THE following is President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s statement on the impeachment vote, from Malacañang’s official website.

President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo welcomed today the decision of the House of Representatives throwing out the impeachment complaint against her by a vote of 158-51 with six abstentions, as she extended to the opposition her hand of reconciliation for the good of the nation.

"The Filipino people mark a glorious day in history, when instead of forcing a President out of office through people power, they chose to keep a President through voting in the halls of Constitutional Democracy," she said in a statement.

The nation must now move forward to a brighter tomorrow and put politics behind, she said.

She described the impeachment process and its outcome as a grand display of political maturity and resilience as the country battles the vagaries of a challenging age, and poised for takeoff.

"I thank my allies in the administration for their faith in my leadership and in the good future of our country," she said.

The President pointed out that the "opposition put up a good fight and I now offer my hand of reconciliation for the national interest."

She expressed her gratitude to her family who quietly stood by her through the months of political crisis, and "most of all to the Filipino people, here and in the four corners of this earth, who have stayed the course of responsible democracy."

"Let us move on to a brighter tomorrow with the grace of God, ever grateful for His guidance and His blessings. Mabuhay ang Pilipinas," she said.

38 Responses to The president’s statement on the impeachment vote



September 7th, 2005 at 10:46 am

I woke up early yesterday even I did not go to work just to watch MUP and they’ve got the trashing of the impeachment proceeding.

The voice of the people is the voice of God. Bleh, this should be edited…the good and honest voice of the people…

My friend said that those who were in favor were given PHP10M and those that did not care PHP5M.Ang liit naman…

Bunye is giving dinner for those who almost won the ending about the impeachment votes. His money or our money?



September 7th, 2005 at 10:55 am

The Caving Roof

The offer of goodwill by a victorious president in pedigrees of an intense, passionate historic battle will led and unprecedented, is an acceptable gesture that every Filipino should be able to comprehend because it is very important indeed for our deliverance.

Because we need her to look immaculate and reliable, the United Nation as an event will break barriers for us, in short food on the table if she makes it.

Let me put it another way, like Manny Pacquiao, we need him to win because it will bring in good fortune for him and a sense of pride for us as Filipinos, we need to bolster our weakening economy, would you rather cheer for the other guy?

Okay, so I am for the Mindanao & Sulu agenda, for stability we need the elusive peace only she can deliver for us, isn’t that something?




September 7th, 2005 at 11:04 am

If GMA think she has won, she is wrong. She may have won a battle but she will never win the war. The truth will always come out, you can hide it, supress it, you can even pay, but the truth will always prevail.

I am just ashamed at our bishops specially bishop Capalla of Davao, he is so proad of the cbcp statement and said they will not changed it. Well I do not know , if he doesnt see the obvious way GMA killed and manipulated the impeachement then how can he teach his flock what is right or wrong. POOR DAVAO! I f the bishops does not make a move and correct the injustice that has been done,how would they expect their flock to follow them. If they do not even know what is right or wrong, how will their flock know.

I am so disappointed at them, at the time when people need moral guidance they failed miserably. But it is not to late, they can still correct their mistakes, before its to late. Lets join hands and peacefully remove GMA before its too late!!



September 7th, 2005 at 11:25 am

The problem with wanting peace is, at the expense of growing as a nation. The problem of this precarious thing we call peace is at the expense of all our other rights.

I think that as a nation, we see the specter of marcos everwywhere.

i think the minority could have but did not do a better job.

I think that she owes us the truth. and it does matter.

at the core of human relationships is the need for honesty and the rules do not change whether you are the president of 86 million pilipinos or the congressman.

so where is the truth? in all this?


ka erning

September 7th, 2005 at 11:25 am

Reconcillition will forever remain a pipe dream as long as Doña Gloria clings to a stolen and cheated presidency. She does not have the moral authority to govern.



September 7th, 2005 at 11:31 am


“…he doesnt see the obvious way GMA killed and manipulated the impeachement…”

– Some people only see what they choose to see.



