Archive for September, 2005

EVERY hour, around the world, more than 1,200 children die of causes related to poverty; it is the equivalent of three tsunamis hitting every month, of the kind that swept across the Indian Ocean in December 2004 and left some 300,000 people dead in its...

September 12, 2005 · Posted in: Governance

Arroyo appeals to civil servants

AFTER surviving an attempt to impeach her from office, President Arroyo sought "an active partnership" with civil servants and their help "to be a good and just president." In a newspaper ad published yesterday, the president urged...

MALACAÑANG has gotten back from the Department of Education three postdated checks, each worth P5 million, the Office of the President recently issued for the high school scholarship program of Zambales representative Antonio M. Diaz. ...

September 11, 2005 · Posted in: Arroyo Impeachment

The president’s gravy train

HOW generous is President Arroyo to certain members of Congress? Generous enough these days to do the unthinkable, even if it is a no-no in government: Issue postdated checks to support the pet projects of favored legislators, who have been getting...

THE 158 members of the House of Representatives who junked the impeachment complaint against President Arroyo apparently don’t have their ears to the ground. The  Social Weather Stations' latest nationwide survey shows that in the last few days...

September 10, 2005 · Posted in: In the News

Arroyo’s travel expenses

PRESIDENT Arroyo is leaving tomorrow evening for New York to attend the United Nations General Assembly and World Summit next week. How much have the president and her staff spent so far on foreign as well as local travel? The Office of the...

September 9, 2005 · Posted in: Governance

“Fat chance”

THIS was the unabashedly sarcastic message of the Institute for Popular Democracy's (IPD) Joel Rocamora to House Speaker Jose De Venecia Jr. on what is widely perceived as the latter's moves to fast track charter change. Speaking at a forum today...