February 22, 2006 · Posted in: Edsa Special, Podcasts

Edsa 20/20: Juan Ponce Enrile

‘OUR leaders are more preoccupied with appearing popular and democratic without doing the reforms’

enrile.jpgHe was Marcos’s defense minister, but Enrile and his men had been plotting to oust the strongman since 1982. Their attempt to finally attack Malacañang and take over power in February 1986 was found out, however, forcing them to retreat and make a last stand at Camp Aguinaldo. The failed coup turned into a successful popular uprising, thanks to the support of the Roman Catholic Church and mainly middle-class Filipinos. Today Enrile, now on his third Senate term, still regrets handing over power to Cory Aquino in 1986, saying the country needs strong, visionary leaders.

In this podcast, Ellen Tordesillas talks to Enrile.

Length: 00:25:03
File size: 17.2 MB

16 Responses to Edsa 20/20: Juan Ponce Enrile



February 22nd, 2006 at 12:52 pm

regrets handing over power to cory? and what made you think you had that power? excuse me but that power came from the people! not from you or from ramos. it’s the same people who bravely faced tanks and barrel of the guns just to save you from the brink of death. and look what the people now get in return from you. regrets? it’s the people who are regretting now for giving back your life!



February 22nd, 2006 at 2:34 pm

the truth is military power plus people power made the revolution successful. i guess one without the other cannot dislodge a sitting tyrant. what of cory? she is a big let down. true she is religious and probably honest, but as the chief executive of the Philippines Inc. she is a failure. the only reason why she is sitting on a pedestal and people tend to spare her from criticism is because of the heroism of her husband.



February 22nd, 2006 at 7:23 pm

The real hero during the Edsa 1 Revolution is not the people, neither Enrile nor
his comrades, and not even Tita Cory. It’s none other than His Eminence, Jaime Cardinal Sin (PBUH)! His voice drumming like coming from heaven, roaring from radios, like a shepherd calling for his sheep to come together to protect his master from hungry wolves!. Where is Cory at that time, she’s with the nuns in one convent. Where is Enrile and his disciples at that time, they were hiding in Camp Aguinaldo, they were frantically panicked for their lives because their selfish plan to grab power was foiled!

If not for Cardinal Sin, there would be no President Aquino, no Senator Enrile and who knows, we are still languishing under the Marcos regime like Fidel Castro of Cuba and Moamar Khadafy of Libya.



February 23rd, 2006 at 4:19 am

Edsa I could have been the turning point. It was the struggle of thousands of simple folks with pure intentions. It was won. But it was squandered by the few oppurtunists, when at the moment of truth became pretenders and joined the Victors, only to deceived them thru and thru all 20 years. You’re looking at him.



February 23rd, 2006 at 8:41 am

There should have been a real ambush back in 1972 and that this guy should have been killed so that the declaration of martial law would have been more realistic. Another crony of the highest order who has amassed so much wealth even his shell company Renatsac….should be sequestered….he has gotten his way too many times….guillotine for this guy too….a dull balde at that….he alwasy seems to think he knows it all just like his sister Armida…and we still have to contend with his son Jackie and daughter Katrina….oh my gosh!!!!



February 23rd, 2006 at 10:22 am

Attention Filipinos:

Enough complaining, enough ‘sana’ ‘sana’…..LET’S JUST DO IT!!!!! Milyon milyon tayong naghihirap at konti lang ang mga linta sa bansa nating ginawa nilang impyerno. Marami tayo…pugutan na natin ang kanilang mga ulo para ma disiplina ang bayan…LIVE CNN EVENT.



February 23rd, 2006 at 11:07 am

There is only one real HERO in ANY Pinoy-style people power whether it is the 1986, 2003 or 2005 edition. And that is the Pinoy’s penchant for low-substance, high drama activism. 😀




February 23rd, 2006 at 1:13 pm

This guy cannot be trusted, he is the typical balimbing!!!



February 23rd, 2006 at 1:29 pm

When Marcos was still strong he was with Marcos. When Cory was still powerful he was with Cory. When Erap was still president he was with Erap. Now that Gloria is here he is now aligned with gloria.
A TREND!!! well judge for yourself !! This guy is you typical good for nothing, power hungry , money making, shrewed, TRAPO!!!



February 23rd, 2006 at 5:04 pm

Most of the “TRAPO” have the same culture. A trapo will always be a trapo … which I interpret literally as “basahan” that is out for trash! They are dirty anyway but always washes their hands whenever they are doing something wrong …..



February 23rd, 2006 at 8:34 pm

Trapo na tuta pa…



February 24th, 2006 at 12:15 am

You’re an old man with many regrets. Make peace with God and the people you abused so many times. Please, just fade away.

You are not a hero. You are an opportunist–a sorry old man still faking his way to greatness.

It’s time for guys like you to disappear from the scene. You have done enough destruction, corrupted our political culture and mangled our future.

Johnny begone!


Manila :: Daily Local News » OUR leaders are more preoccupied with appearing popular and …

February 24th, 2006 at 12:39 am

[…] OUR leaders are more preoccupied with appearing popular and …Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Philippines – Feb 21, 2006… garapal masyado. and i though pasig is one of the “cleanest city” in metro manila. imposibleng walang alam etong mga local officials and police. … 12:39 am | […]


Manila :: Daily Local News » OUR leaders are more preoccupied with appearing popular and …

February 24th, 2006 at 5:22 am

[…] OUR leaders are more preoccupied with appearing popular and …Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Philippines – Feb 21, 2006… garapal masyado. and i though pasig is one of the “cleanest city” in metro manila. imposibleng walang alam etong mga local officials and police. … 5:22 am | […]


Manila :: Daily Local News » OUR leaders are more preoccupied with appearing popular and …

February 24th, 2006 at 8:37 am

[…] OUR leaders are more preoccupied with appearing popular and …Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, Philippines – Feb 21, 2006… garapal masyado. and i though pasig is one of the “cleanest city” in metro manila. imposibleng walang alam etong mga local officials and police. … 8:36 am | […]


INSIDE PCIJ: Stories behind our stories » Edsa 20/20: The First Few Hours on Radio Veritas

March 3rd, 2006 at 11:06 pm

[…] And so, on the evening of February 22, 1986, when Juan Ponce Enrile and Fidel V. Ramos announced that they were withdrawing their support for President Ferdinand Marcos, Radio Veritas was one of the very few reliable sources for breaking news — perhaps the only one. […]

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