September 7th, 2005 at 11:52 am

What happened in the Philippines is clearly sad and appalling. The only reason why Mrs. Arroyo is holding the highest office in the land is because she cheated, rigged and stole the presidential election. It is such a pity that she has no more moral fiber left in her 4 ft. something body. Mrs. Arroyo is as good as nothing but a squatter at the Malacanang palace.
I’m very proud of the legislators who signed the impeachment complaint. They are not the losers in their struggle to ferret out the truth. In my eyes, they are the winners because they did not sell out their principles. I’m proud that they have the courage and the guts to make a stand for what they think is the right think to do. Unlike the self-serving “trapos” who are good as nothing except to be the rah-rah boys of the “feeling high and mighty” bitch of Malacanang palace. I hope that in the next election, it will be payback time for these gutless, greedy and corrupt “trapos”. It’s high time for our country to have new, young and true legislators who’ll put the welfare of its constituents first. Let’s start a movement to get rid of the “trapos” in the next election. Most of these “trapos” are already so old that their brains have stopped functioning properly.



September 7th, 2005 at 12:24 pm

What happened to the Philippines is merely a reflection of how its people conduct themselves. The voice of Congress is by transitivity the voice of the people because the people elected those who comprise it. It’s that simple, folks. You get what you deserve. And Filipinos deserve their Congress. 😀

Can’t live with that simple reality?

Then maybe it’s about time to re-visit the whole point of “democracy” here:

“[…] this whole “love of freedom” sloganeering associated with the practice of “democracy” is the work of a political machine averse to accountability. The point of democracy is not freedom as many of us were foolishly led to believe. The point of democracy is the practice of a system that enables us to hold our leaders to account. One can therefore understand why this, by now, puzzling obssession with “freedom” is prevalent today. Who else but our politicians are the biggest trumpeters of the “freedom” we enjoy under ‘democracy’?”

Read it and weep! 😀



September 7th, 2005 at 12:53 pm

gamitin ba ang diyos para ipagpatuloy nang paglilinlang sa mga pinoy? grabe. ang tigas ng mukha niya at ng pamilya niya. mahiya naman kayo. pati ba naman pangalan ng diyos ginagamit niyo rin sa pagsasamantala niyo sa bayan. is that how you bastardize ad majorem dei gloriam?



September 7th, 2005 at 12:57 pm

History is seen differently on both ends of a gun. What may be seen as a victory for political institutions and power wielders may be viewed as the demise of truth and justice in civil society. Even so.

Let us take consolation that we remember our past not with exultation of victories brought by might but with solemn recollections of those who sacrificed in the midnight of time, at the height of evil’s domination.

Thus we remember GomBurZa, Rizal, Bonifacio, Ninoy…

The usurper and her minions may have prevailed for the moment, but those whose conscience has been touched by the truth will make sure that this injustice in our history will never be forgotten.

The names of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, de Venecia, Ramos, Gonzales, Defensor etc. and those 158 members of Congress will forever be etched in our country’s annals of iniquity.

In the final reckoning, that’s all that matters.



September 7th, 2005 at 1:06 pm

Hindi puweding sabihin na ang vote nang mga congressmen are the vote of their constituents. Dahil ang mga vote nila ay all for thier self interest and self preservation.

I know that i will never vote and will campaign against our congressman. Congressman Jaraula and Congressman Lagbas (sabong lang ang alam nito). At least Congressman Jun Baculio, abstained. He knows that GMA loss terrible in his district even if the voting process was manipulated by GMA.

This sends a wrong signal that you can get away with cheating. My cousin who was involved in vote padding here in CDO has been braging na malinis ang pagkagawa. People in DILG region 10, has been asked to do something with regards to the election.



September 7th, 2005 at 1:23 pm

kimosabe27 said,
September 7, 2005 @ 12:57 pm

History is seen differently on both ends of a gun. What may be seen as a victory for political institutions and power wielders may be viewed as the demise of truth and justice in civil society. Even so.

Let us take consolation that we remember our past not with exultation of victories brought by might but with solemn recollections of those who sacrificed in the midnight of time, at the height of evil’s domination.

Thus we remember GomBurZa, Rizal, Bonifacio, Ninoy…

The usurper and her minions may have prevailed for the moment, but those whose conscience has been touched by the truth will make sure that this injustice in our history will never be forgotten.

