayon?

Nasasainyo kung tanggapin natin o hindi, kung hindi matanggap wag naman tayong tumanganga na lang at magkibit balikat.

-Lumabas kung kaya at iharap at ilabas ang damdamin
– kung hindi, isama mo sa panalangin ang Bayan natin, katulad ng pagsama sa Panalangin sa mga anak natin, eto na lang ba ang ipamana natin sa kanila?
-magbantay, at maghikayat ng ibag walang alam. Kahit di tayo lumabas kung ang damadamin natin at pag iisip lahat ng Pilipino ay sama sama , walang imposible. May mga natural na bagay ang gagalaw para sa atin, ang importante ay iisa ang atin layunin. walang iba kundi pagbabago…

Sana na po sa ikabubuti ng Bayan natin….


concerned citizen

September 12th, 2005 at 7:09 am

the problem with these people(arroyo cohorts) if the survey favored arroyo they embrace the result if not well… they say its just a popularity contest. selective sila sa mga event na dapat paniwalaan. baka sabihen nila metro manila lang ito. nation wide survey na ito hinde na excuse ng arroyo allies na ang probinsya ay walang pakialam at mas gusto si arroyo. pwede ba huwag nyo ng lokohin ang mga tao. ito lang mga local officials na may mga post dated checks lang ang nagsasabi na ok pa rin si arroyo sa mga constituents nila. subukan nyo lang next election kung manalo pa kayo. itong mga local officials na nakinabang noong nakaraang election sa mga kurakot ni arroyo.



September 12th, 2005 at 8:49 am

just wud wanna react to what koyobayashi had posted about the uncertainty of filipinos on the wud be successor of GMA in her imminent downfall. always bear in mind the abundance of talent, aspiration and HIGH MORALS of others considered next in line to lead the nation. its not for us alone to pick a true leader but for us to respect the will of the majority which now dictates that gloria really cheated her way to victory. all legal and constitutional options were already exhausted to no avail, we’ve seen how her allies in congress who called themselves the majority (tyrrants all!) bastardized the impeachment process and even invoking their so-called “clear conscience” in voting out the 3impeachment complaint. now what else is left for us? we must now stand and be counted and join every mass movement calling for the downfall of the bogus leader in the palace and proposed a new election to be administered by a new COMELEC with young, vibrant and PRINCIPLED ideals. May GOD be with us all.



September 12th, 2005 at 1:45 pm

I don’t believe in these surveys… what i do believe is the people i talk to everywhere. In the streets, in the slums, in the rallies, in the church, at work. The findings from this survey confirmed their sentiments.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:10 pm

What made EDSA I and II successful is that there was only one person that people were supporting to become the President. The opposition should just concentrate on picking a person to replace Gloria. Once they have found one and is acceptable to the people, the kicking out of Gloria will just naturally follow.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:21 pm

Yan pala tip sa SWS. Conduct a survey on the would-be successor. And our surveys says………Dolphy.



September 12th, 2005 at 2:25 pm

piloto said,
September 12, 2005 @ 2:10 pm

What made EDSA I and II successful is that there was only one person that people were supporting to become the President. The opposition should just concentrate on picking a person to replace Gloria. Once they have found one and is acceptable to the people, the kicking out of Gloria will just naturally follow.


I absolutely agree with you bro, magkaroon lang ng isang lider at acceptable sa tao, hindi na kailangan manawagan pa para paalisin si PGMA. It will just naturally flow…Ang problema kasi sa anti-PGMA ayaw magbigay ng pangalan eh…



September 12th, 2005 at 3:40 pm


“what the survey is telling us it is ripe for people power. Hey let us do the illegal thing, overthrow the government”.

If there should be people power,it is because GMA gave reason to have so. It is not illegal to throw a president with any means, where people have great doubts on the legallity of his/her ways in which he/she was catapulted to the seat of governement.



September 12th, 2005 at 3:48 pm

mukilteo said,

It is also obvious that they can not be removed from power by legal means because of their number. It is without question that they do not represent the majority of the citizen because their votes does not represent the pulse of the country.
INow, therefore, is the right time to rise and kick them out of power.


If you don’t like them then don’t vote for them in the next election. Ganun lang yun. Lest you forget, representative democracy po tayo. Ang desisyon nila ay desisyon ng bayan, whether you personally like it or not.

hunghang said,

It’s ironic that the Palace does not believe in surveys that GMA is really hated by the people, while fiercely asserting that according to surveys released just before the polls the she will win the elections.

Does this mean that what is true then, is a baloney now?


It’s ironic that the Gloria Ibagsak people believe in surveys now while fiercely asserting that according to surveys released just before the polls she will win the elections.

Betsey said,

This was contrary to a majority of them saying–when explaining their Yes vote–that they have consulted with their constituents on the issue. The survey results show otherwise. As El Antipatico (Nograles) said on TV, “it’s a numbers game!” And so it is. The people HAVE spoken. And they will HEAR from us soon.


The people HAVE spoken. On election day.

Do you know what a representative democracy is? Kung ayaw nyo ng desisyon ng mayorya then wag nyong botohin sa susunod na eleksyon.