The names of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, de Venecia, Ramos, Gonzales, Defensor etc. and those 158 members of Congress will forever be etched in our country’s annals of iniquity.

In the final reckoning, that’s all that matters.

So in the face of an unfavourable result delivered by our popularly-elected ‘representatives’ within the framework of our constituted laws, we arbitrarily decide to presume ourselves to be the judges of what is evil and what is good? We cannot even trust our institutions and popularly-elected congressmen to make that judgment, yet we are so willing to entrust a street mob to decide that for us.

Tsk tsk.

Deal with it dudes. This is our democratic procedures working. Nobody broke the law in the course of subjecting the impeachment bid through the proper procedure. And, certainly, the result is legitimate in the colour-blind eyes of the Law.

So here we are in a little debacle — a system that does not serve its people and a people that claims to uphold a system that does not serve them.

What a country.

Maybe we should get back to basics and understand that maybe, just maybe, we are a people who deserve the worst of leaders that history can produce.

Check out what I mean here: 😀



September 7th, 2005 at 2:01 pm

Crappy statement.



September 7th, 2005 at 2:14 pm

So the necrophiliac BenignO strikes again.

Since you adulate the late Teddy Benigno so much why don’t you join him in his grave and let your paltry pedagogy fall on dead ears.

You are not only deadbrained BenignO, you must also be suffering from moral rigor mortis.

“So in the face of an unfavourable result delivered by our popularly-elected ‘representatives’ within the framework of our constituted laws, we arbitrarily decide to presume ourselves to be the judges of what is evil and what is good?”

Yes, final determination of what is good and bad in society rests in the citizenry, this is the basis of our modern polity and it is the citizens’ primary obligation.Power resides in the people, so our constitution says.
Maybe you are sick and tired of being vigilant BenignO, may I suggest that you “evacuate” our country and reside somewhere in the Scandinavias, where the government regulates intrusively on the private lives of the citizenry and where the latter just supplicate. You will like the weather there, very much like your demeanor to our fellow pinoys–sub zero.

“We cannot even trust our institutions and popularly-elected congressmen to make that judgment, yet we are so willing to entrust a street mob to decide that for us.”

No, BenignO, your glaucoma is befuddling you, I am not calling for a street mob, I am calling for a deep, almost primeval sort of indignation of the injustice that was done. And I wrote that this indignation should be remembered and passed on to the coming generations.

You will not understand this Benigno, because you, like your idol, is already devoid of sou.



September 7th, 2005 at 2:40 pm

uh oh…

kimosabe, be a friend and please don’t mind egomaniacal benigno anymore. i know it’s hard to let his remarks pass sometimes, but he’s just not worth it… (besides i dont think he’s even in the country… funny noh?) the typical pinoy me really cannot stand his narcissistic posts so please let’s not give him any more reason to post those misplaced replies and comments of his anymore…

kung pwede lang naman po. :)

that said, mabuhay ka, kimosabe!



September 7th, 2005 at 2:47 pm

Agreed, besides my grammar is already failing me.



September 7th, 2005 at 3:03 pm

The President pointed out that the “opposition put up a good fight and I now offer my hand of reconciliation for the national interest.”

Si PGMA talaga, talo na nga ang mga mamamayan gagatungan pa. Sige pikonin mo pa ang taong bayan para tuluyan ka ng matanggal sa pagkapresidente.
Sino kaya ang makikinig sa panawagan niya ng reconciliation? Ang gusto ng tao magresign ka na, hindi reconciliation. Dapat i-tape nalang niya yan reconciliation na yan at i-play nalang ulit kung magbibigay siya ng statement. Lagi yan ang naririnig ko sa kanya but there is no sincerity on it. Gasgas na po ang linyang yan, pwede bang palitan naman.



September 7th, 2005 at 3:23 pm

Let this go and see how the next elections would look like when the candidates have learned a lesson or two courtesy of GMA. For certainly if she can do it and get away with it, why couldn’t they. E di gayahin lang ang GMA model. Bribe, payoff, threaten, “rescue”. Not to say it was not in the works in our elections, but where it used to be hidden and still given a semblance of credibility pa, next time around, nobody would even bother to hide it at all. Garapalang umaatikabo na lamang. Then why bother to vote. Just join in the bidding and be happy.



September 7th, 2005 at 7:07 pm

cromwell6 posted his “The Caving Roof” twice:

Cromwell6 said,
September 2, 2005 @ 1:30 pm
In his “The Caving Roof”

“…in fact, simple comprehension is a problem in this country…”

“…Politics as we see them present day remain same as decades back, bunch of cheaters, graft ridden, corrupt and by golly, nobody admits to any thing except may be few adulterous behavior here and there, man or woman, love kids…etc. Well, good for PGMA admitting to a problem and asks for apologies, I wholeheartedly accept! PGMA admits to a problem and indeed, I can say we can now find resolutions to it and come up with perhaps something viable for solution.”

“…For my part, the Peace Process with the underground insurgencies are to me the most important event yet to materialize after decades of serious skirmishing, people die as a result, and because of it they die by the hundreds…”


baycas said,
September 5, 2005 @ 8:39 am

must we succumb to resignation that the age-old politics of cheating and corruption is here to stay? and no amount of perseverance and self-sacrifice to change ourselves be worthwhile to the evolution of a genuine democracy?

“simple comprehension is a problem in this country…” yes, very true indeed, because it is really incomprehensible that the highest official in the land is SORRY for something she considers right (conversing with a comelec official during election period) while not admitting an obvious wrongdoing (manipulation of electoral votes). she even had the nerve to attempt a cover-up of that mistake so “below-the-belt” and haphazardly done as to VERY MUCH insult the minds of a thinking public. “simple comprehension” is what’s lacking when one ACCEPTS an apology for something that doesn’t need a “sorry” to it. and granting she admits to the real wrongdoing, “simple comprehension” is a problem when one ACCEPTS a confession without the reconciliatory act of penance.

i wonder if “the” Cromwell6 has taken valuable time to painstakingly listen to the tapes before he proposes that the Peace Process is foremost to our nation’s agenda. are we to allow the highest official in the land, who lacks character and sincerity, to broker LASTING peace to our wayward brethrens? are we to tolerate in a “forgive and forget” manner the highest official in the land who VERY MUCH raped every institution she could get her hands on just to stay in power? are we to permit the LYING highest official in the land to continue on her reign of greed?

certainly NOT! the ROOF CAVED IN on the highest official in the land…it is of her own doing…it is of her own doing…



September 7th, 2005 at 7:08 pm


GMA: “The Filipino people mark a glorious day in history, when instead of forcing a President out of office through people power…blah, blah, blah…Let us move on to a brighter tomorrow with the grace of God, ever grateful for His guidance and His blessings. Mabuhay ang Pilipinas.”

…HO-HUM…“sirang plaka!”

the highest official in the land will never be victorious unless she face the consequences of her deeds and actions. she must be answerable to what the present situation dictates. she must not be likened to mr. pacquiao as pride of the Philippines (in the boxing arena) for the latter deals with his opponent face-to-face. the recent showing of the highest official in the land was not inside the “ring” confronting her adversary but she was at most a few blocks from the coliseum. her running away from the fray, so to speak, negates the true sense of a fight.

the highest official in the land will not be able to face the UN officials straight-faced and unblemished for she wasn’t able to clear her name yet on the allegations confronting her. she hasn’t given us the TRUTH yet. GMA, sad to say, is far from being like The One who’s celebrating Her birthday tomorrow…GMA is not “the” deliverer…moreover, GMA is way too far from being IMMACULATE.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:19 am

The Caving Roof

The caving roof is just a frame of thought, keeping me reminded I’m in the building with a roof about to cave in, but not as yet. Comprehension if by some manner of how little I should need, to sample a recording? Or perhaps the bigger picture by some complex explication, by how I should explain the rumblings of a fallen roof; the withdrawal from the peace table by the NDF because of losing confidence in the Arroyo government and the failure of a systems check by the Philippine Congress because by some technicalities, cannot pursue objectivity because of a systems failure, a conking irreversibly malfunctioning systems circuitry we know is unable to deliver anyway, so why bother.