O pwede na kayang patakbuhin ang bayan base sa survey?



September 12th, 2005 at 3:59 pm

selene said,
September 12, 2005 @ 3:48 pm

If you don’t like them then don’t vote for them in the next election. Ganun lang yun. Lest you forget, representative democracy po tayo.




September 12th, 2005 at 4:06 pm


First, nobody elected Gloria on her first term, she grabbed the presidency. The election on her term was the first time after EDSA 1 that an incumbent president ran for the elections. So the elections in this case was an extraordinary one. We cannot eliminate the accelerated risk of having the poll rigged because one of those running for the presidency ‘IS’ the President. She has the clout, the government funds, the connection and the determination to win.

Second we are only democratic in form, not in substance. A demacratic society, in order to be effective, must be populated by educated people. The check and balances that will occur from the exchanges of these ideas will determine the future of the society. However, unabated abuses to our people which made them poorer than rats have made them numb and stupid. During elections, the person that they will vote for is not the one with the greatest ideals but the one with the biggest cash bag. It is not the fault of these people that they are thinking with their stomachs and not with their brains. Survival is a creature basic instinct, it follows that these people are more concerned with their next meal rather than with this country’s future.

Don’t get me wrong on this one. It is not their fault that they are poor. However, the government kept them poor because this way they can be easily swayed by those who are in power.



September 12th, 2005 at 5:57 pm

ang tanong nga hunghang na selene e kung totoo bang ibinoto ng nakararami ang pangulong me kulangot sa mukha…..sagutin mo muna yan bago ka magtago sa saya ng sinasabi mong demokrasya demokrasya….meanwhile..please check my article:





September 13th, 2005 at 12:16 am

i think jonathan just wants to close his eyes on whats happening in malacanang. he just wants to close his ears regarding the news of regarding travel expense, issuing of post dated checks, poll survey. We cant do anything to those kind of people.



September 13th, 2005 at 9:45 am

Jonathan’s right.

There is an “X-Factor”.

We’re all POOR!

We have to WORK everyday just to make ends meet!

While GMA and her pigs wallow in their dirty money.

But we don’t understand all those figures he (and THEY) spout, though. We just know one of these days, we won’t be able to afford ANYTHING!

When the poor begin to starve, you’ll see.

Rich kids better hide!



September 13th, 2005 at 11:48 am




good egg

September 13th, 2005 at 6:04 pm


surveys don’t lie? then you might as well admit that gloria indeed won in the last elections and that you’re a bunch of sore losers.



September 13th, 2005 at 6:28 pm

good egg,

our surveys, ours because you seem to not accept it, don’t lie. so what surveys are you talking about?

the pre-election and the exit-polls? read history then and i hope you have a mind of your own to know that that surveys doesn’t give gloria the numbers to win.



September 13th, 2005 at 6:29 pm

btw, good egg, learn statistics also… its a little bit of math but strive to learn. ok?



September 13th, 2005 at 6:33 pm

Let put some CORRECTION to the post of Bensgr8!

“Yan pala tip sa SWS. Conduct a survey on the would-be successor. And our surveys says………Dolphy.”

You could call it a BS (Bullsh#t!) or Bensgr8’s Survey…

Take your pick.



September 13th, 2005 at 6:44 pm

Jonathan’s sarcasm hides his preverted perception of the real issues.

“So what gives? Why is she still there? It’s not for lacking of trying. There have been rallies after rallies after rallies, with all the pomposity and pageantry of a fiesta, as BenignO would say . Each and everytime, organizers are saying its gonna be the biggest, the mother of all rallies. Actually, it has come to a point of diminishing interest. Now, I’m confused: How come Filipinos are saying they want it, but are not doing it? There is a missing X factor somewhere.”

There is NO missing factor here but a MIS-interpretation.

The surveys doesn’t suggest people power. The surveys shows 79% wants an impeachment.

No need to be so over-conclusive and incorrect.

“… you have to have the HEART to do it. The WANT is instigated by the brain, which gets its information from the press and other sources. The HEART is Gods medium of communicating to us.”

Mrs. GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO use this, this jonathan’s evaluation of needs to succeed. Mrs Arroyo has the heart to stay in power. This WANT instigate Gloria’s brain to plot a NATION-WIDE election fraud to win.

The heart of Gloria does not belong to God.

Although I can very well conclude that the heart of jonathan belongs to Gloria for GOOD.

Jonathan, facts not fiction!



September 13th, 2005 at 7:57 pm

Haha Noelet, truth hurts, right. Not all people are as bright as you are, otherwise we wouldn’t have actors in government. If you don’t like Dolphy, what about Kuya Germs?

Wouldn’t we have a better Philippines if politicians, actors, priests, ex-presidents, ex-military generals, retired sportsmen just performed their respective traditional roles?



September 14th, 2005 at 11:40 pm

No Bensgr8, just your crude joke.



good egg

September 26th, 2005 at 7:23 pm

jonathan, does your heart really belong to gloria as noelet says? coz i can’t see anything of it in your posts. sabagay napansin ko, lahat yata ng di sang-ayon sa opinyon nila ay mahal na si gloria.

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