There may be occasion I feel is important, like checking my building’s thrushes we know is fraught with design error, problems we are aware is in need of correction, like redesigning the entire system because while it can withstand temblors of magnitude, it cannot with people with some serious attitude problems, people not of the mold but the one with creeping greed for gold, and more gold. This I refer to gold hunters making underground cavities weakening the very foundation, that by golly, my building rely on so it can remain just where it is, and standing, are you guys telling me to abandon my building again? Gold diggers, be darn!

The rumblings I hear is definitely not from a roof caving in, they seem to be coming from hungry stomach of people that by my little comprehension, will not understand what legislation is there to decide where the food may yet to be coming from, whilst it be the rumblings of tanks let Edgar Allan Poe be the judge for I shall scamper, farther away to deliver you say tidings of goodwill from blood hungry soldiers, are you kidding me? A caretaker what? I see confusion not little comprehension, must I tell of comprehension of visions past; a child feeding from a lifeless mother amid the smolder of dwellings to oblivion, fiery end of entire people uprooted sentenced to death in hordes, shall I say more? Peace must I holler, and I say more, is important to me because I have seen war, skirmishing battles to rage like no day or night to count, a seconds past on any hour alive is so welcoming, have you guys been ever a freedom fighter?

And yes, peace is important to me…because I have seen war.



September 8th, 2005 at 12:54 am

PGMA is indeed one of the most powerful personalities in the globe…the challenge facing her leadership this time is to get the economy on track, act on measures that would yield beneficial for the country, and proceed seriously with its anti-poverty campaign…



September 8th, 2005 at 6:13 pm

correction: the challenge facing her leadership is her leadership per se – the question of leadership.


tongue in, anew

September 9th, 2005 at 5:23 am

Assumptionista said:

…I am just ashamed at our bishops especially bishop Capalla of Davao, he is so proud of the cbcp statement and said they will not change it….

…If the bishops do not make a move and correct the injustice that has been done,how would they expect their flock to follow them. If they do not even know what is right or wrong, how will their flock know….

Assumptionista, we’ve known the reason all along. Today, these bishops admitted receiving “donations” from PAGCOR. It is shameful how the leaders of other denominations expressed their consternation to our own in yesterday’s gathering in Cebu.

Evil has finally worked its way into the willful souls of our guardians of morality and faith. (Another feather in BenignO’s cap..of craps?)



September 9th, 2005 at 4:13 pm

“…one of the most powerful personalities in the globe…”

one of the most powerful my A_S…GMA stole her power from the electoral public. the pressing CHALLENGE facing her “so-called” leadership is for her to ANSWER all the allegations. if not, she has to step down and relinquish power to the rightful person!

i have nothing against the Catholic Church, per se, but certainly i don’t buy bishop capalla’s “the end justify the means” reasoning…accepting money from pagcor to me is a form of bribery…corruption in the strictest sense of the word! no wonder they (though not all of them) have been lukewarm on the moral issues at hand. THEY, as our MORAL guardians, should take a stand and not “run away from the fray.” Church and state are one when morality is the issue. Gloria perpetuated an immoral act and is still perpetuating more immoral acts to this day.

may our God help us…



September 9th, 2005 at 4:21 pm

huwag na lang natin pansinin si benign0…



September 9th, 2005 at 4:26 pm

basta may tatak na (or nun pa man nakatatak na!?) sa noo ni GMA — AKO AY SINUNGALING — kahit saan man mapunta si gloria nakatatak na yan sa kanya… pag punta nyan sa new yuck kahit anong kapal ng makeup naka embossed sa noo nya AKO AY SINUNGALING ….



September 9th, 2005 at 5:04 pm


I have a suggestion whenever the village idiot Benign0 posts his “brilliant” pieces. Let’s all just immediately post something like this:

Disclaimer to New Bloggers: We’re not serious. We’re just having fun!




September 9th, 2005 at 5:15 pm



cge mga kababayan.. exercise ko lang ang karapatan bilang isang Pinoy na dapat ipahayag ang kanyang damdamin.. punta na ko sa greenhills para maka singit sa parking.. yaw ko maglakad ng malayo.. reserve ko lakad ko pag mag marcha …



September 9th, 2005 at 5:43 pm

Come to think of it. One way we can exercise our rights is to refrain from visiting the places or districts which those abominable tongressmen and bishops represent. Whatdousay?



September 9th, 2005 at 5:45 pm

or you could always ask benign0 if he can defend his arguments. based on my experience in this blog he tend to shy away when truly intellectual people ask him to ellaborate his opinion.



September 10th, 2005 at 6:36 pm

Goyo, i mean Glorio, ay gloria pala should not use the word GOD behind her
until she confesses her SINS to the people. Sabagay, if the bishops are behind her
she must have confessed in a private room with the bishops and paid
jueteng money as a penance.



September 13th, 2005 at 8:15 pm

The whole exercise has ended. We should continue on working for the greater good by accepting what happened and just do our jobs. I did what I could in exposing things but congressmen voted another way. It is no use to waste more time doing protests. Let us just work within the system. Fighting among ourselves will not solve anything.



September 13th, 2005 at 8:29 pm

Mr. mlq3,

Amen to that 😉

Pasinsiya na lang kayo diyan mga ka-bayang mahilig mamiyesta sa daan (pero NO-SHOW naman pag-umulan). Sa susunod na lang na eleksyon, o sa susunod na lang pagkakataong mag-impits (that is, if that world-renowned Pinoy amnesia hasn’t kicked in by then). 😀



September 13th, 2005 at 9:08 pm

let me define what is pinoy amnesia – its is poverty, it is hunger, it is being deprive, it is the absence of grace.

now who gave that disease? its from its leaders. now who gave them that leaders?

yes, benign0, i know you’d ask.

its the people…. oppps rewind…. well considering election fraud from institutions like COMELEC to vote buying – is it really a mandate from the people?

y’all know the answer.



September 20th, 2005 at 10:45 am

September 10, 2005 @ 6:36 pm

Goyo, i mean Glorio, ay gloria pala should not use the word GOD behind her
until she confesses her SINS to the people. Sabagay, if the bishops are behind her
she must have confessed in a private room with the bishops and paid
jueteng money as a penance.


Sana ipagdasal naman ni gloria arroyo na umunlad na ang Pinas tutal lagi naman nya sinasabi na pinapakinggan siya ng dios nya(whoever that is).

Salamat naman dahil sa dasal mo ehh nanalo si Pacman sa boksing.

What a way to grab credit!!!!! tsk tsk tsk, akala ko boto lang at pera ang kaya mo nakawin!!!!!



September 22nd, 2005 at 4:22 pm

Mga brod and sis lahat ang sinasabi natin ay tama.Now look at the computation if it is true 158 +6= 1.6 Billion Pesos saan naman kukunin eto sa kaban ng bayan.So this the way how Gloria play politics .they said to be used for educational etc.For what to buy the sympathy of the people of course to support payback (utang ) ang Congressman sa mga tao niya.Next time remember all this congressmen not to vote them for next election if there is. Why do lot of people running for politics? to serve the people no! way.Sana matagal na tayo umasenso sa tagal na panahon since after WW II they have alway hidden agenda. So I do beleived marami parin ang pilipino ang bobo.Sorry sinabi ko eto lalo ngayon wala makain ang mga taon bayan.Maghintay ba tayo na ang politika ng bayan ay para lang sa elitista,anak at apo ng mga senador at presisdente.Review all the previous profile of these politician are they the one who had brain.Or with money which they collect fromt us for the past decade to survive.Tignan mabuti kung saan. Yung mga ninuno ni Rizal Binofacio Delpilar,Mabini,G,Silang saan na because they not survive with our present corrupt society. When we embraced the democracy na sinasabi natin .It is not the system that we are effective. Now young generation it is time to change the aging politician they are not adopted to Global Change for our future Mabuhay kayo lahat



September 22nd, 2005 at 4:34 pm


i will join that movement. kung may alam kayong businesses ng mga tongressmen, dont patronize them. plus wag na kayo mag bigay ng abuloy sa simbahan. dun na lang sa mga charitable insitutions. the church does not deserve your money. ang yaman yaman ng vatican and they ask why there’s poverty around the world. napaka hyprocrites ng mga representante ng simbahang katoliko.

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